Checklist For Protection Relays General Electrical Tests Rev00

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Check List of Protection Relays General Electrical Tests 1 of 2

1.0 Equipment General Data and Information

2.0Equipment Serial No
Check List of Protection Relays General Electrical Tests

Item Description Done Remarks

500 V insulation tests shall be conducted between:
1. a) All electrically isolated circuits.
b) All circuits and earth.
Check that rating of the relay is compatible with the Auxiliary
2. Supply to which it is connected.
Check that the frequency of the relay supply is compatible with
3. the system’s rated frequency.
Verify that the secondary current for current operated relays
4. matches the used CT secondary current
Verify proper phase shorting for CT field test switches and test
5. plugs used with current operated relays.
Check that the relay nominal input voltage matches the VT
6. voltage.

Verify proper case shorting facility for current operated draw

7. out type relays.
Make sure that all trip circuits are using high burden trip
contacts from the protection relays.
Make sure that the low burden annunciation contacts are used
9. only in low burden circuits such as annunciation and indication.
Verify that the number of contacts and the contact
configuration (NC, NO ,CO) are the same in the drawing as it is
in the relay

Voltage operated relays to have a pickup voltage less than

80% of the rated substation voltage to allow for proper
11. operation of the relay even during substation DC under-voltage

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Check List of Protection Relays General Electrical Tests 2 of 2

12. Check Annunciation LEDs and flags.

13. Check Annunciation contacts
14. Check Binary inputs.
Check binary outputs and output contacts
Ensure that the error percentage between set values and
16. actual values within the acceptable limit For all tested settings
and check all error limits are included in test formats.
17. Check Watchdog or Internal Relay Fail contacts


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