First Grade Music 9/21 - 9/25: U O M S
First Grade Music 9/21 - 9/25: U O M S
First Grade Music 9/21 - 9/25: U O M S
Pulse ∙ High/Low ∙ So/Mi ∙ Unpitched Percussion Technique
MU.1.C.1.1 Respond to MU.1.S.1.1 Improvise a four- MU.1.S.3.4 Match simple MU.1.H.1.2 Explain the work
specific, teacher-selected beat response to a musical aural rhythm patterns in duple of a composer.
musical characteristics in a question sung or played by meter with written patterns.
song or instrumental piece. someone else.
MU.1.C.1.2 Respond to music MU.1.S.1.2 Create short MU.1.S.3.5 Show visual MU.1.H.2.1 Identify and
from various sound sources to melodic and rhythmic representation of simple perform folk music used to
show awareness of patterns based on teacher- melodic patterns performed remember and honor America
differences in musical ideas. established guidelines. by the teacher or a peer. and its cultural heritage.
MU.1.C.1.3 Classify MU.1.S.2.1 Sing or play MU.1.O.1.1 Respond to MU.1.1.H.3.1 Explore the use
instruments into pitched and songs, which may include contrasts in music as a of instruments and vocal
unpitched percussion changes in verses or repeats, foundation for understanding sounds to replace or enhance
families. from memory. structure. specified words or phrases in
children's songs, choral
readings of poems and
stories, and/or chants.
MU.1.C.1.4 Differentiate MU.1.S.3.1 Sing simple songs MU.1.O.1.2 Identify patterns MU.1.F.1.1 Create sounds or
between music performed by in a group, using head voice of a simple, four-measure movement freely with props,
one singer and music and maintaining pitch. song or speech piece. instruments, and/or found
performed by a group of sounds in response to various
singers. music styles and/or elements.
MU.1.C.2.1 Identify the MU.1.S.3.2 Play three- to five- MU.1.O.3.1 Respond to MU.1.F.2.1 Describe how he
similarities and differences note melodies and/or changes in tempo and/or or she likes to participate in
between two performances of accompaniments on dynamics within musical music.
a familiar song. classroom instruments. examples.
MU.1.C.3.1 Share different MU.1.S.3.3 Sing simple la- MU.1.H.1.1 Perform simple MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate
thoughts or feelings people sol-mi patterns at sight. songs, dances, and musical appropriate manners and
have about selected pieces of games from a variety of teamwork necessary for
music. cultures. success in a music
ESE/ESOL Accommodations
Simplify Direc'ons
#1 I Think Music’s Neat Rhythm Materials
Reinforce ∙ Assess
Temple Blocks
Pulse Ostinato Speak ∙ Play
Pulse Move