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Vibration Controlled Blast Design and Monitoring Close To A Dam

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Vibration Controlled Blast Design and Monitoring Close to a Dam

Conference Paper · April 2015


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Vibration Controlled Blast Design and Monitoring Close to a Dam

H.A. Bilgin1, Y. Dagasan2

Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey
Curtin University, Western Australian School of Mines, Kalgoorlie, WA, Australia

ABSTRACT: Controlled blasting methods implemented for a highway cut project nearby a rock-fill water
storage dam is presented. Signature-hole blasts were done at particular regions of the planned excavation
area where the distances to the structures are the shortest, and the farthest. By using the information on
varying distances, charge weights and the measured vibration values obtained from these small scale test
blasts, frequency and attenuation characteristics of the ground in different directions were determined and an
empirical relationships between scaled distances and measured peak particle velocity (PPV) values were
established. To eliminate the risk of damage, maximum amount of explosive that can be detonated at certain
distances were calculated and PPV values were estimated. The whole excavation area was divided into 4
different regions based on the distance to the sensitive structures. Different blast designs were assigned for
these four regions based on the calculated amount of explosives allowed to be shot per delay.


General Directorate of Highways of Turkey planned to construct a highway cut on Konya-Beysehir roadway
between kilometres 21+000 and 21+470. As a result of bidding, this work was assigned to a construction
company. The construction company requested a consultancy work for safe blasting between aforementioned
kilometres since General Directorate of Turkish State Waterworks does not allow blasting within 200 meters
to the dam. As a result of this consultancy work it was found that between kilometres 21+000-21+470 there
needed a vibration controlled blast design and practice not to cause any damage to the dam and its
appurtenances. Between the aforementioned kilometres, strict vibration controlled blast design was also
found to be necessary and to be implemented carefully not to cause any risk of damage to impervious clay
coating of the reservoir of the dam. The distances between the excavation area and the closest cut-off point
of the dam ranges from 470 m to 40 m between kilometres 21+000 and 21+470. And, the distance between
the excavation area and the clay coating of right shore of the reservoir ranges from 40 m to 175 m between
kilometres 21+000 and 21+470. The third sensitive site around the excavation area was Salarli village nearby
and its existence also was taken into consideration as well.


Test blasts were carried out at different regions. Locations of these regions were based on the sensitive
structure to be protected. In this project the sensitive structures around the blast area were the dam and its
appurtenances, coating of the lake and the nearby village. These structures are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Planned excavation area and the sensitive structures around

To understand the attenuation characteristics of the vibration waves towards each sensitive structure,
different amounts of explosives were blasted in different regions. In order to obtain the attenuation
characteristics of the ground vibrations towards dam and penstock pipe, test blasts were shot at distances of
40 m-56 m to cut-off point at the right shore and 69 m-89 m to the penstock pipe of the dam. Vibration
monitoring were done both over the ground on top of the penstock pipe and on the dam crest. Two
geophones were used to monitor the ground vibrations on the dam and one geophone was used to measure
ground vibrations on the penstock pipe. These measurements were later used for obtaining a mathematical
relationship between the intensity of the ground vibrations, distances and charge amounts blasted in test
blasts. Amounts of explosives blasted in this region were 2.05 kg, 2.30 kg, 2.90 kg, 4.10 kg, 4.20 kg, 5.90 kg
and 6.50 kg. The blast area along with monitoring points is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Area of the test blasts done for dam and penstock pipe directions

A different region within the excavation area was chosen to carry out test blasts to assess the attenuation
characteristics of the ground between the excavation area and the village. Two seismographs were located
between the excavation area and the village to monitor ground vibrations induced by test blasts towards the
village. Another set of two seismographs were also located linearly between the test blast area and the right
shore of the lake. Test blast region and the location of the seismographs are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Location of the test blast area for lake and village directions

In these test blasts explosive amounts ranging between 12.5 kg and 18.0 kg were blasted.

3.1 Analyses of vibration measurements done on penstock pipe

As previously mentioned, a seismograph was located on the ground at top of the penstock pipe. In total, 10
events were recorded within the seismograph located on the pipe in the test blasts done nearby the penstock
pipe and the dam crest. Vibration values recorded on the pipe are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Ground vibration values recorded on top of the penstock pipe

Peak Particle Max. Charge Scaled Dominant

Velocity Per Delay Distance Frequency Date
D (m)
mm/s Q (kg) SD (Hz)

4.62 4.10 81.09 40.047 53.10 25.07.2013

4.71 6.50 89.66 35.168 33.90 25.07.2013
11.00 5.90 73.27 30.165 52.90 25.07.2013
2.40 2.30 86.40 56.970 59.50 23.07.2013
3.54 2.05 80.96 56.545 63.00 23.07.2013
2.17 2.30 84.99 56.041 55.50 23.07.2013
3.51 2.90 69.59 40.865 52.60 23.07.2013
3.30 4.20 80.17 39.119 54.50 23.07.2013
0.75 15.50 349.12 88.677 12.50 24.07.2013
0.70 18.00 380.29 89.635 13.40 24.07.2013

In Table 1 it is seen that the maximum peak particle velocity (PPV) measured on top of the penstock pipe is
11.00 mm/s. This vibration value was measured when 5.9 kg of explosive was detonated at a distance of
73.27 m to the pipe. In DIN-4153 standard the maximum allowable ground vibration value for a steel welded
pipeline is state as 100 mm/s. The measured value is nearly 11% of the maximum allowable ground vibration
value that is stated in DIN-4153 standard. In Austrian standard for blasting close to pipelines, the maximum
allowable ground vibration value that a steel welded pipeline can be subjected to is stated as 75 mm/s. The
measured value is almost 15% of the allowed value stated in Austrian standards. Since the vibration values
were well below the allowable values stated in both Austrian and German DIN-4153 standards and no
leakage or damage was reported, 11 mm/s vibration value was considered to be a safe vibration value for the
pipeline although it was built a long time ago. The second maximum vibration value measured coming after
11 mm/s is 4.71 mm/s and this vibration value was measured when 6.5 kg of explosives were detonated at a
distance of 89.66 m to the pipe.

On the other hand, unlike gas pipelines which are buried, penstock pipes are fixed in a concrete lined tunnel
under the body of dam. So, not only the steel welded pipe but also the concrete lined tunnel should not be
damaged as well. It is stated in the literature that no observable damage occurs in tunnel when the vibration
level is below 200 mm/s (Dowding and Rozen, 1978) or is below 263 mm/s (Kaslik, et.al. 2001). The
maximum measured PPV on the pipe is 5.5% of the value stated by Dowding and Rozen(1978), and 4.2% of
the value given by Kaslik et.al. (2001), at which the lining concrete starts to crack. These values are
considered to be safe values and it was concluded that the test blasts did not damage both the pipe and the
surrounding concrete lining.

3.2 Analyses of the measurements done on the dam crest.

Since the displacement and the ground acceleration are reported to be most important parameters in dam
design in the literature and it was known that General Directorate of Turkish Waterworks, who constructed
the dam, took into account of the earthquake zone where the dam was constructed, acceleration and
displacement values caused by the test blasts were also assessed in this section. Velocity, displacement and
acceleration values obtained from measurements done on the dam are presented in table 2.
Table 2 Ground vibration levels recorded in crest of the dam direction

Peak Particle Max. Charge Scaled Dominant

Distance Acceleration Displacement
Velocity Per Delay Distance Frequency Date
D (m) (g) (mm)
mm/s Q (kg) SD (Hz)

2.159 4.10 69.36 34.254 29.81 25.07.2013 0.043 0.017

1.397 4.10 114.83 56.710 29.88 25.07.2013 0.027 0.013
3.048 6.50 74.71 29.304 16.75 25.07.2013 0.063 0.032
1.778 6.50 120.75 47.362 16.63 25.07.2013 0.027 0.017
2.159 5.90 72.55 29.868 17.56 25.07.2013 0.040 0.021
1.651 5.90 115.66 47.616 10.13 25.07.2013 0.027 0.017
0.762 2.30 80.26 52.922 18.44 23.07.2013 0.017 0.007
0.508 2.30 125.04 82.449 10.63 23.07.2013 0.013 0.006
1.143 2.05 77.93 54.429 22.81 23.07.2013 0.023 0.010
0.635 2.05 121.91 85.146 31.63 23.07.2013 0.013 0.005
0.889 2.30 81.58 53.792 14.75 23.07.2013 0.017 0.006
0.508 2.30 125.79 82.943 16.50 23.07.2013 0.007 0.004
1.397 2.90 69.59 40.865 29.81 23.07.2013 0.027 0.009
0.889 2.90 114.08 66.990 26.75 23.07.2013 0.013 0.007
1.016 4.20 79.58 38.831 22.50 23.07.2013 0.020 0.020
0.635 4.20 123.00 60.018 28.75 23.07.2013 0.013 0.005

Maximum PPV measured on the crest due to test blasts was 3.048 mm/s. This value was measured when 6.5
kg of explosive was detonated at a distance of 74.71 m towards the crest. The dominant frequency measured
was 16.75 Hz. Even if there was a residential structure on the place where the seismograph was located, there
wouldn’t be any risk of damage since the allowable ground vibration level for 16 Hz frequency in the
Turkish regulation is stated as 29.85 mm/s and measured value is well below the allowable value and
complies with the regulation.

As for acceleration analysis, the maximum acceleration value measured was 0.063 g. The acceleration of
0.063 g was measured when 6.5 kg of explosive was detonated at a distance of 74.71 m. When the
acceleration values given in Table 2 analysed further, an interesting fact is noticed such that the acceleration
value of 0.043 g measured when 4.1 kg of explosive was detonated, was higher than that of measured, which
is 0.040 g, when 5.9 kg of explosive was detonated. The reason for this case is considered to be the existence
of excessive burden distance for the hole with 4.1 kg charge per delay. Since the dam is located in a fourth-
degree seismic zone where all kinds of structures are to be built to withstand to 0.10 g earthquake
acceleration at minimum, it was assessed that there is no possibility of risk of damage to the dam.

The maximum displacement was measured as 0.032 mm. This level of displacement forms instantaneously
and is an elastic displacement. The measured level is almost 3% of millimetre and assessed to be so low to
cause no damage to the dam.

3.3 Analyses of the measurements done in lake right shore direction

Clay coating at bottom of lake at the right shore is not a fixed structure like a building or a concrete lined
tunnel and a steel pipe inside. Due to this, the utilization of PPV in the assessment of blast induced seismic
waves was not found to be appropriate. Clay coating, was laid on the slope of right shore before
impoundment and is a compressed material. Type of failure might be similar to the landslides which can be
seen in natural slopes. Landslides may stem from two reasons. The first one is extreme ground acceleration
and the second one is extreme displacement. Therefore, stability of the clay coating on the right shore was
assessed based on the displacement and acceleration values caused by blasting. In fact, clay coating on the
right shore is not a loose material and it was compressed after laying it down, also remains imprisoned with
the hydrostatic pressure of the reservoir water. Therefore it is not possible for it to easily fail.
Measurement values taken towards right shore of the lake are given in Table 3. The maximum acceleration
level was 0.013 g and it was measured when 10.1 kg was detonated at a distance of 127.38 m. The highest
acceleration values measured coming after the highest (0.013 g) is 0.010 g. Other measured acceleration
values are much lower than these values. In the earthquake literature it is stated that the landslides that take
place in the existence of a material which has the freedom of movement occurs when the ground acceleration
is over 0.05g. Considering that the clay coating is imprisoned with the hydrostatic pressure of the water in
the lake, measured acceleration value which was 0.013 g is calculated as 26% of 0.05g. This much of
acceleration value was assessed to not to cause any rupture, tearing or sliding on clay coating.

The maximum displacement was measured as 0.006 mm. This level is so low and considering the applied
hydrostatic pressure and imprisonment effect there is no instability expected.

Table 3 Ground vibration measurements done in right shore direction

Peak Particle Scaled
Charge Distance
Distance Date Acceleration Displacement
mm/s Per Delay D (m)
SD (g) (mm)
Q (kg)
0.841 10.10 127.38 40.081 13.06.2013 0.013 0.006
0.508 10.10 143.54 45.166 13.06.2013 0.007 0.006
0.381 10.10 155.55 48.945 13.06.2013 0.007 0.003
0.587 5.90 124.80 51.379 13.06.2013 0.010 0.004
0.508 5.90 140.87 57.995 13.06.2013 0.007 0.005
0.381 5.90 152.85 62.927 13.06.2013 0.007 0.003
0.667 4.70 128.20 59.134 13.06.2013 0.013 0.005
0.254 4.70 144.28 66.551 13.06.2013 0.007 0.002
0.254 4.10 126.74 62.592 13.06.2013 0.008 0.002
0.286 3.50 126.47 67.601 13.06.2013 0.008 0.002
0.381 3.50 142.52 76.180 13.06.2013 0.007 0.003
0.302 2.90 126.54 74.307 13.06.2013 0.008 0.002
0.254 2.90 142.55 83.708 13.06.2013 0.007 0.003
0.254 2.90 154.49 90.720 13.06.2013 0.003 0.002
0.222 2.30 126.69 83.537 13.06.2013 0.008 0.002

3.4 Analyses of the measurements done in village direction

Most of the buildings existing in the village were constructed of rubble stone using clay mortar with a few
exceptions. There are only a few, newly constructed buildings which can be considered to be as built with
modern techniques. Foundations of the buildings in the village are assessed to be done by digging a shallow
soil cover and placed on a rock foundation. Nevertheless, since the majority of the buildings are assessed to
be very sensitive buildings, the vibration value not to be exceeded at the ground in the village was
determined as 5 mm/s considering the worst case scenario, which is the existence of 1 Hz dominant
frequency. Test blasts were designed considering 5 mm/s vibration limitation.

When Table 4 is analysed, the maximum PPV was 0.508 mm/s and this was measured when 18 kg of
explosive was detonated at a distance of 345 m to the village. This value is 10.16% of the value which is
permitted for 1 Hz case and assessed to be as a safe value.
Table 4 Ground vibration measurements done in village direction

Peak Particle Max. Charge Scaled Dominant

Velocity Per Delay Distance Frequency Date
D (m)
mm/s Q (kg) SD (Hz)

2.667 15.50 206.12 52.355 13.56 23.07.2013

0.254 15.50 356.03 90.432 7.13 23.07.2013
3.175 18.00 199.16 46.942 12.88 23.07.2013
0.508 18.00 345.42 81.416 13.00 23.07.2013
1.778 12.50 210.95 59.666 14.88 23.07.2013
0.254 12.50 362.04 102.400 21.13 23.07.2013
0.762 15.50 225.09 57.173 16.44 23.07.2013
1.397 15.50 225.48 57.272 16.19 23.07.2013
0.381 15.50 377.05 95.771 15.75 23.07.2013
1.397 15.00 241.65 62.394 15.31 23.07.2013
0.254 15.00 393.26 101.539 8.00 23.07.2013


Bet fit regression analysis was used to determine the level of ground vibration between the excavation area
and the sensitive structures. The seismographs were located along a path between the blast area and the
structures. Vibration data that were presented in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 were analysed and the
mathematical relations between PPV’s and Scaled Distances were determined by plotting the vibration data
on a logarithmic plot.

There are a number of vibration predictors proposed by different researchers. In this research, the vibration
predictor invented by USBM (Siskind et al., 1980) was used. USBM equation is as the following:
PPV=K( 1/2 )-β
R/𝑤𝑑 in the equation is called as Scaled Distance (SD). K and β constants, which are site specific
constants, can be obtained by plotting the PPV and SD values in Table 1 on a log-log graph.

When SD values used in test blasts and corresponding PPV values are plotted in a log-log graph, the
intercept and the slope of the best fit line gives those K and β values respectively. Konya and Walter (1990)
states that a minimum number of 5 shots serve as a starting point with more data to be added. When the
scatter of vibration values is concerned, instead of using the median line, using a higher degree confidence
line, which is 95% confidence line in this study, would be safer.

When measured SD and PPV values in Table 1 are plotted on a log-log graph, the relation shown in Figure 4
was obtained for the attenuation of ground vibrations towards the penstock pipe. Other attenuation graphs are
presented in Figure 5, 6 and 7 for different directions by using the values in Table 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
Figure 4 Attenuation plot in penstock pipe direction (Bilgin & Dagasan, 2013)

Figure 5 Attenuation plot in dam crest direction (Bilgin & Dagasan, 2013)

Figure 6 Attenuation plot in clay coating direction (Bilgin & Dagasan, 2013)
Figure 7 Attenuation relation in village direction (Bilgin & Dagasan, 2013)

By using the equation obtained from 95% confidence line the following equations in Table 5 were obtained
for different directions.

Table 5 Predictor equations for each direction

Village Penstock Pipe Dam Crest Clay Coating
106xSD-3.183 4693.5xSD-1.757 460.28xSD-1.419 170.04xSD-1.375


To calculate the amount of explosives that should not be exceeded, a reference vibration or acceleration level
had to be selected. This value was selected as 20 mm/s for the pipes, 5 mm/s for the buildings in the village,
0.1 g for the dam and 0.05g for the clay coating.

The distance between the excavation area and the village is greater than 300 m. For this reason, the
frequency of the blast waves generated from blasting may be as low as 10 Hz or even less. In table 4 when
the distance is greater than 300 m it is seen that the frequency drops down to 7.13 and 8.0 Hz. Nonetheless,
since the quality of the buildings in the village is so low, it was thought that setting the maximum value as 5
mm/s by considering the worst case scenario, which is the existence of 1 Hz frequency, would be a good
approach. So, even for the minimum distance which is 300 m, the calculated maximum amount of explosive
becomes 41.73 kg. Since it was though that the most critical structure among all the others is the dam and the
old penstock pipes, the calculations for blast design were not done by considering the vibration limitations
for the village and clay coating, instead, they were done by considering the vibration limitations for the dam.

The excavation area depending on the distances to the nearby structures was divided into 4 different regions
by using the vibration prediction equations obtained. The area where the distance to the dam is greater than
120 m is named as region 1, the one between 90 m and 120 m was named as region 2, between 60 m and 90
m was named as region 3 and less than 60 m was named as region 4. For each region, depending on the
distance to the dam, a maximum safe amount of explosive that can be detonated per delay was calculated and
blast designs were done based on this information.
Figure 8 Excavation area was divided into 4 blasting regions (Bilgin & Dagasan, 2013)


Blast plans for different regions were designed by using the vibration prediction equations obtained. Given a
specified vibration level and a distance, safe charge amounts per delay were calculated, and blast designs
were based on those charge amounts. Blast plans designed for different regions are illustrated in Table 6.

Table 6 Blast design for each region

Hole Dia Burden Spacing Bench H. Hole Length Stemming
Regions Max Kg Deck
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
7.5 8.4 3.3 NO
Region 1 25.5 89.0 3.0 3.5
15.0 15.9 2.9 2.8
6.0 6.8 4.2 NO
Region 2 12.5 89.0 2.5 2.9
12.0 12.8 3.7 4.0
5.0 5.6 3.8 NO
Region 3 6.5 76.0 1.9 2.2
10.0 10.6 4.0 3.0
2.5 3.0 2.2 NO
Region 4 2.9 76.0 1.5 1.8
5.0 5.5 2.0 1.9

Strict control of the ground vibrations by controlling the safe amount of explosive per delay was a must. For
this reason, different initiation plans were also prepared to blast different group of holes with NONEL type
initiation system. Suggested initiation plans are presented in Table 7

Table 7 Initiation plans suggested

Delay 1 Row 2 Rows 3 Rows

Milliseconds Inhole Surface Inhole Surface Inhole Surface
Single Deck 500 ms 42-59 ms 500 ms 42-59 ms 500 ms 42-59 ms
Double Deck 450-500 ms 42-59 ms 450-500 ms 42-59 ms - -

These initiation plans were carried out in such a way that no more than a single blast-hole is detonated within
8ms time window.
In table 7 various initiation plans for different rows of blast-holes were suggested. To eliminate the errors in
timing, no double decking was allowed for more than two rows of blastholes. Inter-hole delays were chosen
as 42 ms and inter-row delays were chosen as 59 ms, which is obtained by adding 17ms and 42 ms
detonators consecutively.


Because of the increasing requirement in the earthwork nearby sensitive structures in last years, elimination
of the undesirable effects of blasting has become an unavoidable part of the operation. To control the effects
of blasting, particularly the ground vibrations, monitoring is crucial in terms of understanding the current
situation and the rock and attenuation characteristics of the vibrations.

In this research, sensitive structures around the blast area were determined and two groups of test blasts in
different regions of the excavation area were carried out. First group of test blasts was done to obtain the
attenuation characteristics towards the penstock pipe and the dam crest and the second group of test blast was
done to obtain attenuation characteristics towards the clay coating at the bottom of the lake and the Salarli
village. Before doing the attenuation calculations, the measured vibration, acceleration and displacement
values and the frequency ranges of waves were analysed, and it was determined that test blasts didn’t cause
any damage to the nearby sensitive areas and no damage or leakage was reported. This conclusion shed light
on the applicability and the design of vibration controlled, economical excavation methods by blasting.

Attenuation characteristics of the ground vibration waves were assessed by determining the site specific
constants in USBM equation by vibration monitoring. Accelerations were taken into consideration for the
stability of the dam and clay coating. PPV levels were assessed for the buildings in the village and the
penstock pipe. Analyses showed that the most sensitive structure in terms of the vibration attenuation and the
structure condition was the penstock pipes and the dam itself. For this reason, allowable vibration levels for
these were referenced in calculation of the safe charge amounts per delay.

Based on the calculations, the excavation area was divided into 4 regions and different maximum allowable
amount of explosive per delay values were assigned to each region based on the distance to the dam. Based
on the maximum charge amount different blast designs were prepared for different regions.


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