Lesson 6 Security and Authentication

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Kubernetes: Security
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create an RBAC role and associate a user with that role

Create a cluster role and associate a user with that role

Work on secrets with private registry information

Create a network policy

Modify the pod settings to associate with a network policy

Kubernetes Security Primitives
Secure Kube-API Server

The Kubernetes API server The API Server services the

validates and configures REST operations and provides
data for the API objects the front end to the cluster’s
including pods, services, and shared state for all other
replication controllers. elements to interact.

kube-apiserver [flags]
Secure Kube-API Server

Syntax: kube-apiserver [flags]

Options Description

--admission-control-config-file string File with admission control configuration

--allow-privileged If true, allow privileged containers

--audit-dynamic-configuration It enables dynamic audit configuration. This feature
also requires the DynamicAuditing feature flag

--audit-log-batch-buffer-size int Default: 10000 The size of the buffer to store events before batching
and writing; it is only used in a batch mode
--audit-log-batch-max-size int Default: 1 It is the maximum size of a batch that is only used in a
batch mode
User and Password-Based Authentication

Authentication modules include client certificates,

password, plain tokens, Bootstrap tokens, and JWT
tokens (used for service accounts). Each of the
HTTP authentication modules mentioned is tried in sequence
until one of them succeeds.

On GCE, client certificates, password, plain tokens,

and JWT tokens are all enabled. The request is rejected
Username - system:anonymous with HTTP status code 401 if it can not be
User and Password-Based Authentication

Otherwise, the user is authenticated as a specific

username. This username is available to the
subsequent steps for use in their decisions. Some
authenticators also provide the group memberships of
the user, while others will not.

Kubernetes neither has a user object nor does it store

the usernames or any other user data in its object store.
Instead, it uses usernames for access control decisions
and in-request logging.
Username - system:anonymous
Securing the Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes recommends making communication between node components such

as kubelet, kube-proxy, and master components, private and secure.
Securing the Kubernetes Cluster

TLS certificates need to be distributed for the node components and are to be
signed with the master Certificate Authority (CA). This is to achieve private and
secure connection between node components and master components.
Securing the Kubernetes Cluster

TLS bootstrapping can be described as a mechanism for the automated retrieval of

certificates from the API to permit newly created node(s) to communicate with the
master(s) securely.
Server Certificates

A Certificate Authority (CA) key and a certificate, without

bootstrapping, are used to sign the kubelet certificate. Also, it is the
user’s responsibility to distribute them to master nodes.
Server Certificates

All Kubernetes components assume the key and certificate to be

PEM-encoded using certificates like kubelet, kube-apiserver, and
Client Certificates

A notable component is kube-proxy that controls the plane and

runs on each node. It can also include other components like
monitoring or networking.

Other components may have to communicate directly with the

Certificates API
Certificate Authentication Server

Bootstrap tokens are defined with a unique type of secret that

resides in the kube-system namespace. The Bootstrap
authenticator of the API Server is used to read it.
Certificate Authentication Server

The expired tokens are removed using the TokenCleaner

controller in the Controller Manager.

The tokens are also used to create a signature for a specific

ConfigMap used in a discovery process using the BootstrapSigner
Certificates API Process

• Use the following flag on the API server to enable

the Bootstrap Token authenticator:


• To authenticate requests against the API server,

bootstrapping tokens can be used as bearer token
credentials when enabled

Authorization: Bearer 07401b.f395accd246ae52d

Certificates API Process

• The username system : bootstrap: are members of the

group system : bootstrappers are authenticated using
the active tokens

• Expired tokens can be deleted automatically by enabling

the tokencleaner controller on the controller manager

Kubeconfig File Requirements

Imagine you have defined several clusters, your users,

and components authentications in a number of ways.

For example:
• A running kubelet might authenticate using certificates
• A user might authenticate using tokens
• Administrators may have several certificate sets that
they use to provide individual users
Kubeconfig File Requirements

Using kubeconfig files, you can organize your clusters,

users, and namespaces. You can additionally outline
contexts to quickly and simply switch between clusters
and namespaces.
Major Components of KubeConfig File

There are five major components of KubeConfig file:

Cluster User Context

Current Context Miscellaneous

Components of Kubeconfig File

● The Kubeconfig environment variable has a list of

kubeconfig files.
● For Linux and Mac, the list is colon-delimited.
● For Windows, the list is semicolon-delimited. The
Kubeconfig environment variable is not required.
Components of Kubeconfig File

● kubectl uses the default kubeconfig file

$HOME/.kube/config if the Kubeconfig environment
variable does not exist.
● It then uses an effective configuration which is the
result of merging files listed in the Kubeconfig
environment variable.
Certificates in Kubeconfig File

To extract the certificate data from the kubeconfig file, use

a kubeconfig file named config in the .kube subdirectory of
your home directory.
Certificates in Kubeconfig File

A simple grep statement can be used to isolate this

grep 'client-certificate-data' $HOME/.kube/config
Certificates in Kubeconfig File

Combine that with awk to isolate only the certificate data:

grep 'client-certificate-data' $HOME/.kube/config | awk '{print
Persistent Key-Value Store
Persistent Key-Value Store in etcd

Kubernetes uses etcd for persistent storage of all of its REST API objects. Kubernetes objects are
stored under the /registry key in etcd.

Here are a few best practices for persistent storage key value pair in etcd:

⮚ etcd should have only kube-apiserver read/write access

⮚ etcd should run as a cluster or its data directory must be located on double storage
⮚ Write a value on your master VM to test the working of etcd
API Groups
API Group

The main aim of an API group is to extend the Kubernetes API specified in a REST path and the
apiVersion field of a serialized object.

Here are the two widely used API groups:

Core API Group Named API Group

API Group

Below are the version and path components of API groups:

• The core group is also called legacy group. It uses apiVersion: V1 and is at REST path

• The name group uses apiVersion: $GROUP_NAME/$VERSION and is at REST path

Role-Based Access Control
Role Binding

Used to grant permission to a set of users defined in a role

Consists of the subject, i.e., a user, group, or account and the reference to which the role will be

Used to grant permissions within a namespace and not cluster-wide; ClusterRoleBinding is used
for granting permissions cluster-wide
RBAC Role Creation

Problem Statement: You are given a project to demonstrate the workflow of creating an RBAC
Associate the User with the Role

Problem Statement: You are given a project to demonstrate the association of a user with the
Cluster Roles and Role Bindings
Cluster Role

AlikeRole and ClusterRole can also be used to grant permission. They can grant permissions

• Non-resource endpoints
• Clustered scooped resources like nodes
• Namespace resources

It is also used to grant read access to secrets across all namespaces or a particular namespace (if

Used to grant permission at the cluster level and in all namespaces

Used to bind a role to user, groups, and service accounts. These are also called subjects

The two default ClusterRoleBinding are:

• system:authenticated group
• system:unauthenticated group

Let us see an example of ClusterRoleBinding that allows users to read secrets in any namespace:


apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
# This cluster role binding allows anyone in the group
“SampleGroup” to read secrets in any namespace.
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: read-secrets-global
- kind: Group
name: SampleGroup
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: secret-reader
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
Cluster Role Creation

Problem Statement: You are given a project to demonstrate the creation of a cluster role.
Associate the User with Cluster Role

Problem Statement: You are given a project to demonstrate the association of a user with
cluster role.
Image Security
Registry Requirements

Docker images are pushed to registry before referring it in a pod. Private registries require keys
to read those images.

The types of private registries are:

⮚ AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)

⮚ Google Container Registry
⮚ Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR)
⮚ Azure Container Registry (ACR)
⮚ IBM Cloud Container Registry
Registry Requirements

The requirements of AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR) are:

• Use of kubelet version v1.2.0 or latest

• Use of kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest, if the nodes and the registry are
in different regions
• Offer ECR in your region
Secrets with Private Registry Information Stored

Problem Statement: You are given a project to demonstrate the use of the secrets with private
registry information stored.
Network Policy
Ingress and Egress Traffic

Default network policy type in which the NetworkPolicy includes a list of ingress rules

Each ingress rule is used to allow traffic that matched the from and port section

In this, the NetworkPolicy includes a list of egress rules. Each egress rule is used to allow traffic
that matched the to and port section
Ingress and Egress Traffic

Here are the four selectors that can be specified in ingress from and egress to section:

podSelector namespaceSelctor

namespace and podselector ipBlock

Creating Network Policy

Problem Statement: You are given a task to create a network policy.

Modifying the Pod Settings to Associate with Network

Problem Statement: You are given a project to modify the pod settings to associate with the
network policy.
Key Takeaways

You are now able to:

Create an RBAC role and associate a user with that role

Create a cluster role and associate a user with that role

Work on secrets with private registry information

Create a network policy

Modify the pod settings to associate with a network policy

Knowledge Check
_____________ is used to grant permissions at the cluster level.

a. Role

b. RoleBinding

c. Cluster Role

d. ClusterBinding
_____________ is used to grant permissions at the cluster level.

a. Role

b. RoleBinding

c. Cluster Role

d. ClusterBinding

The correct answer is d

ClusterBinding is used to grant permissions at the cluster level.

Check Which of the following rules is used to allow traffic that matches the from and
port section?

a. Ingress rule

b. Egress rule

c. podSelector

d. namespaceSelector
Check Which of the following rules is used to allow traffic that matches the from and
port section?

a. Ingress rule

b. Egress rule

c. podSelector

d. namespaceSelector

The correct answer is a

Ingress rule is used to allow traffic that matches the from and port section.
Check Which of the following registries uses the kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes
3 and the registry are in different regions?

a. Google Container Registry

b. AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)

c. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR)

d. IBM Cloud Container Registry

Check Which of the following registries uses the kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes
3 and the registry are in different regions?

a. Google Container Registry

b. AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)

c. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR)

d. IBM Cloud Container Registry

The correct answer is b

AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR) uses the kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes and the registry are
in different regions.
Which of the following is a requirement of AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)?

a. Use of kubelet version v1.2.0 or latest

b. Use of kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes and the registry are in different regions

c. Offering of ECR in your region

d. All of the above

Which of the following is a requirement of AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)?

a. Use of kubelet version v1.2.0 or latest

b. Use of kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes and the registry are in different regions

c. Offering of ECR in your region

d. All of the above

The correct answer is d

Use of kubelet version v1.2.0 or latest, use of kubelet version v1.3.0 or latest if the nodes and the registry
are in different regions, and offering of ECR in your region are the requirements of AWS ECR.
Check Which of the following kube-apiserver flags specifies the maximum size of a batch and
can be used only in a batch mode?

a. --admission-control-config-file string

b. --audit-dynamic-configuration

c. --audit-log-batch-buffer-size int Default: 10000

d. --audit-log-batch-max-size int Default: 1

Check Which of the following kube-apiserver flags specifies the maximum size of a batch and
can be used only in a batch mode?

a. --admission-control-config-file string

b. --audit-dynamic-configuration

c. --audit-log-batch-buffer-size int Default: 10000

d. --audit-log-batch-max-size int Default: 1

The correct answer is d

--audit-log-batch-max-size int Default: 1 specifies the maximum size of a batch and can be sued only in a
batch mode.
Problem Statement: Corporate banks have a lot of sensitive information
pertaining to millions of people. With online banking, one can get rid of many
challenges of traditional banking. But, how can you ensure that data transfer
and visibility are only limited to authorized users?

Objective: Authenticate the scenario using ID and password in online

banking sector.

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