Building Relationship
Building Relationship
Building Relationship
Praise the presence of God Almighty for giving the author the opportunity to complete this
paper. With His grace and guidance, the author was able to complete the paper entitled "Building
Realization" on time. The Building Realitionship paper was prepared to fulfill the Lecturer
assignment in English at Widya Mataram University. In addition, the author also hopes that this
article can add insight to readers about Building Reality. The author would like to thank Ms.
Anita Wijayanti profusely. This assignment that has been given can add knowledge and insight
related to the author's field. The author would also like to thank all those who have helped the
process of preparing this paper. The author realizes that this writing is far from perfect.
Therefore, the author will accept constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this
Relationship Building or what we can call relationship building is a trait that a leader
must possess. Relationships are the continuity of interactions between two or more
people that facilitate the process of recognizing one another.
The Company is a place where the production of a good or service occurs. In a company,
all the factors of production come together. Starting from labor, capital, natural resources,
and entrepreneurship. In a another definition, a company is an institution or organization
that provides goods or service for sale to the public with the aim of gaining profit or
profit. The definition of a company can also be found in law number 3 of 1982
concerning company registration. The content states that the company is a business entity
in the territory of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia ( NKRI ) that is up and
running with the aim of generating profit.
Customers are consumers in the from of buyers or service users who carry out purchases
or use of services repeatedly due to the satisfaction they receive from sellers or service
provides. In a business, customers are needed to ensure the continuity and profit of a
business. Without regular customers, the business that is run tends to be swayed and more
risky. Customer basically come from ordinary consumers who try to use services or
product from a company. Customers are formed from mutually benefical cooperation
patterns that occur in the process of cooperation between service providers and service
users. Without mutually beneficial cooperation there will be no such thing as a
customers. Whithout mutually beneficial cooperation. There is only the process of
purchasing ordinary goods without being followed by repeated purchases of goods at
other time.
Because humans are naturally social creatures. Having a good working relationship will provide
several benefits. Good relationships are also often necessary if we hope to develop our careers.
We also need to have good working relationships with other people in the professional world
such as the health worker. So, it is very important to build and maintain good relations with these
A good cooperative relationship will be built strongly if we have characters like this: Trust
(trust), mutual respect, mindfulness (careful), open communication.
To build good relationships with others is not enough only with these characters, but it also takes
other touches such as power skills that can build these relationships strong. Some of the strengths
are: calm and optimistic, listen and listen, feel empathy, respond with care, synchronize
cooperatively, are authentic, generous.
A relationship will be well established if our way of speaking can make other people feel
comfortable. Ways that other people can feel good about us are as follows: smile, humor,
confidence (self-confidence).
It is undeniable that in building cooperative relationships, there are times when we will be
encountered with various difficult relationships that must be faced. Sometimes, we have to work
with someone we don't like. But, for the sake of work, it is very important for us to maintain a
professional relationship with them.
Even if businesses have a clear target audience, they will not transact with companies that
ignore their needs and wants. Customer decisions is buying are often influenced by
etional ties. Therefor, establishing a good emotional relationship with them and providing
the best experience will bring many benefits to the business. In addition, building
customer relationships is also important because:
1. Customer retention is more cost effective
One study shows that attracting new customers costs five times more than retaining
existing ones. Attracting new customers is an effective and useful markeying method
for company sustainability. However, that does not mean that companies have to
spend money on things that do not provide sufficient profit. Companies should
prioritize and target their regular clients. This has more potential for businesses to
make sales and increase profits.
2. Increase the number of loyal customers
Loyal customers will continue to come back provide income for the business. In fact,
they can be a free marketing tool by recommending a business to another party if it
receives good service.
3. Reducing customer churn rate
One of the main reasons customers are lazy to interact with businesses is poor
service. Therefore, providing maximum service is an important component in
reducing customer churn and providing customer satisfaction
Good customer relationships are built on customer experience, namely how they
feel about a business. A good experience is how a business can deliver more than
customer expetations. Then how? Here are 5 tips for businesses to do:
1. Communicate consistently
Every relationship is built over time and effort to maintain. The same applies
to business and customer relationships. Businesses must ensure regular
communication on the relevant platform to their customers. Social media like
facebook and whatsapp are the most effective platform today. Another way is
to provide personalized email to each customer. By providing an active
communication channel, business can build better relationships with
2. Understand customer value
To understand customer value, listen to what customers want. Next, take an
approach to meet their expetations. Some people may want a more personal
interaction, but some don’t like to be overly polite. Businesses must learn to
be sensitive to these things.
3. Show that you really care
In general, customers are happy when a business is friendly and personal. Find
interesting details about them and discuss it naturally. The key is sincere,
because customers can see the intention is made up.
4. Adjust the brand image
Businesses of any kind must provide the best service for their customers.
However, the approach given is certainaly different between retailers and
high-end boutiques. Ensure that all employees who are face to face with
customers have the same understanding of the given brand image. They must
be able to reflect the company’s values.
5. Handles negative feedback well
The jey to receiving negative feedback is to condisider it a valuable insight
into the company. Receiving input from customers is essential to satisfying
their needs. By admitting mistakes and handling their complaints well,
customers will feel valued.
The company is a place where the production of a good or
service occurs.
In this sentence there is a subject is The company and the
predicate is the explanation of the next sentence.
Human are naturally social creatures
In this sentence there is a subject is The human, and the
predicate is the explanation of the next sentence
We have caracters like this
In this sentence there is a subject is The we, and the predicate
is the explanation of the next sentence
We Will be encountered with various difficult relationship
that must be faced.
In this sentence there is a subject is The we, and the predicate
is the explanation of the next sentence
We have to work.
In this sentence there is a subject is The we, and the predicate
is the explanation of the next sentence
They can be a free marketing.
In this sentence there is a subject is The they, and the
predicate is the explanation of the next sentence
We all want to have friends bat work.
In this sentence there is a subject is The we, and the predicate
is the explanation of the next sentence
Vocab Meaning
Company Perusahaan
Customer Pelanggan
Business Bisnis
Building Membangun/
Relationship Hubungan
Compliment Pujian
Polite Sopan
Maintain Mempertahankan
Communicate Menyampaikan
Brand Merek
Handels Menangani
Confidence Kepercayaan
Directly Langsung
Approach Pendekatan
Cooperative Kooperatif
Increase Meningkatkan
Benefit Manfaat
Purchasing Pembelian
Value Nilai/hasil
Feedback Jawaban/respon
Respect Menghormati
1. Why are relationships important?
a. Need to belong : human need to feel love (sexual/nonsexsual) and acceptance
from social groups (family, peer groups). In fact, the need to belong is so innately
ingrained that it may be strong enough to overcome physiological and safety needs,
such as children’s attachment to abusive parents or staying in abusive romantic
b. Social exchange : individuals engange in relations that are rewarding in both
tangible and intangible ways. This theory is based on the idea that relationships
develop as a result of cost-benefit analyses. Individuals seek out rewards in
interactions with others and are willing to pay a cost for said rewards.
c. Relational self : relationships are also important for the ability to help individuals
develop a sense or self. In other word, one’s emotions and behaviours are shaped by
prior relationships. Studies have shown that expoure to someone who resemble a
significant other activates specific self-beliefs, changing how one thinks about oneself
in the moment more so than exspoure to someone who does not ressemble a
significant other.
customer-relationship /
3. Kapoor Hughes Pride, Pengantar Bisnis edisi 11, Salamba Empat, 2015
4. Swasta Barsu, Pengantar Bisnis Modern edisi 3, Liberty Yogyakarta,