Acomplamiento MODFLOW&HECRAS
Acomplamiento MODFLOW&HECRAS
Acomplamiento MODFLOW&HECRAS
available at
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ USA
Facultad de Ingenierı̀a y Ciencias Hı̀dricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CC 217, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Southwest Watershed Research, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
2000 East Allen Road, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
Received 20 September 2007; received in revised form 10 January 2008; accepted 6 February 2008
KEYWORDS Summary This work describes the application of a methodology designed to improve the
Groundwater–surface representation of water surface profiles along open drain channels within the framework
water interaction; of regional groundwater modelling. The proposed methodology employs an iterative pro-
Hydrologic modelling; cedure that combines two public domain computational codes, MODFLOW and HEC-RAS. In
MODFLOW; spite of its known versatility, MODFLOW contains several limitations to reproduce eleva-
HEC-RAS tion profiles of the free surface along open drain channels. The Drain Module available
within MODFLOW simulates groundwater flow to open drain channels as a linear function
of the difference between the hydraulic head in the aquifer and the hydraulic head in the
drain, where it considers a static representation of water surface profiles along drains.
The proposed methodology developed herein uses HEC-RAS, a one-dimensional (1D) com-
puter code for open surface water calculations, to iteratively estimate hydraulic profiles
along drain channels in order to improve the aquifer/drain interaction process. The
approach is first validated with a simple closed analytical solution where it is shown that
a Piccard iteration is enough to produce a numerically convergent and mass preserving
solution. The methodology is then applied to the groundwater/surface water system of
the Choele Choel Island, in the Patagonian region of Argentina. Smooth and realistic
* Corresponding author. Permanent address: Facultad de Ingenierı̀a y Ciencias Hı̀dricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CC 217, 3000
Santa Fe, Argentina. Tel.: +1 54 342 4575234x198; fax: +1 54 342 4575224.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L.B. Rodriguez).
Present address: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Present address: Facultad de Ingenierı̀a y Ciencias Hı̀dricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CC 217, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina.
0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
130 L.B. Rodriguez et al.
hydraulic profiles along drains are obtained while backwater effects are clearly repre-
ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
which provides the mathematical setting for the proposed et al., 2004). DAFLOW computes unsteady streamflows by
approach is discussed in the section ‘‘Simplified analytical means of diffusive wave routing, where the stream–aqui-
solution’’, following the mathematical model posed in the fer exchange is simulated as a streambed leakage. The
section ‘‘A fully coupled mathematical model’’. Numerical SFR1 Package replaces the former Prudic’s STR1 package
results to the analytical solution obtained with a Piccard (Prudic, 1989) to simulate stream–aquifer interaction with
iteration between HEC-RAS and MODFLOW are covered in MODFLOW-2000 (Harbaugh et al., 2000). Other improve-
the section ‘‘Numerical solution with HEC-RAS/MODFLOW’’. ments directed at increasing MODFLOW capabilities to deal
In the section ‘‘Application to the Choele Choel Island, Pat- with the coupled surface–subsurface water systems are
agonia, Argentina’’, the approach is used to analyze the presented in Panday and Huyakorn (2004), whose code
water table build up problem in the shallow aquifer of the MODHMS is also based upon the diffusive wave approxima-
Choele Choel Island, in the Patagonian region of Argentina, tion of the 1D Saint Venant equations. MODHMS was re-
where the case was first studied with the DRN Module, and cently applied by Werner et al. (2006) to study the
now is addressed with HEC-RAS instead. Conclusions are stream–aquifer interactions in a tropical catchment in
drawn in the section ‘‘Conclusion’’. north-eastern Australia. Sophocleous et al. (1999) linked
the surface water code SWATMOD with MODFLOW to study
Surface water–groundwater interactions the stream–aquifer interactions on a basin in south-cen-
tral Kansas, USA. A similar approach was later followed
It is worth noting that the current study is limited to the by Sophocleous and Perkins (2000) to link SWAT to MOD-
case of groundwater discharge to the surface water and FLOW. The approach taken herein is in tune with the
not the reverse. Nonetheless, the subject of stream/aquifer emphasis given by Sophocleous and Perkins (2000) on the
interactions is reviewed from a broad perspective as the ap- practicality and advantages of using conceptually simple
proach here introduced is general enough to handle both approaches to address integrated dynamic modelling.
Over the years, numerous approaches have been devel-
oped to tackle stream–aquifer interaction problems. An A fully coupled mathematical model
overview of the state-of-the-art can be found in the recent
work of Sophocleous (2002). Analytical studies of the line- Assuming invariant properties such as hydraulic conductivity
arized 1D Boussinesq equation to describe changes in bank in the saturated porous medium and boundary resistance in
storage caused by temporal variations in water elevation the channel bed, the coupling between the conservation law
of the adjacent channel have been pursued by Cooper of a groundwater flow and the conservation of mass and
and Rorabaugh (1963), Hogarth et al. (1997), Moench and momentum fluxes of an open channel flow, can be posed
Barlow (2000), and Hantush, 2005), whereas its nonlinear mathematically as follows:
counterpart problem has been analyzed by Serrano and
Workman (1998) and Parlange et al. (2000), among others. oU
Sy r T r rU ¼ R on X; ð1Þ
The analytical work of Theis (1947) on streamflow deple- oT
tion by pumping was revisited and expanded by Hunt
(1999), among many contributors to the subject. Recently, oA oQ
þ ¼ D on C; ð2Þ
stream–aquifer exchange was also assessed using inverse oT oS
modelling (Szilagyi et al., 2005), and parameter uncer- !
tainty was addressed with stochastic modelling by Srivast- oQ o Q2 oH
þ þ gA ¼ gAðSo SF Þ on C: ð3Þ
ava et al. (2006). In a multidimensional setting, the oT oS A oS
numerical solution of a fully conservative, integrated
groundwater/surface water modelling was pioneered by Eq. (1) governs the depth averaged flow in the porous med-
Pinder and Sauer (1971), whose simplified solution was ium within the Dupuit–Forchheimer approximation (Bear,
presented years later by Hunt (1990) with the linearized 1972), while Eqs. (2) and (3) are known as the Saint Venant’s
form of the kinematic wave approximation. Numerous equations (Chow et al., 1988), or the long wave approxima-
modelling studies concentrated on capturing the regional tion which is valid whenever the pressure in the water col-
water balance, a trend mainly favoured by the widespread umn is distributed hydrostatically. For the problem
use of the code MODFLOW in combination with the considered here, the lateral interacting flux D per unit
Streamflow Routing (STR1) Package (Prudic, 1989). The length of channel [L2T1] in Eq. (2) is given by
STR1 Package solves a water budget along each stream
D ¼ K½U ðH þ Zb Þ on C: ð4Þ
reach, where the surface water discharge is computed
with the aid of Manning’s boundary resistance relationship As it will be shown shortly, D can be related to R through a
based on a prevailing normal streamflow assumption that very simple mathematical expression. With reference to
is seldom attained in practice. However, its simplicity Fig. 1, the variables used above are defined as follows: Sy
and mass preserving properties made it the commonly cho- is the aquifer storativity coefficient, U is the aquifer head
sen tool to simulate stream–aquifer interactions. Further [L] above datum as function of the horizontal coordinates
attempts to improve the approximation were made with X = (X, Y) and time T, $ is the 2D horizontal gradient opera-
MODBRANCH (Swain and Wexler, 1996), which essentially tor [L1], Tr is the aquifer transmissivity [L2T1], which de-
recovered the mathematical model of Pinder and Sauer pends upon the aquifer head, R is the net recharge [LT1]
(1971), and with the two well-documented USGS releases from rainfall and/or irrigation applied over the area X
DAFLOW (Jobson and Harbaugh, 1999) and SFR1 (Prudic [L2], K is the reciprocal of the hydraulic impedance of the
132 L.B. Rodriguez et al.
∂Ω g
S a Q H A Φ
Za Datum
a a
Figure 1 Sketch of the conceptual model. (left) Plan view of a regional phreatic aquifer of planar area X discharging onto an open
drain channel. oX represents a portion of X’s external boundary. (right) Cross-section a–a.
no flow
no flow s
2 ffi
Ω rly y
R /ðy; xÞ ¼ ho ðxÞ þ zb ðxÞ þ þ rly y 2 ; ð22Þ
X k ly
sloping open drain channel B ho ðxÞ ¼ rx 2=3 ; ð23Þ
So Uo uo ðxÞ ¼ x 1=3 ; ð24Þ
where the parametric dependence of / with x comes
Figure 3 Layout of the test case. Only the upper part of the through the variation of the water surface elevation along
aquifer is sketched here, the other half extents from Y = 0 to the channel drain. Eqs. (23) and (24) were obtained by
Y =Ly. Woolhiser and Liggett (1967) with classical overland flow
theory, adapted here to the drain flow problem. Eqs. (16)
Then, the dimensionless form of the governing Eqs. (1)–(3) and (17) represent the time-independent kinematic wave
becomes approximation of Lighthill and Whitham (1955) to the full
equations of motion.
o/ o o/ o o/
e1 tr þ tr ¼ r; ð11Þ The solution of Woolhiser and Liggett (1967), i.e., Eqs.
ot ox ox oy oy
(23) and (24), can be recast in dimensional form as follows:
oh oðuhÞ U2o ðXÞ So
þ ¼ r; ð12Þ F2o ¼ ¼ ; ð25Þ
ot ox gHo ðXÞ CF o
surface profile computations begin upstream for subcritical computed with MODFLOW to obtain a first estimate of drain
flow or downstream for supercritical flow. Discharge infor- flows, D(1) = D(S; U(1), H(0)). It follows that, in order to obtain
mation is required at each cross-section in order to compute an improved approximation to the water elevation distribu-
the water surface profile. If the momentum deficit due to tion on the channel drain, a first Picard iterate is computed
the lateral inflow D is ignored, the non-conservation form with HEC-RAS, namely H(1) = H(S; D(1)). If the procedure is
of the governing equations, under a steady flow assumption, then repeated, a new approximation to the aquifer head
i.e., Eqs. (2) and (3), can be integrated between an up- U(2) = U(X, H(1)) is obtained, which in turn, produces a sec-
stream and a downstream cross-section as ond Picard iterate for drain flows, D(2) = D(S; U(2), H(1)).
Z 2 Z 2 The expectation is that, under suitable conditions, the Pi-
dQ ¼ D dS; ð28Þ card iterates H(k) and U(k) converge to the exact solution
1 1 of the system (1)–(3) as (k) grows. In practical terms, one
Z ! Z or two iterates suffice to reach convergence within some
U2 2
prescribed tolerance, as illustrated next. The iterative
d Zb þ H þ a ¼ SF dS; ð29Þ
1 2g 1 scheme can be algorithmically posed as follows:
where a is a momentum correction factor usually set equal Step 1 : ðaÞ Set k ¼ 0; and fix HðkÞ on C;
to one. HEC-RAS solves the resulting integral expressions of
: ðbÞ Solve for Uðkþ1Þ ¼ UðX; HðkÞ Þ on X;
these simple equations by means of an iterative procedure
called the standard step method. The right-hand side of : ðcÞ Compute Dðkþ1Þ ¼ DðS; Uðkþ1Þ ; HðkÞ Þ on C;
Eq. (29) includes contraction or expansion losses as well Step 2 : ðaÞ Fix Dðkþ1Þ ¼ DðS; Uðkþ1Þ ; HðkÞ Þ on C;
as bed resistance losses through an average friction slope
between the two consecutive cross-sections, the later : ðbÞ Compute Hðkþ1Þ ¼ Hðkþ1Þ ðS; Dðkþ1Þ Þ on C;
based on the Manning roughness coefficient. Further details Step 3 : ðaÞ If Hðkþ1Þ HðkÞ =Hðkþ1Þ htol ! end;
may be found in the HEC-RAS documentation manual
(USACE, 2002). : ðbÞ Otherwise set k ¼ k þ 1; and return to ð1bÞ
The MODFLOW code
Above, the norm kÆk adopted during the computations rep-
A full description of MODFLOW capabilities can be found in resents the sum of the absolute values of all water depths
McDonald and Harbaugh (1988) and Harbaugh et al. (2000). defined along C.
For the purpose of this work, it is pertinent to revise some
definitions introduced in MODFLOW to compute drain flows Numerical solution
or exchange flows, with the understanding that in the latter
case only groundwater discharge toward drains is consid- First, the solution to the hypothetical stream–aquifer inter-
ered in this work. Nonetheless, the approach is general en- action problem sketched in Fig. 3 and approximated by Eqs.
ough to be applied to exchange flows in both directions. (21)–(24), and (27), was computed with a channel drain
From Eq. (28), for D = const., groundwater discharge toward running from west to east along the aquifer centre. The
a channel drain contained within a MODFLOW cell of size DS aquifer was symmetric with respect to the drain, with
is just DQ = DDS, where DS can either represent ‘‘delr’’ or dimensions Lx = 5000 m and Ly = 1260 m. Channel drain
‘‘delc’’ according to MODFLOW cell size definition (McDon- parameters were B = 5 m, bed elevation at the channel
ald and Harbaugh, 1988). Invoking now the constitutive rela- headwater Zbo ¼ 22 m, So = 4 · 104, and n = 0.05. This va-
tionship that defines drain flow, i.e., Eq. (4), the following lue of Manning’s roughness coefficient can be associated
equivalences between parameters used in MODFLOW and with the resistance encountered in not-well maintained
those introduced in this work are obtained: channels colonized by weeds on their banks, a situation that
resembles the drainage system of a real case application
DQ ¼ Cs ½U ðH þ Zb Þ; ð30Þ
discussed later. In addition, for a drain flow per unit length
of channel D = 2 · 104 m2 s1, and a net recharge to the
Cs ¼ KDS ¼ K s DSB=es ; ð31Þ
aquifer R = 7.936508 · 108 m s1, it follows from Eq. (8)
where Cs is the hydraulic conductance of the channel drain– that the total outflow at the channel drain endpoint is
aquifer interface [L2T1], Ks is the hydraulic conductivity of Qout = DLx (=RX) = 1 m3 s1. Other parameter values used
the streambed material [LT1], and es is the thickness of the for the test were Tr = 0.014 m2 s1, K = 7 · 104 m s1, and
streambed layer [L]. From these definitions, the hydraulic K = 0.2 m s1. The associated dimensionless parameters
impedance of the channel–aquifer interface is defined as and the velocity scale were: tr = 4, r = 1.1338 · 104,
K1 = es/KsB [TL1]. k = 285.71, r = 1.3887 · 103, FB = 0.0041, Fo = 0.11,
CF = 0.03284, and v = 0.03 m s1. A 3D view of the solution
Picard iterates to couple HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to the hypothetical stream–aquifer interaction problem de-
fined by Eqs. (22) and (23) for these parameter values is de-
The system of Eqs. (1)–(4) can be solved with a sequence of picted in Fig. 4, where the channel width was exaggerated
approximations called Picard iterates. The computation be- for illustration purposes. Now, if D = const., Eqs. (2) and
gins with a crude approximation to the water depth distribu- (3) become uncoupled from Eq. (1), and the governing
tion along the drain channel, namely an initial constant Eqs. (28) and (29) can be solved independently by HEC-
function H(0) = H(0)(S). Then, a solution U(1) = U(X, H(0)) is RAS. Thus, the sensitivity of the model output to variations
Fully conservative coupling of HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to simulate stream–aquifer interactions in a drainage basin 135
4.3 set equal to zero, while the aquifer top was set equal to
25 m. MODFLOW computations were first restricted to the
4.2 CFo= 0.03284
linear- or confined-aquifer case. Fig. 6 shows the Picard
ho(s) , n = 0.050
ho(s) iterates of the water surface profiles computed with HEC-
RAS, starting from an initial guess H(0) = 0.30 m. Each HEC-
HEC-RAS, corrected
4.0 RAS computation was obtained after passing onto each of
the channel reaches the cumulative drain flow computed
0 200 400 600 800 1000
s = S/B
by MODFLOW. The first and second Picard iterates are
practically indistinguishable to the naked eye, obtained
Figure 5 Comparison between computed ho(x) with HEC-RAS, after imposing upstream and downstream boundary condi-
for D = const., and analytical distributions obtained for both tions as previously discussed. The corresponding water
bed resistance relations discussed in this work. depth calculated at X = 0 m was 0.07 m. The overshoot is
136 L.B. Rodriguez et al.
4.3 zb(x) P
ho(x), n = 0.050 DQ j
(m3 s1) 0.0500575 0.0500580 0.0500530
4.2 (0) mx
ho P ðkþ1Þ ðkÞ
ho ho(x) jH H j
Pj ðKþ1Þ j
4.1 0.4819561 0.0045554
jHj j
4.0 ho - corr
0 200 400 600 800 1000
x = X/B puted by MODFLOW, are given in Table 1. Here, the error
Figure 6 Variation of the Picard iterates h obtained after (k) tolerance mentioned in the three-step algorithm (32) was
coupling HEC-RAS with MODFLOW HEC-RAS solutions were fixed at 0.01 and the overall mass balance error reported
obtained by accumulating the value of D(k+1)(X; U(k+1) ,H(k)). by MODFLOW was less than 0.1%.
along drain channel reaches. Aquifer head contours computed with MODFLOW were
compared with those obtained with Eq. (22) in Fig. 8 for a
nonlinear (unconfined) aquifer case. For the linear case,
systematically propagated in a more or less constant man- the results are similar and were omitted here for the sake
ner in the downstream direction. It can be seen in Fig. 6 that
once that overshoot is subtracted from the Picard second
iterate, the computed water surface profile closely resem-
bles the normal flow solution given by Eq. (27). For each Pi-
200 5.0
card iteration, the steady-state MODFLOW simulation
started from a constant initial aquifer head equal to 25 m. 100 4.8
The groundwater flow simulation required, on average, 11
y = Y/B
0 4.4
iterations to converge using a head closure criterion of 4.4
0.0001 m and the Strongly Implicit Procedure-SIP solver. 4.6
-100 4.8
The cell drain flux values computed with MODFLOW for all 5.0
Picard iterates as well as their relative error expressed in -200
percentage are plotted in Fig. 7. An end-effect is clearly
present at both ends of the drain channel. One way to elim- -300
inate this effect is by locally averaging the flux within neigh- 0 200 400 600 800 1000
bouring cells, since the average flux is quite close to the x=X/B
exact value (see Table 1). Both, cell values as computed
by MODFLOW (Fig. 7) and their average were used without Figure 8 Contour lines of the dimensionless aquifer head,
any noticeable difference in the final solution. The evolu- nonlinear case. (upper half) Approximate analytical solution
tion of the error closure criteria for the in-channel water given by Eq. (22). (lower half) Solution computed by MODFLOW.
depth results, along with the average exchange flux com-
-0.04 st 25
1 iterate 5.2
2nd iterate, and 2ndcorr iter
exact 20
error ( % ) = (ΔQnum - ΔQexa ) / ΔQexa
-0.05 5.0
ΔQ num [m 2/s]
φ = Φ/B
4.6 x = 575
-0.07 x = 775
0 x = 975
(1) -5
error x = 575
(2) x = 775
error 4.2 x = 975
error corr
0 50 100 150 200 250
-0.09 -15
0 200 400 600 800 1000 y = Y/B
x = X/B
Figure 9 Comparison between the approximated analytical
Figure 7 Cell drain flux values as computed by MODFLOW – solutions and the results computed with MODFLOW of the
error distribution of the computed flux, in percentage. aquifer head profiles in the y direction for x = const.
Fully conservative coupling of HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to simulate stream–aquifer interactions in a drainage basin 137
2 -1
Cs [ m s ]
space and time, as is typical in semiarid climates. The Mid- work. Irrigation is by gravity, with an application fre-
dle Valley was carved in the Patagonian Plateau by glaciers. quency of about two to three weeks, on average.
Three geologic units form the Valley’s stratigraphic profile: Natural drainage is supplemented by about 100 km of
(1) Negro river Formation (Rionegrense): the lowermost por- drain canals of different sizes that remove excess water
tion of the profile, composed by alternate layers of sand, accumulated during the irrigation season. Drainage water
silt, and clay of moderate to low permeability. Despite its is then discharged at downstream locations at both river
thickness, it is of little hydrogeologic interest; (2) Rodados branches. Small canals are usually poorly maintained, sil-
Patagónicos: composed of conglomerates and boulders, usu- ted up and colonized by weeds, while major canals are
ally cemented with calcium carbonate. These beds vary in periodically dredged. Fig. 12 shows the configuration of
thickness from 3 to 5 m and extend over the terraces sur- the drainage network.
rounding the valley; (3) Relleno Moderno: overlies the Rio- During the irrigation season, which extends from late Au-
negrense in the valley centre. It is mainly composed of a gust to early April, seepage losses through unlined distribu-
thin layer of silty sand, underlain by gravel deposits with tion canals and in irrigated fields cause water table
variable quantities of sand, and is characterized by high per- mounding and/or soil water logging at some locations.
meability. This is the main water-bearing unit of the profile. Moreover, high stream levels caused by high water releases
Unconfined in most of the area, it is highly dynamic and for hydroelectric power generation at upstream dams during
interacts closely with all surface water sources and sinks. the peak of the irrigation season interfere with free ground-
Transmissivity values for this aquifer range from 200 to water drainage causing backwater effects at some drainage
2500 m2 day1, while reported values for specific yield vary canals discharge points.
between 0.01 and 0.2. Field studies have shown that there is
no hydraulic connection between the Relleno Moderno and MODFLOW – HEC-RAS set up
the underlying formation. The North Branch conducts more
than 90% of the upstream flow. Both branches act as natural MODFLOW was implemented to simulate steady-state
drainage canals, providing over 155 km of stream–aquifer groundwater flow in the island during the non-irrigation sea-
contact that allows free groundwater drainage. The South son, when only drainage canals and streams are active. This
Branch is a highly meandering stream approximately 87 km simulation provided the first set of drain flows later used as
long, while the North Branch is 68 km long. lateral inflows to HEC-RAS. The finite difference grid con-
The local economy is based on the production of fruits tained 134 rows and 64 columns, oriented along the regional
and vegetables, sustained by an irrigation/drainage sys- groundwater flow direction, with a regular cell size of
tem. Irrigation water enters the island through an unlined 300 m. A single model layer, 20 m thick, representing the
19 km long channel, starting at the western corner of the unconfined Relleno Moderno was simulated. More details
island, 3.5 km downstream from the bifurcation point in regarding the model set-up and calibration results can be
the Negro river branches. Eight secondary, unlined chan- found in Rodrı́guez et al. (2006)); only drain related param-
nels 89.8 km long, and minor channels that reach outlying eters and results are summarized here for the purpose of
irrigated fields (61.2 km long) complete the irrigation net- this work.
Fully conservative coupling of HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to simulate stream–aquifer interactions in a drainage basin 139
Figure 12 Drain channels network of the Choele Choel Island, location of field data points.
The drainage system shown in Fig. 12 was simulated with height readings from gauging stations located upstream and
324 drain cells according to the DRN Package input require- downstream of the discharge points.
ments. The so-called System I drains the Southeastern por- Calibrated values for drain conductance ranged from
tion of the island and discharges into the South Branch of 0.003 to 0.0068 m2 s1. The total simulated drain flow was
the Negro river, System II drains the North-western and cen- 0.726 m3 s1, of which 0.247 m3 s1 (34%) were drained by
tral portions of the island and discharges into the North System I and 0.479 m3 s1 (66%) by System II. Not much
Branch of the Negro river. Water depth data for drain chan- information existed to assess the model performance
nels were available only at a few locations, hence it was regarding the magnitude and distribution of drain flows.
necessary to estimate initial values in order to implement However, agricultural engineers working at the site have
the DRN Package. Based on previous knowledge of the site roughly estimated a total drainage flow around 0.80 m3 s1
and those few data points, water depth at drain channels for the non-irrigation season. Therefore, using this esti-
headwaters was assumed to be about 0.2–0.3 m. These mate, simulated drain flows were underestimated by
depths were progressively increased downstream until a roughly 9.25%.
water depth of 1.80, 0.9, and 1.14 m was reached at dis- A total of 101.25 km of drain canals were simulated with
charge points of Drain IV, Drain I and the Gran Zanjón, HEC-RAS. The network was discretized with 535 cross-sec-
respectively (see Fig. 12 for their location). Continuity of tions distributed according to the hierarchy of drain chan-
water levels between stream channels and discharging drain nels, bottom slope, observed changes in cross-sections as
channels was preserved at discharge points. The stage at well as HEC-RAS computational requirements to warrant
the receiving stream was estimated by interpolating stream the energy balance for the calculation of water depths
140 L.B. Rodriguez et al.
duced by weeds colonies and other plants at some locations,
mainly in upstream reaches of drain channels. These condi- -0.001
tions prevail along some reaches of Drain II and the Gran
Zanjón. Following the description of channel characteristics
given by Chow (1959), a Manning’s roughness coefficient of
0.07 was adopted for those reaches, while a value of 0.055
was used for the rest of the network. -0.002
Table 2 Comparison between observed and simulated water depths and drain flows at selected points (see Fig. 12 for their
Location Dist (m) Hobs (m) Hsim (m) ErrH % Dobs (m3 s1) Dsim (m3 s1) ErrD (%)
A 4858 0.22 0.16 27 0.024 0.03 25
R 1192 0.5 0.35 30
F 3968 0.8 0.57 28 0.337 0.33 2
D 11,362 0.3 0.21 30
D1 9751 0.3 0.25 17 0.05 0.04 20
G 3866 0.55 0.24 50 0.065 0.05 23
H 1211 0.65 0.27 54
B 9129 0.3 0.43 30
C 7854 0.35 0.42 20 0.095 0.12 26
I 6147 0.9 0.67 25
L 6611 0.4 0.2 50
M 310 0.6 0.6 0
N 1744 1 1.04 4
P 11,196 0.25 0.28 12
ErrH,D = [H,Dobs H,Dsim]/H,Dobs. Dist, cumulative distance from the discharge point.
Fully conservative coupling of HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to simulate stream–aquifer interactions in a drainage basin 141
Hydrology and Riparian Areas) under the STC Program of the Panday, S., Huyakorn, P.S., 2004. A fully coupled physically-based
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The research was also supported in part by the Department flow. Advances in Water Resources 27, 361–382.
of Hydrology and Water Resources of the University of Ari- Parlange, J.-Y., Hogarth, W.L., Govindaraju, R.S., Parlange, M.B.,
zona. Thanks are also given to two anonymous reviewers Lockington, D., 2000. On an exact analytical solution of the
Boussinesq equation. Transport in Porous Media 39, 339–
that helped to improve the manuscript.
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