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English Planet Book 1

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Mercury is first planet from the Sun. It is also smallest of all planets. It
has very thin atmosphere. It is second densest planet in Solar System
after the Earth. Mercury’s core is almost 1800 to 1900 km is radius and
covered with layer of Silicates and other material. This layer of silicate
is almost 500 to 600 km in thickness. Mercury’s surface features many craters and plains.
There are many crevices on Mercury’s surface. Scientists think that these crevices are
formed due to contraction of Mercury’s surface. Radar studies of Mercury indicates that
there are traces of frozen ice near North polar region and shadows of some craters.
Mercury’s magnetic field is 0.01% that of the Earth. There is no known moon to Mercury.
Since Mercury is inferior planet, it displays phases like Moon.

Biggest crater on Mercury is called as Caleris Basin. It is 1300km in diameter. It is

formed due to very forceful impact from meteorite measuring almost 100km in diameter.
This impact had caused some highland areas in opposite side of this huge crater.
Diameter (Km) : 4876
Mass (1024 Kg) : 0.330
Density (Kg/m3) : 5427
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 4.3
Gravity (m/s2) : 3.7
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 57.9
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 46.0
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 69.8
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 1407.6
Revolution Period (days) : 88
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 7.0
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.205
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 0.034
Mean Temperature (C) : 167

Mercury Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : No
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Mercury is smallest Planet in our solar system
2. Mercury is second densest planet in our solar system after Earth
3. Mercury is second hottest planet in our solar system after Venus
4. Mercury's orbit is most eccentric in entire solar system
5. Mercury's axis has smallest tilt (Obliquity to orbit) in solar system
6. Mercury's gravity is 38% that of the Earth
7. Mercury has no Moons or Ring System
8. Mercury rotates three times for every two orbits around the Sun
9. Mercury has very weak magnetic field.
10. Mercury has very thin layer of atmosphere
11. Mercury has large Iron core, approximately 40% of its volume
12. Mercury has more craters and impact marks on its surface than any
other planet in our solar system.
13. Orbit of Mercury was important in proving Einstein’s theory of
14. Being inferior planet, Mercury displays phases like the Moon
Venus is almost equal to earth in Volume with its diameter 95% that of
the Earth and mass 80%. Venus’s interior structure is also similar to
the Earth. Venus’s day is longer that its year. It rotates in opposite
direction, i.e. from East to West. Venus presents its same surface to
the Earth at every inferior conjunction. Venus is third brightest object in the Sky after
the Sun and the Moon. Venus is covered by very dense atmosphere mainly comprising of
Carbon dioxide. Its pressure is 90 times that of the Earth’s atmosphere. It consist mainly
of Carbon dioxide but also contains Sulphuric acid and Sulphur dioxide. We can observe
very strong Green house effect due to such thick and dense Carbon dioxide layers. This
effect causes very high temperature at Venus’s surface. Almost 480 degree Celsius. Its
highest than any other Planet. Venus also has very strong winds, 350km per hour, in its
upper layers of atmosphere. However near surface speed of winds is very low. Venus’s
atmosphere reflects nearly 75% of light falling on it. Because of such high reflection rate,
Venus appears so bright. There are very few craters on Venus’s surface because of dense
atmosphere. There are no known moons to Venus. Also it has no magnetic field. Since
Venus is inferior planet like Mercury, it also displays phases like Moon and Mercury.
Diameter (Km) : 12104
Mass (1024 Kg) : 4.87
Density (Kg/m3) : 5243
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 10.4
Gravity (m/s2) : 8.9
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 108.2
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 107.5
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 108.9
Rotational Period (Hrs) : -5832.5
Revolution Period (days) : 224.7
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 3.4
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.007
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 177.4
Mean Temperature (C) : 464

Venus Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : No
Global Magnetic Field? : No
Facts :
1. Venus is brightest planet in sky and third brightest object in Sky after
the Sun and the Moon.
2. Venus rotates in opposite direction to other planets
3. Venus is hottest planet in our solar system
4. Venus’s day is longer than its year
5. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is 90 times stronger than the Earth
6. Venus has no magnetic field
7. Venus has no Moons or Ring System
8. Venus is closest Planet to the Earth
9. Venus’s orbit is most circular of all the planets
10. Venus day is longest in entire solar system
The Earth is third planet from the Sun and only known planet in
Universe to support life. The Earth’s atmosphere comprise of 77%
Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and very small percentage of Argon, Carbon
dioxide and water vapor. The Earth is most dense planet in solar
system. The Earth structure is layers and 71% of its surface is covered by water. The
Earth is only known planet to hold liquid water. Liquid form of water is one of most
essential factor for life. Oceans play major role in maintaining necessary temperature
convenient to life system on the Earth.

Earth’s peculiar position in Solar System is main reason for life supporting Atmosphere,
liquid Water and comfortable Temperature.
Diameter (Km) : 12756
Mass (1024 Kg) : 5.97
Density (Kg/m3) : 5514
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 11.2
Gravity (m/s2) : 9.8
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 149.6
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 147.1
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 152.1
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 23.9
Revolution Period (days) : 365.2
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 0
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.017
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 23.4
Mean Temperature (C) : 15

Earth Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : No
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen
2. Earth is densest planet in our solar system
3. The gravitational pull between the Earth and the Moon causes the tides
on Earth
4. The Earth has Ozone layer which protects it from harmful solar
5. Earth has relatively few visible impact craters.
6. Earth has very powerful magnetic field
7. Earth is only planet in solar system with liquid water
8. Earth’s rotational period is fastest in all Terrestrial planets.
9. Earth’s tilt of axis causes seasons on the Earth
10. Highest point on the Earth is Mount Everest which is 8848 m from sea
11. Lowest point on the Earth is Challenger Deep which is 10.9 km below
sea level
12. Earth has one Moon and no ring system
Mars, last of terrestrial planets, is forth planet from the Sun . It has
thin layer of atmosphere. This is mainly composed of Carbon dioxide
and few percentage of Nitrogen, Argon and Oxygen. Atmospheric
pressure of this is as low as 7 millibar (1% that of the Earth). At base of
few craters, pressure is found to be near 9 millibar and at top of few mountains it is as low
as 1 millibar. Still Mars faces some fierce winds and dust storms which covers entire
surface of Mars sometime. Mars surface is littered with craters. Southern hemisphere of
planet has more craters whereas Northern displays major plains and low height plateaus.
Main feature of this hemisphere are channels formed because of running water. It is
speculated that there was running water on the Mars some 40 million years ago. Mars
features some interesting terrestrial features. Olympus Mons, Biggest mountain in entire
solar system is situated on Mars. Its height is approximately 21 Km and Base is around
600 Km in diameter. Tharsis is another highland area on Mar’s surface. It is 400km long
and 10km in height. Valles Marineris, 4000 km long and 2 to 7 km deep, is biggest canyon
system in Solar System. Hellas Planitia is impact crater with diameter around 2000 km
and depth 6km. Mars has polar caps, formed mainly of dry ice (Solid Carbon dioxide) and
few percentage of frozen water, at both its poles. There are layers of dust and ice.
Diameter (Km) : 6792
Mass (1024 Kg) : 0.642
Density (Kg/m3) : 3933
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 5.0
Gravity (m/s2) : 3.7
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 227.9
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 206.6
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 249.2
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 24.6
Revolution Period (days) : 687.0
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 1.9
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.094
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 25.2
Mean Temperature (C) : -65

Mars Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : No
Global Magnetic Field? : No
Facts :
1. The tallest mountain in Solar System is on the Mars. This mountain is
called Olympos Mons. It is 21 km high and 600 km in diameter
2. Valles Marineris is Largest canyon in Solar System. It is 4000 km long,
200 km wide and almost 7 km deep
3. Mars experience huge dust storms. Largest in our Solar system.
4. Mars also has seasons like the Earth
5. Mars doesn’t have magnetic field
6. Mars has two moon
7. Mars is only planet except Earth with Polar ice caps
8. Mars is known as Red planet
Jupiter is fifth planet in our solar system and largest of planet also.
Jupiter’s mass is twice that of mass of all remaining planets together. It
is forth brightest object in the Sky. It is completely gaseous planet and
it is supposed that there may be very small solid core at the center of it.
Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium. There is very small
part of Methane, Water vapor and Ammonia. Very strong winds at the speed to 600km per
hour flows in Jupiter’s atmosphere. Most prominent feature on Jupiter’s surface is the
Great Red Spot. This is giant storm raging for more than 300 years. This has been
observed from the Earth also. Diameter of this spot is approximately 12000 to 25000 km.
There are many such spots on surface of Jupiter. There is very strong magnetic field on the
Jupiter. Similarly Voyager 1 and 2 had found faint ring system like Saturn to the Jupiter.
These rings are made up of very small dust particles. Also 69 moons had been recorded to
the Jupiter till date. Four of them can be easily observed through amateur telescope.
Those are IO, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. In 1994, comet Shoemaker-Levy was
captured in gravitation of Jupiter and broken in many fragments. These fragments
collided on Jupiter’s surface one after other. This collision was recorded by Hubble Space
Telescope and impact marks of this collision was seen from Earth also.
Diameter (Km) : 1,42,984
Mass (1024 Kg) : 1898
Density (Kg/m3) : 1326
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 59.5
Gravity (m/s2) : 23.1
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 778.6
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 740.5
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 816.6
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 9.9
Revolution Period (days) : 4331
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 1.3
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.049
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 3.1
Mean Temperature (C) : -110

Jupiter Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : Yes
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Jupiter is largest planet in Solar System
2. Jupiter has shortest day of Planets
3. Jupiter has faint ring system
4. Ganymede, largest moon of Jupiter, is largest Moon in entire solar
5. Jupiter has 69 known moons
6. Jupiter is fourth brightest object in sky
7. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is an enormous storm that has been raging for
over 300 years
8. Jupiter’s moon IO experiences very active volcanic activities
9. Different part of Jupiter rotates at different speed
Saturn is sixth planet in our solar system and second largest of planet
also. It is completely gaseous planet and it is supposed that there may
be very small solid core at the center of it. Saturn’s atmosphere is made
up of 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium. There is very small part of
Methane, Water vapor and Ammonia. Saturn’s density is lowest in all the planets (0.7).
Rather it is less than that of Water.

Most prominent feature of the Saturn is its Rings. These rings are bright and can be
observed very easily through small telescopes from the Earth. Saturn rings are
approximately 63000 km in width but thickness of these rings is less than 1 km. These
rings are not continuous. They are made up of small rocks and dust particles. They seem
continuos from distance. Size of these particles range from few centimeter to few meters.
Some objects in these rings are more than kilometer width. These rings are formed by
numerous small rings. Gap between A and E rings is very distinct and called as Cassini’s
division. Total mass of these ring’s material is very low.

Also 63 moons had been recorded to the Saturn till date. Biggest of these is Titan, which is
second largest moon in Solar System.
Diameter (Km) : 1,20,536
Mass (1024 Kg) : 568
Density (Kg/m3) : 687
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 35.5
Gravity (m/s2) : 9.0
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 1433.5
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 1352.6
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 1514.5
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 10.7
Revolution Period (days) : 10,747
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 2.5
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.057
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 26.7
Mean Temperature (C) : -140

Saturn Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : Yes
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Saturn is second largest planet in Solar System
2. Saturn has second shortest day of Planets
3. Saturn has Most prominent ring system
4. Saturn has fastest winds in entire solar system
5. Saturn is least dense planet in entire solar system. Its density is less
than water
6. Saturn’s moon Titan is second largest moon in Solar System
7. The main rings of Saturn begin roughly 7000 km above Saturn’s equator
and extend out till 73000km. But its thickness is not more than about
one km
Uranus is seventh planet in our solar system and third largest of all
planets. It is completely gaseous planet and it is supposed that there
may be very small solid core at the center of it. Uranus’s atmosphere is
made up of 83% Hydrogen and 15% Helium and 2% Methane.

Uranus’s axis is tilted by 97.8 degrees. So it appears as it is rolling on its side while moving
around the Sun. Due to Methane near surface of the Uranus, it appears blue.

Uranus also has rings like Saturn. These are made of small rocks and dust particles. These
particles are ranging from few centimeters to few meters. There are total 11 rings to the
Uranus. Most prominent of these ring is called as Epsilon Ring.

Uranus is first planet predicted with help of mathematics and found through telescope.
William Herschel found it on 13th March 1781. Also 27 moons had been recorded to the
Saturn till date.
Diameter (Km) : 51,118
Mass (1024 Kg) : 86.8
Density (Kg/m3) : 1271
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 21.3
Gravity (m/s2) : 8.7
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 2872.5
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 2741.3
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 3003.6
Rotational Period (Hrs) : -17.2
Revolution Period (days) : 30,589
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 0.8
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.046
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 97.8
Mean Temperature (C) : -195

Uranus Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : Yes
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Uranus is second least dense planet in entire solar system after Saturn
2. Axis of Uranus is tilted by 97.8 degrees so it rotates from East to West
3. Uranus is first planet found with help of Mathematics and Telescope
4. Uranus has 13 known rings
5. The Chemical Uranium discovered in 1789 was named after the newly
discovered planet Uranus
6. Uranus is coldest planet in entire Solar System with Min temperature
-240 C
7. Winds on Uranus can reach upto 900 km per hour
8. Uranus has 27 known moons
Neptune is Eighth and last planet in our solar system and forth largest
of all planets. It is partially gaseous planet and it is supposed that there
may be earth sized solid core at the center of it. Neptune’s atmosphere
is made up mostly of Hydrogen, Helium and Methane. Due to Methane
near surface of the Uranus, it appears blue. Winds on Neptune are fastest in Solar System.
They can reach to speed of 2000 km per hour.

There are bands on its surface like other gaseous planets. Also there are storms raging on
its surface. Prominent feature is large dark spot. This spot is called as Great Dark Spot.
Neptune also has rings like Saturn. Also 14 moons had been recorded to the Saturn till

Neptune was discovered by Gall and D’Arrest with calculations made by Adams and Le
Verrier separately.
Diameter (Km) : 49,528
Mass (1024 Kg) : 102
Density (Kg/m3) : 1638
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 23.5
Gravity (m/s2) : 11.0
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 4495.1
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 4444.5
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 4545.7
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 16.1
Revolution Period (days) : 59,800
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 1.8
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.011
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 28.3
Mean Temperature (C) : -200

Neptune Surface Pressure (bars) :

Number of Moons :
Ring System? : Yes
Global Magnetic Field? : Yes
Facts :
1. Neptune has second largest gravity of any planet
2. Neptune has ring system
3. Neptune has 14 known moons
4. Climate on Neptune is extremely active
5. Neptune has storm similar to Great Red Spot on Jupiter. This storm is
called as Great Dark Spot

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