English Planet Book 1
English Planet Book 1
English Planet Book 1
Mercury is first planet from the Sun. It is also smallest of all planets. It
has very thin atmosphere. It is second densest planet in Solar System
after the Earth. Mercury’s core is almost 1800 to 1900 km is radius and
covered with layer of Silicates and other material. This layer of silicate
is almost 500 to 600 km in thickness. Mercury’s surface features many craters and plains.
There are many crevices on Mercury’s surface. Scientists think that these crevices are
formed due to contraction of Mercury’s surface. Radar studies of Mercury indicates that
there are traces of frozen ice near North polar region and shadows of some craters.
Mercury’s magnetic field is 0.01% that of the Earth. There is no known moon to Mercury.
Since Mercury is inferior planet, it displays phases like Moon.
Earth’s peculiar position in Solar System is main reason for life supporting Atmosphere,
liquid Water and comfortable Temperature.
Diameter (Km) : 12756
Mass (1024 Kg) : 5.97
Density (Kg/m3) : 5514
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 11.2
Gravity (m/s2) : 9.8
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 149.6
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 147.1
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 152.1
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 23.9
Revolution Period (days) : 365.2
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 0
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.017
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 23.4
Mean Temperature (C) : 15
Most prominent feature of the Saturn is its Rings. These rings are bright and can be
observed very easily through small telescopes from the Earth. Saturn rings are
approximately 63000 km in width but thickness of these rings is less than 1 km. These
rings are not continuous. They are made up of small rocks and dust particles. They seem
continuos from distance. Size of these particles range from few centimeter to few meters.
Some objects in these rings are more than kilometer width. These rings are formed by
numerous small rings. Gap between A and E rings is very distinct and called as Cassini’s
division. Total mass of these ring’s material is very low.
Also 63 moons had been recorded to the Saturn till date. Biggest of these is Titan, which is
second largest moon in Solar System.
Diameter (Km) : 1,20,536
Mass (1024 Kg) : 568
Density (Kg/m3) : 687
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 35.5
Gravity (m/s2) : 9.0
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 1433.5
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 1352.6
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 1514.5
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 10.7
Revolution Period (days) : 10,747
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 2.5
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.057
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 26.7
Mean Temperature (C) : -140
Uranus’s axis is tilted by 97.8 degrees. So it appears as it is rolling on its side while moving
around the Sun. Due to Methane near surface of the Uranus, it appears blue.
Uranus also has rings like Saturn. These are made of small rocks and dust particles. These
particles are ranging from few centimeters to few meters. There are total 11 rings to the
Uranus. Most prominent of these ring is called as Epsilon Ring.
Uranus is first planet predicted with help of mathematics and found through telescope.
William Herschel found it on 13th March 1781. Also 27 moons had been recorded to the
Saturn till date.
Diameter (Km) : 51,118
Mass (1024 Kg) : 86.8
Density (Kg/m3) : 1271
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 21.3
Gravity (m/s2) : 8.7
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 2872.5
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 2741.3
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 3003.6
Rotational Period (Hrs) : -17.2
Revolution Period (days) : 30,589
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 0.8
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.046
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 97.8
Mean Temperature (C) : -195
There are bands on its surface like other gaseous planets. Also there are storms raging on
its surface. Prominent feature is large dark spot. This spot is called as Great Dark Spot.
Neptune also has rings like Saturn. Also 14 moons had been recorded to the Saturn till
Neptune was discovered by Gall and D’Arrest with calculations made by Adams and Le
Verrier separately.
Diameter (Km) : 49,528
Mass (1024 Kg) : 102
Density (Kg/m3) : 1638
Escape Velocity (Km/s) : 23.5
Gravity (m/s2) : 11.0
Avg. Distance from the Sun (106 Kms) : 4495.1
Perihelion (106 Kms) : 4444.5
Aphelion (106 Kms) : 4545.7
Rotational Period (Hrs) : 16.1
Revolution Period (days) : 59,800
Orbital Inclination (Degrees) : 1.8
Orbital Eccentricity : 0.011
Obliquity to Orbit – Tilt of axis (Degrees) : 28.3
Mean Temperature (C) : -200