Province of Davao Del Sur
Province of Davao Del Sur
Province of Davao Del Sur
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 10533 otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education
Curriculum, the Department of Education implemented the K to 12 Program. Under this program,
there are two additional years in high school to meet the global standards of education. With this
Senior High School was created.
In line with the K to 12 Program, the Senior High School offers different tracks namely,
Academic; Technical Vocational Livelihood; Arts and Design; and Sports and Arts. These tracks
are composed of different strands which are built with different competencies based on skills,
understanding and performance tasks. In the completion of this curriculum, several exit points
were established such as continuing into higher education, going to work and going into business.
Thus, the need for proper guidance and orientation came into view so that the graduates
of this new curriculum may choose the career suited for them. Career guidance through this
Provincial Career Summit will help around 300 students all over the province to decide which
exit point they will take, may it be in higher education, business or in the workforce. In addition,
this summit will also encourage parents to attend and be oriented on the career path their children
should take.
On the other hand, the Provincial Government Office through the Provincial School
Board is mandated by law through Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as an Act Providing
for a Local Government Code of 1991 to create a local school board that will help schools in
developing holistic students throughout the entire province.
Holistically developed students are good in decision making such as deciding their career
path. Therefore, it will lessen student’s mismatch career in terms of intellectual capacity, skills,
mind interests and financial resources.
In addition, the Department of Education issued Department Order No. 11 series of 2016
which expresses the role of the Supreme Student Government (SSG), the highest governing body
in every school through Article III Section 9 to create open communication and dialogue with
other sectors of society. Moreover, as stipulated on the Article VI Section 6, SSG encourages
students to be proactive members of the society and one of its objectives is to serve, protect, and
promote the welfare of the students. One of the common goods of the students is to develop
themselves as leaders of their own life who lead, manage, and decide what they really want in
their future. An open communication and dialogue with other sectors of society will help develop
good relationship and linkage among school and community in implementing programs that are
valuable for the both.
Relatively, the Provincial Government of Davao del Sur through the leadership of
Governor Douglas Ra Cagas is being responsive to the said constitutional mandates in
providing avenue for students of Davao del Sur to be exposed in the different careers as their exit
points in the future.
Through this program, the Provincial Government of Davao del Sur intends to empower
students and anticipate the work they want to pursue after schooling. However, it naturally
happens that parents decide what is good for their children and what suits best for their financial
resources. Moreover, children at the time of choosing their career paths cannot decide on their
own perspective. This program will help develop among parents and students close collaboration
rather than contradiction deciding the students’ career path. In addition, they will be productive
constituents of the province rather than a burden wherein they will engage in different forms of
criminalities and vices like alcohol drinking and drug abuse. Furthermore, the local government
will help young minds to be more equipped, more focused leading to becoming better citizens
and competent individuals.
The activity aims to expose the students to the different exit points of senior high school
by showcasing the creativity and workmanship of different industries and professions in the
province and in the region.
1. Build on knowledge from reputable industries and dedicated professions;
2. Systematically focus on career guidance on relevant issues;
3. Help actualize student potentials and;
4. To conduct provincial career summit and encourage industries and institutions to
A. Pre-planning activity will be conducted with the presence of the Youth Formation Division of
the two Divisions, Focal Persons from different industries, Provincial Government Focal
Person, Division Supreme Student Government officers and advisers from the two divisions
and Guidance Counselors.
B. Prepare necessary documents and materials to be submitted to the concerned offices and
institutions for the implementation of the project like division memorandum.
C. After validation and confirmation, the program will be conducted in accordance with the
approved activity design.
Inform the Office of City Schools Division Superintendent of Digos City and Davao del Sur
Division and ask permission on the conduct of the said project.
Inform the Office of the Provincial Governor for the approval of the project.
Conduct pre-planning activity for the technical working group composed mainly of the
Provincial Youth Formation Division Officers, focal persons from different industries,
Division Supreme Student Government officers and advisers of the two divisions and
Guidance Counselors.
Explain the rationale and possible flow of events with the Provincial Government Focal
person for the budgetary purposes.
Submit final matrix of activities, possible floor plan and distribute parent’s consent to the
Prepare necessary payments for the venue, food provider, certificates, kit materials and other
miscellaneous expenses.
Monitor, implement and facilitate the said program.
The target of the program is to provide career summit for selected students from the two
divisions (Digos City and Davao del Sur Division) by exposing them to the different exit routes after
studying and help in the actualization of the project.
Division SSG Adviser
Digos City Division
OIC Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent
Digos City Division Davao del Sur Division