2 X 7.6 Skew 31

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RLC 100.

0.395 ___ 0.300
0.500 ___ 0.400
BOD 99.425
BOB 99.175

MFL 98.375


0.166 0.150 Sill 97.700

0.600 0.200 0.300 0.420 0.180 0.300 TOP 97.400
2.000 0.300
2.300 0.300
0.150 2.600 0.250
0.100 3.000 0.100 95.900 BOF
3.200 0.100
Bridge Width 9.950
No of Spans 2
clear span 7.6
c/c expansion joint 8.42

Skew 31

Abutment 10.63
Rear side 10.44
9.97 10.05


LF4 12.73 8.57

LF3 13.43 8.57

LF2 14.13 8.57

LF1 14.71 8.22
Length @PCC 14.94
Top of wing 99.825

BOB 99.175


Rear side

0.166 0.150 Sill 97.700

0.600 0.200 0.500 0.180 0.300 TOP 0.300

1.780 0.300 LF4
2.080 0.300 LF3
0.150 2.380 0.250 LF2
0.100 2.780 0.100 95.900 BOF LF1
2.980 0.100 Length @PCC
2.920 2.96

3.500 1.050 4.550 2.08

3.500 1.400 4.900 2.43

3.500 1.750 5.250 2.78

3.500 2.220 5.720 3.24

Length @PCC 3.500 2.450 5.950


0.050 0.050 97.700


0.15 0.09 0.82 0.09 0.15 96.500

0.15 1.300 0.15

0.15 1.600 0.15

0.15 1.900 0.15

0.1 2.200 0.1
2.400 0.1
Pier straight length 12.1
LF4 13.4
LF3 13.7
LF2 14
LF1 14.3
95.900 Length @PCC 14.5

Sub Estimates
Name of Work:

Construction of Minor Bridge at Km 3/4 of Kayathar -

Therkkumayilodai Road to Vadakkumayilodai Road

Circle : Tirunelveli (H) NABARD & Rural Roads

Division : Tirunelveli (H) NABARD & Rural Roads

Sub division : Kovilpatti (H) NABARD & Rural Roads

Estimate Amount :
Name of work

Construction of Minor Bridge at Km 3/4 of Kayathar - Therkkumayilodai Road to Vadakkumayilodai Road


Quantity Units Item Description Rate Units Amount

1. Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except
hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank
with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost
of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges
such as baling our water, providing and maintaining
necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing
and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs,
stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and
obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation
backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all
surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant
standard specification for DRESSING THE BED UP

109.22 cum 84.00 cum Rs. 9174.00

2. Earthwork excavation in all classes of soils
depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per
SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and
all incidental charges such as baling our water,
providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams,
sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and
other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming
bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the
site and disposal of all surplus materials etc.,
complete as per relevant standard specification for

47.06 cum 326.00 cum Rs. 15342.00

3. Earthwork excavation in soft desintegrated rock
depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per
SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and
all incidental charges such as baling our water,
providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams,
sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and
other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming
bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the
site and disposal of all surplus materials etc.,
complete as per relevant standard specification for

251.01 cum 408.40 cum Rs. 102512

4 Plain Cement Concrete of grade M10 Nominal Mix
(1:3:6) using 40mm ISS size HBG graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cost of cement at site including cost
of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants and maintaining of
protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc.,
complete as per relevant standard specifications,

15.69 cum 4528.90 cum Rs. 71058

5. Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal
Mix (1:1.5:3) using 40mm ISS size HBG graded
metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
to site including cost of cement at site including
cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for
mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete ,
working at depths , tools and plants and maintaining
of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting
etc., complete as per relevant standard
specifications, for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT,

170.41 cum 6249.01 cum Rs. 1064894

6. Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal
Mix using 40mm ISS size HBG graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cost of cement at site including cost
of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants and including all other
incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant
standard specifications, for SUBSTRUCTURE OF

62.76 cum 7553.75 cum Rs. 474073.00

7. Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade
M30 design mix using ISS size HBG graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cost of cement at site including cost
of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants including all other
incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant
standard specifications, for DIRT WALL CUM BED

7.58 cum 10089.79 cum Rs. 76481.00

8. Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm dia.
PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and
wngs including cost and conveyance of all materials
to work site, cost and labour for 900mm dia. semi-
spherical back fill arrangements with 100mm size
broken granite chips at the periphery and labour
charges for fixing, etc.,to drain of the backfill IN THE

36.00 Nos 172.80 Nos. Rs. 6221.00

9. Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of
seating of deck slab and including cost and
conveyance to worksite, labour for fixing the same
in correct position and all other incidental charges
etc., complete.

20.86 sq.m 100.00 sq.m Rs. 2086.00

10. Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade
M30 Design Mix using ISS size HBG graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cost of cement at site including cost
of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants including all other
incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant
standard specifications, for DECK SLAB.

87.76 cum 10994.62 cum Rs. 964888.00

11. Providing filter media behind the abutments and
wings with clean III graded material 53mm to 5.6mm
to 600mm thick and well compacted in layers with
smaller sized towards the soil and bigger size
towards the wall including cost and conveyance to
work site including all labours and other incidental
charges including hire charges for tools and plants
employed etc., for filter media as per MOST's
(Roads Wing) specifications for Roads and Bridges
" Fourth Revision Cl. 309-3-2-13 and 305 -4-4 etc.,

35.67 cum 1107.72 cum Rs. 39512.00

12 Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean gritty

gravel including cost and conveyance of gravel to
worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in
layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to
get the maximum density including watering, with all
leads for water and all other incidental charges etc,

70.20 cum 280.90 cum Rs. 19719.00

13. Providing and fixing PVC EXPANSION JOINT in
between deck slabs over abutment and pier as
shown in the drawing including cost and
conveyance of expansion joints including shalimar
pad and joint sealant etc, complete.

34.83 Rm 566.00 Rm Rs. 19714.00

14. Supply and fabrication of Fe-500 steel required for
all RCC items of works involved in the schedule
cost of steel at site fabrication,labour charges for
cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending,
tying grills, including overlapping to the required
length whenever necessary and placing the
reinforcement in position as specified in the
drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of
spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental
charges etc,complete, Fe-500 grade

14.05 MT 73382.79 MT Rs. 1030661.00

15. Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 grade, Nominal Mix
1:2:4, using 40mm ISS hard granite broken metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site and cement at site including cost of formwork,
lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing ,
transporting, laying, and curing concrete working in
heights and hire charges for tools and plants, and
all other incidental charges etc complete as per
relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW

9.87 cum 5397.94 cum Rs. 53278.00

16 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M30 design
mix using ISS graded hard granite broken metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cement at site including labour
charges for mixing, laying, curing concrete, working
at heights, hire charges for tools and plants,
including all other incidental changes etc., complete

21.77 cum 7739.45 cum Rs. 168488.00

17 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-40,
Grade, Design Mix, using ISS size hard granite
broken graded metal including cost and conveyance
of all materials to site including cement at site but
excluding cost and fabrication of steel, including
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, and
curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for
tools and plants, including all other incidental
charges etc.,, complete for RCC CRASH
Estimate Purpose, mix 1:1.5:3)

14.03 cum 12380.25 cum Rs. 173739.00

18 Vibrated Cement Concrete M20 grade, Nominal Mix
using 40mm ISS size hard granite broken graded
metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
to site and cement at site including labour charges
for mixing, transporting, laying, and curing concrete,
working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental
charges,etc.,complete as per standard specification

6.51 cum 8576.65 cum Rs. 55834.00

19 Providing and fixing of cast iron drainage spouts
100mm dia as per MOST drawing SD/205 with
grating arrangements at top as shown in the
drawing using 12mm x 25mm flats for grating
arrangements, and 100mm dia drainage spout
projecting beyond the bottom of deck slab as shown
in the drawing including cost and conveyance of
cast iron pipes and flats and fixing them in position

4.00 Nos 2163.00 Nos. Rs. 8652.00

20 VCC M30 (design mix) using 20mm ISS HBG
graded metal as the max. size of coarse
aggreagates including cost & conveyance of all
materials to site and cost of cement at site, but
excluding cost & fabrication of steel, but including
cost of form work, soft water, labour charges for
mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete working
at heights, hire charges for T&P including all other
incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant std
specification for Wearing coat.

199.50 sq.m 609.63 sq.m Rs. 121621.00

21 Dismantling the existing Random Rubble Masonry
in Cement Mortar in the existing causeway / bridge
and clearing away from the work site and carefully
stacking the usefull materials for reuse on the road
side as directed by the departmental officers
including all labour and incidental charges etc.,

8.56 cum 193.00 cum Rs. 1652.00


Construction of Minor Bridge at Km 3/4 of Kayathar - Therkkumayilodai Road to

Vadakkumayilodai Road

1. Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring

blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B,
including cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as
baling our water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting,
shoring bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps,
grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of
excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus
materials etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for

Bridge portion 1x1

1 x 28.420 x 12.810 x 0.300 av. 109.22cum

Total 109.22cum
2. Earthwork excavation in all classes of soils depositing on bank with all
leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and all
incidental charges such as baling our water, providing and maintaining
necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and
obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site
and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard

Abutments 1x2

2 x 3.200 x 14.940 x 0.300 28.68cum

Wings 2x2

4 x 2.220 x 2.980 x 0.300 7.94cum

Piers 1x1

1 x 2.400 x 14.500 x 0.300 10.44cum

Total 47.06cum
3 Earthwork excavation in soft desintegrated rock depositing on bank with
all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments and
all incidental charges such as baling our water, providing and maintaining
necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and
obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site
and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard

Abutments 1x2

2 x 3.200 x 14.940 x 1.600 152.99cum

Wings 2x2

4 x 2.220 x 2.980 x 1.600 42.34cum

Piers 1x1

1 x 2.400 x 14.500 x 1.600 55.68cum

Total 251.01cum
4 Plain Cement Concrete of grade M10 Nominal Mix (1:3:6) using 40mm
ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants and maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams,
shoring, strutting etc., complete as per relevant standard specifications, for

Abutments 1x2

2 x 3.200 x 14.940 x 0.100 9.56cum

Wings 2x2

4 x 2.220 x 2.980 x 0.100 2.65cum

Piers 1x1

1 x 2.400 x 14.500 x 0.100 3.48cum

Total 15.69cum
5 Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix (1:1.5:3) using
40mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork,
soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing
concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and maintaining of protective
bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as per relevant standard

Abutments 1x2

Footing I 2 x 3.000 x 14.710 x 0.300 26.48cum

Abutments 1x2

Footing II 2 x 2.600 x 14.130 x 0.400 29.39cum

Abutments 1x2

Footing III 2 x 2.300 x 13.430 x 0.400 24.71cum

Abutments 1x2

Footing IV 2 x 2.000 x 12.730 x 0.400 20.37cum

Wings 2x2

Footing I 4 x 2.220 x 2.780 x 0.300 7.41cum

Wings 2x2

Footing II 4 x 2.220 x 2.380 x 0.400 8.45cum

Wings 2x2

Footing III 4 x 2.220 x 2.080 x 0.400 7.39cum

Wings 2x2

Footing IV 4 x 2.220 x 1.780 x 0.400 6.32cum

Piers 1x1

Footing I 1 x 2.200 x 14.300 x 0.150 4.72cum

Piers 1x1

Footing II 1 x 1.900 x 14.000 x 0.150 3.99cum

Piers 1x1

Footing III 1 x 1.600 x 13.700 x 0.150 3.29cum

Piers 1x1

Footing IV 1 x 1.300 x 13.400 x 0.150 2.61cum

Abutments 1x2 (0.180+0.150)/2

Front batter 2 x 0.165 x 10.630 x 0.300 1.05cum


Bearing portion 2 x 0.420 x 10.630 x 0.300 2.68cum

Back wall portion 1x2

2 x 0.300 x 10.440 x 0.300 1.88cum

Rear batter 1x2 (0.200+0.166)/2 (9.97+10.05)/2

2 x 0.183 x 10.010 x 0.300 1.10cum

Cut water portion 2x2 [p/4( 0.60^2+0.57^2+0.60x0.57) 0.300 / 3

4 x 0.807 x 1.00 x 0.100 0.32cum

Wings 2x2 (0.180+0.150)/2

Front batter 4 x 0.165 x 3.50 x 0.300 0.69cum


Centre portion 4 x 3.500 x 0.500 x 0.300 2.10cum

2x2 (2.960+2.920)/2 (0.200+0.166)/2

Rear batter 4 x 2.940 x 0.183 x 0.300 0.65cum

Piers 1x1 (0.920+1.000)/2

Straight portion 1 x 0.960 x 12.10 x 1.200 13.94cum

2x1 [p/2( 0.46^2+0.50^2+0.46x0.50) 1.200 / 3

Cut water portion 2 x 1.086 x 1.00 x 0.400 0.87cum

Total 170.41cum
6 Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix using 40mm ISS
size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc;
complete as per relevant standard specifications, for SUBSTRUCTURE OF

Abutments 1x2 0.150/ 2

Front batter 2 x 0.075 x 10.630 x 1.475 2.35cum


Bearing portion 2 x 0.420 x 10.630 x 1.475 13.17cum

Back wall portion 1x2

2 x 0.300 x 10.440 x 1.475 9.24cum

rear batter 1x2 0.166/ 2 (10.44+10.05)/2

2 x 0.083 x 10.245 x 1.475 2.51cum

Cut water portion 2x2 [p/4( 0.57^2+0.42^2+0.42x0.57) 1.475 / 3

4 x 0.582 x 1.00 x 0.492 1.15cum

Wings 2x2 0.150/ 2

Front batter 4 x 0.075 x 3.50 x 1.475 1.55cum


Centre portion 4 x 3.500 x 0.500 x 2.125 14.88cum

2x2 (3.15+2.96)/2 0.166/ 2

Rear batter 4 x 3.055 x 0.083 x 1.475 1.50cum

Piers 1x1 (0.820+0.920)/2

Straight portion 1 x 0.870 x 12.10 x 1.475 15.53cum

2x1 [p/2( 0.46^2+0.41^2+0.46x0.41) 1.475 / 3

Cut water portion 2 x 0.893 x 1.00 x 0.492 0.88cum

Total 62.76cum
7 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade M30 design mix using
ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc;
complete as per relevant standard specifications, for DIRT WALL CUM BED

Over Abutments 1x2

Bed block 2 x 0.445 x 11.610 x 0.250 2.58cum
Dirt walls 2 x 0.300 x 10.440 x 0.355 2.22cum
Over Piers 1x1
Bed block 1 x 0.870 x 12.100 x 0.250 2.63cum
2x1 p/2 x 0.4352
Cut water Portion 2 x 0.297 x - x 0.250 0.15cum
Total 7.58cum
8 Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm dia. PVC pipes of
required lengths for abutments and wngs including cost and conveyance
of all materials to work site, cost and labour for 900mm dia. semi-spherical
back fill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery
and labour charges for fixing, etc.,to drain of the backfill IN THE

Abutment 1x2

2 x 10 x 1 x - 20.00Nos.

Wings 2x2

4 x 2 x 2 x - 16.00Nos.

Total 36.00Nos.
9 Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of deck slab
and including cost and conveyance to worksite, labour for fixing the same in
correct position and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Over Abutment 1x2

2 x 0.445 x 11.61 x - 10.33sq.m

Over Piers 1x1

1 x 0.870 x 12.10 x - 10.53sq.m

Total 20.86sq.m
10 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade M30 Design Mix using
ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc;
complete as per relevant standard specifications, for DECK SLAB.

For Deck Slab 1x2

2 x 9.800 x 9.950 x 0.400 78.01cum

Add for Camber 1x2 0.100/ 2

2 x 9.800 x 9.950 x 0.050 9.75cum

Total 87.76cum
11 Providing filter media behind the abutments and wings with clean III
graded material 53mm to 5.6mm to 600mm thick and well compacted in
layers with smaller sized towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall
including cost and conveyance to work site including all labours and other
incidental charges including hire charges for tools and plants employed etc.,
for filter media as per MOST's (Roads Wing) specifications for Roads and
Bridges " Fourth Revision Cl. 309-3-2-13 and 305 -4-4 etc., complete.

Abutments 1x2 (10.44+9.97)/2 sqrt(1.775^2+0.200^2)

Over abutments rear batter 2 x 0.600 x 10.210 x 1.786 21.88cum

Over abutments dirt wall
2 x 0.600 x 10.440 x 0.205 2.57cum

2x2 (2.45+2.22)/2
Over wings rear batter
4 x 0.600 x 2.335 x 1.786 10.01cum

Over wings back wall
4 x 0.600 x 2.450 x 0.205 1.21cum

Total 35.67cum
12 Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean gritty gravel including
cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling
in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum
density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental
charges etc, complete for FILLING BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS AND

Abutments 1x2

2 3.150 8.950 1.980 111.640cum

Deduction for Rear batter 1x2 0.200/ 2 (10.44+9.97)/2

in abutment - 2 0.100 10.21 1.775 -3.620cum

2x2 (3.15+2.92)/2 0.200/ 2

in wings - 4 3.035 0.100 1.775 -2.150cum

Deduction for filter media quantity -35.670cum

Total 70.200cum
13 Providing and fixing PVC EXPANSION JOINT in between deck slabs
over abutment and pier as shown in the drawing including cost and
conveyance of expansion joints including shalimar pad and joint sealant etc,

3 11.610 34.83rm

Total 34.83rm
14 Supply and fabrication of Fe-500 steel required for all RCC items of
works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication,labour charges
for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including
overlapping to the required length whenever necessary and placing the
reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of
binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental
charges etc,complete, Fe-500 grade

For Deck Slab
2 4.470 8.94MT

For Crash Barrier
2 0.760 1.52MT

For Bed Block cum dirt
wall over abutment
2 0.350 0.70MT

For Bed Block cum dirt
wall over piers
1 0.295 0.30MT

For Approach Slab
2 0.670 1.34MT

For wearing coat over
deck slab
2 0.435 0.87MT

For wearing coat over
approach slab
2 0.190 0.38MT

Total 14.05MT
15 Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 grade, Nominal Mix 1:2:4, using 40mm
ISS hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, lead for soft
water, labour charges for mixing , transporting, laying, and curing concrete
working in heights and hire charges for tools and plants, and all other
incidental charges etc complete as per relevant specification for BASE

Base Course Below 1x2

Approach Slab 2 x 3.150 x 10.440 x 0.150 9.87cum

Total 9.87cum
16 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M30 design mix using ISS graded
hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site including cement at site including labour charges for mixing, laying, curing
concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants, including all
other incidental changes etc., complete for APPROACH SLAB.

Approach slab 1x2 (0.395+0.300)/2

2 3.500 8.950 0.3475 21.77cum

Total 21.77cum
17 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-40, Grade, Design Mix, using
ISS size hard granite broken graded metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site including cement at site but excluding cost
and fabrication of steel, including labour charges for mixing, transporting,
laying, and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental charges etc.,, complete for RCC CRASH
BARRIERS OVER DECK SLAB. -1RM(For Estimate Purpose, mix 1:1.5:3)

Over Deck Slab 2 x 1 x 2 @ 0.358cum/rm

4 9.800 0.358 14.03cum

Total 14.03cum
18 Vibrated Cement Concrete M20 grade, Nominal Mix using 40mm ISS size
hard granite broken graded metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying, and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for
tools and plants, including all other incidental charges,etc.,complete as per
standard specification for PCC PARAPETS OVER WINGS.
Parapet 2x2
Bootom Portion 4 3.500 0.500 0.300 2.10cum
2x2 ((0.450+0.300)/2)
Tapper Portion 4 3.500 0.375 0.600 3.15cum
Straight portion 4 3.500 0.300 0.300 1.26cum

Total 6.51cum
19 Providing and fixing of cast iron drainage spouts 100mm dia as per
MOST drawing SD/205 with grating arrangements at top as shown in the
drawing using 12mm x 25mm flats for grating arrangements, and 100mm dia
drainage spout projecting beyond the bottom of deck slab as shown in the
drawing including cost and conveyance of cast iron pipes and flats and fixing
them in position etc,complete.

Drainage spouts 2 x 2

4 4Nos.

Total 4Nos.
20 VCC M30 (design mix) using 20mm ISS HBG graded metal as the max. size
of coarse aggreagates including cost & conveyance of all materials to site
and cost of cement at site, but excluding cost & fabrication of steel, but
including cost of form work, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying, curing concrete working at heights, hire charges for T&P
including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant std
specification for Wearing coat.

Over Approach slab 1x2

2 3.500 7.500 1.0000 52.50sq.m
Over Deck slab 1x2
2 9.800 7.500 1.0000 147.00sq.m
Total 199.50sq.m
21 Dismantling the existing Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar in the
existing causeway / bridge and clearing away from the work site and carefully
stacking the usefull materials for reuse on the road side as directed by the
departmental officers including all labour and incidental charges etc.,

1x2 (0.45+0.90)/2
Body wall 2 6.600 0.675 1.600 14.26cum
2x4 (22/7) X 1.10^2 (0.60+0.90)/2
D/s for Pipes - 8 0.950 1.000 0.750 -5.70cum
Total 8.56cum
Scaffolding and centering charges for the structural components of
abutment piers, bed block and deck slab including cost and conveyance of
all material to the site including all labour charges and incidental charges
etc., complete.

Centering for Footings Below Sill Level


I Footing 1 x 2 x 14.71 x 0.30 = 8.83sq.m

1 x 2 x 8.22 x 0.30 = 4.93sq.m

II Footing 1 x 2 x 14.13 x 0.40 = 11.30sq.m

1 x 2 x 8.57 x 0.40 = 6.86sq.m

III Footing 1 x 2 x 13.43 x 0.40 = 10.74sq.m

1 x 2 x 8.57 x 0.40 = 6.86sq.m

IV Footing 1 x 2 x 12.73 x 0.40 = 10.18sq.m

1 x 2 x 8.57 x 0.40 = 6.86sq.m


I Footing 2 x 2 x 5.72 x 0.30 = 6.86sq.m

2 x 2 x 3.24 x 0.30 = 3.89sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.22 x 0.30 = 2.66sq.m

II Footing 2 x 2 x 5.25 x 0.40 = 8.40sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.78 x 0.40 = 4.45sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.22 x 0.40 = 3.55sq.m

III Footing 2 x 2 x 4.9 x 0.40 = 7.84sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.43 x 0.40 = 3.89sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.22 x 0.40 = 3.55sq.m

IV Footing 2 x 2 x 4.55 x 0.40 = 7.28sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.08 x 0.40 = 3.33sq.m

2 x 2 x 2.22 x 0.40 = 3.55sq.m

Abutment sqrt(0.030^2+0.300^2)
Front Batter 1 x 2 x 10.63 x 0.30 = 6.41sq.m

(9.97+10.05)/2 sqrt(0.034^2+0.300^2)

Rear Batter 1 x 2 x 10.01 x 0.30 = 6.04sq.m

¶/4 (0.600+0.570)

Cut water 2 x 2 x 0.918 x 0.30 = 1.11sq.m


Front Batter 2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.30 = 4.22sq.m


Rear Batter 2 x 2 x 2.94 x 0.30 = 3.55sq.m


Sides 2 x 2 x 0.85 x 0.30 = 1.02sq.m


I Footing 1 x 2 x 2.20 x 0.15 = 0.66sq.m

1 x 2 x 14.3 x 0.15 = 4.29sq.m

II Footing 1 x 2 x 1.90 x 0.15 = 0.57sq.m

1 x 2 x 14 x 0.15 = 4.20sq.m

III Footing 1 x 2 x 1.60 x 0.15 = 0.48sq.m

1 x 2 x 13.7 x 0.15 = 4.11sq.m

IV Footing 1 x 2 x 1.30 x 0.15 = 0.39sq.m

1 x 2 x 13.4 x 0.15 = 4.02sq.m

Pier sqrt(0.040^2+1.200^2)

Straight Portion 1 x 2 x 12.10 x 1.20 = 29.06sq.m

¶/2 (0.460+0.500)

1 x 2 x 1.507 x 1.20 = 3.62sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 199.56sqm


= 1.171

Centering for Vertical Surface Above Sill Level

Abutment sqrt(0.150^2+1.475^2)

Front Batter 1 x 2 x 10.63 x 1.483 = 31.53sq.m

(10.44+10.05)/2 sqrt(0.166^2+1.475^2)

Rear Batter 1 x 2 x 10.25 x 1.484 = 30.41sq.m

¶/4 (0.570+0.420)

Cut water 2 x 2 x 0.777 x 1.483 = 4.61sq.m


Front Batter 2 x 2 x 3.50 x 1.483 = 20.76sq.m


Rear Batter 2 x 2 x 3.06 x 1.484 = 18.13sq.m


Sides 2 x 2 x 0.66 x 1.475 = 3.88sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.50 x 0.650 = 1.30sq.m

2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.650 = 9.10sq.m

2 x 2 x 3.15 x 0.650 = 8.19sq.m

Pier sqrt(0.050^2+1.475^2)

Straight Portion 1 x 2 x 12.10 x 1.476 = 35.72sq.m

¶/2 (0.460+0.500)

1 x 2 x 1.507 x 1.475 = 4.45sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 168.08sqm


= 2.678
Centering for Dirt wall cum Bed Block


Bed Block 1 x 2 x 11.61 x 0.275 = 6.39sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.445 x 0.25 = 0.45sq.m

1 x 2 x 10.44 x 0.25 = 5.22sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.50 x 0.25 = 0.50sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.25 = 0.30sq.m

2 x 2 x 10.44 x 0.105 = 4.38sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.105 = 0.13sq.m


Bed Block 1 x 2 x 12.1 x 0.275 = 6.66sq.m

(22 x 0.435)/7

Cut water 1 x 2 x 1.367 x 0.275 = 0.75sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 24.78sqm


= 3.269

Centering for Deck Slab

Deck Slab 1 x 2 x 11.61 x 7.600 = 176.47sq.m

2 x 2 x 9.8 x 0.400 = 15.68sq.m


2 x 2 x 0.450 x 11.610 = 20.90sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 213.05sqm


= 2.428

Centering for Base Course below Approach Slab

Base course 1 x 2 x 10.44 x 0.150 = 3.13sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 3.13sqm


= 0.317

Centering for Approach Slab


Approach Slab 2 x 2 x 8.95 x 0.348 = 12.44sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 12.44sqm


= 0.571

Centering for RCC Crash Barrier


2 x 2 x 9.8 x 1.176 = 46.10sq.m


2 x 2 x 9.8 x 0.752 = 29.47sq.m


2 x 2 x 9.8 x 0.305 = 11.96sq.m

2 x 2 x 9.8 x 0.175 = 6.86sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.358 x 1.000 = 1.43sq.m

Area per one cum of concrete = 95.82sqm


= 6.828

Centering for PCC Parapet

2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.300 = 4.20sq.m

2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.900 = 12.60sq.m

2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.300 = 4.20sq.m


2 x 2 x 3.50 x 0.618 = 8.66sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.300 = 0.36sq.m


2 x 2 x 0.3 x 0.375 = 0.45sq.m

2 x 2 x 0.3 x 0.300 = 0.36sq.m


Area per one cum of concrete = 30.83sqm


= 4.736
Construction of Minor Bridge at Km 3/4 of Kayathar - Therkkumayilodai Road to
Vadakkumayilodai Road


Stacking /
Name of Lead in Cost of Conveyance
Reach Kind of metal Storage Total
Quarry KM material Charges

Cement 12 - - - 6078.37
Km 128/4 of Madurai - Kanniyakumari Road CT 0.20

Steel 12 - - - 47238.37

M Sand 12 1250.00 121.80 - 1371.80

40 mm ISS 12 1004.00 121.80 - 1125.80

20 mm ISS 12 1398.00 121.80 - 1519.80

12 mm ISS 12 1297.00 121.80 - 1418.80

Km 9/8

6 mm ISS 12 645.00 121.80 - 766.80

22.4mm IRC 12 1400.00 121.80 - 1521.80

11.2 mm IRC 12 880.00 121.80 - 1001.80

6.70 mm IRC 12 653.00 121.80 - 774.80

4.75 mm IRC
12 578.00 121.80 - 699.80

Road side Tren Gravel 4 210.00 41.60 - 251.60


METAL: Km 128/4 of Madurai - Kanniyakumari Road CT 0.20

GRAVEL: Road side Trench at Km 0/10 of Kayathar - Kadampur Road

M SAND: Km 128/4 of Madurai - Kanniyakumari Road CT 0.20

Name of Work:

Construction of Minor Bridge at Km 3/4 of Kayathar - Therkkumayilodai Road to Vadakkumayilodai Road


1 Cu.m M.Sand 1371.80 Cu.m 1371.80
0.413 M.T. Cement 6078.37 M.T. 2510.37
TOTAL PER Cu.m Rs. 3882.17
1 Cu.m M.Sand 1371.80 Cu.m 1371.80
0.653 M.T. Cement 6078.37 M.T. 3969.18
TOTAL PER Cu.m Rs. 5340.98
CEMENT MORTAR M20 (using 40mm)
1 Cu.m M.Sand 1371.80 Cu.m 1371.80
0.693 M.T. Cement 6078.37 M.T. 4212.31
TOTAL PER Cu.m Rs. 5584.11
1 Cu.m M.Sand 1371.80 Cu.m 1371.80
0.890 M.T. Cement 6078.37 M.T. 5409.75
TOTAL PER Cu.m Rs. 6781.55
1 Cu.m M.Sand 1371.80 Cu.m 1371.80
1 M.T. Cement 6078.37 M.T. 6078.37
TOTAL PER Cu.m Rs. 7450.17
PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE 1:2:4 M15 Nominal Mix Using 40mm metal
9.00 Cu.m Cost of 40mm ISS metal 1125.80 Cu.m 10132.20
4.50 Cu.m Cost of C.M. 1:2 5340.98 " 24034.39
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 718.00 No. 1292.40
17.70 " Mazdoor I Class 502.00 No. 8885.40
14.10 " Mazdoor II Class 412.00 " 5809.20
10.00 Cu.m Vibration Charges 52.40 Cu.m 524.00
TOTAL PER 10 Cu.m Rs. 50677.59
PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE 1:3:6 M10 Nominal Mix Using 40mm metal
9.00 Cu.m Cost of 40mm ISS metal 1125.80 Cu.m 10132.20
4.50 Cu.m Cost of C.M. 1:3 3882.17 " 17469.75
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 718.00 No. 1292.40
17.70 " Mazdoor I Class 502.00 No. 8885.40
14.10 " Mazdoor II Class 412.00 " 5809.20
TOTAL PER 10 Cu.m Rs. 43588.95
PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE 1:1.5 M20 Nominal Mix Using 40mm metal
9.00 Cu.m Cost of 40mm ISS metal 1125.80 Cu.m 10132.20
4.50 Cu.m Cost of C.M. 1:1.5 5584.11 " 25128.50
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 718.00 No. 1292.40
17.70 " Mazdoor I Class 502.00 No. 8885.40
14.10 " Mazdoor II Class 412.00 " 5809.20
10.00 Cu.m Vibration Charges 52.40 Cu.m 524.00
TOTAL PER 10 Cu.m Rs. 51771.70
6.30 Cu.m Cost of 20mm ISS metal 1519.80 Cu.m 9574.74
2.70 " Cost of 12mm ISS metal 1418.80 " 3830.76
4.50 " Cost of C.M. 30 6781.55 " 30516.97
3.50 Nos. Mason II Class 718.00 No. 2513.00
21.20 " Mazdoor I Class 502.00 No. 10642.40
35.30 Mazdoor II Class 412.00 No. 14543.60
10.00 Vibration Charges 70.70 Cu.m 707.00
TOTAL PER 10 Cu.m Rs. 72328.47
Vibrated REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE M35 and Above design Mix
6.30 Cu.m Cost of 20mm ISS metal 1519.80 Cu.m 9574.74
2.70 " Cost of 12mm ISS metal 1418.80 " 3830.76
4.50 " Cost of C.M. M35 7450.17 " 33525.77
3.50 Nos. Mason II Class 718.00 No. 2513.00
21.20 " Mazdoor I Class 502.00 No. 10642.40
35.30 Mazdoor II Class 412.00 No. 14543.60
10.00 Vibration Charges 70.70 Cu.m 707.00
TOTAL PER 10 Cu.m Rs. 75337.27
1. Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock
requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and
lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all labour, equipments
and all incidental charges such as baling our water, providing
and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring
bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs,
stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions,
trimming bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing the site
and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per
relevant standard specification for DRESSING THE BED UP

1.00 Cu.m as per S.I No. 61 84.00 Cu.m 84.00

TOTAL Rs. 84.00
Rate per cum Rs. 84.00
2. Earthwork excavation in soft desintegrated rock except
Kankar / Soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting,
medium rock and hard rock requiring blasting and depositing
on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of
all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as
baling our water, providing and maintaining necessary
cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other
deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of
excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all
surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard

1.00 Cu.m as per S.I No. 62 84.00 Cu.m 84.00

1.00 Cu.m add 100% extra for narrow foundation 84.00 84.00
Refilling the sides L.S. 28.00
Providing and maintaining protective bunds and
L.S. 30.00
coffer dams
Baling out water L.S. Rs. 30.00
Removal of Protective bunds and other
L.S. 20.00
obstruction and clearing the site
Shoring, strutting, walling, if necessary. L.S. Rs. 25.00
Tools and Plants L.S. Rs. 25.00
TOTAL Rs. 326.00
Rate per cum Rs. 326.00
3 Earthwork excavation in soft desintegrated rock except
Kankar / Soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting,
medium rock and hard rock requiring blasting and depositing
on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of
all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as
baling our water, providing and maintaining necessary
cofferdams, sheeting, shoring bracing and their subsequent
removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other
deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of
excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all
surplus materials etc., complete as per relevant standard

1.00 Cu.m as per S.I No. 62 125.20 Cu.m 125.20

1.00 Cu.m add 100% extra for narrow foundation 125.20 125.20
Refilling the sides L.S. 28.00
Providing and maintaining protective bunds and
L.S. 30.00
coffer dams
Baling out water L.S. Rs. 30.00
Removal of Protective bunds and other
L.S. 20.00
obstruction and clearing the site
Shoring, strutting, walling, if necessary. L.S. Rs. 25.00
Tools and Plants L.S. Rs. 25.00
TOTAL Rs. 408.40
Rate per cum Rs. 408.40
4 Vibrated Cement Concrete of Grade M-10, Nominal Mix,
1:3:6, using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site including cement at site
including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for
mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at
depths, Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as
maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting
etc; complete as per relevant standard specification, etc,
complete as per relevant standard specification for LEVELING
COURSE UNDER FOOTINGS-1 Cum (Below sill level)

1 Cum Rate for Vib. CC M10 nominal mix (1:3:6) 4358.90 Cum Rs. 4358.90
Providing and maintaining protective bunds and L.S. 30.00
coffer dams
Bailing out water L.S. 30.00
Curing Concrete " 6.00
Soft water " 20.00
Hire charges for T&P " 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 4528.90
Rate per cum Rs. 4528.90
5 Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix, using
40mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and
2conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement
at site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges
for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working
at depths , tools and plants and maintaining of protective
bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as per
relevant standard specifications, for FOOTINGS OF

1 Cu.m Rate for Vib. PCC M20 Nominal Mix Rs. 5177.17 Rs. 5177.17

1.171 sq.m Formwork and Centering 694.57 sq.m Rs. 813.34

1 Working at depth 88.50 Cum. Rs. 88.50
Providing and maintaining protective bunds and L.S. 30.00
coffer dams
Bailing out water L.S. 30.00
Curing Concrete L.S. Rs. 20.00
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Hire charges for T&P L.S. Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 6249.01
Rate per cum Rs. 6249.01
6 Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M20 Nominal Mix, using
40mm ISS size HBG graded metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement at
site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for
mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at
depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental
charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications,

1 Cum Rate for Vib. PCC M20 Nominal Mix 5177.17 Cum. Rs. 5177.17

2.678 sq.m Formwork and Centering 812.80 sq.m Rs. 2176.68

Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Working on heights " Rs. 89.90
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Hire charges for T&P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 7553.75
Rate per cum Rs. 7553.75
7 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-30 Grade, Design
Mix, using ISS size hard granite broken graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and
cement at site but excluding cost and fabrication of steel,
including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying,
curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental charges, etc., complete for
(For Estimate Purpose, mix (1:1.5:3)

1 Cum Cost of RCC M30 7232.85 Cum. Rs. 7232.85

3.269 sq.m Formwork and Centering 812.80 sq.m Rs. 2657.04
Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Working on heights " Rs. 89.90
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Hire charges for T&P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 10089.79
Rate per cum Rs. 10089.79
8 Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm PVC pipes of
required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and
conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for
900 mm dia. semi-spherical backfill arrangements with
100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour
charges for fixing etc., complete to drain the backfill. -1 No.

Cost of Seepage pipes including labour

1 No. local rate Rs. 172.80
charges for fixing
TOTAL Rs. 172.80
9 Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of
deck slab and including cost and conveyance to worksite,
labour for fixing the same in correct position and all other
incidental charges etc., complete. -1 Sqm

Cost of Kraft paper including labour charges

1 sq.m local rate Rs. 100.00
for fixing
TOTAL Rs. 100.00
10 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-30 Grade, Design
Mix, using ISS size hard granite broken graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and
cement at site but excluding cost and fabrication of steel,
including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying,
curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental charges, etc., complete for
DECK SLAB AND KERBS. -1 Cum (For Estimate Purpose,
mix (1:1.5:3)
1 Cum Cost of RCC M30 7232.85 Cum. Rs. 7232.85
2.428 sq.m Formwork and Centering 1467.00 sq.m Rs. 3561.88
Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Working on heights " Rs. 89.90
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Hire charges for T & P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 10994.62
Rate per cum Rs. 10994.62
11 Providing filter media behind the abutments and wings with
clean III graded material 53mm to 5.6mm to 600mm thick and
well compacted in layers with smaller sized towards the soil
and bigger size towards the wall including cost and
conveyance to work site including all labours and other
incidental charges including hire charges for tools and plants
employed etc., for filter media as per MOST's (Roads Wing)
specifications for Roads and Bridges " Fourth Revision Cl.
309-3-2-13 and 305 -4-4 etc., complete- 1Cum.

1 Cum (22.4MM+11.2MM+6.7MM+ 4.75 MM ) / 4 877.75 Cum. Rs. 877.75

Conveyance charges 200.67 Rs. 200.67
LS Labour for filling in layers and compacting L.S. Rs. 29.30
Rs. 1107.72
Rate per cum Rs. 1107.72
12 Filling behind Abutments and wings with clean gritty gravel
including cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying,
handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum
moisture content to get the maximum density including
watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental
charges etc., complete. -1 Cum

1 Cu.m Cost of Gravel 251.60 Cu.m Rs. 251.60

Labour charges for spreading in layers and
1 Cu.m 29.30 " Rs. 29.30
Rs. 280.90
13 Providing and fixing PVC EXPANSION JOINT in between
deck slab over abutments and piers as shown in the drawing
including cost and conveyance of expansion joints including
Shalimar pad and joint sealant etc, complete.per Rm

RATE PER RM L.S Rs. 566.00

14 Supply and Fabrication of Fe-500 steel required for all RCC
items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site
fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening,
cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlapping to the
required length wherever necessary and placing the
reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings,
including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover
blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete, Fe-500
grade-1 MT.

1 M.T Cost of Tor Steel 47238.37 M.T Rs. 47238.37

for wastage, overlap, couppling

0.05 MT welded jts, spacer bars, stays and 47238.37 MT 2361.92
annealed wires

0.01 " Binding wire 43750.00 Rs. 437.50

35 Nos. Fitter I Class for Fabrication. 667.00 Rs. 23345.00
TOTAL Rs. 73382.8
Rate per tonne Rs. 73382.79
15 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-15 Grade, Nominal
Mix, 1:2:4, using 40mm ISS size hard granite broken metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and
cement at site including cost of framework, lead for soft water,
labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing
concrete, working in heights and hire charges for tools and
plants, and all other incidental charges, etc., complete as per
relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW

1 Cum Cost of CC 1:2:4 5067.76 Cum. Rs. 5067.76

0.317 sq.m Formwork and Centering 694.57 sq.m Rs. 220.18
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Hire charges for T&P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 5397.94
16 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-30, Grade, Design
Mix, using ISS size graded HBG metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site but
excluding cost and fabrication of steel, including all labour
charges for mixing concrete, laying, vibrating, and hire
charges for tools and plants, compacting, curing with all leads
for soft water, including all other incidental charges,
formwork, cost of remolded expansion joints and fixing the
same in position etc, complete for APPROACH SLAB.-1Cum (
For Estimate Purpose, mix 1:1.2:2.4)
1 Cum Cost of RCC M30 7232.85 Cum. Rs. 7232.85
0.571 sq.m Formwork and Centering 694.57 sq.m Rs. 396.60
Soft water L.S. Rs. 6.00
Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Hire charges for T&P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 7739.45
Rate per cum Rs. 7739.45
17 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M-40, Grade, Design
Mix, using ISS size hard granite broken graded metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including
cement at site but excluding cost and fabrication of steel,
including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, and
curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental charges etc.,, complete for
Estimate Purpose, mix 1:1.5:3)

1 Cum Cost of RCC M40 7533.73 Cum. Rs. 7533.73

6.828 sq.m Formwork and Centering 694.57 sq.m Rs. 4742.52
Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00
Hire charges for T&P " Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 12380.25
Rate per cum Rs. 12380.25
18 Vibrated Cement Concrete M-20 Grade, Nominal Mix, using
ISS size hard granite broken graded metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site
including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, and
curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and
plants, including all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per standard specification for PCC PARAPET OVER WINGS.

1 Cum Rate for Vib. PCC M20 Nominal Mix 5177.17 Cum. Rs. 5177.17
4.736 sq.m Formwork and Centering 694.57 sq.m Rs. 3289.48
Curing Concrete L.S. Rs. 20.00
Soft water Rs. 6.00
Hire charges for T&P L.S. Rs. 84.00
TOTAL Rs. 8576.65
Rate per cum Rs. 8576.65
19 Providing and fixing of cast iron drainage spouts 100mm dia.
as per MOST drawing SD/205 with grating arrangements at
top as shown in the drawing using 12mm x 25mm flats for
grating arrangements, and 100mm dia. drainage spout
projecting beyond the bottom of deck slab as shown in the
drawing including cost and conveyance of cast iron pipes and
flats and fixing them in position etc., complete.

L.S. Local Rate L.S. Rs. 2163.00

TOTAL Rs. 2163.00
VCC M30 (design mix) using 20mm ISS HBG graded metal as
the max. size of coarse aggreagates including cost &
conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site,
but excluding cost & fabrication of steel, but including cost of
form work, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting,
laying, curing concrete working at heights, hire charges for
T&P including all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per relevant std specification for Wearing coat.

0.45 Cum Cost of 20 mm ISS 1519.80 Cum. Rs. 683.91

0.17 Cum Cost of 12 mm ISS 1418.80 Cum. Rs. 241.20

0.07 Cum Cost of 6 mm ISS 766.80 Cum. Rs. 53.68

0.34 Cum Cost of M.Sand 1371.80 Cum. Rs. 466.41

0.408 Cum Cost of Cement 6078.37 Cum. Rs. 2479.97

1.88 Nos Mazdoor I Class 502.00 Cum. Rs. 943.76

1.16 Nos Mazdoor II Class 412.00 Cum. Rs. 477.92

0.43 Nos Carpenter II Class 752.00 Cum. Rs. 323.36

0.36 Nos Mason I Class 769.00 Cum. Rs. 276.84

Soft Water " Rs. 6.00

Curing Concrete " Rs. 20.00

Hire charges for T & P " Rs. 84.00

0.75 Vibration charges 52.40 Rs. 39.30

Total Rs. 6096.35

Rate per sq.m Rs. 609.63

21 Dismantling the existing Random Rubble Masonry in Cement
Mortar in the existing causeway / bridge and clearing away
from the work site and carefully stacking the usefull materials
for reuse on the road side as directed by the departmental
officers including all labour and incidental charges etc.,

RATE PER CUM Rs. 193.00

5.05 6.56



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