Programmable Muffle Furnace Instruction Manual 650-750 Series
Programmable Muffle Furnace Instruction Manual 650-750 Series
Programmable Muffle Furnace Instruction Manual 650-750 Series
Instruction Manual
650-750 Series
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1
Installation.......................................................................................................................... 2
Selecting a Location ........................................................................................................................ 2
Unpacking ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Preparing the Furnace ..................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 1-Furnace Layout................................................................................................... 4
Controls.............................................................................................................................. 5
Displays........................................................................................................................................... 5
Keypads........................................................................................................................................... 5
Circulating Fan (Model 750 only)................................................................................................... 6
Operation............................................................................................................................ 7
Control Mode .................................................................................................................................. 7
Ramp and Soak Mode ..................................................................................................................... 8
Creating a Ramp and Soak Program ............................................................................................... 9
Running, Stopping or Resuming a Program ................................................................................. 12
Viewing Program Status ............................................................................................................... 13
An Example Program .................................................................................................................... 14
High Temp Alarm............................................................................................................. 16
Open Thermocouple........................................................................................................ 16
Calibration........................................................................................................................ 16
Units ................................................................................................................................. 17
Power Failure ................................................................................................................... 17
Data Logging.................................................................................................................... 17
Trouble Shooting Table................................................................................................... 18
Service.............................................................................................................................. 19
Replacing a Heater ........................................................................................................................ 19
Replacing the Control Thermocouple ........................................................................................... 20
Replacing the Solid State Relay.................................................................................................... 20
Replacing the Magnetic (Safety) Relay ........................................................................................ 21
Replacement Parts .......................................................................................................... 22
Accessories and Supplies .............................................................................................. 23
Performance Characteristics.......................................................................................... 24
Specifications .................................................................................................................. 25
Wiring Diagram ................................................................................................................ 26
Page 1 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
Furnace chambers are molded from alumina silicate ceramic fibers. Use of
this material provides low thermal mass for fast heat-up and cool-down, as
well as an unusually low exterior furnace temperature for safe operation.
The furnace is heated by electric resistance elements embedded in easily
removable side and base panels. The heating elements are designed to
ensure extended service life, even in atmospheres characteristic of high-
sulfur coal and coke samples.
Choose a location for the furnace, which will provide an area of
Selecting a approximately four square feet (2 ft x 2 ft). The bench or table selected
Location must be capable of supporting at least 60lbs for the Model 14, 90lbs for
the Model 58 or 110lbs for the Model 126. Appropriate electrical power
must be available. Locate the furnace within three feet of the power outlet
so that no extension cord is required.
Furnace Assembly
Model 58
208/240 V, 50/60 Hz
Model 126
208/240 V, 50/60 Hz
Hearth Plate
Instruction Manual
Warranty Card
Page 3 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
Preparing the To prepare the muffle furnace for operation, perform the following
1. Make certain all packing material is removed from furnace chamber.
2. Place hearth plate on the bottom of the chamber. Orient hearth plate
such that smooth surface faces upward. See Fig. 1, Page 4.
3. With the Model 126, the supplied shelf may be used. If desired, install
shelf by sliding it onto top of ledge protruding from each side of the
inner chamber walls.
Exhaust Port
Hearth Plate
Air In
1 10
9 11
2 7
3 4 5 6
Controls The following sections briefly describe the locations and functions
of various display fields and keypad controls. More detailed
descriptions are provided, when required, in the operating sections
of the manual.
Displays The 650/750 Series controller features two bright, one-half inch LED
numeric displays used in setting up the furnace program or reading out the
furnace temperature. Two smaller LED's indicate, respectively, an alarm
condition or when power is being applied to the furnace heaters. Each
display field is discussed separately below.
Set Display In the Control and Ramp and Soak modes, shows the
furnace set temperature. During setup and
programming, indicates control parameters to be
Actual Display In the Control and Ramp and Soak modes, shows
the actual furnace temperature. During setup and
programming, indicates the numerical value assigned
to the currently displayed control parameter.
Circulating Fan Just above and to the left of the Actual Display is the
power switch for the Circulating Fan. When turned
(Model 750 only) on, outside air is circulated through the bottom of the
furnace chamber under the hearth, were it is heated,
and into the furnace chamber. Two to four air
changes per hour can be expected with the fan on.
Page 7 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
Operation When operating the muffle furnace, always observe the following safety
Considerations • Wear insulated gloves.
• Use tongs.
• Control
Control Mode In Control mode, the muffle furnace maintains a set temperature
until that set temperature is changed.
Ramp and Soak In Ramp and Soak mode of operation, the muffle furnace executes a
sequence of program commands. During a ramp period, the muffle
Mode furnace temperature is controlled to increase (or decrease) at a linear rate
set by the operator. During a soak period, the furnace maintains a constant
temperature for a time interval selected by the operator.
Program Steps
Program steps may be selected from among the four basic operations
described below. The corresponding display for each operation is shown
at the left:
A Set Point (SP) program step causes the furnace set temperature (shown
in the Set Display) to be linearly increased or decreased ("ramped") at a
selected rate. The Set Point operation begins at the current set temperature
and finishes at the programmed Set Point temperature.
Soak causes the final set temperature from the preceding step to be held
for a time interval of up to 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. This
duration may be extended by adding further Soak steps or using a Jump
Loop (see below).
If no End is used, all 24 program steps will be completed, then the furnace
will maintain the final programmed set temperature.
Page 9 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
Creating a Ramp Creating a program consists of constructing a sequence of the four basic
and Soak Program operations, Set Point (ramp), Soak, Jump Loop and End,) to produce a
desired temperature cycle. For each operation selected, several options
also must be specified. To enter a ramp and soak program, perform the
following procedures:
1. Verify the RUN LED is not lit. If it is, press the RUN key until it
goes out.
3. Press the UP-Arrow key once to present the program entry menu
7. The Set Display then indicates 'StyP to signify that the step type
must be selected from a menu of four operations being shown in
the Actual Display. The four menu selections are Set Point (ramp),
Soak, End or Jump Loop. These menus appear as shown on the
left. Repeatedly press the UP or DOWN Arrow key until the
desired step type appears:
Press the MENU key to enter the selected set point temperature.
10. The Set Display then indicates "rAtE" to prompt the operator to
select a desired heating or cooling rate in °C/min or °F/min. Press
and hold the UP or DOWN Arrow key until the desired rate is
shown in the Actual Display.
Press the MENU key to enter the selected rate. Proceed to step 21.
11. If the desired program step is a Soak, press the MENU key to select
it when the Actual Display shows "'SoAh.". Otherwise, skip to step
12. If a Soak is selected, the Set Display first indicates "HOUr" to signify
that the operator must select the number of hours for which the current
set temperature will be maintained. Use the UP or DOWN Arrow
keys to adjust the Actual Display to indicate the desired number of
soak hours (maximum of 23 hours).
Press the MENU key to enter the selected number of soak hours.
13. The Set Display then shows "Min" to indicate that the operator must
select the number of additional minutes for which the current set
temperature will be held. Use the UP or DOWN Arrow keys to set the
Actual Display to the desired number of soak minutes (maximum of
14. The Set Display then shows "SEC" to indicate that the operator must
select the number of additional seconds for which the current set
temperature will be held. Use the UP or DOWN Arrow key to adjust
the Actual Display to indicate the desired number of soak seconds
(maximum of 59).
15. If the desired program step is a Jump Loop, press the MENU key to
select it when the Actual Display shows "JL.'" Otherwise, skip to step
Page 11 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
16. If a Jump Loop is selected, the Set Display first indicates "JS" to
signify that the operator must select the step number destination for
the jump. Use the UP or DOWN Arrow key to adjust the Actual
Display to indicate the desired step number.
17. The Set Display then shows “JC” to indicate that the operator must
select the number of times the jump loop is to be repeated.
Use the UP or DOWN Arrow key to adjust the Actual Display to
select the number of times the loop is to be repeated.
Press the MENU key to enter the selected number of jump counts.
19. If End is selected, the Set Display shows "End" and the Actual
Display shows one of the two options for an End step. To view
each selection, repeatedly press either the UP or DOWN key. The
options appear as shown on the left.
21. Once a program step is entered, the display indicates “no rtn”.
If further steps are to be programmed, press the MENU key to
continue programming. The next program step will be displayed.
Return to step #6 of this procedure to add more program steps.
Up to 24 can be entered per program. The Model 750 can
accommodate four 24-step programs.
22. If no further program steps are required, press the UP Arrow key.
The displays indicate “YES rtn”.
Running, Stopping Prior to running the program in memory, first make certain that the
current set temperature is the temperature from which the program is to
or Resuming a start. For example, a program intended to ramp the furnace temperature
Program from ambient to 600 °C, if started with the current set temperature at
1000 °C, will actually ramp the temperature down from 1000 °C to 600
°C. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to change the set temp if necessary.
1. Press the RUN key once. The Run indicator light begins to flash and
the displays indicate the first program number (Model 750) or the first
program step (Model 650). If running a program from a Model 650,
skip to step 3.
Model 750 3. The displays now indicate the first program step. Program execution
Display will begin at the current program step. To change the program step
use the UP or DOWN arrow key until the desired step is displayed.
Press the RUN key to initiate the run, beginning at the program step
number shown.
Observe that the Run indicator comes on full signifying that the
furnace is in the ramp and soak mode with a program underway.
To stop a running program, press the RUN key. The RUN LED will
turn off and furnace operation returns to the Control mode, with the
set temperature at the last value achieved by the program.
Viewing Program While a ramp and soak program is running, the status of the current
program step may be viewed. With the Run LED lit to indicate
Status the program is running, successively press the MENU key. Each
control parameter associated with the current program step then is
displayed sequentially. The parameter type is indicated in the Set
Display, while the value for the parameter appears in the Actual
Display. A final press of the MENU key returns the displays to
tracking the actual and set temperatures.
The ASTM method for Ash Analysis of Coal and Coke (D 3174-89)1
An Example specifies the following ramp and soak operations:
Program Step 1: Ramp from ambient to 500 °C at 8.0 °C/min (i.e., in 1 hour)
Programming Step 1:
1. With the Run LED off, press the RUN key. Press the MENU key
until the displays indicate “no Prog”.
2. Press the UP arrow key. The displays will now indicate “YES
PrOg” (Model 650) or “1 PrOg” (Model 750). Press the MENU
key again.
3. The displays now show “1 StEP”. Press the MENU key to begin
programming at step #1.
4. Press the UP or DOWN arrow key until the displays indicate “SP
StyP”. Press the MENU key to select the set point ramping
5. Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to display the desired set point
in the upper display (500°C). When the displays indicate “500
SP” (500 set point), press the MENU key to select the
6. The controller will next prompt for the ramping rate. Use
the UP or DOWN arrow keys to enter the desired ramping
rate in degrees/min (8.0°C/min). Press the MENU key to
select the ramping rate.
7. The first step is now programmed. The controller will then
display “no rEtn”. Press the MENU key to remain in the program
editing mode. “2 StEP” is then displayed. Press the MENU key
to continue.
Programming Step 2:
8. Press the UP or DOWN arrow key until the displays indicate “SP
StyP”. Press the MENU key to select the second set point
ramping command.
9. Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to display the desired set point
in the upper display (750°C). When the displays indicate “750
SP” (750 set point), press the MENU key to select the
American Society for Testing and Materials, Gaseous Fuels: Coal
and Coke, Vol.05.05, Section 5, pp.326-8
Page 15 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
10. The controller will next prompt for the ramping “rate”. Use
the UP or DOWN arrow keys to enter the desired ramping
rate in degrees/min (4.2°C/min). Press the MENU key to
select the ramping rate.
11. The controller will then display “no rEtn”. Press the MENU key
to remain in the program editing mode. “3 StEP” is then
displayed. Press the MENU key to continue.
Programming Step 3
12. Press the UP or DOWN arrow key until the displays indicate
“SoAh StyP”. Press the MENU key to select soak as the step
13. The displays will now show “0 Hour”. Use the UP or DOWN
arrow keys to display the desired soak time in hours (2). Press
the MENU key to select two hours of soaking.
14. The controller will next prompt for the desired minutes of
soaking “0 Min”. Press the MENU key to select zero
15. The controller will next prompt for the desired seconds of
soaking “0 Sec”. Press the MENU key to select zero
16. The total soak time is now programmed; 2 hrs, 0 minutes
and 0 seconds. The controller will then display “no rEtn”.
Press the MENU key to remain in the program editing
mode. “4 StEP” is then displayed. Press the MENU key to
Programming Step 4
17. Press the UP or DOWN arrow key until the displays indicate End
StyP. Press the MENU key to select the end command.
18. Press the Up arrow key until the displays show “oFF End”. Press
the MENU key to select.
19. Once and End statement is programmed, the controller will
prompt the user to save the current program, “SAVE”. Press the
MENU key to save the program. The controller then returns to
normal control mode.
High Temp All Cole-Parmer Furnaces come equipped with high temperature alarms.
When an alarm condition occurs, power to the heaters is removed while
Alarm the Set display flashes between the current set temperature and “HI”.
The high temperature alarm will activate when the actual temperature is
greater than the set temperature by more than 25°C (45°F). The alarm
condition will continue until the actual temperature falls within 5°C
(9°F) of the set temperature.
Open When the displays show “oPEn xx”, where “xx” designates the last set
Thermocouple temperature, an open thermocouple is being detected. Check the
thermocouple connection and replace if necessary.
The power failure options available in the ramp and soak mode
are given below:
Data Logging
The final menu display is for setting up logging parameters used
for serial communications. See the Serial Communications
section (next page) of this manual for instructions on serial
communication. To access the data logging parameters, press the
MENU key until the displays show “no Log”.
Programmable Muffle Furnaces Page 18
Press the UP arrow key. The displays will now indicate “Yes
Log”. Press the MENU key a second time. The following
communication options can be selected:
Replacing a
Heater Always disconnect power cord from power supply
before servicing instrument.
2. Remove the screws that secure the perforated metal back panel
of the furnace to the main chassis. Remove the panel and set
it aside.
8. When the above steps are complete, return the power cord to
the electrical outlet.
Programmable Muffle Furnaces Page 20
Replacing the 1. Remove all contents from inside the furnace including shelve
or hearth plate.
Thermocouple 2. Perform steps 1 and 2 in Replacing a Heater (preceding page)
noting all cautions.
3. Gently slide the thermocouple lead out through the back of the
furnace wall.
4. Carefully lay the unit on its side to expose the bottom screen.
5. Remove the four rubber bumpers and the four phillips head
screws that fasten the bottom screen to the base. Set the
screen aside.
8. Insert the sensing end into back of the chamber through the
existing hole until the tip protrudes approximately 3 inches
into the chamber. Replace any ceramic wool previously
The solid state relay is located in the base of the furnace. It cycles
Replacing the power to the heaters as directed by the furnace controller. To
Solid State Relay replace the solid state relay, follow the procedures below:
3. Gently set the furnace on its side so that the bottom screen is
Page 21 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
10. Mount the heat sink to the base (Model 650-14/14A or 750-
14/14A only).
11. Replace the base screen and the rubber bumpers. Plug the unit
back into the wall outlet and operate as usual.
Replacing the The magnetic relay is used to disconnect heater power during
alarm conditions or when the door is opened. To replace a faulty
Magnetic (Safety) magnetic relay, follow these instructions:
1. Perform steps 1 through 4 in Replacing the Solid State Relay.
3. Using a nut driver, remove two 6-32 nuts that fasten the relay
to the furnace base.
6. Replace the base screen and the rubber bumpers. Plug the unit
back into the wall outlet and operate as usual.
Programmable Muffle Furnaces Page 22
Temperature Controller
Cooling Fan
120VAC CP83915
240VAC CP83916
Hearth Plate
Side Heaters
Base Heaters
Model 650-14, 750-14 CP83637
Model 650-58/126, 750-58/126 CP 83638
Rise Time2
Air Changes/Minute
@ 200°C +50°C/Min.
@ 500°C +24°C/Min.
@ 700°C +14°C/Min.
Rise time is defined as the time required to achieve 63% of the maximum
operating temperature of 1125°C with a set temperature of 1125°C.
Door opened for 1 minute.
Page 25 Programmable Muffle Furnaces
Electrical Requirements
Power Requirements
Chamber Volumes
Chamber Dimensions
Wiring Diagram
Part No. 105648 625 East Bunker Court.
Programmable Muffle Furnaces, Models 650-750 Vernon Hills, IL 60061-9872
Published 8-2002 1-847-549-7600