Experimental Study On The Banana Fiber RC
Experimental Study On The Banana Fiber RC
Experimental Study On The Banana Fiber RC
Abstract— now a days the use of waste product in • Application of life cycle costing
concrete is an efficient sustainable method. As an
example use of plastic, glass and other many types of by • Focus on quality
products are used as a fibre in concrete mix. The main
aim of mixing this types of constituents to concrete are II. BANANA FIBER
to avoid crack, to maintain sustainability, to gain Musa sapientum which is commonly known as
durability and to gain the flexural strength. This paper banana is an herbaceous plant of the family Musaceae.
describes about the use of banana peel and its leaf being The plant is produced from its fruits and mainly
mixed with different grades of concrete which resulted cultivated for the production of fibre. The Musa
in good tensile strength and with an amount of decrease sapientum can grow up to a height of about 2-8m and
in cement content.
the length of leaves are of about 3.5m. Considering
Keywords— Concrete, Musa Sapientum, Banana, the upsurge within the prizes of placental fields and
Fibre, IS Codes. their increasing demand, this study was conducted to
examine the result about the chemical composition,
I. INTRODUCTION biological process and anti-nutritional qualities.
According to World Commission on Environment • With the decrease in availability of lime and
and Development of the United Nations, sustainability considering the environmental effect of cement, it
means “meeting the needs of the present without has become necessary to find a replacement in
compromising the ability of the future generations to terms of binding material at some proportion.
meet their own needs. It incorporates the Banana peel can be termed as a waste material if
environmental, economic and social consideration not ceased for further sterilization.
often referred to as “the three pillars” of sustainability. Concrete plays a vital role in the construction
India’s construction sector is assessed at Rs. 4000 work and as the rates of cement and other
billion. As a result government is spending in private constituents are increasing day by day, waste
investments as well as foreign direct investment and products can be a good form of replacement.
has made India in one of the top spending nations on Outsourcing has been very less on the subjected
topic but experimental work has been done on
construction in the world. India manufactures more
various cultivars of banana fibre for physical and
than 250 million tons of cement and contribute 7% of
chemical properties of its stem and peel.
co2 emission.
In 1994, the international council of building defined III. MATERIALUSED
the concept of sustainable construction as on
“responsible for creating and maintaining” a healthy A. CEMENT
built environment based on the efficient use of The cement specification and testing are
resources and in the project based on ecological conforming to Indian standard code IS: 8112. So, in
principles. Seven principles are this project OPC 43 Grade cement is used and keeping
in the mind of environmental impact we are taken
• Reduce resource consumption cement content as less as possible.
• Reuse resources B. FINE AGGREGATES
• Use recycle resources Fine aggregate is the main important stint factor in
concrete, fine aggregate are nothing but sand which
• Protection of nature are size of less than 4.75mm. So Fine aggregate are
testing conforming to Indian Standard 383 are used.
• Elimination of toxics
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
20mm aggregate are used for the concrete mix 50
40 0%
The quality of mixing water for mortar has visual 30
effect on resulting. Water should be free from acids,
oils, alkalis, vegetables or other organic impurities. 20 0.50%
Soft waters also produce weaker concrete. Water has
two functions in a concrete mix. Firstly, it reacts with
the cement and forms cement paste and aggregates are 0 1%
held suspension until the cement paste hardens.
Secondly, it acts as a lubricant for the mixture of fine 7Days 14Days 28Days
aggregates and cement.
0% 940 41.7 0
1% 1000 44.44
FIG.1.1 .COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF M30 GRADE Split tensile strength was done according to [15].It is
CONCRETE, STRENGTH VS DAYS observed that flexural strength increased with addition
of fiber to the concrete. From the graph it is observed
that on addition of 0.5% of fiber, the split tensile
strength of concrete is reduced and the toughness was
increased of the fibrous concrete.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue