Element 5.1 Criteria IPD IOSH

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Element 5 – Managing the health and safety risks of an organisation

5.1 Developing and applying safe systems of work

This criterion asks you to demonstrate that you’ve identified the need for a safe system of
work (SSoW) and have gone on to develop and implement one. This must be a task-specific
SSoW – not a risk assessment, policy, plan or general guidance.

Minimum activities: 5
Minimum evidence: 7

Areas to cover:
• explain how you established that a SSoW was needed
• demonstrate how you used task analysis to develop the SSoW
• identify resource and other practical implications
• explain how you involved others in the process
• demonstrate the development of the SSoW
• outline how you ensured effective implementation, including:
o training
o staff briefing
o competence
• demonstrate how you’ll monitor the effectiveness of the SSOW

Example activity sheet:

Outline and Background

Ongoing analysis of accident reports identified a common type of accident occurring in the
operation of the sanding machine. On investigation, the method for instructing employees on
the operation of this machine was found to be somewhat ad hoc and didn’t address all
possible risks I could foresee. I therefore decided that an analysis of the operation of this
machine and what it was used for was called for, from which I could then develop a better
system of work.
Activity Description Dates Outcome Evidence Upload
1 Identify the August Analysis of 1. Accident reports
need for a 2016 trends and showing the same
SSOW identification of accident occurring
an activity not on three occasions
adequately at the same
documented in sanding machine
terms of a
system of 2. Email to head of
working to department
control risks highlighting this and
recommending the
development of a
2 Complete task September Desk top 3. Task analysis
analysis for 2016 exercise to that I completed on
using sanding analyse the using the sanding
machine nature of the machine.
3 Meeting with September Consultation 4. Meeting request
operatives to 2016 and involvement and details of what
discuss the of staff to it’s about.
tasks they identify tasks
carry out on and hazards 5. My notes on
the sanding comments from
machine operatives during
the meeting.

Activity Description Dates Outcome Evidence Upload
4 Develop draft September Collation of 6. Draft SSOW that
SSOW 2016 information and I’ve developed,
arriving at including resource
system of work requirements,
to satisfy both document
process and templates and
safety demands monitoring
5 Get manager’s October Got buy-in and 7. Email to my
approval for 2016 approval from manager explaining
process management for what I’ve found and
system of work describing my
proposed SSOW

8. Email from my
manager approving
6 Implement November Instruction of 9. Record of
SSoW with 2016 relevant briefing session
ongoing operatives and with operatives
monitoring of start of
effectiveness equipment 10. Examples of
checks. equipment checks
User feedback
and SSOW 11. First monthly
revision if report on the
required operation of the


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