Biology Notes
Biology Notes
Biology Notes
1 Notes
The planet earth came into existence between 4 and 5 billion years ago. Life evolved
on planet earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Since then approximately 15 million
different species of organisms have evolved. But only about two million have been
identified so for. In this lesson we will learn how life first originated on earth and
how such a vast variety of organisms, popularly known as biodiversity, evolved
through variation and natural selection.
The study of such a wide variety becomes convenient only when organisms are
grouped according to similarities and differences among them, named, and their
evolutionary relationships established. We will learn about the importance and
method of classification of organisms in this lesson too.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life l define classification;
l justify the need for classification of organisms;
l list the bases of classification;
l trace the changes in bases of classification from morphotaxonomy to systematics.
The earth was formed about five billion years ago. At that time it was extremely
hot. The existence of life in any form at that high temperature was not possible.
So, life two questions arise pertaining to –
1. How did life originate on earth?
2. How did primitive organisms evolve into new forms resulting in the evolution
of a variety of organism on earth.
Origin of life means the appearance of simplest primordial life from non-
living matter.
Evolution of life means the gradual formation of complex organisms from
simpler ones.
Fig.1.2 The apparatus used by Stanley Miller and Harold C. Urey to demonstrate the synthesis
of amino acids under conditions that existed on the primitive earth
Now, some sort of “metabolism” could occur within these coacervates with
synthesis of certain substances and breakdown of others. The latter (i.e. break down
reactions) could provide energy.
Some of the earliest formed proteins might have acted like enzymes and would have
affected the rate of reactions. It is also believed that RNA molecules might have
shown enzymatic activity in the “primordial soup” of chemical compounds. Such
molecules have been termed ribozymes.
Fourth stage
Some sort of nucleoproteins or nucleic acids may have evolved by random
combinations which have provided two more properties to coacervate like bodies.
This include :
(i) chemical reactions from the nucleic acids, and
(ii) the capacity to reproduce through duplication of the nucleic acids
(Fig. 1.3).
Thus, cells were produced that could be called the simplest primordial life. Figure
1.3 depicts the probable stages of origin and evolution of living beings.
The primitive “drop” like forms of life were all heterotrophs (unable to manufacture
their own food but derived it from environment).
– As one of the innumerable changes in genetic make up of the primitive
heterotrophs led to the formation of chlorophyll (green colouring matter of the
leaves) molecules.
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
– The chlorophyll bearing units of life for the first time started using the solar of Life
energy for production of food as well as for the first time started liberating free
oxygen into the atmosphere.
Early atmosphere of earth had no free oxygen, the forms until then could
at best be only “anaerobic”. Chlorophyll bearing organisms later released
free oxygen which gave greater possibilities for life to evolve.
Fig. 1.3 Steps of the events which led to the origin of life
Thus, the simplest form of life originated through four main stages. Thereafter, wide
variety of organisms came into existence through biological evolution.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 4. Name one source of energy which was used for chemical combination in
primitive atmosphere.
5. Where did life originate in water or on land.
6. What are coacervates?
7. In the origin of life, first large molecules were formed from inorganic
compounds. Name any two such large molecules.
8. Name the two scientists who experimentally tried to verify Oparin’s hypothesis.
l The characteristics of organism had been changing in the past; they are changing
even today, and will continue to do so in the future as well. This is due to the
fact that the environment in which organisms live also changes and organisms
need to be adapted to survive in the changed environment.
l The origin of the various forms (species) found on earth has been a gradual
and extremely slow process, requiring hundreds or even thousands of years.
Thus, the theory of organic evolution states that “All living things on earth
are here as a result of descent, with modifications from a common
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
1.2.2 Evidences of organic evolution Diversity and Evolution
of Life
The evidences supporting organic evolution are derived from a number of fields
of Biology. Those discussed here are -
1. Morphological evidences 2. Embryological evidences
3. Paleontological evidences 4. Molecular evidences
1. Evidences from Morphology
Though organisms of different species and groups are quite different from each
other still they retain certain common features. Morphological evidences for
evolution are derived from -
(i) Homologous and analogous organs (Fig. 1.4 and Fig. 1.5)
(ii) Vestigial organs
(iii) Connecting links
The comparative study of various organs in different groups of vertebrates exhibit
common features which shows that they evolved from a common ancestor. Take
for example that of the heart of the vertebrates (Fig. 1.4).
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
The only rational explanation for the presence of these non-functional organs is of Life
that they are inherited from ancestors in which they were functional. Fig. 1.7 shows
some of the vestigial structures in human body.
(iv) Connecting Links
The animals or plants which possess Notes
characters of two different groups of
organisms are known as connecting links.
The connecting links establish continuity
in the series of organisms by proving that
one group has evolved from the other. A
good example is that of a fossil bird
Archaeopteryx, which was a connecting
link between reptiles and birds. This bird
had a beak with teeth and a long tail (with
bones) like the lizards. It had feathers on
the wings and on the body like the birds. Fig. 1.8 An extinct bird - Archeopteryx
(Fig. 1.8).
2. Evidences from Embryology
The fossils discovered provide the ancestral history of individual. Animals like
horse, camel etc. are direct proofs of organic evolution. This can be very well
illustrated by the past history of horse (Fig. 1.10). The number of toes decreased
for greater speed, size gradually increased and teeth adapted to eat grass.
Fig. 1.10 Fossil record of bone of hind legs of horses from Eohippus to Equus showing
decrease in the number of toes
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
4. Molecular Evidence of Evolution of Life
l All organisms have cell as the basic unit of life. The cell is made of
biomolecules common to all organisms.
l Ribosomes, the cellular organelles are of universal occurrence in organisms.
l DNA is the hereditary material of all organisms. Notes
l ATP is the molecule which stores and releases energy for biological processes.
l The same 22 amino acids form the constituents of proteins of almost all
l The genetic code is universal (exceptions are very few).
l The central dogma which deals with the transfer of genetic information in cells
is the same.
l The basic steps of transcription and translation for protein synthesis are similar
in all organisms.
l The sequence of nucleotides such as that in the promoter gene (TATA box) is
common to all organisms.
However, organisms sharing same chemical characteristics show closer evolutionary
relationships. For example (i) human blood proteins are most similar to those of
the chimpanzee among all apes, or (ii) only plants and some algae have chlorophyll
so they are more closely related. Such similarities in chemical constituents between
organisms are termed molecular homology or biochemical homology and are used
in recent times, to establish evolutionary relationships and form the basis of
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 1.2.3 Mechanism of Evolution
Various theories about the mechanism of evolution have been proposed; some of
them such as Lamarck’s theory of “Inheritance of acquired characters” and
De Vries’ theory of ‘mutation’ are now of historical importance only.
Darwin’s theory of Natural selection still holds ground but was modified with
Notes progress in genetics and developed into the Modern synthetic theory which is
regarded as the most valid theory of evolution.
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
An English Scientist, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) explained the mechanism of
evolution through his theory of natural selection. He is still regarded as ‘the father
of evolution’ because of two very significant contributions. He suggested (i) that
all kind of organisms are related through ancestry and
(ii) he suggested a mechanism for evolution and named it natural selection.
According to Darwin, organisms produce more offspring than can survive because
environmental resources are limited. During struggle for existence, organisms with
advantageous variations are protected and allowed to reproduce while the
disadvantageous variants are eliminated from nature. This is what was termed
natural selection by Darwin.
Creation of new species according to Darwin : As the environment changes, new
adaptations get selected in nature and after many generations sufficient characteristics
will have been changed so as to alter the species into a new one (origin of species).
Darwin talked about variation but did not know about the sources of variation. With
progress in genetics the sources of variation were discovered and Darwin’s original
theory of Natural Selection modified. This new theory was termed Neo-Darwinism
or modern synthetic theory.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Natural Selection
You have already learnt about natural selection in this lesson. It was how Darwin
envisaged it. Natural selection in the modern synthetic theory is considered to be
responsible for “differential reproduction of genes” which means that more of
favourable genes get reproduced in a population.
Many examples of natural selection in action are available now. Given below are
three such examples.
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Thus two related species cannot mate with each other and remain distinct. Isolation
means separation and reproductive isolation simply means that the two species are
prevented from successful reproduction and kept genetically distinct from each
other. Reproductive isolation operates in the following ways:
Ecological isolation : The two species are unable to mate as they live in
geographically different areas.
Mechanical isolation : The male and female organs for mating differ and
prevent their union.
Physiological isolation : The sperms of one species are not able to survive in
the female tract of another species.
Zygote and developmental : If all the above mechanisms fail and a “hybrid
zygote” (zygote from mating of two different species)
is formed, it dies after some time. If the hybrid zygote
survives it dies during development.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Hybrid sterility : Mule, the offspring of a female horse and male
donkey is a good example. It leads a normal life
but is sterile and cannot reproduce.
F2 breakdown : In rare cases, all the above mechanisms fail and
Notes a hybrid (offspring of parents belonging to different
species) is fertile, it can reproduce only for one
The evolution of new species is termed speciation. Speciation occurs in the
following ways and is termed accordingly.
Sympatric speciation
Sometimes a genetic barrier (reproductive barrier) prevents reproduction between
a section of a population of a species with other members. Such a section
of population usually arises in plants because of polyploidy. Polyploidy is a
mutation in which the normal diploid number of chromosomes become doubled
or trebled (2n becomes 3n, 4n, 5n etc) in a section of the population of a
species due to certain irregularities during cell division. The polyploid section
of the population is then unable to interbreed (mate and reproduce) with the
other and becomes a new species.
Models of speciation
There are two accepted models of speciation that have given rise to the biodiversity
2. Punctuated equilibrium
A new species arises through major changes in the beginning and then remain
constant for long periods before changing again. (Fig. 1.11b(ii)) This model
was suggested by paleontologists (scientists who study fossils), Niles Eldredge
and Stephen Jay Gould.
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fig. 1.11 Models of speciation (a) Phyletic gradualism, (b) Punctuated equilibrium
1.3.1 Meaning of Classification
Classification mean identifying similarities and differences between different kinds
of organism and then placing similar organisms in one group and different kinds
of organisms in different groups.
Taxonomy, may thus be defined as the science of classification of organisms into
categories, maintaining certain rules. Early taxonomists classified organisms
according to morphological features only. Once the concept of organic evolution
was accepted, taxonomists began to draw evolutionary relationships between
different kinds of organisms. This was termed systematics. Today taxonomy and
systematics are treated as synonymous since for classification, both morphological
and biochemical resemblances and even those of between molecules such as DNA
and RNA are studied to establish evolutionary relationships.
1.3.2 Taxonomic categories
While classifying an organism, it is assigned to categories which show its
evolutionary relationship with other groups of organisms. Each level or category
is termed taxon (plural-taxa). The lowermost category is species. Other categories
are arranged above species so that there is a hierarchy of categories. The various
taxonomic categories are given below :
Species : Group of individuals of one kind which can interbreed to produce
fertile offspring.
Genus : Group of species resembling each other in several features indicating
common ancestry.
Family : Group of genera (singular-genus) resembling each other. e.g. Felis
domestica (the cat) and Panthera tigris (the tiger), both belong to
family Felidae.
Order : Includes families showing similar characteristics.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Class : Includes related orders.
Phylum : Includes related classes. (See Fig. 1.12)
The various phyla belong to their respective kingdoms. There are five kingdoms
about which you will learn later.
Kingdom : Animalae
Phylum : Chordata
(Animals with
Class : Mammalia
(Animals that
suckle their
young ones.)
Order : Primates
(Mammals with
larger brains and
binocular vision)
Family : Hominidae
(Humans and
human like ancestors)
Genus : Homo
(Fossilmen and
modern man)
Species : H.sapiens
(Modern man)
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
A simplified system of naming organisms called binomial nomenclature has been of Life
the standard for more than two centuries now. It was proposed by the Swedish
biologist, Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778). Binomial nomenclature simply means
two-name system of naming. The name of every kind of organism has two parts,
that of the genus followed by that of species. The generic name is written with
a capital letter and the specific name with a small letter. e.g. Homo sapiens is the Notes
scientific name of modem man, Mangifera indica is the biological name of mango.
Three main features of biological naming are as follows :
1. A scientific name, by convention, is printed in italics or underlined when hand
2. Scientific naming is according to a set of scientific rules of nomen-clature.
3. Scientific names are mostly in Greek and Latin. They are understood all over
the world and have made communication about organisms easier.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 1.3.4 The Five Kingdoms of Organisms
Till recently there were only two kingdoms for classification - Plantae and
Animalae. Such a two kingdom classification had several drawbacks, e.g. bacteria
and fungi were kept along with plants although they are very different.
R.H. Whittaker in 1969 suggested the five kingdom classification which is based
Notes on 3 criteria.
(i) The presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus.
(ii) Unicellular or multicellular
(iii)Mode of nutrition
The five kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi. Based on the three criteria
mentioned above, Plantae and Animalae (Fig. 1.13) the five kingdom classification
is explained as under.
Table 1.2 The five kingdom classification of organisms
Name of Nature of Whether Kind of
Kingdom nucleus unicells or nutrition
1. MONERA Prokaryotic Unicellular Diverse type of
(Blue green algae nutrition
and bacteria)
2. PROTOCTISTA Eukaryotic Unicellular Diverse kind of
(Algae and nutrition
3. FUNGI Eukaryotic Multicellular Saprophytic
(Moulds, etc.) (Feed on dead,
decaying matter)
4. PLANTAE Eukaryotic Multicellular Autotrophic
(All green plants) (Synthesize food
by photosynthesis)
5. ANIMALAE Eukaryotic Multicellular Heterotrophic
(Animals) (Depend on others
for food)
The five kingdoms are shown below in Fig. 1.13
3. FUNGI (Moulds)
Algae Ferns
Blue green
algae 4. PLANTAE Mosses
1. MONERA 2. PROTOCTISTA Seed plants
Bacteria Non-chordates
Protozoa 5. ANIMALAE and
Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
1. Explain the most valid theory about origin of life on earth. How did Miller and
Urey verify the chemosynthesis theory of evolution?
2. Differentiate between Darwinism and Neo-darwinism.
3. Explain the synthetic theory of evolution.
5. Substantiate the idea of evolution through molecular evidence.
6. Classify the following animals : earthworm, roundworm, frog and human
7. Write the scientific names of
(i) Mango (ii) Man (iii) Cat (iv) Tiger
8 How does a virus increase in number? Show only by explanatory diagrams.
9. Give a schematic diagram of the five Kingdom classification.
10. State the criteria on which the five kingdom classification is based.
MODULE - 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
2 Notes
The kingdoms Monera which includes all the bacteria and the protoctista which
includes the protoza, the diatoms and some algae are in a way the lowest among
the living world. All bacteria, majority of Protoctists and many fungi are microscopic
and generally referred to as microorganisms. You will learn about the three
kingdoms in this lesson.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
state the basis for classifying certain organisms as members of kingdoms
Monera, Protoctista and Fungi;
emphasize the fact that kingdom Monera is the only prokaryotic kingdom and
also it is the most primitive;
describe the generalized structure of a bacterium and cyanobacterium;
describle economic importance of bacteria with examples;
recognize the status of cyanobacteria and justify its inclusion in kingdom
describe the characteristics of kingdom Protoctista (protista);
describe the structure of amoeba, paramecium, euglena and plasmodium;
describe the structure of diatoms;
list the uses of protists to humans and mention the diseases causing protozoa;
list the general characteristics of fungi with examples;
describe the sturcutre and reproduciton of yeast, Rhizopus, mushroom, penicillium
and its utility by humans;
explain what are mycorrhizae;
describe the economic importance of fungi.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
Includes the bacteria and cyanobacteria (commonly called blue-green algae).
Since only bacteria are prokaryotic (lacking a true nucleus), that is without
nuclear membrane), monera is the only prokaryotic kingdom.
Notes Bacteria were the first organisms to evolve on planet earth after life originated
around 3.5 billion years ago and were the only organisms on earth for almost
the next two billion years.
All bacteria and cyanobacteria are single celled or unicellular (monere : single)
Monerans are also the most numerous of all living organisms.
Cell Organelles
Membrane bound organelles like endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, chloroplast,
golgi complex are absent. Only ribosomes are present, which are different from
those of eukaryotes (see lesson 1 and 4).
(iii) Symbionts - use food from other living organisms with which they
are associated for mutual benefit.
(iv) Parasites - absorb food from living organisms and cause harm to
B. Respiration
Respiration in bacteria may be either
C. Reproduction
(i) Asexual Reproduction
Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission (Fig. 2.2) under favourable
conditions it takes about 20 minutes for one bacteria to divide into two
by binary fission.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
(a) Two conjugating (lie very close for exchange of genes) bacteria are
held together by pili.
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Bacteria Cyanobacteria
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
(iii) cause tuberculosis ......................................... of Life
2.1.5 Archaebacteria
Kingdom Monera includes two groups
1. Archaebacteria and
2. Eubacteria
Archaebacteria includes bacteria that live in unusual environments particularly at
low levels of oxygen. Main types of Archaebacteria are
Methanogenic bacteria that live in sewage and intestinal tracts of animals
Thermoacidophilic bacteria that live in hot springs.
Halophilic bacteria live in salty conditions e.g. where hot sun concentrates sea
water Eubacteria include cyanobacteria and all other bacteria.
Fig. 2.5 Amoeba : (a) General Structure, (b) Amoeba showing binary fission.
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Reproduction : Sexual reproduction is absent in Amoeba. of Life
2. Entamoeba
One common species is Entamoeba histolytica which caues amoebic dysentery in
humans. It is amoeboid in form. New host gets infected when the cyst is swallowed Notes
along with contaminated food or water. The cyst bursts and releases Entamoeba
in the intestines where it causes local abscesses (open injury). The symptoms of
amoebic dyscenteiy are abdominal pain, nausea, blood and mucus with stool.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
5. The Diatoms
– The diatoms are found in both fresh and salt water
and in moist soil.
– Thousands of species of diatoms form food for
aquatic animals.
– Diatoms are either unicellular, colonial or
filamentous and occur in a wide variety of shapes
(Fig. 2.8).
– Each cell has a single prominent nucleus and
plastids. They produce shells (cell walls)
containing silica. Fig. 2.8 Diatoms
6. Other Algae
– Algae can be unicellular e.g. Chlamydomonas (2.9a) or multi-cellular like
Spirogyra (Fig. 2.9b)
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
– Algae can prepare their own food by photosynthesis as they contain chlorophyll.
Some algae have other pigments also e.g. blue pigment (Phycocyanin), a brown
pigment (Fucoxanthin) or a red pigment (Phycoerythrin). Depending on the
pigment present, the algae are called blue, green, brown or red algae.
– Structurally the algae have a definite cell wall, cell membrane, a nucleus,
cytoplasm and choloroplast. The chloroplast is cup-shaped in Chlamydomonas
and ribbon-shaped in Spirogyra. Pyrenoid bodies are attached to chloroplasts.
– Many marine forms are important sources of iodine, potassium and other
– Some algae can fix atmospheric nitrogen, so they are a source of natural
fertilizer for the plants.
– A group of algae (diatoms) deposit silica in their walls. After their death these
algae are preserved as fossils. Their deposits in large amounts are used as f lters,
and for lining of furnaces.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fungi exist as slender thread like filaments called hyphae. Hypha has many
nuclei. Yeast, however, is single celled.
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Septa have pores through which cytoplasm streams freely. of Life
Yeast is saprotrophic. It can directly absorb simple sugar (glucose) but for obtaining
sucrose (cane sugar) it gives out the enzyme zymase which breaks down sucrose
into simple sugars. The simple sugars are then simply absorbed into the cell.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Yeast respires anaerobically to yield energy as follows
C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP
(glucose) (ethyl alcohol) (energy)
Notes Yeast reproduces asexually by budding (Fig. 2.11).
Fig. 2.11 Budding in yeast (a) A bud is forming and the nucleus is dividing;
(b) Bud formed and the nucleus divided; (c) Further budding forms a chain
Sexual reproduction may also occur by its conjugation between two yeast cells.
The fused contents divide twice to produce four individuals with a thick wall around
each. These are the spores. The spores may be carried by wind and germinate under
suitable conditions to produce new yeast cells.
2. Slime Moulds
These consist of a naked, creeping multinucleate mass of protoplasm sometimes
covering up to several square metres.
3. Mushrooms and Toadstools
The vegetative part of the mycelium lies concealed in the substratum (in ground
or in wood, etc.) When conditions are favourable the umbrella like mushroom grow
out with a stalk and a cap. (Fig. 2.12)
4. Lichens
These are a combination of certain fungi and a green algae which live in a symbiotic
(mutually beneficial) association : the green algae prepares food while the fungi
gives protection.
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
............................................................................................................................ Notes
1. .............................................. 2. ............................................................
3. .............................................. 4. ............................................................
– The root-like sturctures growing out of the hyphae penetrate the bread, and
secrete digestive enzymes (extracellular digestion) and absorb the digested
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life They reproduce asexually as well as sexually.
Examples of protoctists ae Paramecium, Amoeba, malarial parsiste, Chlorella,
Euglena, Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra etc.
Some protoza cause diseases. Algae provide food for fish, and are rich sources
of some minerals and vitamins. Blue green algae fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Notes Walls of diatoms which have silica are used as filters and for lining furnances.
Diatoms form bulk of plankton and are food for many aquatic organisms.
Prokaryotes lack true nucleus. Genetic material in Prokaryotes is in the form
of single circular DNA.
DNA is placed in special region in a bacterial cell called nucleoid. A small ring
of extra DNA is present called plasmid.
Bacteria exhibit four different kinds of nutrition - autotrophic, saprotrophic,
symbiotic and parasitic.
Cyanobacteria possess chlorophyll that helps in photosynthesis.
Some bacteria fix atmspheric nitrogen to enrich soil, some help in sewage
Certain bacteria cause diseases like cholera, typhoid, tetanus and tuberculosis,
There are bacteria that survive in extreme environments like these with high
temperature, high salinity, and presence of methane.
Fungi are eukaryotic, multicellular saprotrophs.
Fungi are of several kinds such as yeasts, slime moulds, mushrooms, lichens
and mycorrhizae.
Yeasts are unicellular, which commonly reproduce asexually by budding.
Sexual reproduction occurs by conjugation.
Slime moulds are~naked, creeping multinucleate mass of protoplasm.
Lichens are symbiotic combinations of fungi and algae.
Rhizopus is the common bread mould that produces whitish network (mycelium)
on stale bread, in warm humid weather.
Rhizopus reproduces asexually by spores, and sexually by producing zygospore
which in turn produce spores.
Wheat rust (Puccinia graminis) causes brown patches on leaf and stem of
Ringworm and athelete’s foot are two common fungal diseases of humans.
Certain mushrooms are edible.
Yeast is used in making bread, beer, etc.
The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Neurospora is used in experiments on genetics. of Life
1. Draw a labelled diagram of a typical bacterial cell.
2. List the different nutritional categories of bacteria and protoctists.
3. Draw the labelled diagrams to show binary fission in bacteria.
4. How does amoeba normally reproduce ? Draw diagrams to represent the process.
5. Draw a labelled diagram of Euglena.
6. What are the common feature of diatoms which justify their inclusion in protoctists?
7. Write a paragraph on economic importance of the protoctists.
8. List any three characteristics of fungi.
9. What are mycorrhizae?
10. Name three harmful fungi mentioning their harmful effects.
11. Write a note on beneficial fungi.
12. Draw labelled diagrams of the following :
(i) A series of stages in the budding of yeast.
(ii) Magnified view of the bread mould growing on bread.
MODULE - 1 The Kingdoms Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
Diversity and Evolution
of Life (iii) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(iv) Clostridium tetani
2. Eight
3. Bacteria - smaller cells, flagella present, sexual reproduction by conjugation.
Notes Cyanobacteria - large cells, no flagella, no, conjugation.
2.3 1. Protoctista are Eukaryotes/ posses true nucleus.
2. (i) Entamoeba histolytica
(ii) Malarial parasite or Plasmodium.
3. Binary fission
4. Mitochondria
5. Contractile vacuole
6. Flagellar, Pseudopodial or amoeboid (any two).
2.4 1. (i) mycelium
2. asexually, sexually
3. Refer diagram 2.12
4. (i) Yeast
(ii) Slime moulds
(iii) Mushrooms and Toadstools
(iv) Lichens
2.5 1. (i) Penicillium notatum
(ii) Yeast
(iii) Puccinia graminis
(iv) mycelium, Rhizopus
(v) spores
(vi) Ringworm, Athelete’s foot
2. Alexander Flemming
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
3 Notes
In the previous lessons you have learnt about the basic aspects of classifying
organisms and about the three lower kingdoms Monera (prokaryotic, unicellular),
Protoctista (eukaryotic, unicellular), and Fungi (eukaryotic, multicellular, and
heterotrophic). In this lesson, you will study about the remaining two kingdoms,
Plantae (eukaryotic, multicellular and autotrophic) and Animalia (eukaryotic,
multicellular and heterotrophic).
After completing this lesson you will be able to
l give the basis of inclusion of certain organisms in kingdom Plantae;
l classify kingdom Plantae upto divisions;
l give the typical characteristics of Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and
l classify the division Spermatophyta upto classes- Gymnospermae and
l give the typical features of dicot families such as Malvaceae and Fabaceae;
l give the typical features of the monocot families such as Liliaceae and Poaceae;
l justify the inclusion of certain organisms in kingdom Animalia;
l classify kingdom Animalia upto Phyla;
l give the characteristics of various animal phyla with examples;
l classify Arthropoda and Chordata upto classes with examples;
l classify Mammalia upto major orders with examples.
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
In all types of bryophytes, the main plant body is gametophyte, larger and more of Life
persistent and photosynthetically active which bears the sex organs. In mosses, the
gametophytic plant body is a leafy stem called ‘gametophore’ but in liverworts
and hornworts plant body is usually a thallus, that is ribbon-like or heart-shaped
and bilaterally symmetrical. The body is without roots, stems and leaves. The plants
are anchored to soil by rhizoids, unicellular in liverworts and hornworts and Notes
multicellullar in mosses. Rhizoids act as anchorage and also help in absorption of
water from the substratum. The male sex organs are antheridia and female sex
organs are archegonia. The gametes are produced in the sex organs. Male and
female gametes fuse to give rise to a zygote which develops into a sporophyte.
Sporophyte remains attached to gametophyte and depends on it for food and
minerals. Sporogenous tissue in the sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce
haploid spores. The spores germinate to give rise to a gametophyte again.
Gametophyte (Undergoes Mitosis): Gamete producing phase of plants
Sporophyte (Undergoes Meiosis): Spore producing phase of plants
In all three types of bryophytes, the life cycle shows Alternation of generations.
Comparison of gametophytic and sporophytic phase
Gametophytic phase Sporophytic phase
1. Haploid phase Diploid phase
2. Has sex organs Has spore producing structure
3. Produces gametes Produces spores
4. Gametes are produced by mitosis Spores are produced by meiosis
5. Dominant phase occupies most Short lived phase
of the life period
l The bryophytes are pioneers of vegetation, i.e. they are the first ones to grow
on various habitats like rock, lava, sand, water etc and act as soil binders.
l The mosses hold water better than the soil thus improve the microhabitat for
seeds of other plants to grow.
l They are the source of food for fish and birds and for nesting materials for birds.
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
A fern plant is a pteridophyte. (Fig. 3.2)
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fig. 3.3 Some examples of phylum gymnosperm (a) Pinus tree (b) cycas tree (c) tree with
male and female cone
3.5.1 Angiosperms
A typical flowering plant
Our most familiar plants like pea, mango, coconut, wheat and rice come under the
group called Angiosperms. Their seeds are always enclosed in the fruit. A fruit is Notes
a mature ovary.
Look at an angiosperm plant in Fig. 3.4.
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Fabaceae Family (Papilionaceae) : A dicotyledonous family of Life
The plants are herbs or shrubs. Flowers are zygomorphic (means it can not be cut
into two equal halves), bisexual, complete, calyx consists of 5 sepals, jointed.
Corolla consists of 5 petals, polypetalous (papilonaceous in shape or butterfly
shape). There is a large petal called standard, two smaller ones called as wings and
two interior small ones, more or less jointed forming the keel. Androecium consists Notes
of 10 stamens, arranged in two bundles (9+1) that is Diadelphous condition
(Fig. 3.6a). Gynoecium is superior, monocarpellary, unilocular with many ovules
arranged on a marginal placenta. Fruit is a pod.
2. Malvaceae
The plants may be herbs, shrubs or trees.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (china-rose/shoe flower, vernacular; gurhal) is one of the
best examples of this family. Flowers are large and attractive usually solitary
axillary (See Fig. 3.6b).
Flowers are pentamerous (all whirls are five or multiple of five) actinomorphic.
Epicalyx is present as an additional whorl of bractiole just below the calyx. Calyx
has five sepals may be free or joint at the base. Corolla has five petals usually free.
Androecium consists of indefinite numbers of monodelphous stamens. The lower
parts or filaments join together to form staminal tube. Gynoceium consists of 5
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life carpels, syncarpous, and ovary is superior penta locular, axile placenta. Fruit is a
Bhindi, hollyhocks are other examples of this family.
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Family Poaceae – A monocotyledonous family of Life
The plants are herbs, rarely woody as in bamboo. inflorescence, spike of spikelets,
(wheat). A small spikelet may contain not more than 5 flowers.
Flowers are very small, inconspicuous, with scale-like structures (Fig 3.6d).
Stamens are 3, sometimes 6 as in rice and bamboo, carpels unilocular, ovary
superior. Fruit is caryopsis (seed coat and ovary wall fused).
Some examples of useful plants of Poaceae
Common Name Botanical Name
Rice Oryza sativa
Wheat Triticum aestivum
Maize Zea mays
Sugar Cane Saccharum officinarum
Bamboo Bambusa sp
Barley Hordeum vulgare
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
Includes the animals which show a wise variety yet have some common features.
Organisation : Bodies of animals are multicellular. But cells may or may not be
organised into tissues and organ systems. Animals such as sponges are aggregates
of cells. They are at cellular level of organisation. Cnidarians have groups of cells
performing specialised functions. They are at tissue level of organisation. All other
animals have organs and systems for performing body functions. They are at organ-
system grade.
Symmetry : means dividing the body into equal and identical parts. Sponges are
asymmetrical. Cnidaria and Echinoderm larvae are radially symmetrical. All other
an;mals are bilaterally symmetrical.
Body Cavity or Coelom : is a cavity between body wall and food canal. It is not
present in Acoelomates (a = no, coelom = body cavity) and present in Eucoelomates
(eu = true). Pseudocoelom (pseudo = false) is not a true body cavity. It is found
in round worms.
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Kingdom Animale of Life
(Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrphs)
Sub Kingdom
Parazoa Eumetazoa
(a) No symmetry (a) Symmetrical
(b) No tissues (cellular grade (b) Tissue and organ.
of organisation) grade of organisation
Phylum Porifera
Organisation (a) Tissue grade of (a) Organ system grade
and organisation of organisation.
germinal (b) Two embryonic germ (b) Three embryonic germ
layers layers. (diploblastic) layers (triploblastic)
Phylum Cnidaria All other Phyla
Symmetry Asymmetrical With Radial Symmetry Bilateral Symmetry
↓ ↓ ↓
Phylum Porifera Phylum Cnidaria All other phyla
Body Aoelomates Pseudocoelomates Eucoelomates
Cavity (No coelom) (False coelom) (True coelom)
↓ ↓ ↓
Phyla Porifera, Phylum All other
Cnidaria Aschelminthes Phyla
Fig. 3.7 : Phylum Porifera (a) Sycon; (b) Euplectlella; (c) Euspongia
2. Phylum Cnidaria (Includes hydroids, jelly fishes, sea anemone, corals)
Main Characters:
– Body with no head and no segmentation.
– Body wall two layered: external epidermis and inner gastrodermis, jelly like
non-cellular mesogloea in between.
– Cnidoblasts (stinging cells) present, helps to catch prey (carnivorous)
– Skeleton calcareous, horny or none.
– Asexual reproduction by budding in the sessile (polyp) stage, and sexual
reproduction in free swimming (medusa) stage.
– Radial symmetry
– All marine, except hydra (found in fresh water)
– Either fixed like hydra, sea-anemones and corals, or free floating like the jelly
Fig. 3.8 Three common Cnidarians (a) Hydra (b) Jelly fish (c) Sea Anemone
3. PhylumPlatyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Main Characters:
– Elongated, soft bodied, dorsoventrally flattened worms, without true
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
– No body cavity of Life
– Suckers or hooks or both for attachment to the body of the host
– Sexes usually united, mostly sexual reproduction, with asexual reporduction in
– Alimentary canal has only one opening the mouth. In some forms (e.g.
tapeworms) there is no alimentary canal at all. Notes
– A few are free-living but mostly parasites.
Examples: Planaria (free living),
Fasciola (liver-fluke) is a parasite of sheep liver, Taenia (tapeworm) is a parasite
of human intestine.
Fig. 3.9 Phylum Platyhelminthes (a) Planaria (b) Fasciola (c) Taenia
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life – Body provided with setae or parapodia for locomotion.
– Well developed digestive system with the alimentary canal open at both ends.
– Excretory organs called nephridia.
– Sexes united (as in earthworm) or separate (as in Neris).
– Regeneration quite frequent.
– Aquatic, some terrestrial animals, some living in tubes and some even parasitic.
Examples: Nereis, Earthworms like Pheretima (free living in soil), Hirudinaria
(leech) (parasitic on cattle). See figure 3.11.
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
(b) abdomen usually without (b) cepalothorax (b) each segment (b) thorax 3- of Life
legs with 13 pairs of bearing 1-2 segmented with
legs or pairs of legs 3 pair of each
appendages terrestrial and segment
sexes usually air-breathing usually 2 pairs
separate arthropods of wings on
the last two Notes
(c) eyes simple (c) eyes compound (c) eyes compound (c) eyes compound
(d) sexes separate (d) sexes separate (d) sexes separate (d) sexes separate
(e) Example scorpion (e) Example Prawn (e) Example (e) Example:
(Fig. 3.12a) (Fig. 3.12b) (Scolopendra) cockroach
and Mellipede (Fig 3.12d)
(Fig. 3.12c)
Fig. 3.12 Arthropods (a) Scorpion; (b) Prawn; (c) Millipede; (d) Cockroach
Fig. 3.13 Three molluscs (a) Pila (b) Unio (c) Sepia
8. Phylum Echinodermata (Includes star fishes, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea
Main Characters:
– Marine animals, with unsegmented body.
– Head absent, body surface marked with 5 radiating areas.
– Radial symmetry.
– Endoskeleton of dermal calcareous ossicles with spines.
– Movement by tube feet.
– Sexes usually separate.
– Regeneration of lost parts a peculiarity.
– Adults are radially symmetrical, but the larvae are bilaterally symmetrical.
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fig. 3.17 Amphibian (a) Salamandra (b) Frog (c) Ichthiophis
Fig. 3.18 Reptile (a) Turtle (b) Wall lizard (c) cobra (d) crocodile
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Class (5) Class : Aves (avis = Bird) of Life
Characteristic features:
– Warm-blooded (homoiothermal, also called endothermal i.e. body temperature
remains constant).
– Body covered with feathers, scales are present only on hind-limbs Notes
– Body is divisible into three parts, head, neck and trunk.
– Jaws with horny beak, no teeth.
– Hind-limbs with four digits adapted for perching, walking or swimming
– Bones with air spaces to make the skeleton light (pneumatic bones).
– Fore limbs modified into wings for flight.
– Heart 4-chambered, lungs for respiration connected with air-sacs.
– Voice-box or syrinx (present at the junction of trachea and bronchi).
– Only left overy and oviduct present in the females (economy in body weight.)
– All oviparous (lay eggs), egg with much yolk and calcareous shell.
Example : Struthio (Ostrich), Abteryx (Kiwi), Pavo (Peacock) Columba, (Pigeon),
Corvus (Crow), etc. (Fig. 3.19).
Fig. 3.19 Aves (a) Ostrich (b) Kiwi (c) Pigeon (d) Crow
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Class (VI) Mammalia (Mamma : breast)
Characteristic features:
– Body covered with hair.
– Body divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail; tail absent in some.
– Viviparous (give birth to the young) (some primitive mammals are oviparous)
(lay egss).
(a) No external ear. (a) External ear present. (a) External ear well
(b) Teeth found only in (b) teeth found in both (b) Teeth present in young
young young and adults as well as adults.
(c) Placenta absent (c) No placenta for nouri- (c) Placenta is present
shment to embryo
(d) Mammary glands are (d) Mammary glands present (d) Mammary glands
devoid of nipples present
(e) Females are oviparous. (e) Immature young ones are (e) Mature young ones are
Example: Duck-bill born. Marsupium (pouch) born. (For further
platypus (Ornithorh- is present in females classification and
ynchus) (Fig. 3.20a) Example: Kangaroo examples, see below).
(Macropus) (Fig. 3.20b)
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fig. 3.20 (a) Duck biled platypus (b) Kangaroo
Birds and mammals have a constant body temperature. They are termed
Sub class Eutheria has been divided into number of orders. Some important ones
are as follows:
Order 1 : Rodentia
– Herbivorous and terrestrial.
– Incisors long, sharp and chisel-shaped.
– Forelimbs shorter than the hind limbs.
Example: Rat, Squirrel (Fig. 3.21)
Fig. 3.21 Squirrel
Order 2 : Chiroptera:
– These are flying mammals.
– Fore-limbs adapted for flight.
– Skin fold i.e. patagium works as wing.
– Hind-limbs thin and short.
– Nocturnal (active at night).
– Bats have poor eyesight. They avoid colliding
against objects by echolocation in which the bat
emits supersonic waves which are reflected back
from the objects and the bat can perceive the
reflected waves to determine the position of the
Fig. 3.22 Bat
object. The method is very similar to radar.
Example- Bat (Fig. 3.22)
Order 3. Carnivora
– Flesh-eating mammals.
– Large pointed and sharp canines to tear the flesh.
– Fingers with sharp claws.
Example: Lion, Tiger, Cat, Dog. (Fig. 3.23)
Fig. 3.23 Tiger
Order 4. Primates
– Highly developed Brain.
– Eyes are set forward in the dead to provide binocular (depth-pereption) vision
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life – The neck is mobile.
– Limbs have five digits with flat nails.
– The thumb of the hand and the greater toe of the
feet are opposable (for grasping)
Notes – Two thoracic mammae (breasts) present.
Example: Monkey, Apes, Man (Fig. 3.24)
Fig. 3.24 Monkey
Order 5. Cetacea
– Aquatic.
– Fore-limbs are changed into paddles.
– No neck.
– Fish-like shape but respiration by lungs.
Example: whale (Fig. 3.25) Fig. 3.25 Whale
Order 6. Proboscidea
– Large, herbivorous, terrestrial.
– Fusion of upper lip and nose to form a long mobile
– Only one pair of incisors in upper jaw which form
huge tusks in males.
Example: Elephant (Fig. 3.26) Fig. 3.26 Elephant
Order 7. Ungulata
– Hoofed mammals.
– Herbivorous.
– Usually domesticated by man.
– Mammae are abdominal with teats.
Example: Deer, Cows, Sheep (Fig. 3.27) Fig. 3.27 Deer
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
2. Name the Group of Mammals which includes of Life
(i) Egg-laying mammals ....................................................
(ii) Pouched mammals ....................................................
(iii) Flesh-eating mammals ....................................................
(iv) Aquatic mammals .................................................... Notes
(v) Flying mammals ....................................................
3. For which characteristic feature are certain animals placed in class mammalia?
4. Name a mammal which has marsupium.
5. Which group of chordates possesses hair?
MODULE - 1 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia
Diversity and Evolution
of Life l Echinodermata includes spiny skinned marine animals which have tube feet for
l Chordates have (i) a notochord (ii) a dorsal hollow nerve cord and (iii) gill slits
at some stage of life.
l Amphibians live on land as well as in water. Their limbs have no claws.
l Reptila have horny scales covering the body. They are mostly terrestrial.
l Class Aves includes birds-the flying vertebrates with fore limbs modified into
l Mammals possess hair and mammary glands which secrete milk to feed the
young ones.
l Kingdom Plantae is classified into two divisions i.e. Bryophyta and
l Bryophytes are amphibians of plants and are non vascular.
l Main plant body of Bryophytes is a gametophyte; sporophyte remains attached
to gametophyte.
l Main plant body of Pteriodophytes is a sporophyte.
l Both all groups of Plantae show alternation of generations
l Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are seed producing plants.
l In Gymnosperms seeds are naked, whereas in Angiosperms seeds are enclosed
in ovary.
l Main difference between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants is
number of cotyledons.
l Brassicaceae and Fabaceac are dicot families, whereas Poaceae is a monocot
1. List the main groups of kingdom Plantae.
2. Give the two main types of Bryophytes.
3. Differentiate between gametophyte and sporophyte.
4. Difine alternation of generations.
5. Why are Pteridophytes grouped under Trachacophyta?
6. Differentiate between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.
7. Give three main differences between dicot and monocot plants.
8. Name three families of Angiosperms giving one character of each family.
9. Define an animal.
10. With examples name (i) the three kinds of symmetry and (ii) the three grades
of organisation met within the Kingdom Animalia.
Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
11. Explain the term triploblastic. of Life
12. Name the major nonchordate phyla. Give one characteristic feature and one
example of each.
13. Give one major difference between
(i) Cyclostomes and other fishes Notes
(ii) Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes, Cite examples.
14. Why are frogs included in the class Amphibia?
15. Give two characteristic features of reptiles. Cite examples of five reptiles
16. Give three features of birds which adapt them to aerial life and give two
examples of flightless birds.
17. Give three features of mammals and one difference between Prototheria,
Metatheria and Eutheria.
10. Name any five orders or Mammalia, Give one characteristic feature and one
example of each.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
4 Notes
All organisms are composed of structural and functional units of life called ‘cells’.
The body of some organisms like bacteria, protozoans and some algae is made up
of a single cell while the body of fungi, plants and animals are composed of many
cells. Human body is built of about one trillion cells.
Cells vary in size and structure as they are specialized to perform different functions.
But the basic components of the cell are common to all cells. This lesson deals
with the structure common to all types of the cell. You will also learn about the
kinds of cell division and the processes involved therein. in this lesson.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
justify that cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms;
list the components of the cell and state cell theory;
differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
differentiate between plant and animal cells;
illustrate the structure of plant and animal cells by drawing labelled diagrams;
describe the structure and functions of plasma membrane, cell wall, endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), cilia, flagella, nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts,
golgi body, peroxisome, glyoxysome and lysosome;
describe the general importance of the cell molecules-water, mineral ions,
carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, enzymes,
vitamins, hormones, steroids and alkaloids;
justify the need for cell division;
describe various phases of cell cycle;
explain the term karyotype and mention the karyotype analysis and its
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
4.1.1 Landmarks in cell study
Soon after Anton van Leewenhock invented the microscope, Robert Hooke in 1665
observed a piece of cork under the microscope and found it to be made of small
Notes compartments which he called “cells” (Latin cell = small room). In 1672,
Leewenhock observed bacteria, sperm and red blood corpuscles, all of which were
cells. In 1831, Robert Brown, an Englishman observed that all cells had a centrally
positioned body which he termed the nucleus.
The cells vary considerably, in shape and size (Fig.4.1). Nerve cells of animals have
long extensions. They can be several feet in length. Muscle cells are elongated in
shape. Egg of the ostrich is the largest cell (75 mm). Some plant cells have thick
walls. There is also wide variation in the number of cells in different organisms.
plasma membrane
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Table 4.1 Differences between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells of Life
Eukaryotic cell (eu = true, karyon = nucleus) Prokaryotic cell (Pro = early/primitive)
1. Nucleus distinct, with well formed 1. Nucleus not distinct, it is in the form
nuclear membrane. of nuclear zone ‘nucleoid’. Nuclear
membrane absent.
2. Double-membraned cell organelles 2. Single-membraned cell bodies like Notes
(Chloroplasts, mitochondria nucleus) mesosomes present. Endoplasmic
and single membraned (Golgi apparatus, reticulum and Golgi body absent.
lysosomes vacuole endoplasm reticulum)
are present
3. Ribosomes - 80 S 3. Ribosomes - 70 S
4. Distinct compartments in the cell 4. No compartments.
i.e. the cytoplasm and the nucleus
Svedberg unit
When the cell is fractionated or broken down into its components by
rotating in an ultracentrifuge at different speeds the ribosomes of eukaryotic
and prokaryotic sediment (settle down) at different speeds. The coefficient
of sedimentation is represented in Svedberg unit and depicted as S.
The plant cell and the animal cell also differ in several respects as given in Table
4.2 and shown in Fig. 4.2.
Table: 4.2 Difference between plant cell and animal cell
Plant cell Animal cell
1. Cellulose cell wall present around cell 1. No cell wall.
2. Vacuoles are usually large. 2. Generally vacuoles are absent and if
present, are usually small..
3. Plastids present. 3. Plastids absent.
4. Golgi body present in the form of units 4. Golgi body well developed.
known as dictyosomes.
5. Centriole absent. 5. Centriole present.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Fig. 4.2a Generalised plant cell Fig. 4.2b Generalised animal cell
The major components of the cell are (1) cell membrane, (2) cytoplasm, and (3)
4.2.1 Cell membrane (Plasma membrane)
Each cell has a limiting boundary, the cell membrane, plasma membrane or
plasmalemma. It is a living membrane, outermost in animal cells but next to cell
wall in plant cells.
It is flexible and can fold in (as in food vacuoles of Amoeba) or fold out (as in
the formation of pseudopodia of Amoeba)
The plasma membrane is made of proteins and lipids and several models were
proposed regarding the arrangement of proteins and lipids. The fluid mosaic model
proposed by Singer and Nicholson (1972) is widely accepted. It is represented in
Fig 4.3.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
According to the fluid mosaic model, of Life
(i) The plasma membrane encloses the cell contents.
(ii) It provides cell shape (in animal cells) e.g. the characteristic shape of red blood
cells, nerve cells, bone cells, etc
(iii) It allows transport of certain substances into and out of the cell but not all
substance, so it is termed selectively permeable.
Transport of small molecules (such as glucose, amino acids, water, mineral ions
Small molecules can be transported across the plasma membrane by any one of
the following three methods:
(i) Diffusion : molecules of substances move from their region of higher
concentration to their region of lower concentration. This does not require
energy. Example : absorption of glucose in a cell.
(ii) Osmosis : movement of water molecules from the region of their higher
concentration to the region of their lower concentration through a semipermeable
membrane. There is no expenditure of energy in osmosis. This kind of
movement is along concentration gradient.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life (iii) Active Transport : When the direction of movement of a certain molecules
is opposite that of diffusion i.e. from region of their lower concentration
towards the region of their higher concentration, it would require an “active
effort” by the cell for which energy is needed. This energy is provided by ATP
(adenosine triphosphate). The active transport may also be through a carrier
Notes molecule.
Transport of large molecules (bulk transport)
During bulk transport the membrane changes its form and shape. It occurs in two
(i) endocytosis (taking the substance in)
(ii) exocytosis (passing the substance out)
Endocytosis is of two types :
Phagocytosis Pinocytosis
1. intake of solid particles 1. intake of fluid droplets
2. membrane folds out going round the 2. membrane folds in and forms
particle, forming a cavity and thus a cup like structure sucks in
engulfing the particle (Fig. 4.4a) the droplets (Fig. 4.4b)
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
(a) Structure of Life
– Outermost non-living, layer present in all plant cells.
– Secreted by the cell itself.
– In plant, made of cellulose but may also contain other chemical substance such
as pectin and lignin.
– The substance constituting the cell is not simply homogenous but it consists
of fine threads or fibres called microfibrils.
– It may be thin (1 micron) and transparent as in the cells of onion peel. In some
cases it is very thick as in the cells of wood.
(b) Functions
– The cell wall protects the delicate inner parts of the cell.
– Being rigid, it gives shape to the cell.
– Being rigid, it does not allow distension of the cell, thus leading to turgidity
of the cell that is useful in many ways
– It freely allows the passage of water and other chemicals into and out of the
– There are breaks in the primary wall of the adjacent cells through which
cytoplasm of one cell remains connected with the other. These cytoplasmic
strands which connect one cell to the other one are known as plasmodesmata.
– Walls of two adjacent cells are firmly joined by a cementing material called
middle lamella made of calcium pectate.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
The cytoplasm contains many cell organelles of which we shall learn about :
1. those that trap and release energy e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts;
2. those that are secretory or involved in synthesis and transport e.g. Golgi,
Notes ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum
3. the organelles for motilily - cilia and flagella
4. the suicidal bags i.e. lysosomes
5. the nucleus which controls all activities of the cell, and carries the hereditary
4.3.1 Mitochondria and chloroplast - the energy transformers
Mitochondria (found in plant and animal cells) are the energy releasers and the
chloroplasts (found only in green plant cells) are the energy trappers.
Mitochondria (Singular = mitochondrion)
Appear as tiny thread like structure under light microscope. Approximately 0.5 -
1.00 µm (micrometer)
Number usually a few hundred to a few thousand per cell (smallest number is just
one as in an alga (Micromonas)).
Structure: The general plan of the internal structure of a mitochondria observed
by means of electron microscope is shown in Fig. 4.5. Note the following parts.
Plastids are found only in a plant cell. They may be colourless or with colour. Based
on this fact, there are three types of plastids.
(i) Leucoplast-white or colourless
(ii) Chromoplast – blue, red, yellow etc.
(iii) Chloroplast – green
4.3.2 Chloroplast
Found in all green plant cells in the cytoplasm.
Number 1 to 1008
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Inside of the chloroplast is filled with a fluid medium calleds stoma.
Function: chloroplasts are the seat of photosynthesis (production of sugar, from
carbondioxide and water in the presence of sunlight).
Chloroplast versus mitochondria
Notes Can you now visualize how these two organelles are opposite to each other, one
traps the solar energy locking it in a complex molecule (by photosynthesis), the
other releases the energy by breaking the complex molecule (by respiration).
Similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts : both contain their own
DNA (the genetic material) as well as their own RNA (for protein synthesis). Thus,
they can self duplicate to produce more of their own kind without the help of
Since chloroplasts and mitochondria contain their own DNA the hereditary
molecule and also their own ribosomes, they are termed semi-autonomous only
because they are incapable of independent existence though they have ribosomes
and DNA.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
4.3.3 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), golgi body and ribosomes of Life
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi body are single membrane bound structures.
The membrane has the same structure (lipid-protein) as the plasma membrane but
ribosomes do not have membranes Ribosomes are involved in synthesis of
substances in the cell, Golgi bodies in secreting and the ER in transporting and
storing the products. These three organelles operate together. Notes
Fig. 4.7 and Fig. 4.8 show the diagram of ER and Golgi body under an electron
microscope. Note the ribosomes present in ER.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
It is present in all animal cells (but not in Amoeba), located just outside the nucleus.
It is cylindrical, 0.5 µm in length and without a membrane. It has 9 sets of peripheral
tubules but none in the centre. Each set has three tubules arranged at definite angles
(Fig. 4.10). It has its own DNA and RNA and therefore it is self duplicating.
Function : Centrioles are involved in cell division. They give orientation to the
‘mitotic spindle’ which forms during cell division
Membrane is made up of lipids and proteins (like plasma membrane) and has
ribosomes attached on the outer membrane which make the outer membrane
The pores allow the transport of large molecules in and out of nucleus, and the
membranes keep the hereditary material in contact with the rest of the cell.
4.4.2 Chromatin
Within the nuclear membrane there is jelly like substance (karyolymph or
nucleoplasm) rich in proteins.
In the karyolymph, fibrillar structures form a network called chromatin fibrils,
which gets condensed to form distinct bodies called chromosomes during cell
division. On staining the chromosomes, two regions can be identified in the
chromatin material heterochromatin dark and autromaticn (light).
Heterochromatin has less DNA and genetically less active than euchromatin
which has more DNA and genetically more active.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Number of chromosomes is fixed in an organism. During cell division chromosomes
divide in a manner that the daughter cells receive identical amounts of hereditary
4.4.3 nucleolus
Notes Membraneless, spheroidal bodies present in all eukaryotic cells except in sperms and
in some algae.
Their number varies from one to few, they stain uniformly and deeply.
It has DNA, RNA and proteins.
Store house for RNA and proteins; it disappears during cell division and reappears
in daughter cells.
Regulates the synthetic activity of the nucleus.
Thus nucleus and cytoplasm are interdependent, and this process is equal to nucleo–
cytopalsmic interaction.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
B. Elements necessary for life of Life
Elements Functions
Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, 1. Required for organic compounds of
Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, the cell and present as major
Phosphorous, Sulphur, Chlorine, Iron, constituents. Ca in plant cell wall, C,
Boron, Silicon, Manganese, Copper, H, O, N as organic compounds) Notes
Zinc, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Silicon
2. Act as major cations (Na, K) and anions
(Cl) in most physiological process.
C. Biomolecules
(i) Carbohydrate
Structure Functions
1. Composed of C, H and O 1. Most abundant organic substance present
in nature in the form of cellulose in plant
cell wall.
2. Simple six carbon sugar (glucose) 2. In both plants and animals it is used as a
is called a monosaccharide. source of energy (sugar).
3. Two molecules or units join 3. An important storage form in plants is
together to form disaccharide starch and in animals it is glycogen.
4. More than ten units of 4. Present in nucleic acids as five carbon
monosaccharides join in a chain to surgar (Ribose).
form a polysaccharide e.g. starch
and cellulose.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 2. Amino acids join together by 2. Functionally in the form of enzymes they
“peptide” bonds to form protein play a vital role in metabolic reactions.
3. Twenty different amino acids make 3. Synthesis of DNA is regulated by
numerous simple and complex protein.
4. Based on the complexity of 4. Proteins are so important that nucleic
structure they can have primary, acids directly regulates protein synthesis
secondary, tertiary and quaternary
5. When proteins exist with other
molecules they are known as
conjugated proteins e.g. glycoprotein,
lipoprotein, chromoprotein etc.
2. They are long chain polymers 2. RNA molecules are involved in information
composed of units called nucleotides. transfer and protein synthesis.
(v) Lipids
1. Composed of C, H, O. Amount of 1. Due to their low oxygen content, they
oxygen is very less. store and release more energy during
2. They are synthesized from fatty acids 2. A molecule of fat can yield twice as much
and glycerol. Simple lipids are called energy as from carbohydrate.
3. Fats can be saturated or unsaturated. 3. Phospholipids are important component
of cell membranes.
4. Fats are solid at room temperature,
those that remain liquid at room
temperature are called oils.
(vi) Vitamins
1. Vitamins are organic compounds 1. Vitamins (from plant) are essential nutrients
required in the diet of animals for in animals diet as animals can not synthesise
their healthy growth. such compounds.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
3. Plants have the ability to synthesize 3. Vitamin A present in carotene pigment of of Life
vitamines from CO2, NH3 and H2S. carrot. Vitamin D can be produced by man
with the help of sunlight. Vitamin K
produced by bacteria in human intestine.
(viii) Alkaloids
1. Alkaloids are complex organic 1. The active principles of drugs from
compounds made of C, H, O medicinal plants are generally
and N. alkaloids e.g. Quinine from cinehona
plant. Ephedrine from Ephedra
Morphine from poppy plants
(ix) Steroids
1. These are fat soluble lipid
compounds synthesized from
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 2. What is the basic molecule in starch?
3. What is a peptide bond and where do you find it?
4. Which is the most energy containing biomolecule in living organisms?
5. What are nucleotides?
Fig. 4.11 The cell cycle consists of various stages (G1, S, G2 and M)
G2 (GAP 2) phase - More protein is synthesised in this phase. Cytoplasmic
organelles such as mitochondria, golgi bodies get duplicated. Centriole also
divides into two centrioles contained in a single centrosome.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 4.7.2 Kinds of cell division
There are two kinds of cell division- mitosis and meiosis.
1. Mitosis : Cell division for growth and replacement wherein the two daugher
cells are identical and similar to mother cell in all respects.
2. Meiosis : It occurs in the gonads for sexual reproduction to produce gametes.
The resultant cells, egg (in female) and sperms (in male), possess half the
chromosome number of the parent cell.
These phase refer to the changes taking place in the nucleus (Fig. 4.12).
Fig. 4.12 Stages of Mitosis in an animal cell (presuming there is just one
pair of chromosome in groups).
The nucleus divides first and then the whole cell divides. Division of one
nucleus to give two daughter nuclei (karyokinesis). Division of cytoplasm
to give two daughter cells (cytokinesis).
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
Prophase : It shows three subphases : of Life
(a) Centromeres divide
Fig. 4.13c Anaphase
(b) Two daughter chromatids separate
(c) Each chromatid now contains a centromere and
is now termed a chromosome.
(d) Half the number of now chromosomes (daugher chromatids) move toward one
pole and the other half to the other pole.
(e) Cytokinesis begins as the cleavage furrow starts in animal cells.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Telophase
(a) Chromosomes begin to form a chromatin
network as in a nucleus.
It is the process by which growth takes place in animals and plants by constantly
adding more and more cells.
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Every living organism has a definite number of chromosomes in its body cells.
e.g. onion cell-16; potato-48; horse-64; man-46. Therefore to keep the
chromosome number constant the reproductive cells of the parents (ovaries
and testis in animals, and pollen mother cells and cells of ovary in plants) divide
through meiosis.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
(i) Leptotene (GK ‘leptos’ - thin; ‘tene - thread) (Fig. of Life
(iii) Pachytene (GK. ‘pachus’ - thick) : (Fig. 4.15c) Fig. 4.15b Zygotene
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life It is at the chiasmata that exchange of segments
of chromatids (genes) between homologous
chromosomes has taken place. The proces of
gene exchange is known as genetic
(v) Diakinesis (GK dia = through, in different directions,
kinesis = motion) (Fig. 4.15e)
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
The daughter nuclei have half the number of the parent nucleus. The full set of Life
of chromosomes of a cell has paired chromosomes or a diploid set (2n).
The daughter cells are now called haploid (n) or having 1 set of chromosomes
The nucleous reappears and nuclear membrane forms
The daughter nuclei begin the second meiotic division., Notes
Second Meiotic Division has the same four stages;
(i) Prophase II (ii) Metaphase II
(iii) Anaphase II (iv) Telophase II
(i) Prophase II (Fig. 4.15i)
The chromosomes shorten and reappear. The
two chromatids are attached to the single
Formation of spindle starts.
Fig. 4.15i Prophase II
Nucleolus and nuclear membrane begin to
(ii) Metaphase II (Fig. 4.15j)
The chromosomes arrange themselves along
the equator.
Formation of spindle apparatus is completed.
The centromere of each chromosome is Fig. 4.15j Metaphase II
attached to the spindle fibre.
(iii) Anaphase II (Fig. 4.15k)
The centromere in each chromosome divides.
The chromatids get their centromore and
become daughter chromosomes and begin to
move towards the opposite poles.
Fig. 4.15k Anaphase II
(iv) Telophase II (Fig. 4.15l)
On reaching the poles the chromo-somes
organize themselves into haploid daughter nuclei.
The nucleolus and the nuclear membrane
MODULE - 1 Cell – Structure and Function
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Cytokinesis
This may occur in two successive stages, once after meiosis I and then after
meiosis II, or in some instances it occurs only after meiosis II.
Meiosis results in four haploid cells.
Significance of Meiosis
(i) It helps to maintain constant number of chromosomes in a species undergoing sexual
(ii) Meiosis occurs during gamete formation (gemetogenesis) and reduces the number
of chromosomes from diploid (2n) to haploid (n) in the gametes. These haploid
gametes fuse to form diploid zygote during fertilization. The diploid zygote develops
into a normal diploid individual.
(iii) Meiosis establishes new combination of characters due to
(i) mixing of paternal and maternal chromosomes and (ii) crossing over during
prophase I. As a result the progeny inherits the traits of both mother and the
father in new gene combinations.
Comparision of Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
1. Cell divides only once There are two cell divisions. First mitotic
division and the second meiotic division.
2. Takes place in somatic cells Takes place in germ cells.
4. Duration of prophase is short Prophase compartively longer.
(few hours) (takes many days).
5. Prophase simple. Prophase complicated having five sub-
stages namely leptotene, zygotene,
pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis.
7. Synapsis does not occur. Synapsis of homologous chromosomes
takes place during prophase.
8. No exchange of segments during Exchange of segments during crossing
prophase between two chromatids over between non sister chromatids of two
of chromosomes. homologous chromosomes.
9. Each chromosome consists of two Each bivalent has four chromatids and
chromatids united by a centromere. two centromeres.
10. Chromosomes are duplicated at the In prophase I, chromosomes appear single
beginning of prophase. although DNA replication has taken place
in interphase I.
11. In metaphase all the centromeres In metaphase I, the centromeres are lined up
line up in the same plane. in two planes which are parallel to one
12. The metaphasic plate is made up The metaphasic plate is made up of paired
of duplicated chromosome. chromosome.
13. Centromere division takes place No centromere divisions during Anaphase I,
during anaphase. centromeres divide only during Anaphase II.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
14. Spindle fibres disappear Spindle fibres do not disappear completely of Life
completely in telophase. during telophase I.
15. Reappearance of nucleoli at Nucleoli do not appear in telophase I.
16. The chromosome number does not There is reduction in the chromosome
change at the end of mitosis. number from diploid to haploid.
17. The genetic constitution of The genetic constitution of daughter
daughter cells is absolutely identical cells is different as compared to the parent
to that of parent cells. cells. The daughter cell chromosomes
contain a mixture of maternal and paternal
18. Mitosis is of shorter duration. Meiosis is of longer duration.
19. It is the basis of growth It is basis of maintaining chromosome
and repair. number in sexual reproduction, as well as
for providing variation in the progeny.
What is a karyotype
Chromosomes can be seen only at metaphase. They are then photographed, cut and
arranged in pairs according to size. Such an arrangement is termed karyotype (see
human karyotype in lesson 21).
Notes Some organelles like mitochondria and chloroplast have the capacity to duplicate
themselves to some extent without the help of the nucleus i.e. they are termed
The living cells divide to produce new cells.
Growth in body occurs due to increase in the number of cells.
The continuity of the chromosomal set is maintained by cell division.
The life cycle of a cell includes interphase (G1, S & G2) and M-phase (mitosis or
Mitosis occurs in somatic cells, results in the formation of the equal identical cells
Meiosis occurs in germ cells only i.e. testis and ovary. This is a reduction division
where chromosome number becomes half.
The significance of mitosis is growth.
The Significance of meiosis is in reproduction where ova and sperm both have half
the number of chromosomes i.e. 23 each in human gametes (but normal number of
chromosome of human is 46 or 23 pair) and on fertilization the chromosome number
becomes normal.
Meiosis also helps in mixing the paternal and maternal characters.
1. Justify the statement that cell wall although a dead material, influences living processes
inside the cell.
2. Differentiate between cell wall and cell membrane.
3. Draw Singer and Nicholson’s model of cell membrane.
4. Why is cell membrane vital for the cell?
5. Draw structure of mitochondria and chloroplast as seen by electron microscope.
6. List functions of mitochondria and chloroplast.
7. Name the self – duplicating cell organelles? Why are they called so?
8. Differentiate between functions of ER, ribosomes and Golgi bodies.
9. Most organelles are membrane – bound. What is the advantage of such arrangement.
10. Differentiate between the structure and function of centriole and cilia/flagella.
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
11. Why are lysosomes known as “suicidal bags”? of Life
Cell – Structure and Function MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
4.7 1. (i) It is a universal solvent and most chemical reaction of the cell occur in of Life
aqueous medium
(ii) It is a constituent of protoplasm
2. glucose
3. –NHCO–, between amino acid in a polypeptide bond and found in proteins Notes
4. ATP
5. building blocks of nucleic acids, each containing a pentose sugar, nitrogenous
base and phosphate
4.8 1. (i) Interphase - stage between two cell division;
(ii) Synthetic phase - DNA is synthesised;
(iii) Dividing phase - Mitosis in somatic cells or meiosis in the germ cells takes
2. (i) First growth phase; (ii) Synthesis phase;
(iii) Second growth phase; (iv) Mitosis/meiotic phase.
4.9 1. Interphase;
2. No;
3. (i) Prophase; (ii) Telophase; (iii) Anaphase; (iv) Metaphase
4.10 1. (i) zygotene (prophase I); (ii) Pachytene; (iii) Diplotene
2. Microspore/pollen mother cell and megaspore mother cell.
3. Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakinesis metaphase I, telophase
4. Reduction in chromosome number to half exchange of genetic material in
meiosis I.
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
You have just learnt that cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of
organisms and that bodies of organisms are made of cells of various shapes and
sizes. Groups of similar cells aggregate to collectively perform a particular function.
Such groups of cells are termed “tissues”. This lesson deals with the various kinds
of tissues of plants and animals.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
define tissues;
classify plant tissues;
name the various kinds of plant tissues;
enunciate the tunica corpus theory and histogen theory;
classify animal tissues;
describe the structure and function of various kinds of epithelial tissues;
describe the structure and function of various kinds of connective tissues;
describe the structure and function of muscular tissue;
describe the structure and function of nervous tissue.
Organs such as stem, roots in plants and stomach, heart and lungs in animals are
made up of different kinds of tissues. A tissue is a group of cells with a common
origin, structure and function. Their common origin means they are derived from
the same layer (details in lesson No. 20) of cells in the embryo. Being of a common
origin, they are similar in structure and hence perform the same function. Many
kinds of tissues organise to form an organ.
Example : Blood, bone, cartilage are some examples of animal tissues whereas
parenchyma, collenchyma, xylem and phloem are different tissues in plants. The
study of tissues is called histology.
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
A group of cells with similar origin, structure and function is called tissue.
e.g. bone, muscle in animals and meristem in tips of root and shoot in plants
The plant tissues are mainly of two types:
1. Meristematic (Gk. meristos : dividing) Notes
2. Permanent (non-dividing)
1. Meristematic tissues
– Composed of immature or undifferentiated cells without intercellular
– The cells may be rounded, oval or polygonal; always living and thin
– Each cell has abundant cytoplasm and prominent nuclei in it.
– Vacuoles may be small or absent.
Table 5.1 Types of meristematic tissue
Types Location Function
Apical Meristem Root tip and shoot tip. Growth in length of plants.
Intercalary Meristem At the base of leaves or Internodal growth.
at the base of internodes.
Lateral Meristem Cambium between xylem Growth in thickness of the
and phloem and cork. plant body. (secondary growth).
cambium in the cortex of
dicot plants.
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
5.2.1 Simple Plant Tissues of Life
There are three types of simple plant tissues (Fig. 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4)
1. Parenchyma (Chlorenchyma and Aerenchyma)
2. Collenchyma
3. Sclerenchyma Notes
Table 5.2 Structure, Function and Distribution of simple tissues
Tissue Living or Structure Function Distribution
1. Parenchyma Living (i) Oval or round, thin (a) They make large 1. Pith and
walled with parts of various cortex of
sufficient cytoplasm. organs in most stem and
plants. root.
(ii) Has prominent (b) Act as storage 2. Mesophyll of
nucleus and cells. leaves.
intercellular spaces (c) Chlorenchyma 3. Endosperm
(iii) Wall made up of carries out of seed.
cellulose photosynthesis. 4. Xylem and
(a) Chloren Living Parenchyma (d) Turgid, phloem
chyma containing parenchyma give parenchyma
chloroplasts. rigidity to the in vascular
(b) Aeren Living Parenchyma with plant body. tissue.
chyma large air spaces or
intercellular spaces.
2. Collenchyma Living (i) Elongated cells with
thick primary walls. Gives mechanical Occur in the
(Gk. collen : support to the
Thickenings more in peripheral
glue) plant body.
the corners of the regions of
cells. Specially in many stems and
dicot leaves and leaves.
(ii) Wall material is
green stems
cellulose and pectin
(iii) Intercellular sapces
3. Sclerenchyma Dead Sclerenchyma Sclerenchyma is Fibres occur
(Gk. scleros consists of thick mainly a in patches or
= hard) walled cells, walls supporting tissue, continuous
uniformly thick with which can bands in
lignin. withstand strains various parts
(a) Fibres Elongated cells with and protect the of stem in
pointed ends. inner thin walled many plants.
Walls are thick with cells from Sclereids
lignin. damage. occur
(b) Sclereids Dead Irregular in shape. commonly in
fruit and
Cell wall very thick
making the cell
cavity very small. Present in
some leaves
in large
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Histogen Theory
– According to this theory, apical meristem of stem and root are composed of
small mass of cells which are all alike and divide fast (meristematic)
– These meristematic cells form promeristem, which differentiate into three zones
dermatogen, periblem and plerome.
– Every zone consists of a group of initials called a histogen (tissue builder).
(i) Dermatogen gives rise to epidermis of stems and epiblema of roots.
(ii) Periblem (middle layer) gives rise to cortex of stems and roots.
(iii) Plerome gives rise to central meristematic region – pericycle, pith and
vascular tissue.
Classification of plant tissues-at a glance
Plant Tissue
Meristematic Permanent
Simple Complex
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life 2. Cubodial Cube like cells with a Lining of salivary For absorption.
Epithelium centrally placed nucleus, and pancreatic
Cells appear polygonal. ducts.
4. Columnar Tall column like cell, with Lining of stomach, Secretion and
epithelium nucleus at the basal end instestine absorption
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
of Life
Cartilage Bone
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
B. Supporting Connective Tissue of Life
Supporting Connective Tissue
Cartilage Bone
1. Matrix is composed of chondrin. The cells lie 1. Matrix is composed of ossein. Matrix also Notes
in the matrix singly or in groups of two or four contains salts of calcium, phosphorus and
surrounded by fluid-filled spaces. The cartilage magnesium. Matrix in mammalian long
may be elastic whose matrix has yellow fibres bones (such as thigh bone) is arranged in
as in pinna of ear. concentric rings. The osteocytes (bone
cells) lie on the lamellae (concentric rings
in the matrix.) Osteocytes give out branched
processes which join with those of the
adjoining cells. Some bones have a central
cavity which contains a tissue that produces
blood cells. The substance contained in
the bone cavity is called bone marrow.
2. The cartilage may be fibrous, whose matrix has 2. Bones are of two types : Spongy and
white fibres. Firbous cartilage is present in Compact. In spongy bone, bone cells are
between vertebrae. irregularly arranged. Such bones are found
at the ends of the of long bones.
3. The cartilage can be calcified where matrix is 3. In the compact bones, cells are arranged
deposited with calcium salts as in head of long in circles or lamellae around a central
bones. canal- the Haversian canal.
Blood : It is a complex of blood cells and plasma. Plasma forms the matrix.
Plasma is the extra cellular fluid of matrix, the ground substance. It contains large
number of proteins such as Fibrinogen, Albumin, Globulin to be transported to
various parts of the animal body for various purposes.
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Table 5.5 Types of Muscle Fibres
Striated/Voluntary/Skeletal Unstriated/ Cardiac
1. Attached to the skeleton like In the walls of body organs Walls of heart.
Notes head, limbs, face etc. like stomach, intestines.
Elongated, cylindrical, Spindle shaped, tapering. Elongated, cylindrical,
unbranched fibres branched.
Myofibrils so arranged in the No such striations seen as Striations (stripes) seen.
cytoplasm, that there are myofibrils are not uniformly
striations seen. arranged .
Thin and tough membrane Thin cell membrane, no Thin
sarcolemma of the fibre (cell). sarcolemma.
Multi nucleated, Peripheral Uninucleated, centrally One nucleus in each unit,
nuclei. placed. centrally placed.
Blood Supply
Rich Poor Rich
Intercalate Discs
Absent Absent Present
Voluntary (Contracts at will) Involuntary Involuntary
Tissues and Other Levels of Organization MODULE - 1
Diversity and Evolution
The muscle fibres have the following characteristics: of Life
(i) Excitability, (respond to stimulus)
(ii) Extensibility, (stretch)
(iii) Contractility, (contract)
(iv) Elasticity, (move back to the original position)
Fig. 5.10 Nerve cell (a) non-myelinated nerve fibre (b) myelingated nerve fibre.
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life Like any other cells of the body, it has the main cell body called cyton from which
project out a varying number of processes –one of which is usually very long. This
long fibre is called the axon.
The smaller but branching processes of the cyton are called the dendrites (GK dendros
= tree). The cell bounded by plasma membrane, possesses a nucleus and other organelles
Notes like mitochondria etc.
The cyton also contains dark granules called Nissel bodies. These are made of RNA
and Protein.
Transmission of nerve impulse – The branching dendrites receive the stimulus
and transmit through the cyton to the axon, which finally transmits it through its
variously branched end into either a muscle (to order it to contract) or to a gland
(to order it to secrete). The axon constitutes the nerve fibre. The nerve fibre may
or may not be covered by an extra sheath called medullary sheath secreted by
sheath cells. It is made of myelin a lipid like substance. Accordingly, the nerve
fibre is termed medullated and non-medullated. The medullary sheath is not
continuous and is broken at nodes of Ranvier (Fig. 5.10).
MODULE - 1 Tissues and Other Levels of Organization
Diversity and Evolution
of Life In plants there are, first of all two major categories of tissues- meristematc (dividing
and undifferentiated) and permanent (specialized) tissues.
Meristematic tissue is located at all growth points.
Permanent tissue consists of the simple tissue (parenchyma, collenchyma and
sclerenchyma) and complex tissue (xylem and phloem).
The animal tissues consist of epithelium (closely packed cells usually on
surfaces,) connective tissue which primarily support, connect or bind the body
parts to together (bones blood etc.), the contractile muscular tissue (different
muscles,) and nervous tissue consisting of nerve cells adapted for conducting
message (brain cells, etc.)
The various tissues in both plants and animals are grouped together to form
an organ. The different organs together form the organ system and the various
organs systems together constitute the organism or the individual. Thus there
are different levels of organization with increasing complexity and specialization
from cell to organism.
1. What is a tissue?
2. State one main structural characteristic and the special activity of the following
meristem, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, epithelium, muscle, nervous tissue.
3. In what way do the following tissues differ from the one stated:-
(i) Connective tissue from epithelial tissue
(ii) Bone from blood
(iii) Phloem from xylem
(iv) Squamous epithelium from columnar epithelium
(v) Tracheids from wood fibres
4. Name the different levels of organizations in animals (such as humans) giving
one example of each.
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
6 Notes
The root system is the descending (growing downwards) portion of the plant axis.
When a seed germinates, radicle is the first organ to come out. It elongates to form
primary or the tap root. It gives off lateral branches (secondary and tertiary roots)
and thus forms the root system. It branches through large and deep areas in the
soil and anchors the plant very firmly. It also plays another vital role of absorbing
water and mineral salts from the soil and transporting them upwards. How is the
root suited in structure to carry out such functions? You shall learn in this lesson.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
l define and identify root;
l distinguish between different types of root systems;
l describe and illustrate different regions of a root apex;
l describe various modifications and functions of roots;
l describe and distinguish between primary structure of dicot and monocot root;
l illustrate and explain the mode of secondary growth in a dicot root;
l describe the deep-seated (endogenous) origin of lateral roots.
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Root systems are mainly of two types:
(i) Tap root system — It is the root system that develops from the radicle and
continues as the primary root (tap root) which gives off lateral roots. They
Notes provide very strong anchorage as they are able to reach very deep into the
soil. It is the main root system of dicots e.g. gram, china rose, neem (Fig.
(ii) Fibrous root system — In this root system, the primary root is short lived.
A cluster of slender, fiber-like roots arises from the base of the radicle and
plumule which constitute the fibrous root system. They do not branch
profusely, are shallow and spread horizontally, hence cannot provide strong
anchorage. Fibrous root system is the main root system of monocots, e.g.
maize, grasses, wheat (Fig. 6.1b).
Fig.6.1 Types of root system (a) Tap root system (b) Fibrous root system
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
2. From which part of the germinating seed does the root develop? Plants and Animals
............................................................................................................................ Notes
4. Give two examples each of plants having fibrous and tap root system?
5. Mention three characters by which you can say that carrot which you eat is a
4. Region of maturation — Lies next to the region of elongation. The cells mature
and differentiate into various tissues constituting (i) Root hair or piliferous
region having unicellular hairs which absorb water and mineral salts from soil
and (ii) Permanent region which lies behind the root hair zone and is without
hairs. It produces lateral roots, anchors the plant in soil and conducts water and
minerals upwards.
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
In maize root tip, Clowes (1958) discovered a central cup like reservoir of
inactive cells lying between the root cap and the active meristematic region,
called the Quiescent Centre. These cells become active whenever the
previously active meristematic cells are damaged.
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Modifications of roots
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig.6.3 Modifications of tap root (a) Conical (carrot); (b) Fusiform (radish);
(c) Napiform (turnip); (d) Tuberous (4 o’clock plant)
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(iii) Modification for absorbing atmospheric moisture Plants and Animals
Epiphytic roots Aerial roots of epiphytes are orchids
(Fig.6.4f) greenish and covered with spongy (Vanda)
tissue (Velamen) with which they
absorb atmospheric moisture
Fig. 6.4 Adventitious root modifications (a) Tuberous root (sweet potato);
(b) Fasciculated roots (Dahlia); (c) Nodulose roots (mango ginger);
(d) Moniliform roots (grass); (e) Annulated roots (Ipecac);
(f) Assimilatory and epiphytic roots (orchid)
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig.6.6 Adventitious root modifications – (a) Prop roots in banyan; (b) Stilt roots of sugarcane;
(c) Climbing roots of betel; (d) Floating roots of Jussiaea.
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
AIM : To study the characteristics of roots, type and modification in given plants.
Material required : Carrot, radish, turnip, sweet potato, sugarcane, money plant,
uprooted grass, mustard/coriander plant.
Method : Observe the roots carefully and tabulate your answers to the following
questions –
1. Is the root green?
2. Does it have nodes and internodes?
3. Are leaves present?
4. Any buds present?
5. Is it a tap or adventitious root?
6. Name the type of modification, if present?
A. DICOT ROOT (e.g. gram)
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
A thin transverse section of dicot root (Fig. 6.7) shows the following structures — Plants and Animals
(i) Epiblema : Single, outermost layer of thin-walled cells. Some cells are
prolonged to form unicellular root hairs. It protects and absorbs water.
(ii) Cortex : Large zone, many layered, cells thin-walled parenchymatous with
intercellular spaces, stores food and water.
(vi) Pith : Sometimes the metaxylem of all xylem patches meet in the centre,
in that case pith is absent or is small and parenchymatous.
Notes (vii) Conjunctive parenchyma: Parenchyma which separates xylem and phloem.
B. MONOCOT ROOT (e.g. maize root)
A thin transverse section of monocot root (Fig. 6.8) shows the following structures
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(iii) Endodermis : Innermost layer of cortex with characteristic casparian strips Plants and Animals
and passage cells.
Stele : All the tissue inner to endodermis is called stele
(iv) Pericycle : Single layered, of thin walled cells. The lateral roots originate
from this layer.
(v) Vascular Bundle : it consists of many patches of xylem and phloem
arranged radially. The xylem is exarch and polyarch (poly-many).
(vi) Pith : Lies in the center, large, well developed, parenchymatous or
sclerenchyamatous , stores food.
(vii) Conjunctive Parenchyma : Lies in between strands of xylem and phloem.
The anatomical differences between Dicot and Monocot roots can be studied from
table 6.3
Table 6.3 Differences between Dicot and Monocot root
Characters Dicot root Monocot root
1. Number of vascular 2-6 (di-hexarch) Many (polyarch)
2. Pericycle Seat of origin of lateral Seat of origin of
roots, vascular and cork lateral roots only
3. Cambium Present Absent
4. Secondary growth Present Absent
5. Pith Very small or absent Large
Fig. 6.9 a-d Formation of lateral root (Endogenous origin)- Stages as seen in
longitudinal sections of root.
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l Later, the hump differentiates into 3 regions of the root apex i.e. dermatogen,
periblem and plerome.
l Finally the lateral root comes out.
l The number of lateral roots correspond to the number of xylem bundles.
1. Name the condition where protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem
towards centre.
2. Why is it difficult to pluck lateral roots from carrot?
3. What is the seat of origin of lateral roots and cambium?
4. Name the endodermal cells which do not possess casparian strips and help in
the movement of water?
5. Give two major differences between dicot and monocot root.
6. If the number of xylem bundles is 4 (tetrarch), how many lateral roots will be
formed in that area?
The roots grow in length with the help of apical meristem. It is called primary
growth. Apart from primary growth, roots grow in width i.e., they increase in girth.
This increase is called secondary growth. It is found only in dicot roots.
The tissues involved in secondary growth are lateral meristem i.e., vascular
cambium and cork cambium.
It is important to remember that the vascular cambium and cork cambium are
secondary in origin and arise from pericycle.
Secondary growth is as follows-
l Pericycle cells outside the protoxylem divide to form a strip of cambium (Fig
l Another strip of vascular cambium appears in the conjunctive tissue on the inner
side of phloem bundle (Fig. 6.10a, b).
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig. 6.10 T. S. Dicot Root – (a) and (c) (diagrammatic) – Early stages in
secondary growth (b) Stele enlarged (cellular)
l These two vascular cambium strips join laterally to form a ring which may
initially be wavy (Fig. 6.10c) but later becomes circular due to over production
of secondary xylem tissue inner to primary phloem (Fig. 6.11a).
l Cambium cells consist of brick shaped cells which divide and add cells on its
either side i.e. towards periphery and towards center. Those added towards the
periphery differentiate into secondary phloem and the ones formed towards the
center differentiate into secondary xylem.
Fig. 6.11 T. S. Dicot root (Diagrammatic) a-b Later stages in secondary growth.
l Secondary tissue formed outer to the protoxylem bundle differentiates into
prominent primary medullary ray thus, protoxylem does not get crushed
(Fig. 6.11a).
MODULE - 2 Root System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l Later, cork cambium (Phellogen) also differentiates in the pericycle
(Fig. 6.11b).
l The cork cambium divides and gives rise to cork (Phellem) towards outside
and secondary cortex (Phelloderm) towards inside.
l All the three i.e. Phellogen, Phellem and Phelloderm together form the
Notes Periderm of the root and has protective function.
l Finally all the primary tissue outside the developing cork (i.e. endodermis,
cortex and epiblema) are sloughed off.
6.1 1. Root
2. Radicle
3. Tap root system gives better anchorage because it is very deep seated,
branches profusely which ramify through large areas in soil.
4. Fibrous root system in maize, sugarcane and tap root system in sunflower,
5. Absence of nodes and internodes, buds and leaves.
6.2 1. Root cap
2. Root cap region, region of meristematic cells, region of elongation, region
of maturation.
3. Dermatogen differentiates into epiblema and cap, whereas plerome
differentiates into stele.
4. Root hair or piliferous region /Region of maturation.
6.3 1. Yes, they are roots since they do not have nodes and internodes, buds or
leaves; they become fleshy for storage of food.
Root System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
2. Pneumatophore , respiration Plants and Animals
3. Velamen
4. Anchorage and absorption of water and mineral salts
5. (a) – (iii); (b) – (iv); (c) – (i); (d) – (ii)
6.4 1. Exarch Notes
2. Because they arise from inner layer i.e.pericycle/ endogenous origin
3. Pericycle
4. Passage cells
5. In dicot root-2-6 vascular bundles and cambium is present but in monocot
root many vascular bundles are present while cambium is absent.
6. Four
6.5 1. Vascular cambium and cork cambium; Vascular cambium forms secondary
vascular tissue while cork cambium forms cork and secondary cortex.
2. Pericycle and conjunctive tissue.
3. Conjunctive tissue is the parenchyma tissue lying between xylem and
phloem patches that are arranged radially in roots.
4. Periderm is a tissue which is formed during secondary growth and
consists of phellem, phellogen and phelloderm; protection.
5. No, cambium is absent in primary dicot root.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Shoot system is an aerial and erect part of plant body which grows upwards. It is
usually above the soil and develops from plumule of the embryo. It consists of
stem, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. In this lesson you will study about
the structure, types, modifications and functions of stem, leaf, flower and fruit.
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
7.1 STEM Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 7.1.3 The Shoot Apex
Shoot apex is the terminal, dome shaped part of shoot and is formed of meristem
called apical shoot meristem is responsible for the development and differentiation
of primary permanent tissue and mainly causes growth in length. It is divided into
two regions - Tunica and Corpus (Fig. 7.1)
(a) (b)
Fig.7.1 a-b L.S. of shoot apex to show tunica and corpus
(i) Tunica (covering)- An outer zone of shoot apex, 1-3 layers in thickness. It gives
rise to epidermis and is responsible for surface growth.
(ii) Corpus (body)- Inner multi-layered zone of cells which divide in all directions.
They finally give rise to procambium (forms vascular tissue) and ground
meristem (forms ground tissue). These cells also form leaf primordia (a newly
developing leaf).
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
7.1.5 Types of stem Plants and Animals
The stem may be (i) aerial (erect, rigid, strong and upright as in herbs, shrubs and
trees) (ii) sub aerial (weak, unable to stay upright and trail on ground as creepers
or climb up as climbers) or (iii) underground (buried in soil and produce aerial
branches under favourable conditions only).
7.1.6 Modifications of Stem
Stems are variously modified into underground, sub aerial and aerial stems for
performing functions like manufacturing and storing food, perennation (overcoming
unfavourable climatic conditions), providing mechanical support and protection
and for propagating vegetatively
Types of stem and modifications
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 3. Bulb Reduced, flattened discoid stem Onion
(Fig.7.2ci,ii) with crowded nodes bearing
overlapping fleshy (inner) and
dry (outer) scale leaves. Terminal
bud (in centre) forms foliage
Notes (green) leaves. Adventitious
4. Tuber roots grow from discoid base. Potato
(Fig.7.2d) Swollen tips of underground
lateral branches of stem, store
food as starch, bear “eyes”. Each
eye is a node which bears bud
and scar of scale leaves.
Sub aerial modifications Of stem- Stems are weak, therefore lie prostrate on the
ground or may get partially buried in the top soil. The plants bearing such stems
are called creepers. Their stems serve the function of vegetative propagation.
Table 7.3 Modifications of Sub aerial stems
Type Characters Examples
1. Runner Long, weak, slender branch with long internodes. Grass, Oxalis
(Fig.7.3a) Runs horizontally on soil surface giving off
adventitious roots at nodes
2. Stolon Weak lateral branch which grows upwards then Mint (‘Pudina’),
(Fig. 7.3b) arches down to meet the soil, strike roots and Jasmine
produce daughter plants.
3. Offset Like runner but thicker and shorter, grow for a Water hyacinth,
(Fig.7.3c) short distance then produce cluster (rosette) of water lettuce
leaves above and adventitious roots below;
generally in aquatic plants
4. Sucker Underground runner which grows horizontally Chrysanthemum
(Fig.7.3d) for a distance under soil then emerges obliquely
upwards, strikes roots and forms daughter plants
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
(i) Arise in the axil of leaf (ii) Bear nodes and internodes (iii) may bear leaves,
buds, flowers.
1. Stem tendrils Thread like, spirally coiled, leafless structures Grape vine
(Fig.7.4a) (tendrils) which twine around neighbouring
objects and help weak plants to climb
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
1. What are plants with weak stem trailing on the ground known as?
2. Name the modification to which Runner, Stolon, Offset and Sucker belong.
3. What is a phylloclade with one or two internodes called?
4. ‘Haldi’ and onion belong to which category of stem modification respectively?
5. Match the items of column A with those of column B
(a) Tendril (i) Protection
(b) Sucker (ii) Perennation
(c) Thorns (iii) Reproduction
(d) Bulb (iv) Photosynthesis
(e) Phylloclade (v) Climbing
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
2. Conduct water and minerals from roots to leaves and manufactured food from Plants and Animals
leaves to different parts of the plant.
3. Bear flowers and fruits
B. Secondary Functions
1. Storage - Stems store food and water in plants e.g. potato Notes
2. Perennation - The underground stems help tide over the unfavourable growing
periods e.g. ginger.
3. Vegetative propagation - Stem can be a means of vegetative propagation e.g.
rose, sugar cane.
4. Photosynthesis- in certain plants like xerophytes (desert plants) where leaves
are reduced, the stem takes up the function of photosynthesis. These stems
posses chlorophyll e.g. Opuntia
5. Protection- In some plants the axillary bud modifies into thorn and protects
the plants from animals e.g. citrus, Darranta.
6. Climbing - Tendrils or hooks are modified branches or buds. They coil around
the support and help the plant to climb e.g. grape vine
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
B. Internal structure of monocot stem (e.g., maize) Plants and Animals
A transverse section of monocot stem reveals the following structure (7.6a and b)
1. Epidermis - Single layered, covered with cuticle, stem hairs absent.
2. Ground tissue- A mass of parenchymatous tissue. Only a few peripheral layers
below epidermis are sclerenchymatous called hypodermis. Notes
1. Vascular bundle- Numerous, scattered in the ground tissue each enclosed
by sclerenchymatous bundle sheath. Each bundle is
(a) cotlateral and (b) closed (no cambium strip between xylem and
phloem) with (c) endarch xylem. Xylem occurs in the form of letter ‘Y
‘and innermost protoxylem disintegrates to form a water cavity.
Fig. 7.6 T.S. Monocot stem. (a) Diagrammatic (b) A portion enlarged
(c) A vascular bundle magnified.
Differences between dicot and monocot stem and root and stem are given in Tables
7.5 and 7.6
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Table 7.5 Differences between monocot stem and dicot stem
Characters Dicot stem Monocot stem
1. Epidermal hairs Present Absent
2. Hypodermis Collenchymatous Sclerenchymatous
Notes 3. Ground tissue Differentiated into cortex, Undifferentiated
endodermis, pericycle, pith
and medullary rays
4. Vascular bundles (i) Number not very large (i) Numerous
(ii) Uniform in size (ii) smaller near periphery,
bigger in the centre
(iii) arranged in a ring (iii) scattered
(iv) open (iv) closed
(v) bundle sheath absent (v) bundle sheath present
(vi) xylem vessels arranged (vi) xylem vessels arranged
in a radial row in shape of letter “Y”
(vii) water cavity absent (vii) water cavity present
5. Secondary growth Present Mostly absent
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
4. If you want to study the internal structure of a monocot and a dicot stem, name Plants and Animals
the plants you would select for the study.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Phellogen divides and adds cells on both the inner and the outer side.
Cork cells are compactly arranged and become dead and suberized
(deposition of suberin) except in regions of lenticels (Fig. 7.8) where cells
are loosely arranged (complimentary cells) and non-suberized. It is
through the lenticels that woody branches and tree trunks can undergo
gaseous exchange.
All the dead cells lying outside the active phellogen constitute the bark.
7.1.10 Wood
Wood is the secondary xylem produced by the activity of vascular cambium in dicot
Annual Rings (A secret to know the age of tree)
In temperate regions, the climatic conditions show pronounced seasonal variations.
The activity of vascular cambium also becomes periodical as a result distinct growth
layers are formed in xylem. In spring season cambium is very active and produces
a greater number of vessels with wider cavities. The wood formed during spring
is called early wood (or spring wood). In summer, cambium is less active and
forms narrow vessels, this wood is called late wood (or summer wood). These
two kinds of woods in a transverse view appear as alternate concentric rings
together forming an annual ring (Fig 7.8). By counting the number of these rings
we can know the age of a tree. Science dealing with predicting the age of a tree
by counting the annual rings is called as Dendrochronology.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig. 7.9 T.S. old stem showing Heart wood and Sap woos.
Table 7.7 enlists the main differences between sap and heart wood.
Table 7.7 Differences between wood and heart wood
1. It is the outer wood of an old stem It is the central wood of an old stem
2. Light coloured Dark coloured due to presence of gums,
resins, oils, tannin etc.
3. Contains living cells Living cells are absent
4. Wood is lighter in weight Heavier in weight
5. Less durable because of susceptibility More durable, resistant to attack of the
to attack of pathogens pathogens
6. Commercially less valuable Commercially more valuable
Mechanical tissues in stem -The stem of a tall tree needs to i) resist against pulling
forces of wind and ii) to stand erect against gravity. Stem gets this strength from
- Sclerenchyma in hypodermis and it’s patches in the pericycle and secondary
phloem, abundant lignified vessels, tracheids and fibres in secondary xylem i.e.
wood and sclereids in pith.
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
4. Why does a tall tree stand erect even in strong wind and lashing rain? Plants and Animals
5. Define wood.
7.2 LEAF
Leaf is a flattened and expanded lateral appendage of stem or branch developing
from its node. It originates from leaf primordium formed by the shoot meristem
and bears a bud in its axil called axillary bud. It is the seat of very important
physiological processes like photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration. Besides
protecting axillary buds ,leaf can get modified into structures for storing food and
water, climbing, vegetative propagation etc.
Fig. 7.9 Leaf and its parts Fig. 7.10 Variations in leaf shape.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig. 7.11 Variations in Leaf apices Fig. 7.12 Variations in Leaf margins
1. Define venation.
............................................................................................................................ Notes
2. Differentiate between unicostate and multicostate venation.
3. What is the type of venation found in peepal and palm leaves?
4. Name the structure which arises in the axil of leaf
5. What is the prominent vein called which is present in the middle of lamina and
runs from base to apex?
1. The leaf has a single undivided The lamina is divided into many
lamina (Fig. 7.9) segments called leaflets (Fig. 7.14)
2. If divided, the incision does not touch Incisions touch the mid rib (Fig. 7.15)
the mid rib (Fig. 7.13d)
Types of Compound leaves - They are of two types as shown in table 7.8
Table 7.8 Types of compound leaf
Pinnate Palmate
1. Leaflets are attached to mid rib or rachis Leaflets radiate from the end of petiole
and are arranged laterally (Fig 7.15) like fingers of a palm (Fig. 7.14 )
2. Leaflets and mid rib may get further Depending upon the number of leaflets
divided to form compound leaves that compound leaves are bifoliate, trifoliate,
are unipinnate, bipinnate, tripinnate and quadrifoliate and multifoliate (Fig.7.14)
decompound (Fig. 7.15)
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Table 7.9 Modifications of leaves
Type Characters Examples
l. Leaf Tendril Thin wiry, closely coiled sensitive Pea, Glory lily
(Fig.7.17a) structure that helps the plant to climb
Notes 2. Spines The leaves are modified into sharp Prickly poppy
(Fig 7.17b) and pointed structures which protect (Argemone)
the plant and help in reducing Opuntia, Aloe
Fig. 7.17 Modifications of Leaf a-d (a) Leaf tendril; (b) Spines;
(c) Pitcher plant; (d) Bladderwort
Heterophylly (heteros = different)- Some plants show more than one type of
leaves in the same plant , this phenomenon is called heterophylly. It is found in
some plants which remain partly submerged in water e.g. Water chestnut, Limnophila
1. What is the type of phyllotaxy found in mango, ‘tulsi’ and guava plants?
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
2. Match the following of column A with that of column B Plants and Animals
(a) Pitcher (i) Photosynthesis
(b) Spines (ii) Climbing
(c) Phyllode (iii) Trapping insects Notes
(d) Tendril (iv) Protection
3. Give two examples of insectivorous plants.
4. Water chestnut shows two different types of leaves on the same plant, what is
such a condition known as?
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Palisade cells - occur below upper epidermis.
– Cells are radially elongated, compactly arranged.
– Possess abundant chloroplasts
Spongy cells - Occur below the palisade cells
– Cells irregular and loosely arranged - Contain fewer chloroplasts
– Store gases in the inter cellular spaces
(iii) Vascular Bundles - They are collateral and closed
– In each bundle, xylem is located on upper side (dorsal) and phloem on
lower side (ventral)
– Most vascular bundles are surrounded by colourless parenchyma called
bundle sheath or border parenchyma.
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Structure of stomata Plants and Animals
Single stoma is made up of two semi circular guard cells surrounding a pore (Fig.
7.21 ) The guard cells contain chloroplasts and regulate the opening and closing
of stomata. Stomatal pore opens into the inter cellular spaces (substomatal cavity)
of mesophyll (Fig. 7.19). The number, shape and distribution of stomata vary
(Table 7.10) Notes
Table 7 .10 Distribution of stomata.
Plants Stomatal characters Examples
1. Dicots Guard cells semicircular, Mango, neem
occur generally on lower surface
Now you can compare the internal structues of dicot and monocot leaves from Figs.
7.18-19 and Table 7.11
Table 7.11 Difference between internal structure of Dicot and
Monocot Leaf
Tissue Dicot leaf Monocot leaf
(Dorsiventral leaf) (lsobilateral leaf)
1. Epidermis
(i) Stomata Occur generally in lower Occur both in upper and
epidermis lower epidermis
(ii) Bulliform cells Absent Present
2. Mesophyll Differentiated into palisade Only spongy parenchyma
and spongy parenchyma present
3. Vascular system (i) in the form of network (i) in rows
(ii) vascular bundle in mid rib (ii) vascular bundle
region is large, rest small generally of same size
B. Special features
(i) Bulliform Cells (Fig 7.19)
These are special type of cells (motor cells) found on upper surface of
leaf (e.g. maize, bajra, jowar).
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals They help the leaf to roll and unroll due to change in turgidity.
Leaf rolls when these cells lose water due to high evaporation.
Thus, under dry conditions they help in reducing the loss of water vapour
through stomata.
Notes (ii) Hairs
Hairs are present especially on leaves of plants growing in dry conditions.
They check the rate of transpiration.
They protect the leaf from bright sunlight, high temperature and air
(iii) Hydathodes (water stomata)
These are specialised structures (Fig.7.20) present in leaves of angiosperms
(garden nasturtium) occurring in humid climate.
Through these excretion of water in liquid form (guttation) takes place.
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Flowers are a thing of beauty for us but for the plants they are vital as they are the seat
of sexual reproduction. They produce fruits and seeds.
A flower is a modified shoot because it has (i) nodes very close to one another and (ii)
floral leaves arranged in successive whorls.
7.3.1 Parts of a typical flower (Fig 7.22)
Take a flower of any colour or size growing in your area, you’ll find it’s basic plan to
be the same i.e. the flower is a borne on a stalk called pedicel. The pedicel has a swollen
tip known as thalamus or receptacle on which are borne four whorls successively in
definite order as given below :
Accessory whorls
1. Calyx (collection of sepals) - The outer most whorl of green sepals whose main
function is protection.
2. Corolla (collection of petals) - The next whorl of variously coloured petals.
They help in attracting insects for pollination.
Reproductive whorls
3. Androecium (male reproductive part) consists of collection of stamens. Each
stamen has a long slender filament with a bilobed anther at it’s tip with a
connective. Anthers produce pollen grains for pollination.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 4. Gynoecium (female reproductive part) - centrally located. It consists of a
collection of carpels or pistils. Each carpel has three parts -
Ovary - It is the swollen basal part, one to many chambered (called
locules) containing ovules which get fertilized to form seeds and the
ovary forms the fruit.
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
A. Variations in sepals and petals Plants and Animals
(i) Polysepalous and Polypetalous (poly - free)- sepals or petals are free
(ii) Gamosepalous and Gamopetalous (gamo - united)- all sepals or petals are
(iii) Perianth - Sepals and petals not distinguishable e.g. onion Notes
B. Variations in Stamens (Fig. 7.23)
The stamens show variation in their cohesion (fusion).
(i) Monadelphous - filaments fused into one bundle but anthers are free e.g.
china rose
(ii) Diadelphous – filaments fused to form two bundles e.g. pea
(iii) Polyadelphous–filaments fused to form many bundles e.g., lemon
(iv) Syngenesious – filaments are free but anthers are fused e.g. sunflower
(v) Synandrous – stamens are fused throughout the length e.g., cocks-comb.
Other variations in stamens are as follows
(vi) Epipetalous – stamens are attached to petals but anthers are free e.g.,
(vii) Didynamous – four stamens, two short and two long e.g. tulsi
(viii) Tetradynamous – six stamens, inner four are long and outer two are short
e.g., mustard
Do you know
Some plants like cashew nuts and mango have neuter, bisexual and
unisexual flowers on the same tree.
7.3.2 Placentation
It is the manner in which placentae are distributed in the ovary. Placenta is the point
of attachment of ovules (or future seed) to the ovary.
Types of placentation (Fig. 7.26)
(i) Marginal - The ovary is one chambered and ovules are arranged along the
margin of the ovary. e.g. pea, gram.
(ii) Axile - Ovary is many chambered and ovules present on the placenta develop
from the central axis of ovary e.g. China rose, tomato, bhindi,
(iii) Parietal - Ovary is one chambered and ovules are attached in its inner wall
where margin of adjoining carpels meet e.g, mustard, cucumber,
(iv) Basal – Ovary is one chambered and placenta develops at the base of ovary
and bears a single ovule e.g. sunflower.
(v) Free central – gynoecuum is syncarpous and polycarpellary but unilocular as
septae are absent. In the central part the placenta bears many ovules e.g.
Dianthus, Primula.
Fig. 7.25 Types of placentation (a) Marginal, (b) Axile, (c) Parietal,
(d) Free central, (e) Basal, (f) Superficial
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(vi) Superficial - Ovary is polycarpellary syncarpous and multilocular in which Plants and Animals
entire inner walls of chambers are lined with placental tissue so that ovules
develop all around e.g.,water lily (Nymphaea)
Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis called peduncle.
:Inflorescence could be terminal or axillary.
7.4.1 Types of inflorescence
The various types depend upon the type of branching of peduncle and arrangement
of flowers. There are two major types of inflorescence
(i) Racemose. The main axis does not end in a -flower but continues to grow.
(ii) Cymose. The main axis ends in a flower and the growth is limited.
The major differences between the two are given in table 7.14
Table 7.14 Differences between Racemose and Cymose
Racemose cymose
1. Main axis shows unlimited growth Growth is limited
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Table 7.15 Types of Racemose Inflorescence
(Fig. 7.20)
2. Spike Like raceme but the flowers are sessile Achyranthes (‘Latzira’)
5. Spadix Like spike but the axis is fleshy and enclosed Colocasia, banana
by a large showy bract (Spathe)
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 7.4.2 Special types of inflorescence
1. Hypanthodium (Fig.7.28a) - The fleshy receptacle forms a cup like cavity and
has an apical opening. The male and female flowers are borne on the inner wall
of the cavity e.g. Fig, Peepal
2. Cyathium (Fig. 7.28b) - A type of inflorescence characteristic of Euphorbia,
Notes in which a cup shaped involucre encloses a single flower surrounded by a
number of male flowers. A nectary is present at the rim of involucre,
3. Verticillaster (Fig. 7.28c)- It is a series of condensed dichasial cyme at each
node with a cluster of sessile flowers in the axil of leaves e.g. Ocimum (Tulsa),
A true fruit is a ripened ovary that develops after fertilization. Ovules develop into
seeds and the ovary wall matures into fruit wall which is now called pericarp. The
pericarp may be thick or thin. In fleshy fruits like mango, pericarp is thick and
differentiated into three regions-(a) epicarp forms the skin of the fruit
(b) mesocarp, middle pulpy and (c) endocarp inner hard and stony (coconut,
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
mango) or often thin membranes (orange). In dry fruits pericarp, is thin, dry, papery Plants and Animals
or thick and woody and but not divided into three regions.
Sometimes along with ovary other floral parts like thalamus, receptacle or calyx
may develop as part of fruit, such fruits are-called false fruits. e.g. apple, pear
(thalamus), fig (receptacle).
Parthenocarpic fruit -It is a fruit that develops without fertilization. It is seedless
or has non-viable seeds e.g, banana, grapes. Horticulturists are producing such fruits
7.5.1 Kinds of fruits - There are three basic types
1. Simple fruit - Develops from single mono-to polycarpellary, syncarpous (fused)
ovary e.g, pea, tomato.
2. Aggregate fruit - Collection (etaerio) of simple fruits or fruitlets on same
thalamus developing from polycarpellary, apocarpous (free carpels) ovary e.g.
3. Composite or multiple fruit - Fruit develops from a number of flowers
juxtaposed together or from inflorescence e.g. mulberry, pineapple.
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Table 7.18 Common Fruits nnd their edible parts.
Name Type Edible Part
1. Banana Berry – simple, fleshy Mesocarp and Endocarp
2. Apple Pome – simple, fleshy Fleshy thalamus
Notes 3. Coconut Fibrous Drupe – simple, fleshy Endosperm
4. Custard Apple Etaerio of Berries – aggregate Pericarp
5. Date Palm Berry – simple, fleshy Pericarp
6. Cashew Nut Nut – simple, dry indehiscent Peduncle and Cotyledons
7. Mango Drupe – simple, fleshy Mesocarp
B. Orange Hesperidium – simple, fleshy Juicy hairs from endocarp,
9. Tomato Berry – simple, fleshy Pericarp and Placentae
10. Pear Pome – simple, fleshy Fleshy thalamus
11. Pineapple Sorosis – composite Outer portion of receptacle,
bracts and perianth
12. Fig Syconous – composite Fleshy receptacle
13. Litchi Nut – simple Juicy Aril
14. Wheat Caryopsis – simple dry indehiscent Starchy Endosperm
15. Strawberry Etaerio of achenes- aggregate Succulent thalamus
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Stomata help in gaseous exchange and allow loss of water vapour during transpiration.
Special structures like bulliform cells, hydathodes and hairs occur in leaves of some
Flower is a modified shoot.
Notes A typical flower has accessory whorls i.e., calyx and corolla and reproductive whorls
i.e., androecium (male) and gynoecium (female).
Flowers may be bisexual, unisexual or neuter; actinomorphic or zygomorphic;
hypogynous, perigynous or epigynous.
Variations occur in floral parts.
Placentation is the manner in which placentae are distributed in the ovary. It
is of many types.
Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis.
It has two major types - racemose and cymose.
Hypanthodium, verticillaster and cyathium are special types of inflorescence.
Fruit is a ripened ovary that develops after fertilization
Ovules develop into seeds and the ovary wall matures into fruit wall called the
pericarp which may be thin or differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and
Fruits may be true or false and categorized into simple, aggregate or composite
Simple fruits may be dry (dehiscent or indehiscent) or fleshy.
A fruit that develops without fertilization is called parthenocarpic fruit.
1. Differentiate between
(i) Dicot stem and monocot stem
(ii) Root and stem
(iii) Racemose and cymose inflorescence
(iv) Stomata and hydathode
(v) True fruit and false fruit
(vi) Dicot and monocot leaf
2. Explain the different types of underground modified stem?
3. Explain the process of secondary growth in dicot stem.
4. Draw and label the vertical section of dicot leaf.
5. Define the following
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(a) Flower (b) Actinomorphic (c) Heterophylly Plants and Animals
(d) Phyllotaxy (e) Hypogynous (f) Parthenocarpic fruit
(g) Venation.
6. What is cork cambium? State its functions.
7 Draw labelled diagrams of the following Notes
(a) Raceme and corymb inflorescence
(b) Axile and parietal placentation
8. What is a fruit? Enlist the various types of simple- fleshy fruits giving one example
of each type.
9. What are the edible parts of the following fruits
(a) Mango (b) Orange (c) Apple
(d) Banana (e) Coconut (f) Cashew nut
10. Match the following of column A with that of column B
(a) Tendril (i) Protection
(b) Stolon (ii) Food, storage
(c) Thorn (iii) Reproduction
(d) Tuber (iv) Photosynthesis
(e) Capitulum (v) Climbing
(f) Phylloclade (vi) Sunflower
11. Name the type of modification of an underground, non-green structure bearing nodes
and internodes and ‘eyes’.
12. If a section of stem shows scattered vascular bundles which are closed, have ‘Y’
shaped xylem and are surrounded by bundle sheath; what group of plant is it?
13. What is the region ouside the phellogen known as?
14. When the cambium is less active which type of wood does it produce?
MODULE - 2 Shoot System
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 2. Stem cuttings
3. (a) - (iii) (b) - (v) (c) - (iv) (d) - (ii) (e) - (i)
7.5 1. Conjoint is when xylem and phloem are together in one bundle, collateral is when xylem
and phloem are on the same radius
2. Medullary ray (3) Root
Notes 4. Maize stem for monocot and sunflower for dicot stem
7.6 1. Cork cambium (phellogen) and vascular cambium
2. Medullary ray parenchyma
3. Call the tissues outside the functional cork cambium is called bark
4. For gaseous exchange in branches
5. Phellem, Phellogen, Phelloderm, Protection
7.7 1. Late or summer wood
2. By counting the annual rings
3. Durable, resistant to attack of pathogen
4. Presence of abundant mechanical tissue like sclerenchyma and secondary xylem
5. Wood is secondary xylem produced by the activity of vascular cambium in dicot stem
7.8 1. Venation is the arrangement of veins and veinlets in lamina of leaf
2. Unicostate has one strong midrib while multicostate has many strong veins
3. Reticulate, parallel 4. Axillary bud 5. Midrib
7.9 1. Rachis
2. Presence of axillary bud in leaf but not in leaflet
3. Pinnately and palmately compound leaf
7.10 1. Alternate, opposite-decussate; opposite-superposed;
2. (a) - (iii) (b) - (iv) (c) - (i) (d) - (ii)
3. Pitcher plant; bladderwort 4. Heterophylly
7.11 1. Mesophyll differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue in dicot leaf but only of spongy
tissue in monocot leaf; photosynthesis
2. In both surfaces of leaf 3. Hydathodes
4. (a) - (iii) (b) - (vi) (c) - (iv) (d) - (ii) (e) - (i) (f) - (v)
7.12 1. Calyx, Corolla
2. (a) - (v) (b) - (iv) (c) - (ii) (d) - (i) (e) - (iii)
3. Placentation is the manner in which placentae are distributed in the ovary
4. Axile
7.13 1. When the main axis ends in a flower and the growth is limited
2. Flowers are stalked in raceme but sessile in spike
3. Arrangement of flowers on floral axis
4. Capitulum, Hypanthodium
7.14 1. Fruit is a ripened ovary that develops after fertilization
2. Apple, pear 3. Pericarp 4. Epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp
5. (a) - (v) (b) - (iv) (c) - (ii) (d) - (iii) (e) - (i)
You would enjoy doing the following activities :
Shoot System MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Activity 7.1
Activity 7.2
Flower A Flower B
1. Inflorescence
racemose cymose
2. Flower
(i) Compbete/incomplete
(ii) Bisexual/Unisexular
(iii) Gamopetalous/
(iv) Androecium
free/fused in bundle
(v) Gynoecium
(a) Apocarpous/syncarpous
(b) Placentation, - type
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define the terms permeability, diffusion, osmosis and plasmolysis;
l define and differentiate between the active and passive absorption;
l explain imbibition, water potential, turgor pressure and wall pressure, wilting;
l describe the pathways of water from root hair up to leaf;
l describe the mechanism of translocation of solutes in plants;
l explain the process and significance of transpiration;
l list the factors affecting the rate of transpiration;
l explain the opening and closing mechanism of stomata (potassium ions theory)
and list the factors affecting stomatal movement;
l explain the process of guttation and list the factors affecting rate of guttation.
8.1.3 Osmosis
Osmosis can be regarded as a special kind of diffusion of water molecules from
a region of their high concentration to their region of low concentration through
a semipermeable membrane (Fig. 8.2). In osmosis, the water molecules move, and
the presence of a semipermeable membrane is essential.
Experiment to demonstrate Osmosis
Experiment : To demonstrate the phenomenon of osmosis through plant membrane
with the help of potato osmoscope (Fig. 8.3)
Requirements. A large potato tuber, 10% sugar solution, beaker, water scalpel, pin.
Method. Take a large potato tuber and peel off its outer skin with the help of scalpel.
Cut its one end to make the base flat. Now make a deep hollow cavity on the
opposite side. Pour some sugar solution to fill half of the cavity and mark the level
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals by inserting a pin in the wall of the tuber. Put the potato in the beaker containing
a small amount of water and allow the apparatus to stand for some time. Make
sure that the level of water is below the level of potato. (Fig. 8.3)
Observation and Conclusion. The level of sugar solution in the cavity rises. It
is because of the movement of water molecules into the cavity from pure water
in the beaker. This experiment shows the phenomenon of osmosis.
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Difference between Diffusion and Osmosis Plants and Animals
Diffusion Osmosis
1. Diffusion is a movement of a given 1. Osmosis is a special type of
substance from the place of its higher diffusion of solvent molecules
concentration to an area of its lesser such as water from lower Notes
concentration. Presence of concentration to higher
semipermeable membrane is not concentration of solution when
required. the two are separated by a
semi permeable membrane.
2. The diffusion may occur in any medium. 2. It occurs in liquid medium
The moving particles may be solid, liquid and only the solvent molecules
or gas. such as water move from one
place to another.
If you place a cell in a solution, it may shrink, swell or remain unchanged on the
basis of relative concentration of water and solutes with respect to their concentration
in the cell :
l Isotonic. The solution has the same concentration of water and solutes as
inside a cell. Cell remains stable in isotonic solution or there is
no entry or exit of water from the cell.
l Hypotonic. The solution outside has lower solute concentration than inside
the cell. The cell swells as water enters the cell.
l Hypertonic. The solution outside has higher solute concentration than inside
the cell. Water from cell moves out so the protoplasm of the cell
shrinks and collects in the centre of the cell.
Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic Potential
When pure water is separated from a solution by a semipermeable membrane, pure
water tends to enter the solution by osmosis. Now the pressure required to prevent
the osmotic entry of water in a solution is called osmotic pressure.
Before cooking chick pea or gram, it is soaked in water overnight. Next morning
the dry chick pea looks well swollen as it has imbibed water.
Imbibition in plant cells refers to the absorption and adsorption of water by
protoplasmic and cell wall constituents. Water is absorbed as a result of both
diffusion and capillary action. Imbibition is a process that account only when solid
plant material (dry wood, dead or living air dried seeds) comes in contact with water.
In case of living dry seeds water is initially adsorbed by imbibition and thereafter
water is absorbed by osmosis.
Imbibition produces a large pressure, so much so that dry wood can even break
a piece of rock in the presence of water. Because of imbibition, the wooden doors,
during rainy season, swell up and it becomes difficult to close the door.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Importance of Imbibition
l Imbibition is the initial step in the germination of seeds.
l It causes swelling of seeds and breaking of seed coat.
8.1.4 Plasmolysis
Notes When a cell is placed in a solution, it will either shrink, swell or will remain
unchanged depending upon the concentration of the bathing solution or the solution
in which the cell is placed.
(i) When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution i.e. when the concentration of
the outer solution is higher than the cell sap, water from the cell move out
resulting in shrinkage of the protoplasm in the centre of the cell and
disappearsance of the vacuole. This phenomenon is known as plasmolysis. The
space between the cell wall and the protoplast is occupied by the bathing
solution as of the cell wall is permeable.
(ii) When such a plasmolysed cell is placed in a hypotonic or dilute solution or
pure water, water move into the cell causing the protoplasm to stretch and get
back to its original shape. This phenomenon is known as deplasmolysis. The
cell becomes fully turgid.
(iii) When a cell is placed in an isotonic solution or a solution with similar
concentration as the cell sap, there is no change in the shape of the protoplasm
or the cell.
Plasmolysis is a physical phenomenon. A cell can become plasmolysed and
deplasmolysed depending upon the outer solution in which the cell is placed.
No chemical change is caused to the cell. Plasmolysis is a kind of defense
mechanism against adverse (stress) conditions such as hypertonic soil solution.
1. Define diffusion.
2. Give one point of difference between osmosis and diffusion.
3. Name the process because of which crystals of KMnO4 added to water makes
it purple.
4. If blood cells are placed in salt water what will happen to them ? Based on
your answer state if salt solution is isotonic, hypotonic or hypertonic?
5. When does plasmolysis occur in plant cells?
6. Name the phenomenon which makes it difficult to close a wooden door after
Fig. 8.5 A turgid cell showing osmotic pressure, turgor pressure and wall pressure.
Availability of water in the soil
The plants absorb water through the root hairs from the soil. The soil contains water
in three forms (Fig. 8.6)
Fig. 8.7b Absorption of water from root hair to cortex through xylem
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Conduction of water through the xylem Plants and Animals
The content of xylem vessels is known as xylem sap. Various theories have been
postulated to describe the lifting of the xylem sap or ascent of sap in the xylem.
Root Pressure Theory
If a stem is cut few inches above from its base with a sharp knife, xylem sap is Notes
seen flowing out through the cut end. This phenomenon is known as exudution
and this is due to the positive pressure developed within the root system due to
continuous absorption of water by osmosis which develops a positive pressure
known as root pressure. This pressure can be measured and ranges from 3 to 5
atmospheres. But this pressure is enough to raise water to small heights in
herbaceous plants.
Physical Force Theory or Cohesion Theory
This theory takes into account the physical forces which act in case of very tall
trees and water lifted up to great heights. The three forces that act together are force
of cohesion (attraction between water molecules), force of adhesion (attraction
between water and lignocellulose walls of xylem) and transpiration pull which lifts
the water column by creating a tension inside the xylem vessel. Water forms an
unbroken column starting from the intercellular space of the leaf mesophyll to the
xylem of the leaf, through stem and root to the water in the soil. A water potential
gradient exists between the leaf to the root and transpiration causes a pull of the
entire water column. So long as the column is an unbroken one from the outer
atmosphere, through the plant upto the soil, water is lifted up by the force of
transpiration pull.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Movement of organic and inorganic solutes from one part of the plant to another
is known as translocation.
In simple terms, transport of sugar in sieve tubes is called translocation.
Notes There are experimental evidences to suggest that phloem is the tissue involved in
translocation of products of photosynthesis i.e. sugars.
Sugar is produced in photosynthesis in the leaves and then sent to all part of the
plants for the growth and development of the plant. Leaf is known as the “source”,
where the food is produced and all other parts of the plant which receive this food
is known as the “sink”. Sink can be root, stem, fruits and storage organs like tuber,
bulbs, rhizomes etc. Thus unlike conduction of water in xylem which takes place
in one direction from the root to upwards in the aerial parts of the plant, phloem
translocation from a leaf takes place in all directions.
Mechanism of translocation
Sugar solution in the phloem sieve tube move along the water potential gradient
created between the source (leaf) and sink (storage) cells
Here there is a mass movement of sugar solution from the leaf mesophyll to all
parts of the plant.
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
8.6.1 What is transpiration
The loss of water from aerial parts of the plant in the form of water vapour is termed
transpiration and in the form of liquid is termed guttation.
Transpiration may occur through three main sites in the plant : 1. cuticle
2. lenticels 3. stomata.
(i) Cuticle : Cuticle is the wax like covering of the epidermis of leaves and
herbaceous stems. Though it is meant to check transpiration, still about 10%
of the total transpiration may take place through cuticle and known as cuticular
(ii) Lenticels : Lenticels are areas in the bark of a tree which are made up of loosely
arranged cells and about 0.1 percent of water loss take place through it. It is
known as lenticular transpiration.
(iii) Stomata : Stomata are minute pores on the epidermis of leaves, whose opening
and closing are controlled by guard cells. About 90 percent of water loss from
plants take place through stomata known as stomatal transpiration.
8.6.2 Mechanism of transpiration
Transpiration occurs in two stages :
(i) Evaporation of water from the mesophyll cells into the intercellular spaces.
(ii) Diffusion of this water vapour of the inter cellular spaces into the outside
atmosphere, when the outside atmosphere is drier.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals (ii) Wind velocity : The increase in wind velocity increases the rate of transpiration
by removing the water vapour of the atmosphere and lowering the relative
(iii) Light : Light has got no direct effect in the rate of transpiration but indirectly
it affects the rate in two ways, firstly by controlling the stomatal opening and
Notes secondly by affecting the temperature. With increase in intensity of light rate
of transpiration increases because stomata get opened and the temperature
(iv) Water supply : Deficiency of water supply in the soil decreases the rate of
transpiration by decreasing the rate of absorption. When the deficiency of water
in the soil becomes too much then the plants with and do not recover from
wilting unless water is supplied in the soils. This is known as permanent
wilting. When in a hot and dry summer day the plant transpires more than
the roots are able to absorb, even though there is enough water in the soil,
it is known as temporary wilting as the plant recovers from such wilting in
the late afternoon or at night.
(v) Atmospheric pressure : Reduction of atmospheric pressure reduces the density
of external atmosphere thus permitting more rapid diffusion of water. Plants
growing on high will show higher rate of transpiration hence they develop
xerophytic characters.
(vi) Atmospheric humidity : Humidity means the amount of water vapour present
in the atmosphere. The diffusion and evaporation of water depends on the
vapour pressure gradient or the difference of water potential gradient between
the atmosphere and the inside of the leaf. More the difference more will be
the rate of transpiration.
Internal plant factors
Certain plant adaptations reduce transpiration
– Reduced size of the leaves, thereby reducing transpiring surface. Some
xerophytic plants have needle like or spine like leaves (Pinus and Opnuntia)
– thick deposition of cutin (wax like substance) on the leaf surface.
– stomata found sunken in the cavities surrounded by hairs as in Nerium and
– root shoot ratio, when there is more root and less of shoot system or leaves,
there will more of transpiration. Root is the water absorbing surface and shoot
or leaves is the transpiring surface; high root shoot ratio will cause more
8.6.4 Role of Stomata in Transpiration
Since most of the water is lost through stomata, plants regulate the degree of
stomatal opening and closing to reduce the water loss.
It has been seen that stomata show periodic opening and closing during the day
(diurnal variation) depending upon the heat and light, water content of the cell and
humidity. They are generally closed during the night.
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
From early morning till midday, the stomata are open and hence the transpiration Plants and Animals
increases till midday.
During sunny afternoon, the stomata are closed and hence the transpiration
From late afternoon till evening, the stomata are open again and hence the
transpiration increases. At night, the stomata are closed and hence the transpiration Notes
is very low.
8.6.5 Stomata
Structure of Stomata
Each stomata consists of a minute pore called stoma surrounded by two guard cells.
The stoma acts as a turgor-operated valve, which closes and opens according to
the turgidity of guard cells. The guard cells have unevenly thickened walls. The
cell wall around stoma is tough and flexible and the one away from stoma is
thinner. The shape of guard cells differs in dicots and monocots, though the
mechanism remains the same.
Mechanism of Stomatal action
The opening and closing of stomata depends upon the turgor pressure in the guard
cells. When the guard cells are turgid, the stoma opens and when guard cells
lose water, stoma closes. The mechanism of dicots and monocots is as give below:
(a) The dicotyledonous plants have kidney shaped guard cells. The inner walls
around the stoma are thicker than the outer walls.
A. When guard cells → Guard cells expand → Tough inner walls → Stomata open
get distended by become convex
turgor pressure
B When the turgor → Guard cells sag → Inner cell walls come → Stomata close
pressure in guard closer.
cells decreases
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Changes in turgidity bringing about opening and closing of stomata has been known
for a long time but the mechanism that leads to turgidity needs to be explained.
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
This theory can not explain stomatal movement where starch is absent in the guard Plants and Animals
cells or guard cells lack chloroplasts and opening of stomata at night and closing
by the day in some plants like succulents (e.g. cacti).
(ii) Effect of potassium ions (K+) on stomata
It has been convincingly proved that the accumulation of K+ ions brings the opening
of stomata and loss of K+ ions, the closing of stomata.
During Day Light During Night/Dark
Accumulation of K+ ions by the Loss of K+ ions by the guard cells
guard cells
↓ ↓
Increased solute concentration Decreased solute concentration
↓ ↓
Endosmosis of water Exosmosis of water
↓ ↓
Increased turgidity Decreased turgidity
↓ ↓
Stomata open Stomata close
The uptake of K+ ions is balanced by one of the following.
(a) Uptake of chloride (Cl–) ions as anions. These cells lack chloroplast and take
up Cl– ions as anions to balance the influx of K+ ions.
(b) Transport of H+ ions released from organic acids. In some plants the guard
cells contain starch, There is accumulation of organic acid like malate by
conversion of starch into malic acid in light. The organic acid dissociate into
malate and H+. Potassium reacts with malate to form potassium malate which
increases the solute concentration.
(c) Entry of K+ is balanced by exit of protons (H+).
(iii) Role of Abscisic Acid (ABA)
It has been observed that during water shortage in the soil or by intense solar
radiation, a plant hormone abscisic acid accumulates in the leaves leading to closing
of stomata, thus preventing an excessive water loss. Under experimental conditions
also, when abscisic acid is applied to the leaves, guard cells close and check water
8.6.6 Significance of transpiration
(i) Absorption of water. Transpiration influences the rate of absorption of water
from the soil.
(ii) Water movement. By transpiration, water moves upwards and as it passes into
the cell vacuoles, it makes the cells turgid. This gives a form and shape to the
cells and to the plants as a whole.
(iii) Mineral salt transport. The water stream moving upwards also carries the
dissolved minerals required for the development of the plant. Transpiration
also helps in distributing these minerals through out the plant.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals (iv) Cooling. The evaporation of water during transpiration cools the leaves.
(v) Protection from heat injury. Some plants like Cacti retain water by reducing
transpiration. This saves the plants from high temperatures and strong sunlight.
Transpiration is a necessary evil
Notes Stomata remain open during day time for the absorption of carbon dioxide and
release of oxygen for a very important process photosynthesis. When the stomata
remain open for this important gaseous exchange, escape of water vapour cannot
be controlled. Thus loss of water is a wasteful process which cannot be avoided
because stomata must remain open to do some thing more important that is
absorption of carbondioxide during day time for photosynthesis. It is for this reason
Curtis in 1926 has referred transpiration as a necessary evil.
Factor affecting stomatal movement : Any condition which causes turgidity of
the guard cell will cause stomatal movement.
1. Solute concentration of the guard cells, which will allow movement of water
into the guard cells making then turgid.
2. Light causes photosynthesis in guard cell by the chloroplasts and hence
accumulation of sugar in the guard cells.
3. Concentration of potassium ions of the guard cells.
8.6.7 Anti-transpirants
Many crop plants give poor yield in dry seasons, as the water lost by transpiration
is much more than the water uptake by the roots. The rate of transpiration can be
reduced by the application of certain chemicals known as anti transpirants. These
chemicals should not affect the CO2 uptake. The reduction in transpiration is
achieved by two means.
(i) Chemicals like phenyl mercuric acetate – PMA and abscisic acid –ABA cause
partial closure of stomata checking transpiration to some extent.
(ii) Some waxy substances like silicon emulsions form a thin film over the leaf
and cover the stomata without affecting the uptake of CO2.
Guttation. It is seen in early morning in the form of drops at the margins or tips
of leaves of herbaceous plants (Fig.8.12a). The plants in which transpiration is low
and the root pressure is high, the liquid water is seen at the vein ending.
– It occurs through specialized pores called hydathodes present near the vein
endings (Fig. 8.12b).
– It is quite common in young grass seedlings and in the tropical rain forests due
to warm and humid nights. Tomato and Nasturtium are some common
Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fig. 8.12 (a) Nasturtium leaf showing guttation at the margin of leaf
(b) A vertical section of a leaf showing hydathode.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
1. Name two types of passive absorption in plants.
2. In what ways diffusion is important to a plant ?
3. Name various factors that affect osmosis in plants.
4. Differentiate between turgor pressure and wall pressure.
5. Discuss the mechanism of stomatal action in dicot plants.
6. Explain any four factors that affect transpiration in plants.
7. Describe an experiment to demonstrate osmosis by potato osmometer.
8. Discuss the cohesion tension theory for uptake of water in plants.
9. Describe the mechanism of translocation of solutes. Name the most appropriate
theory for the translocation of solutes in plants. Who proposed this theory ?
10. Differentiate between symplast and apoplast pathway of water movement in
11. Define transpiration.
12. Name the holes in the bark through which transpiration in the bark of old trees
takes place ?
13. Why is transpiration considered to be a necessary evil ?
14. Give one way by which desert plants prevent transpiration.
15. State one point of difference between transpiration and guttation.
MODULE - 2 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 8.2 1. Root
2. Cytoplasmic connections between plant cells
3. Though the phloem
4. Movement of water and minerals from roots to leaves, that is from the
Notes ground to tip of plant.
5. Gravitational, Hygroscopic and capillary
8.3 1. Turgor pressure
2. Dicot : Kidney shaped
Monocots : Dumb bell shaped
3. Stomata – are pores on the leaf surface through which water evaporates
as vapour
Hydathodes – special pores in leaf margins through which water is lost
as water droplets.
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
9 Notes
Sometimes you may observe that a potted plant kept in sunlight and provided with
sufficient water does not grow. Its leaves look pale and weak. Plant may not even
flower properly. Such a situation is an indication, that the plant may not be getting
all that is required for normal growth and development.
In most of such situations one or more minerals required may be lacking in the
soil you might have seen farmers adding some extra manure (khad) to the soil. In
this lesson you will learn the importance of mineral nutrition in plants.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define the terms mineral nutrition, macro and micro nutritients;
l explain the functions of minerals with reference to the techniques of hydroponics
and aeroponics;
l list the role of macro and micro nutrients;
l mention the deficiency symptoms of macro and micro nutrients;
l differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in plant;
l describe the saprophytic and parasitic modes of nutrition in plant.
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are the main elements in carbohydrates, fats and
proteins. In addition to these three elements, plants need a variety of elements for
their survival. These are generally referred to as mineral elements. They are
absorbed by the root system of plants in the form of their salts.
The study of how plants get mineral elements and utilize them for their growth
and development is called mineral nutrition.
If the minerals are not available to plants, specific symptoms appear due to the
deficiency of a particular element. There are methods to determine the requirement
of minerals by plants. Some such method are given below.
It was demonstrated for the first time by a German Botanist Julius Von
Sachs in the year 1980.
In water culture experiments, seedlings are made to grow in water containing the
known nutrients in a particular proportion. Vigorous bubbling of the air is routinely
done to provide sufficient oxygen to the root system. The culture solutions may
contain all essential nutrients except the one whose importance is to be identified.
Then the plant growing in it is compared to the one growing with all essential
nutrient (control experiment).
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
Forms and Function of
You know that 112 elements have been discovered until now. So you might be
wondering whether plants require all 112 elements for mineral nutrition of them.
Most of the mineral elements present in soil are absorbed by roots of the plant.
Notes But all are not essential. Only 17 elements are considered as essential for the plants.
Let us now discuss the criteria for definition of the essentiality of an element.
(ii) The requirement of the element is very specific and it cannot be replaced by
another element.
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Table 9.1 Sources of Essential Elements Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Table 9.2 Essential Elements and their Functions
Element Form in which Region of the plant Function
the element is that requires the
taken in element
Nitrogen, N NO2–, NO3– All tissues, particularly Required for the synthesis
Notes or NH4+ ions in meristematic tissues of amino acids, proteins
nucleic acids, vitamins,
hormones, coenzymes,
ATP and chlorophyll.
Phosphorus, P H2PO4– or Young tissues from Required for the synthesis
HPO42– the older metabolically of nucleic acids phospho-
less active cells lipids, ATP, NAD and
NADP. Constituent of cell
membrane and some proteins.
Potassium, K K+ Meristematic tissues Activates enzymes,
buds, leaves and root associated with K+/Na+
tips. pump in active transport,
anion-cation balance in the
cells. Brings about opening
and closing of stomata.
Common in cell sap in plant
cell vacuole and helps in
turgidity of cells.
Calcium, Ca Ca2+ Meristematic and Present as calcium pectate
differentiating tissues in the middle lamella of
Accumulates in older cell walls that joins the
leaves adjacent cells together.
Activates enzymes needed
for the growth of root and
shoot tip. Needed for
normal cell wall
development. Required for
cell division, cell
Magnesium, Mg2+ Leaves of the plant Forms part of the
Mg chlorophyll molecule.
Activates enzymes of
phosphate metabolism.
Important for synthesis of
DNA and RNA. Essential for
binding of ribosome subunits.
Sulphur, S SO42– Stem and root tips As a constituent of amino
young leaves of the acids cysteine and
plant methionine and of some
proteins. Present in
co-enzyme A, vitamin
thiamine, biotin and
ferredoxin. Increases root
development. Increases the
nodule formation in
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Iron, Fe Fe3+ Leaves and seeds Needed for the synthesis of Plants and Animals
chlorophyll. As a constituent
of ferredoxin and
cytochromes. Activates the
enzymes catalase.
Manganese Mn2+ All tissues. Collects Activates many enzymes of
Mn along the leaf veins. photosynthesis, respiration Notes
and N2 metabolism. Acts
as electron donor for
chlorophyll b. Involved in
decarboxylation reactions
during respiration.
Molybdenum MoO22+ All tissues particularly Required for nitrogen
Mo in roots fixation. Activates the
enzyme nitrate reductase.
Boron, B BO33– or Leaves and seeds Increases the uptake of
B4O72– water and calcium. Essential
for meristem activity and
growth of pollen tube.
Involved in translocation of
Copper, Cu Cu2+ All tissues Component of oxidase
enzymes and plastocyanin.
Involved in electron
transport in photosynthesis.
Zinc, Zn Zn2+ All tissues Component of indoleacetic
acid – a plant hormone.
Activates dehydrogenases
and carboxylases. Present
in enzyme carbonic
Chlorine, Cl Cl– All tissues Essential for oxygen
evolution in photosynthesis.
Anion-cation balance in
MODULE - 2 Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
Forms and Function of
The absence or deficiency (not present in the required amount) of any of the
essential elements lead to deficiency symptoms. The symptoms can be studied by
hydroponics. Under natural conditions, these symptom can be taken as indicators
of the mineral deficiencies in the soil.
Some common deficiency symptoms are :
l Chlorosis - It is the loss of chlorophyll leading to yellowing in leaves. It is
caused by the deficiency of elements like K, Mg, N, S, Fe, Mn, Zn and Mo.
l Necrosis are death of tissues, particularly leaf tissue is caused by deficiency
of K, Ca, Mg
l Inhibition of cell division is caused due to lack or deficiency of N, K, S and
l Stunted/Retarded plant growth caused by the deficiency of N, P, K,
Zn, Ca
l Premature fall of leaves and buds deficiency of K, P.
l Delay in flowering due to deficiency of N, S, Mo.
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
9.8 MODE OF NUTRITION IN PLANTS Plants and Animals
Nutrition is plants is classified into two main categories : autotrophic and heterotrophic.
Heterotrophic plants are further classified into saprophytes, parasite and insectivores.
Nutrition in Plants
1. Autotrophic Nutrition
It is a type of nutrition in which the living organisms manufacture their own organic
food from simple inorganic raw materials. The green plants exhibit autotrophic
mode of nutrition. and hence called the autotrophs. The autotrophs require external
energy source for the manufacture of organic substances. Green plants obtain energy
from sunlight and therefore are called photoautotrophs. The process of synthesizing
food in plant is called photosynthesis.
2. Heterotrophic nutrition
Certain non green organisms like fungi and many bacteria fail to synthesize their
own organic nutrients from inorganic substances. These organisms are thus
dependent on some other external sources for their organic nutrition. Such plants
are called heterotrophic plants and the mode of nutrition is called heterotrophic
The heterotrophic plants are broadly categorised into three main groups depending
upon the source from which they get their nourishment. Saprophytes, parasites and
insectivorous plants.
(a) Saprophytes are those plants which grow and live on dead decaying organic
matter including animal and plant remains. Most of these plants secrete some
extracellular enzymes (enzymes secreted and poured out on food) which break
down the complex organic compound into simple forms. The simple form are
then absorbed by the plants. Saprophytes include mainly fungi and bacteria.
Also among higher plants the Indian pipe plant Monotropa found in khasi hills
of our country (Fig. 9.2) is a saprophyte.
MODULE - 2 Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
l Plants generally derive their inorganic nutrients from soil, water and atmosphere.
l The absorption, distribution and metabolism of various mineral elements by
plants is called mineral nutrition.
l Absence of any one element may cause deficiency symptoms in plants. These
symptoms include reduction in growth, delaying of flowering, chlorosis,
necrosis, early leaf fall, wilting etc.
MODULE - 2 Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l The minerals are taken by the roots through passive or active absorption.
l Heterotrophic plants are broadly categorised into three main groups; saprophytes,
parasites and insectivorous plants.
1. Which element can be obtained from both mineral and non-mineral sources.
2. Deficiency of which essential element causes yellowing of leaves in certain
plants and why?
3. Why is magnesium included among essential elements?
4. What are the criteria of essentiality of elements?
5. Differentiate between micro and macro nutrients.
6. Why do biologist grow plants by hydroponics technique?
7. Explain the uptake of mineral nutrients by the plants.
8. Give the deficiency symptoms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
9. Differentiate between the different modes of heterotrophic nutrition in plants.
10. Write notes on :
(i) Aeroponics
(ii) Insectivorous plants
(iii) Active absorption of minerals by plants
2. Required by plant in very small quantity. 0.1 mg per gram of dry matter
or less.
3. They are required in large quantities 1-10 mg per gram of dry matter.
9.3 1 Membrane permeability, turgidity of cell, transport of electrons, enzyme
activity (any two)
2. Nitrogen
2. N, K, S, Mo (any two)
9.5 1. Autotrophs synthesize their own food, heterotrophs depend on others for
2. Cuscuta (dodder)
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All the living organisms are basically composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen and many other forms of chemical elements. These elements contribute
to finally organize various biomolecules present in a cell. Nitrogen is next to carbon
in importance in living organisms. In a living cell, nitrogen is an important
constituent of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, alkaloids and some growth
hormones. Therefore, study of nitrogen metabolism is absolutely essential because
the entire life process is dependent on these nitrogen-containing molecules. In this
lesson, you will learn about various aspects of nitrogen metabolism including
nitrogen fixation and nitrogen assimilation in plants.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
l describe the modes of nitrogen fixation (both biological and abiological);
l explain the steps involved in nitrogen fixation by free living organisms;
l explain the mode of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants;
l describe the assimilation of nitrate and ammonia by plants;
l describe amino acid synthesis in plants.
N 2 + 3H 2 1000
→ 2NH3
N 2 + O 2 → 2NO 2 → 2NO2
These oxides of nitrogen may be hydrated and trickle down to earth as combined
nitrite and nitrate.
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1. Define nitrogen fixation.
2. Which industrial process is utilized for converting nitrogen to ammonia?
3. Distinguish between biological and a biological nitrogen fixation.
4. Name the enzyme that helps in nitrogen fixation in lining cells.
5. Which gas prevents nitrogen fixation?
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System Symbionts
Lichens Cyanobacteria and Fungus.
Bryophyte Cyanobacteria and Anthoceros.
Pteridophyte Cyanobacteria and Azolla.
Gymnosperm Cyanobacteria and Cycas.
Angiosperms Legumes and Rhizobium.
Angiosperms Non leguminous and actinomycete
(Such as Alnus, Myrica, Purshia).
Angiosperm Brazilian grass (Digitaria), Corn and
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The enzyme nitrite reductase is able to accept electrons from sources such as
NADH, NADPH or FADH2. Besides, reduced ferredoxin has also been shown to
provide electrons to nitrite reductase for reducing nitrite to ammonia. Ammonia so
formed has to be utilized quickly by plants because accumulation of ammonia has
a toxic effect. Some plants including algae leach out excess ammonia which can
further be oxidized to nitrite and nitrate by microorganisms in the soil or water.
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It has been noted that reductive amination respresents the major ‘port of
entry’ for ammonia into the metabolic stream in plants. This initiates
synthesis of glutamic acid followed by other amino acids.
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1. Define nitrogen fixation.
2. Which form of combined nitrogen may be formed during lightening storms?
3. Name three biomolecules other than enzymes and proteins, which contain
4. Name one aerobic and one anaerobic bacterium, which fixes nitrogen.
5. Which amino acid is synthesized due to reductive amination of α-ketoglutaric
6. Differentiate between biological and abiological nitrogen fixation.
7. What is required for biological nitrogen fixation?
8. How does human hemoglobin differ from leghemoglobin?
9. What is the function of leghemoglobin?
10. What are the functional differences between nitrate reductase and nitrite
11. What is the difference between nitrogen fixation and nitrogen assimilation?
Describe in brief the process of abiological nitrogen fixation.
12. Describe in brief various steps involved in biological nitrogen fixation.
13. Enumerate various free living and symbiotic nitrogen fixing system with
suitable examples.
14. What are the major differences between free living and leguminous nitrogen
fixing organisms?
15. Describe in brief nitrate and nitrite reduction in plants..
17. Describe in brief the reductive amination reactions for synthesis of amino acids
in plants.
18. Describe the transamination reaction for synthesis of amino acids in plants. How
does this differ from reductive amination?
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
11 Notes
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define photosynthesis;
l name the different pigments found in chloroplasts and describe the ultra
structure of chloroplasts with a diagram;
l explain the main aspects of the process of photosynthesis;
l enumerate the steps involved in the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis;
l define the terms absorption spectrum, electron acceptor, photophosphorylation
and action spectrum;
l distinguish between, absorption spectrum and action spectrum; light and dark
reactions, cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation, C3 and C4 photosynthesis;
l list the environmental variables and internal factors affecting photosynthesis;
l describe the principle of limiting factor giving suitable graphs.
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MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals 11.1 PHOTOSYNTHESIS
11.1 Let us look into the significance of the process
1. Green plants possess the green pigment, chlorophyll which can capture,
Notes transform, translocate and store energy which is readily available for all forms
of life on this planet.
2. Photosynthesis is a process in which light energy is converted into chemical
3. Except green plants no other organism can directly utilise solar energy, hence
they are dependent on green pants for their survival.
4. Green plants can prepare organic food from simple inorganic elements
(autotrophic) while all other organisms cannot prepare their own food and are
called heterotrophic.
5. During photosynthesis, oxygen liberated into the atmosphere makes the
environment livable for all other organisms.
6. Simple carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis are transformed into lipids,
proteins, nucleic acids and other organic molecules.
7. Plants and plant products are the major food sources of almost all other
organisms of the earth.
8. Fossil fuels like coal, gas, oil etc represent the photosynthetic products of the
plants belonging to early geological periods.
11.1.1 What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis (photo-light; synthesis-to put together) is the process by which green
plants, in the presence of light combine water and carbon dioxide to form
carbohydrates, oxygen is released as a by product. Current knowledge of
photosynthesis has resulted from discoveries made over 300 years of work. Some
landmark experiments are given in the box below.
l Joseph Priestly and later Jan Ingenhousz showed that plants have the
ability to take up CO2 from the atmosphere and release O2.
l Ingenhousz also discovered that release of O2 by plants was possible only
in presence of sunlight and by the green parts of the plant.
l Robert Hill demonstrated that isolated chloroplasts evolve O2 when they
are illuminated in the presence of electron acceptor which get reduced.
This reaction called Hill reaction accounts for the (break down) use of
water (photolysis) as a source of electrons for CO2 fixation and release
of O2 as by-product.
Photosynthesis is represented by the following overall chemical equation:
6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
In photosynthesis CO2 is fixed (or reduced) to carbohydrates (glucose C6H12O6). Plants and Animals
Water is split in the presence of light (called photolysis of water) to release O2.
Note that O2 released comes from the water molecule and not from CO2.
11.1.2 Where does photosynthesis occur?
Photosynthesis occurs in green parts of the plant, mostly the leaves, sometimes the Notes
green stems and floral buds. The leaves contain specialised cells called mesophyll
cells which contain the chloroplast the pigment containing organelle. These are
the actual sites for photosynthesis.
Look at the figure 11.1 to recollect what you learnt about the structure of chloroplast
in the lesson-4 Cell Structure and Function.
MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals Chlorophyll a (a special type of chlorophyll) is the main pigment that traps solar
energy and converts it into electrical and chemical energy. Thus it is called the
reaction centre.
All other pigment such as chlorophyll b and carotenoids are called accessory
pigments since they pass on the absorbed energy to chlorophyll a (Chl.a) molecule.
These pigments, that is the reaction centres (Chl. a) and the accessory pigments
(harvesting centre) are packed into functional clusters called photosystems.
Photosystems are of two types PSI and PSII.
About 250-400 pigment molecules constitute a single photosystem. Two different
photosystems contain different forms of chlorophyll a in their reaction centres. In
photosystem I (PSI), chlorophyll a with maximum absorption at 700 nm (P700)
and in photosystem II (PSII), chlorophyll a with peak absorption at 680 nm (P680),
act as reaction centres. (P stands for pigment). The primary function of the two
photosystems, which interact with each other is to trap the solar energy and convert
into the chemical energy (ATP). The differences between them are given in the
following table 11.1.
Table 11.1 Difference between Photosystem I and Photosystem II
Photosystem I Photosystem II
l PS I has a reaction centre of l PS II has a reaction centre of
chlorophyll ‘a’ molecule with chlorophyll ‘a’ molecule with maximum
maximum light absorption at 700 nm light absorption at 680 nm. This
wavelength. This reaction centre is reaction centre is also referred to
also referred to as P700. to as P680.
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Carotene is orange-yellow pigment present along with chlorophylls in the
thylakoid membrane. A carotene molecule breaks down into the vitamin
A molecules. It is this pigment which gives carrot its colour.
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MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals (ii) Give the overall general chemical equation of photosynthesis.
2. (i) List the two categories of photosynthetic pigments.
(ii) Which pigments are known as accessory pigments?
3. (i) What does chlorophyll do to the light falling on it?
(ii) Which pigment system absorbs the red wavelength of light?
4. Answer the following
(i) In which colour of light, rate of photosynthesis is minimum and in which
colour of light it is maximum?
(ii) Name the type of energy that is used in the process of photosynthesis.
In which form does this energy get stored in plant body?
5. Which molecule is the source of evolution of oxygen in photosyntheisis— CO2
or H2O?
Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
11.4.1 Electron transport chain in photosynthesis Plants and Animals
It starts as the PSII absorbs light energy and passes it on to its reaction centre, P680.
When P680 absorbs light, it is excited and its electrons are transferred to an electron
acceptor molecule (Primary electron acceptor) and it itself comes to the ground
state. However by losing an electron P680 is oxidised and in turn it splits water
molecule to release O2. This light dependent spliting of water is called photolysis. Notes
With the breakdown of water electrons are generated, which are then passed on
to the electron deficient P680 (which had transferred its electrons earlier). Thus the
oxidised P680 regains its lost electrons from water molecules.
The reduced primary acceptor now donates electrons to the down stream components
of the electron transport chain. The electrons are finally passed onto the reaction
centre P700 of PSI. During this process, energy is released and stored in the form
of ATP.
Similarly, PSI also gets excited when it absorbs light and P700 (Reaction centre of
PSI) gets oxidised as it transfers its electrons to another primary acceptor molecule.
While the oxidised P700 draws its electrons from PSII, the reduced primary
acceptors molecule of PSI transfers its electrons via other electron carrier to NADP
(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate) to produce NADPH2 a strong
reducing agent. Thus we see that there is a continuous flow of electrons from the
H2O molecules to PSII to PSI, and finally to the NADP molecule which is reduced
to NADPH2. NADPH2 is then utilised in reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates in the
biosynthetic path way.
MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals Since this takes place in presence of light it is called Photo phosphorylation.
It occurs in chloroplast in two ways:
(a) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation where electrons flow from water
molecule to PSII and then to PSI and ultimately reduce NADP to
NADPH2. since the electrons flow in unidirection it is called non cyclic
Notes photosphorylation (Fig. 11.3).
(b) Cyclic photophosphorylation under certain condition when non-cyclic
photophosphorylation stops, cyclic photophosphorylation occurs and it
involves PSI only. During this process electrons from PSI are not passed
on to NADP. Instead the electrons are returned to the oxidised P700
molecule. This downhill movement of electrons results in ATP formation.
Thus this is termed as cyclic photophosphorylation (Fig. 11.4).
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Extra ATP can be made via cyclic photophosphorylation. The efficiency of energy Plants and Animals
conversion in the light reactions is high and estimated at about 39%.
l Both NADPH2 and ATP produced during light reaction are essential requirements
for synthesis of carbohydrates. Notes
l These series of reaction which catalyse the reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates
(also called fixation of CO2) take place in the stroma of the chloroplast.
l These reactions are independent of light i.e. light is not necessary but can
continue in light as well. Thus it is also called dark reaction.
l The carbon fixation reactions produce sugar in the leaves of the plant from
where it is exported to other tissues of the plant as source of both organic
molecule and energy for growth and metabolism.
l There are two major pathways by which CO2 fixation (Dark reaction) takes
11.5.1 C3 cycle (also called Calvin cycle after its discoverer, Melvin Calvin)
In this cycle, initially the atmospheric CO2 is accepted by a 5-carbon sugar ribulose
bisphosphate (RuBP) and two molecules of 3-carbon compound,
3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) are formed. This 3-carbon molecule is the first stable
product of this pathway and hence the name C3 cycle. Formation of PGA is called
carboxylation. This reaction is catalysed by an enzyme called ribulose bisphosphate
carboxylase Ru bisco. This enzyme is probably the most abundant protein on earth.
MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of l In the next step, PGA is reduced to 3-carbon carbohydrate called triose
ants and Animals phosphate using NADPH2 and ATP (from light reaction). Much of these
molecules are then diverted from the C3 cycle and used for synthesis of other
carbohydrates such as glucose and sucrose.
l To complete the cycle, the initial 5-carbon acceptor molecule, RuBP is
regenerated from the triose phosphates using ATP molecule thus the C3 cycle
Notes continues of C3 cycle.
11.5.2 C4 Cycle (or Hatch and Slack Cycle)
l The C4 cycle seems to be an adaptation for plants growing under dry hot
environment. Such plants can photosynthesise even in the conditions of very
low CO2 concentration and under partial closure of stomata.
l Such plants can thus grow at low water content, high temperature and high light
intensity. Sugar cane, maize are some such plants.
l Photorespiration (oxidation of RuBP in presence of O2) is absent in these
plants. So the photosynthetic rate is high. (For detail of photorespiration refer
to lesson-12 Plant Respiration Section No. 12.5)
l The leaves of C4 plants show special anatomy called Kranz anatomy. These
are :
(a) The vascular bundles have a sheath of large parenchyma cells around
them in the form of a wreath thus the name Kranz anatomy (Kranz :
(b) Leaves possess two types of chloroplasts (dimorphic chloroplasts)
(c) Chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells are smaller and have well developed
grana but do not accumulate starch.
(d) Chloroplasts in the bundle sheath cells are larger and lack grana
(agranal chloroplasts) but contain numerous starch grains. (See
Fig. 11.6).
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
l OAA then travels from mesophyll cells to the chloroplasts of bundle sheath cell Plants and Animals
where it releases the fixed CO2. C3 cycle operates within these cells and this
CO2 immediately combines with RuBP and C3 cycle continues producing
sugars. (See Fig. 11.7).
C3 Plants C4 Plants
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MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals Leaf anatomy Only one type of Kranz’ anatomy, i.e., two types
chloroplast’ of cell. each with its own type of
Photorespiration Occurs; oxygen is an Is inhibited by high carbon
inhibitor of dioxide concentration. Therefore
photosynthesis atmospheric oxygen is not an
Notes inhibitor of photosynthesis.
Efficiency Less efficient More efficient photosynthesis
plotosynthesis than than C3; plants. Yields usually
C4 plants. Yields much higher.
usually much lower.
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
2. Leaf age and anatomy : Newly expanding leaves show gradual increase in Plants and Animals
rate of photosynthesis and the maximum is reached when the leaves achieve
full size. Chloroplast functions decline as the leaves age. Rate of photosynthesis
is influenced by variation in (i) number, structure and distribution of stomata,
(ii) size and distribution of intercellular spaces (iii) relative proportion of
palisade and spongy tissues (iv) thickness of cuticle etc. Notes
3. Demand for photo synthate : Rapidly growing plants show increased rate of
photosynthesis in comparison to mature plants. When demand for photosynthesis
is lowered by removal of meristem the photosynthetic rate declines.
MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals hampering the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere. This causes decline in
Mineral elements : Some mineral elements like copper, manganese, chloride etc.
which are components of photosynthetic enzymes or magnesium as a component
Notes of chlorophylls also affect the rate of photosynthesis indirectly by affecting the
synthesis of photosynthetic enzyme and chlorophyll respectively.
When plants utilise light energy to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrates, they
are called photosynthetic autotrophs. There are organisms which can utilise
chemical energy released during biological oxidation of certain inorganic substances
to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrate. These bacteria are called chemosynthetic
This is found in many colourless bacteria and because they use chemical energy
to reduce carbon dioxide, this process of carbohydrate synthesis is known as
Chemosynthesis may be defined as “the method of carbon assimilation when the
reduction of CO2 is carried out in darkness, utilising the energy obtained from
oxidations of inorganic substances.
The common chemosynthetic forms are :
(i) Nitrifying bacteria. Nitrosomonas oxidises NH3 to NO2
(ii) Sulphur bacteria
(iii) Iron bacteria
(iv) Hydrogen and methane bacteria
Differences between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis
Chemosynthesis Photosynthesis
1. It occurs only in colourless aerobic 1. This process occurs in green plants
bacteria including green bacteria.
2. During this process CO2 is reduced 2. CO2 and H2O are converted into
to carbohydrates without light carbohydrates in the presence of
and chlorophyll. light and chlorophyll.
3. Here chemical energy released 3. Light energy is converted into chemical
during oxidation of inorganic energy and stored in the form of
substances is used up to synthesise carbohydrates.
4. No pigment molecule is involved and 4. Several pigments are involved and
oxygen is not evolved. oxygen is evolved as a byproduct.
5. No photophosphorylation takes place. 5. Photophosphorytion takes place i.e. ATP
is produced.
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals l Leaf anatomy of C4 plants is known as “Kranz anatomy” and is characterized
by the presence of a sheath of parenchyma cells around a vascular bundle
(bundle sheath). Cells of this sheath have larger chloroplasts which lack grana
and are filled with starch grains. In contrast mesophyll cells contain chloroplasts
which are smaller but have well developed grana.
Notes l Rate of photosynthesis is influenced by (i) environmental factors such as light,
temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and water, and (ii) internal factors
which include age of leaf, chlorophyll content and leaf anatomy.
3ATP 3ADP + 3Pi
2H2O + 2NADP O2 + 2NADPH2
CO2 (CH2O) + H2O
ADP + Pi ATP (considerable, but
variable amount) 2NADPH2 2NADP
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Photosynthesis MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Grana Stroma
Photosystem I + II ADP Starch
Water + Pi Sucrose
ATP Glucose Notes
Water NADP
+ ATP ADP Organic
ADP +Pi acid
+ Triose amino acid
Hydrogen Pi phosphate lipids
ions +Pi
Oxygen cycle
Energy currency +CO2
(ATP) and reducing Glycerate
power (NADPH2) 3-phosphate
(GP) Carbon dioxide
1. Describe briefly the process of photosynthesis.
2. Write short notes on (i) Ultrastructure of chloroplast and (ii) Pigments involved
in photosynthesis.
3. Which pigments are known as accerory pigments and why?
4. Mention path of electrons in the light reaction of photosynthesis.
5. What do you understand by photophosphorylation.
6. Discuss photolysis of water and its significance.
7. Describe the reactions occurring during dark reaction of photosynthesis.
8. Differentiate C3 and C4 plants.
9. Differentiate between PSI and PSII.
10. What are the products of light reactions. What is the fate of these products?
11. Why is cyclic photophosphorylation called so?
12. What is Kranz anatomy?
13. Name the two carboxylase enzymes in C4 cycle.
14. What is a chemosynthetic autotroph?
15. How does CO2 concentration effect the rate of photosynthesis?
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MODULE - 2 Photosynthesis
rms and Function of
ants and Animals
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
12 Notes
Two most important prerequisites of life are continuous supply of materials for
growth of body and energy for carrying out various life processes. All systems, from
cell to ecosystem, require energy to work. As you have already studied, light energy
is converted into chemical energy by plants during photosynthesis and this energy
is then stored in the bonds of complex molecules such as glucose, starch etc. It
is these complex molecules which are given the name ‘food’.
However, the energy in the food has to be made available to the cells in a usable
form. This is the role of respiration. Respiration is the process by which energy
in organic molecules is released by oxidation. This energy is made available to the
living cells in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate). The O2 required for
respiration is obtained from the atmosphere. ATP is the energy currency of the cell.
This lesson covers various aspects of respiration in plants.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define respiration, fermentation, photorespiration and respiratory quotient;
l list the basic events of anaerobic respiration and write the chemical equation
representing it;
l state the role of fermentation in industry;
l compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration;
l draw the flow chart to show the basic steps in Kreb’s cycle;
l explain how actually energy is released and stored in the form of ATP in the
l account for 38 ATP molecules that are released during aerobic respiration;
l list the factors that influence the rate of respiration and appreciate the
usefulness of RQ value of different food items.
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Respiration is the stepwise oxidation of complex organic molecules and release of
energy as ATP for various cellular metabolic activities. Respiration involves
exchange of gases between the organism and the external environment. The plants
Notes obtain oxygen from their environment and return carbon dioxide and water vapour
into it. This mere exchange of gases is known as external respiration or breathing
in case of animals. It is a physical process.
The biochemical process, which occurs within cells and oxidises food to obtain
energy, is known as cellular respiration. Various enzymes (biocatalysts) catalyze
this process. The process by which cells obtain energy from complex food
molecules depends upon whether or not oxygen is present in their environment and
utilised. Respiration is termed aerobic when oxygen is utilized and anaerobic when
oxygen is not utilized. In anaerobic respiration, organic molecules are incompletely
broken down in the cytosol of the cell and only a small fraction of energy is captured
as ATP for use by the cell. In aerobic respiration the reactions of anaerobic
respiration are followed by an oxygen requiring process that releases much larger
quantity of energy in the form of ATP. This occurs in the mitochondria of the
eukaryotes and in the plasma membrane of the prokaryotes.
It is important for you to note that many common processes occur in both, anaerobic
and aerobic respiration, such as,
l Oxidation reaction to release chemical energy from complex food.
l Use of coenzyme as carriers of hydrogen to remove the hydrogen from the
organic molecule leading to reduction of the coenzyme and oxidation of the
substrate. Most of the hydrogen carriers are NAD (nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide).These are later reoxidised,
releasing energy for ATP synthesis
l Use of high-energy phosphate compounds like ATP for energy transfer.
The basic differences between the two forms of respiration are given in the
following table 12.1.
Table 12.1 Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
4. C6H12O6 → 6CO2 + 6H2O 4. C6H12O6 → 2Ethyl alcohol + Plants and Animals
+ 6O2 +38 ATP 2CO2 +2 ATP
(as in yeast)
C6H12O6 → 2 Lactic acid + Notes
(as in muscles)
5. Takes place in the cytoplasm, and 5. Takes place in the cytoplasm.
mitochondria in eukaryotes and
plasma membrane in prokaryotes.
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l Plants do not need O2 carrier (in contrast to animals) where O2 is carried by
blood). This is because O2 requirement is less than in animals and plants have
a large surface area (leaves) to absorb the required amount of O2 through
l From the atmosphere gases enter the intercellular spaces inside the plants. As
O2 is utilized, more of it diffuses into the plant. Since CO2 is being continuously
formed, its concentration result in tissue spaces becomes higher than in the
surrounding air. As a result, it diffuses out of the plant, specially when it is
being used for photosynthesis.
l Can you explain why during the day, plants give out O2 instead of taking it
up for respiration?
In plants, O2 released during photosynthesis in day time is made available for
respiration. However, rate of photosynthesis is greater than that of respiratin. Thus,
plants give out excess O2 in the daytime. However, they give out only CO2 at night
as photosynthesis stops in the absence of sunlight. Animals give out CO2 at all
1. Name the surfaces that help plants in taking up oxygen from the atmosphere.
2. Name the process by which oxygen is taken up by the plants from the
3. Name the gases given out by plants during daytime and night.
4. Why do plants not have any special respiratory organs like animals? Give two
2 × pyruvate (3C)
ethanol + CO2
(lactic acid)
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Fermentation involves reduction of pyruvic acid to ethyl alcohol and CO2 (as in
yeast) or to lactic acid (as in muscle cells of animals) and oxidation of NADH
to NAD+. Thus, NAD is regenerated which can be used in glycolytic pathway and
production of 2 ATPs can continue under anaerobic conditions. (Refer to the figure
12.3). Note that there is no further release of ATP during fermentation.
Although you are more familiar with the term fermentation in context with
alcoholic fermentation it is now being used for the anaerobic pathway
followed by pyruvic acid.
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Significance of fermentation
Fermentation has a number of industrial applications. It is made use of on a large
scale in certain industries. Microorganisms like the different strains of bacteria and
yeast are cultured in very large numbers and used for various purposes.
1. In bakeries for preparing bread, cakes and biscuits etc.
2. In breweries for preparing wine and other alcoholic drinks.
3. In producing vinegar and in the tanning and curing of leather.
4. Ethanol is used to make gasohol, a fuel that is used for cars in Brazil.
5. In everyday life, fermentation is used while making idli, dosa, bhatura, dhokla
etc. The kneaded flour or maida left for some hours in warm environment
becomes somewhat spongy (leavening). This is because of fermentation by the
bacteria that begin to grow in it. As carbon dioxide escapes, it causes leavening.
Fermentation products give a typical flavour and taste to these items.
Do you know why muscles pain during prolonged exercise? This is due
to accumulation of lactic acid.
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l In presence of oxygen, pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria and is decarboxylated
(removal of CO2) and dehydrogenated (removal of H) to acetyl CoA. Acetyl
CoA is thus the connecting link between glycolysis and the next series of
reactions that yield more energy in the form of ATP. Acetyl CoA can also be
generated from fats and proteins.
Krebs’ citric acid cycle
l Acetyl CoA is the molecule entering the Krebs’ cycle taking place in the matrix
of the mitochondria.
l Details of this cycle were worked out by Sir Hans Krebs in the 1930s. It is
also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle or TCA cycle.
l Steps of the Krebs’ cycle are as follows, (See Fig. 12.4)
H-carrier NAD and FAD are derived from vitamin B complex and are
known as coenzymes
l Acetyl group (2 carbon) enters the cycle by combining with oxaloacetate (4
carbon), to form citrate (6 carbon). This initiates citric acid cycle.
l As acetyl group passes round the cycle, the 2 carbon atoms are lost in CO2 in
two decarboxylation reactions, and hydrogen is added to hydrogen carriers in
four dehydrogenation reactions, resulting in a total of 3 NADH2 and 1 FADH2
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
l One molecule of ATP is also made directly for every turn of the cycle. Plants and Animals
(Remember that two acetyl groups were made from one glucose molecule, so
two turns of the cycle occurs per glucose molecule used). Oxaloacetate is
regenerated at the end of the cycle ready to accept another acetyl group.
l Thus, at the end of the Citric Acid Cycle, there are a total of 10NADH and Notes
2FADH2 (2NADH from glycolysis).
l Note that all the hydrogen from the original glucose is now on hydrogen carriers,
NAD and FAD.
These hydrogen carriers enter the next phase known as the respiratory chain for
further release of energy.
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l The final step involves cytochrome oxidase enzyme, which hands over the
electrons to the H+ before being accepted by oxygen to form water.
l For each NADH2 that enters the respiratory chain, 3 ATP can be made but for
each FADH2, only 2 ATP can be made. Can you guess why? Because FADH2
enters the respiratory chain at a lower level in the chain of reactions.
Substances like carbon monoxide and H2S act as poisons because they block
the H-transfer system and stops ATP generation.
Overall budget for aerobic respiration of one glucose molecule
See table no: 12.2
Glucolysis - 2 2 -
Pyruvate-> Acetyl coA 2 - 2 -
Krebs cycle 4 2 6 2
Total 6CO2 4ATP 10 NADH+H+ 2 FADH2
10×3=30 ATP 2×2=4 ATP
Total No. of ATP mols = 38
* Remember that two turns of the cycle take place per glucose molecule as at
the end of glycolysis two pyruvic acid molecules are formed each of which
separately enters the Krebs’ cycle.
(e) Water–respiration is very slow if the water content of the protoplasm is low
as in dry, matured seeds. Dormant seeds show very low rate of respiration.
l Your have aready studied that during dark reaction of photosynthesis, the
enzyme RUBISCO catalyses the carboxylation of RUBP :
RUBP + CO2 → 2PGA (Phosphoglyceraldehyde) → Calvin cycle
l This enzyme also has very high affinity for O2. It can therefore, catalyze the
reaction of O2 with RUBP (oxygenation).
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
l The respiration that is initiated in chloroplast and occurs in presence of light Plants and Animals
and high concentration of O2 (and low CO2) is called photorespiration :
→ 2PGA + 1 Phosphoglycolate
Calvin cycle
Thereafter, phosphoglycolate undergoes series of reaction in mitochondria and
peroxisomes. 2 molecules of phosphoglycolate ultimately produce 1 molecule of
PGA and 1 molecule of CO2. Note that there is no ATP production here, unlike
l This occurs because RUBISCO anzyme has the same active site for both CO2
and O2.
l Oxygenation of RUBP in presence of oxygen leads to a loss of about 25%
carbon fixed by plants during dark reaction.
l Use: Protects the plants from photo oxidative damage by utilising part of the
solar energy which would otherwise damage the plant pigments.
1. Name the products that are produced when RUBP combines with O2. Name
the enzyme that is responsible for this reaction.
2. Give one point of difference between respiration and photorespiration.?
3. State the conditions under which photorespiration occurs?
Activity I
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals absorbs the carbon dioxide gas liberated by the seeds. How this experiment
demonstrates anaerobic respiration (See Fig. 12.7)
Activity II
Activity III
l All living organisms require energy. Oxidation of food molecules provide this
l Respiration involves (i) external respiration or gaseous exchange, and
(ii) cellular respiration.
l Anaerobic respiration is the process of incomplete oxidation and produces only
2 molecules of ATP whereas aerobic respiration is a process of complete
oxidatin with production of 38 molecules of ATP.
l Aerobic respiration occurs in three main steps viz. Glycolsis; Krebs’ cycle;
electron trasport chains.
l Steps of glycolysis are common between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
l Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm and Krebs’ cycle and ETC in mitochondria.
l Alcoholic fermentation has many industrial applications.
l Young parts of the plants show higher rate of respiration.
MODULE - 2 Respiration in Plants
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l Factors like type of substrate, temperature, oxygen and amount of available
water influences the rate of respiration.
l RQ value is important in identifing the kind of substrate used in respiration.
l Photorespiration occurs in plants during intense light and low level of carbon
dioxide. There is no net gain of ATP. It protects the chlorophyll pigments from
Notes photo-oxidation.
1. Define respiration
2. What is the role of O2 in electron transport chain (ETC)?
3. How many molecules of ATP are released when glucose is oxidised to
(a) CO2 and H2O?
(b) Ethyl alcohol and CO2?
4. Write the equation for aerobic respiration.
5. Name the end product of electron transport chains.
6. Respiration is a continuous process in plants. Then why is it that they give out
O2 and not CO2 during the day?
7. What is the site for
(a) Glycolysis,
(b) Krebs cycle,
(c) ATP generation by oxidative phosphorylation?
8. What is the fate of pyruvic acid in (a) presence, and (b) absence of oxygen?
Write the equations representing the processes.
9. What is the significance of stepwise oxidation of organic molecules instead of
one step reaction?
10. What is the significance of photorespiration?
11. List the substrates that enter and the products produced in
(a) Glycolysis
(b) Krebs cycle
12. How is yeast useful in industry? Give any three examples.
13. How does exchange of respiratory gases take place in plants
14. Define RQ. What is its significance?
15. Mention the significance of TCA cycle.
16. Why does fermentation yield less energy than aerobic respiration?
Respiration in Plants MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
17. List any 2 important contributions of PPP in a cell. Plants and Animals
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
13 Notes
Plants manufacture their own food by photosynthesis, but all animals including
humans have to take in ready made food. Most part of such food consists of complex
organic molecules (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) which have to be broken down
into simpler forms before they can be absorbed into the body. Such breaking down
of the food and subsequent absorption of food constituents occur inside the
digestive tract (alimentary canal). The digestive tract together with the associated
glands constitute the digestive system.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
l define the term nutrition and give its types;
l draw a labelled diagram of the alimentary canal of cockroach and humans;
l describe the steps involved in the nutrition of humans viz., ingestion, digestion,
absorption, assimilation and egestion;
l differentiate between intracellular and intercellular digestion;
l tabulate the organs of digestion, the enzymes they secrete, the substances acted
upon by enzymes and the end products formed.
l explain the process of food absorption in various regions of digestive tract;
l explain briefly the role of hormones in digestion.
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals In this lesson you will study the various types (modes) of nutrition, the types of
digestion, the process of digestion of food, its absorption and assimilation in
humans. The nutritional role of food constituents will be discussed in lesson 27.
Types of nutrition
Notes There are mainly two types of nutrition autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 13.2.3 Joint Intracellular and Extracellular digestion
In Hydra and other Cnidarians, the food (tiny prey) is caught by the tentacles and
ingested through the mouth into the single large digestive cavity, the gastro-vascular
cavity (Fig. 13.3). Enzymes are secreted from the cells bordering this cavity and
poured on the food for extracellular digestion. Small particles of the partially
Notes digested food are engulfed into the vacuoles of the digestive cells for intracellular
digestion. Any undigested and unabsorbed food is finally thrown out of the mouth.
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
4. Stomach : An elastic bag with highly muscular walls, located below the Plants and Animals
5. Small intestine : A tube about 7 meters long and about 2.5 cm wide. Much
coiled and folded, it is contained in the abdomen. Its three subdivisions are:
(i) Duodenum–Short upper part, next to stomach
(ii) Jejunum–Slightly longer part, about 2 meters long.
(iii) Ileum–Longest, about 4 meters long, coiled and twisted.
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals The vermiform appendix is a vestigial (functionless) organ in humans, but is large
and functional in herbivorous mammals.
(a) Digestive Glands (Sources of digestive enzymes)
There are two sources of digestive enzymes :
Notes 1. The glandular cells of the gut epithelium of stomach and intestine, which
directly pour their secretion into the lumen of the gut.
2. Special glands such as the salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas which
pour their secretions into the gut through their ducts.
Our mouth is always moist, even on a hot summer day. How does this happen?
This happens because there is a watery fluid called saliva which is secreted by
salivary glands into the mouth cavity. It is this saliva, that keeps the mouth moist
all the time.
(b) Salivary Glands
There are three pairs of Salivary glands in our mouth cavity (Fig. 13.4).
1. Parotid glands located in front of and below each ear, produces watery saliva
rich in amylase.
2. Submaxillary glands close to inner side of lower jaw, produce water and
3. Sublingual glands below the tongue, produce water and mucus.
These glands continuously pour saliva into the mouth cavity. Do you know that
the amount of saliva secreted is about 1000 to 1200 ml per day.
(c) Functions of Saliva
1. It cleans the mouth cavity and tends to destroy germs that cause teeth decay.
It contains lysozymes which help in destroying the bacteria.
2. It moistens and lubricates food which again helps in swallowing.
3. It acts as solvent, dissolving some food particles to stimulate taste buds of the
4. Saliva helps in the digestion of food as it contains an enzyme salivary amylase
which digests the starch.
(d) Liver
Liver is the largest gland, located in the upper right side of the abdomen below
the diaphragm. It secretes bile, which gets collected in gall bladder and is finally
poured into the duodenum through the common bile duct (Fig. 13.4). Besides
secreting bile, which helps in digestion, the liver has numerous other functions.
(e) Pancreas
Pancreas is a reddish brown gland located in the bend of the duodenum. Its digestive
secretion (pancreatic juice) is poured into the duodenum by the pancreatic duct.
(Pancreas also produces certain hormones, which will be taken up in details in
lesson no 16)
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals l The tongue manipulates food while chewing, mixes saliva in it, rolls it into a
ball termed bolus and helps in swallowing.
l The oesophagus conducts the food (bolus) down into the stomach by a wave
of constriction of the circular muscles (Fig. 13.5). This wave of constriction
is called peristalsis.
Fig. 13.5 A-During swallowing, the epiglottis closes the opening of the trachea, momentary
stoppage of breathing, and the food is pushed down the oesophagus, B-Peristalsis is a
wave of contraction of muscles of alimentary canal which pushes food down
through the alimentary canal.
l The stomach churns the food mixing it with gastric juice and thus produces
a creamy chyme (partially digested food).
l The peristaltic movements keep pushing the food from stomach to the intestine
and finally upto the rectum.
(b) Chemical Processes in Digestion
1. In Mouth
Saliva contains only a single enzyme Amylase (old name Ptyalin) which acts on
starch in two ways :
(i) Raw uncooked starch → Dextrins
(soluble, partially hydrolysed starch)
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Hydrochloric acid is secreted by Oxyntic (parietal) cells in the stomach wall. It Plants and Animals
performs following function :
(i) kills bacteria entering along with food,
(ii) loosens fibrous material in food,
(iii) activates the inactive pepsinogen to its active form pepsin,
(iv) maintains acidic medium for action by pepsin, Notes
(v) curdles milk so that it does not flow out and stays for action by pepsin.
Pepsin is secreted in its inactive form or the proenzyme called pepsinogen secreted
from the chief cells of the stomach wall. In the presence of HCl it turns into the
active pepsin which acts on proteins and breaks them down into proteoses and
→ Proteoses and peptones
4. Small Intestine
In the small intestine the food which is partially digested in the stomach and called
chyme is acted upon by three main digestive juices.
(i) Bile juice from the liver
(ii) Pancreatic juice from the pancreas
(iii) Intestinal juice secreted from special cells in the intestinal epithelium at
the base of intestinal villi. (Fig. 13.6)
The bile juice and pancreatic juice are poured into the duodenum by their respective
ducts which join together to form a common hepato pancreatic duct. The intestinal
juice directly mixes with the food.
(i) Bile Juice
Bile is a yellowish, green, alkaline liquid (pH about 8). It consists of
(i) water (98%), (ii) sodium carbonate in large quantity which neutralizes the acid
of the chyme (semi digested food) received from stomach; makes it alkaline, and
(iii) bile salts (sodium glycocholate and sodium taurocholate) which emulsify fats.
Fig. 13.6 Portion of intestinal wall showing villi and the associated structures.
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Emulsification is the breaking up of large lipid (fat) droplets into small
droplets, which provides greater surface for enzyme action.
The yellowish green colour of the bile is due to the pigments biliverdin and
bilirubin produced by the breakdown of the dead and worn out RBCs (Red Blood
Notes corpuscles). These pigments are excreted in faeces. (solid or semi-solid waste and
undigested food).
Bile has no digestive enzymes. It simply emulsifies fats.
(ii) Pancreatic Juice
The pancreatic juice contains six major categories of enzymes, which act in an
alkaline medium.
(a) Amylase – completes conversion of starch into maltose.
(b) Lipase – also called steapsin. Acts on emulsified fats to produce fatty
acids and glycerol.
(c) Nucleases – digest nucleic acids, i.e. DNA and RNA content of the food.
(d) Trypsinogen – the inactive precursor (proenzyme) of trypsin. It is
activated into trypsin by the enzyme enterokinase secreted by the lining
of duodenum. Trypsin acts on remaining proteins (not digested by pepsin)
and the proteoses and peptones to produce peptides and amino acids.
(e) Chymotrypsin – acts on milk protein casein to produce paracasein
(curd), and also converts other proteins into peptides.
(f) Carboxypeptidases – act on peptides to produce small peptides and
amino acids.
|| 1. Maltose → gluscose + glucose U
Disaccharides S → gluscose + Fructose V
2. Sucrose Monosaccharides
(C H O )
12 22 11 |
|T3. Lactose Lactase
→ gluscose + galactose|
| (C H O )
6 12 6
(ii) Lipase completes the digestion of any lipid (fat) not digested by
pancreatic juice.
(ii) Peptidases (aminopeptidase and dipeptidase) act on peptides and dipeptides
to produce smaller peptides and amino acids.
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(iii) Nucleases breakdown nucleotides into phosphate, sugar and different Plants and Animals
nitrogenous bases.
Summary of digestion in various parts of human alimentary canal is shown in table
Table 13.1 : Various digestive enzymes secreted and their role in the Notes
digestion of food in humans
Site of Digestive juice Enzyme Mode of action
Mouth Saliva Salivary amylase Converts starch into maltose
Stomach Gastric juice Pepsin Converts proteins into peptones and
Duodenum Bile juice No Enzyme Emulsification of fats
Pancreatic juice Trypsin Converts peptones and small peptides
into amino acids.
Small intestine Intestinal juice Erepsin Converts peptones and small peptides
into amino acids.
Sucrase Converts sucrose into glucose and frutose.
Maltase Converts maltose into glucose
Lactase Converts lactose into glucose and
Lipase Converts fats into fatty acids and
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
l Products absorbed into the lacteals (lymph vessels) of the villi are fatty acids Plants and Animals
and glycerol.
l Nutrients absorbed into the blood is carried by veins into the liver, and the Nutrients
absorbed by the lacteals (small lymph vessels) enters the lymphatic system.
4. Large Inestine Notes
Most of the water present in the food is absorbed in the colon by diffusion. Some
mineral ions are absorbed by the colon through active transport.
The final conversion of the absorbed nutrients into the living substance, i.e. their
utilization by the cells is called assimilation.
After absorption from the food canal the digested food is assimilated by the body
in the following ways.
(i) Fatty acids and glycerol are again converted into fats, that may be used or stored
(in adipose tissue).
(ii) Simple sugars (monosaccharides) which are in excess are converted into
complex polysaccharides (glycogen) in liver.
(iii) Amino acids are utilized in the synthesis of proteins for building up the body
tissues and enzymes.
(iv) Excess amino acids are deaminated (removal of nitrogenous part) to produce
simple sugar. (Amino acids cannot be stored).
The undigested part (plant fibers etc.) and the unabsorbed digested substances pass
into the rectum. Such food remnants are temporarily stored in rectum. More water
is absorbed and the remnants become semisolid to form faeces.
A special reflex called defaecation reflex causes emptying of the rectum and the
faeces are passed out via the anal canal by the relaxation of sphincter muscle (A
ring shaped muscle around tubular organ which contract, can narrow or close the
passage of the organ).
MODULE - 2 Nutrition and Digestion
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 3. Which end products of digestion are absorbed by
(i) blood capillaries of intestinal villi?.........................................................
(ii) Lacteals? ...................................................................................................
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Blood related functions : Plants and Animals
(i) Produces red blood cells in the embryo. (In adults, RBCs are produced in bone
(ii) Produces prothrombin and fibrinogen required for blood clotting.
(iii) Produces heparin which prevents unnecessary coagulation of blood. Notes
(iv) Destruction of dead and worn out red blood cells.
(v) Removal of toxic and metallic poisons from the blood (protective function).
Storage functions :
(i) Storage of iron and some other metallic ions.
(ii) Storage of vitamins A, D and B12.
(iii) Converts extra blood glucose into glycogen and stores it.
Metabolic functions
(i) Regulation of blood sugar level by retaining excess glucose received as
products of carbohydrate digestion from the intestines, and storing it as
insoluble glycogen to release it again as soluble glucose when the blood sugar
level falls.
(ii) Breaking down of excess amino acids Amino acids are the end products of
protein digestion. Liver breaks down excess amino acids into urea and sugar.
Urea is excreted out in urine and sugar is stored for use.
(iii) Synthesizes fatty acids from carbohydrates, which can be used or stored
as fat.
1. Explain the term “autotrophs”. How are animals different from plants with
regard to their mode of nutrition?
2. Enlist at least ten organs of the alimentary canal of man.
3. Define the term “digestion”. List the digestive processes occurring in the small
4. How does digestion of carbohydrates and proteins take place in humans?
5. Explain the role of the following in the digestive process in humans :
(a) Gastrin (b) Hydrochloric acid (c) Secretin
6. Write short notes on
(a) absorption of the digested food (b) assimilation
(c) defaecation (d) role of liver in metabolism.
Nutrition and Digestion MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
7. Name the enzymes concerned with the digestion of various carbohydrates, the Plants and Animals
region of the gut where they act and their products in the table given below:
Carbohydrate Enzyme Region of gut Product
1. Starch …………. …………. ………….
2. Dextrin …………. …………. …………. Notes
3. Maltose …………. …………. ………….
4. Sucrose …………. …………. ………….
5. Lactose …………. …………. ………….
8. Bile has no digestive enzyme yet it plays a key role in digestion. What is its role?
9. Draw a well labelled diagram of alimentary canal in humans.
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Every living organism needs energy to perform various life activities, and the
process of respiration fulfils this energy requirement. You have already learnt in
the lesson on food and nutrition that animals take in high energy organic molecules
in the form of food. During respiration, this food is broken down in the presence
of oxygen to obtain energy. Respiration also produces carbon dioxide, a toxic
substance which is eliminated from the body. Thus, uptake of oxygen and removal
of carbon dioxide is an essential requirement of all animals.
At the same time numerous other toxic wastes such as ammonia, urea etc. are also
being produced in the tissues during various cellular activities. Such toxic waste
need to be removed from the body. These are the two aspects of animal physiology
that you will study in this lesson. You will also learn how excretion of waste and
the maintenance of water and salt balance takes place in our body.
l describe the parts of respiratory system in the human body and mention their
l describe the exchange of respiratory gases in the lungs and their transport to
and from the tissues;
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Respiration is stepwise oxidation of glucose (and other nutrients) which results in
the release of energy stored in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Whenever
energy is required by our body, ATP is broken down and large amount of energy
is released.
Respiration is completed in following steps :
Step-1 Gaseous exchange
It involves exchange of gases between the cell and its surrounding medium. The
cells obtain oxygen from the environment and return carbon dioxide and water
vapour to it. In most higher animals this exchange of gases takes place in two
phases :
(a) exchange of gases between the animal body and its external environment also
called ventilation or breathing.
(b) transport of gases O2 and CO2 between the respiratory surface and the cells.
This oxygen is used up in the second step i.e. during cellular respiration, which
occurs inside the cell.
Step 2 Cellular Respiration
It is a complex and elaborate process which occurs in the cytoplasm and the
mitochondria. It involves :
(i) the uptake of oxygen by tissues,
(ii) stepwise oxidation of glucose molecules and other nutrients, and
(iii) release of carbon dioxide and energy.
Thus ultimate goal of respiratory system is to provide oxygen to the tissues and
removal of carbon dioxide from them.
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Bronchus (Plural : Elastic, ciliated and Enters the lungs and divides
Bronchi) covered with mucous to form secondary bronchi, tertiary
epithelium bronchioles and ultimately terminal
bronchioles. Together they form the
bronchial tree.
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Fig. 14.3 (a) Human lungs (b) branching of bronchi upto terminal alveoli
Volumes exchanged
Notes Following table 14.3 shows the air volumes exchanged during breathing in a normal
adult human being.
Table 14.3 : Air volume exchanged during breathing
Tidal volume (TV) Volume of air inhaled and exhaled without any 500mL
noticeable effort (normal breathing).
Vital capacity (VC) Volume of air that can be maximally breathed 3400-4800mL
out after a maximum inspiration (VC =
Inspiratory reserve volume Volume of air that can be taken in by forced 2000-3000 mL
(IRV) inspiration over and above the normal
Expiratory reserve volume Volume of air that can be expelled by forced 1000 mL
(ERV) expiration over and above the normal expiration.
Residual volume (RV) Volume of air that cannot be forced out even 1000-1500mL
on forced expiration. This is the air that remains
in the lungs and in the air passage.
Total lung capacity Sum of all lung volumes (maximum air that 5500-6000mL
remains in the lungs after a maximum
Vital capacity may be highly reduced in smokers and people suffering from
tuberculosis. Athletes and singers on the other hand have higher vital
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H 2CO3 → HCO3− + H +
Carbonic acid (Bicarbonate ion)
Bicarbonate is extremely soluble and dissolves in blood plasma. It again passes into
RBC and breaks into CO2 and H2O in the alveoli. Inside the lungs the CO2
transported to lungs from tissues in the three ways mentioned above is released
into the alveolar air and finally breathed out (Fig. 14.5).
Aerobic Anaerobic
(Respiration when O2 is available) (respiration in the absence of O2)
↓ ↓
Glucose Glucose
↓ ↓
2 Pyruvic acid 2 Pyruvic acid
↓ ← O2 ↓
6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP 2CO2 + Alcohol + 2ATP
2 Lacctic acid + 2ATP
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9. What is the difference between bronchitis and asthma?
All animals possess some mechanism of getting rid of the waste substances
produced in their body during metabolic activities. These waste substances include
CO2, water, urea, uric acid and ammonia, etc. such substances can be harmful if
retained in the body.
Besides metabolic wastes, excess salt (eg. NaCl taken in food), H2O and even some
excess vitamins need to be eliminated. Certain medicines (antibiotics) too are
removed from the blood in the urine. Removal of all harmful, unwanted products
(specially nitrogenous wastes) from the body is called excretion. Excretory
system is primarily associated with removal of nitrogenous wastes.
Urea is the main nitrogenous waste in our body. It is formed by the breakdown
of surplus amino acids and nucleic acids in the liver. Blood transports urea to the
kidneys for filtration and removal in the form of urine.
14.3.1 Modes of removal of nitrogenous wastes
Depending upon the nitrogenous wastes excreted, animals can be classified as
ammonotelic, ureotelic and uricotelic. Table 14.4 categories of animals on the
basis of nitrogenous waste produced.
Table 14.4 Categories of animals on the basis of nitrogenous waste produced
Category Product formed Solubility in water Examples
Ammonotelic Ammonia (highly Highly soluble, Fresh water aquatic
toxic) therefore needs plenty animals e.g. bony
of water for its fish, Amoeba
Ureotelic Urea (less toxic) Less soluble, thus Mammals like man,
needs less water for dog etc, marine
excretion fishes and
amphibians like
frog and toad
Uricotelic Uric acid (least Insoluble solids or Birds, reptiles and
toxic) semi solid. Needs very insects.
little water just to
flush out the uric acid
Importance of excretion
(a) Excretion is necessary for the elimination of nitrogenous wastes formed during
metabolism of proteins (amonio acids) and nucleic acids.
(b) Elimination of excess salts like NaCl, vitamins, bile pigments (from the
breakdown of old RBCs) and certain medicines and drugs, and
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Nephrons carry out excretory and osmoregulatory functions in the following steps-
1. Ultrafiltration
2. Selective reabsorption
3. Tubular secretion Notes
1. Ultra-filtration
Each glomerular capillary receives blood flowing under high pressure through a
branch of renal artery. There is continuous process of ultra filtration (filtration under
All small molecules like water, glucose, minerals, amino acids, urea and uric acid
are filtered out of the blood plasma into the Bowman’s capsule through the capillary
walls. Proteins remain in the glomerular blood. Thus a protein free filtrate is
collected in the lumen of the Bowman’s capsule. The hydrostatic pressure of the
circulating blood provides the pressure for filtration.
Storage of Urine
The urine passes into urinary bladder via ureters and is stored there. The
bladder can hold 400-500 cm3 of urine. When about 200 cm3 or more urine
collect in bladder, stretch receptors are stimulated leading to the desire to
discharge urine.
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l Metabolic activities produce a number of waste products that need removal from
the body.
l Breathing is a mechanical process of inhaling air (inspiration) and giving out
of CO2 rich air (expiration).
l Skin acts as the breathing organ for earthworm. It is thin, moist and richly
supplied with blood capillaries.
l Cockroaches have air tubes called trachea for respiration. Air reaches directly
to the tissues for gaseous exchange. Blood does not participate in gaseous
l In humans, air passes through respiratory passage as follows-
Nostrils→ Pharynx→ Trachea→ Bronchi→ Bronchioles→ Alveoli in lungs
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1. List the major steps that are involved with respiration in humans.
2. How is oxygen transported in earthworm?
3. Name the respiratory pigment in earthworm.
4. What is the role of carbonic anhydrase in the transport of carbon dioxide in
our body?
5. Which part of our respiratory system is known as the voice box?
6. Where are respiratory centres situated in our brain?
7. Name one nitrogenous waste removed by the kidney.
8. Name the hormone the absence of which will result in excretion of hypotonic
9. What is the role of cellephane in dialysis?
10. Why is inspiration said to be an active phase and expiration as passive phase?
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Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
15 Notes
The body of almost all the animals, has some form of fluid circulating in the body.
Such fluids constitute the distributing system (to supply substances) as well as
collecting system (to pick up substances) from the various parts of the body
(including the remotest cell). What are these fluids? How are these circulated and
in what way do they function in our body? These and many more questions will
be answered in this lesson.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
l explain the importance of the circulatory system in human body;
l differentiate between open and closed system of circulation;
l list and draw the organs of circulatory system of cockroach;
l list and draw the organs of circulatory system in humans
l describe the histology, functions and composition of blood in humans
l compare the structure and functions of an artery, a vein and a capillary;
l explain the process of blood coagulation in humans
l mention blood groups and describe blood transfusion;
l explain blood pressure;
l describe lymphatic system and mention its components;
l define immunity and describe its different types;
l explain various immuno-deficiency disorders;
l name and describe some blood related disorders such as hypertension;
atheroma and arteriosclerosis;
l explain ECG and role of pacemaker in treating heart beat-related disorders.
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 15.1 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
Our body is made of cells. Cells need nutrients and oxygen to survive, and wastes
need to be removed from them. Hormones are also needed to be transported from
the endocrine glands which secrete them to their respective target cells. This work
of transportation of nutrients, gases, wastes and other substances from one part of
Notes our body to the other part, is carried out by blood, and as termed circulation.
The organs responsible for the flow of blood and lymph through various
parts of the body constitute the circulatory system
1. Functions of circulatory system
(i) Transport of nutrients to the tissues for their utilization
(ii) Transport of respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) to and from the cells.
(iii) Collection of metabolic wastes from different tissues and transport them
to excretory organs for their removal.
(iv) Transport of hormones from endocrine glands to target organs.
(v) Protection of body by destroying pathogens.
(vi) Uniform distribution of heat in the body.
2. Types of Circulatory System
Depending upon the mode of circulation, the circulatory system may be open or
close type.
(i) Open circulatory system
(a) Blood does not flow in closed vessels rather it flows through parts of the
body cavity. It remains mixed with the body fluid.
(b) Sufficient high pressure for circulation is not maintained.
Organisms like prawns, insects etc have open circulatory system.
(ii) Close circulatory system
(a) Blood flows in well-defined tube-like vessels.
(b) Sufficient high pressure is maintained .
(c) System is more efficient than open type.
Closed system is found in all vertebrates.
Fig. 15.3 Position of the Sino-atrial and atrio-ventricular nodes and the bundle
of HIS and conduction of impulse for heart beat.
Since Sino-atrial Node initiates and regularizes the heartbeat, it is also called the
pacemaker. The pacemaker is influenced by nerves, hormones, CO2 and O2 content
of blood, heat etc.
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Do You Know?
Sometimes the S.A. (Sino-Atrial ) Node may become defective or damaged.
A person may need to have an artificial pacemaker grafted in the chest.
This regularizes the heartbeat.
Notes Electro Cardiogram (ECG) is the instrument that records the
conduction of heartbeat .
This helps in detecting heart disorders.
2. Blood vessels
The tubes transporting blood are called Blood Vessels. The wall of a blood vessel
has three layers, tunica externa, tunica media and tunica interna. There are 3 kinds
of blood vessels:
(i) Artery (ii) Capillaries and, (iii) Veins. These three vessels differ in structure
and speed of blood flow, as shown below.
Table 15.1 Comparison in structure and function of an artery, the
capillary and the vein.
Artery Capillary Vein
Transport blood away Link arteries to veins. Site of Transport blood towards
from the heart. exchange of material between the heart.
blood and tissues
Tunica media thick and No tunica media. Only tissue Tunica media relatively thin
composed of elastic, present is squamous and only slightly muscular.
muscular tissue. endothelium. No elastic fibers Few elastic fibers.
No semi-lunar valves. No semi-lunar valve Semi-lunar valves at intervals
along the length to prevent
back flow of blood
Pressure of blood is high Pressure of blood falling and Pressure of blood low and
and pulsatile. non-pulsatile. non-pulsatile.
Blood flow rapid Blood flow slowing Blood flow slow
Low blood volume High blood volume Increased blood volume
Blood oxygenated except Mixed oxygenated and Blood deoxygenated except
in pulmonary deoxygenated blood. in pulmonary vein
Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Arteries divide into Arterioles and then into Capillaries. This way they come in Plants and Animals
contact with all the tissue and bathe the cells with Blood Plasma. Diagram 15.4
shows the possible route that blood may take between arteriole, capillary bed and
venule. Venules are thin blood vessels that join to form veins.
(i) Major Arteries and Veins
Blood that has been circulated through the body has lost much of the O2, it carried.
This de-oxygenated blood returns to the heart by the two major veins.
1. Superior vena cava-brings blood from head and shoulder region.
2. Inferior vena cava-brings blood from lower parts of the body.
These venae cavae open in the right atrium (refer to diagram 15.4) Contraction of
right atrium forces this blood into the right ventricle.
Fig. 15.4 The route that blood takes between arteriole capillary bed and venule.
Contraction of right ventricle pumps into pulmonary artery which transports blood
to the lungs. Blood gets oxygenated in the lungs and returns to the left atrium
through the pulmonary vein.
Blood then passes from the atrium into the left ventricle. Left ventricle pumps blood
into aorta. The aorta turns round on the left and distributes blood throughout the
The flow diagram below summarizes the path of blood through the entire circulatory
system. It is possible to summarize the path taken by the blood Since blood passes
twice through the heart, it is termed Double circulation.
Double circulation
(i) Deoxygenated blood from the body to heart and oxygenated blood from heart
to the body.
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals (ii) Deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs and oxygenated blood from lungs
again to heart.
In one circulation, the blood passes through the heart twice. Once from body to
heart to lungs and second time from lungs to heart to body.
Path of circulation
Once from body to heart : venae cavae
(Carry blood from tissues with very little oxygen and lot of CO2)
to Right atrium
Tricuspid valve open
Right ventricle
Pulmonary ateries
(Carry blood to lungs to give up CO2 and to collect O2 from lungs)
Pulmonary veins
(carry oxygenated blood back to heart)
Left atrium
Bicuspid valve
Left ventricle
(carries blood with a lot of oxygen and distribution the body)
Pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries the de-oxygenated (poor
blood in O2) blood.
Pulmonary vein is the only vein that carries oxygenated blood (blood rich
in O2).
Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Do you know the following blood disorders ? Plants and Animals
Coagulation of Blood (Blood Clotting). You must have, sometime or the other,
got a cut on your finger and seen blood flowing out of it . You would have noticed
that after a few minutes, the blood flow stops, as the blood thickens and forms a
lump. This lump is called clot. The process of thickening of blood is called
coagulation or clotting of blood. We are lucky that the blood clots and the bleeding
stops. If it did not, a person with a very small wound would lose a lot of blood
and die. When blood vessels are injured, a sequence of reactions take place to
prevent loss of blood. Steps involved are as follows :
Thromboplastin + Prothrombin
(from blood platelets) (Plasma protein)
Fibrinogen → Fibrin
(Plasma protein) (Insoluble fibres)
FIBRIN + R.B.C → CLOT (Scab)
Prevents blood loss
Haemophilia – A genetic disease that results in a condition where blood
fails to clot
Blood group
The blood may chemically be identified as belonging to any one of the four main
group A, B, AB, and O. Blood types remain constant throughout lifetime as they
are hereditary. These blood groups are due to the presence of special proteins present
on the membrane of RBCs termed antigens. Antigens present could be A, B both
A and B or no Antigen may be present at all. Blood plasma, on the other hand,
contains antibodies a, b, or both a and b, or neither of the two. Antigen A reacts
with antibody b and antigen B with antibody a causing clumping of blood.
Blood Group Antigen Antibody
A A b
B B a
AB A, B –
O – a, b
Blood transfusion
When excessive blood is lost from the body either due to an accident, hemorrhage
or during surgery (operation), doctors transfer blood from a healthy person (Donor)
to the patient (Recipient). This is called Blood Transfusion. When blood transfusion
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals is needed, the red cells blood selected must belong to a group which will not be
affected by any antibody in the patient’s plasma.
Clumping of donor’s blood (Agglutination) may take place on transfusion if the
blood group of donor does not match with that of the recipient. Table 15.3 shows
blood groups and possibility of their transfusion.
Clumping is a condition where the antibodies present in the plasma of
recipient link donor’s blood cells with each other.
Agglutination is the process by which red blood cells clump together when
the antigens on their surface react with complementary antibodies.
Table 15.3 Matching of Blood Group, Safe and Unsafe
Transfusion of Blood.
Those who can safely Blood group types
receive blood of donor type Donor who cannot
O, A, B, AB Type O
A, AB Type A O, B
B, AB Type B O, A
AB Type AB O, A, B,
Rh Factor
Presence or absence of another blood protein in addition of ABO antigens makes
a person Rh+ or Rh–.
Rh factor in expectant mothers can sometimes cause problems. The blood
of an Rh+ embryo whose mother is Rh– is in danger of severe clumping.
Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Antibodies are produced in the mother against the Rh+
blood cells of the
embryo. Whenever there is even the slightest mixing of foetal blood
mothers blood.
Blood Pressure
You have already learnt that during systole, the ventricles contract and force the Notes
blood into the arteries, which carry it to all parts of the body. The flow of the blood
in the arteries exerts a pressure on their elastic walls. This pressure is called blood
The pressure of blood at the time of ventricular contraction is higher and is called
systolic pressure. When ventricles are relaxed and are being filled by blood, there
is a drop in pressure. This lower pressure is called diastolic pressure. These two
pressures can be measured in the arteries of the arms. The device used for measuring
blood pressure is called Sphygmomanometer.
A reading of 120/75 means that the person’s systolic pressure is 120 mm of mercury
and diastolic pressure is 75 mm of mercury. A typical reading for a healthy adult
is 120 ± 5/70 ± 5 mm of mercury.
The difference between diastolic and systolic pressure can be felt as a throb in
the arteries of the wrist. This throb at the wrist is called Pulse. The number of throbs
felt at a particular point on the wrist (due to systole) per minute is called Pulse
Rate. It is equal to the number of heart beats i.e. around 70 beats per minute for
a normal adult.
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 4. Lymphatic system
Our body has two kinds of circulating fluids – blood and lymph. Of these you have
seen and felt the first (i.e. blood) in your own body, but lymph remains unnoticed
even if it oozes out at any point of injury because it is colourless.
This system consists of a series of branching vessels and a collection of lymphatic
Notes organs. Let us understand. A continuous exchange of materials between the blood
capillary and the intercellular fluid (fluid present between cells of tissues) goes on.
Some important components like proteins etc. that could not be returned back to
blood capillaries from intercellular fluid, are taken up by the lymph capillaries as
lymph and drained into veins in the lower neck portion of the body. Lymph should
be regarded as modified tissue fluid.
The clear, colourless liquid moving out of the capillary wall is called Lymph. Lymph
comes in to direct contact with body cells. (Fig. 15.5)
Lymph nodes
Each node is a clump of tissue housing a number of lymphocytes. These nodes act
as filters for bacteria, viral particles and cancerous cells. These resident lymphocytes
then immediately attack the disease causing germs or pathogens.
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals The spleen and tonsils are lymphoid organs.
It is the largest lymphoid organ and has the following functions
(i) Haemopoiesis – Formation of Blood cells in the foetus
(ii) Destruction of old and worn out blood cells and hence termed as ‘grave
yard’ of RBC.
(iii) Blood reservoir
(iv) Defensive action by engulfing bacteria
The body’s ability to resist or protect itself from the harmful effects of disease
producing substance or organisms is called Immunity.
Any substance that causes this type of response in the body is known as antigen.
Antigen may be bacteria, viruses, or allergens (such as pollen grains)
Antigens enable the body to protect itself with the help of antibodies produced by
lymphocytes (WBC)
Immunity could be natural or acquired. Natural immunity is by birth. Acquired
immunity develops during lifetime. It develops due to exposure to a disease or by
Acquired immunity is of two types
(a) Active Immunity : Develops during exposure to disease causing germ. The
body produces antibodies that remain in the blood to prevent further infection
by that particular pathogen or disease causing organism. Vaccine containing
weakened germs are administered to provide active immunity e.g DPT vaccine
given for developing immunity against diphtheria, pertusis (whooping cough)
and tetanus and BCG vaccine given for immunity against tuberculosis
People also develop immunity against chicken pox, small pox and measles after
suffering from these disease. This form of immunity is usually a life long
(b) Passive Immunity : This form of immunity is shortlived. It is developed by
injecting readymade antibodies (collected from other animals). Anti tetanus
serum (ATS vaccine) provides temporary immunity against tetanus.
A vaccine is a sample of an antigen, too small to cause a disease, but enough
to produce antibodies. Vaccines have been developed for a number of diseases
like polio, mumps, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, cholera, etc.
(i) The clear colourless liquid flowing out of the blood capillary walls is
called …..………….
l Circulatory system consists of muscular pump (heart), tube like vessels (blood
vessels) and circulating fluids (blood, lymph).
l Wave of contraction in the heart is conducted from S.A. node of A.V. node to
bundle of HIS, to purkinje fibers.
Circulation of Body Fluids MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
l Blood vessels are arteries, capillaries and veins Plants and Animals
l Superior and inferior venae cave bring deoxygenated blood to heart. Pulmonary
vein brings pure (oxygenated) blood to the heart and arota supplies it to the
l Production of blood is called haemopoiesis which takes place in the bone Notes
l Blood consists of plasma and cell components RBC, WBC and Platelets
l In the A, B, O Blood group system, a person with blood group O is a universal
donor and person with blood group AB is universal recipient.
l Rh factor is important in matching blood groups for transfusion as well as in the case
of expectant mothers.
l Normal blood pressure for healthy person is 120 ± 5/75 ±5 mm of mercury and
is measured by Sphygmomanometer.
l The colourless fluid moving out of capillary wall is called lymph
l Spleen an tonsils are examples of lymphoid organs and house lymphocytes (T-cells
and B-cells)
l Body’s ability to protect itself from harmful substances is called immunity
MODULE - 2 Circulation of Body Fluids
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
16 Notes
Every organism performs movements and a number of other tasks for its survival.
Besides, several other actions are continuously occurring inside the body that need
to be properly timed and coordinated. All this is the outcome of two organ systems
– the nervous and the endocrine (hormonal) systems.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
describe the functions of the nervous system and list its subdivisions;
list, draw and label the major parts of the brain and spinal cord and explain
their functions;
explain the structure of a neuron, a nerve and describe the conduction of
impulse through a nerve fibre and across the synapse;
define reflex action and draw the components of the reflex arc;
list various sensory receptors in human body and describe the structure and
functioning of the sense organs–eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin;
distinguish between exocrine and endocrine glands;
list various endocrine glands and locate their position in human body;
identify properties of hormones and mention their nature and manner of
differentiate between hormones and pheromones;
name the various hormones secreted by pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
adrenals, pancreas and reproductive organs in humans and mention their
relate the hormonal imbalance with hormone related disorders in humans;
state the effects of over functioning (hyperactivity) and hypoactivity
(underfunctioning) of pituitary and thyroid;
explain the feedback mechanism of hormonal control.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
The major functions of the nervous system in humans are as follows:
(i) It keeps us informed about the outside world through the sense organs.
(a) Cerebrum. This is the largest part of the brain, divided into two (the right and
the left) parts called cerebral hemispheres. Their outer surface is highly
convoluted with ridges and grooves. Each hemisphere is hollow internally and
the walls have two (an inner and an outer) regions. The outer region (cerebral
cortex) contains cell bodies of the nerve cells and being grayish in colour it
is called gray matter. The inner region is composed of whitish axon fibres and
is called the white matter. Corpus callosum is a sheet of cris-cross nerve fibres
connecting the two cerebral hemispheres (Fig. 16.2b). Left side of the cerebrum
controls the right side of the body and vice-versa.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
(ii) It receives and processes information form the sense organs, like
eyes, ear, nose etc.
(b) Diencephalon. This is the part of the forebrain lying below the cerebrum. It
consists of the following two parts;
(c) Cerebellum. The cerebellum is a smaller region of the brain located at the base
and under the cerebrum. It has numerous furrows instead of convolutions. It
also has a cortex of gray matter. Its two main functions are. Notes
(i) to maintain the balance of the body, and
(d) Medulla oblongata. This is the last part of the brain, which is connected to
the spinal cord. Its functions are as follows:
(ii) It controls heartbeat, the movement of alimentary canal and many other
involuntary actions.
In all, 12 pairs of nerves (cranial nerves) come out of the brain, some of these
are sensory, some motor and some are of mixed type.
Fig. 16.6 shows the general structure of the spinal cord as seen in its cross section.
It also shows the manner in which the spinal nerves originate from it.
(ii) Conducts sensory impulses from the skin and muscles to the brain,
(iii) Conducts motor responses from the brain to the trunk and limbs.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 2. Mention the one functions each of :
(i) Cerebrum ..................................................................................................
(ii) Cerebellum ................................................................................................
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 7. Blood sugar Increased No effect
8. Salivary secretion Stops Increased
9. Tear glands Activated Slowed down
10. Erector muscles of Stimulated (hair Relaxed (hair flattened)
Notes skin hair raised)
11. Adrenal glands Increased secretion of No effect
12. Intestine Peristalsis decreased Peristalsis increased
13. Stomach glands Decreased secretion Increased secretion
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Dendrites (short branching processes) extend out from the cell body. They bring Plants and Animals
signals (impulses) from the receptor or from the axon endings of another neuron.
There may be as many as 200 dendrites in a single neuron allowing as many
connections with the axon endings of other neurons.
A long nerve fibre or axon carries the impulse from the cell body towards Notes
its terminal branches which may either pass on the impulse to another neuron,
or into a muscle or gland to bring about the required action. Synapse is the point
of communication between one nerve cell and another or between nerve cell
and a muscle.
A sheath of fatty material (myelin) often covers the axon, and such nerve fibres
are called medullated or myelinated fibres.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals A. Along the neuron–Electrical Signalling
The transmission (moving from one end to another) of the nerve impulse through
the nerve fibre is electrochemical. It is not simply a flow of electrons through an
electric wire but it travels as a wave of depolarization (Fig. 16.5).
In normal resting condition the outside of the nerve fibre carries positive (+) charge.
In this condition nerve fibre is said to be polarized. The polarization is due to the
presence of more Na+ ions outside the cell membrane. Such state is maintained
due to the sodium ions being continuously pumped out by means of the sodium
potassium pump and operated by active transport using ATP for energy.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
B. Over the Synapse – Chemical Signalling Plants and Animals
The impulse travelling through a nerve fibre may reach either its destination.
(muscle or gland) for action or the dendrites of another neuron for further
transmission. The meeting place is called synapse. The transmission over a synapse
is a chemical process. As the impulse reaches the terminal end of the axon, the
following events occur : Notes
– a chemical acetylcholine is released by the end of the axon.
– acetylcholine stimulates the next neuron to start the new impulse.
– acteylcholine is soon broken down there to make the synapse ready for the next
In case the axon endings are branched and in contact with the dendrites of other
neurons the impulse will travel through all of them.
‘All or none’ principle. If the stimulus is strong enough (with a minimum
threshold) to produce the impulse, the impulse will set up and travel at its own
speed. Threshold is the minimum strength of a stimulus that can initiate an impulse.
Increasing the intensity of the stimulus cannot raise the speed of transmission.
Reflex action is an automatic, quick and involuntary action in the body brought
about by a stimulus. For example,
You instantaneously withdraw your hand on accidentally touching a hot plate
or a sharp thorn.
Watering (salivation ) of the mouth takes place on seeing or just smelling a
familiar tasty food.
Two types of reflexes – simple and conditioned
The two examples of reflex action given above are basically different. The first
one is inborn or natural, which did not require previous learning. Such reflexes are
called simple reflexes.
The other example is the outcome of repeated experience. Here the brain actually
remembers the taste of food and works in an unconscious manner- such reflexes
are called conditioned reflexes.
Some other examples of reflexes are as follows:
(A) Simple Reflex
Quick closing of eyelids on noticing an object suddenly approaching the eye.
Coughing when the food swallowed enters the windpipe instead of the food
Narrowing of the eye pupil in strong light.
If the foot of sleeping person is tickled, it is jerked away.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(ii) Salivation on seeing a favorite dish ........................................................ Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Retina is the innermost sensitive layer. It contains two kinds of sensory cells–
the rods (sensitive to dim light) and cones (sensitive to bright light and colours).
Yellow spot lying at the visual axis is the place of best vision in the normal
eye. It contains maximum number of sensory cells and particularly the cone.
The rest of the retina has fewer cones and more rods.
Notes Blind spot is the point where the nerve fibres (axons) from all the sensitive
cells of the retina converge to form the optic nerve which connects the eye
to the brain. There are no sensory cells at the blind spot and any image
formed here is not perceived.
The parts of the eye
Internally the eye is divided into two main chambers separated by the lens.
Aqueous chamber is the front part containing a watery fluid (aqueous
humour) and vitreous chamber is the back part containing a thick jelly like
glassy substance (vitreous humour, vitro : glass). The aqueous humour keeps
the lens moist and protects it from physical shocks. The vitreous humour helps
in maintaining the shape of the eyeball and protects the retina.
The lens is biconvex in shape and semi-solid. It is composed of soft gelatinous
tissue. It is held in position by suspensory ligament, which attaches it to the
muscular ciliary body. The shape of the lens is influenced by the amount of
tension in the suspensory ligament.
Iris is a sort of circular curtain in front of the lens. It is black, brown or blue.
The colour of the eye is the colour of its iris. It contains two kinds of muscles
: circular muscles for narrowing the pupil, and radiating muscles for dilating
it. The size of the pupil is adjusted involuntarily to control the amount of light
entering the eye. Can you think of the situations when the pupil gets narrower
and when it becomes wider?
How Do We See
Transmission of light : Reflected light rays from the object enter the eyes
through the transparent structures of the eye i.e. conjucativa, cornea, aqueous
humour, lens and vitreous humour.
Formation of image. The curvature of the cornea bends the rays to some extent
and the lens bends them further to form an image on the retina.
Nature of image. The image is inverted and real.
Production of nerve impulse and its transmission. The light energy of the
image produces chemical changes in the sensory cells (rods and cones). These
changes produce nerve impulses, which travel through the optic nerve and reach
the brain.
Perception. The brain interprets the image in many ways; e.g. it sees the object
vertical although the actual image formed is inverted.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Accomodation (focusing). Focusing the image on retina is called Plants and Animals
accommodation. Changing the curvature of the elastic lens brings about the
– For distant vision : The lens is more flattened or thinner; this is the
normal condition of the lens, which is kept stretched by the suspensory
– For near vision : The ciliary muscles which are circular, contract and
tend to reduce the circumference of the eyeball there. This releases the
tension on the suspensory ligament and the lens becomes thicker (more
rounded) on account of its own elasticity.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 2. Name the following:
(i) Area of sharp vision in the eye ..............................................................
(ii) The kind of lens used for correcting near-sightedness ..........................
(iii) The condition in which the lens of the eye turns opaque .....................
Notes (iv) The capacity of eye to focus objects at different distances ..................
Blood carries the hormone to the target cells which respond to it.
Hormones regulate the physiological processes.
They are produced in very small quantities and are biologically very active.
For example, adrenaline is active even at a concentration of 1 in 300 million
Their excess and deficiency, both, cause serious disorders.
Chemically, the hormones may be water-soluble proteins (peptides),
glycoproteins and amines or lipid-soluble steroids.
The extra hormones are not stored in the body and are excreted out.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals The pituitary controls most other endocrine glands. It has two distinct parts: the anterior
pituitary and the posterior pituitary. Various hormones produced from these two parts
and their actions are listed below in Table 16.2.
Table 16.2 Pituitary hormones, their action and abnormalities due to its
oversecretion or undersecretion
Source Hormones Action and abnormalities
2. Thyroid
Thyroid is a bilobed structure situated in the front region of the neck
(Fig. 16.11). It secretes two hormones—thyroxine and calcitonin.
Thyroxine regulates basal metabolism i.e. the rate of cellular oxidation resulting in heat
production. Controls growth and development, ossification of the bones, body temperature,
mental development, etc.
Undersecretion of thyroxine (hypothyroidism) produces three conditions
Simple goitre. Enlargement of thyroid visible as a swelling in the neck. It is caused
due to iodine deficiency in food as iodine is needed for production of thyroid
Cretinism. Poor body growth (dwarfism) and mental retardation
Myxoedema. Swelling of the face and hands. General sluggishness.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Oversecretion of thyroxine (hyperthyroidism) produces exophthalmic goitre. This Plants and Animals
condition causes marked increase in the metabolic rate, rapid heart beat, shortness
of breath and the eyes protrude out together with goitre in the neck.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
7. Gonads (testis and ovary) Plants and Animals
Testes in males possess two kinds of cells : the sperm-producing germinal cells
and the hormone-producing interstitial cells. The hormones produced are called
androgens and the commonest one among them is testosterone.
The testosterone stimulates the development of the male characters during which the Notes
body at puberty starts developing facial hair, and their voice cracks and deepens.
Ovaries in females produce two kinds of hormones—estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen is secreted from the follicles of the ovary and stimulates the development
of breasts and fat deposition on the hip in a mature woman. Estrogen prepares the
wall of the uterus for receiving the fertilized egg.
Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum (follicle left after the release of
ovum). It brings about the final changes in the uterus for the retention and growth
of the foetus during pregnancy.
8. Placenta
Placenta of a pregnant woman produces certain hormones. One such hormone is
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which maintains the activity of corpus
luteum in secreting progesterone continuously.
(ii) Secretin is the hormone secreted by the inner lining of the duodenum.
It stimulates the production of pancreatic juice while the hormone
cholecystokinin stimulates release of bile from gall bladder.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals to inhibit the release of TSH-RH. When the level of thyroxine falls in the blood, the thyroid
gets stimulated to secrete more of it. What is happening here is that the starting point
of an activity receives back the information whether to continue or increase, or to slow
down or even stop.
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals (iv) The condition of passing much glucose in the urine
(v) The source gland of ADH
Notes 2. What are pheromones.
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
The pituitary controls and regulates the activities of almost all other endocrine glands. Plants and Animals
The undersecretion as well as the oversecretion of the hormones, both produce ill
Hormone level are generally controlled by feed back mechanism.
Pheromones are the external secretions, which produce response in other individuals Notes
of the same species.
1. Name the two divisions of the nervous system?
2. What is gray matter?
3. Name the chemical involved in the transmission of nerve impulse across a synapse.
4. Give two examples of sensory nerves.
5. Name the respective areas of the retina concerned with best vision and no vision.
6. What is the role of the eustachian tube in the ear?
7. Name the hormone and its source glands, whose deficiency leads to diabetes
8. What are pheromones?
9. Name and explain the event that happens immediately when a nerve fibre gets
10. Are the endocrine glands and the ductless glands one and the same thing? Give
one example.
11. Describe any one example of condition reflex in the humans.
12. List the functions of medulla oblongata.
13. Differentiate between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
14. What are the two principal tasks of insulin?
15. Explain the following terms: (i) synapse (ii) stimulus and (iii) impulse
16. Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the bones inside the middle ear.
17. Write short notes on the following :
(i) myopia
(ii) taste buds
(iii) accommodation of the eye
18. How do sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems act differently on
(i) pupil of the eye, and (ii) urinary bladder?
MODULE - 2 Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 19. Draw a labelled diagram of the cross section of the spinal cord and the nervous
pathway of a simple reflex concerned with it.
20. Explain the role of ciliary muscles in our eyes
21. Taking the example of thyroxine secretion, explain what is meant by feedback
Notes mechanism?
Coordination and Control : The Nervous and Endocrine Systems MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
(iv) maintains shape of the eye ball and protects retina Plants and Animals
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
In the previous lesson you studied about the nervous system. There, you noted how
the body functions in a coordinated manner to bring about any required effect or
change. You also learnt about the hormones and how they work in a way so that
the body knows when to start, when to speed up, when to slow down and when
to stop an event that ocurs inside the body. In this lesson, you will study about the
phenomenon called homeostasis which means ‘keeping steady state’. Homeostasis
operates for a variety of needs inside our body and one such need is the regulation
of body temperature called thermoregulation. This lesson mainly covers various
aspects of thermoregulation.
l define the term homeostasis and explain its needs in the body;
l explain the term thermoregulation and justify its need in the body;
l list the body parts involved in thermoregulation and explain how they
contribute towards heat production and heat loss;
l name the principal heat regulating centre in our body and describe how it acts;
l explain the term ‘feed back’ and differentiate between positive and negative
feedback mechanisms.
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals Example 4. Managing the number of red blood cells
A normal human adult possesses about 5 million red blood corpuscles (RBCs) per
cubic millimetre of blood.
Whenever a plain-dweller visits a hill station at high altitude without any break-
journey in between, he is likely to feel exhausted for a couple of days. Later, the
Notes person becomes normal. At high altitudes the atmospheric pressure is lower and
the amount of oxygen carried by this normal number of RBCs is insufficient. Within
a day or two, the body adds more RBCs into the blood to pick up the normal required
quantity of oxygen.
When the same person returns to the plains at a lower altitude the higher RBC level
that was acquired at the hills now begins to take up oxygen in excess, which is
harmful. The body readjusts the red blood cells get reduced in number to become
stable at the original level.
Example 5. Warming and cooling of the body (maintaining steady body
During hot summers you wear light clothes. You perspire a lot, you sit under a fan
or under a tree and feel comfortable. Your body is trying to cool against the higher
Then, there is the reverse of it i.e. cold winter. Inspite of wearing thick warm clothes
you still you feel cold. In mid-daytime, you go out in the open sunshine to warm
yourself. At night, you cover yourself with a thick blanket. You are doing all this
is to maintain a steady state of warmth inside your body.
In both the above situations, you are trying to regulate your internal body
temperature, called thermoregulation. You will study more about thermoregulation
in subsequent sections of this lesson.
Homeostasis : The Steady State MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 2. (i) At what temperature range do enzymes act best?
(ii) What technical term do you use for this temperature?
Based on the capability and the manner of regulating body heat, all animals found
on earth are grouped into two main categories: endotherms and ectotherms
17.3.4 Some ectotherms and how they cope unfavorable temperature conditions
Consider the following examples:
l Frogs hibernate under the ground in cold winters and aestivate during hot
summers to avoid heat and escape from cold.
l Fishes live in water. But the water seldom undergoes extreme temperature
changes like the ones on land. Still, fishes either make minor adjustments in
their body parts to minimize the heat loss or heat gain or, if they are unable
to do so, they migrate to less harsh regions.
l Lizards and crocodiles bask in the open sun to warm themselves during cold
weather. When hot, they move to shades. When feeling hot, the crocodiles even
open their mouths wide to allow evaporation of water for cooling purposes,
something like the panting of dogs.
l Honey bees, during cold winter nights, huddle together inside the hive to
conserve body heat collectively. During hot summers they even operate a kind
of ‘desert cooler’ by sprinkling some water on the honeycombs and fanning
with their wings for cooling the honey combs.
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
l When the body has to face cooling below the normal temperature, it ‘switches
on’ or speeds up the heat-producing processes and simultaneously ‘shuts off’ Notes
the heat-losing ones.
l When the body faces overheating during summer or after intense physical
exercise, it accelerates the cooling process and ‘switches off’ the heat-
producing ones.
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 1. Increased heat radiation from the body. This is brought about by increasing
the blood supply to the skin through vasodilation (widening of the blood
vessels). The increased blood flow into the skin allows more heat to reach the
body surface and radiate out heat. (Fig. 17.1b).
2. Increased sweating. Increased blood supply to the skin through vasodilation
makes more water available to the sweat glands. They pour out more sweat and
the evaporation of sweat cools the body. We often speed up evaporation of sweat
by using fans. The fans by themselves do not cool the air, it is the movement
of air that increases evaporation of the sweat to produce more cooling.
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
Homeostasis : The Steady State MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals
1. List the three conditions necessary for the body cells to function properly.
2. When do we pass out more concentrated urine–during hot summers or cold
winters ?
3. How does our body deal with any extra sugar absorbed into the blood after meals?
4. What is our normal RBC count per cubic millimetre? Will it go up or go down if
a plain dweller shifts to a mountain or hill?
MODULE - 2 Homeostasis : The Steady State
Forms and Function of
Plants and Animals 5. In which temperature range do the enzymes in our body act best?
6. Name the two terms often used synonymously for ectotherms.
7. Name any two animals, which tolerate the intense heat of the deserts by promoting
heat loss.
Notes 8. Which kind of feedback mechanism–the positive or the negative, normally operates
in bringing about water-salt balance in our body.
9. How is the enzymatic activity affected upon coding?
10. How do honeybees fight cold during intense winter ?
11. Differentiate between the two terms homeotherms and poikilotherms.
12. Give any two examples of preventing loss of body heat by postural behaviour in
13. List the components of homeostasis in their proper sequence.
14. Differentiate between positive and negative feedback mechanism.
15. Explain the role of the following in thermoregulation in humans:
(i) Sweat glands
(ii) Skeletal muscles
(iii) Blood vessels in the skin
16. What is meant by feed back mechanism? What are its two types? Which one of
these is applicable to thermoregulation and why?
17. Why is thermoregulation required in our body?
18. Differentiate between endotherms and ectotherms. Which ones of these do you think
can survive better if there is a suden change in environmental temperature?
19. Differentiate between physiological and behavioral responses for thermoregulation
in humans.
20. Explain the role of hypothalamus during heat regulation in humans.
21. Explain the relationship between sensor and integrating centre during any one kind
of homeostasis.
Homeostasis : The Steady State MODULE - 2
Forms and Function of
17.3 1. Endotherms : Camel, Bat, Polar bear, sparrow Plants and Animals
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
18 Notes
define reproduction;
depict with the help of diagram the structure of ovule and mention the steps
of megasporogenesis;
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity describe the stages of development of gametes in flowering plants;
state the types of pollination, their significance and various modes of pollination;
explain the steps involved in fertilization, (syngamy and triple fusion), embryo
development, endosperm development, formation of seed;
differentiate between structure of dicot and monocot seeds;
explain the formation of fruit and parthenocarpy;
describe seed germination;
define vegetative reproduction
differentiate between natural and artificial propagation;
explain the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation;
describe the role of tissue culture technique in micropropagation.
state the advantages of micropropagation.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(b) Vegetative reproduction : involves formation of new plantlets from vegetative Heredity
(somatic) cell, buds or organs of the plant. Here, a vegetative part of the plant
(Root, stem, leaf or bud) gets detached from the parent body and grows into
an independent daughter plant. It is similar to a sexual reproduciton in that it
also requires only mitotic division, no gametic fusion and daughter plants are
genetic clones of the parent plant. Notes
We will discuss the different types of vegetative reproduction in angiosperms
later in this lesson.
(c) Sexual reproduction involves fusion of male and female reproductive cells
(gametes) which are haploid produced by male and female reproductive organs.
This fusion is known as fertilization and results in the production of a zygote
(diploid). Further development of zygote gives rise to a new individual which
is diploid.
Here, at some stage of the life history meiosis is involved and the offsprings
are not genetic clones of their parents.
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Its protoplasm (cytoplasm and nucleus) divides mitotically and forms 4-8
The parent cell wall is ruptured and zoospores are released.
Each zoospore develops a cell wall and grows into an adult cell.
(Fig. 18.2-b, c)
The parent cell does not exist, any more.
B. Sexual Reproduction
The cell becomes non-motile by losing its flagella.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
The zygote develops a thick wall around itself to tide over unfavourable Heredity
conditions (zygospores)
On the return of favourable conditions (temperature, food and water) the diploid
nucleus divides by meiosis and forms four haploid zoospores. (Fig. 18.2 d-i)
Each zoospore grows into a new adult Chlamydomonas.
(a) Matured cell (b) 4 daughter cell (Zoospores formed by Asexual reproduction)
(c) Zoospores after it escapes from the parent cell (d, e, f, g) Free swimming
gametes and fusion (h) A resting zygote (i) 4 cells formed after
meiosis of the zygote cell (zygospores)
Fig. 18.2 Asexual and Sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity 18.2.2 Spirogyra (A Multicellular Alga)
(i) It is a free floating alga found in fresh water ponds.
(ii) The body has a row of rectangular cells joined end to end (filamentous alga).
Notes (iii) Each cell has a spiral ribbon shaped chloroplast with many pyrenoids.
(iv) Central region has a large vacuole.
(v) The nucleus is present in the centre of vacuole supported by cytoplasmic
strands. (Fig. 18.3)
A. Vegetative Reproduction by fragmentation :
(i) The filament breaks into small fragments.
(ii) Each fragment grows into a new filament by cell division.
B. Sexual Reproduction
Scalariform Conjugation (conjugating filaments give a ladder-like appearance).
(Fig. 18.4)
Two filaments come to lie very close to each other.
Cells of the two filaments form a contact with the help of a tube called the
conjugation tube.
Cytoplasmic contents of each cell round off to act as a gamete.
Gamete from one cell (male) passes to the other cell (female) through the
conjugation tube.
Each filament acts either as male or female.
The contents of two gametes fuse in the female cell and form a diploid zygote.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
The zygote develops a thick wall around itself and tides over the unfavourable Heredity
On the return of favourable conditions the diploid nucleus divides by meiosis
into four haploid nuclei. Three of these nuclei degenerate.
On germination, wall of the zygote ruptures and a small tube like structure,
containing one haploid nucleus comes out. Notes
The small tube develops into 1 filament by repeated mitotic divisions.
Fig. 18.4 Life cycle of Spirogyra : Sexual reproduction-Scalariform conjugation. (a) Filaments
lie close, (b) Formation of conjugation tube, (c) Transfer of gamete from the donor to the
recipient cell, (d) Zygospore within the recipient cell, (e) Zygospore breaks from filaments,
(f) Meiotic division in zygospore produces haploid nuclei, (g) 3-4 haploid nuclei
degeneration, (h) formation of young filament
The cell in the main plant body form the gametes without meiosis, therefore
Chlamydomonas and Spirogyra are gametophytes (haploid).
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Table 18.1 Difference between Juvenile and Adult Shoot Heredity
Juvenile Shoot Adult Shoot
1. Small, soft stem bearing a few 1. Well developed stem and leaves.
young leaves.
2. Shape and size of leaves remain 2. Shape and size of leaves change. Notes
3. Shoot does not respond to stimuli 3. Shoot responds to stimuli to produce
to produce flowers. flower.
Parts of a flower
As you have already studied a typical flower consist of four whorls borne on a
thalamus or stalk. These whorls are from outside
(a) Calyx - consisting of sepals.
(b) Corolla - consisting of petals
(c) Androecium - consisting of stamens
(d) Gynoecium or pistil - consisting of carpels.
Try to recollect their role in reproduction. The two outermost whorls are known
as non essential or accessory whorls as they aid in reproduction but do not directly
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity take part in the process. The other two whorls i.e. Androecium (male reproductive
organ) and Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) are known as the essential
whorls as their absence from flowers will lead to failure of reproduction.
(a) A pollen grain showing external view (b) Pollen grain showing internal view
Fig. 18.7 Structure of pollen grain
At this stage pollen grains are releases by the rupture of the stomium dehiscence
of the anther.
The Pollen grain itself is not, the male gamete. It is a structure which
produces male gametes, therefore pollen grain is the male gametophyte.
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity The pistil, megasporangium and embryo sac
The main part of the ovule is enclosed by two integument (covering) leaving an
aperture (micropyle). The ovule is attached to ovary wall by a stalk (funiculus).
Chalaza is the basal part (Fig. 18.8a)
Female gamete
The gynoecium or pistil represents the female reproductive part in the flower. Each
pistil consists of a stigma, style and ovary. The ovary contain one or more ovules
(megasporangia) which are the future seeds. An ovule develops as a projection on
the placenta in the ovary. It consists of a parenchymatous tissue called the nucleus
and is covered by one or two coverings called integuments, the integuments
surround the nucellus all around but leave a narrow passage, the micropyle, through
which a pollen tube may enter at a later stage. As the ovule grows it is raised on
a stalk like structure called funiculus which is attached to the placenta on the other
end (Fig. 18.8b).
Thus, in a mature ovule the embryo sac contains eight haploid nuclei but only seven
cell. Three cells at the micropylar end, form the egg apparatus and the three cells
at the chalazal end, are the antipodal cells. The remaining two nuclei called the
polar nuclei may use to form the diploid secondary nucleus. In the egg apparatus Notes
one is the egg cell (female gamete) and remaining two cells are the synergids. A
fully developed embryo sac with the nucellus, integuments and funiculus, together
constitute the mature ovule. In this condition the ovule awaits fertilization which
must be preceded by pollination.
Egg Cell : Fuses, with the second male gamete (sperm) to give rise to the
zygote, which develops into the embryo. This is called double fertilization.
Self-pollination Cross-pollination
Notes Transfer of Pollen grains Transfer of Pollen grains
to stigma of same or another to stigma of a flower of another
flower of same plant. as in the plant of the same species and as in
China rose palm
Importance of Pollination :
1. It results in fertilization and ovule is converted into seed.
2. New varieties of plants are formed through new combination of genes in case
of cross pollination.
3. During pollination pollen tube produces growth hormones which convert ovary
into fruit.
Cross pollination is brought about by various external agencies such as, wind,
insects, water, birds and other animals. Now let us study the various agencies of
cross pollination which carry pollen grains from one flower to stigma of another
Characteristics in Flowers which favour Cross Pollination
1. Pollination by wind (Anemophily) : (Anemos : wind, Phile: to love)
(i) Flowers are small, without colour, nectar and scent.
(ii) Flowers produce a large number of pollen grains to allow for wastage
when carried with wind to another flower.
(iii) The pollen grains are small, light and sometimes provided with ‘Wings’.
(iv) The stigmas are comparatively large, protruding and some times hairy,
to trap pollen grains for example, grasses and some cacti.
2. Pollination by insects (Entomophily) : (entomo : insect, phile : to love)
(i) Flowers are usually large, coloured and showy to attract insects.
(ii) Some of these flowers secrete nectar to attract insects. Salvia flowers
show special adaptations for pollination by bees. (Fig. 18.9).
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity 18.4.2 Fertilization
Pollen grains reach the right stigma and begin to germinate.
Pollen grain form a small tube like structure called pollen tube which emerges
through the germ pore. The contents of the pollen grain move into the tube.
Pollen tube grows through the tissues of the stigma and style and finally the
ovule through the micropyle.
Vegetative cell degenerates and the generative cell divides to form two sperms
(or male gametes).
Tip of pollen tube bursts and the two sperms enter the embryo sac.
One sperm fuses with the egg (syngamy) and forms a diploid zygote. The other
sperm fuses with the secondary nucleus to form the primary endosperm nucleus
which is triploid in nature. Since two types of fusion syngamy and triple fusion
take palace in an embryo sac the process is termed as double fertilization.
Significance of Fertilisation
(i) Gives stimulus for the growth of ovary, leading to fruit formation.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
(b) In Cellular, each nuclear division is followed by cytokinesis, making it cellular Reproduction and
from the beginning Heredity
(c) In Helobial type, the first mitosis gives rise to two unequal cells, subsequently
division are free nuclear but becomes cellular after cytokinesis.
Endosperm may be completely consumed by the developing embryo before seed
maturation as in many dicot seeds like pea, beans etc. or it may persist in the Notes
mature seeds or may even enlarge considerably as in cereals, coconut etc.
Development of embryo
(i) The zygote divides into two cells, the upper cell (embryonal cell) and;
lower cell (Suspensor cell). (Fig 18.10)
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity (v) The integuments become hardened and thus form the seed coat, seed coat
protects the seed.
(vi) Thus a seed may be dicotyledonous with two cotyledons. (pea, gram) or
monocotyledonous with one cotyledon (wheat, rice).
Importance of Seed
1. It contains embryo which develops into a new plant.
2. The seed coat protects the embryo against dehydration and mechanical damage.
3. Seeds can be stored and transported from one place to another thus help in
A. Structure of Gram (dicot) Seed :
(i) The seed is enclosed in the pod. (Fig. 18.11a)
(ii) It is somewhat conical in shape. (Fig. 18.11b)
(iii) The seed is attached to a small stalk.
(iv) The point of attachment of seed to the stalk is called hilum.
(v) Testa is the brown seed coat, fused with the inner coat the tegmen
(vi) Below it is a small pore, the micropyle.
(vii) The embryo is enclosed by the two fleshy cotyledons. (Fig. 18.11c)
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Fig. 18.11 Structure of dicot and monocot seeds : (a) External view of gram seed; (b) Internal
structure of gram seed (c) embryo (gram) (d) Maize grain entire; (e) L.S. of maize grain
18.4.4 Fruit
A fruit is defined as a ripened ovary. Different parts are edible in different fruits.
Significance of Fruit :
1. It protects seeds.
2. On decay, fruits which contain chemical substances enrich the soil.
3. It helps in dispersal of seeds.
The unripe fruit has a different taste but no smell. But the same fruit when it ripens
has a good taste and smell e.g. mango, banana. The following changes take place
during the ripening of fruit :
(i) Starch is converted into sugar.
(ii) The production of various organic substances (esters) gives a different texture,
taste and flavour.
(iii) The breakdown of chlorophyll leads to changes in colour of the skin of the
Parthenocarpy : When fertilisation fails, seeds are not formed. But in certain plants
the ovary develops into a fruit e.g. grapes, banana etc.
The phenomenon of development of fruit from unfertilised ovary is called
parthenocarpy and such fruits are called parthenocarpic fruits.
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
2. Define a seed.
4. Define a fruit.
18.4.5 Seed
Seed is the final product of sexual reproduction and seed becomes relatively dry.
The metabolic activity of the embryo slows down and in majority of cases the
embryo enter into a phase of inactivity called dormancy or in some case if
favourable conditions are available they germinate. Dormancy help the plants to
survive under unfavourable conditions and ensures its germination only under
favourable conditions.
Germination - Embryo lies dormant in the seeds, but when the seed receives the
favourable signals and the inputs from the environment (moisture, suitable
temperature and oxygen) they germinate. Germination is the process by which the
embryo grow and establishes itself as a seedling.
Step of germination
Imbibition of water (through the micropyle) and by the seed coat.
Enzyme activity converts the reserved seed food into soluble forms (glucose,
amino acid, fatty acids)
The seed coat bursts and radicle emerges (grows into root) and then the plumule
grows and develops into shoots.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Germination can be of two types Heredity
(a) Epigeal where cotyledons come above the ground and form the first leaves of
the new plant e.g. in castor, neem, bean, plumule emerges from the cotyledon
(b) Hypogeal where cotyledons remain underground and plumule emerges from Notes
the soil and develops into the shoot system. e.g. maize, rice etc.
The new plants formed by vegetative propagation are genetically similar to the
Natural Method : In natural methods, a portion of the plant gets detached from
the body of the mother plant and grows into an independent plant. The parts may
be stem, root, leaf or even flower.
You have studied about the various modifications of root, stem and leaf in lesson
4 and 5. You have also learnt that these modified portions perform some special
functions and also help to overcome unfavourable conditions.
1. The underground modification of stem, like rhizome, (in ginger), tuber (potato),
bulb (onion) and corm (zamikand) are provided with buds which develop into
a new plant and are therefore used to carry out vegetative propagation of the
plant in the field. Plants with subaerial modification such as Pistia (offset) and
Chrysanthemum (sucker) are also used for vegetative propagation.
2. Similarly, tuberous roots (Asparagus and sweet potato) can also be used for
propagation as these roots have adventitious buds which ground into a new
4. In plants like Agave and Oxalis multicellular bodies called bulbils develop near
the flower. These are called bulbils which when fall on the ground grow into
new plant.
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity Table 18.2 Modes of Vegetative reproduction with examples
Mode of Reproduction Specialised plant Examples
(A) Natural Methods
Notes (a) Roots (Adventitious) Asparagus,
Sweet potato
(b) Stem (a) Runner Lawn grass,
(b) Sucker Mint, Onion,
(c) Bulb Onion
(d) Tuber Potato, Canna
(e) Rhizome Ginger
(c) Leaves Adventitious Buds Bryophyllum
(d) Special Parts Bulbil Oxalis,
Pineapple Onion
(B) Artificial Methods
(a) Cutting Rose, Money Plant
(b) Layering Jasmine,
(c) Grafting Grapewine
(d) Tissue Culture Citrus, Mango
Orchids, Chrysan
themum, Asparagus.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(a) Cuttings : Many plants like rose, Bougainvillea, Croton, Coleus, money plants,
sugarcane etc. are grown through their stem cuttings. (Fig. 18.13). Cuttings of
these plants can be grown even in water where they strike roots and develop
adventitious buds.
Fig. 18.16 (a) The lower part of the stem of scion is cutin a wedge. (b) The shoot of the
plant to be used as a stock is cut off. The stem is slit vertically the scion is
inserted into the stock and is tied with a tape (c) the graft union
occurs within a short time
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity (d) Improved varieties of ornamental plants and fruit trees can be multiplied
(e) Vegetative propagation is a quicker, easier and a less expensive method of
multiplying plants.
Notes Disadvantages
(a) Overcrowding and competition for space unless separated artificially.
(b) New varieties cannot be produced by this method except by mutation.
(c) Diseases typical of the species are rapidly transmitted and can decimatr a crop.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
18.8.1 Advantages of micropropagation Heredity
By this method an indefinite number of identical plants can be obtained vegetatively
starting from a small amount of parent tissue.
In orchids, carnations, Chrysanthemum and Asparagus, micropropagation is being
successfully tried in some parts of our country.
1. Explain the term isogamy taking Chlamydomonas as an example.
2. Describe scalariform conjugation in Spirogyra.
3. Differentiate between annuals, biennials and perennial plants.
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
4. Give significance of pollination. Heredity
18.1 1. The process by which living organisms produced their offsprings for
the continuity of the species.
2. Offsprings reproduce from a vegetative unit produces by a parent
without fusion of gamete. In case of sexual reproduction fusion of male
and female reproductive cells from male and female reproductive
3. Male and female reproductive cells are known as gametes.
4. Fission, budding, fragmentation and spore formation.
MODULE - 3 Reproduction in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity 18.2 1. Male and female gametes are identical in structure.
2. Zygote
3. Asexual reproduction
18.3 1. Fragmentation
2. Scalariform Conjugation.
3. Diploid nucleus in zygote on return of favourable conditions.
18.4 1. Annual - Plants which produce flowers and seeds within one season.
Biennial - Plants which complete there life cycle in two seasons. In First
year they are in vegetative state and in second year reproductive state.
Perennial - Plants which live for several years. For first few years they
are in vegetative state and later in reproductive state.
2. Temperature, light - day length
3. Cannabis or Cucumis
4. Stamens and carpels
18.5 (i) Tapetum
(ii) Pollen sac
(iii) Exine and intine
(iv) Nucellus and integuments
18.6 1. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a flower.
2. (i) Cleistogamy
(ii) Dichogamy
3. (i) Flowers are large, coloured and showy.
(ii) Some flowers secrete nectar.
18.7 1. Integuments.
2. Ripened ovule.
3. Pea or Gram, Maize grain.
4. Ripened ovary.
Seed coat
5. Embryo
Reproduction in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
18.8 1. The process of multiplication in which a portion of the plant body Heredity
becomes detached and develops into new plants.
2. (a) Ginger (b) Potato (c) Onion (d) Lawn grass (e) mint
3. Bryophyllum
4. Rhizomes and Bulbs Notes
18.9 1. (a) Cutting (b) Grafting (c) Layering
2. (a) Runner (b) Tuber (c) Bulb (d) Sucker
3. Desirable varieties of ornamental plants and fruit trees can be multiplied
18.10 1. (a) (i) Croton (ii) Money plant
(b) (i) Jasmine (ii) Grapevine
(c) (i) Rose (ii) Mango
2. Micropropagation
3. Orchids, Chrysntheum, Asparagus etc.
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
l define the terms growth and development;
l differentiate between growth and development and explain growth curve;
l list the various stages of cellular growth;
l explain the various methods of measurement of plant growth;
l describe the factors affecting plant growth and importance of growth regulators;
l explain the role of growth regulators in dormancy and germination of seeds;
l differentiate among short-day plants, long-day plants and day-neutral plants;
l define the terms abscission and senescence;
l identify the effects of salt stress and water stress on plants;
l define the various types of movement like geotropism, phototropism, nastic and
turgor movements.
You must have noticed that all living organisms grow in size. But have you ever
thought how a do they grow? Growth takes place due to cell division, which
increases the number of cells in the body. This process continues and we observe
increase in weight, size and volume of all plants and animals. This is called growth.
Growth in living organisms may be defined as an irreversible increase in
the number and size of a cell, organ or whole organism.
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Growth in living organisms is not uniform throughout the life span. Growth takes Heredity
place at a faster rate till the plants or animals attain maturity. Then it slows down
and at a particular time it stops. Later in life death occurs. All these changes that
occur in an organism starting from its beginning till its death may collectively be
termed as development. Development is associated with morphogenesis and
differentiation. Morphogenesis is the process of development of shape and Notes
structure of an organism; and differentiation is the process of change in cells,
tissues or organs to carry out different functions.
Development is the whole series of changes such as growth,
differentiation and maturation, which an organism undergoes
throughout its life cycle.
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity In lower organisms such as bacteria and algae the entire body grows. But in higher
organism like ferns, pine and flowering plants, growth is restricted to the cells present
only in the growing regions, like shoot apex and root tip and close to the lateral
sides of the stem and root. Growth at the tips leads to elongation of body parts and
lateral (side ways) growth leads to increase in the thickness of stem and root.
The rate of growth of a plant or plant part is not always the same during its life
span. Sometimes it is slow and at other times rapid. If we plot the increase in cell
number (growth rate) against time, a typical S-shape curve is obtained. This is called
growth curve or sigmoid curve. (Fig 19.2)
This curve has three phases of growth.
(i) Lag Phase – This is the initial phase of growth when the rate of growth is
very slow.
(ii) Log Phase – It shows rapid growth and is maximum for the entire life span.
(iii) Stationary Phase – Here the rate of growth starts decreasing and finally it
Activity For You
To use an ordinary scale to measure growth in length of the stem of a plant in your
What do you require?
Thread, a piece of stone and a measuring scale.
What to do?
l Tie the stone at one end of the thread;
l Take the length of the stem from above the soil surface with the help of the
l Mark the length of the stem on the thread with the help of a pen;
l Put the thread on the scale and note down the length;
l Record the length citing date of the activity;
l Repeat the procedure and at an interval of one week.
Is there any change in length?
Make a table.
No. of the week Length in cms.
19.4.2 Auxanometer
For more accurate measurement of length, we can use the specially designed
equipment called auxanometer. (Fig 19.3). We can use it to measure the rate of
growth of shoot length of plants. A thread is tied to the tip of stem of a potted plant
and the thread is hung on the pulley of auxanometer. The other end of the thread
is tied to a weight. The pulley is fixed with a long needle, which slides over a
graduated arc. As the stem grows in length the weight pulls the thread down. The
movement of the needle is read on the scale of arc.
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
(ii) Temperature
Some plants grow in cold climate and some in hot climate. The optimum
temperature required for growth of plants ranges between 28-30°C, but it may occur Notes
in the temperature range of 4-45°C. All metabolic activities of plants are directly
affected by variation of temperature. A very low temperature causes injuries to the
plant due to chilling and freezing, and very high temperature stops its growth.
(iii) Water
You have already learnt that a plant absorbs water by its roots, use it in
photosynthesis and other biochemical processes and some of it is lost through
transpiration. For proper growth of plants a particular quantity of water is required.
Both deficiency and excess of water retards the growth of plants.
(iv) Mineral Nutrients
In the lesson, “Plant nutrition” we have already discussed the importance of mineral
nutrients for plant growth and development. All metabolic processes require
inorganic nutrients. Plant growth is adversely affected by the deficiency of nutrients.
19.5.2 Internal Growth Factors
In addition to the external factors as discussed above, there are some substances
produced in the plant body itself, which affects the growth of the plant. These are
called plant hormones or phytohormones or growth hormones.
A phytohormone is an organic substance produced in a small quantity in
one part of plant body and capable of moving to other parts to influence
the growth of that part.
The growth of the plants can also be influenced by certain chemicals resembling
plant hormones both in structure and functions. These are called growth regulators.
They are not produced by plants naturally.
Growth regulators are chemical substances, other than naturally produced
hormones, which promote, inhibit or modify growth and development in plants.
The naturally produced growth hormones are broadly grouped under five major
classes. They are
(i) Auxin (ii) Gibberellins (iii) Cytokinins
(iv) Ethylene (v) Abscissic acid
Let us know details about these hormones.
(i) Auxin
Auxin is a growth promoter, generally produced by the growing apex of stem and
root of the plants. It helps in the elongation of shoot and root tips behind apical
meristem. The naturally produced auxin is Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA). They are
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity also produced by chemical synthesis, which show same physiological responses like
Auxin. Some of the synthetic auxin are Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 2,4-
Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid (2,4-D), Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA).
The Greek word auxin means “to grow”. It was first isolated from human urine.
An experiment was performed by Fritz Went on oat seedling to see the effect of
auxins. When tip of oat coleoptile (early shoot) is removed, growth stops. Then
the removed tip is placed on a block of agar (gelatinous material from sea weeds)
for about an hour. This agar block is then placed on the cut end of the seedling.
It was observed that the growth of the seedling started again. It shows that there
is something that has passed from the cut tip into the agar block, which helps to
restart the growth. This was named Auxin, a plant hormone.
Functions of Auxin
(a) It promotes cell elongation;
(b) It suppresses the growth of lateral bud. If the tip of a plant is removed, the lateral
branches begin to grow; In most of the plants apical bud suppresses the
development of lateral buds. This is called apical dominance.
(c) It delays fall of leaves. (leaf abscission)
(d) NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid) is used for preventing fruit drop in apples before
they are ripe.
(e) 2, 4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) acts as a weedicide.
(ii) Gibberellin
Gibberellin or Gibberellic Acid (GA) was initially isolated from a fungus Gibberella
fujikuroi. In plants, it is produced in embryos, roots, and young leaves and it
enhances growth.
Functions of Gibberellins
(a) It helps in elongation of stems in some specific plants. By using gibberellin the
height of the dwarf plants can be increased.
(b) It breaks dormancy of seeds and buds.
(c) It induces parthenocarpy (Formation of seedless fruits without fertilization).
(iii) Cytokinins : They were extracted from coconut milk.
Cytokinins are synthesized in root apex, endosperm of seeds, young fruits etc. where
cell division takes place continuously.
Functions of Cytokinins
(a) They stimulate cell division, cell enlargement and differentiation.
(b) They prevent aging of plant parts.
(c) They inhibit apical dominance and help in growth of lateral buds.
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(iv) Ethylene Heredity
Ethylene is a gaseous hormone. It is found in ripening fruits, flowers and leaves.
Functions of Ethylene
(a) It induces ripening of fruits.
(b) It promotes senescence and abscission of leaf, flowers, etc. Notes
(c) In cells it only increases the width not the length.
(v) Abscissic acid
Abscissic acid also known as Dormin is a naturally occurring growth inhibitor found
in wide variety of plant. It is synthesised in leaves.
Functions of Abscissic acid:
(a) It induces dormancy of buds and seeds as opposed to Gibberellin, which breaks
(b) It promotes the senescence of leaf, i.e., fall of leaves happen due to abscissic
(c) It inhibits seed germination and development.
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
In the previous lesson-7 you have already learnt about formation of seed in plants.
In developed seeds metabolic activities are generally very slow. But at the time of
germination, the metabolic activities in seeds increase and they grow into new
Notes plants under favourable conditions of growth. This is called seed germination.
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(a) Epigeal Germination
In epigeal (epi = above; geo = earth)germination hypocotyl elongates and cotyledons
come out above the soil surface. Examples : seeds of pumpkin, mustard, tamarind,
french bean, etc.
(b) Hypogeal Germination
In hypogeal (hypo = below, geo = earth) germination the epicotyl elongates and
cotyledons remain below the soil surface. Examples : Most monocots seeds like
rice, wheat, maize, coconut, etc.
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity Seed germination requires five factors : water, temperature, oxygen, light and
growth hormones.
(a) Water : The seed must swell up to rupture its seed coat. A ripe seed contain
very low quantity of water. So for swelling to cause rupture of seed coats supply
of adequate water is essential. Biochemical reactions required for growth and
development of the seedling require water.
(b) Temperature : For germination of seeds a particular temperature is required.
The degree of temperature required varies from species to species. Warmth
accelerates chemical reactions inside.
(c) Oxygen : Oxygen is required in breaking down reserve food of seed and release
energy for metabolism and growth of the embryo.
(d) Light : In most of the seeds light is not an essential factor for germination.
But in some cases like lettuce and tobacco light is absolutely essential.
(e) Hormone : Besides the above external factors, hormones also control germination
of seeds. Some roles played by hormones are as follows.
l Gibberellins can induce germination in some cases even in complete
l Auxin, Cytokinins and Ethylene can break dormancy in many seeds and
initiate germination.
l In some seeds Abscissic acid inhibits the germination process.
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(iii) Day-neutral Plants (DNP) : In these plant flowering is not affected by length Heredity
of light period i.e. they produce flower in almost all photoperiods.Cucumber,
Tomato, Sunflower, are day-neutral plants.
Though flowering is the best known example of photoperiodism, many other plant
processes are also controlled by duration of light. Bud dormancy, bulb formation Notes
in onion, tuber formation in potato etc. are affected by period of light.
Any change in the environmental conditions that may adversely affect the
growth or development in plants is called biological stress.
The effect that is produced in plant as a result of stress is called strain. In the above
example bending of leaves and wilting of plant are strains.
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
19.13.1 Types of Stress Heredity
There are a variety of stresses to which plants are exposed. Some common stresses
(a) Water stress; and (b) Salt stress.
Let us know details about them. Notes
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity (b) Nastic Movement
The nastic (nastein : bending) movements are the growth movements resulting due
to difference in the rate of growth on opposite sides of an organ e.g., opening
of petals, coiling of leaves, etc. When upper side of an organ grows faster than the
lower side, the movement is called epinasty. (e.g., downward curling of leaf,
Notes opening of sepals of goldmohur flower. When the lower side grows more rapidly
than upper side, it is called as hyponasty. (e.g. upward curling of leaf blade)
Growth and Development in Plants MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
l Growth of cells occurs in three successive stages i.e., cell division, cell Heredity
enlargement, cell elongation.
l Plants show three phases of growth - Lag Phase, Log Phase, Stationary Phase
l Auxanometer is a specially designed equipment used to measure the rate of
growth of shoot length of plants.
l The external factors those affect the growth of the plant are light, temperature,
Water and mineral nutrients.
l The internal factors those responsible for plant growth are auxin, gibberellins,
cytokinins, ethylene, abscissic acid. These are substance produced in a small
quantity in one part of plant body and capable of moving to other parts to
influence the growth of that part.
l Seed germination is the return of metabolic activities and growth by the seed
tissue to give rise to a new plant. The germination in seeds is mainly affected
by factors like Water, temperature, oxygen, light, and hormone. Flowering plants
show two types of germination, epigeal germination; and hypogeal germination.
l Photoperiodism is the response in growth, reproduction (flowering) of a plant
to the duration of light, which falls on it per day.
l Florigen is a plant hormone, which is responsible for initiation of flowering in
l The method of inducing early flowering in plants by keeping their at low
temperature is called vernalisation
l Senescence is a process during which any part or the whole plant completely
loss as its function and ultimately dies.
l The process of detachment of any leaves, fruits, flower or any part of the plant
from the main body after getting older is called abscission.
l Any change in the environmental conditions that may adversely affect the
growth or development in plants is called biological stress. This stress occurs
mainly due to temperature, water, salt, shade, light, and various pollutants.
1. State the different stages of cellular growth.
2. Distinguish between growth and development.
3. What is a sigmoid curve? State the different phases of sigmoid curve.
4. Describe the various external factors that affect the growth of plants.
5. What is vernalisation?
6. Define the term Photoperiodism.
7. What is auxin? What is its role in the growth of plants?
8. State any two functions of Gibberellin?
MODULE - 3 Growth and Development in Plants
Reproduction and
Heredity 9. Explain the role of Cytokinins and Ethylene in growth and development of
10. Distinguish between epigeal germination and hypogeal germination.
11. What is meant by seed germination? Describe the various factors responsible
for seed germination.
12. What is senescence?
13. State any two practical utilities of growth hormones.
14. What is biological stress? Describe the different types of biological stress.
15. What is epical dominance? Name the hormone responsible for it.
16. What is meant by plant movement? Describe any two types of movement of
plants with example.
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20 Notes
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
l define reproduction and differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction;
l state functions of each part of male and female reproductive systems in humans;
l draw labelled diagrams of male and female reproductive systems;
l describe the main events in the process of reproduction in humans starting from
the production of gametes to pregnancy and childbirth;
l describe the process of exchange of nutrients and respiratory gases across
embryo and mother;
l explain how twins are produced;
l highlight recent advances in the area of human reproduction;
l define the terms—population, demography, birth rate, death rate and growth
rate, etc.;
l list the factors responsible for rapid rise of population in India;
l describe the disadvantages of enormously increasing population;
l explain the needs for controlling the population growth;
l list various methods of contraception for population control.
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What is adolescence?
The term adolescence comes from the Latin verb adolescere,
meaning ‘to grow into maturity’. In this sense, ‘adolescence
is a process rather than a time period, a process of achieving
the attitudes and beliefs needed for effective participation in
society’. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
adolescence as the period from 10 to 19 years of age
characterized by developments and changes in physical,
psychological, and social areas.
During adolescance, the secondary sexual charaters that develop are as follows:
In males, they include deepening of voice, widening of shoulders, muscular body,
appearance of beard and moustache, growth of axillary and pubic hair, enlargement
of external genital organs.
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The accessory glands include seminal vesicles, prostate glands and Cowper’s
Seminal vesicles. A pair of seminal vesicles are present at the base of the urinary
bladder. The seminal vesicles store sperms that descend from the testis and secrete Notes
seminal fluid. The seminal fluid is a viscous fluid which provides nourishment to
the sperms. This secretion forms about 40-80 per cent of the ejaculate (semen
thrown out of the penis).
Prostate gland. Prostrate gland surrounds the first part of the urethra. It secretes
an alkaline fluid which is discharged into the urethra. This fluid keeps the sperms
alive and helps them to swim vigorously. Secretion of prostrate gland forms about
5-30 per cent of the ejaculate.
Cowper’s glands or Bulbo-urethral glands. These are paired glands that lie below
the prostate gland and join the urethra at a short distance from that of the prostate
gland. Cowper’s glands secrete a white, viscous, alkaline secretion resembling
mucous which acts as a lubricant.
Fig. 20.4 shows the course of sperms from their production in the testes to reach
the urethra in penis.
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(iii) Uterus
(iv) Vagina
Vagina is the organ where the penis is inserted during coitus (sexual act) for the discharge
of semen. It is a muscular tube about 7-10 cm in length. It serves as the birth canal during
child birth and also acts as a duct for the passage of uterine secretions and menstrual
The vagina opens to the outside by an opening. The opening of vagina is normally
obstructed in a virgin female by a perforated membrane, the hymen. In a human female,
the urethra and the genital duct have separate openings. Functions of various female
reproductive parts are summarised in table 20.2.
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Cervix (neck of uterus) Produces watery mucous that serves as a lubricant for
the penis and as medium, in which sperms swim after
Vagina Receives penis during intercourse; passage for baby
during birth
Clitoris (external sensual organ) Equivalent to the male penis;
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onset of menstruation are most favourable for conception (pregnancy). The zygote
immediately begins to divide and passes down the fallopian tube to the uterus and fixes
itself to the wall of the uterus. This fixing of the embryo in the wall of the uterus is called
implantation and the female is said to be pregnant. Implantation takes place about a Notes
week after fertilization.
Placenta is an association between maternal and foetal tissue meant for some extermely
important physiological exchange. The developing embryo is attached to the uterus by
a tissue called placenta (Fig. 20.8). Umbilical cord is a tough structure that serves as
the blood vascular connection between the foetus (developing embryo) and uterine wall.
From the first few weeks of development, the embryo is enclosed in a sac called amnion
which is filled with amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid acts as a shock-absorber and helps
to protect the embryo from damage.
Placenta serves as a tissue through which oxygen and food are supplied from the maternal
blood to the foetus. It also transports carbon dioxide and excretory waste from the foetal
blood to the maternal blood.
Fig. 20.9 Summarises the steps in fertilisation of human egg, its inplantation and
development inthe uterus upto birth.
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Usually, only one ovum is released by an ovary in every reproductive cycle. If this ovum
receives sperm and gets fertilized, one baby is born to the mother. But sometimes two
eggs may be released and fertilized by this different sperum. Such siblings are called
fraternal twins who may be brother and sister, or brother-brother, or sister-sister. But
in certain cases, only one egg is released and gets fertilized. After this, it divides into two,
and the two cells then separate and start developing independently into two separate
individuals. They are identical in all respects and called identical twins. They are always
of the same sex.
Siamese twins
The twins produced from one egg which fail to separate are called Siamese twins. The
first case of Siamese twins was of twin boys born to a Chinese mother in Siam, (now
Thailand) in 1811. These were joined at the thoracic region. These twins lived up to an
age of 65 years.
The Siamese twins can sometimes be surgically separated. However, it depends upon
the extent of their joining.
Artificial insemination
Human semen can be rapidly frozen using liquid nitrogen and stored in sperm banks for
several years without losing its fertile condition. It is then thawed, and introduced into
a woman by means of a syringe at a time when ovulation takes place. This is called
artificial insemination.
Fertility drugs
In some women ovaries fail to develop the Graafian follicles needed to release ripe ova
into their reproductive tract. It is now possible to artificially stimulate follicle production
by injecting sterile women with a fertility drug containing FSH (follicle stimulating
hormone) obtained from animals.
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Notes ............................................................................................................................
2. Define the following terms.
(i) Implantation .........................................................................................
(ii) Placenta .........................................................................................
(iii) Morula .........................................................................................
(iv) Amnion .........................................................................................
3. Name the fluid surrounding the foetus in the uterus.
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Religious and social customs : Because of prevailing social custom and beliefs
many people do not accept family planning measures, leading to rise in population.
Desire for a male child : Even after so much emphasis on gender equity, because
of patriarchy in many families, the male child is considered to be essential for
continuing the name of the family. The parents want to have at least one son and
in this process they give birth to many children sometimes.
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(a) Poor health of the mother : Because of frequent pregnancies, the mother may suffer
from ill-health.
(b) Poor housing : More family members need more space. The family may not afford
a good, clean and spacious house.
(c) Economic pressure : The large family will need more resources, leading to immense
economic pressure on the parents and children affecting the quality of life.
(d) Poor health : The family members may not get enough food, leading to malnutrition
and deficiency diseases. They will require constant medical support. Also, because
of medical facilities being expensive, it may not be possible to provide everyone
adequate medical support.
(e) Improper education : Proper educational facilities for children may not be
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The most effective method for control of population is to impart education to the
masses about the consequences of populations explosion and various ways of
fertility control. Education helps to make people aware of the advantages of a small
family and the disadvantages of a large family.
Preventive methods for popula6tion control and family planning.
Following are some methods of birth control
(i) Rhythm method – The period in the menstrual cycle before ovulation phase
is termed ‘safe period’ as no egg is available for fertilization by the sperm.
This method, however, is not reliable.
(ii) Use of condoms in males and diaphragms in females prevent sperms from
meeting the ovulated egg.
(iii) Intrauterine devices such as copper T are inserted in the female body so that
implantation is not possible. This method requires advice and help from the
medical doctor.
(iv) Oral contraceptive pills are tablets which have to be taken as per directions
from a medical practitioner. These pills interfere with ovulation and in turn
prevent fertilization.
(v) Vasectomy and Tubectomy are surgical methods. In males, the Vas deferens
through which sperms travel out of epididymis is ligated (tied) by the surgeon
to prevent sperms from going out of the body. This method is temporary and
can be reversed by the surgeon if required. For permanently preventing
fertilization the vas deferens is cut and the open ends ligatured (tied by thread).
Tubectomy is sterilization of the woman by cutting fallopian tubes and
ligaturing them so that ovulated egg cannot pass down for fertilisation.
In case preventive measures fail or if the foetus is found to have a defect, the
feotus may have to be aborted.
Abortion or Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is to remove the
unwanted foetus from the mother’s body. However, it is advise to always seek
professional medical help for MTP.
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1. Define the following terms.
(i) Demography (ii) Vasectomy (iii) IUD
2. Mention if the following statements are True (T) or False (F) and rewrite the wrong
statements in the correct form.
(i) Fertilization occurs in vagina.
(ii) Oxygen and nutrients diffuse from mother’s blood into foetus’s blood through
(iii) Testes produce testosterone hormone.
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13. Draw the outline of the cross section of the male reproductive system.
2. Epididymis
(b) Secretes an alcaline fluid, thin fluid keeps the sperms alive and helps them
to swim vigorously.
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Reproduction and
21 Notes
It is common observation that seeds of mango trees grow into mango plants, dogs
give birth to puppies and not into the young ones of any other animal. Humans
give birth to human beings. The tendency of offspring to inherit parental characteristics
is termed ‘heredity’ and the science of heredity in ‘Genetics’. Genetics also seeks
to answer questions like why two offspring of same parents look different, why
are some people dark and others light skinned etc. In other words, why is there
variation among individuals of the same kind. This lesson deals with heredity and
variation. It also includes a section on hereditary disorders and gives an idea of
the human genome too.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l explain the terms heredity and variation;
l describe Mendel’s experiments on garden pea and the principles derived;
l define the term hybridization, alleles, trait, dominance, recessive, homozygous,
heterozygous, genotype, phenotype;
l explain the term incomplete dominance with the example of flower colour in
4 o’clock plant (Mirabilis jalapa);
l define the terms lethal genes and pleiotropic genes;
l explain quantitative (polygenic) inheritance supported by the examples of
kernel colour of wheat and skin colour of humans;
l differentiate between monogenic and polygenic inheritance;
l explain the chromosome theory of heredity;
l define and give examples of linkage, crossing over and criss-cross inheritance;
l justify mitochondrial inheritance as a case of maternal inheritance;
l describe the human karyotype;
l differentiate between sex chromosomes and autosomes;
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity l list and describe the causes and symptoms of some common genetic disorders.
Colour blindness, haemophilia, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter
l describe the inheritance of Rh factor and explain its significance during
l explain ABO blood group;
l explain the diagnostic technique of aminocentesis and give its significance;
l give a brief idea of human genome.
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity 1. Law of segregation or purity of gametes. At formation of gametes, the two
chromosomes of each pair separate (segregate) into two different cell which
form the gametes. This is a universal law and always during gamete formation
in all sexually reproducing organisms, the two factors of a pair pass into
different gametes. Each gamete receives one member of a pair of factors and
Notes the gametes are pure.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
The law of dominance was found to be true in both monohybrid and dihybrid Heredity
crosses in cases of the characteristics studied by Mendel in the garden pea.
3. Law of independent assortment meaning whereby that in the inheritance of
two features (each feature controlled by a pair of genes), genes for the two
different features are passed down into the offspring independently (Fig. 21.3)
i.e. the segregation of one pair of factors is independent of the segregation of Notes
the other.
Red Tall White Dwarf
Parents TTRR × ttrr
gametes TR tr
F1 Tt Rr Tall, red (self)
F2 progeny worked out below.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(recessive allele). Recessive allele expresses only in the homozygous state Heredity
(e.g. tt).
l Genotype : The genetic constitution of an individual (which he/she inherits
from the parents ) is called the genotype, e.g., the genotype of pure round seeded
parent pea plant is RR.
l Phenotype : The outward (morphological) appearance of an individual for any
trait or traits is called the phenotype, e.g. for seeds, round shape or wrinkled
shape is the phenotype.
l Homozygous : an individual possessing identical alleles for a trait is called
homozygous or pure for that trait, e.g. plant with RR alleles is homozygous for
the seed shape.
l Heterozygous : An individual receiving dissimilar alleles for a trait is called
(heterozygous or impure for that trait, e.g. a plant with Rr alleles is heterozygous
for the seed shape.
l Parent generations : The parents used for the first cross represent the parent
(or P1) generation.
l F1 generation : The progeny produced from a cross between two parents (P1)
is called First filial or F1 generation.
l F2 generation : The progeny resulting from self hybridization or inbreeding
of F1 individuals is called Second Filial or F2 generation.
l Monohybrid cross : The cross between two parents differing in a single pair
of contrasting characters is called monohybrid cross and the F1 offspring as the
hybrid. The phenotypic ratio of 3 dominants : 1 recessive obtained in the F2
generation from the monohybrid cross is called monohybrid phenotype ratio
(eg. 3 : 1 in Mendelian Inheritance).
l Dihybrid cross : The cross between two parents in which two pairs of
contrasting characters are studied simultaneously for the inheritance pattern is
called dihybrid cross. The phenotypic ratio obtained in the F2 generation from
a dihybrid cross is called dihybrid ratio phenotypic (e.g. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 in Mendelian
l Hybridisation : Crossing organisms belonging to different species for getting
favourable qualities in the offspring.
l Test cross : Crossing of the F1 progeny with the homozygous recessive parent.
If F1 progeny is heterozygous, then test cross always yields the ratio of 1 : 1.
l Reciprocal cross : Is the cross in which the sex of the parents is reversed. That
is if in the first cross father was dwarf and mother tall, then in the reciprocal
cross, dwarf parent will be female and tall parent male.
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
IAIA and IA i A
IB IB and IB i B
ii O
Lethal genes
Have you ever seen a yellow mouse? Probably not. The yellow coat colour in mice
is due to the presence of the gene which is also responsible for killing the mouse
born with that gene. Such genes are termed lethal genes. Some lethal genes kill
only in the homozygous condition and are recessive lethals. Dominant lethals
cause death even when present in the heterozygous condition.
While a gene may have multiple alleles and thus give multiple genotypes, one gene
may control several genotypes. For example the recessive gene for white eye in
Drosophila when present in the homozygous condition affects several other features
such as wing shape and shape of abdomen. Thus a white eyed Drosophila is also
born with vestigeal wings and curled abdomen.
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity R1 R1 R2 R2 × r1r1r2r2
Red White
Notes R1 R 2 R1r2 r1R2 r1r2
R1 R1 R2 R 2 R1R1R2r2 R1r1R2R2 R1r1R2r2
Red Dark Pink Dark Pink Pink
R1 R1 R2 r 2 R1R1r2r2 R1r1R2r2 R1r1r2r2
Dark Pink Pink Pink Light Pink
R1 r 1 R2 R2 R1r1R2R2 r1r1R2R2 r1r1R2r2
Dark Pink Pink Pink Light Pink
R1r1R2r2 R1r1r2r2 r1r1R2r2 r1r1r2r2
Pink Link Pink Light Pink White
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
(iii) wheat kernel colour .................................................................................. Heredity
(iv) human skin colour? ..................................................................................
3. State the phenotypic monohybrid ratio in case of incomplete dominance. Notes
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity A group of genes present on the same chromosome and tend to be inherited
together forms a linkage group.
In the above experiment some recombinant types were also produced. How did that
happen ? They are produced by another phenomenon called crossing over.
Notes Crossing over is the physical exchange of parts of the non sister chromatids
of chromosomes of homologous pair (Fig. 21.4).
Crossing over occurs during meiosis I prophase I at the time of gamete formation.
The point where crossing over occurs is called chiasma. (plural : chiasmata) See
Fig. 21.3. Linked genes get separated from each other by crossing over.
Because of linkage and crossing over a heterozygous individual can produce four
types of gametes as shown in Fig. 21.4. The figure 21.4 shows linked genes of the
parents and recombinants due to crossing over.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Fig. 21.7 (a) Progeny of carrier female for colour blindness and a man with
normal colour vision.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Fig. 21.7 (b) Progeny of colour blind female and a man with normal vision.
Fig. 21.7 (c) Progeny of an haemophilic carrier female and normal male
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity 4. When does gene exchange through chiasma formation occur between homologous
5. Why is the human female called the homogametic sex?
6. A colour blind man married to a normal woman whose father and mother both
had normal colour vision. Will any of their sons be colour blind? If not why
In fact, certain diseases and therefore the genes responsible for them are due to
defects in mitochondrial DNA and can be traced to the mother’s family.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
Fig. 21.8 Karyotype showing chromosomes of normal male. Female has the same autosomes
but two X-chromosomes instead of XY
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity The possibility of giving birth to a mongol child is far greater in pregnant mothers
above the age of forty.
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity The inheritance is as follows :
Amniocentesis in a technique by which hereditary disorders due to defects in genes
can be detected. In this technique (Fig. 21.14)
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity (i) a small sample of amniotic fluid which surrounds the foetus is syringed out.
(ii) This fluid has cells which break off from the skin of the foetus.
(iii) Foetal cells are picked up and cultured.
(iv) Chromosomes in the dividing cells are analysed for genetic defects.
If incurable genetic defects are detected, pregnancy can be terminated.
It is illegal to use amniocentesis for detecting the sex of the unborn.
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
20,000 to 25,000 genes and 3 billion base pairs in the total human DNA. Each Heredity
human chromosome has apart from protein coding genes regulating base sequences,
non coding DNA, promoter sequences (TATA boy) in between genes that code for
proteins. There are genes that code for the production of ribosomal RNA and the
many tRNAs.
It is estimated that only 1.5% of the human genome has protein coding sequences
and 20,000 to 25,000 genes.
MODULE - 3 Principles of Genetics
Reproduction and
Heredity l Sutton and Boveri (1902) proposed the chromosomal theory of heredity. It states
that Mendelian factors or genes are located on chromosomes.
l Gene located on chromosomes in a linear fashion and are held together in
linkage group. Linked genes get segregated through chiasma formation or
crossing over.
l Organisms with separate sexes have a pair of sex chromosomes called sex
chromosomes in humans XX for female and XY for male.
l Males inherit an X chromosome from female parent and Y from the male
parents. Y chromosome bears genes for maleness.
l Female receive two chromosomes one each from either of the two parents.
l Any change from normal number & structure of chromosomes causes
l A normal karyotype shows the 23 pairs of humans chromosomes and thousands
l Down’s syndrome patients have 47 chromosomes (tri-somy of chromosome 21).
l Klinefelter’s syndrome patient has 44 autosomes and XXY.
l Turner’s syndrome, has 44 autosomes + XO
l Colour blindness and Haemophilia are X-linked disorders.
l Thallesemia and Sickle cell anaemia are due to a single defective gene.
l Rh +ve foetus in a Rh negative mother poses problems in which antibodies are
produced in mother’s blood against antigens of the foetus.
l The human genome has been mapped.
l Amniocentesis a technique for detecting genetic disorder in foetus.
1. State the three Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Which one of these laws in
2. Consider a hypothetical case of a cross between a tall plant (TT) and a dwarf
plant (tt). Work out the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the F2 progeny if
the cross were to show
(a) dominance (b) incomplete dominance
3. What will be the blood group of the progeny of parents with AB and O groups.
4. Write notes on :
(a) recessive lethal genes (b) pleiotropy
(c) linkage groups (d) mitochondrial inheritance
(e) human karyotype (f) human genome
Principles of Genetics MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
5. Why do we find so many different complexions among humans? Heredity
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Reproduction and
22 Notes
A cell contains the nucleus, nucleus contains chromosomes which bear genes.
Genes carry the hereditary information. A zygote has the information for development
and differentiation in its genes. Cells of an individual has the genes for maintaining
its structure and function. But what are these genes and how do they function?
Genes are made of segments of the chemical DNA. This lesson deals with the study
of DNA as the genetic material, its structure and functioning at the molecular level.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l discuss the concept of one gene one enzyme hypothesis;
l give the history of discovery of DNA as geneticc material;
l describe the general structure of DNA by referring to the terms nucleotides,
nucleocides, purincs and pyrimidines;
l list the differences between DNA and RNA;
l mention the various categories of RNA and explain their functions;
l describe the modes of gene transfer, transformation, transduction and
l explain the steps during replication of DNA;
l explain the concept ofcentral dogma;
l describe the sequence of steps during transcription and translation Airing
protein sysnthcsis;
l trace the major steps in regulation of gene expression;
l define house-keeping genes and explain their role;
l categorise various types of mutations;
l define mutagcn and list their different categories;
l highlight the useful and harmful effects of mutation.
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In the following sections you will learn about the nature of DNA, the genetic
material, and its role in the synthesis of proteins. You will also learn about mutations
because of which the normal protein is not manufactured in the body and results
in genetic disorders.
Bacterial transformation
The bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae when grown in the lab form smooth
colonies (S Strain) and when injected into mice kill them. A mutant of this bacterium
forms rough colonies (R Strain) and is harmless to mice. In 1928, Frederick Griffith
found that if the smooth walled virulent form of Streptococcus is killed and mixed
with the harmless rough form of Streptococcus the latter becomes virulent (killer).
This change (or transformation) of the bacteria from harmless to virulent in termed
bacterial transformation. (Fig. 22.1).
In 1944, Avery, Mcleod and McCarty extracted the DNA from the virulent smooth
streptococcus and mixed it with the non-virulent rough variety. The non-virulent
variety became virulent and had a smooth coat. This did not happen when DNA
of the virulent was digested with the enzyme DNA and then mixed. Thus it became
clear that DNA was the transforming principle.
Later Hershey and Chase in 1952 used T2 bacteriophage (bacteria infecting virus)
for their experiments. They labelled the protein coat of the virus with radioactive
isotope of sulphur S35. When the virus was introduced into the bacteria, no lable
(radioactivity) was found inside the bacteria as the viral coat was left outside. When
they labelled viral DNA with P32 (radioactive) phosphorus, radioactivity was found
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(a) (b)
(Base + Sugar = Nucleoside) (Base + Sugar + Phosphate = Nucleotide)
Fig. 22.3 Component of nucleoside and nucleotide
A base and a sugar combine to form a nucleoside, while it become a nucleotide
when a phosphate group gets attached.
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Mechanism of replicaiton
Replication occurs through the following steps :
1. Unwinding of DNA double helix
The two strands of the replicating DNA molecule separate by the action of the
enzyme Helicase. Topoisomerase enzyme keeps it open. The opened part is
the replicaiton fork as shown in Fig. 22.7a.
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The opened strands of DNA form the template. New strands complementary
to template are synthesised. At the replicaiton fork a new DNA strand begins
to synthesise, attaching itself to the primer, in the presence of the enzyme DNA
polymerase. It begins synthesis from its 5’ end and contains synthesis
complementary to one of the unwound parental DNA strand. The new strand Notes
of DNA continues to be synthesized to uninterrupted and is termed leading
Synthesis of the other new DNA strand
DNA synthesis always takes place along 5’ to 3’ direction. Therefore, the other new
DNA strand gets synthesised in the direction opposite to the leading strand. This
new strand called Lagging strand builds up in small pieces as shown in the figure,
in the presence of enzyme DNA polymerase. Thus the synthesis of the lagging
strand is discontinuous. The new pieces of DNA are termed Okazaki fragments.
In the presence of the enzyme ligase and the energy source ATP, the okazaki pieces
get joined together to form a DNA strand
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22.7.3 Transcription
The flow of genetic information from cistronic DNA to mRNA is called Transcription.
In occurs in the following steps.
1. Cistronic DNA which carries the information for the protein to be synthesised
unwinds in the presence of enzymes helicase and topoisomerase.
2. RNA polymerase begins to catalyse synthesis of mRNA signalled by a protein
called sigma factor.
3. mRNA is synthesised complementary to cistronic DNA and a Rho factor signals
RNA polymerase to complete transcription.
4. The strand of DNA which bears the code for transcription of the specific protein
is called sense strand of DNA opposed to the antisense strand which is not
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Fig. 22.8 Transcription in prokaryotes
In Eukaryotes, the mRNA is synthesised within the nucleus after cistronic DNA
unwinds to expose the sense strand for transcription of a large molecule of RNA
called hnRNA heterogenous nuclear which is synthesised in the presence of RNA
Processsing of mRNA
hnRNA is large because eukaryotic genes contain coding sequences called exons
and non coding sequences called introns (I) in between exons. Both introns and
exons (E) are transcribed in hnRNA. During processing of hnRNA introns are cut
off and exons join to form mRNA.
l A nucleoside (recall from section 22.3) called methyl guanosine comes and
attaches at the 5’ end of mRNA. This is called capping.
l A small piece of RNA having only nucleotides containing the base Adenine is
attached at the 3’ end. This is called the poly A tail.
l The m RNA with cap and tail moves out of the pores in the nuclear membrane.
The process of formation of functional mRNA from hnRNA is termed RNA
processing (Figs. 22.9a and 22.9b)
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Fig. 22.9a Schematic drawing showing transcription and processing of hnRNA in eukaryotes
Fig. 22.9b Process of transcription and processing of hnRNA
22.7.4 Translation
A series of events follows transcription in which the language of nucleotides
transcribed (copied) in mRNA is translated into the language of amino acids to
form a protein. These events are
1. Activation of amino acid
2. Formation of mRNA ribosome complex and chain initiation
3. Chain elongation
4. Chain termination
Activation of amino acid
A specific t RNA attaches to specific amino acid in the presence of the enzyme
amino acyl-tRNA synthetase in two steps given below. This requires energy
Amino acid + ATP tRNA
→ aa ~ tRNA + Pi
(Amino acyl (Inorganic
adenylate) phosphate
aa~AMP + tRNA tRNA
→ aa ~ tRNA + AMP
(Amino acid attached
to its tRNA)
Formation of mRNA ribosome complex and chain initiation
l mRNA binds to small ribosomal subunit
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A heritable change in the structure, content and organization of the genetic material
that can be passed down to the next generation) is termed a mutation. Mutation
may occur in one gene when it is termed point mutation or may affect a number
of genes on a part of chromosome when it is termed chromosomal mutation.
Chromosomal mutation
Involves a number of genes. It is of two types, due to 1. Change in number of
chromosomes and 2. Change in structure of chromosomes.
The number of chromosomes in individuals of a species is fixed. For example
humans have 2n = 46 chromosomes. But sometimes one or more chromosomes
may be lost or added and such a change in number is termed Aneupoidy. Sometimes
the whole set of chromosomes may be duplicated so that instead of 2n, an individual
way possess 3n or 4n chromosomes. This is euploidy.
Chromosomal change in structure is also termed chromosomal aberrations. It is
of four types 1. Deletion, in which a piece of a chromosome may be lost. 2.
Inversion, a piece of a chromosome breaks off and rejoins in the reverse direction.
3. Duplication A part of the chromosome may get represented twice and 4. A piece
from another chromosome may get attached translocation.
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4. What are mutagenes?
5. Name a chemical which causes mutation in the heredity material.
l One gene was responsible for the production of one enzyme, this was called
one gene one enzyme hypothesis.
l The transformation of the bacteria from harmless to virulent is termed bacterial
l DNA is a polynucleotide, made up of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists three
subunits (i) sugar deoxyribose (ii) 4 nitrogenous bases (Adenine, Guanine,
Thymine and cytosine (iii) a phosphate group.
l RNA is the other important nucleic acid present inside the cell. RNA has pentose
sugar ribose and base uracil instead of thymine. Many species of RNA such
as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA with different functions.
l Transformation means the ability of extracellular DNA to enter a bacterial cell
and recombine with the bacterial genome.
l Transduction refers to transfer of DNA from one bacterial cell into another
bacterium through the agency of a virus.
l Replication may be defined as a mechanism for transmission of genetic
information generation after generation.
l The transfer of information from genes to the site of protein synthesis constitutes
the central dogma.
l The genetic coded information was discovered by Nirenberg, Mathair and
l The flow of genetic information from cistronic DNA to mRNA is called
l A single triplet (three bases) is called codon.
l Mutation is a sudden change in genes or chromosomes resulting in alteration
of character.
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1. How did Hershey and Chase prove that DNA is the hereditary material.
2. Explain (i) Transduction and (2) Lysogeny
Notes 3. Describe the Watson and Crick model of DNA.
4. Explain how replication takes place?
5. Write a note on okazaki fragments.
6. State the properties of the genetic code.
7. Explain transcription in Eukaryotes and processing of hnRNA.
8. What do you mean by regulation of genes?
9. Explain how the lac operon gets switched on in the presence of lactose in E.coli.
10. Name three levels at which regulaiton takes place in a eukaryotic cell.
11. Write notes on :
(i) Types of mutations
(ii) Okazaki fragments
(iii) Chain termination during translation.
Genetics and Society MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
23 Notes
You have learnt from earlier lessons of this unit that genetics is the science of
heredity and variation. After Mendel’s work was rediscovered in 1900, genetics
progressed very rapidly in the 20th century. Today we find many applications of
the knowledge of genetics in the fields of agriculture, medicine and forensic science.
Some technologies related to genetics such as gene cloning, recombinant DNA
technology, DNA fingerprinting, raising genetically modified crops will be dealt
with in this lesson.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l highlight human curiosity and consciousness for healthy progeny;
l define the term gene cloning;
l explain the usefulness of gene bank;
l enumerate the various steps of recombinant DNA technology in a sequence;
l define genetic engineering and mention its utility;
l define transgenic organism, explain the steps in its production and cite
examples of transgenic animals, plants and microbes;
l describe steps of polymerase chain reaction and mention its use;
l list the steps of DNA fingerprinting and mention its usefulness;
l explain the term genomics;
l justify the importance of genetic counselling.
MODULE - 3 Genetics and Society
Reproduction and
Heredity Early ideas
Primitive art such as drawings in ancient tombs and caves, bones and skulls show
that human activities included selecting, breeding and domesticating plants and
animals. Between 8000 and 1000 BC, horses, camels oxen and dogs had been
domesticated. Between 7000 to 5000 BC corn, rice, wheat and datepalm were being
Between the 17th and 19th century many theories regarding inheritance had been
proposed but could not be proved. These were epigenesis, preformationism,
blending inheritance and pangenesis. But this clearly shows that humans were
always curious to know how traits are passed down the generations.
Modern Genetics
Gregor Johann Mendel, whose principles (laws) of inheritance you have learnt in
earlier lessons of the unit is regarded as the founder of modern genetics. Between
1902 and 1904, the chromosome theory of inheritance was accepted and
chromosomes, which could actually be seen under the microscope during cell
division were regarded as the ‘bearers of hereditary characters (genes)’. Mutations
were recognised as source of genetic variation.
With the acceptance of Darwin’s theory of natural selection, geneticists studied the
inheritance of traits in populations (Population genetics).
Molecular Genetics
By the mid 20th century, DNA was established as the genetic material and structure
and chemical nature of DNA was understood [recall the double helical structure
of DNA as proposed by J. Watson and F. Crick]
The central dogma of molecular biology holds that genetic information resides in
DNA, but its expression is in the form of proteins which are synthesized according
to genetic information carried by mRNA from DNA.
In the last two decades of the twentieth century more has been understood about
the nucleic acid molecules and protein molecules and also about the genetics of
bacteria. The knowledge gained has led to the invention of technologies of genetic
engineering, gene cloning, organismal cloning, DNA finger printing. Even more
recent are the fields of genomics and bioinformatics. The entire genetic make up
(genome) of an organism can now be cloned, sequenced and functions of the various
genes explored. Knowing the human genome has opened up the possibilities for
handling genetic disorders through gene therapy.
Genetics and Society MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
In the Roslin Institute in Scotland, Ian Wilmut cloned “Dolly” the sheep
from her mother in 1996. The nucleus from a cell from Dolly’s mother’s
udder (mammary glands) was introduced into the egg of another ewe
(female sheep) whose nucleus was removed. This cell divided to give more
cells which formed as embryo that could be implanted into the uterus of
another ewe (surrogate mother).
The production of large quantities of identical genes is called gene cloning. Since
any gene is a segment of DNA having a particular sequence of the four nitrogen
bases (A, T, G, C), multiple copies of a particular gene may be obtained by means
of recombinant DNA technology, popularly known as genetic engineering. You
will learn more about genetic engineering later in this lesson.
Gene bank
Various clones of bacteria carrying the desired genes in their DNA can be stored
and preserved at very low temperatures for their future use, in a gene bank. A gene
bank or a gene library or a DNA library is thus a collection of bacterial or
bacteriophage (virus) clones. Each clone carries specific DNA segment (gene) from
another organism. For example, human gene coding for the hormone insulin may
be inserted through genetic engineering into a bacterium, when the bacterium
multiplies it forms a clone of bacteria carrying the gene for insulin and may be
preserved in the ‘gene bank’. Thus clones from a gene bank may be used for
producing in large quantities, certain enzymes, hormones and vaccines.
MODULE - 3 Genetics and Society
Reproduction and
Heredity The steps in the production of rDNA is as follows (Fig. 23.1) :
l The desired piece of DNA is cut from the cells (e.g. human cells) with the help
of enzymes called restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes. These
enzymes are found in different bacteria. They recognise specific nucleotide
Notes sequences in a DNA molecule and cleave (cut) them.
l The same restriction enzyme cuts the same specific nucleotide sequence in a
plasmid. A plasmid is a ring shaped DNA molecule present in a bacterium. It
is not part of the chromosome of the bacterium. It is used as a vector for
transferring the foreign DNA into the host cell.
l The desired DNA fragments are then mixed with the cleaved plasmids. These
plasmids pick up the foreign DNA pieces to replace their lost parts. These
become the recombinant plastids and the DNA is rDNA.
l The recombinant plasmids are now introduced into or mixed with their bacteria
which pick up the recombinant plasmids.
l The r-plasmids in the bacteria multiply along with the host bacteria. Soon a
clone of bacteria with rDNA is obtained. Such a bacterial clone containing
copies of the desired gene can be preserved for future use. For example, as
already mentioned human insulin gene can be inserted into bacterial plasmid
and insulin obtained from the bacterial clone when needed.
Genetics and Society MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
MODULE - 3 Genetics and Society
Reproduction and
Heredity The genome of E. coli bacterium, the yeast Saccharomyces and some other kinds
of organisms such as Drosophila and Anabidopsis is already known.
Genetics and Society MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
and if the sequence of nucleotides (genes) is known, it will be possible to pinpoint Heredity
(i) defective genes (as shown in the figure in the box) and (ii) identify genes for
correction of genetic disorders (gene therapy) and genetic counselling.
You have earlier learnt about dominant and recessive genes. If a child receives a Notes
dominant gene from one parent and its recessive from the other parent (heterozygous
condition) the recessive gene does not express itself. Recessive genes get expressed
only when they are in the homozygous condition, that is, both genes of a pair
inherited from the parents are recessive.
You can probably appreciate why marriages between closed relations (termed
consanguineous marriage) are discouraged. Being related, both parents may pass
down the defective gene which may be present in a family. Most defective genes
that cause genetic disorders are recessive. When both genes of a pair in the child
are defective, the child is born with a genetic disorder. So if a couple wishes to
know the chances of their child getting a particular disorder present in their family,
they have to go to a genetic counsellor. Genetic counselling means advise given
regarding a genetic disorder so that the couple knows whether to have any more
children if their first child is suffering from a genetic disorder. The genetic
counsellor has a very good knowledge of human genetics and can predict the
chances of a genetic defect in a family.
The pattern of inheritance of a particular trait
(feature) among humans is identified by the
method of pedigree analysis. Pedigree is a
diagrammatic representation of relationships
showing a particular trait in a family. The
genetic counsellor prepares a pedigree chart and
can then advise accordingly. See the following
pedigree chart and study the squares and circles Fig. 23.6 Pedigree chart
as explained.
1. Define genome.
2. What is genomics?
3. What is the use of genomics?
4. Why should a genetic counsellor have good knowledge of genetics?
MODULE - 3 Genetics and Society
Reproduction and
Genetics and Society MODULE - 3
Reproduction and
1. Name the three eras in the history of genetics.
2. Define gene cloning. What is the usefulness of a gene bank.
3. Give the various steps of recombinant DNA technology. Notes
4. What are the benefits of genetic engineering?
5. What are transgenics? Give examples of a transgenic microbe, plant and
6. Define genomics
7. Draw and explain a pedigree chart.
8. What is genetic counselling and why is it important?
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
24 Notes
Earth is the only planet in the solar system that supports life. This is because of
the balance between the three physical systems on it, that is, soil, water and air.
Each one of these provide material essential for life. All the living beings differ
from each other but they are all interdependent and interact with each other directly
or indirectly as well as with their environment. Considering the significance of life
on earth and to sustain it we should understand the earth’s life support system and
help to maintain a balance between the living things and their nonliving environment.
In this lesson we will study the relationships between the organizations and their
environment, the different level of organization, the characteristics of ecosystems
and the major biomes.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
l define environment, ecology and biosphere;
l list the various components of the environment;
l name the biotic and abiotic components of the environment;
l discuss inter-relationship between plants and animals in an ecosystem;
l describe the food chain and food web;
l trace the path of energy flow through the food chain;
l differentiate between food chain and food web;
l pinpoint the position of human beings in food chain;
l define biome;
l list the various biomes and their characteristics (flora and fauna);
l describe the biogeochemical cycles such as carbon and water cycles.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
24.1.1 Environment
The term environment denotes all the physical, chemical and biotic conditions
surrounding and influencing a living organism. Favourable environmental conditions
Notes are required to sustain life on earth.
The environment can be divided into two main components
1. Abiotic : All the physical (climatic), edaphic (nature of soil) and chemical
factors. They are also called nonliving factors. The important abiotic factors are
temperature, light, pressure, humidity, precipitation, wind, mineral elements of
soil and composition of air. Some of these environmental factors serve as
resources (air, soil and water) while others act as regulatory factors (light,
temperature and pressure etc).
2. Biotic : All living organisms found in the environment and that includes plants,
animals and microorganisms.
24.1.2 Ecology
Ecology is the scientific study of the relationship between organisms and their
environment. The term ecology is derived from a Greek word Oecologie where
“oikos” meaning “household”and “logos” meaning “the study of”. Literally ecology
is the study of organisms at home. This term was introduced for the first time by
a German Biologist Earnst Haeckel in 1869. Charles Elton a modern Ecologist
defined Ecology as the study of animals and plants in relation to their habit and
habitat. Thus Ecology deals with various forms of interactions between the
organisms and their environament.
These interactions can be studied at the various levels of organizations in the living
systems starting from the molecules such as DNA (genes) to a biological community
and the whole biosphere. Each step of independent interaction is called a level of
organization. These are as follows :
Genes → Cell → organ → organism → Population → Community
At each level of organization there is a direct interaction of the physical system
that is matter and energy.
The study of ecology has presently contributed a lot to the socio-economic and
political issues of the world as it plays an important role in agriculture, fishery
biology pest control, conservation of soil, forests and water resources. All the
international issues of environment such as pollution and resource management
need a sound knowledge of ecology.
Levels of biotic organizations showing a direct impact of the environment
l An organism is a self reproducing system capable of growing and maintaining
itself and is directly influenced by the surrounding environment.
l A population is an assemblage of similar organisms belonging to the same
species, living together at one place at a given time. A population always has
a specific place of its living which is known as its habitat. The habitat of sunfish
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
is pond and lion is a forest. The group of lions living in one forest or the group
of sunfish living in one pond belong to one population.
Ecosystem is a self sustaining unit of nature. It is defined as a functionally
independent unit (of nature) where living organisms interact among themselves as
well as with their physical environment. In nature two major categories of
ecosystem exist : terrestrial and aquatic.
Forests, deserts and grasslands are examples of terrestrial ecosystem.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
Ponds, lakes, wet lands and salt water are some example of aquatic ecosystem. Crop
lands and aquarium are the example of man made ecosystems.
The interaction between the living organisms and their environment can be studied
in a puddle of water or a hole in a tree, which are very small ecosystems or in large
ecosystems such a forest, river or ocean. Irrespective of their sizes all ecosystems
Notes share many common characteristics. Let us study moderate sized pond ecosystem
to understand its structural and functional components.
In the Fig. 24.2 (pond ecosystem), you can see that it is a shallow body of water.
Sun’s light can penetrate into it. It has sediment as a substrate at the bottom that
is a source of nutrition for living organisms. The living organisms in it are small
floating plants, submerged vegetation and rooted plants. There are animals of
various sizes ranging from microscopic to large fishes. All these components of
the pond ecosystem can be arranged to give it a definite structure.
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
(b) Temperature : Heating effect of solar radiation leads to diurnal (day and
night) or seasonal temperature cycles. In the tropical regions there are not
much temperature variations. At higher latitudes there are remarkable
seasonal temperature variations.
2. Inorganic substances : These are water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium
and a few other elements like sulphur or phosphorus depending on the location Notes
of the pond. O2 and CO2 are in the dissolved state in water. All animals and
plants depend on water for their food and exchange of gases.
3. Organic compounds : The commonly found organic matter in the pond is
amino acids and humic acids and the breakdown products of dead animal and
plant tissues. They are partly dissolved in water and the remaining are
accumulated in sediment.
Biotic Components
1. Producers or Autotrophs : They synthesize food for all the heterotrophs of
the pond. They are of the following two types.
(a) Floating plants (b) Rooted plants
(a) Floating plants : They are called phytoplankton (“phyto”- plants,
“plankton” - floating.) for example, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, diatoms and
(b) Rooted plants : These plants occur in concentric layers from periphery
to the deeper zones. Some examples of rooted plants are Typha bulrushes,
Sagittaria, Hydrilla, Rupia, Chara.
2. Consumers or Heterotrophs : Animals, which feed directly on autotrophs (e.g.
insect larvae, tadpole, snails) or on other animals (sunfish and bass)
3. Decomposers : They are distributed in the whole pond but are most abundant
at the bottom of the pond in the sediment e.g. bacteria and many different types
of microbes.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
and functions of ecosystem. Interaction biotic and abiotic components result in a
physical structure characteristic of each type of ecosystem. The important structural
features are species composition (types of plants and animals) and stratification
(vertical and horizontal distribution of various species occupying different levels).
Another way of looking at the structural components is through food relationships
Notes of producers and consumers. Several trophic levels exist in the ecosystem. These
feeding relationships can be studied as food chain, food web and standing crops.
These structural components function as a unit and produce certain functional
aspects of ecosystem. Some these aspects are :
l Productivity, energy flow, nutrient cycle
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Each layer from the tree top to the forest floor has its characteristic fauna and flora.
This is termed as vertical stratification of forest ecosystem. On the other hand desert
ecosystem shows low discontinuous layers of scant vegetation and animals with
some bare patches of soil showing a type of horizontal stratification.
24.4.3 Food Chain
Transfer of food from the plants (producers) through a series of organisms with
repeated eating and being eaten is called a food chain e.g.
Grasses → Grasshopper → Frogs → Snakes → Hawk/Eagle
1 2 3 4 5
1. Each step in the food chain is called trophic level. In the above example grasses
are first and eagle represents the fifth trophic level.
2. Some more examples of food chain are given in Fig. 24.3.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
plants for their own metabolism, maintenance and reproduction. Energy
required for all these functions is produced by the process of respiration. The
remaining is stored by them as Net Primary, Productivity (NPP) and is
available to the heterotrophs or consumers, (The next trophic level)
GPP = NPP + R or GPP – R = NPP
Notes Productivity in the biological system is a continuous process but it is different
in different ecosystems.
(ii) Primary consumers Herbivores : These are animals which feed directly on
the plants. They are first level consumers and therefore they are also known
as primary consumers and make the second trophic level in the food chain
e.g. grasshopper in the above example. Other examples are insects, birds,
rodents and ruminants. Herbivores are capable of converting energy stored in
the plant tissue into animal tissue and therefore they are also known as key
industry. They can digest high cellulose diet.
(iii) Secondary consumer Carnivores : Carnivores are the animals that feed on
other animals or its tissues. Therefore they are secondary, tertiary or quaternary
level consumers. Frog is secondary level consumers as it feeds on herbivorous
grasshopper. Snake is tertiary level consumer since it consumes other
carnivore that is frog. Frog, snake, dog, cat and tiger are all carnivores.
Generally the size of the carnivore/ increases at each trophic level.
(iv) Decomposers : They make up the final trophic level in a food chain.
Decomposers are the organisms that feed on dead organic matter called
detritus of all the trophic levels and help in recycling the nutrients. They can
be grouped into two classes: microdecomposers and macrodecomposers.
Microdecomposers are very small microscopic organisms like bacteria, fungi,
and protozoans. Macrodecomposers are large but less in number. They are
visible to the naked eye e.g. springtails, mites, millipedes, earthworms,
nematodes, slugs, crabs and molluscs.
Special feeding groups (Consumers)
(i) Scavengers : These are the animals that feed on the dead plants and animals.
e.g. termites and beetles feed on the decaying wood, and many marine
invertebrates. Vultures, gulls and hyena are other examples of scavengers.
(ii) Omnivores : Omnivores consume both plants and animals as source of their
food e.g. human beings. Some of the omnivores like the red fox feeds on
berries small rodents as well as on dead animals. Thus it is a herbivore,
carnivore and also a scavenger.
(iii) Parasites : They live and feed on/in other living organisms called host.
Parasites not only feed on their host but they also cause lethal or nonlethal
disease in it.
B. Position of human beings in the food chain ; Human beings are consumers
and may occupy
Primary, secondary or tertiary levels. Vegetarian people are ‘primary consumers;
when they consume small fish chicken or goat meat they are ‘secondary’
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
consumers and when they consume big fishes they are ‘tertiary’ consumers. Can
you explain why big fishes feed upon small fishes and other smaller aquatic
24.4.4 Food Web
In nature the food chains are not isolated sequences but they are interconnected Notes
with one another. A net work of food chains which are interconnected at various
trophic levels of the food chain to form a number of feeding connections is called
a food web. In a food web one trophic level may be connected to more than one
food chain. A snake can feed on frog or rat or any other small rodent. In the figure
given below sunfish consumes zooplanktons as well as bloodworms.
Fig 24.4 Simple food web in a pond ecosystem.( modified from Odum)
Sun light Primary Secondary
Autotroph Herbivores Decomposers
carnivores Carnivores
Light reflected
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
These three parameters give a definite trophic structure to the ecosystem. It is
represented with the producers at the base and the subsequent trophic levels as the
tiers. This gives a gradually sloping pyramidal shape.
This graphical representation of the standing crop expressed as number, biomass
or energy is called pyramid of number, pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energy
respectively. Collectively they are known as ecological pyramids. Some examples Notes
of pyramids are given below :
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
l The vegetation includes brood evergreen trees of about 200 feet like
bamboos, ferns, shrub etc. Epiphytes and woody wines (liannas) are also
abundant. Many tree species show buttresses (swollen stem bases) and
leaves with drip tips.
These forests have rich invertebrate and vertebrate fauna. Snails, centipedes,
millipedes and many insect species are common near the forest floor. Rhacophorus Notes
(lying frog), aquatic reptiles, Chameleon and many birds are common in these
forests. Mammals of these forests are sloths , monkeys, ant eaters, leopards,
jungle cats and giant flying squirrels.
2. Temperate Deciduous Forests : Trees of deciduous forests shed their leaves
in autumn and a new foliage grows in spring. They occur mostly in northwest,
central and eastern Europe, eastern north America, north China, Korea, Japan,
far eastern Russia and Australia.
Climate : These forests occur in the areas of moderate climatic conditions such
l Annual rainfall is 75 to 150 cm
l Winter lasts for four to six months.
l Temperature ranges between 10 to 20°C.
l Soil is brown and rich in nutrients.
Flora and fauna : Commonly found trees in this ecosystem are oak, birch
heath, hickory, bass wood, chest nuts, pitch pine, cypress. Invertebrate fauna
comprises green oak moth, bark beetle, green flies, aphids, sapflies, moths and
butterflies. Prominent grazers are grass eating rodents, deer and bison. Rodents
play a very important role in these forests. They feed on the seeds, fruits and
leaves of the trees and consume much more food than the large sized grazers.
Common carnivores in temperate forests are wild cat, wolves, foxes, tawny owl
and sparrow hawk. Black bear, raccoons and skunks are the omnivorous animals
of these forests.
3. Coniferous forests : Coniferous forests are also known as Taiga or Boreal
forests. They extend as a continuous belt across north America and north Eurasia
below the arctic tundra. In the Himalayas, these are distributed above 1700 to
3000 metre altitude. They also occur at high altitude below the alpine tundra
and tree line.
Climate : Climate is cold.
l Long and harsh Winters is for more than six months. Mean annual
temperature is below 0°C,
l Soil is poor in nutrients and acidic in nature.
Flora and fauna : Coniferous forests are characterized by conifers
(gymnosperms). They are evergreen, drought resistant and woody. In many
species the canopy is cone shaped. The common species of trees of these forests
are Spruce, fir and pine trees. The productivity is much less than other
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
ecosystem. There are very few animals in these forests. The herbivores are red
squirrel, deer, goat, mule, moose etc. The carnivores are timber wolves, lynxes,
wolverine, weasels mink and bear. Some common birds are cross bill, thrushes,
warblers, flycatchers, robin and sparrow.
Notes B. Grasslands
Distribution : Grasslands are dominated by the grasses. They occupy about 20%
of the land on earth’s surface. They occur in both tropical and temperate regions
where environmental conditions are better than that of the desert but rainfall is not
enough to support the growth of trees. Grasslands represent an ecotone (a zone in
between two ecosystems) and are found between forest on one side and deserts on
the other. They are subjected to greater variation of temperature, moisture, wind
and light intensity of the sun.. Grasslands are known by various names in different
parts of the world. For example they are called prairies, steppes, savannas and
Tropical grasslands are commonly called Savannas. They occur in eastern Africa
South America, Australia and India. Savannas form a complex ecosystem as they
contain grasses with groups of trees. Soil of grassland is rich and fertile.
Flora and fauna : Grasses are the dominating plants with scattered drought
resistant trees in the tropical grasslands. The height of grasses ranges from 0.2 to
3 meters depending upon the annual rain fall Trees are less than 10 m in height.
Animals are very much reduced in grasslands because there is no shelter. The large
herbivores of this biome are bison, proghorn (North America) wild horse, ass, saiga
(Eurasia) , zebra and antelope (South Africa). Carnivores are quite small in number
and size They are coyotes, weasels, badgers foxes and ferrets . Hawks, lark
sparrows, warblers, Great Indian Bustard and peafowl are the common birds found
in grassland. Grasslands are very rich in reptilian and insect fauna.
C. Deserts
Distribution : Deserts are waterless barren regions of the earth. They occupy about
one-seventh of the land on earth’s surface. Deserts form an extreme condition in
sequence of ecosystems with respect to the climatic condition . They occur in two
belts that encircle the northern and southern hemispheres roughly centered over the
tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Sahara deserts of Africa are the largest. Indian
Thar deserts are an extensions of Sahara deserts through Arabian and Persian
l Annual rain fall is very little. It may be less than 25 cm per annum. At some
places if it is high it is unevenly distributed.
l Temperature may be very high in subtropical deserts and very low in cold deserts
e.g. Ladakh.
l Winds have high velocity.
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Flora and fauna : Cacti, Acacia, Euphorbia and prickly pears are some of the
common desert plants. Desert animals are insects, reptiles, and burrowing rodents.
Desert shrew, fox, kangaroo, wood rat, rabbit, armadillo are common mammals in
desert. Camel is known as the ship of the desert as it can travel long distances
without drinking water for several days.
D. Tundra
The word tundra means a “barren land” since they are found in those regions of
the world where environmental conditions are very severe. There are two types of
tundra arctic and alpine.
l Arctic tundra extend as a continuous belt below the polar ice cap and above
the tree line on the northern hemisphere. It occupies the northern fringe of
Canada Alaska, European Russia, Siberia and island group of arctic ocean.
l Alpine tundra occur at high mountain peaks above the tree line. Since
mountains are found at all latitudes therefore alpine tundra show day and night
temperature variations
l A permanently frozen subsoil called permafrost is found in the arctic and
antarctic tundra. The summer temperature may be around 15°C and in winter
it may be as low as –57°C in arctic tundra A very low precipitation of less than
400 mm per year
l A short vegetation period of generally less than 50 days between spring and
autumn frost
l Productivity is low
Flora and fauna : Typical vegetation of arctic tundra is cotton grass, sedges, dwarf
heath, willows birches,and lichens. Animals of tundra are hurepian reindeer, musk
ox, arctic hare, caribous, lemmings and squirrel. Their body is covered with fur
for insulation, Insects have short life cycles which are completed during favourable
period of the year.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
4. Names of three main types of forests.
5. Where are savannas found?
Notes 6. What are deciduous trees?
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Salinity of open sea is 3.6 percent and is quite constant Sodium and chlorine make
up nearly 86 percent of the sea salt and the rest is due other elements such as sulphur,
magnesium, potassium and calcium
Temperature : The range of temperature variation is much less in sea than on the
land although near the surface it is considerable from –2°C in antarctic ocean to
27°C in the warmer waters of pacific ocean. In the deeper layers temperature is Notes
constant at about 2°C.
Light : The light reaches upto a certain depth only. Deeper regions are permanently
Pressure : Pressure increases with depth in oceans. It is 1 atmosphere near the
surface and 1000 atmosphere at greatest depth.
Tides : The gravitational pulls of the sun and the moon cause tides in oceans. At
the time of full moon and new moon tides are high and are called spring tides.
At quarter moon the tides are exceptionally low and are known as low tide or neap
Flora and fauna : Life in the oceans is limited but its biodiversity is very high
as compared to terrestrial ecosystems. Almost every major group of animals occur
somewhere or the other in the sea. except for insects and vascular plant which are
completely absent in marine ecosystem.
A. Carbon cycle
Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the source of all carbon in both living organisms
as well as in the fossils (used as fossil fuel). It is highly soluble in water. Oceans
also contain large quantities of dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonates.
The carbon cycle comprises the following processes
Terrestrial and aquatic plants utilize CO2 for photosynthesis. Through this process
the inorganic form of carbon is converted into organic matter in the presence of
sunlight and chlorophyll. The carbon dioxide is thus fixed and assimilated by plants.
It is partly used by them for their own life processes and the rest is stored as their
biomass which is available to the heterotrophs as food.
Respiration is a metabolic process reverse of photosynthesis in which food is
oxidized to liberate energy (to perform the various life processes) and carbon
dioxide and water. Thus the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is recovered through
this process.
After the death of the organisms the decomposers break down the remaining dead
organic matter and release the left over carbon back into the atmosphere.
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Fossil fuel such as crude oil, coal, natural gas or heavy oils on burning releases
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Forests make a large
amount of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is product of complete or partial decomposition
of plants and animals as a result of exposure to heat and pressure in the earth’s
crust over millions of years. Notes
Forests also act like carbon reservoirs as carbon fixed by them cycles very slowly
due to their long life. They release CO2 by forest fires.
Impact of human activities
Carbon dioxide is continuously increasing in the atmosphere due to human
activities such as industrialization, urbanization and increased use of automobiles.
This increase in atmospheric CO2 is bading to green house effect and global
e c om Animal g
D a
Res Tissues
B. Water cycle
This is also known as hydrologic cycle. You have already studied that earth is a
watery planet of the solar system but a very small fraction of this is available to
animals and plants. Water is not evenly distributed throughout the surface of the
earth. Major % of the total water on the earth is chemically bound to rocks and
does not cycle. Out of the remaining, nearly 97.3% is in the oceans and 2.1% exists
as polar ice caps. Thus only 0.6% is present as fresh water in, the form of
atmospheric water vapors, ground and soil water. The ice caps and the water deep
in the oceans form the reservoir.
Solar radiation and earth’s gravitational pull are the main driving forces of water
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
Evaporation, condensation and precipitation are the main processes involved in
water cycle these processes alternate with each other
Water from oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and soil surface evaporates by
sun’s heat energy. Plants also transpire huge amounts of water through their leaves.
Water remains in the vapour state in air and forms clouds, which drift with the wind.
Notes Clouds meet with the cold air in the mountainous regions above the forests and
condense to form rain, which falls due to gravity.
Principles of Ecology MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
l The quantity of energy flowing through the successive trophic level decreases.
This is because a part of the energy is lost and a part of energy used by the
organism for its metabolism.
l Only 10% of the energy that enters the trophic level is transferred to the next
trophic level. This is known an 10% law. The flow of energy in an ecosystem
Notes is always linear.
l The number of trophic level in a food chain is limited in number (4 or 5).
l The graphical representation of standing crop expressed as number biomass or
energy is called pyramid of number. Pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energy
respectively. These are collectively known as ecological pyramid.
l A biome is a large ecosystem which is embracing the large landscape. Each
biome is characterised by a specific flora and fauna.
l The cycling of the nutrients in the biosphere is called biogeochemical or nutrient
cycle. Carbon cycle and water cycle are two such example.
l Photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition and combustion are the important
processes in carbon cycle.
l Evaporation, condensation and precipitation are the important processes in
water cycle.
1. What are the three physical life support systems on the planet earth?
2. Name the various biotic and abiotic components of the environment
3. Give differences between natural and human modified ecosystem
4. Why is the number of trophic levels restricted to four or five in a food chain?
5. Give only two differences between fresh water and marine biome.
6. What will happen if all the floating animals are removed from a lake ecosytem?
7. What are the benefits of natural ecosystems?
8. Give two differences between energy flow and biogeochemical cycle in an
Biotic Abiotic
(Producers) light
Consumers Temperature
Decomposers Inorganic substances
organic compounds
3. to breakdown products of dead animals and plants tissue.
24.4 1. Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk/eagle
2. Secondary level consumer
3. Snake can feed on a rat and then it is a secondary consumer. It can also
feed on a frog and then it is a tertiary consumer.
24.5 1. Upto five (5)
2. Energy from solar radiation is fixed in the form of food by the producer.
This energy is passed on to the consumers of different trophic level. At
each trophic level energy is used by the member for metabolism and only
left over energy is passed on each trophic level (10%).
3. See text
4. Vertical and horizontal distribution of plants in the ecosystem.
24.6 1. Its an ecosystem that occurs high mountain peak above the tree line.
Environmental conditions are very severe and show day and night
temperature variation.
2. Cotton grass, sedges, dwarf leath, willows, birches and lichens (any two).
3. 1. both of them have very harsh climatic conditions.
2. Scarce vegetation.
MODULE - 4 Principles of Ecology
Environment and Health
4. 1. Tropical rain forest temperature.
2. Deciduous boreal or north.
3. Coniferous rain forest.
5. Eastern Africa, South America, Australia and India (any two).
Notes 6. Trees which shed their leaves in autumn and grow new foliage during
24.7 1. Free floating microscopic organisms
2. diatoms, algae, prawn, crabs, snail (any two)
3. 1000 atmosphere
4. (a) swamps, marshes and mangroves (any one)
(b) streams, rivers, springs (any one)
24.8 1. Movement of nutrient elements through the various components of an
ecosystem is called nutrient cycle.
2. In the Reservoirs pool
3. Gaseous cycle
4. Industrialization, urbanization, increased used of automobiles (any two)
5. Polar ice caps and water present deep in the oceans.
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
25 Notes
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
l explain the term natural resources;
l familiarise with the traditions practised in India for conservation of nature;
l describe the reasons for degradation of natural resources and suggest measures
to prevent these;
l define biodiversity and describe the need to conserve biodiversity;
l list the various endangered species of animals and plants;
l state the various environmental laws passed to conserve the natural resources;
l explain sustainable development and justify its need; and
l describe the various conventional as well as non-conventional sources of
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
(a) Natural resources and
(b) Artificial resources.
All that the nature has provided such as soil, air, water, minerals, coal, sunshine
(sunlight), animals and plants, etc., are known as natural resources. Human being
Notes uses these directly or indirectly for survival and welfare. The resources, which have
been developed by human being during the growth of civilization, are called
artificial resources. For example, biogas, thermal electricity, plastics, etc are man-
made resources. These man-made resources are generally derived from some other
natural resources. For example, plastics and many other chemical products are
ultimately derived from the natural resource of petroleum.
What are the natural resources used to generate electricity?
25.1.1 Classification of Natural Resources
The air we breathe and the light we get from the sun are available in unlimited
quantity. But what about coal, forest, and petroleum? The stock of these resources
is limited. The quantity of these resources is depleting day by day.
Natural Artificial
(e.g. electricity)
Exhaustible Inexhaustible
(e.g. solar energy, wind, rainfall, tidal energy)
Renewable Non-renewable
(e.g. wind, water, forests) (e.g. coal, petroleum, iron, biological species)
l Inexhaustible Resources
The resources which cannot be exhausted by human consumption and other uses,
are called inexhaustible resources. These include energy sources like solar
radiation, wind power, water power (flowing streams) and tidal power, and
substances like sand, clay, air, water in oceans, etc.
l Exhaustible Resources
On the other hand, there are some resources, which are available in limited
quantities and are going to be exhausted as a result of continus use. These are called
exhaustible resources. For example, the stock of coal in the earth is limited and
one day there will be no more coal available for our use. Petroleum is another
important exhaustible resource.
l Renewable Resources
Some of the exhaustible resources are naturally regenerated after consumption and
are known as renewable resources. e.g. The living beings (both animals and plants)
reproduce and can thus, replace the dying or killed individuals. However, if the
consumption of these resources exceeds the rate of regeneration they may also get
totally exhausted. Some examples are fresh water, fertile soil, forest (yielding wood
and other products), vegetation, wildlife, etc.
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
l Non-renewable Resources
The resources, which cannot be replaced after the use, are known as non-renewable
Resources. These include minerals (copper, iron etc.) fossil fuels (coal, oil etc.).
Even the wildlife species (rare plants and animals) belong to this category.
1. Given below are certain wrong statements. Identify the mistake and write the
correct statement below each.
(i) Plastic is a natural resource.
(ii) Forest is an exhaustible non-renewable resource.
(iii) The exhaustible resources, which are not replaced after consumption are
known as renewable resources.
2. Classify the following under the three respective categories of natural resources:
Air, iron, sand, petroleum, wind, clay, fish, forest, gold, pearls.
Inexhaustible Renewable Non- renewable
......................... ......................... .........................
......................... ......................... .........................
As the human population is continuously growing the consumption of natural
resources is also increasing. With the increasing industrialisation and urbanisation
of the modern human society, the use of all the resources is rising. If they are not
properly used and well managed, a serious scarcity will result. Therefore we need
to conserve the natural resources. This will also upset the ecological balance.
Conservation is the proper management of a natural resource to prevent its
exploitation, destruction or degradation.
Conservation is the sum total of activities, which can derive benefits from natural
resources but at the same time prevent excessive use leading to destruction or
1. Why should we conserve the natural resources? State any two reasons.
(i) ..................................................................................................................
(ii) ..................................................................................................................
2. Below are certain incomplete words. Complete them by taking clues from the
statement given below for each. Each blank space represents one letter only.
(i) __ __ __ p k __
(A movement started by women to stop the felling of trees by hugging
(ii) T__ __ __ i
(A sacred plant worshipped in India)
(iii) Kh __ ch __ __ pa__ __ i
(A lake in Sikkim that was declared sacred by the people)
We discussed about the different types of natural resources and classified these.
Now we will know about some of these resources in details. Let’s begin with the
‘soil’ as a natural resource.
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
25.3 SOIL
Soil is the uppermost layer of earth’s crust, which supports growth of plants. It is
a complex mixture of (i) mineral particles (formed from rocks), (ii) humus (organic
material formed from decaying plant remains), (iii) mineral salts, (iv) water, (v)
air, and (vi) living organisms (larger ones like earthworms and insects and
microscopic ones like the bacteria and fungi). Notes
A brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly
decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and
increases the ability of soil to retain water.
Soil is a renewable as well as non-renewable resource.
l Soil is renewable because its productivity can be maintained with fertilizers and
manures rich in humus.
l If the soil has been removed from a certain place by erosion, it is practically
non-renewable because formation of new soil may take hundreds and thousands
of years.
25.3.1. Soil Erosion
Erosion literally means “to wear away”. You might have noticed during the summer,
when wind blows it carries away sand and soil particles from one place to another.
Similarly flowing water removes some amount of soil along with it. This removal
of top layers of soil by wind and water is called soil erosion. You know that
top layers of soil contain humus and mineral salts, which are vital for the growth
of plants. Thus, erosion causes a significant loss of humus and nutrients, and
decreases the fertility of soil.
25.4.2. Causes of soil Erosion
Now we shall discuss the causes of soil erosion. There are several causes of soil
erosion, these include:
(a) Natural causes; and
(b) Anthropogenic causes (human generated causes)
(a) Natural Causes of Soil Erosion
Erosion of soil takes places due to the effect of natural agents like wind and water.
High velocity winds over lands, which have no vegetation, carry away the loose
top soil. Similarly in areas with no or very little vegetation, the pouring raindrops
carry away the soil.
(b) Anthropogenic Causes of Soil Erosion
Besides the natural agents, there are some human activities, which cause soil
erosion. Let us know about them.
1. Deforestation: If the forests are cut down for timber, or for farming purposes,
then the soil is no longer protected from the effect of falling rains. Consequently,
the top soil is washed away into the rivers and oceans.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
Stubble : The short, stiff stalks of grain or hay remaining on a field after
2. Poor farming methods: Improper tillage and failure to replace humus after
successive crops and burning the stubble of weeds reduce the water-holding
capacity of the soil. So the soil becomes dry and can be blown away as dust.
3. Overgrazing: Overgrazing by flocks of cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep leave
very little plant-cover on the soil. Their hooves make the soil dry and soil can
be blown away easily.
25.4.3 Conservation of Soil
In the previous section we learnt about the various causes of soil erosion. Soil loses
its fertility due to erosion. So we need to conserve the soil. Soil conservation means
checking soil erosion and improving soil fertility by adopting various methods. Let
us know some of these methods.
1. Maintenance of soil fertility: The fertility can be maintained by adding manure
and fertilizers regularly as well as by rotation of crop.
2. Control on grazing: Grazing should be allowed only on the areas meant for
it and not on agricultural land.
3. Reforestation: Planting of trees and vegetation reduces soil erosion by both
water and wind.
4. Terracing: Dividing a slope into several flat fields to control rapid run of water.
It is practised mostly in hilly areas.
5. Contour ploughing: Ploughing at right angles to the slope allows the furrows
to trap water and check soil erosion by rain water.
25.4.1.Degradation of Water
Degradation of water is the decrease in quality and quantity of water on the earth
surface. With increase in population and industrial growth, water is being degraded
day by day. The main reasons for the degradation of water are:
1. to meet the need of increasing population, surface water (water from ponds,
lakes, rivers, etc) and ground water are overdrawn.
2. sewage i.e., waste water from domestic and municipal use makes fresh water
unfit for use by human beings and animals.
3. waste water, from all industries flow down the surface water bodies and ground
water bodies and they get polluted.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
4. agricultural wastes containing manures, fertilizers and pesticides enter the water
bodies and degrade the quality of water.
5. the continuous decrease of ground water level along coastal regions often cause
movement of saline sea water into freshwater wells, thus, spoiling their water
25.4.2. Conservation of Water
Conservation and management of water are essential for the survival of mankind,
plants and animals. This can be achieved adopting the following methods:
1. Growing vegetation in the catchment areas, which will hold water in the soil
and allow it to percolate into deeper layers and contribute to formation of ground
2. Constructing dams and reservoirs to regulate supply of water to the fields,
as well as to enable generating hydroelectricity.
3. Sewage should be treated and only the clear water should be released into the
4. Industrial wastes (effluents) should be treated to prevent chemical and thermal
pollution of fresh water.
5. Judicious use of water in our day-to-day life.
6. Rainwater harvesting should be done by storing rainwater and recharging
When we observe our surrounding, we find different types of plants, ranging from
small green grasses to large trees. Large variety of animals, from tiny insect to
human being and many other big animals. Besides these there are micro-organisms
in the soil, air and water that we can’t see through our naked eyes. These varieties
of plants, animals and microbes together form the biological diversity or biodiversity
of your surrounding.
So biodiversity can be defined as the flora and fauna i.e. variety of all plants,
animals and microbes of a region.
25.5.1 Importance of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is essential for maintenance of ecosystem. It maintains gaseous
composition of atmosphere, controls climate, helps in natural pest control, pollination
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
of plants by insects and birds, soil formation and conservation, water purification
and conservation, geo-chemical cycles etc.
Some of the uses of biodiversity are given below :
l Food : All kind of food is derived from plants and animals.
l Drugs and Medicines : Around 25% of drugs are obtained from plants e.g. Notes
quinins used for treatment of malaria is obtained from Chinchona officinalis.
All antibiotics are derived from microbes.
l Cultural and Aesthetic value : You enjoy watching butterflies, animals, birds
and flowers. Eco-tourism is a source of income.
l Religious values : Plants like tulsi, peepal, banyan and animals like cows, ox,
elephant are worshiped.
l It is essential for maintenance of ecosystem.
l It is required for disposal and pollination in plants, formation and conservation
of soil and purification and conservation of water.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
25.5.3 Conservation of Biodiversity
Now you have an idea of the importance of biodiversity for our survival and how
it is destroyed. Let us know how to protect the biodiversity. There are two basic
strategies for conservation of biodiversity:
Notes (i) In-situ conservation
(ii) Ex-situ conservation
(i) In-situ (on site) conservation includes the protection of plants and animals
within their natural habitats or in protected areas. Protected areas are areas of
land or sea dedicated to protection and maintenance of biodiversity. For
example: e.g., National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, etc.
(ii) Ex-situ (off site) conservation is the conservation of plants and animals outside
their natural habitats. These include Botanical Gardens, Zoo, Gene Banks, DNA
Banks, Seed Banks, Pollen Banks, Seedling and Tissue Culture etc.
Now we shall know about an important resource of the nature called the wildlife.
At home you may have a pet dog or a cat, even some may have cows, buffalos,
sheeps, goats etc. In your garden you may grow different types of vegetables and
flower plants. In addition to these, there are other plants and animals, which are
not cultivated or reared by you. The plants, animals and microorganisms other
than the cultivated plants and domesticated animals constitute the wildlife.
Animals and plants living in their natural habitat constitute wildlife. The wildlife
forms an important resource as it plays a major role in maintaining ecological
balance. It is used in research as experimental material and also used for recreational
purposes. Like other resources it is also facing severe threat. So it should be
conserved and maintained for the use of future generation.
25.7.1 Need for Conservation of wildlife
Wildlife needs to be conserved for :
l maintaining ecological balance for supporting life.
l preserving different kinds of species (biodiversity).
l preserving economically important plants and animals.
l conserving the endangered species.
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
l Similipal National Park (Orissa) – mangroves, marine turtles lay eggs
l Bharatpur bird sanctuary (Rajasthan) – ducks, herons
l Corbett National Park (Uttaranchal) – tigers, barking deer, sambar, wild bear,
rhesus monkey
l Jaladpara sanctuary (West Bengal) – rhinoceros Notes
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
A says - Polythene bags should be used to carry vegetables.
B says – Jute bags should be used to carry vegetables.
Who is right and why?
............................................................................................................................ Notes
2. Mention any two activities which will help in sustainable development.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
25.10.2 Conventional Sources of Energy
Let’s first discuss about the conventional sources of energy. These have been in
use since ancient times. Most important among them are the fossil fuels. So we
shall know details about the fossil fuels.
Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel. It is widely used for combustion in cooking
and industrial activities. There are different types of coal products such as coal gas,
coal tar, benzene, toluene, etc., which are used for various purposes.
Oil and Natural gases are formed from plants and animals which once lived in
the tropical seas. Oil (or petroleum) is a source of countless products. Apart from
petrol, diesel and other fuels, petroleum products include lubricants, waxes,
solvents, dyes, etc. Petroleum reserves are supposed to last for another 100 years
or so.
Natural gas is often found with petroleum. The gas mainly contains methane. Apart
from serving as fuel in several industries, it is being increasingly used as domestic
fuel in many countries including India. United States of America is the largest
producer as well as consumer of natural gas.
Now a days in big cities and town it is being supplied through pipelines which is
called Piped Natural Gas (PNG). The natural gas is also used as a fuel to run
vehicles. It is known as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). It is accepted as an
economical and less polluting fuel for transport.
The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is the common cooking gas used in Indian
homes. It is a mixture of propane and butane gases kept under pressure in liquid
form, but they burn in gaseous form. This gas is made available in a specific
container for domestic as well as industrial uses. It is a byproduct of petrolium
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
3. A and B are two friends. In their daily life both have different opinion on certain
matters. Considering the necessity of sustainable development give your
suggestions in the given space.
1. Solar Energy
Solar energy is the ultimate source of all energies on earth. Firewood, coal, oil or
natural gas are the products of plants and other organisms, which had used solar
energy for the synthesis of organic molecules during photosynthesis. Even today
it will turn out to be the most important answer to problems of energy except nuclear
energy. The solar energy has the following advantages:
(i) It is abundant
(ii) It is everlasting
(iii) It is available almost
(iv) It is free from political barriers.
Various technologies in which solar
energy can be, and is being utilised
are as follows:
(i) Solar cookers
(ii) Solar hot water systems
(iii) Solar dryers (used for drying
crop yields)
(iv) Solar air heaters
Fig. 25.2 Solar battery that can run a water pump or
(v) Solar kilns put to any other use.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
(vi) Solar desalination systems
(vii) Solar batteries (Fig. 25.2).
Minimum wind speed required for operating the windmill is 7 km/hour. A windmill
can draw water upto a maximum depth of 55 feet and the output is 4000-9000 litres
(of water) per hour.
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
4. Tidal Energy
Tidal energy is one that is produced by making the use of water movement from
a high tide to a low tide. Ocean waves and tides can be made to turn a turbine
and generate electricity. Areas where rivers flow into the sea experience waves and
tides and electricity can be generated there. It has much potential. As you know
we have a large coastline and major river systems in our country, electricity can
be generated on a large scale from waves and tides.
5. Nuclear Energy
Radioactive elements like uranium and thorium disintegrate spontaneously releasing
large quantities of energy. This energy can be trapped to produce electricity. 25%
of world’s thorium reserve is found in our country, which can be utilised to generate
electricity. Most advanced countries have nuclear power stations. We too have some
in India, for example, Tarapur (Maharashtra), Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu), Narora
(Uttar Pradesh), Kota (Rajasthan). Approximately 3% of India’s electricity comes
from nuclear power and about 25% is expected to come by 2050.
Installation costs of nuclear power stations are very high, but maintenance costs
are relatively low. If not carefully maintained, these also have an inherent risk of
causing radioactive pollution.
6. Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen is the primary fuel for the hydrogen based fuel cells and power plants.
Power can be generated for industrial, residential and transport purposes by using
7. Geothermal Energy
This is the energy derived from the heat in the interior of the earth. In volcanic
regions, springs and fountains of hot water called “geysers” are commonly found.
These eruptions of hot steaming water can be used to turn turbines and produce
electricity in geothermal power plants. In this method cold water is allowed to seep
through the fissures in the rocks till it reaches the hot rocks in the lower layers.
Water gets heated and gets converted into steam which forces out to the surface
to be used in power generation. Besides the superheated steam of hot springs can
also generate electricity. There are 46 hydrothermal areas in India where the water
temperature normally exceeds 150 degree centigrade. Electricity can be generated
from these hot springs.
8. Biogas
Another form of non-conventional energy is biogas. It is produced by the microbial
activity on cattle dung in a specially designed tank called digester. A mixture of
water and cattle dung is poured in this digester where anaerobic decomposition
takes place and biogas is generated. This gas contains 55 – 70 percent methane,
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
which is inflammable and it is generally used as cooking gas and for generation
of electricity. The “waste” left in the tank after the generation of biogas is used
as manures. Thus, biogas plant provides us both the fuel and the manure. Biogas
plants are becoming very popular in rural India.
There are two types of biogas plants:
(a) Family type gas plants- These are small and are used individually by a family.
(b) Community type gas plants- These are large and are used by larger rural
9. Bio-fuel
You know it very well that fossil fuels have been the main source of energy for
transportation and industries for more than a century. Their rapid consumption has
depleted the reserves of fossil fuels. Their fast depletion and non-renewable nature
has sent an alarm to look for alternative fuel. Among the fuels, consumption of
liquid fuels is the highest. So there are attempts to identify potential plant species
as sources of liquid hydrocarbons, a substitute for liquid fossil fuels. The
hydrocarbons present in such plants can be converted into petroleum hydrocarbons.
This liquid hydrocarbon is the bio-fuel and the plants producing it are called petro-
plants. These plants belong to families Euphorbiaceae, Asclepiadaceae,
Apocyanaceae, Urticaceae, Convolvulaceae and Sapotaceae. The plant species,
Jatropha curcus is the most suitable one, which yields bio-diesel. The Indian Oil
Corporation is carrying out experiments for preparation of bio-diesel from various
vegetable oils extracted from rice bran, palm, karanjia, sunflower etc.
Advantages of Bio-diesel
Bio-diesel has several advantages; some of them are given below-
l It is an agriculture based fuel substitute.
l It can be made from both vegetable oil and animal fats.
l It can be used without major modifications in engines.
l It does not need separate infrastructure for storage and delivery.
l Handling bio-diesel is safer.
l Planting of Jatropha curcus will utilise wasteland in our country.
l It’s combustion emits less carbon monoxide, sulphates, unburnt hydrocarbons
and particulate matters, thus reduces air pollution.
l Creating awareness among people regarding wise and judicious use of energy.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
l The Non-Conventional Energy includes Solar energy, Hydel energy, Wind
energy, Nuclear energy, Hydrogen energy, Geothermal energy, Biogas energy,
Tidal energy, Bio-fuel, etc.
l The demand for energy and exploitation of the energy sources is increasing day-
by-day. Energy sources are depleting fast. There is an urgent need to conserve
energy; else adequate energy will not be available in future.
1. Define conservation.
2. What is meant by soil erosion?
3. Define the term biodiversity.
4. State the meaning of sustainable development.
5. Mention any two methods of conservation of energy resource.
6. Why should wildlife be conserved?
7. Why is soil considered as both renewable and non-renewable resource?
8. State any three reasons for degradation of water.
9. Distinguish between in-situ and ex-situ conservation strategies.
10. Describe natural gas as conventional source of energy.
11. Describe the natural and the anthropogenic causes of soil erosion.
12. Describe the various methods of conservation of soil.
13. Future generations of mankind will depend more and more on non-conventional
sources of energy. Discuss.
14. Explain any five methods of conservation of water.
15. Describe any three non-conventional sources of energy.
MODULE - 4 Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
Environment and Health
2. Inexhaustible Renewable Non- renewable
Air Fish Iron
Sand Forest Petroleum
Wind Pearls Gold
Notes Clay
25.2 1. (i) To maintain ecological balance for supporting life.
(ii) To preserve different kinds of species.
2. (i) Chipko
(ii) Tulsi
(iii) Khecheopalri
25.3 1. Wind : Carries away the loose top soil
Overgrazing : Removes the protective vegetation, thus help in
erosion by wind and water
Water : Rain drops carry away the soil not covered by
2. Column – A Column – B
(i) Terracing (c) Practised in hilly areas
(ii) Erosion (d) To wear away
(iii) Deforestation (b) Cutting down forests
(iv) Humus (a) Decayed vegetable or animal matter
25.4 1. It is produced continuously through hydrologic cycle.
2. (i) Constructing dams and reservoirs
(ii) Rainwater harvesting
(iii) Judicious use
25.5 1. (i) C (ii) T (iii) T (iv) C (v) C (vi) T
25.6 1. It is published by IUCN that gives information on endangered plants
and animals.
2. The plants, animals and microbes other than the cultivated plants and
domesticated animals constitute the wildlife.
3. (i) Afforestation
(ii) Belladonna
(iii) Rhinoceros
25.7 1. (i) World Wildlife Fund
(ii) Convention of International Trade in Endangered species
(iii) International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources
2. (i) (d), (ii) (e) (iii) (b) (iv) (a)(v) (c)
Conservation and Use of Natural Resources MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
25.8 1. (i) B is right; because jute bags are biodegradable and eco-friendly.
Though science has invented the bio-degradable polythene bags,
all are not bio-degradable,hence cause pollution.
(ii) see text
25.9 1. Coal cannot be regenerated after consumption. But wood charcoal is Notes
obtained from wood and wood can be obtained continuously from trees/
2. CNG : Cooking, Transportation
PNG : Cooking
LPG : Cooking, Lightening, Transportation
3. B is right LPG causes less pollution than coal.
25.10 1. It is available free of cost and in ample quantity, everlasting. It has no
boundaries and is also free from political barriers.
2. The radioactive elements when not disposed off properly cause
disintegration in the soil and water and thus cause pollution.
3. India has sufficient Thorium to generate electricity cause pollution.
4. Geothermal Bio-gas Bio-diesel
(i) Generation of Electricity √ √ √
(ii) Fuel for Cooking √
(iii) Fuel for Vehicles √
5. (i) Judicious use of electricity
(ii) Use of florescent lamp instead of incandescent lamp
(iii) Create awareness about the proper use of electricity, or any other.
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
You have already learnt about the environment and its components in the earlier
lessons. You have also studied the importance of maintaining a life-supporting
environment in class 10. However, the environment has undergone many changes
over the period of time. Population explosion in the recent times has resulted in
a number of environmental problems. The population of India has crossed the figure
of 1.4 billion and the world population is estimated to have touched the 6 billion
mark. To meet the demands of food, housing and energy, environmental resources
are being exploited at a fast pace. Over-exploitation of resources and human
activities has resulted in many environmental problems, such as deforestation,
destruction of wild life, air, water, land and noise pollution, diminishing fossil fuels
(oil, coal and natural gas), concentration of pesticides in alarming proportions in
the bodies of organisms, and depletion of ozone layer and global warming.
In this lesson, you will learn about various kinds of environmental polluton, their
causes effects and control.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define pollution;
l list various types of pollution and mention their sources;
l describe effects of air, water and soil pollution on flora and fauna;
l describe methods of control of air, water and soil pollution;
l describe methods of nuclear and solid waste management
l describe the causes and effects of sound pollution;
l describe the causes and effects of radiation pollution;
l discuss rates of entry and translocation of pollutants in human body.
We perform a number of daily activities such as bathing and washing of clothes
with soaps and detergents. By doing so we add some chemical residue to water
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
and change its quality. This water may mix with the water in ponds and rivers due
to ignorance and carelessness. Cooking of food by using firewood may give out
smoke in the air. Agricultural activities may dump fertilizers and pesticides in the
environment. The addition of unwanted substances in wrong concentration that
has an adverse effect on organisms and environment, is called pollution.
An undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics
of the environment especially air, water and land that may adversely affect
human population and the wild life, industrial processes, cultural assets
(building and monuments), is called pollution.
The agents that pollute the environment or cause pollution are called
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
(v) Vegetable oils, kerosene, and coal as household fuels
(vi) Sewers and domestic drains emanating foul gases
(vii) Pesticide residues in air
Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
power stations, factories, automobiles and aircrafts (due to burning of coal and
petroleum). They reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood, may cause eye
irritation and skin cancer in human beings.
Smog is a mixture of smoke, dust particles and small drops of fog. Smog may Notes
cause necrosis and develop a white coating on the leaves (silvering) of plants. In
human beings and animals, it may cause asthma and allergies.
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
SPM (Suspended Thermal power l Poor visibility, breathing problems
Particulate matter) plants. l Lead interferes with the development
(Any Solid or liquid construction of red blood cells and causes lung
particles suspended activities, diseases and cancer
in the air, (fly ash, metallurgical l Smog (smoke+fog) formation leads to
dust, lead) processes and poor visibility and aggravates asthma
Notes automobiles in patients
Fibres Textile and l Lung disorders
(Cotton, wool) carpet weaving
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
26.2.1c Prevention and control of air pollution
There are two types of air pollutants—gaseous and particulate.
(i) Fabric filters. In this technique, gaseous emission containing dust, soot and
fly ash is passed through porous fabric filters made of fabric (cloth) (woven
or filled fabric). The particles of pollutants get trapped in this fabric and are
collected in the filter and the gases free from the pollutant particles are
(ii) Mechanical devices. There are many mechanical devices that clean the air of
pollutants either due to (i) gravity in which the particles settle down by
gravitational force; or by (ii) sudden change in the direction of gas flow in
which particles separate out due to greater momentum.
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
26.2.1d Prevention and control of air pollution
(i) At domestic level, burning of wood and dung cakes can be replaced by use
of cleaner fuel and biogas (formed by the decomposition of animal and plant
wastes in a biogas plant).
Notes (ii) Automobile pollution can be reduced by :
l pooling of transport or use of public transport.
l use of unleaded petrol and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas).
l regular tuning and servicing of the engines, and
l switching off the engine at red lights or when not in use.
(iii) Following measures can reduce industrial pollution:
l installation of tall chimneys,
l installation of devices that do not allow pollutants to be released in the
environment, such as filters, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers etc.,
Natural sources are soil erosion, leaking of minerals from rocks, and decaying of
organic matter, while man-made sources include domestic, agricultural and
industrial activities. Many water sources have become a dumping ground for
wastes. Water pollution is one of the main causes of human diseases in India.
Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
(i) Point sources. Those sources which discharge water pollutants directly into
the water are known as point sources of water pollution. Oil wells situated near
water bodies, factories. power plants, underground coal mines, etc. are point
sources of water pollution.
(ii) Non-point sources. Those sources which do not have any specific location
for discharging pollutants, in the water body are known as non-point sources Notes
of water pollution. Run-offs from agricultural fields, lawns, gardens, construction
sites, roads and streets are some non-point sources of water pollution.
Water pollutants
River, lake and sea water may be polluted in many ways.
l Domestic sewage discharged into rivers from areas located on its banks
l Industrial wastes effluents from urban areas containing high concentration of
oil, heavy metals and detergents
l Minerals, organic wastes and crop dusting from agricultural fields with
phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers that reach lakes, rivers and sea (water
becomes deoxygenated and poisonous, thus, cannot support aquatic life)
l Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and plant remains
l Industrial waste water containing several chemical pollutants, such as calcium,
magnesium, chlorides, sulphide, carbonates, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals and
radioactive waste from nuclear reactor.
l Excretory wastes of humans and animals
l Disposal of urban and industrial waste matter
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
26.2.2b Effects of water pollution
l Water pollution adversely affects the fish and other aquatic life.
l The presence of acids/alkalis in water destroys micro-organisms, thereby
disturbing the self purification process in rivers.
l The toxic materials in water cause serious health hazards in human beings
and other animals.
l Polluted water causes spread of epidemics, such as cholera, tuberculosis,
jaundice, dysentery, typhoid and diarrhoea in human beings.
l The use of polluted water from lakes, ponds and rivers for irrigation of
agricultural fields, damages crops severely and decreases agricultural
l The use of water contaminated with salts increases alkalinity of the soil.
l Heavily polluted water affects the soil, decreases its fertility and kills soil
micro-organisms and even certain useful bacteria.
l Contamination of sea water due to oil slicks caused by the leakage of crude
oil from oil tankers causes ecological disasters which results in the death of
sea organisms including fishes.
The sources and effects of certain water pollutants have been given in the following
table 26.2
Table 26.2 : Some major disturbances in the ecosystem due to
water pollution
Pollutant Sources Cause Effect
Nitrates, Agricultural Plant nutrients Eutrophication
phosphates, fertilizers, sewage,
ammonium salts manure
Animal manure Sewage, paper mills, Oxygen Death of aquatic
and plant residues food processing deficiency animals
Heat Power plants and Thermal Death of fish
industrial cooling discharge
Oil slick Leakage from oil Petroleum Death of marine life
ships due to non availability
of oxygen dissolved in
Fertilizers and pesticides are widely used in agriculture. Their excessive use for
increasing agricultural yield has led to the phenomenon of eutrophication and
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
With the use of high yielding varieties of crops, the use of fertilizers and
pesticides has increased a lot. Excess fertilizers may mix with surface water
and may get drained into water bodies (surface runoff). The enrichment of water
with nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates that triggers the growth of green
algae is called eutrophication. (Fig. 26.3) This fast growth of algae followed Notes
by decomposition depletes the water body of its dissolved oxygen. As a result
aquatic animals die of oxygen shortage.
Sewage and/or fertilizer run off from fields
Enriched nutrient content in lakes (Eutrophication)
Algae multiply to produce an ‘algal bloom’
Algae use up oxygen and begin to die
Decomposers (bacteria) multiply and use more oxygen
Organisms (such as fish) die due to lack of oxygen
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
Consider the following food chain. Is there any difference in the concentration
of DDT in water and that in the body of the Pelican bird?
Water → Algae → Fish → Pelican bird (top consumer)
0.2 ppm 77 ppm 500-600 ppm 1700 ppm
Table 26.3 and 26.4 show respectively the industrial sources of water pollution and
sources and effects of some water pollutants.
Table 26.3 Sources of industrial pollution
Type of Industry Inorganic pollutants Organic pollutant
Mining Chlorides, various metals, ferrous
sulphate, sulphuric acid, hydrogen
sulphide, ferric hydroxide surface
wash offs, suspended solid, chlorides
and heavy metals
Iron and Steel Suspended solids, iron cyanides, Oil, phenol and
thiocyanate, sulphides, oxides naphtha.
of copper, chromium., cadmium
and mercury.
Chemical Plants Various acids and alkalies, chlorides, Aromatic
sulphates, nitrates of metals, compounds
phosphorus, fluorine, silica and
suspended particles
Pharmaceuticals Protein, carbohydrates,
organic solvents intermediate
products, drugs and
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Soap and Detergents Tertiary ammonium compound alkalies. Fats and fatty
acids, glycerol,
Food processing Highly putrescible Notes
(easily rots) organic
matter and pathogens.
Paper and Pulp Sulphides and bleaching liquors Cellulose fibre,
bark, wood sugars
organic acids,
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
l Maintenance or safety standards for the effluents discharged into the water
Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
dissolved organic solids arc removed. Then, the chlorination, evaporation and exchange
absorption methods are employed to obtain clean water.
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
l Ensure use of pollution free or treated waste water only for irrigation.
l Recycling of waste material for example plastic, metal and glass are recyclable and
incineration of non recyclable, wastes.
26.2.3c Soil Erosion
Notes The process of detaching and removal of loosened soil particles by water (running
water, ground water, rain, sea waves) and wind is known as soil erosion. Soil may
be eroded by water and wind, each contributing towards a significant amount of soil loss
every year in our country.
Types of soil erosion
Wind erosion
Erosion of large quantity of fine soil particles and sand from deserts by wind is known
as wind erosion. It is spread over the cultivated land and thus, destroys fertility of that
Sheet erosion
When water moves over the land surface as a sheet, it takes away the topmost thin layer
of soil. This phenomenon occurs uniformly on the slopes of hilly areas, riverbeds and
areas affected by floods. This type of erosion is known as sheet erosion.
Gully erosion
When water moves down the slope as a channel, it scoops out the soil and forms gullies
which gradually multiply and spread over a large area. This type of soil erosion is known
as gully erosion.
Effects of soil erosion
Soil erosion may have several adverse effects such as,
l The top layer of productive land may be washed away.
l Roads, fences, bridges, trees and houses may get damaged.
l Fine soil may be transported far away.
l Crops and pasture lands may be destroyed either by being washed out or by getting
covered with mud.
l Flooded fields may take a long time to recover and fertilizers may also be washed
out leading to reduction in agricultural yield.
l Organic matter of the soil, residues or any applied manure, is relatively light-weight
and can be readily washed off the field. Crop emergence, growth and yield are directly
affected by the loss of natural nutrients and fertilizers in the soil. Seeds and plants
can get disturbed or completely removed from the eroded soil.
l Soil erosion changes the composition of soil leaving infertile rock behind. Soil quality,
structure. stability and texture may also be affected.
l The breakdown of aggregates and the removal of smaller particles or entire layers
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
of soil or organic matter can weaken the structure and even change the texture.
Textural changes can in turn affect the water-holding capacity of the soil making it
more susceptible to extreme conditions, such as drought.
l Sediment which reaches streams or water-courses due to soil erosion clog drainage
and stream channels, deposit silt in reservoirs and reduce quality downstream water.
Causes of Soil Erosion
(i) Natural Sources
Water Erosion: During rainfall, drops of rain can break down soil aggregates and
disperse them. The loosened soil particles are transported with the runoff water.
If vegetation is depleted by drought, raindrops are free to hit the soil, causing erosion
during rainfall.
Wind Erosion: Wind can move large amounts of soil. Wind erosion is a serious
means of soil erosion. Blowing soil not only leaves a degraded area behind but can
also bury and kill vegetation where it settles. Winds blow away the fine particles
of soil during drought.
(ii) Anthropogenic (Produced by humans)
l Extensive cutting down of forests and trees exposes the ground surface to the
direct impact of rain and wind. For example, in the absence of proper vegetation
cover there is no interception of rainfall and the falling rain strikes the soil
surface directly resulting in the throwing up of loose soil particles in the air
which are washed away by rainwater.
l Construction work, mining, digging canals and ditches change the structure of
soil. This accelerates soil erosion due to high-speed winds as well as rainwater.
l While making roads. soil is cut and massive digging of earth takes place. This
leads to soil erosion by water or wind.
l Excessive use of plough, machines, fertilizers and irrigation may damage the
l In many areas, trees and grasses are depleted because of overgrazing by animals.
This makes the soil susceptible to erosion.
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
protecting vegetation cover specially on the hill slopes which are more prone to soil
l Protected channels for water movement must be provided to stop soil erosion. 1f
the waterways are properly maintained the speed of water gets reduced and soil
erosion decreases. Dam should be constructed on rivers to control flooding and
Notes consequently soil erosion. This can also be done by diverting water to dry areas
through canals, in a planned way.
l Obstructions known as bunds should be constructed in lands affected by gully
l Terracing is a method of farming to conserve the thin soil layer on the mountain slopes.
This helps in controlling soil erosion and using water resources of these areas more
economically and effectively for growing crops on these terraces.
l Ploughing and tilling of land along the contour levels in order to cause furrows to
run across the land slopes is known as the contour ploughing. This method is most
suited to areas that have a rolling landscape.
l Windbreaks which means planting trees to protect bare soil from the full force of
wind also help in preventing soil erosion by wind. Windbreaks reduce the velocity
of wind thereby decreasing the amount of soil that it can carry away.
Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
call the process recycling. Recycling helps in efficient management of wastes and
also reduces the load on natural resources.
Use of cow dung for the production of biogas is a good example of recycling of waste
for the production of energy.
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
26.2.4b Effects of noise pollution
l Inability to sleep, slow recovery from sickness.
l Irritability and interference in communication.
l Temporary loss of hearing, earache, sometimes even leading to permanent deafness.
l Inability to concentrate, headache.
l Ringing of ears (a feeling, sound coming from within the ear in a very quiet
l Increased blood pressure, irregular heart beat.
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave much like the glass panes in a greenhouse.
They allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere of earth. When the sunlight enters the surface
of the earth, sun’s energy is absorbed by land, water and biosphere. Some of this energy
is reflected back to the atmosphere by earth. Some of this energy passes back into the
space. However, most of the energy remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse
gases causing global warming on earth. Notes
l Marshes, paddy field, cattle sheds and biogas plants add methane to the
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
l Refrigerators, air conditioners etc emit CFCs to the atmosphere.
l Nitrogen oxides are added to the atmosphere by organic matter and fertilizers by
denitrifying bacteria as well as automobiles.
26.3.1b Effects of global warming
l An increase in the atmospheric temperature will cause sea level to rise by 1 to 2
mm per year.
l Temperature near ocean surface would Increase and cause glaciers and polar ice
sheets to melt faster. This would flood the low lying coastal areas and a number of
l Global warming will produce severe heat waves during summers causing heat related
illness and death.
l Due to increase in surface temperature, the parasites and pests will get adequate
temperature to survive leading to an increase in their numbers. This will reduce
the crop production and there will be more incidences of plant, animal and
human diseases.
l Due to increased temperature of earth’s atmosphere, the precipitation of water
will increase. This will decrease the soil moisture content and lead to frequent
downpours also.
l minimizing the use of fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel etc and opt for better
alternatives like solar energy and other renewable sources of energy.
l reusing home wastes, newsprints, cardboards, glass and metals. By doing so
we can reduce the CO2 emission by 850 pounds annually.
l planting more and more trees. By planting more and more trees we can reduce
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
increase the acidity of the soil, and affect the chemical balance of lakes and streams.
Thus, acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low.
A pH of less than about 5 is used as a definition of acid rain. Acid rain is a serious
environmental problem that affects large parts of the world.
Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Damage to plants
Acid rain is highly injurious to plants. Acid Rain depletes minerals from the soil and then
it stunts the growth of the plant. It causes death of young shoots, leaves turn yellow and
fall off. The fine root structure is damaged and the whole plant eventually dies. Acid rain
can slow the growth of forests, cause leaves and needles to turn brown and fall off and
die. In extreme cases trees or whole areas of the forest can die.
Effect on human health
The human beings may also be affected due to acid rain. Fine particles, formed from
the same gases as acid rain (sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide) may cause illness in
Damage to soil
Acid rain may make the soil more acidic. It may cause mineral nutrients to be washed
away. It can release toxic chemicals such as aluminium and mercury into the soil. Thus,
acid rain could make soil less fertile. The microbes which are unable to tolerate low pHs
may be killed due to acid rain. This is because the enzymes of these microbes may be
denatured by the acid.
Other adverse effects
Acid rain can also cause damage to certain building materials and historical monuments.
Acid rain can cause erosion of ancient monuments. This is because the Sulphuric acid
in the rain chemically reacts with the calcium in the stones (limestone, sandstone, marble
and granite) to create gypsum. Which then flakes off’. Acid rain also causes an increased
rate of oxidation for iron affecting iron furnitures, grills, doors, windows and other
materials etc. Acid rain can also reduce visibility due to presence of sulphate and nitrate
in the atmosphere due to acid rain.
MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
l Coal can be crushed and washed before burning.
l Oil can be treated to remove sulphur.
l Cleaning systems can be fitted into chimneys to remove sulphur dioxide before it can
be released into the atmosphere.
l Improved furnaces can be built which burn fuel more effectively and produce less
l Vehicle exhausts can be fitted in vehicles, which remove pollutants from engine
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
l Breakage of chromosomes l Kills micro-organism and
egg of fish and amphibians
l Gene mutation and
genetic variations
l Cancer of bone marrow l Prevents synthesis of
(Leukaemia) DNA and RNA,
Cell division Notes
l Loss hair
l Male sterility l Skin cancer in humans
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
as lead absorbs all radiation. These containers are then dumped in deep pits or in high
Protection against radiation
Exposure to radiation may affect both young and adults. Entry of children and pregnant
Notes females is prohibited in the nuclear installations. Nuclear radiation may have the following
harmful effects
l Cancer in child
l Male sterility
l Malformation of the growing embryo
People working in the nuclear establishments can be provided protection against radiation
l Increasing the distance between the source of radiation and the working people.
l Use of lead shields to serve as absorbing material.
l Thick concrete walls around the reactor to work as shields
l Use of protective apron and gloves for people.
Applications of Radiation
Despite all the harmful effects of radiation, their use in various fields for the benefit of
mankind is gradually increasing as show in Table 26.6. Almost all our sources of energy
originate from solar radiation. For example photosynthetic process for the formation
of food and fossil fuel. Artificially generated radiation are also used for various purposes.
Table 26.6 : Applications of Radiation
Field Use
1. Industry Radiation detector for metals, moisture, quality,
2. Nuclear Energy Power Plants
3. Communications Radio, TV, Satellite,
4. Medicine Radiation Tomography (CAT Scan), X ray for anatomy
Diathermy to relieve pain by localised heating Artheritis
Destruction of cancerous growth
Sterilisation of surgical instruments
5. Scientific research Radiocarbon dating - to determine the age of objects or
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
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MODULE - 4 Pollution
vironment and Health
l Soil pollution may be caused due to pesticides, radioactive wastes, domestic wastes
l Noise is unwanted sound which may cause deafness, lack of concentration, high
blood pressure and nervous disorders.
Notes l Soil pollution includes addition of substances that reduce the fertility of the soil.
l Waste can he classified into biodegradable (e.g. cow dung, vegetable peels,
paper, wood etc.) and non-biodegradable (e.g. aluminium cans, glass bottles,
plastics, DDT etc.).
l Recycling of wastes such as cow dung, paper, sewage and rice husk, into useful
products help in conservation of resources.
l Ozone provides a protective layer against harmful ultra-violet rays coming from
the sun. Excessive use of chemical, such as CFCs used in spray cans, gas used
in refrigerators and air conditioners, lead to thinning of the ozone layer.
l Accumulation of high concentration of carbon dioxide has led to the phenomenon
of global warming (green house effect), and has resulted in increased earth’s
1. Which of the following are biodegradable materials?
Aluminium, wood, fruit peels, DDT, paper, glass, dung
2. Which gaseous pollutant has the ability to absorb infra-red radiations?
3. A ship carrying oil from the gulf region collides with hug rocks and get
damaged. It this just news or has some serious consequences? Give your opinion
in one sentence.
4. To set up a new industry, a large forest area had to be cut. List four ways in
which the environment in that area may be affected.
5. List any three ways in which noise from various sources can affect the well-
being of a person. Suggest few methods to control noise pollution.
6. What does ‘Global warming’ mean ? Name the gas responsible for this
phenomenon and why should it be considered an environmental problem.
7. How would you classify the waste generated at home? What is the difference
between the different groups? How would you manage this waste so that it cause
least pollution?
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Pollution MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
Environment and Health
Food is the basic necessity of life. We all know that regular supply of food is
essential for human beings in order to keep fit and to carry on all the life processes.
We eat variety of food according to our taste, availability and body requirement.
In this lesson we will learn about nutritional requirement of the body and the
problems of health related to deficient nutrition.
After completing this lesson you will be able to :
l define the terms food, nutrition and diesease;
l explain the biological significance of food;
l differentiate between micro- and macronutrients;
l list the sources and describe the functions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, water and roughage;
l explain the energy requirement of the body;
l emphasise the need of balanced diet especially for growing children, persons
in different occupations and lactaing mothers;
l list the common deficiency diseases PEM, minerals and vitamins; deficiency,
obesity, hypervitaminosis, their symptoms and recommended food sources.
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
Biological Classification of Food
Food can be classified into three categories based on their functions (Table 27.1)
(i) Energy providing foods
(ii) Body building foods
(iii) Protective/regulatory foods Notes
(i) Energy providing foods : These are rich in carbohydrates and fats and provide
energy on oxidation in the body. Example : cereals, sugar, fats, oils, jaggery
(ii) Body building foods : These are rich in proteins and help in the formation
of new tissues etc. Example : legumes, milk, egg, meat, fish, pulses, nuts and
(iii) Protective/regulatory foods : These are rich in minerals, vitamins, roughage
and water. They help in regulaiton of internal metabolism in the body. Example
: green leafy vegetables, fruits, amla, guava, citrus, oranges etc.
Table 27.1 The three food groups
Food group Major nutrients Food sources
Energy providing food Carbohydrate and fats l Cereals (rices, wheat etc.)
l Sugar
l Fats (oil and ghee)
l Jaggery
Body building food Proteins l Milk
l Legumes
l Egg white
l Meat (chicken, mutton, fish)
Protective food Minerals and vitamins l Green leafy vegetables
l Roughage such as fruits,
beans etc.
l Amla, guava, citrus, orange, etc.
Nutrition is the sum of the processes by which an organism takes in,
metabolises and utilises food substance.
Nutrients are the organic or inorganic substances which help in our survival and
in maintaining proper health. A nutrient supplies energy to the body, builds and
repairs body tissues and regulates the body metabolism.
On the basis of quantity required by the body, nutrients are classified into two
categories :
(i) Macronutrients (ii) Micronutrients
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
Environment and Health
Macronutrients (Nutrients required in a large amount) : Carbohydrates, fats,
proteins and water contained in food comprise macronutrients.
Micronutrients (nutrients required in small amount) : Vitamins and minerals
form only a small fraction of the total weight of the food.
Types of carbohydrates
The three types of carbohydrates that we consume in our food are :
(i) sugars (ii) starch (iii) cellulose (Table 27.2)
Table 27.2 Carbohydrates required in our diet
Sugar Starch Cellulose
Monosaccharides Disaccharides
Glucose (found in Sucrose (found in Storage form of (Found in cellulose
molasses, honey sugarcane and carbohydrates of plants, seed
and sweet fruits sugar beet) (found in cereals, coats, fruits,
like grapes) grains, seeds, roots, vegetables and
Maltose (found in
potato, rice, wheat, cereals)
Fructose (Found in sprouted cereals)
barley, maize, nuts
honey and ripe
Lactose (found in etc.)
Cereals (wheat, rice, maize), millets (bajra, jowar, barley), roots and tubers
(sweet potato, tapioca, potato)
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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l Sugar
Cane sugar, beet root, fruits (banana, mango, sapota or chiku), milk, honey,
cereals etc.
l Cellulose
Cell walls of fruits, vegetables, and cereals
During digestion both starch and sugars are absorbed as glucose. The surplus
glucose is changed into glycogen which is stored in the liver for subsequent
use. (For detail refer to lesson 13)
Cellulose is a fibrous substance which is not digested by human body. However,
it serves as roughage and facilitates bowel (stool) movement.
A normal person needs about 400-500 grams of carbohydrates daily in the diet.
A growing child, a lactating mother and a person doing hard physical work need
more carbohydrates than an average person because of their greater energy
requirements. The percentage of carbohydrates in different food items is given
in table 27.3 below :
Table 27.3 Percentage of carbohydrates present in some
common food items
Food Percentage
(per 100 g of food)
Sugar 99.4
Rice 78.2
Wheat flour 69.4
Potato 22.7
Banana 24.7
Mango (ripe) 11.8
Green gram 69.4
Red gram 57.6
Carrots 1.6
Cow’s milk 4.4
Functions of carbohydrates
l Lactose sugar promotes growth of intestinal bacteria that facilitate the absorption
of calcium.
l Excess carbohydrates are converted into glycogen and fat and serve as reserve
sources of energy.
l Cellulose provides faecal bulk and help in bowel movement.
l Glucose is the only source of energy for the central nervous system.
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
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27.2.2 Fats
Fats are members of lipids. Like carbohydrates, fats are also made up of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen. However fats contain more carbon and hydrogen and less
oxygen. Fats are the richest source of energy. Fats are insoluble in water but soluble
in solvents like acetone, benzene etc. Chemically fats are triglycerides.
Notes One gram of fat on oxidation gives about 9.0 kcal (37 kilojoules) of energy.
Sources :
Animal sources : Ghee, butter, fish oil, meat, egg, milk, cheese.
Plant sources : Vegetable oil from the seeds of coconut, mustard, sunflower,
safflower etc, nuts, soyabean.
Functions of fats
l fats are the richest source of energy.
l Form structural components of cell cytoplasm and cell membrane.
l help in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
l act as precursor of various hormones.
l can be stored for subsequent use by the body.
l sub-cutaneous fats serve as insulators thus protecting from cold weather and
l stored fat provides padding to protect the vital organs of the body from shocks.
l help in the synthesis of vitamin D and steroid hormones in the body.
27.2.3 Proteins
Proteins are extremely large molecules composed of many amino acids. Proteins
are complex organic compounds rich in carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and
sometimes phosphorous and sulphur also.
Proteins are needed by the body for :
l growth and development
l repair and maintenance
l the synthesis of antibodies, enzymes, and hormones
They can also be used as a source of energy. 1 gram of protein yields about 4 kcal
of energy. Building blocks of proteins are the amino acids. You have already learnt
in lesson one that there are only about 22 different amino acids of which almost
all proteins found in organism are made. Nutritionally, amino acids belong to two
categories :
(a) Essential amino acids : Certain amino acids can not be synthesised in the
animal body and must be supplied with food e.g. leucine
(b) Non essential amino acids : which can be synthesised in the body particularly
from carbohydrates and need not be supplied in the diet. e.g. alanine.
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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Digestion of protein
Like fats, proteins can not be absorbed in the tissue until they are broken down
into their amino acids. Digestion of proteins occurs in stomach and small intestine
where acids and enzymes break up proteins into amino acids.
Sources : Notes
Animal sources : Milk, egg, fish, meat, liver, etc. contain adequate amount of
essential amino acids.
Plant sources : Whole cereals (wheat and maize), pulses, nuts grams, legumes, bean,
Intake of more than one plant protein in the same meal (dal-roti, sambar-idli) can
produce a mixture containing all the essential amino acids.
Proteins are structural components of body. For example, protein keratin is present
in hair and nails. Collagen present in the connective tissue is also an example of
protein. Actin and myosin are examples of contractile proteins present in the
Functions of proteins
l Protein are required for building and maintaining body tissues.
l Proteins are found in many enzymes. Trypsin, pepsin and rennin are some
enzyme proteins.
l Some proteins as hormones, regulate many body functions. For example, insulin
is a hormone which regulates blood glucose level in the body.
l Proteins also act as antibodies and protect the body from antigen.
l Transport protein carries different substances from blood to the tissues in the
body. Haemoglobin is a transport protein.
27.2.4 Vitamins
Vitamins are complex chemical substances required by the body in very small
amounts. They do not yield energy but act as biocatalysts in the body. They are
essential for good health and protect the body from various diseases. They are
essential for the utilisation of other nutrients that we take in our diet.
Vitamins are grouped into two classes :
(a) Water soluble vitamins are vitamins B complex and C
(b) Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K
Since vitamins cannot be made in our body except for vitamin D, they need to be
supplied through food that contain them. Table 27.4 lists the vitamins and their
sources as well as the daily requirements, deficiency diseases and symptoms for
13-15 year old boys and girls.
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
Environment and Health
Table 27.4 Vitamins : their functions, sources and deficiency diseases.
Vitamin Daily Function Best food Deficiency Symptoms
requirement sources diseases
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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Vitamin D 200 IU Keep teeth Milk; cheese; Rickets in Failure of
(Calaciferol) and bones egg yolk; cod children; growing bones
healthy, liver oil, fish; (Fig. 27.1) to calcify;
absorption of butter; expo bow legs
calcium and sure to pigeon chest;
phosphorus sunlight. softening of
Osteomalacia Painful bones; Notes
in adults spontaneous
27.2.5 Minerals
Minerals are micronutrients required in varying amouts for proper functoning,
normal growth and keeping good health of our body. They are inorganic elements,
occuring in the form of their salts e.g. calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus,
iron etc. They do not supply energy to our body but are essential for protection
against diseases and also have role in body functions.
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
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Required in larger amounts Required in trace amounts
Calcium, Phosphorus Sodium Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Chromium
Potassium, Sulphur Chloride, Cobalt, Copper, Fluoride,
Notes Magnesium. Manganese, Molybdenum
Minerals perform the following functions :
l Essential for development of bone and teeth e.g. calcium, phosphorus.
l Regulate the fluid balance and acid alkalinity of body fluids e.g. sodium,
potassium, chloride.
l Iron is major component of haemoglobin, which helps in transport and release
of oxygen.
l Iodine is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone thyroxine, which
regulates the rate of oxidation within cells.
l Zinc, coper and magnesium regulate a host of vital reactions in our body.
Table 27.5 Lists the minerals, their sources, function, deficiency diseases and
Table 27.5 Minerals required by in our body, their sources and functions
Minerals Functions Food sources Deficiency Symptoms
27.2.6 Water
Water is an important constituent of our diet. 75% of an infant body and 60% of
an adult body is nothing but water. Various functions of water are as follows.
l essential for the transport and digestion of food material.
l excretes wastes.
l maintains the body temperature.
l acts as solvent in various reactions in the body.
Sources of water
Water is replenished by :
l driniking of plain water or of tea, coffee, milk and fruit juices.
l eating fruits, vegetables and fish.
l some amount of water comes as a by-product of oxidation of glucose in the
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
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27.2.7 Roughage
Roughage is the fibre present in some food items like fruits and vegetables. Though
roughage is not a food, it forms an important part of our diet. Roughage consists
mainly of cellulose.
Notes Function
l It helps in bowel movement.
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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The energy requirement of an individual depends on various factors like age, sex,
amount of work done (occupation), special needs like pregnancy and lactation. The
average daily requirements of our body for different age groups are given below.
Table 27.6 Energy requirements of body
Group Sex Age/Profession Required calories
Infants - 0-12 months 100-120/kg body weight
Children - 2-6 years 1200-1800
7-12 years 1800-2000
Adolescent Boys 13-15years 2500
Girls 13-15 years 2200
Adult Man Sedentary work 2400
Moderate physical work 2800
Heavy physical work 4000
Woman Moderately active 2400
Pregnancy (later half) 3300
during lactation 3700
(upto 1 year)
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
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To maintain proper health, one needs the right type of food in right quantity. The
need generally vary with age, sex, type of work and state of body, etc. (See
Table 27.6).
Fruits 20 30 30 30 30 30 5 10 10 10
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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(iv) vitamin C for general health, and
(v) vitamin D for healthy bones.
2. Nutritional needs for persons in different occupation
Persons doing hard physical work like rickshaw pullers, labourers, carpenters, mill
workers etc. require food which is rich in energy (carbohydrates and fats). Similarly, Notes
athletes also require diet of high energy value.
3. Nutritional needs during pregnancy and lactation
A pregnant women has to feed the developing embryo, therefore, has special need
for extra nutrients.
The pregnant women and lactating mothers should take,
(i) extra protein for tissue growth
(ii) more calcium and phosphorus to form bones of the baby
(iii) more iron for making sufficient blood of the baby
(iv) more carbohydrates for herself because extra energy is required to carry
out all the building processes linked with embryo.
Similarly, nursing mothers (who breast feed their babies), also need a special diet
to take care of their additional requirements of lactation (milk formation). So their
diet shoud contain more proteins, calcium and vitamins.
It is caused due to the deficiency of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It usually
affects infants below the age of one year (Fig. 27.4a)
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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– retarded physical and mental growth.
– ribs become prominent (Pigeon chest).
– Oedema and skin pigmentation are absent.
This disease develops when mothers stop feeding their babies with breast milk and
the child is given traditional family food having low protein in it. (Fig. 27.4b)
Symptoms :
A child suffering from Kwashiorkor disease shows the following symptoms
– under weight
– has protruding bellly
– the skin is dark and scaly
– has enlarged liver
– has anaemia
– suffers from repeated diarrhoea
– stunted growth
– loss of appetite
– hair becomes reddish
– swelling of legs and feet due to retention of water by the cell (oedema)
Cure : The child suffering from kwashiorkor and marasmus can recover if adequate
protein and carbohydrate rich food is given.
Common deficiency diseases of iron, calcium and iodine are given below:
Anaemia (Iron deficiency) : Iron is important for the formaiton of the respiratory
pigment haemoglobin present in blood. Deficiency of iron results in reduction of
red blood cells. This reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
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A person suffering from Anaemia becomes pale, tires easily, loses appetite and loses
Cure : This disease can be cured by eating food stuff rich in iron and vitamin B12,
e.g. eggs, meat, liver, milk, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and fruits like
apple, banana, guava (Iron tablets and tonics can also supplement the food).
Deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D
Calcium : Chief constituent of bones and teeth, regulates heart beat and muscle
contraction, helps in the clotting of blood. Calcium metabolism is closely related
to that of phosphorus and vitamin D.
Deficiency of calcium causes : Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults.
Rickets (See Figure 27.2)
(i) The bones become soft, get deformed or bend easily,
(ii) bow legs (bent legs),
(iii) pigeon chest,
(iv) loss of teeth enamel (outer shiny layer in teeth), and
(v) tender (soft) bones that tend to fracture easily.
Osteomalacia :
The persons suffering from osteomalacia show
(i) softening of bones
(ii) pain in bones which tend to fracture easily.
Cure : Rickets and osteomalacia can be prevented by giving diet rich in calcium
like milk, cod liver oil, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, etc.
Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroxine (hormone produced by thyroid
gland). Iodine deficiency causes thyroid gland to enlarge and swell, this is called
goitre. (Fig. 27.3).
The person suffering from goitre has
(i) protruding eyes,
(ii) stunted growth,
(iii) puffy appearance
(iv) irregular heart beat
(v) low intelligence
(vi) deficiency of iodine results in another disease called cretinism
Cure : Use of iodised table salt and eating sea food, fish.
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
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The person suffering from cretinism shows stunted growth, retarded mental growth,
delayed puberty and low metabolic rate.
If the diet is deficient in one or more vitamins like A, B complex, C, D, E and Notes
K, it lead to a variety of disease as given in table 27.3
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
Environment and Health
(iii) not to take saturated fats like ghee and vansaspati hydrogenated vegetable oils.
Instead this, take unsaturated fats like oils, and that too in as little quantity
as possible.
(iv) take regular physical exercise.
(v) eat green leafy vegetables (to add roughage).
(vi) if suffering from hormonal imbalance, take the advise of a physician
l Food is required for the proper growth and development of the body.
l Food provides nutrients required for a healthy body.
l Carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water are macronutrients whereas vitamins
and minerals are micronutrients. In addition, roughage is also as important
component of our diet.
l Food has six major components
l Food can be classified into three types : Energy giver-carbohydrates and fats,
body building-protein, protective/regulatory-mineral and vitamins.
l The requirement of energy and different nutrients for the body are needed
according to age, sex and profession as well as state of the body.
l A balanced diet provides proper amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
minerals, water and vitamins in food.
l A balanced diet is essential for proper growth and health of an individual.
l Malnutrition is the lack of essential nutrients or food elements in the diet. It
results in deficiency diseases.
l an excessive intake of fat solutble vitamins A and D results in hypervitaminosis.
l An excessive intake of food for prolonged periods results in obesity. An obese
person suffers from cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems and diabetes.
MODULE - 4 Nutrition and Health
Environment and Health
1. Differentiate between
(i) Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.
(ii) Rickets and Osteomalacia
(iii) Essential and non-essential amino acids
(iv) Body-building and protective foods.
(v) Water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins.
2. Give reasons why do children of 1-5 years develop PEM.
3. Why one should include more than one type of proteins in the meals?
4. What is the importance of water in the diet ?
5. What is a balanced diet ? Why does a pregnant women or a nursing mother
needs special diet ?
6. Why should food contain roughage ? Name two sources of roughage in our diet.
7. Why is polishing of rice not advisable ? If a person always consumes polished
rice, what is he likely to suffer from ? Give two sysmptoms.
8. State four important functions of food.
9. If a child is not able to see in dim light, which two food stuffs will you advise
him to eat. Give reasons.
10. Name two sources rich in
(i) Vitamin A (ii) Calcium (iii) iron
(iv) Vitamin B12 (v) starch (vi) Glucose
11. What are minerals ? Name any two minerals and their sources.
12. What are deficiency diseases ? Name two diseases caused by the deficiency of
protein and carbohydrates. Also write the symptoms of these deficiency
Nutrition and Health MODULE - 4
Environment and Health
3. Nutrients required in large quantities are called macronutrients such as
carbohydrates fats, proteins and water.
Nutrients required in small amounts are micronutrients e.g. minerals and
4. (i) Water soluble-vitamin B and C (ii) leafy vegetables, fruits, (iii) milk,
5. Butter
27.2 1. The condition resulting from lack of essential nutrients in diet is
2. Protein Energy Malnutrition; Marasmus, Kwashiorkor
3. Anaemia
5. milk, cod liver oil, egg yolk, exposure to light (Any two)
27.3 1. Over eating, lack of exercises, hormonal imbalance.
2. Avoid fried food, carbohydrates, take regular exercise, eat green leafy
vegetable (Any two).
3. Consutipation, Diarrhoea, epigastric pain.
4. Excess presence of vitamins in the body. vitamin A and D.
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In the previous lesson you have read about the diseases due to nutritional
deficiencies. In this lesson, you will learn about diseases caused due to other
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define a disease and learn its types;
l differentiate between parasite and pathogen;
l differentiate between infection and infestation;
l list the symptoms, causative agents, prevention and control of influenza,
measles, polio, hepatitis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, leprosy, malaria, filariasis
and dengue.
l identify certain diseases that are caused due to improper functioning of some
organs of the body system;
l describe the causes, symptoms and prevention and cure for hypertension;
l list the symptoms of and methods for diagnosing coronary heart disease and
suggest preventive measures;
l describe the cause, the symptoms, preventive and curative methods of diabetes
mellitus and osteoporosis;
l recognize cancer as a cell-regulation disorder;
l define and differentiate between benign and malignant tumors;
l interpret the category of allergies as immune system related disorders;
l define the special category of sexually transmitted diseases;
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28.1 What is a disease?
Any condition which interferes with the normal functioning of the body is called
a disease. In other words, disease may be defined as a disorder in the physical,
physiological, psychological or social state of a person caused due to nutritional
deficiency, physiological disorder, genetic disorder, pathogen or any other reason.
A. Congenital disease : The disease which is present from birth (e.g. hole in the
heart in infants). They are caused by some genetic abnormality or metabolic
disorder or malfunctioning of an organ.
B. Acquired disease : The disease which may occur after birth during one’s
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Direct transmission
The pathogens of diseases infect a healthy person directly without an intermediate
agent. It can take place by various means such as,
(i) Direct contact between the infected person and the healthy person :
Diseases like small pox, chicken pox, syphilis, gonorrhoea spread through
direct contact.
(ii) Droplet infection : The infected person throws out tiny droplets of mucus by
coughing, sneezing or spitting. These droplets may contain the pathogen. By
inhaling the air containing the droplets, a healthy person may get the infection.
Diseases like common cold, pneumonia, influenza, measles, tuberculosis and
whooping cough spread through droplet infection.
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(i) The virus multiplies in intestinal cells and then reaches the brain through blood.
(ii) It damages brain and nerves and causes infantile paralysis.
(iii) Stiffness of neck, fever, loss of head support.
Prevention and Cure
Polio vaccine drop (oral polio vaccine, OPV) are given to children at certain
Pulse polio programme is organised in our country to give polio vaccine to
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(i) Severe headache and high fever.
(ii) Painful contraction of muscles of throat and chest.
(iii) Choking and fear of water leading to death.
(i) Bodyache.
(ii) Loss of appetite and nausea.
(iii) Eyes and skin become yellowish, urine deep yellow in colour (due to bile
(iv) Enlarged liver.
6. Influenza
Influenza, commonly known as ‘flu’ is an illness caused by viruses that infect the
respiratory tract. Compared to common cold, influenza is a more severe illness.
Influenza is caused by a virus which attacks our body’s cells, resulting in various
effects depending on the strain of the virus.
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4. Diphtheria
This disease generally occurs in children of 1-5 years of age.
Pathogen : Rod-shaped bacterium (Cornybacterium diphtherea)
Mode of Transmission : Through air (droplet infection)
Incubation period : 2-4 days
(i) Slight fever, Sore throat and general indisposition.
(ii) Oozing semisolid material in the throat which develops into a tough membrane.
The membrane may cause clogging (blocking) of air passage, resulting into
5. Leprosy
Pathogen : A bacterium (Mycobacterium leprae)
Mode of transmission : Prolonged contact with the infected person. Nasal
secretions are the most likely infectious material for family contacts.
Incubation period : 1-5 years
(i) Affects skin.
(ii) Formation of nodules and ulcer.
(iii) Scabs and deformities of fingers and toes.
(iv) Infected areas lose sensation.
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(i) Headache, nausea and muscular pain.
(ii) Feeling of chilliness and shivering followed by fever which becomes normal
along with sweating after some time.
(iii) The patient becomes weak and anaemic.
(iv) If not treated properly secondary complications may lead to death.
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1. Diabetes mellitus
The disease can be diagnosed by blood test or urine test.
(i) Less secretion of insulin hormone from the pancreas.
(ii) Mental stress
(iii) Through heredity from parents to children.
(i) More glucose in blood.
(ii) Excessive and frequent passing of urine.
(iii) Feeling thirsty and hungry frequently.
(iv) Reduced healing capacity of injury.
(v) General weakness of the body.
(vi) In extreme cases diabetic coma can take place making the patient unconscious.
Prevention and cure
(i) Control the excessive weight of the body.
(ii) A regulated and controlled diet is to be taken.
(iii) The food should not contain sugar and much carbohydrates.
(iv) Injection of insulin before meals, if required (only on doctor’s prescription).
2. Cardio vascular diseases
Common Causes
(i) Deposition of cholesterol (a kind of fat) in the walls of coronary arteries which
restrict the flow of blood to the heart muscles. This leads to heart attack.
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(i) Patients suffering from osteoporosis are generally treated with vitamin D and
calcium supplements. In addition they are advised bed rest so that the
condition does not worsen.
(ii) Changes to lifestyle and diet are also recommended. The patients are advised
to take calcium either via dietary means or via supplements in the form of
tablets. Since body absorbs about 500 mg calcium at a given time, the calcium
intake should be spread throughout the day.
(iii) Exercise also helps to protect persons from the risk of getting osteoporosis.
However, it is important to do exercises for osteoporosis under the guidance
of a professional physiotherapist.
4. Cancer
1t is the uncontrolled and unwanted growth of cells.
(i) No definite cause has been arrived at so far. However, it is found that body
has proto-oncogenes. These are activated by some substances or stimulus,
which convert these into active cancer-causing oncogenes.
(ii) Heavy smoking and alcoholism.
(iii) Chewing of tobacco.
(iv) Consistent irritation of skin or repeated injury at the same point.
Cancer is a kind of tumorous growth. Tumours can be classified into two categories :
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AIDS can be detected by ELISA test.
There are three points which may be important to control STD.
(i) Partner notification : Identification of potential infected contact, examination
and treatment.
(ii) Education of STD : This should be a part of general education.
(iii) Screening for STD : Serological screening of groups, such as, blood donors,
women before giving birth.
Facts about HIV transmission
l HIV is a weak virus and hard to get infected with. It cannot be transmitted
through air or water outside the human body.
l A person cannot get AIDS by hugging or sneezing of an infected person, insect
bites (including mosquito), sharing the same comb, plates, glass, handkerchiefs,
knives or cutlery.
l A person cannot get AIDS by using public toilets, swimming pools, showers
and telephones.
l HIV does not transmit by being near to someone, touching someone or working
with someone who is suffering from AIDS.
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28.5.2 Syphilis
Causative organism
Treponema pallidum (a long corkscrew bacteria)
Mode of spread
Sexual contact with the infected person
Incubation period
Symptoms of the disease occur in about 10-90 days after contraction, but generally
noticed in 3-4 weeks after getting infected with the bacteria.
Symptoms of syphilis occur in stages. The common symptoms of syphilis include.
(i) Fever, and sores on the skin, in the throat and urinogenital areas especially
vagina or penis, anus, rectum and mouth. Sores are firm, round and often
(ii) Rashes on hands, feet and palms.
(iii) White patches in the mouth.
(iv) Acne-like warts in the groin area.
(v) Hair fall in patches from infected areas.
(vi) The last three symptoms can be very serious. They often become internal and
affect organs like brain, nerves, liver, eyes, blood vessels, bones and joints,
which show up after about 10 years of getting the infection. It can lead to
paralysis, blindness, dementia and sterility.
Prevention and cure
(i) Having sexual intimacy with only one person.
(ii) Avoiding prostitution and homosexuality.
(iii) Practicing abstinence, and use condoms.
(iv) Taking appropriate medical treatment, and maintaing personal hygience.
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l Diseases are broadly classified into two categories–Acquired (Occur after birth)
and congenital (present from birth).
l Infectious diseases are transmitted from person to person and degenerative
diseases are due to malfunctioning of some organs.
l Cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells.
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1. What is a disease? How does it differ from disorder?
2. Name the two categories of acquired diseases.
3. Explain the term (i) parasitism (ii) reservoir.
4. Give two symptoms of coronary diseases and of typhoid.
5. What precautions should be taken to prevent malaria?
6. Name the pathogen that causes diphtheria and cholera.
7. Mention the four types of acquired diseases.
8. Differentiate between :
(i) Communicable and non-communicable diseases
(ii) Pathogen and vector
(iii) Syphilis and gonorrhoea
(iv) HIV and AIDS
(v) Benign and malignant tumours
9. How does polio virus enter human body? How does it paralyse limbs?
10. A nursing mother is given an immunization for BCG and DPT to the baby.
What are the diseases against which she would be protected?
11. Give the cause, symptoms and treatment of haemorrhagic dengue fever.
12. Give full form of STD.
13. Mention any two sympotms of syphilis.
14. State the means which may prevent and cure gonorrhoea.
15. What does the term AIDS stand for?
16. Write four possible symptoms of AIDS.
17. Mention three general points which may control sexually transmitted diseases.
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
29 Notes
At home we prepare food items such as yoghurt (curd), cake, bread, idli and dosa
etc. by the action of tiny microorganisms, the bacteria and fungi. Brewers use yeast
(a kind of fungus) to make beer. Antibiotics such as penicillin are obtained from
certain fungi. Nowadays, biological processes such as fermentation by microorganisms
is being used in industry on a commercial scale for making food, drinks, drugs
(medicines) and industrial chemicals. Modern techniques in biotechnology are
programming microorganisms for this task. In this lesson, you will learn about use
of microorganisms in industries.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
l appreciate the importance of biotechnology in human welfare;
l explain the use of biotechnology in industry;
l list the microbes used in the industry and the products manufactured through
their use;
l explain fermentation and outline the process of making alcohol by using
l describe the process of making yoghurt and cheese on a large scale;
l explain the contribution of microorganisms in making antibiotics and vaccines;
l define genetic engineering and mention its utility;
l define transgenic organisms, mention the steps in their production and cite a
few examples of transgenic plants and animals;
l explain the process and importance of gene therapy;
l explain bioremediation and biopesticides.
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
The word biotechnology has come from two words namely bio (meaning biology)
and technology (meaning technological application). Thus biotechnology is
defined as the industrial application of living organisms and their biological
Notes processes such as biochemistry, microbiology, genetic engineering, etc. in order
to make best use of the microorganisms for the benefit of mankind.
Biotechnology is applied in many areas to produce foods and medicines, in the
development of new diagnostic tools, gene therapy, DNA finger-printing for
forensic purposes etc.
2. Environment
Cleaning up and managing the environment : Cleaning up the environment using
living organisms is called bioremediation. Naturally occurring, as well as genetically
modified microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, and enzymes are used to
break down toxic and hazardous substances present in the environment.
3. Agriculture
Biotechnology has helped in production of crops with improved disease resistance;
herbicide-tolerance and insecticide-resistance. Plants with improved nutritional
value for livestock etc. have also been bred through biotechnology.
Control of pests : One application of biotechnology is in the control of insect pests.
The genetic make-up of the pest is changed by causing some mutations. These pests
become sterile and cannot produce next generation.
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
Manufacturing and bio-processing : With the help of new biological techniques Biology
it has become possible to grow on large scale, the plants that produce compounds
for use in detergents, paints, lubricants and plastics etc.
Food and drinks : With biotechnology, it has now become easy to process foods
and their products. Preservation and storing of food for consumption later has
become easy and cheap with the help of biotechnology. Seedless grapes and seedless Notes
citrus fruits have been developed using biotechnology.
4. Industry
Biotechnology has been used in the industry to produce new products for human
consumption. Food additives have been developed which help in the preservation
of food. Microorganisms are used in the mass production of items such as cheese,
yoghurt, alcohol, etc.
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology Bakers use yeast to leaven (raise)
dough to make bread. Yeast is grown
on molasses and is also packed and
sold. Yeast is used to raise cakes and
bread while baking.
Notes Alcoholic beverages are manufactured
by fermentation of sugars by the yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is called
Brewer’s yeast. The source of
carbohydrate fermented by yeast gives
the beverage its specific flavour. For
example :
– Wine is obtained by fermentation
of grapes. Grapes are fermented
by S. cerevisiae and its soluble
sugars (glucose and fructose) are
converted into CO2 and ethyl
– Fermentation is carried out in large
tanks called bioreactors.
– Barley malt is fermented to yield
Steps taken for fermentation
(i) Fermenter or tank and the
nutrient medium are sterilised
by steam under pressure
(autoclave). Fig 29.1 Obtaining wine from grapes by
(ii) The correct strain of yeast is fermentation by Yeast
(iii) The yeast is inoculated into the medium. Inoculation can be done in two ways:
(a) Yeast can be grown as a layer on the surface of nutrient medium. This
is called support growth system.
(b) Cells or mycelia are suspended in a liquid medium. This is called
suspended growth system.
(iv) Care is taken to maintain the right temperature, pH, oxygen and carbon-
dioxide concentration.
(v) The medium is stirred and left to ferment.
(vi) The sugar in the medium gets fermented by enzymes released by yeast.
(vii) The fermented product is taken out (Fig. 29.1).
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
Some alcohols manufactured by yeast fermentation are : Ethyl alcohol, butanol and Biology
glycerol. The same method also yields lactic acid and acetic acid (vinegar).
The yeast extract left after removal of the beverage can be used as animal feed.
It is also a rich source of vitamins.
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology Table 29.1 Fermenting microbes used for dairy products
Fermented product Fermenting microorganism Description
Drawbacks of antibiotics
Use of antibiotics was a big step in curing infectious diseases - a safe, sure and
relatively inexpensive cure. But even now we find many people suffering from
bacterial diseases. The reasons for this are:
1. Some people are allergic to a particular antibiotic.
2. Some disease causing bacteria undergo mutation and become resistant to a
particular antibiotic to which they were earlier sensitive.
Sources of antibiotics
Some of the common antibiotics and their source organisms are given in table
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
Table 29.2 Major antibiotics and their sources Biology
In 1790, Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids did not get smallpox as they were
exposed to a milder disease cowpox. Jenner infected a boy with cowpox germs and
after two months with small pox germs. The boy did not get small pox. Jenner
proposed that if mild or attenuated (weakened) germs were introduced into the body,
they would not cause the disease. He gave the term vaccine (latin vacca : cow)
or vaccination, for the weakened germ and its protective inoculation.
Today, the principle of vaccination has been extended to prevent attack of many
diseases. When vaccines are made from attenuated disease causing bacteria, they
are termed “first generation vaccines”. The “second generation vaccines” have been
produced by genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology about which you
shall study in the next section. Second generation vaccines for Hepatitis B virus
and Herpes virus are already in use. Vaccines synthesised from chemicals are
termed “third generation vaccines”.
Vitamins are nutrients required in very small amounts for essential metabolic
reactions in the body. Vitamins are produced using biotechnology. Vitamin C was
the first vitamin to be produced during a fermentation process by using bacteria.
B12 or cyanocobalamin and B2 or Riboflavin were obtained from liver extract. The
production of B12 involved fermentation by propionic bacteria. In nature B2 is found
in cereals, vegetables and yeast but the yield of B2 can be enhanced hundred to
three hundred fold by using microbes.
Biogas is a new conventional source of fuel. Its use can save fossil fuel (coal,
kerosene, petrol etc.) which are fast getting depleted.
Biogas is made from organic waste including faecal matter. Cowdung or faeces have
lignocellulose. The energy used as fuel comes from methane (CH4). Cowdung
forms the primary source of biogas. In India cowdung is available in plenty in
villages and small scale methane generating plants have been designed.
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology Any biodegradable (that which can be decomposed by bacteria) substance can be
fermented anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen) by methane-producing
(methanogenic) bacteria. Cowdung or faeces are collected and put in a biogas
digester or fermenter ( a large vessel in which fermentation can take place). A series
of chemical reactions occur in the presence of methanogenic bacteria (CH4
Notes generating bacteria) leading to the production of CH4 and CO2.
While generating biogas, few fermentation parameters have to be maintained. These
are as follows:
1. Fermentation should be in an anaerobic environment and no free Oxygen should
be present.
2. pH in the fermenter should be close to neutral, around 6.8 to 7.6
3. Methanogenic bacteria are to be used for fermentation.
Several kinds of reactors have been designed. One side of the reactor is for input,
that is, for introducing cowdung or faecal matter into the reactor. Other side of the
reactor has an outlet for removal of biogas: What is left behind is called slurry.
Gas gets stored above the slurry level. Slurry forms excellent manure.
Advantages of biogas
1. Biogas is a fuel used to cook food, light lamps etc.
2. Slurry left after biogas production forms a soil conditioner (manure).
3. Biogas is much cheaper than LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) which we
commonly use these days in our houses.
Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
or replace gene products in the body, make identical copies of these genes and store Biology
them in a gene library. This is called genetic engineering.
29.6.1 Importance of genetic engineering
You know that diabetes mellitus is a genetic disorder. A diabetic patient lacks a
gene which has the information for synthesis of insulin, so such a person cannot
secrete insulin. Take another example. A person suffering from Thalassemia lacks
the gene for haemoglobin and can survive only through frequent blood transfusions.
A person suffering from sickle cell anemia has an altered gene whose product makes
the red blood corpuscles abnormal on exposure to oxygen because they contain
faulty haemoglobin.
Human suffering from genetic disorders such as those cited above have now hope
in genetic engineering. Genetically engineered copies of DNA can be produced and
stored in gene libraries to be used when required.
In the previous sections of this lesson you have studied about the use of microbes
to produce various products on a commercial scale. Currently bacteria are being
genetically manipulated to act as biological factories to produce various kinds of
proteins such as enzymes, hormones, antibodies through genetic engineering.
Researchers have isolated genes which can be used to produce effective vaccines.
Researchers have also developed bacterial strains, through genetic manipulation,
which can degrade harmful environmental pollutants.
29.6.2 Recombinant DNA technology
Genetic engineering may be defined as construction and utilisation of new DNA
molecules that have been engineered by recombinant DNA techniques. The
technique of genetic engineering is in the production of recombinant DNA.
Recombinant DNA, as the name suggests, involves cutting a piece of original DNA
and inserting in its place a different segment of DNA. The recombined or
recomposed DNA is then copied multifold inside bacterial cells and stored in a gene
library for use when required. The multiple copies of the gene are termed cloned
DNA or cloned genes.
Causing genetic change by artificially manipulating DNA is genetic
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology (ii) presence of specific restriction enzymes which attack and cut DNA at specific
29.6.3 Tools and steps in recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology is a “cut and paste” technology. Specific nucleotide
Notes sequences are cut from the DNA of humans, other animals or plants and “pasted”
into plasmids. DNA of the plasmid carrying nucleotide sequence of another
organism is the recombinant DNA. It is then inserted into bacteria. Bacteria divide
repeatedly and a clone of bacteria with the recombinant DNA is obtained.
Five requirements for recombinant DNA technology are:
(i) Cell culture (ii) Restriction endonuclease enzyme
(iii) Plasmids (iv) Ligases
(v) Host bacteria
(i) Cell culture : Cultured cells of an animal or plant (or even a bacterium)
carrying the required gene (nucleotide sequence of DNA) in its nucleus.
(ii) The enzyme Restriction endonuclease : Restriction endonucleases cut short
specific DNA sequences. There are many different restriction endonucleases
found in bacteria. Each of these enzymes very specifically recognises a
particular DNA sequence (usually 4 to 6 bases) and cuts it. These enzymes
are the “molecular scissors”. Either they cut both the strands at the same place
or at different places so that the two DNA strands hang out at the two ends.
Two cuts at the two ends of a DNA segment releases the cut part as the
restriction fragment. The ends are single stranded and called sticky ends.
Thus a piece of DNA containing a particular gene can be obtained by selecting
a particular restriction endonuclease.
(iii) Plasmids : Plasmids are extra chromosomal DNA molecules in a bacterial
cell which have sequences matching those of the required gene and can be
similarly cut by the same restriction enzymes. Plasmids can readily enter
bacteria, yeast or other speedily reproducing cells.
(iv) DNA ligase : It is an enzyme which can seal one DNA fragment with another
DNA segment, both having sticky ends. Ligase is the “molecular glue”.
(v) Host Bacteria : Host bacteria are the bacteria whose plasmid is used for
carrying foreign DNA.
Sequences of steps in recombinant DNA technology:
1. Specific restriction enzyme is selected.
2. Cell culture with required gene in the cells is obtained.
3. Restriction enzyme cuts the DNA at two ends of the specific gene and a
restriction fragment is obtained (Fig. 29.2 a, c)
4. Same restriction enzyme cuts a matching DNA sequence from a plasmid
(Fig. 29.2 b, d)
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
5. Ligase joins the restriction fragment in the place vacated by the cut DNA Biology
segment of the plasmid. The plasmid becomes a recombinant plasmid containing
a foreign DNA fragment (Fig. 29.2 e, f). Its DNA is the recombinant DNA. Since
plasmids can carry foreign DNA, they are called clonal vectors. Bacteriophages
(viruses) can also function as clonal vectors.
6. The recombinant plasmids then enter the bacteria. Notes
Fig. 29.2 Steps in formation of multiple copies of recombinant DNA for DNA library
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology 4. Where are plasmids found?
5. Why are restriction enzymes called “molecular scissors”?
Notes 6. Name the enzyme which joins DNA fragments.
7. What is a clonal vector?
8. What do you mean by a recombinant plasmid?
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
2. Enzymes have also been produced from cloned genes. The following table 29.4 Biology
gives the names of such enzymes and their uses:
Table 29.4 The names of enzymes and their uses
Enzymes Used in
Proteases manufacture of detergents, meat tenderisers. Notes
Amylases manufacture of beer, bread and textiles
Glucoisomerases to make corn syrup, which is sweeter than sucrose
and used to flavour soft drinks
Enzymes are fragile and have to be entrapped in gel and encapsulated in small
artificial cells.
3. Antibiotics
Since the discovery of Penicillin in 1920s, more than 6000 antibiotics have been
isolated from various microorganisms and have resulted in an enormous improvement
in human health. Research is in progress to genetically engineer biosynthetic
pathways for the synthesis of antibiotics. Novel antibiotics have also been obtained
through genetic manipulation.
4. Vaccines
Bioengineered vaccines have been developed for rabies and hepatitis B. A gene for
the antigen protein is inserted into a plasmid and the bacteria containing recombinant
DNA then generate large quantities of the protein. The protein is added to the
vaccine. Antibodies immediately form against the antigen when vaccinated.
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology 1. Usefulness of transgenic organisms
1. For a better yield desirable traits can be introduced or increased in agricultural
plants and domestic animals, especially the cattle.
2. Valuable products can be produced by transgenic plants and animals.
Notes 3. Transgenic plants and animals can be used for investigating biological processes
such as gene expression.
2. Methodology for production of transgenics
There are two methods which are mostly used for generating transgenics:
(i) Microinjection of foreign DNA into pronuclei of fertilised eggs.
(ii) Retroviral vector method. Infection of pre-implantation embryos with
retroviruses carrying foreign DNA.
The first method has the following steps:
(i) Collection of oocytes from the animal killed in slaughter house or surgically
from female parent cell.
(ii) In-vitro maturation of oocytes.
(iii) In-vitro fertilisation with male semen.
(iv) Eggs (oocytes) to be centrifuged to concentrate yolk which in normal cells
prevents male pronuclei from being seen under the dissecting microscope.
(v) Microinjection of “input DNA” into male pronuclei (Fig. 29.3). Usually
hundred to thousand copies of the gene of interest are injected.
(vi) In-vitro development of embryos.
(vii) Non-surgical implantation of one embryo into a recepient foster mother.
(viii) Screening of DNA of the offspring of foster mother for presence of transgenes.
(ix) Offspring with the transgenes are the transgenic organisms.
Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
Transgenic plants Biology
By recombinant DNA techniques, plant breeders can now directly modify the DNA
of plants. They can add genes from other species to the plant. The most popular
method for doing this is to produce a transgenic plant by the use of Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. It is a soil bacterium which has a natural “genetic engineering” system. Notes
It has a plasmid which can be inserted into plant cells. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
causes galls (tumours) (Fig. 29.4) in several plants. The information for production
of galls is present on a plasmid, (T1) in the bacterium. A segment of DNA from
the plasmid can be transferred into plant cell and transform them. In the T1 plasmid,
gall forming genes can be removed and substituted by deserved genes. The plasmid
can then be used to transform plant cells. Such foreign genes in the chromosomes
of transformed plant cells can normally be expressed (Fig. 29.4).
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology Transgenic animals
Mice : It is difficult to generate transgenic animals as animal cells do not accept
plasmids. Transgenic mice are however routinely produced in the laboratories
throughout the world by microinjecting foreign DNA. Gene for growth hormone
from rats was microinjected into mouse eggs. These mice grew larger than their
little mates. This was because rat gene got integrated into mouse DNA and was
being expressed. (Fig. 29.5).
Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology Normal gene functioning
(Intermediate Products)
Defective Gene Functioning
Sometimes, absence of a gene or defect in a single gene may result in defective
metabolism and a desired product may never be formed, or there will be a harmful
collection of certain material.
Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
to develop techniques that can replace the defective genes, or enhance their action. Biology
Word therapy means treatment and a way to treat defective genes can be called Gene
therapy. Human gene therapy can be defined in a number of ways.
Gene Therapy is a technique in which a patient (sufferer) is given healthy genes
to replace the defective ones inherited from the parents, or to enhance the action/
reaction of the genes they already have. Notes
Gene therapy
Replacement and alteration of defective gene is called
Gene therapy.
Human gene therapy (previously known as human genetic engineering) in a broad
sense is the addition of functional normal gene or genes to the genetic material
contained in the human cell. This is with the aim of correcting an inherited defect.
The ultimate goal is to let ‘protein assembling unit’ of the cell make desired proteins
needed for the normal functioning of an individual. It is like supplying a patient
with the necessary gene product formed within the cells by the patient’s own body.
Gene therapy in a way regulates and restores the normal gene expression in response
to the needs of the affected person. So far there had been no treatment for the genetic
defects which can only be corrected by the gene treatment or the gene therapy.
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology (ii) Germ line (sex cell) gene therapy
In this approach, cells of germinal epithelium or gametes or zygote are genetically
modified to create an individual that will carry remedial gene(s) in the following
generation. Presently all research on human gene therapy is directed towards
correcting gene defects in somatic cells (non-sex cells). Somatic gene therapy can
Notes be grouped under the broad categories of :
(a) Ex-vivo gene therapy,
(b) In-vivo gene therapy, and
(c) Antisense gene therapy.
(a) Ex-vivo (outside the body) gene therapy:
This type of therapy usually involves the use of cells (with defective gene) taken
from the patient. After the gene alteration when the same cells are transfused
(transferred back), no immunological response takes place. The steps involved in
the procedure are :
1. Isolating cells with gene defects from a patient.
2. Growing the isolated cells in culture.
3. Altering the isolated cells with remedial gene.
4. Selecting, growing and testing the altered cells.
5. Transplanting or transfusing the altered cells back into the patient (Fig. 29.6).
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
can divide and differentiate into various important cells such as B cells and T cells, Biology
macrophages, red blood cells, platelets and bone cells.
Genetically engineered stem cells on transplanting back into the patient’s body
result in a continuous supply of the required gene product. The technique can be
used in the treatment of the following genetic disorders:
(i) Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency (SCID).
(ii) Sickle cell anaemia.
(iii) Thalassemia
(iv) Certain tumours.
(b) In-vivo (within the body) gene therapy
This type of gene therapy includes direct delivery of a remedial gene into the cells
of a particular tissue of the patient. Adenovirus, double stranded DNA virus, is being
used as a vehicle for transferring the remedial gene, (Fig. 29.7). The viruses used
are weak enough to cause any disease. These tissue specific virus integrates with
the host genome and can only infect dividing cells and not the other healthy cells.
This therapy may become useful in the treatment of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease
and Parkinsons’s disease.
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology This therapy involves the introduction of nucleic acid sequence that is complementary
to all or part of m-RNA (messenger RNA formed in the target cell) into the cells
overproducing the gene product (Fig. 29.8). This therapy will prove useful in certain
human genetic diseases and cancers where too much of a gene product or its
continuous presence changes the normal functioning of the cell. It has been tried
Notes for treatment of malignant glioma or brain tumour. Flavr-savr tomato with a long
shelf life has been produced by this technique.
Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
consequences in the offspring. Gene therapy is an expensive and time consuming Biology
therapy available only in few advanced countries.
Gene therapy has the following limitations
(i) Research is limited to only somatic cells. Treated individuals can not pass the
genetic improvement to offspring. Notes
(ii) There could be a possibility of random integration of DNA into a human
chromosome leading to inactivation or activation of a normal gene. This may
result in either deficiency of an important enzyme or uncontrolled cell division
leading to cancerous growth.
(iii) Planned procedure has to meet strict safety standards in animal trials.
(iv) Target diseases have to be limited to those that involve known defects in a
single gene, and the normal gene must be cloned and be available for
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MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology l In fermentation on large scale, bioreactor and nutrient medium are sterilised by
autoclaving. Yeast is inoculated into the medium by support growth system or
suspended growth system.
l Yoghurt is made of milk set by a bacterium Lactobacillus. Rennet tablets made
from calf stomach or ficin from sap of fig trees are used for setting milk into
Notes curd.
l Bacteria also yield antibiotics as was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
Waksman gave the term antibiotic.
l An antibiotic attacks and terminates a vital step in the metabolic pathway of
the pathogenic bacterium which then stops growing.
l Vaccines are prepared (a) from weakened or attenuated germs (first generation
vaccines), (b) by recombinant DNA technology (second generation vaccines),
or (c) synthetically (third generation vaccines).
l Vitamins may also be generated through fermentation.
l Biogas is made by the action of methanogenic bacteria on waste matter such
as the faeces of humans or of cattle.
l Genetic engineering is defined as construction and use of DNA molecules
engineered by recombinant DNA technology.
l Recombinant DNA (r-DNA) technology resulted from the discovery of
(i) plasmids, and (ii) restriction enzymes.
l Tools of r-DNA technology are cell culture, restriction enzymes, plasmids,
ligase and host bacteria.
l Recombinant DNA technology may be used to obtain commercially proteins
such as insulin, clotting factors, monoclonal antibodies, enzymes, antibodies
and vaccines, etc.
l Genetically engineered organisms carrying foreign genes are called transgenics.
l Transgenic plants may be obtained by using the T1 plasmid of the bacterium
Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
l Transgenic animals are produced by microinjection of foreign DNA into
fertilised eggs or by using retrovirus for introducing foreign DNA into early
embryonic stages.
l Genetically engineered bacteria can clean up pollutants from environment. This
is called bioremediation.
l A mutated gene in a cell may result in some form of genetic disorder/disease.
Sickle cell anaemia, Haemophilia, SCID etc. are some single gene human
l Addition of a normal functioning gene to the defective cells to correct the
genetic disease is called gene therapy.
l Treatment which is applied to body cells excluding germ line cells is called
somatic gene therapy.
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Biotechnology MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
l There are three main therapeutic approaches to gene therapy : (a) ex-vivo gene Biology
therapy, (b) in-vivo gene therapy, and (c) antisense gene therapy.
l Ex-vivo gene therapy includes addition of corrected genes through retroviral
cloning vectors.
l In-vivo gene therapy includes direct delivery of corrected genes into the tissues Notes
by use of adenovirus.
l Antisense therapy is designed to prevent or lower the expression of gene in order
to have less accumulation of a gene product.
l Gene therapy has certain limitations such as (i) somatic cell gene therapy can
not rectify subsequent generation, (ii) random integration of DNA from outside
may interfere with normal gene, (iii) strict safety standards are to be maintained,
(iv) proper clones of requisite genes have to be available.
1. Define biotechnology.
2. How are alcoholic beverages produced by fermentation? Mention the steps
in the process.
3. How can you make cheese and curd on a large scale?
4. What are antibiotics? Name five antibiotics and their sources.
5. How are different generations of vaccines produced?
6. Describe the steps in the production of biogas and mention the precautions
to be taken.
7. Enumerate in a sequence the steps in recombinant DNA technology.
8. Describe the uses of genetic engineering.
9. How can a transgenic animal be obtained?
10. Write a note on bioremediation.
11. Define the term gene therapy. Under what condition does it become necessary
to opt for such a therapy ?
12. What is meant by human somatic gene therapy? How does it differ from the
germ line gene therapy? Which of the two has been successful so far and why?
13. Discuss in brief the different types of somatic gene therapy.
MODULE - 5 Biotechnology
Emerging Areas in
Biology 4. Support growth system and suspended growth system
5. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
29.2 1. Lactobacillus
2. Alexander Fleming
Notes 3. Vaccines produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology
4. Vitamin C
5. Methanogenic bacteria
29.3 1. Construction and use of novel DNA molecules obtained by recombinant
DNA technology.
2. Clone is a collection of genetically identical cells obtained by asexual
division of a cell.
3. When a fragment of foreign DNA is inserted in DNA of a phage or
plasmid, DNA of the latter is called r-DNA.
4. In bacteria
5. Because they can cut specific sequences of DNA. (6) Ligase.
7. A phage or plamid which can carry foreign DNA and divide along with
the bacterium whose part it is.
29.4 1. (i) Insulin, Growth hormone (ii) Proteases, Amylases
2. Antibiotics, vaccines and proteins of clinical value can be manufactured
3. Rabies and hepatitis B
29.5 1. An organism containing foreign DNA in its genome
2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens and T1 plasmid.
3. Bioremediation is removal of pollutants in the environment with the use
of genetically engineered bacteria.
29.6 1. Mutation
2. Haemophilia, Sickle cell anaemia, SCID (Any two)
3. B-cells and T-cells
4. Replacement and alteration fo defective gene is called gene therapy.
29.7 1. Somatic and Germ line cells
2. In-vivo gene therapy, Ex-vivo gene therapy and Anti-sense gene therapy
3. Thalassemia, certain types of cancer
4. In-vivo gene therapy
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
30 Notes
We all get infections, but some of us fall sick more frequently than others. This
is related to the immune system. Proper functioning of immune system protects
us from the infections. On the other hand its malfunctioning provides opportunity
to infectious agents for causing diseases. Besides protection from infection, immune
system also performs a number of other functions. It is about all this that you will
learn in this lesson.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to :
l define the term immunity;
l explain the concept of “self” and “non-self”;
l describe the types of defence mechanisms in the body;
l describe the types of immunity;
l list and describe various cells of the immune system;
l differentiate between cellular and humoral immunity; innate and acquired
l describe various components of the immune system;
l explain the concept of immunization (vaccination) and list various types of
Immunity is broadly defined as “the capacity of the body to recognize materials
as foreign to itself and to neutralize, eliminate or metabolize them with or without
injury to its own tissues”.
Immunobiology is the study of organization and functioning of immune
system. Immune system provides ‘immunity’ (protection against
MODULE - 5 Immunobiology : An Introduction
Emerging Areas in
Jenner, the father of immunology
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) is considered to be the father of modern
immunobiology. He demonstrated that inoculation of cowpox crusts
afforded protection to humans against smallpox. He observed that milkmaids
Notes who recovered from cowpox never contracted the disease smallpox. Hence
the name vaccination from the Latin word “Vacca” for cow came into beng.
The milkmaids and the vaccinated individuals were protected from smallpox
virus. Such protection gave them what is called `immunity’ to smallpox,
although Jenner neither knew the actual causative agent of this disease nor
the actual mechanism of protection.
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
MODULE - 5 Immunobiology : An Introduction
Emerging Areas in
Biology (ii) Peripheral lymphoid organs or secondary lymphoid tissue. Examples spleen,
Payer’s patches, tonsils, lymph nodes and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT), which is associated with the respiratory system, urogenital and
alimentary canal (Fig. 30.1).
Notes 2. Cells of Immune System
(i) Lymphocyes (Lymphoid cells)
All these are initially derived from the hemopoietic (blood cell producing) stem
cells of bone narrow. Stem cells mean undifferentiated cells which can undergo
unlimited division and can give rise to one or several different cell types. Bone
marrow stem cells also differentiate to produce erythrocytes (red blood cells),
thrombocytes (blood platelets), granulocytes and monocytes (white blood
(ii) The macrophage
These are derived from monocytes.
Lymphocytes are the major cell types responsible for performing the immune
functions. About 1012 lymphocytes constitute the mature lymphoid system in
humans. Functionally, lymphocytes are divied into two sub-classes:
(i) B-cells or B-lymphocytes
(ii) T-cells or T-lymphocytes
Morphologically, these cells cannot be differentiated, but functionally these are
distinct. Cells of immune system are differentiated on the basis of presence or
absence of specific cell surface markers.
(a) B-Cells (B-lymphocytes)
Main functions of B-cells
1. Initiate antibody-mediated immune response.
2. Transform into plasma cells which secrete antibodies.
Origin of B-Cells
“B” stands for Bursa. Studies in birds showed that the bursa of Fabricius, a hind-
gut lymphoid organ was the site of early development of antibody-producing cells.
These cells are therefore termed as ‘B-cells’ (‘B’ derived from bursa of Fabricius).
B-cells mature in the bone marrow and then are carried by the blood to the
peripheral lymphoid organs. In mammals, B-cells lineage are initially generated in
foetal (embryonic) liver. This process begins during the 8th week of human gestation
(pregnancy). The foetal liver continues to be the major site for production of the
B-cells, until well into second trimester (4-6 months of pregnancy). Stem cells then
populate the bone marrow and thereafter the B-cells are continuously produced in
the bone marrow throughout the life (Fig. 30.2).
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
2. Name the organ found in birds where B-cells are produced. Biology
3. Write the two main functions of B-cells.
(i) ..................................................................................................................
(ii) ..................................................................................................................
4. Name the cells responsible for synthesis of antibodies.
5. What is the function of T-helper cells?
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
MODULE - 5 Immunobiology : An Introduction
Emerging Areas in
Biology Table 30.1 : Differences between cell-mediated and humoral (antibody
mediated) immune responses
Cell-mediated immune response Humoral immune response
1. Killing of intracellular organisms. 1. Antibodies specifically combine
with antigen which stimulate
their production.
2. Destruction of tumour cells 2. The combination of antibody with
antigen may result in clumping molecules
or particles, their toxicity may be
neutralized, their uptake and digestion
by phagocytes may be facilitated.
3. Rejection of graft tissue. 3. Combination of antigen with antibody
may also cause lysis of cellular antigens
present on the red blood cells or bacteria.
4. Delayed type of hypersensitivity
reaction after contact with certain
MODULE - 5 Immunobiology : An Introduction
Emerging Areas in
Biology l Microphages are the polymorphonuclear leucocytes (or neutrophils which are
white blood cells) smaller in size and short-lived.
l Macrophages are mononuclear phagocytes large in size and long-lived. These
are found in virtually all the organs and tissues. But particularly these are found
in large numbers in lung, liver and spleen.
Notes Important features of phagocytic cells
1. They are actively phagocytic.
2. They contain digestive enzymes to breakdown engulfed material.
3. They are an important link between innate and acquired immunity
(described below). These pass on antigen or their products to the
lymphoid cells for their further processing.
Notes ............................................................................................................................
2. Macrophages are found in large numbers in the following organs :
(i) ..................................................................................................................
(ii) ..................................................................................................................
(iii) ..................................................................................................................
3. Give two examples of each of the following:
(i) Killed organism vaccine ..........................................................................
(ii) Live attenuated organism vaccine ...........................................................
(iii) Toxoid vaccine .........................................................................................
Immunobiology : An Introduction MODULE - 5
Emerging Areas in
MODULE - 5 Immunobiology : An Introduction
Emerging Areas in
Biology 3. Main functions of B-cells:
(i) Initiate antibody mediated-immune response.
(ii) Transform into plasma cells which secrete antibodies.