Air Gauge Unit - Manual
Air Gauge Unit - Manual
Air Gauge Unit - Manual
● Differential back pressure sensing the most economical solution to your inspection needs on shop
● High pressure Systems:high speed of response and self cleaning of gauging area ensures accurate
reading of size,taper and ovality at a time.
● Systems pressure check gauge: provides a constant check on the system pressure
i.e.3 bars(45 psi) regulated by a high precision regulator built into the unit.
Technical Specification :
± 0.020 mm 0.0005mm
± 0.040 mm 0.001mm
± 0.060 mm 0.002mm
Accuracy ± 2% of FSD
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Operating Working Principle:
● Air gauging relies on the laws of physics which state that flow and pressure are propor onate to
clearance and are inversly proportional to each other.
●First Air gauge Unit with filter set a ache the Air Compressor.
● On the Filter Cock then in Air Gauge Unit a high pressure regulator built into the unit.
i.e.3.5 kg/cm²(45 psi)
● Air Gauge Unit Required Operating Pressure 3.5 kg/cm² pressure gauge.
● The regulated air flows the restriction-needle valve, orifice and then through the nozzele when the
nozzle is open to the atmosphere there is maximum flow through it and there is a minimum of pressure
called 'back-pressure' between the restriction and nozzle.
● As an obstruction is brought increasingly close to the front of nozzle, air flow from the nozzle
diminishes and back -pressure builds
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● When the nozzle is comletely obstructed, air flow is zero,and back pressure reaches the pressure of
the regulated air supply. In this example , air flow maximum to minimum, while back pressure moved in
opposite direction i.e .minimum to maximum.
● These values each can be plotted against the nozzle's clearance from obstruction.Except for the
extremes of both back-pressure and flow, the curves are straight line, representing linear proportions
Which establishesh the basis of all air gauging.
● Thus measured decreases in flow provide an accurate co-relation of the distance of the nozzles in
the air gauge tool to the obstruction (surface of the work piece being measured).Similarly, increases
in back pressure indicates less distance between the tooling nozzle and workpiece.
● Repeatability of measurment and stability of the set point within +/-1 Division.
● Keep enough space in front and at the back of the air gauge unit.
● if any service is needed, the air gauge unit should be returned to the manufacturer only.
Filter Sets:
● The Filter unit, combination of 1 and 5 micron filter elements, provided clean and constant air supply
which is the life blood of air gauging. Sintered bronze filtering elements filter dust particles and the swirl
action given to incoming air seperater the water from the compressed air. Model OFI oil removal filter
works in two stages to process the contaminants and provided oil-free dry air.
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