5 Standardized Test
5 Standardized Test
5 Standardized Test
Standardized Test
Standardized Test
• Constructed by experts • Norm-Referenced
• Administered and scored • National sample of
according to specific and students have been used
uniform (i.e. standard) as norming group for
procedures interpreting relative
• Purpose: To determine a standing
student’s level of • Criterion-Referenced
performance relative to the • Tests very similar to
performance of other teacher made tests
students in similar age and
Criterion-Referenced Norm-Referenced
Tests Tests
• Grade 6 and 10
• The test shall be administered to Grade 7 and 11
learners three weeks after the first day of classes
• Grade 12
• The test shall be administered on the third week of
the second semester
Career Assessment
132+ 2.27%
116-132 13.59%
84-116 68.26%
68-84 13.59%
Below 68 2.27%
• The further away from the mean or average, the smaller the
number of occurrences or the less-average the score. The
direction of the score, below or above the mean, determines the
special services needed.
• Most frequently, the term ‘gifted’ is assigned to a student whose
score falls 2 or more standard deviations above the mean. For
the OLSAT, this translates into a score of 132 or higher.
Percentile Rankings:
• Percentile rankings correspond to the SAI scores. An SAI
score of 100 translates into a percentile ranking of 50%.
A type of scaled score.
There are nine stanine units (the term is short for
"standard ninepoint scale"), ranging from 1 to 9.
Typically, stanine scores are interpreted as
Below average (1-3)
Average (4-6)
Above average (7-9)
• Stanine scores are useful in quickly comparing a student's
performance across different content areas.