Chapter 8: Project Finance and Contract Pricing
Chapter 8: Project Finance and Contract Pricing
Chapter 8: Project Finance and Contract Pricing
8.1 Introduction
In the previous chapters, techniques for project planning, scheduling, resources management, and
time-cost trade off have been introduced. This chapter will deal with project cash flow to predict
the actual flow of money during the contract duration. Also, this chapter will introduce the
means for finalizing a contract price. A project's cash flow is basically the difference between the
project's income and its expense. The difference between a company's total income and its total
expense over a period of time is the company cash flow.
At the project level, a project’s cash flow is the difference between the project’s expense and
income. At the construction company level, the difference between company’s total expense and
its total income over a period of time is the company’s cash flow.
Forecasting cash flow is necessary for a construction company for the following reasons:
- Expenses (cash out) which represents the aggregate of the payments which the contractor
will make over a period of time for all resources used in the project such as labor,
equipment, material, and subcontractors.
- Income (cash in) that represents the receipts a contractor will receive over a period of time
for the work he/she has completed.
- Timing of payments: in cash flow analysis, we are interested in the timing of payments
related to the work done by the contractor.
In preparing the cash flow for a project, it is necessary to compute the costs that must be
expended in executing the works using activities durations and their direct and indirect costs.
The principal components of a contractor's costs and expenses result from the use of labors,
materials, equipment, and subcontractors. Additional general overhead cost components include
taxes, premiums on bonds and insurance, and interest on loans. The sum of a project's direct
costs and its allocated indirect costs is termed the project cost.
The costs that spent on a specific activity or project can be classified as;
- Fixed cost: costs that spent once at specific point of time (e.g., the cost of purchasing
equipment, etc.)
- Time-related cost: costs spent along the activity duration (e.g., labor wages, equipment
rental costs, etc.)
- Quantity-proportional cost: costs changes with the quantities (e.g., material cost)
The costs and expenses that are incurred for a specific activity are termed direct costs. These
costs are estimates based on detailed analysis of contract activities, the site conditions, resources
productivity data, and the method of construction being used for each activity. A breakdown of
direct costs includes labor costs, material costs, equipment costs, and subcontractor costs.
Activities’ direct costs are estimated as presented previously in chapter 3.
Other costs such as the overhead costs are termed indirect costs. Part of the company’s indirect
costs is allocated to each of the company's projects. The indirect costs always classified to:
project (site) overhead; and General (head-office) overhead.
Project overhead
Project overhead are site-related costs and includes the cost of items that can not be directly
charged to a specific work element and it can be a fixed or time-related costs. These include
the costs of site utilities, supervisors, housing and feeding of project staff, parking facilities,
offices, workshops, stores, and first aid facility. Also, it includes plants required to support
working crews in different activities.
General overhead
The costs that can not be directly attributed a specific project called general overhead. These
are the costs that used to support the overall company activities. They represent the cost of
the head-office expenses, mangers, directors, design engineers, schedulers, etc. Continuous
observations of the company expenses will give a good idea of estimating reasonable values
for the general overhead expenses. Generally, the general overhead for a specific contract
can be estimated to be between 2% - 5% of the contract direct cost.
The amount of the general overhead that should be allocated to a specific project equals:
Having defined the direct costs, indirect costs, then the project total cost equals the sum of both
direct and indirect costs.
When studying cash flow, it is very important to determine the actual dates when the
expenditures (cost) will take place. At that time, the expenditures will renamed as the expenses.
Figure 8.1 illustrate the difference between the costs and the expenses. As shown in the figure,
they are the same except the expenses are shifted (delayed) tan the costs.
LE x 1000
500 Cost
300 Expense
0 Time
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 8.1: Project cost and expense curves
Example 8.1
Consider the construction of 8-week foundation activity with operation cost of LE8800. The
operation cost is broken down into the following elements:
A time-scaled plan is developed for this activity for the payments for labor, plant, material, and
subcontractors. The cot will be plotted weekly with the delay specified in Example 8.1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Labor - 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Plant - - - - 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Material - - - - - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Subcontractors - - - 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Total payment
- 200 200 500 1000 1100 1100 1100 1100 900 900 600 100
The curve represents the cumulative expenditures of a project direct and indirect costs over time
is called the S-curve as it take the S-shape as shown in Figure 8.2. In many contracts, the owner
requires the contractor to provide an S-curve of his estimated progress and costs across the life of
the project. This S-shaped of the curve results because early in the project, activities are
mobilizing and the expenditure curve is relatively flat. As many other activities come on-line, the
level of expenditures increases and the curve has a steeper middle section. Toward the end of a
project, activities are winding down and expenditures flatten again (Figure 8.2). The S-Curve is
one of the most commonly techniques to control the project costs.
0 5 10 15 20
- Constructing a simple bar chart for all the tasks of the project.
Example 8.2
Consider the project shown in Figure 8.3. The costs of activities are assumed as shown in Table
8.1. The indirect costs of tasks are calculated considering a daily cost of LE500. It is required to
draw the S-curve of the total cost of the project.
4 14 12 22
2 3
A(4) E(4)
6 6 16 18 24 26 32 32
B(6) F(10) H(8) I(6)
00 00 1 4 5 6 9
C(2) G(16)
J(6) 8
2 16 22 22
The S-curve is calculated based on the project's bar chart and the expenditures of each activity.
As illustrated in Figure 8.3, the eleven activities of this project are scheduled across a 32-day
time span. A bar chart representation of these activities is drawn in Figure 8.4 showing the total
costs associated with each activity above each activity's bar. The figure shows the total
expenditures and the cumulative bi-daily expenditures across the life of the project. The S-curve
of the cumulative expenditures over time is plotted in Figure 8.5.
Time (days)
Cost (x LE000) 10 10 12 14 10 10 16 16 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 2
Cumulative cost 10 20 32 46 56 66 82 98 106 114 122 130 136 142 148 150
(x LE1000)
Cumulative Cost (X $1000)
10 34 58 12
7 16
9 20 24 28 32
Time (days)
The flow of money from the owner to the contractor is in the form of progress payments.
Estimates of work completed are made by the contractors periodically (usually monthly), and are
verified by the owner's representative. Depending on the type of contract (e.g., lump sum, unit
price, etc.), these estimates are based on evaluations of the percentage of total contract
completion or actual field measurements of quantities placed. Owners usually retain 10% of all
validated progress payment claims submitted by contractors. The accumulated retainage
payments are usually paid to the contractor with the last payment. As opposed the expenses
presented in Figure 8.1 with smooth profile, the revenue will be a stepped curve. Also, when the
contractor collects his/her money it is named project income (cash in) as shown in Figure 8.6.
LE x1000
500 Revenue
400 Income
0 Time
0 2 4 6 8 10
The time period shown in Figure 8.6 represents the time intervals at which changes in income
occur. When calculating contract income it is necessary to pay attention to the retention and/or
the advanced payment to the contractor if any.
Retention is the amount of money retained by the owner from every invoice, before a
payment is made to the contractor. This is to ensure that the contractor will continue the
work and that no problems will arise after completion. This retainage amount ranges from
5% to 10% and hold by the owner from every invoice till the end of the contract. The whole
amount will be paid to the contractor at the end of the contract.
Advanced payment
This is amount of money paid to the contractor for mobilization purposes. Then, it is
deducted from contract progress payment. Applying this strategy improves the contractor
cash flow and prevents him/her from loading the prices at the beginning of the contract. This
strategy, however, may be used only in projects that require expensive site preparation,
temporary facilities on site, and storage of expensive materials at the beginning of the
Having determined the contract expenses and income as presented in the previous section, it is
possible to calculate the contract cash flow. If we plotted the contract expense and income curves
against each other, then the cash flow is the difference between the points of both curves. Figure
8.7 shows the cash flow of a specific contract. The hatched area represents the difference
between the contractor’s expense and income curves, i.e., the amount that the contractor will
need to finance. The larger this area, the more money to be financed and the more interest
charges are expected to cost the contractor.
Cumulative cost (LE)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The contractor may request an advanced or mobilization payment from the owner. This shifts the
position of the income profile so that no overdraft occurs as shown in Figure 8.8.
Cumulative Cost (LE)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In case of less number of payments (two or three payments) along the contract period, this will
lead to increase the overdraft as shown in Figure 8.9.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Form the previous study, the factors that affect the project finance (cash flow) are and should
considered when calculating the cash flow:
The cash flow calculations are made as described in the following steps:
Example 8.3
To illustrate the steps of cash flow calculations, consider the same project presented in Figure
8.3. The total cost of the activities is presented in Table 8.1.
In this project, the markup equals 5% and the contractor will pay his expenses immediately.
Retention is 10% and will be paid back with the last payment. The calculations will be made
every 8 days, i.e., the contractor will receive his/her payment every 8-days (time period).
Owner’s payment is delayed one period, while the contractor will submit the first invoice after
the first period. No advanced payment is given to the contractor.
The project revenue of each activity is calculated as revenue = cost (1 + markup) as shown in
Table 8.2. The activities timing is presented in Example 8.2.
A 4 04.00 04.20
B 6 12.00 12.60
C 2 04.00 04.20
D 8 16.00 16.80
E 4 20.00 21.00
F 10 20.00 21.00
G 16 16.00 16.80
H 8 24.00 25.20
I 6 12.00 12.60
J 6 12.00 12.60
K 10 10.00 10.50
By summing up the activities cost and revenue, then the contract total cost equals LE 150,000
and the total revenue equals LE 157,500. By considering that both the cost and the revenue are
evenly distributed over the activities durations. The calculations are presented as shown in Figure
8.10. The calculations will be made every 8-days period.
As shown in Figure 8.10, the project duration is divided into four periods each one equals 8 days.
In addition, one period is added after project completion. Simple calculations are then performed
with the top four rows showing the project expenses. The next five rows for income, and the last
row for cash flow. As shown, after summing up the costs it became direct expenses to the
contractor as there is no delay in paying them.
The expected owner payments are then added up to from the project revenue. The retention is
subtracted from the owner payment and will be paid back to the contractor with the last payment
(row 7 in Figure 8.10). Then, the revenue is delayed by one period to form the contractor
income. The calculations in the last row are the difference between the project income and
project expense. Having two values in some periods shows the sudden change of the cash flow as
the contractor receives more payments from the owner. For example, in the second period, just
before the contractor receive his/her payment the cash flow was (0 – 98,000 = - 98,000 LE). As
the contractor receives a payment of LE 43,470, the cash flow improves and becomes -54,530
(43,470 – 98,000).
Time (days)
As seen from Figure 8.10, the maximum overdraft money (maximum cash) is LE98,000 and will
be needed at the 16th day of the project. Thus shows the importance of studying the contract cash
flow. Accordingly, the contractor can made his arrangements to secure the availability of this
fund on the specified time.
Figure 8.11 shows the contract expense and income curves. These curves will be needed to
calculate the contractor cost of borrowing or investment of the overdraft money (area between
expense and income). Figure 8.12 shows the contact net cash flow.
140 Area = LE 10,000
130 x 1 period (8-days)
LE x1000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (period)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
LE x 1000
Time (period)
It is very essential to the contractor to minimize his/her negative cash flow because this may
hinder him/her during performing the contract due to lack of financial resources. Among the
procedures the contractor may follow to minimize negative cash flow is:
- Loading of rates, in which the contractor increases the prices of the earlier items in the bill
of quantities. This ensures more income at the early stages of the project. However, this
technique might represent a risk to the contractor or the owner.
- Adjustment of work schedule to late start timing in order to delay payments. In this case,
the contractor should be aware that in this case in delay might happen will affect the
project completion time and may subject him/her to liquidated damages.
- Reduction of delays in receiving revenues.
- Asking for advanced or mobilization payment.
- Achievement of maximum production in the field to increase the monthly payments.
- Increasing the mark up and reducing the retention.
- Adjust the timing of delivery of large material orders to be with the submittal of the
monthly invoice.
- Delay in paying labor wages, equipment rentals, material suppliers and subcontractors.
Cash requirements (negative cash flows) during a project result in a contractor either having to
borrow money to meet his/her obligation or using funds from the company reserves, which my
have been more profitably if employed elsewhere. Accordingly, there should be a charge against
the project for the use of these funds.
One of the methods to determine the amount of interest to be charged during a contract is to
calculate the area between the expenses and income curves. To simplify the calculations, the area
is calculated in terms of units of LE x time period (money x time). The time may be in days,
weeks, months, etc. The underneath the expense curve is considered as negative area (negative
cash), while the area above the expense curve is considered positive area (positive cash). The
total net number of area units is calculated and multiplied by the value of the unit and the result
is multiplied by the interest rate or rate of investment.
Note that, the interest rate should be calculated in the same time period as the time period of the
unit areas. For example, if the units’ areas are calculated in LE.month, then the interest arte
should be in months.
Example 8.4
Consider example 8.3, it is required to calculate the cost of borrowing if the interest rate is 1%
every time period (8-days).
Referring to Figure 8.11, the approximate number of unit areas between the expense and the
income curves equals 24 units. Each unit equals LE 10,000 time period.
Example 8.5
The expense and income curves for a specific contract are shown in Figure 8.13. During
construction, money will be borrowed from the bank as required at an interest rate of 15% per
year. Income from project earns an interest of 12% per year. Calculate the net interest to be
charged to the project.
70 2
LE x1000
30 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (month)
Example 8.6
Table 8.3 shows a contractor’s project budget and profit distribution for a newly awarded
contract. The contractor will receive monthly payment less 10% retention and will be paid to the
contractor one month later. Half the retention is released on project completion and the other half
is released six months later. To reduce administrative costs, the owner proposed to the contractor
that measurements and payments be made every two months with a delay of one month before
the contractor receives payment. It is required:
- Prepare graphs of cumulative cash out and expenses for both monthly and bi-monthly
measurements. Assume an average payment delay of one month of the contractor’s cost.
- Calculate the maximum amount of capital needed to execute the project with monthly and
bi-monthly measurements.
- Calculate the cost of borrowing for extra funding needed, if the measurement is made bi-
monthly. Given that the investment rate is 15% per annum.
The calculations of the project’s cash in and cash out passed on monthly and bi-monthly
measurements are presented in Table 8.4. As shown, the time scale of Table 8.4 is 16 months. As
given in the example, the project duration is 10 months, and half of the retention will be paid
after six month of project completion. The total project value is LE 56,000. Then the total
retention is LE 5,600 (0.10 x 56,000).
The cumulative expense and income curves are shown in Figure 8.14.
- The maximum cash needed in case of monthly measurement is LE 6850 at month 6 and 7
immediately before payment is received as shown in row k of Table 8.4.
- The maximum cash needed in case of bi-monthly measurement is LE 14050 at month 7
immediately before payment is received as shown in row l of Table 8.4.
The extra fund required to finance the project if measurements and payments are made every two
months is represented by the shaded area on Figure 8.14.
d. Cumulative value (LE x 1000) 2.7 6.3 10.8 18 25.2 32.4 38.7 44.1 48.6 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4
h. Cost = b(1-g) (LE x1000) 2.55 3.4 4.5 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.3 5.4 4.75 1.9 - - - - - -
i. Cumulative cost (LE x1000) 2.55 5.95 10.45 17.65 24.85 32.05 38.35 43.75 48.5 50.4 - - - - - -
j. Cumulative expense (LE x1000) - 2.55 5.95 10.45 17.65 24.85 32.05 38.35 43.75 48.5 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4
k. Cash flow monthly -2.55 -32.5 -4.15 -6.85 -6.85 -6.85 -5.95 -5.05 -4.4 -1.8
0 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 5.6
measurements = e - j (LE x 1000) 0.15 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.1 2.8
Cash out Cash in (bi-monthly)
LE x1000
15 Cash in (monthly)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time (month)
Figure 8.14: Cash out and cash in based on monthly and bi-monthly measurement intervals
The project cash flow deals with the whole life of the project not the construction period only.
Thus, project cash flow studies the project finance from the feasibility studies phase till the
operation phase. In this case, the time is much longer than that of the contract. At the early stage
of a project, the project experience negative cash flow as there is no income in these stages. In
the operation stage, the revenue will increase than the expenses. Atypical project cash flow is
shown in Figure 8.15. When comparing the economics of projects, the cumulative cash flow
provides indicators for such comparison as payback period, profit, and the maximum capital.
These indicators called the profitability indicators.
cash flow
Project duration
It is the difference between total payments and total revenue without the effect of time on
the value of money. When comparing alternatives, the project with the maximum profit is
ranked the best.
Maximum capital
It is the maximum demand of money, i.e., the summation of all negative cash
(expenditures). The project with minimum capital required is ranked the best.
Payback period
It is the length of time that it takes for a capital budgeting project to recover its initial cost,
where the summation of both cash out and cash in equals zero. When comparing
alternatives, the project with the shortest payback period is ranked the best.
Example 8.7
Two projects A and B have annual net cash flows as show in Table 8.5. Assume all cash flows
occur at the year-end. Establish the ranking of the projects in order of attractiveness to the
company using:
a. Maximum capital needed b. Profit c. Payback period
The cumulative cash flow of projects A and B are shown in Figure 8.16. From the figure the
following indicators are drawn:
Project A
0 2 4 6 8
Project B
- Maximum capital: project A (LE 80,000) is better than project B (LE 110,000) because it
needs less capital.
- Profit: Project B (LE 80,000) is more profitable than project A (LE 65,000).
- Payback period: Project A (5 years) is better than project B (6 years) because is has shorter
payback period.
The value of money is dependent on the time at which it is received. A sum of money on hand
today is worth more than the same sum of money to be received in the future because the money
on hand today can be invested to earn interest to gain more than the same money in the future.
Thus, studying the present value of money (or the discounted value) that will be received in the
future is very important. This concept will be demonstrated in the following subsections.
Present value (PV) describes the process of determining what a cash flow to be received in the
future is worth in today's pounds. Therefore, the Present Value of a future cash flow represents
the amount of money today which, if invested at a particular interest rate, will grow to the
amount of the future cash flow at that time in the future. The process of finding present values is
called Discounting and the interest rate used to calculate present values is called the discount
To illustrate this concept, if you were to invest LE 100 today with an interest rate of 10%
compounded annually, this investment will grow to LE 110 [100 x (1 + 0.1)] in one year. The
investment earned LE 10. At the end of year two, the current balance LE 110 will be invested
and this investment will grow to LE 121 [110 x (1 + 0.1)]. Accordingly, investing a current
amount of money, P, for one year, with interest rate, r, will result in a future amount, C using the
following equation.
C = P . (1 + r) (8.2)
C = P. (1 + r )n (8.3)
In contrary to the Equation 8.3, the present value (the discounted value), P, of a future some of
money, C, that will be received after n years if the discount rate is r is calculated as follow:
P = C / (1 + r )n (8.4)
For example, the present value of $100 to be received three years from now is $75.13 if the
discount rate is 10% compounded annually.
Example 8.8
Find the present value of the following cash flow stream given that the interest rate is 10%.
Net present value (NPV) is the summation of all PV of cash flows of the project, where expenses
are considered negative and incomes are considered positive. A project will be considered
profitable and acceptable if it gives a positive NPV. When comparing projects, the project with
the largest (positive) NPV should be selected.
Example 8.9
The Table below illustrates the net cash flow of two projects over 5 years. Using the NPV, which
project would you prefer if the discount rate 10%.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Project A (LE ) -100 500 400 200 100
Project B (LE ) -1000 100 200 400 700
Project A:
Project B:
From the results of the NPV, project A should be chosen since it has the larger NPV.
The internal rate of return (IRR) of a capital budgeting project is the discount rate (r) at which
the NPV of a project equals zero. The IRR decision rule specifies that a project with an IRR
greater than the minimum return on capital should be accepted. When choosing among
alternative projects, the project with the highest IRR should be selected (as long as the IRR is
greater than the minimum acceptable return of capital). The IRR is assumed to be constant over
the project life.
Example 8.10
Calculate the IRR for both projects presented in Example 8.9, and compare among them using
the resulted IRR. Assume the return on capital equals 10%.
Project A:
Project B:
Both projects are acceptable as they produce IRR grater than the return (cost) on capital.
However, when comparing them, Project A should be chosen since it has the higher IRR.
The total price of a tender comprises the cost and the markup. The cost includes direct and
indirect costs. The markup, on the other hand, includes profit margin, financial charges (cost of
borrowing), and a risk allowance margin (Figure 8.17). Estimating activities direct costs
presented previously in chapter 3. Estimating indirect costs presented earlier in this chapter.
Markup Cost
If you are much involved in the construction business, you must have experienced how difficult
it is to decide on a suitable margin to make your bid competitive against other contractors. We
need to decide on the markup percentage that makes the bid low enough to win and, at the same
time, high enough to make reasonable profit. Generally, contractors often have to main methods
of assessing a specific contract markup:
- Estimating a single percentage markup to be added to the total cost. It is assumed that this
percentage will cover all the components of markup as shown in Figure 8.17; and
- Detailed analysis of the risky components in the project and their impact on the project in
terms of increased time and cost. Also, cash flow analysis to estimate the financial charge
and estimating a reasonable profit margin.
Calculations of the financial charges (cost of borrowing) were, also, presented previously in this
chapter based on the cash flow analysis of the contract. Estimating profit and risk allowance
margins will be presented in the next subsection.
Profit is the reward the contractor expecting to gain form performing a specific contract in retune
of his efforts and skills. Also, profit is the part of money that the contractor will retain after
paying every thing including the taxes, the insurance, etc. Estimating a value for the profit
margin is usually depends on the market conditions. However, the factors that might affect
choosing a profit margin values are summarized as follows:
Uncertainty and risks usually leads to project completion delays and cost overruns. Uncertainty
is the gap between the information required to estimate an outcome and the information already
possessed by the decision maker. Thus, the early assessment of the risks and uncertainties which
would affect the construction of a project may improve the performance in terms of time and
money. Risk management is a major step in project planning; however, it is a complex process
since the variables are dynamic and dependent on variety of conditions such as: project size,
project complexity, location, time of the year, etc. In order to offset the effect of risks time
and/or cost contingencies should be added to cover unforeseen occurrences.
We need risk management to minimize management by crisis; minimize surprises and problems;
increase probability of project success; and better handle on true costs and schedules by properly
estimating contingencies.
Risk management is defined as the process for systematically identifying, analyzing, and
responding to risk events throughout the life of a project to obtain the optimum or acceptable
degree of risk elimination or control. Accordingly, the major steps of risk management are:
- Identification of risks;
- Responses to avoid, reduce, or transfer risk;
- Analysis and assessment of residual risks after the risk responses; and
- Adding time and /or cost contingency for residual risks in the project estimates.
In general, in risk allocation, the risk should be carried out by the party (client or contractor) who
is best able to make the assessment of the risk or uncertainty. If there is any doubt, it should be
carried out by the client. This is because, it is better for the client to pay for what does happen
rather than for what the contractor thought might happen in these risks.
Risk Identification
Construction risk is defined as the possibility of undesirable extra cost or delay due to factors
having uncertain future outcome. Or it the possibility of suffering loss and the impact that loss
has on the involved party. The purpose is to identify all risks to the project/contract and provide a
preliminary assessment of their consequences. Identify every factor that may harm the project as
potential risk. For example, one may state “If the lay-down area is not optimized then
productivity will be too low;” “segmental liners may not be available prior to construction thus
delaying project”. In identifying risks, a number of approaches can be used including: standard
checklists; comparison to other projects; expert interviews; and brainstorming sessions.
Main categories of sources of risks are listed along with some examples of each category as
- Financial: Inflation which results in reducing the purchasing power of the currency;
New restrictions applied on importing materials and equipments;
Exchange rate fluctuation;
Changes in taxes;
Availability of funds; and
Delay payments by client.
Having identified a list of possible risks and uncertainties that a project may face, management
should develop responses to avoid, reduce or transfer these risks. The following list of actions
may be taken to reduce or transfer risks:
The previously mentioned items are some examples of the actions that may be taken to reduce or
transfer the effect of risks. However, some risks will not be eliminated. To deal with residual
risks, a detailed risk analysis may be required.
Time contingency
- A general allowance is added to the overall contract duration when most the activities
will be affected by the risk. For example, effect of bad weather which will affect all
running activities.
- Allowance is added to a particular activity affected by the risk.
Cost contingency
Also, the contractor has to assess the risks he/she is going to retain and include appropriate
cost contingency allowance to the contract estimate. This allowance can be added as a fixed
percentage of money from the direct cost based on the contractor experience. However, this
allowance might not be appropriate for the specific risks. Also, it results in a single figure
estimate. This method can be used when there is no means for performing risk analysis. The
second method is to make a detailed analysis of risks as presented in the next subsection.
Example 8.11
- Client’s delays;
- Troubles encountered with public services;
- Late supply of materials; and
- Equipment breakdown.
As a contractor, give your views on the possible responses to deal with them.
- Client’s delay: the contractor should supply an activity schedule to warn the client and to
be an evidence for the delay.
- Troubles encountered with public services: the contractor should use maps of new tools
to locate public services. Also, he may use trial pits.
- Late supply of materials: the contractor should secure advanced delivery dates and
alternative suppliers.
- Equipment breakdown: the contractor should supply the site with a complete workshop
for maintenance of equipment.
Risk Analysis
After applying the responses to risks mention in the previous section, there are still some residual
risks that need risk analysis to assess their impact on the project time and cost. This risk analysis
is the process which incorporates uncertainty in a quantitative manner, using probability theory,
to evaluate the potential impact of risk. The basic steps of risk analysis are:
- Choose the appropriate probability distribution which best fit risk variables;
- Define the affected activities by these risk variables; and
- Use a simulation model to evaluate the impact of risks (Monte Carlo Simulation).
This, risk analysis usually includes: sensitivity analysis; and probability analysis.
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis is used to identify those variables which contribute most to the risk of
the contract (time and/or cost). The purpose of this analysis is to eliminate those risk
variables which have minor impact on the performance criteria and hence reduce problem
size and effort. The following procedure for risk sensitivity analysis will be followed:
- Three values of each risk variables occurrence are to be specified: a most likely, an
optimistic, and a pessimistic;
- To assess the effect of each risk variable:
• Set all other risk variables at their most likely value;
• Determine a value (A) for the performance (cost and/or time) criteria when risk
variable under consideration is set at its optimistic value;
• Determine another value (B) for the performance criteria (cost and/or time) when risk
variable under consideration is set at its pessimistic value;
• The difference between the obtained two values (A – B) of the performance criteria
is checked (subjectively).
Probability analysis
The purpose of the probability analysis is to determine the effect of those risk variables
which have a significant impact on the performance criteria of the project. The following
procedure for risk probability analysis will be followed
Cumulative probability distribution %
Mean Cost
Base Cost = C Contingency
Target Cost = D
Having all contract costs (direct and indirect), and markup components (profit margin, risk
allowance and financial charge), it is time to finalize the bid price. While, the direct cost are
associated directly to the contract activities, indirect cost and markup are not associated with
specific activities but with the whole contract. Accordingly, pricing policy is the method by
which the indirect costs and markup will be distributed among the items of the bill of quantities,
so that the bid price is ready to be submitted to the client.
In this method the indirect cost and the markup will be distributed among different items based
on their direct cost; i.e., the more the direct cost of an item, the more its share from indirect cost
and markup. The resulting bid price is called a balance d bid.
The share of specific item = Direct cost of this item x (total indirect cost + markup)
Total contract direct cost
Example 8.12
Assume that the direct cost for an item (a) is LE 400,000 and that item is included in a contract
whose price is LE 3,500,000 and its total direct cost is LE 2,800,000. Calculate the price for item
(a) considering a balanced bid.
Indirect cost + markup (for the whole contract) = Bid price - direct cost
= 3,500,000 - 2,800,000 = LE 700,000
The contract price is said to be unbalanced if the contractor raises the prices on certain bid items
(usually the early items on the bill of quantities) and decreases the prices on other items so that
the tender price remain the same. This process is also called the loading of rates. The contractor
usually loads the prices of the first items to ensure more cash at the beginning of the contract and
to reduce the negative cash flow and accordingly reduces borrowing of money.
Loading of rates may be risky to both the contractor and the owner. If the contractor raised the
price for an item and the quantity of this item increased than that was estimated in the bill of
quantities then, this situation is more risky to the owner as it will cost the owner more money. On
the other hand, if the contractor reduced the price of a specific item and the quantity of that item
increased, thus situation will be more risky to the contractor. So, it is better to follow a balanced
way of distributing the indirect costs and markup among contract items.
Example 8.13
Consider a small contract comprises of five sequential activities of equal duration. The quantity
of work in each activity, the direct cost rate, and total cost rate for balanced and unbalanced bid
are given in Table 8.6.
- Compare the cash flow curves for both balanced and unbalanced bids;
- Determine the effect of unbalanced bid on the contractors profit if:
• Quantity of activity (B) is increased by 50%.
• Quantity of activity (C) is increased by 50%.
Assume each activity with one time unit duration then, the cash flow will be as given in Table
8.7. Also, cash flow curves for both balanced and unbalanced curves are shown In Figure 8.19. It
shows that in the unbalanced bid, the contractor will receive more money in the early stages of
the contract.
Unbalanced bid
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- Table 8.8 shows the effect of tender price if the quantity of activity “B” increased by
- The price of the unbalanced bid (7200) is grater than that of the balanced bid (7000)
which means more profit to the contractor and more risk to the owner.
In another way:
- Total direct cost = 5200 + 50 x 8 = 5600
- Indirect cost & markup for balanced bid = 7000 – 5600 = 1400 = 25% of direct cost
- Indirect cost & markup for unbalanced bid = 7200 – 5600 = 1600 = 29% of direct cost
This increase means that the profit of the contractor has been increased and thus represents
risk to the owner.
- Table 8.9 shows the effect of tender price if the quantity of activity “C” increased by
- The price of the unbalanced bid (7400) is less than that of the balanced bid (7500) which
means less profit and more risk to the contractor.
In another way:
- Total direct cost = 5200 + 50 x 16 = 6000
- Indirect cost & markup for balanced bid = 7500 – 6000 = 1500 = 25% of direct cost
- Indirect cost & markup for unbalanced bid = 7400 – 6000 = 1400 = 23% of direct cost
This decrease means that the profit of the contractor has been decreased and thus represents
risk to the contractor.
The prices entered in the conventional bill of quantities might not represent the real cost of the
work defined in the individual items. This is because not all costs are directly related to the
quantity of work completed. Therefore, adjustment of the price due to a change in quantity of a
particular item may not represent the real variation in cost. This is usually produces unnecessary
amount of uncertainty and financial problems in many contracts.
For example, site overheads are mainly time related charge. In the conventional bill of quantities,
the cost of site overheads is recovered by spreading it over the quantity proportional rates. If
variations occur and the site facilities are required for a longer period of time, there is no
systematic way to adjust the contract price.
If the time-related site overhead costs could be entered in the bills of quantities as a time-related
charge, then the cash flow pattern would be realistic and the price of this item could be adjusted
in case of any variations happened.
Thus, the method related charge is proposed to enable contractors to enter any operation whose
cost is time related and not directly linked to the quantities of work being done. It allows the
contractor to define fixed and time-related charges that cove charges which are independent of
the quantity of work completed. These charges are called method-related charges. Table 8.10
gives an example of these items.
Figure 8.20 shows an actual bill of quantities for a project where safety and health equipment,
mobilization, and scaffolds used are listed as separate items in the bill of quantities.
a) Decontaminate steel structure 1100
a) Support walls 1200
b) Rolling Scaffold 1200
Figure 8.20: Bill od quantities showing some items such as scaffold an safety equipment