Formation of Precipitation

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Lecture – 2: Formation of Precipitation

1. Introduction: Thermodynamic Considerations

A necessary condition to the formation of precipitation is that the air becomes saturated with
water vapor. Saturation is the first step in the formation of precipitation (i.e. it is necessary but not

Saturation is typically quantified by relative humidity. The relative humidity (RH) is defined as:

RH = ,
where ea is the actual water vapor pressure (say in kPa or mbars) and es is the saturation vapor
pressure. Air becomes saturated if RH is 100%.

The actual vapor pressure is dependent on the water vapor concentration (or density ρ v ) of the
parcel of air. These variables are related through the ideal gas law, given by

0.622 ea
ρv =
Rd T


ρv is the water vapor density

Rd is the gas constant of dry air (=287.04 Joules kg-1 K-1)
T is the absolute temperature (K)

NOTE: the 0.622 = 18/29 which is the ratio of the molecular weights of water and air.

The saturation vapor pressure is defined as the pressure at which the parcel of air is saturated with
water vapor. That is - you cannot add more water vapor to this parcel of air without changing its

The saturation vapor pressure varies only with temperature. The relationship is known as the
Claussius-Clapeyron equation. It can be approximated by

 17.502 Tc 
es (kPa) = 0.611 Exp  
 Tc + 240.91

where Tc is the air temperature (degrees C). The relationship between es and Tc is shown in
Figure 1. Hence, RH → 100% if
1) ρ v increases (for a fixed temperature) or
2) 2) if temperature decreases.
Figure 1: Exponential variation of saturation vapor pressure with air temperature.

Decreasing temperature decreases exponentially es (see Figure 1) thereby forcing es = ea .

One key mechanism for decreasing temperature is LIFTING the parcel of air to higher elevation.
As a parcel of air is lifted to higher elevations – it becomes cooler, and its es drops. The height or
elevation at which es = ea , clouds will form. The term LIFTING CONDENSATION LEVEL
(LCL) is often used to describe this elevation or state.

Roughly speaking, the air cools by about 10K per 1000 m (or 1 Km). This quantity is known is
the DRY ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE ( Γd ). By definition, Γd = , where g is the
gravitational acceleration (=9.8 m s-2) and C p is the specific heat capacity of dry air at constant
pressure (=1005 Joules Kg-1 K-1).

2. Classification of Precipitation Events:

Hence, the “mechanism” by which air is lifted is nominally used to classify the type of

Broadly speaking, there are 3 types of lifting mechanisms:

• Orographic lifting: In which air is forced to go over mountains (and it’s the reason why
windward slopes receive more precipitation).

• Frontal surface lifting: In which warmer air is forced to go above cooler air in equilibrium
with a cooler surface.

• Convective Lifting: Warm air rises from a warm surface and progressively cools down.

All three mechanisms can lift air and hence result in the cooling process necessary to reduce
es and attain RH=100%.

3. Formation of Precipitation

As earlier stated, condensation is a NECESSARY but NOT SUFFICIENT condition to the

formation of precipitation. Next, we briefly describe the remaining conditions necessary to the
formation of precipitation.

3.1 Condensation Nuclei: These are particles in the atmosphere of the order of 0.1 to 10 µ m.
These particles originate from products of combustion, oxides of nitrogen, aerosols, salt
particles, etc…

3.2 Growth of the water droplet: The saturated air tends to condense on these particles – and then
water droplet grow in size, become heavier, and fall to the ground as precipitation.

Condensation Nuclei

ea = es LCL

Lifting: (Orographic, Frontal,

or Convective)
Cooling ~ 0.1 C per 100 m

ea < es Precipitation

Figure 2: Summary of the key (idealized) processes leading to precipitation.

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