Milu - Career Counselling Report
Milu - Career Counselling Report
Milu - Career Counselling Report
[4/3/2000 - 8:45:0 - Nahan]
From the day of the establishment of CogniAstro, Founder Mr. Punit Pandey has made it
his mission to always help people in taking the right decisions with the exact science of
Astrology as his guide. CogniAstro is created to answer one of the most common
questions that trouble people of all ages - career. Our career is an essential decision in
life, and choosing the wrong one becomes not only a source of frustration but also
impedes one's success. The most crucial suggestion; "do what you like to do"; is not
always helpful since it is not easy to know precisely what one wants, especially at a
young age. People often resort to various psychological tests for the answer but mostly
they cause more confusion than giving clear directions. Mr. Pandey has followed the
research of famous Swiss psychologist & founder of analytical psychology, Dr. Carl Jung
to come up with the perfect blend of psychology and astrology for one of the most
concise models of personality analysis and career counselling report.
According to him, "In my 30 years of experience in this field, I have realized that Astrology
gives much more specific directions than any other method like psychology-based tests.
Dr. Carl Jung understood the importance of Astrology early on, but, unfortunately, no
scientific research has followed Jung's early studies.
Following his research, I have developed a model which gives a much better insight into
an individual's personality and cognitive abilities. Without understanding these aspects, it
is impossible to help somebody with Career Counselling. I believe this is ground-breaking
research, and our CogniAstro Career Counselling tools will be the most accurate tools in
this area in the future. [sic]"
Part 1: Personality Types Overview
Section 1.1: Understanding RIASEC Philosophy
Part 4: Appendix
Appendix-A: Your Kundli (Birth Chart)
Appendix-B: How To Search Your Top Career Choices
Appendix-C: Six Fundamental Career Types Explained
Appendix-D: Additional Career Planning Insights
As a Doer, you like to work with ''things''. Practical and
competitive, you approach problem solving "by doing something
rather than sitting or thinking about it." Working on physical,
outdoor and mechanical tasks interests you the most.
As a Thinker, you like to work with ''information''. Curious,
analytical, and independent, you plan things with your
"observation and understanding". Science, technology, theory,
and information are your interest areas.
As a Helper, you like to work with ''people''. Working in
cooperative environments, you like to improve the lives of other
people. Friendly, cooperative, and sociable, you build social
connections with other people.
As a Persuader, you like to work with ''people and data''.
Energetic, ambitious and confident, you use your communication
skills to persuade/lead others. You like working in positions of
power to add value & reputation.
As a Creator, you like to work with ''ideas''. Imaginative,
emotional, and impractical, you like to "explore different things
and try new ways of experimenting it." Rebel against rules and
structure, you prefer "creativity over orders".
As an Organizer, you like to work with ''data''. Efficient, logical,
and unimaginative, you like to manage data with precision and
accuracy. You like structure and order and dislike unstructured or
unclear work.
You have the ability to convince others of your idea.
You like to work in a competitive environment.
You tend to be ambitious, persuasive & confident.
You should possess leadership qualities.
You perform tasks in a detailed oriented manner.
You follow a structured approach to solve problems.
You work in an accurate & stable environment.
You tend to be organized with an eye for next-big-thing.
People like to help, heal or develop others.
People like to lend a helping hand to those in need.
People like to work in an energetic environment.
People are friendly,cooperative,sociable & understanding.
People tend to be independent, practical and strong.
People use their subject expertise to solve problems.
People prefer activities that require skill & coordination.
People like working with plants, animals, tools & mechanics.
People prefer working in the field of arts.
People are likely to excel in both arts and abstract thinking.
People like to work in an unstructured environment.
People are likely to be a creator & out-of-box thinker.
People prefer experiments, research & intellectual query.
People value logic & order, & also tend to innovate ideas.
People tend to be thoughtful, intellectual and curious.
People prefer ideas, concepts, science & technology.
Part 4: Appendix
Appendix-A: Your Kundli (Birth Chart)
Appendix-B: How To Search Your Top Career Choices
Appendix-C: Six Fundamental Career Types Explained
Appendix-D: Additional Career Planning Insights
Planetary Position
Planets Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada
Ascendent Aries 02-19-07 Ashvini 1
Sun Aquarius 20-00-32 Purvabhadra 1
Moon Capricorn 25-32-42 Dhanishta 1
Mars Pisces 22-05-58 Revati 2
Mercury Aquarius 14-53-28 Satabhisa 3
Jupiter Aries 09-25-10 Ashvini 3
Venus Capricorn 24-36-17 Dhanishta 1
Saturn Aries 18-49-10 Bharani 2
Rahu Cancer 07-51-51 Pashyami 2
Ketu Capricorn 07-51-51 Uttarashadha 4
Uranus Capricorn 24-33-10 Dhanishta 1
Neptune Capricorn 11-32-33 Sravana 1
Pluto Scorpion 18-55-47 Jyeshtha 1
Now that you know your personality type and CogniAstro's recommendations for you,
the next thing you need to do is to decide upon the field, in which you want to move
forward. To do so, you will need to thoroughly research your top five recommended
career choices and make the best career decision. And you need to give ample time
for your research. Your career is one of the most significant decisions of your life. After
completing your graduation at around 21 years of age, you spend more than 40 next
years of your life working. Therefore, you need to be sure of your next steps and
investing time into exploring what you think is going to pay you for years is a worthy
Continually switching your career is not only a black mark in your resume, but it also
leaves you unsatisfied, confused, and with a feeling of unrest. To attain success,
stability, and monetary gains, you need to stick to one career option that helps you
thrive. This report was created primarily to help those in need of proper guidance so
that instead of wasting time in changing careers, they invest it in detailed research?
It makes much more sense to put effort into something that's going to cost you in the
long run. There are three main ways to investigate your future career, and you should
use all of them in order to take the best career decision for yourself. If you skip on
these steps, you might waste several years of your life.
Talk to people who are in the same field of your choice, and figure out if this is
what you want.
Visit the companies and workplaces where you can be spending years
Do detailed research on each career choice over the internet, at a bookstore, or in
the library
What is one of the best ways to find out which career suits you best? Speaking with
the people already in that field, of course! You can talk to the people whom you know
are already pursuing the career that you are hoping to be a part of. Learn from their
experiences, list the pros and cons of the profession, and discover whether this is for
One of the best places for research is either the internet or books. There is a myriad of
websites on the internet, available on your fingertips, with ample information on all
career clusters, options, and any relevant details that you may need concerning the
same. Moreover, creating a profile on particular professional networking sites can help
you connect with experienced people from your field, and you can talk to them, ask for
suggestions and guidance on which specific jobs you should go after, what domains
you should pursue, what obstacles and hurdles you can face in life, and how to
overcome them.
In the same vein, there are numerous guide books available, that can help you
understand your career better. You can refer to them and learn about the demands of
the jobs that you are looking into, their scope, salary, your future in the field, and so
The Conventional and Artistic career types are contrasting to each other and hence,
can cause obstacles in looking for a job that suits both personality types. It seldom
happens that someone achieves high scores in both of these career types because
the career interests are so different.
Think of a person who has a keen interest in art, music, poetry, or dance - such a
person is more of an artistic type. They may want to become a painter, writer, dancer,
poet, musician, or so on. They possess self-expression, freedom, and creativity and
The Realistic and Social career types are also opposites on this chart. However, this
usually does not cause conflict because, despite a difference in their mode of
approach, they both take a keen interest in working with people, which is useful in
almost any line of work.
The Enterprising and Investigative career types are the opposites of each other. The
same is visible in the chart and obtaining high scores in both of these types is not a
very common scenario. However, one should note that you will find such people (I & E
type) creating new technologies and forming new companies. They can combine their
knowledge of technology, science, and their business mind, a rare combination, and
create and reach new heights while taking the world along with them.
People who score high in Investigative career types have a sharp technical mind. But,
it is rare to find a person with excellent technical knowledge as well as a keen
business intellect.
for the best option. Try to get in touch with the professional people who have gained
proficiency in their field or try to search for the career interest you wanted to pursue
for a lifetime.
Choose your career interest before you select your college course.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 95606 70006, +91 120 4138503
We want to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction that you receive from us is not to be considered as a
substitute for advice, program, or treatment, that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or
financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report is provided as-is
and we provide no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the
recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case of any disputes,
the court of law shall be the only courts of Agra, UP (India).
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