Cheque Bounce Legal Notice Format

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DATED: __/__/_____


1. [Name],
[Pin code]

2. [Name],
[Pin code]



Under instruction from and on behalf of my client CLIENT NAME

S/o CLIENT’s FATHER’s NAME R/o ADDRESS (hereinafter referred
to as “my client”). I do hereby serve you with the following legal notice:

1. That you issued my client a Cheque No___ ___ dated __/__/____.

For the sum of Rs________/-, [In words] against the goods
purchased by you vide Bill No____ dated__/__/____.

2. That the said cheque was presented by my client at CLIENT BANK

NAME, CITY for credit in his account in the month of MONTH
AND YEAR itself, but it bounced due to insufficient funds. My
client hereinafter contacted you and was assured of cash in lieu of
the bounced Cheque, therefore, my client did not take legal action

3. That my client thereafter again requested many a time to you for the
payment of the said cheque amount by telephone and/or through
personal visit of his representative, but in vain.
4. That in MONTH/YEAR, my client again tried depositing the cheque
with CLIENT BANK NAME, CITY but it was again returned as
unpaid with remarks – Funds Insufficient, vide DRAWER BANK
NAME memo dated__/__/____.

5. That, it appears that  in order to cheat and defraud my client and

without any intention on your part to pay my Client you  had
deliberately and intentionally issued the aforesaid Cheque,
knowingly that  it was bound to be dishonored, on account of
‘Insufficient funds’ in your bank Account.

6. That your said act and conduct rendered yourself liable to be dealt
with under the provisions of Section 138 Negotiable Instrument Act,
besides rendering yourself liable to be punished for the offence
under Section 406/420 of IPC

By means of this legal notice, I hereby call upon you, to pay the
cheque amount of Rs. ____________/- (Rupees [In Words]) to my
client within 15 days from the date of receipt of this notice failing
which I have clear instruction from my client to take appropriate
legal action against you in the competent court of law at your risks,
costs and consequences. You are also liable to pay Rs. _______/- as
fee of this notice.

Copy retained in my office for further references.

(Advocate’s Name)

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