Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences
Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences
Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences
You have previously learned that applied social science is an integrated science.
Meaning to say it transcends various social science disciplines in addressing a wide
range of issues in a contemporary, innovative, and dynamic way.It aims to present a
well-developed understanding of social theories integrated with research, skills,
professional experience and critical thinking skills necessary to address social
phenomena. When social science theories, concepts, methods, and findings gain
application to problems identified in the wider society, then applied social science is
achieved. In this module, you will be able to learn self-development, persuasion & art
and entertainment as functions of applied social science.
City of Good Character
3. justify how one can regulate the strong persuasion of mass media on
his/her behavior, attitudes and beliefs through an essay.
What I Know?
Directions: Read and understand the statements below. Identify what is being
described. Write your answers on the space provided before each number.
Applied Social Science Counseling Communication
Persuasion Self-Development Social Work
What’s New?
Directions: Identify what is being portrayed by the pictures below by unscrambling
the letters below them. Write your answer on the space provide.
What is It?
In the previous activity, you encountered the words counseling, social work and
communication. According to the American Counseling Association, counseling is
defined as, "a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families,
and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals,” while
social work is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, development,
cohesion and the empowerment of people and communities. Both counseling and
social work, as applied social sciences, employs communication as an important
What’s More
Self-development is a process of consciously improving oneself in various
aspects of his or her life. One of the most rational decisions you can make for yourself
is to strive towards continuous self-development. It is a lifelong process trying to
discover new things and trying to be the better versions of ourselves. Immersing
oneself to activities such as counseling, social work and communication takes a lot of
knowledge, empathy and understanding which makes self-development imperative.
Like the saying goes “you cannot give what you do not have.”
The function of applied social sciences for self-development have been
discussed inthe previous topic from counseling, social work, communication each of
which hasdistinct contributions in services they put out for self- development.
Independent Activity 1
In 3 – 5 sentences, discuss the functions of the following applied social sciences
to one’s self-development.
Counseling Social Work Communication
The persuasion function of applied social sciences involves the creativity,
perception and imagination of the artist trying to communicate a selective recreation
of reality which forms into immediate perceptual awareness. Our thoughts and actions
are influenced by other people, whether we are passively observing their behavior or
actively complying with their requests. Persuasion is a form of social influence in
which an audience is intentionally encouraged to adopt an idea, attitude, or course of
action by symbolic means. The advent of the so-called computer age strengthens
persuasion in the form of social media.
What I Have Learned ?
Criteria 3 2 1
In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences,
the student the student the student
Manner of answered the answered the answered the
answering question directly, question directly, question indirectly,
thoroughly and but not thoroughly but leading to the
coherently. and coherently. closest answer.
The specific concept The specific concept
is stated and is stated but is not
directly connected directly connected
to the answer. to the answer.
Identity crisis
Family problems
As a student, how can you regulate the strong persuasion of mass media on your behavior, attitudes and beliefs?
Criteria 3 2 1
In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences,
the student the student the student
Manner of answered the answered the answered the
answering question directly, question directly, question indirectly,
thoroughly and but not thoroughly but leading to the
coherently. and coherently. closest answer.
The specific concept The specific concept
is stated and is stated but is not
directly connected directly connected
to the answer. to the answer.
(Art & Entertainment, News & Information and
Organizing Advocacy & Mobilization)
Have you ever imagined what would be our world today if computers, cell
phones and other electronic devices cease to exist? It paved the way for the so-called
digital age and you cannot deny the fact that social media tremendously changed the
way people interact and run their daily lives. You can have your errands like updating
your news feed, find a job, binge watching new movies, listen to your favorite music,
and play games, etc. in just one click. Aside from that, the influx of information is
overwhelming to the point that you must be very careful to determine what’s real and
what’s not. In this module, you will learn the vital role that applied social sciences play
in this digital age.
2. create a poster depicting the importance of Art & Entertainment, News &
Information and Organizing Advocacy & Mobilization as functions of applied
social sciences specially in this time of pandemic, and
3. explain in what ways such functions helped you understand the veracity of
issues in the society.
What I Know?
Directions: Read and understand the statements below and identify what is being
described. Write your answers on the space provided before each number. (1pt @)
Arts Information Communication
Entertainment Mobilization News
In this time of pandemic, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
and the like became an integral channel of Filipinos to relieve anxiety and stress. It
helped a lot of people cope with the new normal in various ways. For instance, many
became unemployed because of retrenchment due to the pandemic. However, it gave
birth to a lot of new online businesses which showed how resilient we Filipinos are.
What’s New?
Directions: Identify what social media site is being described by drawing its logo on
the space provided before each number.
What is It?
In the previous activity, you encountered some of the known social media sites
we have today. Surprisingly, some of these social media sites had become part of our
lives already and had influenced us in many aspects. How important are they to you?
Why? You will find out as you go through this lesson.
What’s More
The word arts come from the Latin word ars meaning “arrangement.” The
Oxford English dictionary defines art as “the expression or application of human
creative skill and imagination” which can produce work that can be appreciated for
possessing emotional power or beauty. Arts can be classified into: visual arts
(painting, photography, printmaking, filmmaking and plastic arts like sculpture &
architecture), performing arts (music, dance and theater which uses the artist’s body,
face & presence as medium), language arts (novels, prose and poetry), culinary (art of
cooking) &physical arts (sports).On the other hand, entertainment, is described as
“the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.” It is also
proper to define entertainment as any event, performance or activity designed to give
pleasure or relaxation. Arts and entertainment, as functions of applied science, are
interrelated with each other. Since there is only a fine line between arts and
entertainment, you have to keep in mind these 3 schools of thought:
Independent Activity 1
Directions: Proliferation of fake news is not only a local problem but rather a global
issue. Create a slogan about ways to fight fake news. You may use a separate sheet of
Criteria 3 2 1
The slogan is
exceptionally The slogan is
attractive in terms of acceptably attractive The slogan is
neatness. Well- though it may be a distractingly messy.
constructed and not bit messy.
Exceptional use of
Average use of new No use of new ideas
new ideas and
Originality ideas and originality and originality to
originality to create
to create slogan. create slogan.
Slogan is
The slogan does not
creative. A lot of
Creativity reflect any degree of
thought and effort
was used to make
the banner.
There are no There are more than
grammatical 2 grammatical
mistakes on the mistakes on the
poster. poster.
I. Multiple Choice
1. The following statements about art and entertainment are true EXCEPT
A. All art is entertaining. C. Art & entertainment are mutually exclusive.
B. All entertainment is art. D. Art & entertainment are not mutually exclusive.
2. It refers to the regular pieces of facts that do not change with time.
A. data B. information C. news D. truth
3. Art & Entertainment are not mutually exclusive. Best example of which
is arts.
A. Culinary B. Filmmaking C. Performing D. Physical
4. The following are considered stakeholders of social mobilization EXCEPT
A. Families B. Indigenous people C. Local leaders D. Media
5. Newspapers, magazines, and the like are considered media.
A. broadcast B. electronic C. print D. outdoor
II. Essay
gy, it makes our lives easier. However, if used irresponsibly, can ruin a person firm, etc. In what ways does news and information in the soc
Criteria 3 2 1
In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences,
the student the student the student
Manner of answered the answered the answered the
answering question directly, question directly, question indirectly,
thoroughly and but not thoroughly but leading to the
coherently. and coherently. closest answer.
The specific concept The specific concept
is stated and is stated but is not
directly connected directly connected
to the answer. to the answer.
(Socialization and Education)
Have you ever entered into your classroom wearing a bathing suit? Or, did you ever expect your teacher to take a bath in fr
MELC: (1) explain each of the functions of applied social sciences
(2) identify situations that would require or necessitate the performance
of the various functions in the local/Philippine settings.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. differentiate socialization and education function of applied social sciences
2. discuss the different sociological theories of socialization and the Philippine
educational system
3. describe the importance of socialization in the life course.
What’s New?
DOs and DON’Ts
In this activity, you revisit your past experiences and research on the norms and
values of your family, community, municipality, and country. Answers should be
limited to the DOs and DON’Ts of their age.
What is It?
In the previous activity, you have learned how your past experiences affect your
social environment through the norms and values you’ve gained from your family,
community, municipality and country.According to Sociology-Anthropology, Normsare
standards of behavior governing specific social situations that are established by a
society’s values. Norms are found in a variety of social contexts.
What’s More
The lifelong process by which a person acquires the values, behaviors,
and attitudes considered appropriate in his culture. From his interaction with his
family, friends, neighbors, and all the people around him, he is able to adjust himself
to his surroundings.
Directions: Look back on your childhood. Cite the very first thing that you
have learned through socialization/interaction with your families, relatives,
neighbors and godparents.
Family: Relatives:
Godparents: Neighbors:
City of Good Character
I. Identification
Whom do you consider as one of the significant others in your life? Who among them is the most influential? Why?
Criteria 3 2 1
In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences, In 3-5 sentences,
the student the student the student
Manner of answered the answered the answered the
answering question directly, question directly, question indirectly,
thoroughly and but not thoroughly but leading to the
coherently. and coherently. closest answer.
The specific concept The specific concept
is stated and is stated but is not
directly connected directly connected
to the answer. to the answer.
City of Good Character 0
Dela Cruz, A.R., Fernandez, C.,Melegrito M., L. Valdez. Discipline and Ideas in Applied
Social Sciences. Phoenix Publishing
Retrieved from:
Development Team of the Module
Alfredo E. Ladesma
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989
Email Address:
City of Good Character