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Q. 1 - Q. 5 Carry One Mark Each.: GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-4

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GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-4

Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each.

Q.1 Once the team of analysts identify the problem, we _________ in a better position to
comment on the issue.

Which one of the following choices CANNOT fill the given blank?

(A) will be (B) were to be

(C) are going to be (D) might be

Q.2 A final examination is the _________ of a series of evaluations that a student has to go

(A) culmination (B) consultation

(C) desperation (D) insinuation

Q.3 If IMHO = JNIP; IDK = JEL; and SO = TP, then IDC = ____.


Q.4 The product of three integers X, Y and Z is 192. Z is equal to 4 and P is equal to the
average of X and Y. What is the minimum possible value of P?

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9.5

Q.5 Are there enough seats here? There are ________ people here than I expected.

(A) many (B) most (C) least (D) more

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GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-4

Q. 6 – Q. 10 carry two marks each.

Q.6 Fiscal deficit was 4% of the GDP in 2015 and that increased to 5% in 2016. If the GDP
increased by 10% from 2015 to 2016, the percentage increase in the actual fiscal deficit is

(A) 37.50 (B) 35.70 (C) 25.00 (D) 10.00

Q.7 Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours respectively, while a third pipe R
can empty the tank in 12 hours. Initially, P and R are open for 4 hours. Then P is closed
and Q is opened. After 6 more hours R is closed. The total time taken to fill the tank (in
hours) is ____.

(A) 13.50 (B) 14.50 (C) 15.50 (D) 16.50

Q.8 While teaching a creative writing class in India, I was surprised at receiving stories from
the students that were all set in distant places: in the American West with cowboys and in
Manhattan penthouses with clinking ice cubes. This was, till an eminent Caribbean writer
gave the writers in the once-colonised countries the confidence to see the shabby lives
around them as worthy of being “told”.

The writer of this passage is surprised by the creative writing assignments of his students,
because _____________.

(A) Some of the students had written stories set in foreign places
(B) None of the students had written stories set in India
(C) None of the students had written about ice cubes and cowboys
(D) Some of the students had written about ice cubes and cowboys

Q.9 Mola is a digital platform for taxis in a city. It offers three types of rides – Pool, Mini and
Prime. The Table below presents the number of rides for the past four months. The platform
earns one US dollar per ride. What is the percentage share of revenue contributed by Prime
to the total revenues of Mola, for the entire duration?

January February March April
Pool 170 320 215 190
Mini 110 220 180 70
Prime 75 180 120 90

(A) 16.24 (B) 23.97 (C) 25.86 (D) 38.74

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GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-4

Q.10 X is an online media provider. By offering unlimited and exclusive online content at
attractive prices for a loyalty membership, X is almost forcing its customers towards its
loyalty membership. If its loyalty membership continues to grow at its current rate, within
the next eight years more households will be watching X than cable television.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the above paragraph?

(A) Most households that subscribe to X’s loyalty membership discontinue watching cable
(B) Non-members prefer to watch cable television
(C) Cable television operators don’t subscribe to X’s loyalty membership
(D) The X is cancelling accounts of non-members


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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each.

Q.1 In matrix equation  A X   R ,

4 8 4  2  32 
 A  8 16 4 ,  X   1  and R  16  .
   

 4 4 15     
4  64 
One of the eigenvalues of matrix  A is

(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 15 (D) 16

Q.2 The directional derivative of the function f ( x, y)  x  y along a line directed from (0,0)
2 2

to (1,1), evaluated at the point x = 1, y = 1 is

(A) √2 (B) 2 (C) 2√2 (D) 4√2

Q.3 dy
The differential equation  4 y  5 is valid in the domain 0  x 1 with y  0   2.25 . The
solution of the differential equation is

(A) y  e4 x  5 (B) y  e4 x 1.25

(C) y  e4 x  5 (D) y  e4 x 1.25

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.4 An analytic function f  z  of complex variable z  x  i y may be written as

f  z   u  x, y   i v  x, y  . Then, u  x, y  and v  x, y  must satisfy

u v u v
(A)  and 
x y y x

u v u v
(B)  and 
x y y x

u v u v
(C)  and 
x y y x

u v u v
(D)  and 
x y y x

Q.5 A rigid triangular body, PQR, with sides of equal length of 1 unit moves on a flat plane. At
the instant shown, edge QR is parallel to the x-axis, and the body moves such that velocities
of points P and R are VP and VR , in the x and y directions, respectively. The magnitude of
the angular velocity of the body is

P y
VP x


(A) 2VR (B) 2VP (C) VR/√3 (D) VP/√3

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.6 Consider a linear elastic rectangular thin sheet of metal, subjected to uniform uniaxial tensile
stress of 100 MPa along the length direction. Assume plane stress conditions in the plane
normal to the thickness. The Young’s modulus E = 200 MPa and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3 are
given. The principal strains in the plane of the sheet are

(A) (0.35, −0.15) (B) (0.5, 0.0) (C) (0.5, −0.15) (D) (0.5, −0.5)

Q.7 A spur gear has pitch circle diameter D and number of teeth T. The circular pitch of the
gear is

D T D 2 D
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.8 Endurance limit of a beam subjected to pure bending decreases with

(A) decrease in the surface roughness and decrease in the size of the beam
(B) increase in the surface roughness and decrease in the size of the beam
(C) increase in the surface roughness and increase in the size of the beam
(D) decrease in the surface roughness and increase in the size of the beam

Q.9 A two-dimensional incompressible frictionless flow field is given by u  xˆi  yˆj . If  is the
density of the fluid, the expression for pressure gradient vector at any point in the flow field
is given as

(A)  xˆi  yˆj  
(B)   xˆi  yˆj 

(C)  xˆi  yˆj  
(D)   x 2ˆi  y 2ˆj 

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.10 Sphere 1 with a diameter of 0.1 m is completely enclosed by another sphere 2 of diameter
0.4 m. The view factor F12 is

(A) 0.0625 (B) 0.25

(C) 0.5 (D) 1.0

Q.11 One-dimensional steady state heat conduction takes place through a solid whose
cross-sectional area varies linearly in the direction of heat transfer. Assume there is no heat
generation in the solid and the thermal conductivity of the material is constant and
independent of temperature. The temperature distribution in the solid is

(A) Linear (B) Quadratic

(C) Logarithmic (D) Exponential

Q.12 For a simple compressible system, v, s, p and T are specific volume, specific entropy,
 v 
pressure and temperature, respectively. As per Maxwell’s relations,   is equal to
 s  p

 s   p 
(A)   (B)  
 T  p  v T

 T   T 
(C)    (D)  
 v  p  p  s

Q.13 Which one of the following modifications of the simple ideal Rankine cycle increases the
thermal efficiency and reduces the moisture content of the steam at the turbine outlet?

(A) Increasing the boiler pressure.

(B) Decreasing the boiler pressure.
(C) Increasing the turbine inlet temperature.
(D) Decreasing the condenser pressure.

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.14 Hardenability of steel is a measure of

(A) the ability to harden when it is cold worked

(B) the maximum hardness that can be obtained when it is austenitized and then quenched

(C) the depth to which required hardening is obtained when it is austenitized and then

(D) the ability to retain its hardness when it is heated to elevated temperatures

Q.15 The fluidity of molten metal of cast alloys (without any addition of fluxes) increases with
increase in

(A) viscosity (B) surface tension (C) freezing range (D) degree of superheat

Q.16 The cold forming process in which a hardened tool is pressed against a workpiece (when
there is relative motion between the tool and the workpiece) to produce a roughened surface
with a regular pattern is

(A) Roll forming (B) Strip rolling (C) Knurling (D) Chamfering

Q.17 The most common limit gage used for inspecting the hole diameter is

(A) Snap gage (B) Ring gage

(C) Plug gage (D) Master gage

Q.18 The transformation matrix for mirroring a point in x - y plane about the line y = x is given
1 0   1 0 
(A)   (B)  
0 1  0 1

0 1   0 1
(C)   (D)  
1 0   1 0 

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.19 If x is the mean of data 3, x, 2 and 4, then the mode is____

Q.20 The figure shows an idealized plane truss. If a horizontal force of 300 N is applied at
point A, then the magnitude of the force produced in member CD is ______ N.

Q.21 The state of stress at a point in a component is represented by a Mohr’s circle of radius
100 MPa centered at 200 MPa on the normal stress axis. On a plane passing through the same
point, the normal stress is 260 MPa. The magnitude of the shear stress on the same plane at
the same point is ______ MPa.

Q.22 A wire of circular cross-section of diameter 1.0 mm is bent into a circular arc of radius 1.0 m
by application of pure bending moments at its ends. The Young’s modulus of the material of
the wire is 100 GPa. The maximum tensile stress developed in the wire is ______ MPa.

Q.23 Water enters a circular pipe of length L = 5.0 m and diameter D = 0.20 m with Reynolds
number ReD = 500. The velocity profile at the inlet of the pipe is uniform while it is parabolic
at the exit. The Reynolds number at the exit of the pipe is ______.

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.24 A thin vertical flat plate of height L, and infinite width perpendicular to the plane of the
figure, is losing heat to the surroundings by natural convection. The temperatures of the plate
and the surroundings, and the properties of the surrounding fluid, are constant. The
relationship between the average Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers is given as Nu  K Ra ,

where K is a constant. The length scales for Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers are the height of
the plate. The height of the plate is increased to 16L keeping all other factors constant.

Vertical Plate

g=9.8 m/s2

If the average heat transfer coefficient for the first plate is h1 and that for the second plate is
h2, the value of the ratio h1/h2 is ______________.

Q.25 In an electrical discharge machining process, the breakdown voltage across inter electrode
gap (IEG) is 200 V and the capacitance of the RC circuit is 50 µF. The energy (in J) released
per spark across the IEG is____

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q. 26 – Q. 55 carry two marks each.

Given a vector u 
3  
 y3 ˆi  x3 ˆj  z 3 k̂ and n̂ as the unit normal vector to the surface of

the hemisphere ( x2  y 2  z 2  1; z  0 ), the value of integral    u   nˆ dS evaluated

on the curved surface of the hemisphere S is
 
(A)  (B)
2 3

 (D) 

Q.27 A differential equation is given as

d2 y dy
x2 2  2x  2 y  4 .
dx dx
The solution of the differential equation in terms of arbitrary constants C1 and C2 is

(A) y  C1 x 2  C2 x  2 C1
(B) y   C2 x  2

(C) y  C1 x 2  C2 x  4 C1
(D) y   C2 x  4

Q.28 The derivative of f(x) = cos(x) can be estimated using the approximation
𝑓 ′ (𝑥) = . The percentage error is calculated as
𝐸𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒−𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
( ) × 100. The percentage error in the derivative of
𝐸𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒

𝑓(𝑥) at x = π/6 radian, choosing h = 0.1 radian, is

(A) < 0.1 %

(B) > 0.1 % and < 1 %
(C) > 1 % and < 5 %
(D) > 5 %

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.29 A ball of mass 3 kg moving with a velocity of 4 m/s undergoes a perfectly-elastic

direct-central impact with a stationary ball of mass m. After the impact is over, the kinetic
energy of the 3 kg ball is 6 J. The possible value(s) of m is/are

(A) 1 kg only (B) 6 kg only (C) 1 kg, 6 kg (D) 1 kg, 9 kg

Q.30 Consider two concentric circular cylinders of different materials M and N in contact with
each other at 𝑟 = 𝑏, as shown below. The interface at 𝑟 = 𝑏 is frictionless. The composite
cylinder system is subjected to internal pressure 𝑃. Let (𝑢𝑟𝑀 , 𝑢𝜃𝑀 ) and (𝜎𝑟𝑟 𝑀 𝑀
, 𝜎𝜃𝜃 ) denote the
radial and tangential displacement and stress components, respectively, in material M.
Similarly, (𝑢𝑟𝑁 , 𝑢𝜃𝑁 ) and (𝜎𝑟𝑟
, 𝜎𝜃𝜃 ) denote the radial and tangential displacement and stress
components, respectively, in material N. The boundary conditions that need to be satisfied
at the frictionless interface between the two cylinders are:

M θ

(A) 𝑢𝑟𝑀 = 𝑢𝑟𝑁 and 𝜎𝑟𝑟

= 𝜎𝑟𝑟 only
(B) 𝑢𝑟𝑀 = 𝑢𝑟𝑁 and 𝜎𝑟𝑟
= 𝜎𝑟𝑟 and 𝑢𝜃𝑀 = 𝑢𝜃𝑁 and 𝜎𝜃𝜃
= 𝜎𝜃𝜃
(C) 𝑢𝜃𝑀 = 𝑢𝜃𝑁 and 𝜎𝜃𝜃
= 𝜎𝜃𝜃 only
(D) 𝜎𝑟𝑟 = 𝜎𝑟𝑟 and 𝜎𝜃𝜃 = 𝜎𝜃𝜃 only

Q.31 A prismatic, straight, elastic, cantilever beam is subjected to a linearly distributed transverse
load as shown below. If the beam length is L, Young’s modulus E, and area moment of
inertia I, the magnitude of the maximum deflection is



𝑞𝐿4 𝑞𝐿4 𝑞𝐿4 𝑞𝐿4

(A) (B) (C) (D)
15𝐸𝐼 30𝐸𝐼 10𝐸𝐼 60𝐸𝐼

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.32 A slender uniform rigid bar of mass 𝑚 is hinged at O and supported by two springs, with
stiffnesses 3𝑘 and 𝑘, and a damper with damping coefficient 𝑐, as shown in the figure. For
the system to be critically damped, the ratio 𝑐/√𝑘𝑚 should be

3k k


(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 2√7 (D) 4√7

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.33 The figure shows a heat engine (HE) working between two reservoirs. The amount of heat
(Q2) rejected by the heat engine is drawn by a heat pump (HP). The heat pump receives the
entire work output (W) of the heat engine. If temperatures, T1  T3  T2 , then the relation
between the efficiency (  ) of the heat engine and the coefficient of performance (COP) of
the heat pump is

T1 T3

Q1 Q3



(A) COP  (B) COP 1  

(C) COP  1 (D) COP  1  1

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.34 The binary phase diagram of metals P and Q is shown in the figure. An alloy X containing
60% P and 40% Q (by weight) is cooled from liquid to solid state. The fractions of solid and
liquid (in weight percent) at 1250 °C, respectively, will be

(A) 77.8% and 22.2% (B) 22.2% and 77.8%

(C) 68.0% and 32.0% (D) 32.0% and 68.0%

Q.35 The activities of a project, their duration and the precedence relationships are given in the
table. For example, in a precedence relationship “X < Y, Z” means that X is predecessor of
activities Y and Z. The time to complete the activities along the critical path is ______ weeks.

Activity Duration (Weeks) Precedence Relationship

A 5 A < B, C, D
B 7 B < E, F, G
C 10 C<I
D 6 D<G
E 3 E<H
F 9 F<I
G 7 G<I
H 4 H<I
I 2 ----

(A) 17 (B) 21

(C) 23 (D) 25

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.36 The crank of a slider-crank mechanism rotates counter-clockwise (CCW) with a constant
angular velocity 𝜔, as shown. Assume the length of the crank to be r.

w 1

2 1

Using exact analysis, the acceleration of the slider in the y-direction, at the instant shown,
where the crank is parallel to x-axis, is given by

(A) −𝜔2 𝑟 (B) 2𝜔2 𝑟 (C) 𝜔2 𝑟 (D) −2𝜔2 𝑟

Q.37 A horizontal cantilever beam of circular cross-section, length 1.0 m and flexural rigidity
EI = 200 N·m2 is subjected to an applied moment MA = 1.0 N·m at the free end as shown in
the figure. The magnitude of the vertical deflection of the free end is _______ mm (round
off to one decimal place).

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.38 Two masses A and B having mass ma and mb, respectively, lying in the plane of the figure
shown, are rigidly attached to a shaft which revolves about an axis through O perpendicular
to the plane of the figure. The radii of rotation of the masses ma and mb are ra and rb,
respectively. The angle between lines OA and OB is 90°. If ma = 10 kg, mb = 20 kg,
ra = 200 mm and rb = 400 mm, then the balance mass to be placed at a radius of 200 mm is
______ kg (round off to two decimal places).

Q.39 A four bar mechanism is shown in the figure. The link numbers are mentioned near the links.
Input link 2 is rotating anticlockwise with a constant angular speed w2 . Length of different
links are:
O2O4  O2 A  L,
AB = O4 B = 2L .
The magnitude of the angular speed of the output link 4 is w4 at the instant when link 2
makes an angle of 90 with O2O4 as shown. The ratio 4 is ______ (round off to two
decimal places).

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.40 The probability that a part manufactured by a company will be defective is 0.05. If 15 such
parts are selected randomly and inspected, then the probability that at least two parts will be
defective is ______ (round off to two decimal places).

Q.41 A uniform disc with radius 𝑟 and a mass of 𝑚 kg is mounted centrally on a horizontal axle
of negligible mass and length of 1.5𝑟. The disc spins counter-clockwise about the axle with
angular speed 𝜔, when viewed from the right-hand side bearing, Q. The axle precesses about
a vertical axis at 𝜔𝑝 = 𝜔 ⁄ 10 in the clockwise direction when viewed from above. Let 𝑅𝑃
and 𝑅𝑄 (positive upwards) be the resultant reaction forces due to the mass and the gyroscopic
effect, at bearings P and Q, respectively. Assuming 𝜔2 𝑟 = 300 m/s2 and 𝑔 = 10 m/s 2,
the ratio of the larger to the smaller bearing reaction force (considering appropriate signs)
is _______




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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.42 A short shoe external drum brake is shown in the figure. The diameter of the brake drum is
500 mm. The dimensions a = 1000 mm, b = 500 mm and c = 200 mm. The coefficient of
friction between the drum and the shoe is 0.35. The force applied on the lever F = 100 N as
shown in the figure. The drum is rotating anti-clockwise. The braking torque on the drum
is ______ N·m (round off to two decimal places).

Q.43 Water flows through two different pipes A and B of the same circular cross-section but at
different flow rates. The length of pipe A is 1.0 m and that of pipe B is 2.0 m. The flow in
both the pipes is laminar and fully developed. If the frictional head loss across the length of
the pipes is same, the ratio of volume flow rates QB QA is ______ (round off to two decimal

Q.44 The aerodynamic drag on a sports car depends on its shape. The car has a drag coefficient
of 0.1 with the windows and the roof closed. With the windows and the roof open, the drag
coefficient becomes 0.8. The car travels at 44 km/h with the windows and roof closed. For
the same amount of power needed to overcome the aerodynamic drag, the speed of the car
with the windows and roof open (round off to two decimal places), is ________ km/h (The
density of air and the frontal area may be assumed to be constant).

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.45 Three sets of parallel plates LM, NR and PQ are given in Figures 1, 2 and 3. The view factor
FIJ is defined as the fraction of radiation leaving plate I that is intercepted by plate J. Assume
that the values of FLM and FNR are 0.8 and 0.4, respectively. The value of FPQ (round off to
one decimal place) is ______.

1m 1m
1m P
L N 1m
1m 1m
1m 1m 1m 1m 1m
Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 1

Q.46 Hot and cold fluids enter a parallel flow double tube heat exchanger at 100 °C and 15 °C,
respectively. The heat capacity rates of hot and cold fluids are Ch = 2000 W/K and
Cc = 1200 W/K, respectively. If the outlet temperature of the cold fluid is 45 °C, the log mean
temperature difference (LMTD) of the heat exchanger is _________ K (round off to two
decimal places).

Q.47 Water flowing at the rate of 1 kg/s through a system is heated using an electric heater such
that the specific enthalpy of the water increases by 2.50 kJ/kg and the specific entropy
increases by 0.007 kJ/kg·K. The power input to the electric heater is 2.50 kW. There is no
other work or heat interaction between the system and the surroundings. Assuming an
ambient temperature of 300 K, the irreversibility rate of the system is ______ kW (round off
to two decimal places).

Q.48 An idealized centrifugal pump (blade outer radius of 50 mm) consumes 2 kW power while
running at 3000 rpm. The entry of the liquid into the pump is axial and exit from the pump
is radial with respect to impeller. If the losses are neglected, then the mass flow rate of the
liquid through the pump is ______ kg/s (round off to two decimal places).

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.49 An air standard Otto cycle has thermal efficiency of 0.5 and the mean effective pressure of
the cycle is 1000 kPa. For air, assume specific heat ratio  = 1.4 and specific gas constant
R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K. If the pressure and temperature at the beginning of the compression
stroke are 100 kPa and 300 K, respectively, then the specific net work output of the cycle
is ______ kJ/kg (round off to two decimal places).

Q.50 The figure shows a pouring arrangement for casting of a metal block. Frictional losses are
negligible. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2. The time (in s, round off to
two decimal places) to fill up the mold cavity (of size 40 cm  30 cm  15 cm) is____

Atmospheric pressure

Filling height
Diameter 2 cm
20 cm

3 30 cm

Open to atmosphere

15 cm
Volume to be casted
(mold cavity)

40 cm

Q.51 A gas tungsten arc welding operation is performed using a current of 250 A and an arc
voltage of 20 V at a welding speed of 5 mm/s. Assuming that the arc efficiency is 70%, the
net heat input per unit length of the weld will be ______ kJ/mm (round off to one decimal

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GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 3)

Q.52 The thickness of a sheet is reduced by rolling (without any change in width) using 600 mm
diameter rolls. Neglect elastic deflection of the rolls and assume that the coefficient of
friction at the roll-workpiece interface is 0.05. The sheet enters the rotating rolls unaided. If
the initial sheet thickness is 2 mm, the minimum possible final thickness that can be produced
by this process in a single pass is ______ mm (round off to two decimal places).

Q.53 A through hole is drilled in an aluminum alloy plate of 15 mm thickness with a drill bit of
diameter 10 mm, at a feed of 0.25 mm/rev and a spindle speed of 1200 rpm. If the specific
energy required for cutting this material is 0.7 N·m/mm3, the power required for drilling
is ______ W (round off to two decimal places).

Q.54 In an orthogonal machining with a single point cutting tool of rake angle 10°, the uncut chip
thickness and the chip thickness are 0.125 mm and 0.22 mm, respectively. Using Merchant’s
first solution for the condition of minimum cutting force, the coefficient of friction at the
chip-tool interface is ______ (round off to two decimal places).

Q.55 The annual demand of valves per year in a company is 10,000 units. The current order
quantity is 400 valves per order. The holding cost is Rs. 24 per valve per year and the ordering
cost is Rs. 400 per order. If the current order quantity is changed to Economic Order
Quantity, then the saving in the total cost of inventory per year will be Rs. ______ (round
off to two decimal places).


ME 19/19
GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-2

Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each.

Q.1 John Thomas, an __________________ writer, passed away in 2018.

(A) imminent (B) prominent

(C) eminent (D) dominant

Q.2 ____ I permitted him to leave, I wouldn’t have had any problem with him being absent,
_____ I?

(A) Had, wouldn’t (B) Have, would

(C) Had, would (D) Have, wouldn’t

Q.3 A worker noticed that the hour hand on the factory clock had moved by 225 degrees during
her stay at the factory. For how long did she stay in the factory?

(A) 3.75 hours (B) 4 hours and 15 mins

(C) 8.5 hours (D) 7.5 hours

Q.4 The sum and product of two integers are 26 and 165 respectively. The difference between
these two integers is _____.

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6

Q.5 The minister avoided any mention of the issue of women’s reservation in the private sector.
He was accused of __________ the issue.
(A) collaring (B) skirting
(C) tying (D) belting

Q. 6 – Q. 10 carry two marks each.

Q.6 Under a certain legal system, prisoners are allowed to make one statement. If their
statement turns out to be true then they are hanged. If the statement turns out to be false
then they are shot. One prisoner made a statement and the judge had no option but to set
him free. Which one of the following could be that statement?

(A) I did not commit the crime

(B) I committed the crime
(C) I will be shot
(D) You committed the crime

GA 1/3
GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-2

Q.7 A person divided an amount of Rs. 100,000 into two parts and invested in two different
schemes. In one he got 10% profit and in the other he got 12%. If the profit percentages are
interchanged with these investments he would have got Rs.120 less. Find the ratio between
his investments in the two schemes.
(A) 9 : 16 (B) 11 : 14 (C) 37 : 63 (D) 47 : 53

Q.8 Congo was named by Europeans. Congo’s dictator Mobuto later changed the name of the
country and the river to Zaire with the objective of Africanising names of persons and
spaces. However, the name Zaire was a Portuguese alteration of Nzadi o Nzere, a local
African term meaning ‘River that swallows Rivers’. Zaire was the Portuguese name for the
Congo river in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph above?

(A) Mobuto was not entirely successful in Africanising the name of his country
(B) The term Nzadi o Nzere was of Portuguese origin
(C) Mobuto’s desire to Africanise names was prevented by the Portuguese
(D) As a dictator Mobuto ordered the Portuguese to alter the name of the river to Zaire

GA 2/3
GATE 2019 General Aptitude (GA) Set-2
Q.9 A firm hires employees at five different skill levels P, Q, R, S, T. The shares of
employment at these skill levels of total employment in 2010 is given in the pie chart as
shown. There were a total of 600 employees in 2010 and the total employment increased by
15% from 2010 to 2016. The total employment at skill levels P, Q and R remained
unchanged during this period. If the employment at skill level S increased by 40% from
2010 to 2016, how many employees were there at skill level T in 2016?

Percentage share of skills in 2010

5 P


(A) 30 (B) 35 (C) 60 (D) 72

Q.10 M and N had four children P, Q, R and S. Of them, only P and R were married. They had
children X and Y respectively. If Y is a legitimate child of W, which one of the following
statements is necessarily FALSE?

(A) M is the grandmother of Y

(B) R is the father of Y
(C) W is the wife of R
(D) W is the wife of P


GA 3/3
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each.

Q.1 Consider the matrix

1 1 0
P=[0 1 1]
0 0 1

The number of distinct eigenvalues of P is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

Q.2 A parabola x  y 2 with 0  x  1 is shown in the figure. The volume of the solid of rotation
obtained by rotating the shaded area by 360° around the x-axis is

 
(A) (B)
4 2

(C)  (D) 2

Q.3 For the equation + 7𝑥 2 𝑦 = 0, if 𝑦(0) = 3/7, then the value of 𝑦(1) is

7 −7⁄3 7
(A) 𝑒 (B) 𝑒 −3⁄7
3 3
3 3 −3⁄7
(C) 𝑒 −7⁄3 (D) 𝑒
7 7

Q.4 The lengths of a large stock of titanium rods follow a normal distribution with a mean (𝜇)
of 440 mm and a standard deviation (𝜎) of 1 mm. What is the percentage of rods whose
lengths lie between 438 mm and 441 mm?

(A) 81.85% (B) 68.4% (C) 99.75% (D) 86.64%

ME 1/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.5 A flat-faced follower is driven using a circular eccentric cam rotating at a constant angular
velocity 𝜔. At time 𝑡 = 0, the vertical position of the follower is 𝑦(0) = 0, and the
system is in the configuration shown below.


The vertical position of the follower face, 𝑦(𝑡) is given by

(A) 𝑒 sin 𝜔𝑡 (B) 𝑒(1 + cos 2𝜔𝑡) (C) 𝑒(1 − cos 𝜔𝑡) (D) 𝑒 sin 2𝜔𝑡

ME 2/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.6 The natural frequencies corresponding to the spring-mass systems I and II are 𝜔𝐼 and 𝜔𝐼𝐼 ,
respectively. The ratio 𝜔 𝐼 is
k k



1 1
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 4
4 2

Q.7 A spur gear with 20° full depth teeth is transmitting 20 kW at 200 rad/s. The pitch circle
diameter of the gear is 100 mm. The magnitude of the force applied on the gear in the radial
direction is

(A) 0.36 kN (B) 0.73 kN (C) 1.39 kN (D) 2.78 kN

Q.8 During a non-flow thermodynamic process (1-2) executed by a perfect gas, the heat
interaction is equal to the work interaction (Q1-2 = W1-2) when the process is

(A) Isentropic (B) Polytropic

(C) Isothermal (D) Adiabatic

ME 3/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.9 For a hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed laminar flow through a circular pipe
of constant cross-section, the Nusselt number at constant wall heat flux ( Nu q ) and that at
constant wall temperature ( Nu T ) are related as

(A) Nu q > Nu T (B) Nu q < Nu T

(C) Nu q = Nu T (D) Nu q =  Nu T 

Q.10 As per common design practice, the three types of hydraulic turbines, in descending order of
flow rate, are

(A) Kaplan, Francis, Pelton

(B) Pelton, Francis, Kaplan
(C) Francis, Kaplan, Pelton
(D) Pelton, Kaplan, Francis

Q.11 A slender rod of length L, diameter d ( L  d ) and thermal conductivity k1 is joined with
another rod of identical dimensions, but of thermal conductivity k 2 , to form a composite
cylindrical rod of length 2L . The heat transfer in radial direction and contact resistance are
negligible. The effective thermal conductivity of the composite rod is

(A) k1  k2 (B) k1k2

k1k2 2 k1k2
(C) (D)
k1  k2 k1  k2

ME 4/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.12 Consider an ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle. If the throttling process is replaced
by an isentropic expansion process, keeping all the other processes unchanged, which one of
the following statements is true for the modified cycle?

(A) Coefficient of performance is higher than that of the original cycle.

(B) Coefficient of performance is lower than that of the original cycle.

(C) Coefficient of performance is the same as that of the original cycle.

(D) Refrigerating effect is lower than that of the original cycle.

Q.13 In a casting process, a vertical channel through which molten metal flows downward from
pouring basin to runner for reaching the mold cavity is called

(A) blister (B) sprue (C) riser (D) pin hole

Q.14 Which one of the following welding methods provides the highest heat flux (W/mm2)?

(A) Oxy-acetylene gas welding (B) Tungsten inert gas welding

(C) Plasma arc welding (D) Laser beam welding

Q.15 The length, width and thickness of a steel sample are 400 mm, 40 mm and 20 mm,
respectively. Its thickness needs to be uniformly reduced by 2 mm in a single pass by using
horizontal slab milling. The milling cutter (diameter: 100 mm, width: 50 mm) has 20 teeth
and rotates at 1200 rpm. The feed per tooth is 0.05 mm. The feed direction is along the length
of the sample. If the over-travel distance is the same as the approach distance, the approach
distance and time taken to complete the required machining task are

(A) 14 mm, 18.4 s (B) 21 mm, 28.9 s

(C) 21 mm, 39.4 s (D) 14 mm, 21.4 s

ME 5/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.16 
The position vector OP of point P (20, 10) is rotated anti-clockwise in X-Y plane by an angle
 = 30 such that point P occupies position Q, as shown in the figure. The coordinates (x, y)
of Q are



(A) (13.40, 22.32) (B) (22.32, 8.26) (C) (12.32, 18.66) (D) (18.66, 12.32)

Q.17 The table presents the demand of a product. By simple three-months moving average method,
the demand-forecast of the product for the month of September is

Month Demand
January 450
February 440
March 460
April 510
May 520
June 495
July 475
August 560

(A) 490 (B) 510 (C) 530 (D) 536.67

Q.18 Evaluation of ∫4 𝑥 3 𝑑𝑥 using a 2-equal-segment trapezoidal rule gives a value of ________


ME 6/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.19 A block of mass 10 kg rests on a horizontal floor. The acceleration due to gravity is
9.81 m/s2. The coefficient of static friction between the floor and the block is 0.2. A
horizontal force of 10 N is applied on the block as shown in the figure. The magnitude of
force of friction (in N) on the block is____

10 N
10 kg

Q.20 A cylindrical rod of diameter 10 mm and length 1.0 m is fixed at one end. The other end is
twisted by an angle of 10° by applying a torque. If the maximum shear strain in the rod is
p 10 3 , then p is equal to ______ (round off to two decimal places).

Q.21 A solid cube of side 1 m is kept at a room temperature of 32 C. The coefficient of linear
thermal expansion of the cube material is 1105 / C and the bulk modulus is 200 GPa. If
the cube is constrained all around and heated uniformly to 42 C, then the magnitude of
volumetric (mean) stress (in MPa) induced due to heating is____

Q.22 During a high cycle fatigue test, a metallic specimen is subjected to cyclic loading with a
mean stress of +140 MPa, and a minimum stress of −70 MPa. The R-ratio (minimum stress
to maximum stress) for this cyclic loading is_______ (round off to one decimal place)

Q.23 Water flows through a pipe with a velocity given by 𝑉 ⃗ = (4 + 𝑥 + 𝑦) 𝑗̂ m/s, where 𝑗̂ is the
unit vector in the y direction, t (> 0) is in seconds, and x and y are in meters. The magnitude
of total acceleration at the point (x, y) = (1, 1) at t = 2 s is ________ m/s2.

Q.24 Air of mass 1 kg, initially at 300 K and 10 bar, is allowed to expand isothermally till it
reaches a pressure of 1 bar. Assuming air as an ideal gas with gas constant of
0.287 kJ/kg.K, the change in entropy of air (in kJ/kg.K, round off to two decimal places)

ME 7/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.25 Consider the stress-strain curve for an ideal elastic-plastic strain hardening metal as shown
in the figure. The metal was loaded in uniaxial tension starting from O. Upon loading, the
stress-strain curve passes through initial yield point at P, and then strain hardens to point Q,
where the loading was stopped. From point Q, the specimen was unloaded to point R, where
the stress is zero. If the same specimen is reloaded in tension from point R, the value of stress
at which the material yields again is _________ MPa.

Stress (MPa)

O R Strain

ME 8/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q. 26 – Q. 55 carry two marks each.

Q.26 The set of equations

𝑥+𝑦+𝑧 =1
𝑎𝑥 – 𝑎𝑦 + 3𝑧 = 5
5𝑥 − 3𝑦 + 𝑎𝑧 = 6

has infinite solutions, if a =

(A) −3 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) −4

Q.27 A harmonic function is analytic if it satisfies the Laplace equation.

If 𝑢(𝑥, 𝑦) = 2𝑥 2 − 2𝑦 2 + 4𝑥𝑦 is a harmonic function, then its conjugate harmonic
function 𝑣(𝑥, 𝑦) is
(A) 4𝑥𝑦 − 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑦 2 + constant
(B) 4𝑦 2 − 4𝑥𝑦 + constant
(C) 2𝑥 2 − 2𝑦 2 + 𝑥𝑦 + constant
(D) −4𝑥𝑦 + 2𝑦 2 − 2𝑥 2 + constant

Q.28 The variable x takes a value between 0 and 10 with uniform probability distribution. The
variable y takes a value between 0 and 20 with uniform probability distribution. The
probability of the sum of variables (x + y) being greater than 20 is

(A) 0 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.33 (D) 0.50

ME 9/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.29 A car having weight W is moving in the direction as shown in the figure. The center of gravity
(CG) of the car is located at height h from the ground, midway between the front and rear
wheels. The distance between the front and rear wheels is l. The acceleration of the car is a,
and acceleration due to gravity is g. The reactions on the front wheels (Rf) and rear wheels
(Rr) are given by

W W h
(A) R f  Rr    a
2 g l

W W h W W h
(B) R f     a ; Rr    a
2 g l 2 g l

W W h W W h
(C) R f     a ; Rr    a
2 g l 2 g l

W W h
(D) R f  Rr    a
2 g l

Q.30 In a four bar planar mechanism shown in the figure, AB = 5 cm, AD = 4 cm and
DC = 2 cm. In the configuration shown, both AB and DC are perpendicular to AD. The bar
AB rotates with an angular velocity of 10 rad/s. The magnitude of angular velocity (in rad/s)
of bar DC at this instant is

(A) 0 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 25

ME 10/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.31 The rotor of a turbojet engine of an aircraft has a mass 180 kg and polar moment of inertia
10 kg·m2 about the rotor axis. The rotor rotates at a constant speed of 1100 rad/s in the
clockwise direction when viewed from the front of the aircraft. The aircraft while flying at a
speed of 800 km per hour takes a turn with a radius of 1.5 km to the left. The gyroscopic
moment exerted by the rotor on the aircraft structure and the direction of motion of the nose
when the aircraft turns, are

(A) 1629.6 N·m and the nose goes up

(B) 1629.6 N·m and the nose goes down

(C) 162.9 N·m and the nose goes up

(D) 162.9 N·m and the nose goes down

Q.32 The wall of a constant diameter pipe of length 1 m is heated uniformly with flux 𝑞” by
wrapping a heater coil around it. The flow at the inlet to the pipe is hydrodynamically fully
developed. The fluid is incompressible and the flow is assumed to be laminar and steady all
through the pipe. The bulk temperature of the fluid is equal to 0 ºC at the inlet and 50 ºC at
the exit. The wall temperatures are measured at three locations, P, Q and R, as shown in the
figure. The flow thermally develops after some distance from the inlet. The following
measurements are made:

Point P Q R
Wall Temp (ºC) 50 80 90

0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m

0 °C 50 °C

Constant wall flux

Among the locations P, Q and R, the flow is thermally developed at

(A) P, Q and R (B) P and Q only

(C) Q and R only (D) R only

ME 11/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.33 A gas is heated in a duct as it flows over a resistance heater. Consider a 101 kW electric
heating system. The gas enters the heating section of the duct at 100 kPa and 27 ºC with a
volume flow rate of 15 m3/s. If heat is lost from the gas in the duct to the surroundings at a
rate of 51 kW, the exit temperature of the gas is

(Assume constant pressure, ideal gas, negligible change in kinetic and potential energies and
constant specific heat; Cp = 1 kJ/kg·K; R = 0.5 kJ/kg·K.)

(A) 32 oC (B) 37 oC (C) 53 oC (D) 76 oC

Q.34 A plane-strain compression (forging) of a block is shown in the figure. The strain in the
z-direction is zero. The yield strength (Sy) in uniaxial tension/compression of the material of
the block is 300 MPa and it follows the Tresca (maximum shear stress) criterion. Assume
that the entire block has started yielding. At a point where
 x  40 MPa (compressive) and  xy  0, the stress component  y is

Moving platen

O x

Fixed platen

(A) 340 MPa (compressive) (B) 340 MPa (tensile)

(C) 260 MPa (compressive) (D) 260 MPa (tensile)

Q.35 In orthogonal turning of a cylindrical tube of wall thickness 5 mm, the axial and the tangential
cutting forces were measured as 1259 N and 1601 N, respectively. The measured chip
thickness after machining was found to be 0.3 mm. The rake angle was 10° and the axial
feed was 100 mm/min. The rotational speed of the spindle was 1000 rpm. Assuming the
material to be perfectly plastic and Merchant’s first solution, the shear strength of the
material is closest to

(A) 722 MPa (B) 920 MPa (C) 200 MPa (D) 875 MPa

ME 12/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.36 A circular shaft having diameter 65.00−0.05 mm is manufactured by turning process.
A 50 µm thick coating of TiN is deposited on the shaft. Allowed variation in TiN film
thickness is ± 5 µm. The minimum hole diameter (in mm) to just provide clearance fit is

(A) 65.01 (B) 65.12 (C) 64.95 (D) 65.10

Q.37 Match the following sand mold casting defects with their respective causes.

Defect Cause
P Blow hole 1 Poor collapsibility
Q Misrun 2 Mold erosion
R Hot tearing 3 Poor permeability
S Wash 4 Insufficient fluidity

(A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 (B) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

(C) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

Q.38 A truss is composed of members AB, BC, CD, AD and BD, as shown in the figure. A vertical
load of 10 kN is applied at point D. The magnitude of force (in kN) in the member BC is____

10 kN

45 45 C

ME 13/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.39 Consider an elastic straight beam of length 𝐿 = 10 𝜋 m, with square cross-section of side
a = 5 mm, and Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa. This straight beam was bent in such a way
that the two ends meet, to form a circle of mean radius R. Assuming that Euler-Bernoulli
beam theory is applicable to this bending problem, the maximum tensile bending stress in
the bent beam is __________ MPa.


Ends of the beam

Q.40 Consider a prismatic straight beam of length 𝐿 = 𝜋 m, pinned at the two ends as shown in
the figure. The beam has a square cross-section of side p = 6 mm. The Young’s modulus
E = 200 GPa, and the coefficient of thermal expansion 𝛼 = 3 × 10−6 K −1. The minimum
temperature rise required to cause Euler buckling of the beam is ________ K.

Q.41 In a UTM experiment, a sample of length 100 mm, was loaded in tension until failure. The
failure load was 40 kN. The displacement, measured using the cross-head motion, at failure,
was 15 mm. The compliance of the UTM is constant and is given by 5 × 10−8 m/N. The
strain at failure in the sample is _______%.

Q.42 At a critical point in a component, the state of stress is given as  xx  100 MPa ,
 yy  220 MPa ,  xy   yx  80 MPa and all other stress components are zero. The yield
strength of the material is 468 MPa. The factor of safety on the basis of maximum shear
stress theory is ______ (round off to one decimal place).

ME 14/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.43 A uniform thin disk of mass 1 kg and radius 0.1 m is kept on a surface as shown in the figure.
A spring of stiffness 𝑘1 = 400 N/m is connected to the disk center A and another spring of
stiffness 𝑘2 = 100 N/m is connected at point B just above point A on the circumference of
the disk. Initially, both the springs are unstretched. Assume pure rolling of the disk. For small
disturbance from the equilibrium, the natural frequency of vibration of the system
is ______ rad/s (round off to one decimal place).

Q.44 A single block brake with a short shoe and torque capacity of 250 N·m is shown. The
cylindrical brake drum rotates anticlockwise at 100 rpm and the coefficient of friction is 0.25.
The value of a, in mm (round off to one decimal place), such that the maximum actuating
force 𝑃 is 2000 N, is _________

1.5a a


ME 15/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.45 Two immiscible, incompressible, viscous fluids having same densities but different
viscosities are contained between two infinite horizontal parallel plates, 2 m apart as shown
below. The bottom plate is fixed and the upper plate moves to the right with a constant
velocity of 3 m/s. With the assumptions of Newtonian fluid, steady, and fully developed
laminar flow with zero pressure gradient in all directions, the momentum equations simplify
d2 𝑢
= 0.
d𝑦 2

If the dynamic viscosity of the lower fluid, 𝜇2 , is twice that of the upper fluid, 𝜇1 , then the
velocity at the interface (round off to two decimal places) is ________ m/s.

y μ1 μ2= 2μ1
μ2 1m

Q.46 A cube of side 100 mm is placed at the bottom of an empty container on one of its faces. The
density of the material of the cube is 800 kg/m3. Liquid of density 1000 kg/m3 is now poured
into the container. The minimum height to which the liquid needs to be poured into the
container for the cube to just lift up is ______ mm.

ME 16/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.47 Three slabs are joined together as shown in the figure. There is no thermal contact resistance
at the interfaces. The center slab experiences a non-uniform internal heat generation with an
average value equal to 10000 Wm−3, while the left and right slabs have no internal heat
generation. All slabs have thickness equal to 1 m and thermal conductivity of each slab is
equal to 5 Wm−1K−1. The two extreme faces are exposed to fluid with heat transfer coefficient
100 Wm−2 K−1 and bulk temperature 30 ºC as shown. The heat transfer in the slabs is assumed
to be one dimensional and steady, and all properties are constant. If the left extreme face
temperature T1 is measured to be 100 ºC, the right extreme face temperature T2
is ___________ºC.

Left extreme
face T1 =100 °C
1m 1m 1m
100 W/m2.K
100 W/m2.K
30 °C
30 °C

Q.48 If one mole of H2 gas occupies a rigid container with a capacity of 1000 litres and the
temperature is raised from 27 oC to 37 oC, the change in pressure of the contained gas (round
off to two decimal places), assuming ideal gas behaviour, is ________ Pa. (R=8.314

ME 17/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.49 A steam power cycle with regeneration as shown below on the T-s diagram employs a single
open feedwater heater for efficiency improvement. The fluids mix with each other in an open
feedwater heater. The turbine is isentropic and the input (bleed) to the feedwater heater from
the turbine is at state 2 as shown in the figure. Process 3-4 occurs in the condenser. The pump
work is negligible. The input to the boiler is at state 5. The following information is available
from the steam tables:

State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 3350 2800 2300 175 700 1000

T 2

The mass flow rate of steam bled from the turbine as a percentage of the total mass flow rate
at the inlet to the turbine at state 1 is _______

Q.50 A gas turbine with air as the working fluid has an isentropic efficiency of 0.70 when
operating at a pressure ratio of 3. Now, the pressure ratio of the turbine is increased to 5,
while maintaining the same inlet conditions. Assume air as a perfect gas with specific heat
ratio   1.4 . If the specific work output remains the same for both the cases, the isentropic
efficiency of the turbine at the pressure ratio of 5 is ______ (round off to two decimal places)

Q.51 The value of the following definite integral is____ (round off to three decimal places)

  x ln x  dx

ME 18/19
GATE 2019 Mechanical Engineering (Set 1)

Q.52 In ASA system, the side cutting and end cutting edge angles of a sharp turning tool are 45
and 10, respectively. The feed during cylindrical turning is 0.1 mm/rev. The center line
average surface roughness (in µm, round off to one decimal place) of the generated surface

Q.53 Taylor’s tool life equation is given by VT n  C , where V is in m/min and T is in min. In a
turning operation, two tools X and Y are used. For tool X, n = 0.3 and C = 60 and for
tool Y, n = 0.6 and C = 90. Both the tools will have the same tool life for the
cutting speed (in m/min, round off to one decimal place) of____

Q.54 Five jobs (J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5) need to be processed in a factory. Each job can be assigned
to any of the five different machines (M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5). The time durations taken
(in minutes) by the machines for each of the jobs, are given in the table. However, each job
is assigned to a specific machine in such a way that the total processing time is minimum.
The total processing time is ________ minutes.
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
J1 40 30 50 50 58
J2 26 38 60 26 38
J3 40 34 28 24 30
J4 28 40 40 32 48
J5 28 32 38 22 44

Q.55 A project consists of six activities. The immediate predecessor of each activity and the
estimated duration is also provided in the table below:

Activity Immediate predecessor Estimated duration (weeks)

P - 5
Q - 1
R Q 2
S P, R 4
T P 6
U S, T 3

If all activities other than S take the estimated amount of time, the maximum duration (in
weeks) of the activity S without delaying the completion of the project is___________


ME 19/19

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