Refers To The Trade of Such Companies Which Are Not Listed in Formal Exchange
Refers To The Trade of Such Companies Which Are Not Listed in Formal Exchange
Refers To The Trade of Such Companies Which Are Not Listed in Formal Exchange
Renko Chart
An over price-priceda.On the security markb. Above the security mac.Below thed. Parallel to security m
Underwriters are in a. Primary market b.Secondary market c.Chit fundd. Private landers busi
Diversification can ma. Systematic risk fullyb.Unsystematic risk fullyc.Systematid. unsystematic risk fu
a. unsystematic ac. cumulati
b. systematic risk
risk open risk ve risk
Company related risk is part of
. The purchase of asset to acquir a.Investmen b. Speculation c. Speculatd. Investment less spe
Under ___a portfoilio manger monita. portfolio revision b. portfolio evaluation c. portfoli d. portfolio diverisficati
_____is connected to base policya. Strategic Asset Allo b. Tactical Asset Allocation c. Insured
Over the period, investors dete a.Arithmetic median b.Arithmetic mean c.Calculu d.Geometric mean
The peak price of the stock is call a.Resistance area b.Support area c.Head d.Shoulder
Elliott wave explains long-term pat a.Five successive waveb.Three successive wavec.Two succd.Four successive wav
Sweat Equity is ---------------- a.A New class of equitb.Issued to the employeec.Issued tod.Issued out of the cla
Book building is managed mainly b a.Lead manager and bb.Registrar c.Lead mand.Registrar and book r
To calculate historical (realised) ri a.ex-post data b.mean and variance of c.probabilid.ex- ante data
.Bond holders usually accept inter a.six months b.1 year c.2 monthsd.2 years
The price earnings ratio of a stock a.The growth of the b.The market mood for c.The earn d.The dividend paid ou
The need for constant income dep a.Inflation risk b.Interest risk c.Market rid.Unique risk
An investor is having their portfoli a.A risk taker b.Risk averse c.Risk neutd.Active in portfolio m
Markowitz approach has roots in a.Analysing risk and reb.Estimation of stock retc.Proper end.Good portfolio mana
The presence of risk means that a.More than one outcob.Investors will lose mo c.The standd.Final wealth will be g
Portfolio theory as described by M a.The effect of diversifb.The elimination of systc.The identd.Active portfolio man
The term structure of the bond is t a.Yield and time takenb.Interest rate and price c.interest d.The interest rate and
The Realtive Strength Index is a m a. speed and change ob. speed in price movemc. change d. average price
____ is braeth indicator. a. Advanced-decline li b. Put /Call Ratio c. Cahnnel d. odd-lot trading
The daily opeing pricw is represnte a. real body b. trendline c. channel d. shadow
SML stands for ___ a. Security Market Lin b. Stretegice Market linec. Secuirt d. Secuirty Mortgage L
____ are unsecured, short-tera. commercial paper b. Treasury bill c. Public d c. Equity shares
under -___ portfolio manager has toa. perfoamcne evaluatb. porfolio revision c. portfoil d. portfolio diversificati
Investors agree to invest in high-a. There are any true b. The predicted returnc. There
is satisfactory
is short
a risk
Investment in which the terminal v a.Fixed principal inve b.Variable principal inv c.Non – se d.Indirect investment
analysis refers the study of the varia.Company analysis b.Industry analysis c.Technicald.Economic analysis
SEBI has made it mandatory for thea.The early annual repb.Monthly report and anc.Quarterlyd.Monthly review and
Inter Connected stock exchange is ta.Fifteen regional sto b.The BSE,NSE, OTCEI c.All the s d.Fourteen regional st
While bond prices fluctuate a.yeilds are constant are constant c.the spread. short term bond pri
A bond that has no collateral is called
a. debenture
.. b. junk bond c.collable
In the stock market psychology a.History repeats itselfb.Investors forget the pac.More effect of history o
Investors invest more in stocks duria.Early career period. b.Retirement stage with specifice period
An investor is having their portfoli a.Risk averse b.Risk neutral c.A risk takd.Active in portfolio m
The bond yield remains constant ova.At an increasing rateb.At an increasing rate asc.At an decrd.At an decreasing rate
R.S.I. stands for ____ a. Relative Strength Inb. Relative Secuirty Inde c. Regural d. Required Secuirty In
______ chart is formed using only ca. Point-and -figure b. Avance-decline chart c. Candlestd.Bar chart
Companies that are between $2 billia. Mid-cap b.Large-cap c. Small -c d. penny stock
An over price-priceda.Below the security mb. Parallel to security mac.Above thed.On the security mark
____ is also known as Differential a. Jenson Measure b. Treynor Measure c. Sharpe d. Dow Jhon measure
_____is related to the marketabilit c. Liquidity risk b. Market risk a. Inflationd. Interest rate risk
Regression/Time series Tests are rea. Semi-Strong b. Stong Form c. Weak Fr d. Balance
_____ is not a part of the candlestica. volume trading b. Real body c. Closing pd. shadows
d. Jhonsan
d. Unsystematic
d. 2 and Half
d.With-the- counter
d. portfolio diverisfication
d.Geometric mean
d.Indirect investment
d.Issued out of the class of equity shares already issued by the company
d.Unique risk
d. average price
d. odd-lot trading
d. term plan
d. penny stock
c. Equity shares
d. portfolio diversification
d. advisiory
d.Indirect investment
d.Elliot Wave
d.Economic analysis
d.Risk moderate
d.Commercial papers.
d. Trending
d.Bar chart
d. penny stock
d. Unsystematic
d. Offsetting
d. Exchange
d. shadows
d. Stock price