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Exercise 1: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

Exercise 1: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural

Static Analysis

In this exercise you will learn to perform static structural analysis an

engineering component. This exercise will use the very minimum of input
required to progress through the steps and obtain results. The model will
employ the no defeature/repair option during import of a solid 3D part,
materials definition, Smart size meshing, simple area constraints, and area
force loading.
The analysis will be performed on a 3-D solid model of an automobile front
wheel axle. The model has already been sufficiently defeatured to facilitate
building the finite element model. You will use the general post processor to
determine maximum stress and deflection and if the axle can withstand the
given loads without yielding.

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

1. Launch ANSYS
1.1.Launch ANSYS

2. Model:
2.1.Model Preparation
2.2.Defining Element Type
2.3.Material Definition
2.4.Material Assignment
2.5.Meshing the Component

3. Loads And Boundary Conditions:

3.1.Constraints applied on model
3.2.Applying Loads

4. Solve:
4.1.Solve the Now
5. Linear Elastic Solution Results
5.1.Results Item
5.2.Results Display

6. Conclusion

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

Step-by-step Instructions:
Create a folder on your computer for this job and copy axle.iges into that folder
Make the folder your working directory.

1. Launch ANSYS

 Change directory to the specific directory where you

want to keep all the files and solution.
 Change the job name as axle_car
 Change the title as “static analysis of axle”.
 Import iges file no need to defeature.

1.1. Unit System ( we will work in Newtons mm and Mpa)

2. Model Preparation
Geometry is developed using Parasolid software. And IGES
file is available.

2.1. Importing Models

 Go to File menu.
 click the Import > IGES
 A dialogue box will appear , Check for “NO
Defeaturing”. Check yes for all other three options.
 In tolerance option give IGES.
 Browse the path for file and ”Ok”.

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

2.2. Defining Element Type

A large library of elements is available in ANSYS. 3D 10 Node solid 92 is
most commonly used element for geometries imported from CAD software.
3-D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid
SOLID92 has a quadratic displacement behavior and is well suited to model irregular meshes
(such as produced from various CAD/CAM systems) The element is defined by ten nodes
having three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions.
The element also has plasticity, creep, swelling, stress stiffening, large deflection, and large
strain capabilities.

Note:- Solid 187 is more advance element for the same purpose and
replacing the use of solid 92 element for CAD geometries.

Steps to add required element in analysis

 In Main Menue click Preprcessor < Element
Tyoe < click add < Slelect Solid < select 10
Node 92 < OK

2.3. Material Properties

This component is made up of steel. We will create steel material in
ANSYS. And before meshing we will assign this material to component as
mesh attribute of volume.
Steel Properties Young’s Modulus=210 Gpa and Posion Ration=.3
Steps to create material
 In main menu available at
the left of ANSYS
Graphical User Interface.
Properties <Material
 A dialogue box will appear
and another box will
appear so assign values.

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

2.4. Assigning Material to Component before Meshing

Material is created and saved as material Id “1” in
database of software. Now this material “1” will be
assigned to component.
Material Assignment steps
 In Main Menu click Meshing < Mesh Attributes< All
 A dialogue Box will Appear in that specify the material Hint for Units
number (the material to be assigned to all volumes) and If your geometry is in mm and
specify the element type. Already added in current forces are in Newtons. Then
analysis. Young’s Modulus must be in
Mpa as N/mm^2 is Mpa. And
 No need to define real constant as this geometry volume. 1Gpa=1000 Mpa
( In case you are using shells and beams then it is
necessary to define element type)
 Press Ok

Hint for Material Assignment

If you have defined more than one

materials like 1=steel, 2=Aluminum
Then you can choose in this box material
number according

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

2.5. Meshing the Model

Meshing the model is performed using mesh tool.
Meshing the geometry: We will use the Smart Size 5 to
create a mesh on the part. The resultant mesh will be good
enough to run the preliminary analysis.
 In Main Menue click Preprocessor < Meshing < Mesh Tool
. new mnue will appear.
 Check smart size
 Bring slider to 5
 Press Mesh button Ansys will prompt for vulme give
option to pick all volumes.
 Model will be meshed.
 Take a look at the nodes and elements.

Figure 1: Meshed Model

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

3. Loads and Boundary Conditions

Now that we have completed the model definition phase, it’s time to apply
the loads and boundary conditions. This is important to understand what
are the boundary conditions are imposed to simulate physics of your
problem. Most commonly mistake is made in this area while performing
finite element analysis of engineering problems.

Physical Boundary Conditions

 As per functionality of this component It cannot slide in X and Y direction through its three holes. Shown
with single arrow in Figure 2.
 The bottom face of the counterbored hole on both the upper and lower attachment locations cannot slide in
Z Direction as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Faces of Holes can’t slide in X and Y direction

Figure 3: Theses faces cannot slide in Z direction

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

To apply the boundary constraints to the model

 Select the areas of hole by picking the 2 inside face of the 3 holes as shown in Figure 4
(total of 6 faces). You may want to zoom in on the individual holes to pick the faces and
then Fit the view to move on to the next hole.
 Click Select on Utility menue < select entities< areas<By Num(ber)/Pic < From Full
 Now select inside areas.
 When all 6 faces have been selected, click OK on the Picker dialog.
 Go to plot in utility menue and plot areas. It must look like figure.

 Now apply area constrats on

thses 6 selsected areas
 In Main menue Click
Preprocessor < Loads <
Define Loads < Apply <
Structural < Displacement <
On areas
 Click Pick all option as you
have already selected areas
 Highlight Ux and press Apply
 Then again click pick all
 And now highlight UY press ok.

Now Constraint Counter Boed Faces in Z-Direction

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

 Pick the bottom face of the counterbored hole on both the upper and lower attachment
locations as shown.
 Click OK on the Picker dialog. The Constrain Area dialog will appear.
 Constrain these areas in the Z direction only. Check on only the Z direction check
box. Click OK.
 The constraint symbols will appear on these 3 faces.

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

Apply the loads to the model

 Change the view to better facilitate the loads application.
 Click on the Oblique View button.
 Select the area shown
 Select the nodes of this area
 Select the nodes of this area by using select nodes attached
to areas

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

 Now check how many nodes area there using

picked entitles option.
 These are 345 in my case you see your case.
 Apply force by dividing on these node as
shown in figure below.
 Then Select Everything.

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

Now Apply Forces on the Neck of Component

 Select areas on the top as shown in the figure.

 plot selected areas by utility menu plot <areas
 Now select node of the selected areas using select entities < nodes <
attached to areas all < select All <Ok

 Now check how many nodes are there in this region

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

 Go to utility menu < list < picked Entities

 select node of the selected areas by using select entities < nodes < attached
to areas all < select All <Ok
 these are 2956 nodes in my case
 you check how many nodes in your case
 Apply Force accordingly as shown below.

 Now Select Every

thing again
 Utility menu < select < everything
 Utility menu < plot< elements

4. Running the Solution

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

 Save you’re made by just pressing save db Button

 Select the analysis type as static
 Main menu < solution Type < Choose Static < press OK

4.1. Solve Current Solution

 Main menu < solution < Solve < current LS < press Ok
 You might have to wait for a few minutes depending upon your

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

5. Results ( Post Processing )

 After completing a successful solution, it’s now time to post process the
model and take a look at the results.
5.1. Results Item
 You can view any of the following types of result information for a
structural static analysis by clicking on the Results Item drop down list:
 Equivalent stress - (Von Mises stress) a representation of any
arbitrary stress state as a single positive stress value.
 Displaced shape - physical displacement of the model.
 Stress intensity - the difference between the maximum (1st) and
minimum (3rd) principal stresses.
 1st and 3rd principal stresses - The maximum and minimum principal
 Stress in the global X, Y, or Z direction - individual stress components
for each direction in the global Cartesian system.
5.2. Results Display
You can plot, query, animate, or list the result item shown in the Result Item
drop down list box.
 Click on the Plot Result button to plot the selected Results Item

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

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Exercise: Automobile Front Wheel Axle Structural Static Analysis

6. Conclusion:
The analysis of the axle showed that the part displayed no signs of yield
under the given loading condition. Mesh refinements can be made in
localized areas to determine more accurate stress values.

Your Results must be close to shown results if not please check
 Your model imported geometry is in “mm” if in meters please scale it.
 Check the mesh at the lower tip where force is applied it must be
logical as you are distributing loads by dividing number of nodes.
 Material properties
 Constraints on areas
 Consult [email protected]

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