Case Study New
Case Study New
Case Study New
Credx is a leading credit card provider that gets thousands of credit card applicants every year.
But in the past few years, it has experienced an increase in credit loss.
The objective of this study is to find the right customer to reduce the credit loss.
The credx company has provided us two data sets, demographic/application data and credit bureau
The demographic data is obtained from the information provided by the applicants at the time of
credit card application, which includes customer level information on age, gender, income, marital
status etc.
The credit bureau data contains variables such as number of time 30 dpd or worse in last 3/6/12
months, outstanding balance, number of trades etc.
The demographic data consists of 71295 observations with 12 variables including 1577 na’s and 3
duplicates application id, the credit bureau data consists of 71295 observations with 19 variables
including 3028 na’s 3 duplicates application id.
We see that there are 1425 NA’s in our dependent variable in our merged file which indicates which
applicant has default on his or her credit card payment or not. So, since the data has no information
about default, this applicant are the one who have not been given credit card by the company, so we
will keep this data in our validation sets.
After removing validation data, we are left with 69867 obs including 1718 NA’s. Since NA’s is only
2.5% of the total observation in our master file. We will drop those NA’s from our file. The Application
ID is also removed since it’s a Identity variable which we cannot use in our analysis.
We see that “No of Inquiries in last 12 months excluding home auto loans”, “Avgas CC Utilization in
last 12 months”, “No of PL trades opened in last 12 months”, “No of trades opened in last 12 months”
has IV more than 0.3 which indicates that these variable have
Strong predictive Power where as “Outstanding Balance” and “Total No of Trade” has Medium
predictive Power.
Now let check the plot of these variables with respect to WOE.
1. No of Inquiries in last 12 months excluding home auto loans
We see that the applicant whose No of Inquiries in last 12 months excluding home auto loans is 0, has the higher
chances of default, since their percentage of good customers were very less in comparison to their bad
We see that the distribution is right skewed, so we will use log transformation to make the distribution normal.
We see that the applicant whose is betw een 0 to 14 has the higher
chances of default.
We also see that the credit card utilization has outliers beyond 94% of the data, so we have cap the data to 94%
and we also see that distribution is skewed towards right, so we have also transformed the variable using log
Above graphs depicts the distribution of the utilization of credit card across customers and from the graph we can
infer that, most of the customers max average utilization is 28. And there are few customers with high average
spending on credit card, but most of the customers have average utilization between 0-25.
3. No of PL trades opened in last 12 months
We see that the applicant whose is 0 has the higher chances of default.
We see that the distribution is right skewed and there are two outliers at 11 and 12, so we have log transformation
to take care of both the problem.
4. No of trades opened in last 12 months
We see that the applicant whose is between 0 to 2 has the higher chances
of default
We also see that the distribution is slightly skewed towards right, so we have use log transformation.
There are high numbers of defaulters with 8 trades opened.
Now we will discuss two more variable which has Medium predictive Power as per information value.
5. Outstanding Balance
We see that the applicant whose Outstanding Balance is between 0 to 56065 and between 1362889 to
3289931 has the higher chances of default and has the lowest WOE, which means this group of applicant has
less number of good applicant in comparison to its bad customers.
We see beyond outstanding balance 5e+06 the percentage is default is more than 75%, which should be a
concern for the company.
6. Total No of Trade
We see that the applicant whose Total No of Trades is between 1 to 4 has the higher chances of default.
We see that trades between 5 to 15 has default rate more than 50% and the default rate drops steeply after
40 transaction which may be an outliers.
EDA Plots and Descriptions of Insights for the rest of the variables
1. We see that there is correlation between "No of Trades open in last 6 months and 12 months".
we see that as the trades in last 12 month increases the number of trades in last 6 month also increases
which is obvious
2. We see that there is correlation between “No of Trades open in last 12 months and PL trades in
12 months”.
We see that as no of pl trades in last 12 months increases no of trades in 12 months also increases.
3. We see that there is correlation between “Total No of Trades and trades in 12 months”.
We see that in the beginning months applicant uses the card very often till they have used 10 transaction and
then they slow down their card usage.
4. Distribution of Gender Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that, there are
more number of males who defaulted.
5. Distribution of Marital status Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that, there
are more number of married customers who defaulted.
6. Distribution of Dependents Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that,
customers with dependents 1,2,3 have higher number of defaults than 4,5.
7. Distribution of Education Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that, There
are more number of customers with professional degree/education who defaulted. And next
category of education which has high number of defaults is Customers with Master degree.
8. Distribution of Profession Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that, There
are more number of customers under salaried profession who defaulted.
9. Distribution of Residence Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer that,
Customers living in rented houses, have more defaulters, than other type of residence.
10. Distribution of 90 DPD in 12 Months Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer
that, there are only few customers having 90 DPD more than 2 times.
11. Distribution of 90 DPD in 12 Months Vs. Performance Tag - From the below graph we can infer
that, that customers having 90 DPD for 5 times, have higher number of defaulters. We can say
that customers with 90 DPD more than or equal to 3 times have higher chances of default. And
customers in 5th bucket should be considered as defaulters.
Since we are now done with our EDA analysis, and we know that which variable are significant and
which variable are highly correlated, So we will use this knowledge to better understand the applicant
and once we are done with our modelling we can check if our hypothesis assumption were correct or
We will first build a logistic regression model on demographic data and evaluate the prediction using
the confusion matrix, ROC curve and see whether only demo data will help us in acquiring good
customers. Then we will combine the credit data with demo data using application ID and again build
logistic regression model and few other classification models like decision tree and compare the
accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of both the models. Finally we will create an application score
card and basis on that we will decide on customers who are beneficial for the bank.
Data Cleaning and Transformation
Missing value treatment - We have remove the missing values from our data sets since it
is only 2.5% of the total observation.
Outlier treatment – We have use quartile and log transformation for outliers and skewed
Dummy Creation – We have created k-1 dummy variable for all the categorical data using
package AtConP form through function “df.matrix”.
Binning Variable – We have created binning variable through “information package” and
then impute the variable through “DF.Replace.Bin” of AtConP package.
We have use Logistic Regression to train our model and below are the metrics:
AgeWOE 0.030159
NoofdependentsWOE 0.037780
IncomeWOE 0.140696
ProfessionWOE 0.043194
NoofmonthsincurrentresidenceWOE 0.203507
NoofmonthsincurrentcompanyWOE 0.123066
We have use StepAIC to select the model based on AIC value, then we have use VIF to check for any
Then we have reduce the variable based on its P-Value, we have consider only those variables which
have significant p-value. Below is our Model for demographic data
log(odds) = -0.047434 + 0.030159 ( AgeWOE) + 0.037780
( NoofdependentsWOE) + 0.140696 ( IncomeWOE) + 0.043194
( ProfessionWOE) + 0.203507 ( NoofmonthsincurrentresidenceWOE) + 0.123066
( NoofmonthsincurrentcompanyWOE)
We have evaluated our model based on accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, C-statistic, KS-statistic and AUC:
We have use Logistic Regression on master_woe_train_rose data to train our model and
below are the metrics:
MaritalStatusatthetimeofapplicationWOE -0.025522
NoofdependentsWOE 0.032028
IncomeWOE 0.042891
ProfessionWOE 0.025999
NoofmonthsincurrentcompanyWOE 0.035899
Nooftimes30DPDorworseinlast6monthsWOE 0.081673
Nooftimes90DPDorworseinlast12monthsWOE 0.044641
Nooftimes30DPDorworseinlast12monthsWOE 0.066104
AvgasCCUtilizationinlast12monthsWOE 0.12487
Nooftradesopenedinlast12monthsWOE 0.072854
NoofPLtradesopenedinlast12monthsWOE 0.07824
NoofInquiriesinlast6monthsexcludinghomeautoloansWOE 0.062323
NoofInquiriesinlast12monthsexcludinghomeautoloansWO 0.127238
OutstandingBalanceWOE 0.06989
TotalNoofTradesWOE 0.038813
We have evaluated our model based on accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, C-statistic, KS-statistic and AUC:
We have use the above model to predict the good and bad for the validation data sets
which we have removed in the beginning.
We have built the final model from the final data sets as below:
(Intercept) -0.2028
NoofdependentsWOE 0.04116
NoofmonthsincurrentcompanyWOE 0.04761
Nooftimes60DPDorworseinlast6monthsWOE 0.04195
Nooftimes30DPDorworseinlast6monthsWOE 0.04614
Nooftimes90DPDorworseinlast12monthsWOE 0.0493
Nooftimes30DPDorworseinlast12monthsWOE 0.05215
AvgasCCUtilizationinlast12monthsWOE 0.13532
Nooftradesopenedinlast12monthsWOE 0.09748
NoofPLtradesopenedinlast12monthsWOE 0.07697
NoofInquiriesinlast6monthsexcludinghomeautoloansWOE 0.08263
OutstandingBalanceWOE 0.06403
We have evaluated our model based on accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, C-statistic, KS-statistic and AUC:
Thank You