Order 39 Rule 3 of C.P.C.

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Whether compliance of Order 39 Rule (3) of Code of Civil Procedure, i.

e supplying of
documents, is mandatory?

Order 39 Rule 3 C.P.C., reads as:

"Before granting injunction, Court to direct notice to opposite party. - The Court shall in all
cases, except where it appears that the object of granting the injunction would be defeated by
the delay, before granting an injunction, direct notice of the application for the same to be
given to the opposite party:-

Provided that, where it is proposed to grant an injunction without giving notice of the
application to the opposite party, the Court shall record the reasons for its opinion that the
object of granting the injunction would be defeated by delay, and require the applicant--

(a)to deliver to the opposite party, or to send to him by registered post, immediately after the
order granting the injunction has been made, a copy of the application for injunction together

(i) a copy of the affidavit filed in support of the application;

(ii) a copy of the plaint; and

(iii) copies of documents on which the applicant relies, and

(b) to file, on the day on which such injunction is granted or on the day immediately
following that day, an affidavit stating that the copies aforesaid have been so delivered or


The Allahabad High Court in the case of Ram Dhani and Others vs Raja Ram and Others 1
on 5 May, 2011

Under Order 39 Rule 3 C.P.C., the test is not of grant of injunction but a duty conferred on
the Court to issue notice to the parties before grant of an injunction, unless it appears that the
object of granting an injunction would be defeated by delay. In other words, the test the Court
has to apply is the urgency involved in the matter which could result either in granting the
injunction or issuing notice. A procedural provision, therefore, requires the Court to consider

the urgency of the matter. If injunction is granted, the order is appealable or the defendant can
move under Order 39 Rule 4.

The Delhi High Court in case of S.B.L. Ltd. vs Himalaya Drug Co.2 on 15 July, 1997

Looking to the scheme of Order 39, CPC it is clear that ordinarily an order of injunction may
not be granted ex parte. The opposite party must be noticed and heard before an injunction
may be granted. Rule 3 carves out an exception in favour of granting an injunction without
notice to the opposite party where it appears that the object of granting injunction would be
defeated by the delay. Conferment of this privilege on the party seeking an injunction is
accompanied by an obligation cast on the court to record reasons for its opinion and an
obligation cast on the applicant to comply with the requirements of Clauses (a) and (b) of the
proviso. Both the provisions are mandatory. The applicant gets an injunction without notice
but subject to the condition of complying with Clauses (a) and (b) above said.

The bench referred to the judgement of Supreme Court of India in the case of Shiv Kumar
Chadha v. MCD3. Though the observations have been, made primarily on the obligation of
the Court to record the reasons but in our opinion they equally apply to the obligation cast on
the applicant by the proviso. The provisions are mandatory. Their Lordships have observed:

"The imperative nature of the proviso has to be judged in the context of Rule 3 of Order 39 of
the Code. Before the proviso aforesaid was introduced, Rule 3 said "the court shall in all
cases, except where it appears that the object of granting the injunction would be defeated by
the delay, before granting an injunction, direct notice of the application for the same to be
given to the opposite party". The proviso was introduced to provide a condition, where court
proposes to grant an injunction without giving notice of the application to the opposite party
being of the opinion that the subject of granting injunction itself shall be defeated by delay.
The condition so introduced is that the court "shall record the reasons" why an ex parte order
of injunction was being passed in the facts and circumstances of a particular case. In this
background, the requirement for recording the reasons for grant of ex parte injunction cannot
be held to be a mere formality. This requirement is consistent with the principle, that a party
to a suit, who is being restrained from exercising a right which such party claims to exercise
either under a statute or under the common law, must be informed why instead of following
the requirement of Rule 3 the procedure prescribed under the proviso has been followed. The
party which invokes the jurisdiction of the court for grant of an order of restraint against a

party, without affording an opportunity to him of being heard, must satisfy the court about the
gravity of the situation and court has to consider briefly these factors in the ex parte order.
We are quite conscious of the fact that there are other statutes which contain similar
provisions requiring the court or the authorities concerned to record reasons before exercising
power vested in them. In respect of some of such non-compliance therewith will not vitiate
the order so passed. But same cannot be said in respect of the proviso to Rule 3 of Order 39.
The Parliament has prescribed a particular procedure for passing of an order of injunction
without notice to the other side under exceptional circumstances. Such ex parte orders have
far-reaching effect, as such a condition has been imposed that court must record reasons
before passing such order. If it is held that the compliance with the proviso aforesaid is
optional and not obligatory, then the proviso by the Parliament shall be a futile exercise and
that part of Rule 3 will be a surplusage for all practical purposes. Proviso to Rule 3 of Order
39 of the Code, attracts the principle that if a statute requires a thing to be done in a particular
manner it should be done in that manner or not all."

We are of the opinion that if the court is satisfied of non-compliance by the applicant with the
provisions contained in the proviso then on being so satisfied the court which was persuaded
to grant an ex parte ad interim injunction confiding in the applicant that having been shown
indulgence by the court he would comply with the requirements of the proviso, it would
simply vacate the ex parte order of injunction without expressing any opinion of the merits of
the case leaving it open to the parties to have a hearing on the grant or otherwise on the order
of injunction but bi-part only. The applicant would be told that by this conduct (mis-conduct
to be more appropriate) he has deprived the opponent of an opportunity of having an early or
urgent hearing on merits and, therefore, the ex parte order of injunction cannot be allowed to
operate any more

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