Jose Maria College: College of Teacher Education
Jose Maria College: College of Teacher Education
Jose Maria College: College of Teacher Education
I – Objectives
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Subject-verb agreement
Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: Observing subject-verb agreement
Learning Competencies:
1. Observe Subject-Verb Agreement (EN7G-I-a-II)
III – Procedures
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Classroom Management
B. Activity (Motivation)
7. The teacher will ask the students what they observed with the verb tense in the sentences?
1. With the same group, each will be given one paragraph of “The Story of Cinderella”.
2. Let the students read the assigned paragraph.
3. The students will list down all the verbs in the story.
Group 1
Cinderella lived in a small village in the north of
England. She had two sisters; they were very bicycle in the street. Now you can go to the
ugly. She got up every morning at six o'clock, party, but you must return before 12 o'clock."
then she made breakfast for her sisters, and Cinderella said, "Thank you." She put on the
afterwards she cleaned the house. glass shoes and the red dress. She looked very
She worked all day. Her two ugly pretty. Then she went to the party by bicycle.
sisters were very lazy; they never did any
work because Cinderella did everything. GROUP 4
Cinderella was very unhappy.
The party was very good. At first,
GROUP 2 Cinderella was very shy but after an hour, the
Prince asked Cinderella to dance.
One day, the postman came to the house. They danced for a long time. The
He gave Cinderella's sister an envelope. In the Prince said to Cinderella, "I like your dress and
envelope there were three invitations to a you are very pretty." Cinderella was very
party at the Prince's house. She said to her happy. She forgot what time it was. Suddenly
sisters, "Fantastic! There is a party at the the clock rang. Cinderella said, "Oh no! I must
Prince's house. I can wear my new red dress go. It is 12 o'clock." She ran home and at the
and Esmerelda can wear her new blue dress, door of the Prince's house, she lost her shoe.
but Cinderella can't go because her dress is old
and dirty and she hasn't got any shoes." GROUP 5
Base form + -ed / -d (e. g.:cook-cooked)
Any past tense form of irregular verbs (e.g: fall – fell)
1. The students will create a one short paragraph about their Christmas vacation last year using
simple past tense.
Content 10 points
Grammar 10 points
Proper usage of simple past 10 points
IV – Evaluation
5.Were you (frighten) ___ of the dark when you were young?
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