The Secret Burial: The Hidden History of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at Last! Page 29
The Secret Burial: The Hidden History of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at Last! Page 29
The Secret Burial: The Hidden History of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at Last! Page 29
Before they went their separate ways for the night, Oliver asked them one last
question. “How much money will you need to begin with in order to facilitate
trading?” They looked at one another, then deferentially towards the banker.
After a bit of calculation, and with the advice of the kindly financier, they
decided that $200 each would do. The men parted, exchanging enthusiastic
comments. And in spite of the late hour, they spent most of the night lying
awake, their imaginations excited by the picture of gold. It was morning before
they slept. As for Oliver, he wasted not a moment. Fatigue was forgotten in the interests of his future as a banker. By
dawn's first light, he dug a pit into which he rolled the barrel. He then filled it in, transplanting a small shrub to the spot
about which he carefully arranged sod. It was well hidden. Then he went to work with his little press to turn out a
thousand $1 bills. Watching the clean new banknotes come from his press, the refugee turned banker thought to himself:
“My! How simple it is to make money. All its value comes from the products it will buy. Without produce, these bills are
worthless. My five naive customers don't realize that. They actually think that this new money derives its value from gold!
Their very ignorance makes me their master.” Thus, Oliver collectivized the debt liability against all island
inhabitants for the money that he is printing. And as evening drew on, the five came to Oliver — on the run.
Five bundles of new banknotes were sitting on the table. “Before distributing the money,” said the banker, “I would like
your attention. “Now, the basis of all money is gold. And the gold stored away in the vault of my bank is my gold.
Consequently, the money is my money. Oh! Don't look so discouraged. I'm going to lend you this money, and you're
going to use it as you see fit. However, you'll have to pay interest. Considering that money is scarce here, I don't think
8% is unreasonable.” “Oh, that's quite reasonable, Mr. Oliver.” “One last point, my friends. Business is business, even
between pals. Before you get the money, each of you is going to sign a paper. By it you will bind yourselves to pay both
interest and capital under penalty of confiscation of property by me. Oh! This is a mere formality. Your property is of no
interest to me. I'm satisfied with money. And I feel sure that I'll get my money, and that you'll keep your property.” “That
makes sense, Mr. Oliver. We're going to work harder than ever in order to pay you back.” “That's the spirit. And any time
you have a problem, you come and see me. Your banker is your best friend. Now here's two hundred dollars for each one
of you.” And our five brave fellows went away, their hands full of dollar bills, their heads swimming with the ecstasy of
having money.
9. A problem in arithmetic
And so Oliver's money went into circulation on the island. Trade, simplified by
money, doubled. Everybody was happy. And the banker was always greeted with
unfailing respect and gratitude. But now, let's see... Why does Tom, the prospector,
look so grave as he sits busily figuring with a pencil and paper? It is because Tom,
like the others, has signed an agreement to repay Oliver, in one year's time, the
$200 plus $16 interest. But Tom has only a few dollars in his pocket, and the date of
payment is near. For a long time he had wrestled with this problem from his own
personal point of view, without success. Finally, he looked at it from the angle of the
little community as a whole. “Taking into consideration everyone on the island as a
whole,” he mused, “are we capable of meeting our obligations? Oliver turned out a
total of $1000. He's asking in return $1080. But even if we bring him every dollar bill
on the island, we'll still be $80 short. Nobody made the extra $80. We turn out produce, not dollar bills. So Oliver can
take over the entire island, since all the inhabitants together can't pay him back the total amount of the capital and the
interest. “Even if a few, without any thought for the others, were able to do so, those others would fall. And the turn of
the first spared would come eventually. The banker will have everything. We'd better hold a meeting right away and
decide what to do about it.” Tom, with his figures in his hand, had no difficulty in proving the situation. All agreed that
they had been duped by the kindly banker. They decided upon a meeting at Oliver's.
The Hidden History Of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 29