Chapter 6 Error Messages: April 27, 2012 XP Series S/M

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6.1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................1
6.1.1 Error Dialog........................................................................................................................1
6.1.2 Help Button ........................................................................................................................1
6.1.3 Action Message Screen .....................................................................................................1
6.1.4 Error List Screen ................................................................................................................1
6.1.5 Error Code .........................................................................................................................1
6.1.6 Error History.......................................................................................................................3
6.1.7 Error Type ..........................................................................................................................3

6.2 Sensor Location...................................................................................................................................4

6.3 Pressure/Vacuum ................................................................................................................................5

6.3.1 -0.0333MPa Error ..............................................................................................................5
6.3.2 0.05MPa Error....................................................................................................................6
6.3.3 Pressure/Vac Error.............................................................................................................7

6.4 Chamber..............................................................................................................................................8
6.4.1 Waste not drained ..............................................................................................................8
6.4.2 Replace CELLPACK ..........................................................................................................8
6.4.3 Replace S.LYSER ..............................................................................................................9
6.4.4 CELLPACK expired............................................................................................................9
6.4.5 S.LYSER expired .............................................................................................................10

6.5 Printers ..............................................................................................................................................11

6.5.1 IP Buffer Full ....................................................................................................................11
6.5.2 IP Cover open ..................................................................................................................11
6.5.3 No Printer Paper ..............................................................................................................11

6.6 Motor .................................................................................................................................................12

6.6.1 Rinse motor error .............................................................................................................12
6.6.2 Rinse MC error.................................................................................................................12

6.7 Temperature ......................................................................................................................................13

6.7.1 Room Temp(H).................................................................................................................13
6.7.2 Room Temp(L) .................................................................................................................13

6.8 Analysis .............................................................................................................................................14

6.8.1 WBC Noise Error .............................................................................................................14
6.8.2 RBC Noise Error ..............................................................................................................14
6.8.3 PLT Noise Error ...............................................................................................................14
6.8.4 Blank Error .......................................................................................................................14
6.8.5 HGB Error ........................................................................................................................15
6.8.6 RBC Smp'g Error .............................................................................................................15
6.8.7 WBC Smp'g Error.............................................................................................................16
6.8.8 PLT Smp'g Error...............................................................................................................16
6.8.9 WBC Analysis Err ............................................................................................................16
6.8.10 RBC Analysis Err ...........................................................................................................17

XP Series S/M April 27, 2012

6.9 Memory..............................................................................................................................................18
6.9.1 RAM Error ........................................................................................................................18
6.9.2 ROM Error .....................................................................................................................18
6.9.3 Settings Error ...................................................................................................................18
6.9.4 Stored Error......................................................................................................................18
6.9.5 QC Data Error ..................................................................................................................19

6.10 Host Output (Option) .......................................................................................................................20

6.10.1 LAN Buffer Full...............................................................................................................20
6.10.2 HC Buffer Full ................................................................................................................20
6.10.3 HC Off-line .....................................................................................................................20
6.10.4 HC ACK Timeout............................................................................................................20
6.10.5 HC NAK Retry................................................................................................................21
6.10.6 LAN no Response..........................................................................................................21
6.10.7 GP Buffer Full ................................................................................................................21
6.10.8 GP Printout Error ...........................................................................................................22
6.10.9 GP Paper Empty ............................................................................................................22

6.11 Detector Unit....................................................................................................................................23

6.11.1 Aperture Clog (RBC) ......................................................................................................23
6.11.2 Aperture Clog (WBC) .....................................................................................................23

6.12 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................25

6.12.1 Clean Waste Chamber...................................................................................................25
6.12.2 Clean the SRV ...............................................................................................................25
6.12.3 Clean Transducer...........................................................................................................25
6.12.4 Execute shutdown..........................................................................................................26

6.13 SNCS...............................................................................................................................................27
6.13.1 SNCS Comm. Error .......................................................................................................27
6.13.2 SNCS Status Error .........................................................................................................27
6.13.3 SNCS Connection..........................................................................................................28
6.13.4 SNCS Setting Error........................................................................................................28
6.13.5 Service Call....................................................................................................................29

6.14 Others..............................................................................................................................................30
6.14.1 QC(X-bar) Error .............................................................................................................30
6.14.2 QC(L-J) Error .................................................................................................................30
6.14.3 Calibration Error.............................................................................................................30

6.15 Pressure value convert table ...........................................................................................................31

XP Series S/M April 27, 2012

6.1. Overview

6.1.1 Error Dialog

When a trouble occurs, the warning alarm sounds and an error dialog is displayed on the screen. In the
screen, [HELP] button is displayed. However, if a trouble occurs during sequence, error dialog is
displayed at the same time as the error occurance, and [HELP] button cannot be pressed until the
completion of the sequence. The alarm is beeping sound, and the sound stops when [CLOSE] button is
pressed on error dialog.

6.1.2 Help Button

When an error occurs, [HELP] button blinks every 0.5 second. By pressing [HELP] button at that time,
action message screen (when only one error occurs) or error list screen (when several errors occur) is

6.1.3 Action Message Screen

This screen shows error details and countermeasure. When several errors are occurring at the same
time, action message for the error with the highest priority is displayed.

6.1.4 Error List Screen

This screen shows a list of errors (8 errors at maximum) that are currently occurring in the order of
priority. Pressing [Detail] button shows an action message for the error with the highest priority. By
pressing [Back] button, the screen goes back to the previous screen.

XPSeries S/M 6-1 April 27, 2012

6.1.5 Error Code
Error codes are displayed in the error list screen and action message screen. Error code is made up by
values of 6 digits, 4 digits, and 3 digits. (AAAAAA + XXXX + ZZZZ) The values with 6 digits (AAAAAA)
are error code for error message, and exist one error code (AAAAAA) for one error message. The rest of
the two values show condition when the error occurs. Therefore, the values (XXXX or ZZZZ) can change
even for the same error message depending on the condition.

Error code list

Error Description Error Code Sub Code 1 Sub Code 2 Remarks
-0.0333MPa Error 114010 Vacuum value Sequence No.
0.05MPa Error 113005 Pressure value Sequence No.
Pressure/Vac Error 119010 Pressure value Sequence No.
Waste not drained 141000 0 0
Replace CELLPACK 131000 0 1 In case error description (a)
0 2 In case error description (b)
Replace S.LYSER 133220 0 1 In case error description (a)
0 2 In case error description (b)
WBC Noise Error 412010 0 0
RBC Noise Error 412020 0 0
PLT Noise Error 412030 0 0
Blank Error 411010 0 0
Aperture Clog (RBC) 311240 Count time or clog 0
Aperture Clog (WBC) 311140 Count time or clog 0
HGB Error 415000 HGB background data HGB sample data
value value
RBC Smp'g Error 413020 0 0
WBC Smp'g Error 413010 0 0
PLT Smp'g Error 413030 0 0
Rinse MC error 452030 0 0
WBC Analysis Err 416100 0 0
RBC Analysis Err 417080 Conductivity 0
Room Temp(H) 122510 Temperature 0
Room Temp(L) 122515 Temperature 0
Rinse motor error 243000 0 0
Clean Waste Chamber 471030 0 0
Clean the SRV 471010 0 0
Clean Transducer 471100 0 0
RAM Error 431010 0 0
ROM Error 431020 0 0
Settings Error 431030 File No. 0
Stored Error 432010 File No. 0
QC Data Error 463000 File No. 0
IP Buffer Full 448010 0 0
LAN Buffer Full 486030 0 0
IP Cover open 421502 0 0
No Printer Paper 448020 0 0
HC Buffer Full 441010 0 0
HC Off-line 441020 0 0
HC ACK Timeout 441030 0 0
HC NAK Retry 442020 0 0
LAN no Response 486000 0 0
GP Printout Error 443010 0 0
GP Paper Empty 443020 0 0
Calibration Error 466010 0 0
Execute shutdown 471040 0 0

XP Series S/M 6-2 April 27, 2012

SNCS Comm. Error 487010 Error details code 0
SNCS Status Error 487011 Error details code 0
SNCS Connection 487012 Error details code 0
SNCS Setting Error 487013 Error details code 0
Service Call 900000 0 0
GP Buffer Full 443040 0 0
CELLPACK expired 472020 0 0
Replace S.LYSER 472034 0 0
QC(X-bar) Error 461150 0 0
QC(L-J) Error 461160 0 0

A: Error Code (Phenomenon)
X: Value 1
Z: Value 2

*XXXX and ZZZZ have different meanings depending on the error code.

6.1.6 Error History

Error history can be printed by selecting [Print error history] from [Service] menu.

6.1.7 Error Type

Errors can be classified into the following types.

Type Condition How to recover Remarks

1 Unable to Turn off main power Unable to perform menu operation
p e r f o r m (system abnormality)
2 Unable to Perform error recovery Able to perform menu operation
p e r f o r m process (pressure error, etc.)
3 Able to perform Close error dialog Errors specific to sample, or errors
analysis with no influence to the next analysis,
such as abnormality of peripheral

XP Series S/M 6-3 April 27, 2012

6.2 Sensor Location

XP Series S/M 6-4 April 27, 2012

6.3 Pressure/Vacuum
6.3.1 -0.0333MPa Error

Description:-0.0333MPa vacuum is outside the operating range.

Function:The system secures the drain operation from the waste chamber and operation of diaphragm

Check method:The instrument system checks if the vacuum is within the following range by converting
the voltage of the -0.0333MPa vacuum sensor.
*Sub code 1: Vacuum value
*Sub code 2: Sequence No.

-In Ready mode: System monitors every 200ms. The condition is treated as error when vacuum
deviates the following acceptable range for 1.2 seconds continuously.

-0.0307 and above ~ -0.0360 and below [MPa]

-230 and above ~ - 270 and below [mmg](Reference) (Refer to 6.15 pressure value convert
(Used for sub code 1)

-During analysis: System monitors in the following timing. The condition is treated as error when
vacuum deviates the acceptable range described below.

Whole Blood Mode

At the start of sequence 1(At 0.5 sec. before mix chamber and W/R detection chamber
At 0.4 sec. after the start of sequence 2(When dispensing HGB background convert sample)
At the start of sequence 4    (When charging RBC)
At 0.9 sec. after the start of sequence 4 (When mix chamber and W/R detection chamber
At 1.6 sec. after the start of sequence 7 (When aspirating HGB sample convert sample)
At the start of sequence 9    (At 0.5 sec. before W/R detect chamber dispenses)
At 6.4 sec. after the start of sequence 9 (When aspirating HGB flow cell rinse solution)
At 8.6 sec after the start of sequence 9 (When W/R detection chamber dispenses.)
At 0.1 sec after the stat of sequence 10 (When aspirating HGB flow cell rinse solution)
(Used for sub code 2)

Pre-Diluted Mode
At the start of sequence 1    (At 0.5 sec. before mix chamber and W/R detection chamber
At 0.4 sec. after the start of sequence 2 (When aspirating HGB background convert sample)
At 1.4 sec. after the start of sequence 3 (When mix chamber and W/R detection chamber
At 1.6 sec. after the start of sequence 7 (When aspirating HGB sample convert sample)
At the start of sequence 9    (At 0.5 sec. before W/R detection chamber dispense)
At 8.9 sec. after the start of sequence 9 (When aspirating HGB flow cell rinse solution)
At 11.6 sec. after the start of sequence 9 (When W/R detection chamber dispenses)
At 0.1 sec. after the start of sequence 10 (When aspirating HGB flow cell rinse solution)
(Used for sub code 2)

-0.0133 and above ~ -0.0360 and below [MPa]

XP Series S/M 6-5 April 27, 2012

-100 and above ~ -270 and below [mmHg](Reference)(Refer to 6.15 pressure value convert
(Used for sub code 1)
Action: If vacuum returns to the normal range after pressing [HELP] button, the vacuum is assumed to
have recovered and the system enters the ready mode.

6.3.2 0.05MPa Error

Description:0.05MPa pressure is outside the operating range.

Function:The system secures the drain operation from diaphragm pumps and the mixing operation in the
transducer chambers and Hgb flow cell.

Check method:The instrument system checks if the pressure is within the following range by converting
the voltage of the 0.05MPa pressure sensor.

*Sub code 1: Pressure value

*Sub code 2: Sequence No.

-In Ready mode: System monitors every 200ms. The condition is treated as error when
pressure deviates the following acceptable range for 1.2 seconds continuously.

From 0.039 and above - 0.059 and below[MPa]

From 0.40 and above - 0.60 and below[kg/cm2](Reference)(Refer to 6.15 pressure value
convert table)
(Used for sub code 1)

-During analysis: System monitors in the following timing. The condition is treated as error when
pressure deviates the acceptable range described below.

Whole Blood Mode

At 3.0 sec. after the start of sequence 1(WBC DP dispense-HGB background convert sample
At the start of sequence 3    (RBC DP dispense-1st dilution)
At 3.0 sec. after the start of sequence 4 (Lyse Reagent DP/WBC DP dispense)
At the start of sequence 6    (RBC DP dispense-2nd dilution)
(Used for sub code 2)

Pre-Diluted (PD) Mode

At 3.0 sec. after the start of sequence 1(WBC DP dispense-HGB background convert sample
At the start of sequence 3    (RBC DP dispense-WB mode rinse)
At the start of sequence 5    (RBC DP dispense, Lyse Reagent DP/WBC DP dispense)
(Used for sub code 2)

0.029 and above - 0.059 and below [MPa]

0.30 and above - 0.60 and below [kg/cm2] (Reference)(Refer to 6.15 pressure value convert
(Used for sub code 1)

Action: If pressure returns to the normal range after pressing [HELP] button, the pressure is assumed
to have recovered and the system enters the ready mode.

XP Series S/M 6-6 April 27, 2012

6.3.3 Pressure/Vac Error

Description:Pressure is outside the operating range.

Function:The system secures the operation of SV,valve, and DP etc.

Check method:The instrument system checks if the pressure is within the following range by converting
the voltage of the 0.5kg/cm2(0.05MPa) pressure sensor.

*Sub code 1: Pressure value

*Sub code 2: Sequence No.

System monitors every 200ms. The condition is treated as error when pressure deviates the
following acceptable range for 1.2 seconds continuously.

0.0200 and above [MPa]

(Used for sub code 1)

Action: (1) The system immediately stops the currently running sequence.
(2) All the solenoid valves and pneumatic unit are turned OFF.
(3) Subsequent operation cannot be continued and waited in power OFF condition.

XP Series S/M 6-7 April 27, 2012

6.4 Chamber

6.4.1 Waste not drained

Description:The waste chamber fails to drain.

Function:The system secures drainage of waste fluid from the waste chamber and acceptance of new
Check method:System checks that the float switch in the waste chamber (sensor F SW1) is ON (the float
is in the lower limit).

-In the Ready mode: System monitors every 100msec.

-When the Main Unit is ON: System monitors at SV1 OFF (completion of drain)

Action: At the completion of waste chamber draining sequence, the system enters the ready mode if
the abnormality is recovered.

6.4.2 Replace CELLPACK

Description:(a)Diluent (CELLPACK) cannot be aspirated into the reagent chamber within the specified
time, or air bubbles enters, resulting the diluent chamber float goes up and down.
(b)After the replacement of CELLPACK, the available cycles has reached to 500 (for 10L) or
1000 (for 20L).

Function:(a) The system secures reagent volume required for analysis. Or, the system detects that the air
bubbles enters the diluent chamber.
(b) This error is used as a function to monitor reagent.

Check method:Monitoring conditions: (In case of (a))

(1)System assumes to be an error when replenishing time is longer than 7 seconds.
(2)System assumes the entering of the air bubbles when the float switch (Sensor F SW2) turns
ON (lower) between 0.2 seconds and 0.4 seconds after the float switch turns OFF (upper).
(3)System assumes to be an error when the replenishing time is longer than 15.0 seconds.
(4)System assumes to be an error when the replenishing time is longer than14.5 seconds.
(5)System assumes to be an error when the replenishing time is longer than 30.0 seconds.

During normal analysis

The above (1) and (2) monitoring are performed.

During the initialization, or in the reagent replenish sequence

The above (3) monitoring is performed.

During Factory Rinsing, or Shipping sequence

The above (4) and (5) monitoring are performed.

During Setting sequence

The above (1) and (5) monitoring are performed

On the other sequences

The above (1) monitoring is performed.

XP Series S/M 6-8 April 27, 2012

In the Ready mode
Monitoring is not performed.

Monitoring conditions: (In case of (b)

After the completion of analysis, system checks analysis count is 500 or 1000 and below.

Action: (1) During operation

The system performs diluent replenishing sequence (auto rinse, background check).

(2) In case of the following operations are performed

-auto rinse
-waste chamber rinse

This system performs diluent replenishing sequence. Then, the system enters Ready when no
abnormality is found.

6.4.3 Replace S.LYSER

Description:(a)The available cycles reaches the specified count after the float switch for monitoring the
lyse reagent turns ON.
(b) After the replacement of lyse, the available cycles has reached to 800.
Function:(a)The system secures lyse reagent volume remained for analysis.
(b) This error is used as a function to monitor reagent.
Check method:Monitoring conditions: (In case of (a))
System checks that the cycle is 95 and below after the float switch for monitoring the lyse
reagent (F SW7) turns ON (when DP for lyse dispenses).

Monitoring conditions: (In case of (b)

After the completion of analysis, system checks analysis count is 800 and below

Action: (1) During operation

The system performs lyse replenishing sequence (auto rinse, background check).

(2) In case of the following operations are performed

-auto rinse
-waste chamber rinse

This system performs lyse replenishing sequence. Then, the system enters Ready when no
abnormality is found.

6.4.4 CELLPACK expired

Description:This error shows that reagent expiry date has expired.

Function:System secures data accuracy.
Check method:System compares expiry date and current date when the start button is pressed. (Action
message is displayed after the completion of rinsing rinse cup.)

XP Series S/M 6-9 April 27, 2012

Action: (1) During operation
The system performs diluent replenishing sequence (auto rinse, background check).

(2) In case of remarks

This system performs diluent replenishing sequence. Then, after the completion of the
sequence, the system enters Ready when no abnormality is found, by returning to the first step
of the sequence.

6.4.5 S.LYSER expired

Description:This error shows that reagent expiry date has expired.

Function:System secures data accuracy.
Check method:System compares expiry date and current date when the start button is pressed. (Action
message is displayed after the completion of rinsing rinse cup.)

Action: (1) During operation

The system performs lyse replenishing sequence (auto rinse, background check).

(2) In case of remarks

This system performs lyse replenishing sequence. Then, after the completion of the sequence,
the system enters Ready when no abnormality is found, by returning to the first step of the

XP Series S/M 6-10 April 27, 2012

6.5 Printers

6.5.1 IP Buffer Full

Description:This error shows that output data to IP has overflowed.

Function:System secures IP printing operation.
Check method:System treats the condition as error when output data has overflowed during initialization
or output request.

Action: The system recovers by pressing [Return] button. However, if there is data already under out-
putting, the data output process continues.

6.5.2 IP Cover open

Description:This error shows IP cover remains open.

Function:System secures IP printing operation.
Check method:System treats the condition as error if printing operation starts when IP cover remains
half-opened during initialization, at the start of printing, or during printing operation.

If printing operation starts when IP cover remains completely open, “No Printing
Paper” is displayed.

Action: (1) By pressing [Retry] button in action message screen, the system recovers, and printing
operation restarts.
(2) To delete samples under printing operation, or waiting to be printed, click [Cancel] button
in action message screen. Then, the system recovers and returns to the previous screen.

6.5.3 No Printer Paper

Description:This error shows IP printing paper has run out.

Function:System secures IP printing operation.
Check method:System treats the condition as error when IP printer sensor detects that printing paper has
run out during initialization or printing operation.

Action: (1) By pressing [Retry] button in action message screen, the system recovers, and data
under printing status restarts.
(2) By pressing [Cancel] button in action message screen, data under printing process, or
waiting to be printed, will be deleted. Then, the system recovers and returns to the
previous screen.

XP Series S/M 6-11 April 27, 2012

6.6 Motor

6.6.1 Rinse motor error

Description:The rinse cup is at the lower position when the main power turns ON.
The rinse cup operation is abnormal.
Function:System prevents blood and rinsing solution from splashing when cleaning the whole blood
aspiration pipette. System also eliminates carryover from the previous sample. In addition,
system secures that the pipette does not get bent.

Check method:・When the main power is turned ON, system confirms that the rinse cup is not at the
lower position.
System monitors whether the rinse cup reaches the lower limit at the timing described in the
timing chart by confirming that the photo interrupter at the lower limit is ON.

Action: (1) The system stops the currently running sequence.

(2) All the solenoid valves and pneumatic unit are turned OFF.
(3) Subsequent operation cannot be continued and waited in power OFF condition.

6.6.2 Rinse MC error

Description:The controller for operating rinse cup is abnormal.

Function:System prevents blood and rinsing solution from splashing when cleaning the whole blood
aspiration pipette. System also eliminates carryover from the previous sample. In addition,
system secures that the pipette does not get bent.
Check method:System treats the condition as error if a status is received when application performs
read/write to motor controller.

Action: (1) The system stops the currently running sequence.

(2) All the solenoid valves and pneumatic unit are turned OFF.
(3) Subsequent operation cannot be continued and waited in power OFF condition.

XP Series S/M 6-12 April 27, 2012

6.7 Temperature

6.7.1 Room Temp(H)

Description:Room temperature is out of the acceptable range.
Function:System secures the HCT temperature compensation and PLT S/N (Signal to noiseratio), and
avoids blood clotting on the cold agglutinin disease samples. System also secures hemolyzing
in WBC samples.
Check method:System monitors A/D converted value of the thermistor installed in the instrument, and
checks the temperature is within the following range. (monitors 1.5 sec. before starting the

From 10.0℃ to 40.0℃

*Sub code 1: Temperature

Action: After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, built-in printer prints the data
(the related data is printed normally). Then, system enters the ready mode.

6.7.2 Room Temp(L)

Description:Room temperature is out of the acceptable range.
Function:System secures the HCT temperature compensation and PLT S/N (Signal to noiseratio), and
avoids blood clotting on the cold agglutinin disease samples. System also secures hemolyzing
in WBC samples

Check method:System monitors A/D converted value of the thermistor installed in the instrument, and
checks the temperature is within the following range. (monitors 1.5 sec. before starting the

From 10.0℃ to 40.0℃

*Sub code 1: Temperature

Action: After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, built-in printer prints the data
(the related data is printed normally). Then, system enters the ready mode.

XP Series S/M 6-13 April 27, 2012

6.8 Analysis

6.8.1 WBC Noise Error

Description:Overrun of A/D converter occurs. Overflow of counter occurs. Clearing the counter is not
correctly performed.
Function:System secures the counting procedure.
System secures importing correct data.
Check method:Judged by status register's contents in gate alley after completing data import.

Action: After all the analysis sequence for the aspirated samples are completed, built-in printer prints
the data. Then, system enters the ready mode.

6.8.2 RBC Noise Error

Description:Overrun of A/D converter occurs. Overflow of counter occurs. Clearing the counter is not
correctly performed.
Function:System secures the counting procedure.
System secures importing correct data.

Check method:Judged by status register's contents in gate alley after completing data import.

Action: After all the analysis sequence for the aspirated samples are completed, built-in printer prints
the data. Then, system enters the ready mode.

6.8.3 PLT Noise Error

Description:Overrun of A/D converter occurs. Overflow of counter occurs. Clearing the counter is not
correctly performed.
Function:System secures the counting procedure.
System secures importing correct data.

Check method:Judged by status register's contents in gate alley after completing data import

Action: After all the analysis sequence for the aspirated samples are completed, built-in printer prints
the data. Then, system enters the ready mode.

6.8.4 Blank Error

Description:Background value of any parameter exceeds the preset limit, and the gap of count results will
be falsely increased.

XP Series S/M 6-14 April 27, 2012

Function:System secures that the background value for all parameters is lower than the preset limit so as
not to influence the analysis data.
Check method:System checks that the background value is lower than the following limits.
WBC: 3  [×102/μL]
RBC: 2[×104/μL]
HGB: 0.1[g/dL]
PLT: 1.0[×104/μL]

Action: System runs auto rinsing.

6.8.5 HGB Error

Description:A/D converted HGB background value or HGB sample value exceeds the preset limit.
Function:System ensures that the HGB value is analyzed without any problem.
Check method:HGB error occurs when the A/D converted HGB background value or HGB sample value
meets either of the following conditions.

*sub code 1: HGB background convert value

*sub code 2: HGB sample convert value

Background < 50
Background > 10000
(Sample - Background) < -50
(Sample - Background) > 3600

Action: After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, the data is masked.

6.8.6 RBC Smp'g Error

Description:During RBC counting, system detects the abnormal uniformity of the counted cell pulses that
is beyond the preset limit.
Function:System monitors uniform cell pulses of RBC sample to monitor clog in the RBC transducer
Check method:System calculates sampling values every 0.5 seconds during RBC counting. When the
maximum value, minimum value, and sum of sampling values satisfy the following equations,
system judges that a noise is generated.
(Maximum value−Minimum value−1250) ×100 / Sum of sampling values>2.0[%]

(Apply the equation above to sampling data 3-19.)

Action: (1) After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, the data is masked.
(2) The count starting level for the sampling value is 25 fL.

XP Series S/M 6-15 April 27, 2012

6.8.7 WBC Smp'g Error

Description:During WBC counting, system detects the abnormal uniformity of the counted cell pulses that
is beyond the preset limit.
Function:System monitors uniform cell pulses of WBC sample to monitor clog in the WBC transducer
Check method:System calculates sampling values every 0.5 seconds during WBC counting. When the
maximum value, minimum value, and sum of sampling values satisfy the following equations,
system judges that a noise is generated.

Maximum value−Minimum value−200 x 100 /Sum of sampling values >2.0[%]

(Apply the equation above to sampling data 3-19.)

Action: (1) After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, the data is masked.
(2) The count starting level for the sampling value is 30 fL.

6.8.8 PLT Smp'g Error

Description:During PLT counting, system detects the abnormal uniformity of the counted cell pulses that
is beyond the preset limit.
Function:System monitors uniform cell pulses of PLT sample to monitor clog in the PLT transducer

Check method:System calculates sampling values every 0.5 seconds during PLT counting. When the
maximum value, minimum value, and sum of sampling values satisfy the following equations,
system judges that a noise is generated.

Maximum value − Minimum value −100 × 100 / Sum of sampling values > 2.0[%]

(Apply the equation above to sampling data 3-17.)

Action: (1) After the analysis sequence for aspirated sample has completed, the data is masked.
(2) The count starting level for the sampling value is 2fL.

6.8.9 WBC Analysis Err

Description:Tri-modal particle size distribution cannot be correctly divided.

Function:System monitors the counterfeit lyse reagent.
Check method:System verifies that the number of cases when the tri-modal particle size cannot be
correctly counted is less than 10 consecutively.

XP Series S/M 6-16 April 27, 2012

Action: The message [Analysis Error] is displayed and the alarm sounds. The message remains dis-
played until the error is recovered or the power is turned OFF. There are two types of the data
display method, and settings can be changed by DIP SW.
(CPU board DIP SW S1 bit 6. ON: Level 2, OFF: Level 1)

(1) Level 1: O
(2) Level 2: The tri-modal data not analyzed automatically are displayed as “---.-”. * (low reli-
ability mark) is attached to the obtained bi-modal data.

6.8.10 RBC Analysis Err

Description:Electrical conductivity gets out of the control limit.
Function:System monitors the counterfeit diluent.

Check method:System verifies that the electrical conductivity is within the range of 80≦C≦125.

*Sub code 1: Electrical conductivity

Action: The message [Analysis Error] is displayed and the alarm sounds. The message remains dis-
played until the error is recovered or the power is turned OFF. There are two types of the data
display method, and settings can be changed by DIP SW.
(CPU board DIP SW S1 bit 6. ON: Level 2, OFF: Level 1)

(1) Level 1: HCT and MCV data are displayed as "---.-".

(2) Level 2: * (low reliability mark) is attached to the HCT and MCV data.

XP Series S/M 6-17 April 27, 2012

6.9 Memory

6.9.1 RAM Error

Description:The main CPU detects an error to access the RAM (Random Access Memory).
Function:System ensures that the main CPU accesses the RAM without any problem.
Check method:System writes test data to a certain address at power-on, and checks whether the same
data is read later. System repeats the same check procedure sequentially for every RAM

Action: System stops the operation immediately. The error is reset by turning OFF the power switch.

6.9.2 ROM Error
Description: The main CPU detects an error to read data from ROM (Read Only Memory).
Function:System ensures that the main CPU reads the program from the ROM correctly.
Check method:System performs a ROM checksum (reads data from the entire area, calculates the total,
and finds the 8 low order bits). Then, system checks that the value matches the checksum value
stored in the ROM.

Action: System stops the operation immediately. The error is reset by turning OFF the power switch.

6.9.3 Settings Error

Description:This error shows there is an abnormality in BBU-RAM.
Function:System ensures that the settings are correctly displayed.
Check method:System performs checksum for dual file when the main power is turned ON.

Action: (1) System tries to restore when [Restore] button is pressed in action message screen.
Stored sample file: Delete any records that checksum is inconsistent
Settings file: Perform mirroring to the correct file that is duplicated.
Then, system restarts after the file system consistency is confirmed.
If [Restore] is impossible, the file error occurred only is initialized.

(2) When [Initialize] button is pressed in action message screen, confirmation dialog is dis-
played. If [Execute] button is selected in the dialog, overall BBU-RAM file system is initial-

6.9.4 Stored Error

Description:This error shows there is an abnormality in BBU-RAM.
Function:System ensures that the stored samples are correctly displayed.

XP Series S/M 6-18 April 27, 2012

Check method:System performs checksum for the maximum record number, stored record number, and
each record when the main power is turned ON.

Action: (1) System tries to restore when [Restore] button is pressed in action message screen.
Stored sample file: Delete any records that checksum is inconsistent
Settings file: Perform mirroring to the correct file that is dislocated.
Then, system restarts after the file system consistency is confirmed.
If [Restore] is impossible, the file error occurred only is initialized.

(2) When [Initialize] button is pressed in action message screen, confirmation dialog is dis-
played. If [Execute] button is selected in the dialog, overall BBU-RAM file system is initial-

6.9.5 QC Data Error

Description:This error shows there is an abnormality in BBU-RAM.
Function:System ensures that the QC data is correctly displayed.
Check method:System performs checksum for the maximum record number, stored record number, and
each record number when the main power is turned ON

Action: (1) System tries to restore when [Restore] button is pressed in action message screen.
Stored sample file: Delete any records that checksum is inconsistent
Settings file: Perform mirroring to the correct file that is duplicated.
Then, system restarts after the file system consistency is confirmed.
If [Restore] is impossible, the file error occurred only is initialized.

(2) When [Initialize] button is pressed in action message screen, confirmation dialog is dis-
played. If [Execute] button is selected in the dialog, overall BBU-RAM file system is initial-

XP Series S/M 6-19 April 27, 2012

6.10 Host Output (Option)

6.10.1 LAN Buffer Full

Description:This error shows output data to LAN has overflowed.

Function:System ensures LAN output.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if output data has overflowed under the output
request process.

Action: The error recovers when [Return] button is selected in action message screen. However, if
there is data being output, the operation continues. The rest of the data will be discarded.

6.10.2 HC Buffer Full

Description:This error shows the communication with HC has failed.

Function:System ensures to communicate with HC.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if output data has overflowed under the output
request process.

Action: The error recovers when [Return] button is selected in action message screen. However, if
there is data being output, the operation continues. The rest of the data will be discarded.

6.10.3 HC Off-line

Description:This error shows the communication with HC has failed.

Function:System ensures to communicate with HC.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if either of the following status are met when
communicating with host computer.
1. Flaming error, parity error and overrun error are detected.
2. DSR is not active.
3. Texts other than ACK/NAK are sent from host computer after data is sent.

Action: (1) The error recovers and performs retry when [Retry] button is selected in action message
(2) The error recovers when [Cancel] button is selected, and all output data in buffer is

6.10.4 HC ACK Timeout

Description:This error shows the communication with HC has failed.

Function:System ensures to communicate with HC.

XP Series S/M 6-20 April 27, 2012

Check method:System treats the condition as error if either of the following status are met when
communicating with host computer.
1. CTS does not change to active within 5 sec. after sending data.
2. ACK/NAK reply from host computer is not sent within 15 sec. after sending data.

Action: (1) The error recovers and performs retry when [Retry] button is selected in action message
(2) The error recovers when [Cancel] button is selected, and all output data in buffer is

6.10.5 HC NAK Retry

Description:This error shows the communication with HC has failed.

Function:System ensures to communicate with HC.

Check method:System treats the condition as error when text other than AKC is sent at 4th time after
sending data.

Action: (1) The error recovers and performs retry when [Retry] button is selected in action message
(2) The error recovers when [Cancel] button is selected, and all output data in buffer is

6.10.6 LAN no Response

Description:This error shows the communication with LAN has failed.

Function:System secures to communicate with LAN.

Check method:System treats the condition as error when TCP connection has failed.
<Monitoring Timing>
When output to host computer is made in case LAN is set to output location.

Action: (1) The error recovers and performs retry when [Retry] button is selected in action message
screen. New samples can be analyzed by releasing error by recovery action.
(2) Sending data is canceled when [Cancel] button is selected. Then, error recovers, and
new analysis becomes available.

6.10.7 GP Buffer Full

Description:This error shows the output data to GP has overflowed.

Function:System secures GP printing.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if output data has overflowed under initialization or
output request process.

XP Series S/M 6-21 April 27, 2012

Action: The error recovers when [Return] button is selected in action message screen. However, if
there is data being output, the operation continues.

6.10.8 GP Printout Error

Description:This error shows GP is turned OFF, device error, or there is abnormality in a cable to GP.

Function:System ensures printing analysis result.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if GP is turned OFF, device error, or there is
abnormality in a cable to GP.

<Monitoring Timing>
At the start of printing-at the end of printing

Action: (1) By pressing [Retry] button in action message screen, the system recovers, and printing
operation restarts.
(2) To delete samples under printing operation, or waiting to be printed, click [Cancel] button
in action message screen. Then, the system recovers and returns to the previous screen.

6.10.9 GP Paper Empty

Description: Graphic printer is out of paper.

Function:The system secures printing of measurement results.

Check method: System checks the paper-empty bit of the graphic printer throughout the printing
<Monitoring Timing>
At the start of printing-at the end of printing

Action: (1) By pressing [Retry] button in action message screen, the system recovers, and printing
operation restarts.
(2) To delete samples under printing operation, or waiting to be printed, click [Cancel] button
in action message screen. Then, the system recovers and returns to the previous screen.

XP Series S/M 6-22 April 27, 2012

6.11 Detector Unit

6.11.1 Aperture Clog (RBC)

Description:The RBC transducer aperture has clogging.

Function:System secures the RBC analysis.

Check method:System verifys the sampling data at the completion of the counting is within the following
range after performing auto rinse. (monitored by clogging signal)

*Subcode 1: Clogging or calculated time

Monitoring by clogging signal

During Auto Rinsing : System monitors clogging rate at 0.5 seconds before completion of the
background check on the auto rinse.
Clogging rate: C ≦ 120
C = 3.333x10xDx5.05/256
C : Clogging Rate (integral value, round to decimal point)
D : A/D converted value of the clogging voltage
TTD: Detector block temperature (**.*°C)

Monitoring by sampling data

Mean value of the three sampling data before the gate OFF is SE, and mean value of the
sampling data 3-19 (1.0 s - 9.5 s) is SH.
    SE/SH ≧ 0.5
Sampling data n: number of the sampling data between (n-1)/2 and n/2
Sampling data 3: number of the sampling data between 1.0 s and 1.5 s.
Sampling data 19: number of the sampling data between 9.0 s and 9.5 s.

Action: After all the sequences for the aspirated samples are completed, the system enters the ready

6.11.2 Aperture Clog (WBC)

Description:The WBC transducer aperture has clogging.

Function:System secures the WBC analysis.

Check method:System verifys the sampling data at the completion of the counting is within the following
range after performing auto rinse. (monitored by clogging signal)

*Subcode 1: Clogging or calculated time

XP Series S/M 6-23 April 27, 2012

Monitoring by clogging signal
During Auto Rinsing : System monitors clogging rate at 0.5 seconds before completion of the
background check on the auto rinse.
Clogging rate: C ≦ 120
C = 3.333x10xDx5.05/256
C : Clogging Rate (integral value, round to decimal point)
D : A/D converted value of the clogging voltage
TTD: Detector block temperature (**.*°C)

Monitoring by sampling data

Mean value of the three sampling data before the gate OFF is SE, and mean value of the
sampling data 3 - 19 (1.0 s - 9.5 s) is SH.
    SE/SH ≧ 0.5
Sampling data n: number of the sampling data between (n-1)/2 and n/2
Sampling data 3: number of the sampling data between 1.0 s and 1.5 s.
Sampling data 19: number of the sampling data between 9.0 s and 9.5 s.

Action: After all the sequences for the aspirated samples are completed, the system enters the ready

XP Series S/M 6-24 April 27, 2012

6.12 Maintenance

6.12.1 Clean Waste Chamber

Description:The main CPU detects that the cycle counter reaches the preset value. It is the time to clean
the waste chamber.

Function:System alerts the operator to clean the waste chamber.

Check method:System checks the number of days since the previous cleaning time, and cycle count only
at power ON. When the waste chamber cycle count reaches 1500 or passes a month, this
message is displayed. The cycle count increments by 1 for every execution of analysis

Action: (1) Message alert only, and the system operates as usual.
(2) The cycle count can be reset on the select menu.

6.12.2 Clean the SRV

Description:The main CPU detects that the cycle counter reaches the preset value. It is the time to clean
the SRV.

Function:System alerts the operator to clean the SRV.

Check method:System checks the number of days since the previous cleaning time, and cycle count only
at power ON. When the waste chamber cycle count reaches 4500 or passes 3 months, this
message is displayed. The cycle count increments by 1 for every execution of analysis

Action: (1) Message alert only, and the system operates as usual.
(2) The cycle count can be reset on the select menu.

6.12.3 Clean Transducer

Description:The main CPU detects that the cycle counter reaches the preset value. It is the time to clean
the waste chamber.

Function:System alerts the operator to clean the transducer.

Check method:System checks the number of days since the previous cleaning time, and cycle count only
at power ON. When the waste chamber cycle count reaches 1500 or passes 1 month, this
message is displayed. The cycle count increments by 1 for every execution of analysis

Action: (1) Message alert only, and the system operates as usual.
(2) The cycle count can be reset on the select menu.

XP Series S/M 6-25 April 27, 2012

6.12.4 Execute shutdown

Description:The instrument is not shut down for 24 hours.

Function:System alerts the operator to shut down the instrument.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if shutdown alert timer detects the condition that the
instrument is not shut down for 24 hours.
(Depending on the shutdown alert timer settings.)

Action: None

XP Series S/M 6-26 April 27, 2012

6.13 SNCS

6.13.1 SNCS Comm. Error

Description:The following error has occurred.

sub error code Details

411 Linking down
412 DHCP address release
421 DNS response analysis error
422 DNS response timeout error
429 DNS other errors
431 POP server detection error
432 POP server connection timeout
433 POP server listen error
434 POP response analysis error
435 POP certification error
436 POP cut off error
437 POP server response timeout
439 POP other errors
441 SMTP server detection error
442 SMTP server connection
443 SMTP server listen error
444 SMTP response analysis error
445 SMTP cut off error
446 SMTP response timeout error
449 SMTP other errors
490 kernel program error
499 Other errors

Function:System ensures SNCS communication.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if sub error code (XXXXX) is detected when SNCS
auto sending/manual sending is being performed.

Action: [Retry] button recovers error, and performs re-sending.

[Cancel] button recovers error, and goes back to the previous screen.

6.13.2 SNCS Status Error

Description:The following error has occurred.

sub error code Details


XP Series S/M 6-27 April 27, 2012

101 Timeout error for system
parameter settings (After power
ON, timeout error for system
parameter settings)
102 Timeout error for mail
acceptable status after system
parameter is issued
103 Timeout error for mail
acceptable status after mail is

Function:System ensures SNCS communication.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if sub error code (XXXXX) is detected when SNCS
auto-sending/manual sending is being performed.

Action: [Retry] button recovers error, and performs re-sending.

[Cancel] button recovers error, and goes back to the previous screen.

6.13.3 SNCS Connection

Description:The following error has occurred.

sub error code Details

201 unconnected (offline)
202 receive timeout
203 port open error
204 ETX error
205 BCC error
206 receive error

Function:System ensures SNCS communication.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if sub error code (XXXXX) is detected when SNCS
auto-sending/manual sending is being performed.

Action: [Retry] button recovers error, and performs re-sending.

[Cancel] button recovers error, and goes back to the previous screen.

6.13.4 SNCS Setting Error

Description:The following error has occurred

sub error code Details

311 length error
312 ETX error

XP Series S/M 6-28 April 27, 2012

313 BCC error
314 code error
315 receive timeout error
321 system parameter not set
326 DNS server address error
331 parameter not set
332 reserve setting value error
333 IP address error
334 default gateway address error
335 subnet mask error
336 DNS server address error
341 time/date setting error
342 time zone setting value error
343 host name setting value error
344 mail address (from) error
345 mail address (to) error
346 mail server name error
347 mail server port number error
348 POP server name error
349 POP server port number error
350 POP user name error
351 POP password error
361 mail server name error
362 mail server port number error
363 POP server name error
364 POP server port number error
371 mail parameter error
372 mail title error
373 mail text error
374 mail attachment file error

Function:System ensures SNCS communication.

Check method:System treats the condition as error if sub error code (XXXXX) is detected when SNCS
auto-sending/manual sending is being performed.

Action: [Retry] button recovers error, and performs re-sending.

[Cancel] button recovers error, and goes back to the previous screen.

6.13.5 Service Call

Description:A button to notify emergency error has been pressed.

Function:System sends an emergency error to SNCS.

Check method:System treats the condition as error when emergency error button is pressed.

Action: None

XP Series S/M 6-29 April 27, 2012

6.14 Others

6.14.1 QC(X-bar) Error

Description:The main CPU detects a situation that an Xbar control error occurred.

Function:System ensures that the main unit is under the adequate quality control.

Check method:Statistically performs quality control by using control data. (Control data=the average
value of control blood data that are analyzed twice in a row) If the data is not within the control
limit, it is assumed to be the Xbar control error.

Action: After all the sequences for the aspirated samples are completed, the system enters the ready
mode by pressing [Return] button.

6.14.2 QC(L-J) Error

Description:The main CPU detects a situation that an L-J control error occurred.

Function:System ensures that the main unit is under the adequate quality control.

Check method:Statistically performs quality control using control blood as control data. If the data is not
within the control limit, it is assumed to be the L-J control error.

Action: After all the sequences for the aspirated samples are completed, the system enters the ready
mode by pressing [Return] button.

6.14.3 Calibration Error

Description:The calibration is performed with much change in values by once.

Function:System ensures that the calibration cannot be performed more than specified by once.

Check method:System treats the condition as error when the calibration change between new and old
exceeds 5%, or the calibration value exceeds the range of 80% ~ 120%.
*If the calibration value is in 5%, 80%, or 120%, it is not treated as error.

Action: When the error occurs, the alarm sounds and the input setting value becomes ineffective.

XP Series S/M 6-30 April 27, 2012

6.15 Pressure value convert table
Refer to the following (1)(2) for the pressure value converting equation. If the value is not listed in the
table, perform calculation by calculator.
(1)vacuum y (MPa) = x (mmHg) * 0.000133322 (2)pressure Y (MPa) = X (kg/cm2) * 0.0980665

vacuum non-SI unit (x) vacuum SI unit (y) pressure non-SI unit (X) pressure SI unit (Y)
5 mmHg 0.0007 MPa 0.001 kg/cm2 0.0001 MPa
10 mmHg 0.0013 MPa 0.003 kg/cm 0.0003 MPa
20 mmHg 0.0027 MPa 0.005 kg/cm2 0.0005 MPa
35 mmHg 0.0047 MPa 0.01 kg/cm 0.0010 MPa
100 mmHg 0.0133 MPa 0.03 kg/cm2 0.0029 MPa
150 mmHg 150 MPa 0.05 kg/cm 0.0049 MPa
180 mmHg 0.0240 MPa 0.07 kg/cm2 0.0069 MPa
200 mmHg 0.0267 MPa 0.1 kg/cm 0.0098 MPa
215 mmHg 0.0287 MPa 0.2 kg/cm2 0.0196 MPa
220 mmHg 0.0293 MPa 0.25 kg/cm 0.0245 MPa
230 mmHg 0.0307 MPa 0.27 kg/cm2 0.0265 MPa
240 mmHg 0.0320 MPa 0.300 kg/cm 0.0294 MPa
248 mmHg 0.0331 MPa 0.301 kg/cm2 0.0295 MPa
250 mmHg 0.0333 MPa 0.33 kg/cm2 0.0324 MPa
252 mmHg 0.0336 MPa 0.35 kg/cm2 0.0343 MPa
260 mmHg 0.0347 MPa 0.380 kg/cm2 0.0373 MPa
270 mmHg 0.0360 MPa 0.400 kg/cm2 0.0392 MPa
280 mmHg 0.0373 MPa 0.43 kg/cm 0.0422 MPa
290 mmHg 0.0387 MPa 0.45 kg/cm2 0.0441 MPa
298 mmHg 0.0397 MPa 0.47 kg/cm2 0.0461MPa
299 mmHg 0.0399 MPa 0.497 kg/cm2 0.0487 MPa
300 mmHg 0.0400 MPa 0.500 kg/cm2 0.0490 MPa
380 mmHg 0.0507 MPa 0.510 kg/cm2 0.0500 MPa
390 mmHg 0.0520 MPa 0.52 kg/cm2 0.0510 MPa
400 mmHg 0.0533 MPa 0.53 kg/cm2 0.0520 MPa
415 mmHg 0.0553 MPa 0.55 kg/cm 0.0539 MPa
420 mmHg 0.0560 MPa 0.57 kg/cm2 0.0559 MPa
440 mmHg 0.0587 MPa 0.60 kg/cm2 0.0588 MPa
450 mmHg 0.0600 MPa 0.605 kg/cm2 0.0593 MPa
500 mmHg 0.0667 MPa 0.62 kg/cm2 0.0608 MPa
510 mmHg 0.0680 MPa 0.622 kg/cm2 0.0610 MPa
530 mmHg 0.0707 MPa 0.650 kg/cm 0.0637 MPa
550 mmHg 0.0733 MPa 0.665 kg/cm2 0.0652 MPa
600 mmHg 0.0800 MPa 0.70 kg/cm2 0.0686 MPa
0.701 kg/cm2 0.0687 MPa
0.750 kg/cm2 0.0735 MPa
1.000 kg/cm2 0.0981 MPa
1.030 kg/cm 0.1010 MPa
1.05 kg/cm2 0.1030 MPa
1.1 kg/cm2 0.1079 MPa
1.5 kg/cm2 0.1471 MPa
1.588 kg/cm2 0.1557 MPa
1.60 kg/cm2 0.1569 MPa
1.601 kg/cm 0.1570 MPa

XP Series S/M 6-31 April 27, 2012

1.7 kg/cm2 0.1667 MPa
1.80 kg/cm 0.1765 MPa
1.9 kg/cm2 0.1863 MPa
2.000 kg/cm 0.1961 MPa
2.010 kg/cm2 0.1971 MPa
2.1 kg/cm 0.2059 MPa
2.15 kg/cm2 0.2108 MPa
2.200 kg/cm 0.2157 MPa
2.240 kg/cm2 0.2197 MPa
2.25 kg/cm 0.2206 MPa
2.30 kg/cm2 0.2256 MPa
2.4 kg/cm 0.2354 MPa
2.492 kg/cm2 0.2444 MPa
2.5 kg/cm 0.2452 MPa
2.513 kg/cm2 0.2464 MPa
2.533 kg/cm 0.2484 MPa
2.7 kg/cm2 0.2648 MPa
2.8 kg/cm 0.2746 MPa
3.0 kg/cm2 0.2942 MPa

XP Series S/M 6-32 April 27, 2012

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