Errata: Group When They Do This"
Errata: Group When They Do This"
Errata: Group When They Do This"
Cavalry Order p. 11
In the 3rd paragraph, 2nd line, replace “They” with “Mounted Warriors”.
This will now read “Mounted Warriors may not throw javelins when they move into Close Combat”.
This will now read “Mounted Warriors may operate in base to base contact with other Groups of Mounted
Warriors, may be commander by a single Leader and move together with a single roll for movement
This will now read “When throwing pila, javelins or spears, a Group of Warriors on Foot, mounted or in
chariots rolls 1D6 for every two figures present”
Triple Acies p.64 in Section 7.9.1 and p.75 in the Troop Characteristics
P.64 - 7.9.1 Change last sentence in 2nd bullet to read “They remove One point of Shock from each retiring
Group when they do this”.
P.75 – Change Triple Acies Troop Characteristic to read “and Rallying one point of Shock per Group”.
Q) If Roman Auxiliary with Flexible Drill are charged whilst in Skirmish Order can they use a Point of Drill to
Form up into Open/Close Order?
A) No. As per p.13 changing order can only be done when the Auxiliary are activated by a Leader who
spends a Command Initiative to issue the order. It is not a point of Drill.
Flexible Drill allows the Auxilia in Skirmish Order to decide whether to fight or evade, see p.74.
However, if they stand, they will fight as Warriors (8D6) but do not count the Drilled bonus (so no
Q) Can Skirmish Troops with Flexible Drill initiate Combat whilst in Skirmish Order?
A) No. As above, their Leader must use a Command Initiative to order Change Order and then spend a
second Command Initiative to issue the order to move into contact as Formed Troops.
Q) If Roman Auxiliaries are led by a Supra Numerum leader, can they undertake Points of Drill?
A) Yes. By using Signa Cards at any time. The Supra Numerum has no Command Initiatives, he can only
order the Auxiliaries to move or fight in close combat.
Q) When using ‘Fill Ranks’, do both Groups have to be the same quality? i.e. can Poor Legionary’s Fill Ranks
with Regulars?
A) Yes. They must be the same Troop Type and Quality, so Poor Legionaries cannot Fill Ranks with Legionaries.
Q) After a Barbarian Mob has moved in an uncontrolled manner, can it then move in a controlled manner
to reconstruct the Mob?
A) No. Once a Mob has moved in an uncontrolled manner, the only way to reform the Mob is by the Mob
Leader is by using the Barbarian Command “To Me!” for 2 Command Initiatives/Signa Cards using the
process detailed on p.22.
However, in a Campaign situation you may want to consider, the time of year and the Region. For
example in Italy in August you may feel the River is only Broken Ground but in Germania or Britain it is
Difficult Ground. That said, the scenarios have been designed with the intent that the river is
Q) In Scenario Three, “The Patrol” what happens if the Barbarians attack into Roman Territory and there is
no Roman Ambush Point or if there is one and the Romans effectively just have to defend one AP to
A) We have covered this in the Errata. If the Patrol is in Roman Territory and only one Ambush or
Deployment Point is present, then the Barbarians should have to scout four Items of Terrain.
Q) In Scenario Eight, when attacking how do the Romans breach the gate as they haven’t got a Battering
Ram in their support options?
A) They do. It’s in the Engineers’ Cart on List Four.
However, you can construct your Army Lists as desired if you are determined to do so. We would
recommend seeking your opponent’s approval before doing so.
However, only one Deployment/Ambush Point, can be placed on any one piece of Terrain. Adjacent
Multiple terrain pieces that have merged to become a forest wood, swamp op or mountain are still
considered as four terrain pieces.
Preparing to Play
Q) For Force Morale purposes do “Poor Legionaries” count towards the Groups required to get +2 on the
Force Morale roll?
A) No. However, they do count towards the Roman Warriors requirement for the +1 for Warriors.
Q) If an “End of Act” is triggered, can the in Play or In-hand Signa Cards be played before the End of Act
actions are triggered?
A) Yes.
Remember though that Roman Drilled troops only shoot using Drill (Throw Pila/Javelins), so are
required to use a Signa Card or a Leader Initiative to throw their weapons, depending on the phase.
Q) Can a Supra Numerum Leader use Signa Cards for Points of Drill or to change order?
A) No. Section 3.1.2 makes it clear that a Supra Numerum can only use Signa Cards to rally shock or use
Troop Characteristics such as ‘Step Out”.
Q) Can Romans use Signa Cards after the Tempus Fugit Card to undertake Points of Drill?
A) No. See Signa & Roman Drill on p.39.
Q) Can Chariot Mounted Warriors throw Javelins, build Fervour and charge into combat on the same
A) No. Chariot Mounted Warriors may increase Fervour when a Leader uses 2 Command Initiatives, but
just like Warriors on Foot they must be stationary to do that. However, the may also build their
Fervour by demonstrating their bravery and élan in making a darting Javelin attack as covered on p.41.
Neither of these allows contact to be made with the enemy.
Q) Can I activate a Mob to move and then after movement Ambush from that Mob with Fanatics?
A) No. The Fanatics although not seen on the table have already moved with the Mob so count as having
activated this turn.
Q) When a Barbarian Mob ambushes, do you roll 1D6 for Fervour for each Group in the Mob separately or
is it just one roll that covers all of the Groups.
A) The Leader rolls once for the whole Mob.
Q) If Fanatics have a Supra Numerum Leader, when ambushing from a Mob, on which Leaders card are
they activated?
A) If ambushing from a Mob, Fanatics will only activate on the Mob Leaders card as he outranks the Supra
However, once deployed, if the rolled Fervour bonus distance is insufficient to contact the enemy you
must still ambush to the full extent possible, even if that leaves you short. At that point you may then
throw spears if the enemy are within range, without the Romans being to conduct any Points of Drill
during your activation. N.B. The Romans can use Signa to throw their missiles immediately after your
Mob’s activation, but you do get to throw missiles and end your activation before they can react.
Q) Can I deploy a Mob behind the Flank of the enemy and then Ambush with Fanatics into the Flank?
A) You can deploy into the Flank zone. However, to conduct an Ambush into the Flank of an enemy, the
original Ambush Point MUST be in the Flank or Rear Zone. You must be able to trace an uninterrupted
straight line from the Ambush Point, not the Mob, to the enemy.
Q) Can Roman Auxilia deploy from their Ambush/Deployment Point in Formed Order?
A) No, they must deploy in skirmish order. However, if led by a Named Leader, he can immediately use
one Command Initiative to immediately “Change Order” to Open or Close Order. But that does not
allow them to Ambush in Open or Close Order.
Q) Moving through different terrain types says to remove the lower or higher dice. What happens if you
have rolled a double?
A) You remove one of the doubles. You must always remove a dice as it is a penalty for moving in poor ground.
Q) Can two Groups of Mounted Warriors move together?
A) Yes. Two Groups of Mounted Warriors can join together to form a ‘Mounted Formation’ (which isn’t a
rule term!), moving together for one Leader Activation and rolling once for the distance moved.
Q) When a Group, Mob or Formation wheels, can it wheel on any point or just the front corner?
A) Just the front corner, as per the illustration on p.46.
Ranged Missiles
Q) Scorpions:
i) How many dice does a Scorpion shoot with,
ii) How much ammunition does a Scorpion have?
iii) Can a Scorpion move and shoot?
iv) Scorpions ignore armour and reduce cover by one level, but cover increases armour. How does
this work?
A) Scorpions:
i) As the crew are Warriors, the Scorpion shoots with 1 dice per 2 crew. With five crew, this
means it initially shoots with two dice, dropping to one dice when there are three crew left etc.
ii) A Scorpion has unlimited ammunition.
iii) Yes. But why would they? They are much better firing from a decent range to protect the
iv) Apply the effects sequentially as in the rules. Firstly, Scorpions reduce armour to none. Then
apply the cover effects. Light Cover would be reduced to no cover and Heavy cover reduced to
Close Combat
Q) If a Mob is hit in the Flank does the Group hit in the flank have to split away?
A) Yes it does. However, the “split” is minimal, just to show that the Group is unsupported.
Q) If a Roman Formation is hit in the flank and the Groups break away, can they just reform with normal
A) No. Roman Formations always reform with the “Form Up” command.
Q) If Barbarian Warriors lose a combat by +2 or more how far do they retire if they still have Fervour?
A) They don’t. They only retire when they have Shock, so will continue to fight until all the Fervour is
removed. Therefore, the fight continues. Of course, if the Romans won that round of combat by 1 or
more, the Romans will get a +2D6 in the next round for winning the combat.
Q) If a Group wins a combat by +2 or more, but now has excess Shock, what happens?
A) As per the Combat Results Table on page 60, only the loser falls back. The winner may follow up or, if
Roman, stand if they prefer.
Q) If after a drawn combat, what happens if both sides now have excess Shock?
A) They both withdraw the distance generated by their excess Shock.
Q) What happens if an Evade move would take a Group off the table?
A) They would adjust their direction of evade when reaching the table edge to remain on the table to the
maximum of their Evade move. The enemy then completes its Charge move, stepping out if wished.
Q) When Vipers evade, do they lose a dice in the Evade move because they shot?
A) No.
Q) My Vipers evaded last turn and haven’t activated since. If they are charged again can they still shoot
before evading?
A) No. They are being charged from the rear and they only have a 90° arc of fire to their front.
Q) If a Group, Mob or Formation has two Leaders attached, can they both fight in a combat, increasing the
number of dice?
A) Yes, unless it’s an Optio and Centurion, when the Optio must be at the rear of the Formation or Group.
Remember though if a unit has to roll for a Leader Casualty, you must roll for EVERY Leader who
contributed dice to the combat.
Q) If in a turn, the Barbarians leaders’ card isn’t played, then does the Group lose Fervour if it doesn’t
move on a Signa card?
A) No. As per p.66, a Group only loses Fervour if the Leader is activated and the Leader neither attempts
to raise Fervour nor move the Group towards the enemy.
Q) If there are no enemy on the Table, will the Barbarians still lose Fervour?
A) Yes, if the Leader is activated and doesn’t seek to increase their Fervour, then you need the enemy to
be on the table to maintain Fervour.
Force Morale
Q) Do Cavalry (Elite, Warriors and Skirmishers) use the same lines in the Force Morale tables as Foot
A) Yes.
Q) If two Allied Tribal Groups (foot or mounted) are under the same Leader, do you roll separately to see if
each is Surly?
A) No. It is assumed they are from the same Tribe. Therefore, only roll once and apply the result for both
Q) How do you undertake a task and when does undertaking the task start?
A) Tasks are undertaken by the Group doing the task being activated by a Leader or on a Signa Card after
Tempus Fugit. They must spend the whole of their activation doing the task, so can’t move to the task
and then roll immediately. That must happen when they are next activated.
Q) How do you use a Battering Ram?
A) In the context of the size of the actions being recreated, the battering ram is effectively a chopped
down tree. As per the rules it can be carried by two men, within a group escorting the ram, which
moves at its normal movement rate.
This group can be shot at but the figures carrying the ram cannot be explicitly targeted.
Force Lists
At any other time, including in the enemy’s activation, they can use a Signa Card to throw Javelins in
the same way as Romans with Drill.
Q) I’m looking to put together my own Lists. I can see that there is a cost for Level I, II and Supra Numerum
Leaders. What is the cost of Status III and Status IV Leaders?
A) Level III Leaders cost 10pts to reflect their special Warlord capabilities. Level IV Leaders are only
available in the Campaign system for winning a Campaign (see p.97)
Q) How do you add Leaders when creating your own Force List?
A) You purchase Leaders at 1, 3, 6 or 10 points depending whether they are Supra Numerum, or Status 1,
2 or 3. Then you purchase the Groups from the Troop Rosters that you wish to include in your List at
the allocated points cost. Finally, you allocate the Groups to Leaders in any manner you wish.
Note that the pre-set lists in the book are cheaper than the sum of their components.
Q) If one of my Groups has a Supra Numerum Leader as a Troop Characteristic, but I have allocated the
Group to a Named Leader, do I add a card to the deck for the Supra Numerum?
A) No. They are then under the Command of a named Leader so they cannot do anything. The
“exception” is, of course, Fanatics who may deploy with any Mob or Group under a Named Leader or
may Ambush from an AP on their Leaders card
Q) In the Support lists are Mule Trains and Wagons. How do they move?
A) They don’t. Once they have deployed to the table on the Force Commanders card, they remain
stationary and any Groups who wish to replenish their ammunition have to return to the wagon/Mule
Train to accomplish this. It’s effectively a base line supply depot.
A British Leader commaning Warriors in Chariots will be in a Chariot when the Warriors are in Chariots
but will dismount to fight on foot with the Warriors. How you wish to depict this is down to your own
aesthetics and model availability, but generally they will only move in the manner of the troops they lead.
Infamy, Infamy Rules Explanations
We have produced a series of five You Tube videos walking through the basics of the games covering key
elements in the rules and exactly how they work.