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Geopressure (Articulo)

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S. Shaker
Geopressure Analysis Services (G.A.S.), Houston, USA

Abstract: (shale, mudstone), which are represented by maximum flooding

surfaces, sequence boundaries, and parasequences, are respon-
Lithology and principal stress are the main driving mecha- sible for geopressure compartmentalization. Therefore, sequence
nisms behind the development of the subsurface geopressure / seismic stratigraphy can lead to the establishment of the
profile. Lithology distribution creates the conditions that lead to expected pressure profile in both seals and reservoirs at any
compartmentalization. Sequence/seismic stratigraphy are good specific location in the basin.
guide lines to establish the paleoenvironment and sediment’s
spatial distribution in a basin. Introduction:

The overburden (principle stress) is a result of the sum of Recognition of the architecture of the seismic reflectors is
sediment and water weights. Current water depth in offshore essential to defining the depositional cycles in clastic basins. In a
has a direct impact on the size of the regional hydrostatic-litho- progradational system (low stand), where deltaic coarse clastic
static pressure envelope. The combination of changes in beds (parasequences) move basin-ward, sandy facies dominate
lithology and the current water depth affects the pore pressure the inner shelf environments. Pore pressure (PP) profile shows a
shift from normal hydrostatic to an abnormal geopressured dominant hydrostatic gradient with a medium sealing capacity
system. The petrophysical properties of the impermeable beds across the seals. On the other hand, in a retrogradational (high

Figure 1: Conceptual diagram illustrates the possible facies distribution along a cross section extending from the inner shelf to the bathyal environments.

Continued on Page 89
88 CSEG Recorder September, 2002
Continued from Page 88

stand), where mud rich sediments move toward the land mass,
PP profile shows higher gradients and shale beds show higher
sealing and retention capacities.

On the slopes, course sediments bypass the mud rich highly

inclined surface. Consequently, the PP profile shows a fast
increase with occasional compartmentalization.

In the bathyal zone, where most of the basin floor fans (BFF)
rest, a more relaxing PP profile develops. A moderate to low
sealing capacity exists due to the presence of the relatively high
permeable reservoir sediments. Moreover, the current large
hydraulic head retards the development of the geopressure profile.
Therefore, drilling for hydrocarbon in deep water needs to reach
greater sediment depth relative to the play concept on the shelf.

Concepts and Methods Figure 2: Expected pore pressure profile in the inner shelf (inner neritic) geological
setting. This conceptual subsurface section does not account for any faulting or
For the purpose of this article, two maximum flooding vertical communications.
surfaces (MFS) and three sequence boundaries (SB) were used to 2. Outer Shelf (Outer Neritic) PP Profile: The outer shelf (outer
display the impact of sequence stratigraphy on PP development neritic) is the most optimum environment for hydrocarbon
(Fig.1). A carbonate platform was assumed as a foundation for entrapment. The reservoir quality in each compartment is
these cyclic events. The maximum flooding surfaces demarcate built of medium to fine clastics. Moreover, the relative large
the final stage of retrogradational parasequences. The upper two thickness of the shale beds enhances hydrocarbon entrap-
SB’s represent low stand events associated with multiple progra- ment in faulted segments.
dational parasequences (PS). The lower SB represents a hiatus
between the carbonate base and the younger sediments.
A considerable shift of pore pressure envelopes takes place
where the maximum flood surfaces thick shale are present.
To illustrate the impact of sequences distribution and the Progradational / retrogradational parasequences usually
current water depth (mud line below sea level) on the pore pres- show a moderate to weak pressure shift. The PP profile is
sure development, five bore-hole locations were selected to characterized by relatively high sealing and retention capaci-
represent each environment: ties (Fig.3).

1. Inner Shelf PP Profile: The lithology of the section in the

inner shelf (inner neritic) is dominated by sandy rich sedi-
ments. As long as diagenesis and meteoric alterations did not
impact the primary porosity, compartments usually are repre-
sented by thick permeable facies. Maximum flooding surfaces
are the strongest seals rather than the low permeable bedding
planes within the parasequences.

The pore pressure profile is characterized by a cascade

fashion type track (Fig.2). The PP in the normal pressure coin-
cides with the regional hydrostatic gradient in the basin. The
MFS usually represents the top seal of the geopressured
section below. Compartments in the geopressured system
bear gradients similar to the regional hydrostatic gradient,
but pressure progresses in different envelopes. The lithostatic
pressure commences at shallow depth and leads to a large
principal stress and higher retention capacity in the geopres- Figure 3: Predicted pore pressure in the outer shelf. Notice the high sealing and
sured section. The sealing capacity of the interbedded shale retention capacities.
beds are moderate in nature, especially if they represent a The outer shelf environment of the middle–lower Miocene in
sequence boundary between progradational and retrograda- offshore Texas and Louisiana represents ideal case histories of
tional parasequence sets. highly successful exploration programs. The adequate sand
percentage (25-35%) and strong sealing/retention capacities
The predominant sandy facies in the inner shelf section are the main reason for finding substantial reserves.
increases the risk of trapping mechanisms, especially within Explorationists describe this paleoenvironment belt as a
faulted structural segments. Therefore, large potential hydro- fairway for optimum play concept choices.
carbon accumulation in this zone is unlikely unless four way
prospective closures are targeted. Continued on Page 90

September, 2002 CSEG Recorder 89

Continued from Page 89

3. Shelf Edge PP Profile: The geological setting on the shelf edge

is dominated by prodelta facies with occasional sand rich
progradational parasequence sets. The frequent presence of
very low permeability sediments leads to the acceleration of
pressure gradient below the cap of the geopressured zone.
The less frequent presence of permeable compartments and
the down shift of the mud line (Fig.4) leads to a closeness
between the PP gradient and the fracture gradient (FG).
Therefore, retention capacity of seals for hydrocarbon entrap-
ment is relatively low. Most of the shelf/slope break discov-
eries in the GOM are limited in their size and productivity.

Figure 5: Predicted pore pressure track on slope environment. Notice the small
retention capacity window due to the closeness between PP and FG.

lithostatic gradients (Fig.6). Therefore, in spite of the presence

of relatively moderate to high sealing capacity, retention
capacity is very limited in the shallow part of the sedimentary
section. For a successful exploration play in the deep water,
deeper sediment objectives need to be targeted. Drilling deep
targets compensates for the loss of the principal stress due to
the current water depth. In the GOM deep water exploration,
most of the economically feasible projects were found at
greater depth than the discoveries found on the shelf.
Figure 4: Conceptual subsurface pore pressure profile on the shelf break. In spite of
the large sealing capacity, retention capacity is low due to the closeness of the pore
and fracture pressure tracks.

4. PP Profile on the Slope: The slope environment is dominated

by mud rich sediments. Slumped and rafted blocks are occa-
sionally found embedded in the low permeability host sedi-
ments. On the other hand, incise valleys and channel cuts can
be found and these are usually filled with permeable sedi-
ments. The combination of the low permeability section and
the large hydraulic head (due to the deep bathometry) leads
to a fast acceleration of the PP gradient commencing at the
mud line. The closeness of the PP and fracture gradients leads
to a low retention capacity (Fig.5). Moreover, due to the sedi-
ment’s high tilt, centroid effect can inflate the PP to the frac-
ture pressure in reservoir beds.

5. PP Profile in the Bathyal Environment: The deep water bathyal Figure 6: Expected PP profile development in bathyal environment where ponded
basins usually receive enormous sediment influx during the sand bodies are targeted. Notice the increase of retention capacity with depth.
low stand progradational system. Most of the high energy sedi-
ments bypass the edge/slope zones and pond in turbidite Conclusions
masses. Basin floor fans form in cases where these sediments
find a passage (sub-aqueous channels) to bathymetric low Seismic facies analysis leads to the build up of sequence
areas. These occasional relatively thick coarse clastics are stratigraphy frame work. Predicting lithology in different paleo-
usually embedded in the deep seated bathyal mud rich facies. environment provinces in the geologic setting of a basin in rela-
tion to the current water depth are the back bone of pore
The large gap between the current mud line and sea level pressure profile assessment.
leads to a substantial reduction in the principal stress.
Therefore, the pressure envelope between the regional hydro- On the shelf (inner and outer neritic), pore pressure develops
static and lithostatic gradients commencing at the mud line is in a cascade fashion. Compartments usually bear hydrostatic
relatively small. This leads to the closeness of the PP, FG and gradients. The shift in these pressure envelopes dictates the

Continued on Page 91
90 CSEG Recorder September, 2002
Continued from Page 90

sealing capacity (SC). On the other hand, the difference between

the PP and FG corresponds to the retention capacity (RC) for Selim S. Shaker is a Consulting
hydrocarbon entrapment. Outer shelf environment usually Geologist, (Geopressure Analysis
represents an optimum exploration trend due to the relatively Services - G.A.S) in Houston, Texas
high SC, RC and the optimum lithology distribution. (ssshaker@compuserve.com). He
received a B.Sc. (honor) in Applied
Geology (1964), M.Sc.(1969) and Ph.D.
On the edge/slope, where mud rich sediments dominate,
(1973) in Geology from Assiut
pore pressure profile increases at a higher rate. The closeness
University, Egypt. He also received a
between the PP and fracture gradients is responsible for the
diploma in Hydrogeology (1975) from
limited retention capacity. In deep water environment where
Prague University (UNESCO). He has
basin floor fans, turbidites, and sub-aqueous channel fills exist,
over 30 years of experience in the oil
retention capacity is relatively low at the shallow part of the
industry, including projects in Sinai and the Western Desert of
section. Conversely, sealing and retention capacities increase in
Egypt, geological studies onshore and offshore (particularly
the deep part of the section.
prospect generation in the Gulf of Mexico), and evaluation of
prospects and leads worldwide (NW Australia, Algeria,
Suggested reading: Egypt, Libya, Brazil, North Sea and China). He retired from
“Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores, and Phillips Petroleum Company after 20 years of service.
Outcrops” J.C. Van Wagoner , R. M. Mitchum , K. .M. Campion
and V. D. Rahmanian 1990. Dr. Shaker has authored a number of published papers
AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No.7 dealing with geopressure compartmentalization seal integrity,
hydrocarbon trapping, geological modeling, etc. and
“Geopressure Compartmentalization in Keathley Canyon Deep Water,
presented at AAPG, GCAG and OTC Conventions, as well as
Gulf Of Mexico” S.S. Shaker, 2001.
industry work-shops. He is an active member of AAPG,
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, Vol.51, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Houston
PP.293 – 304. R Geological Society (HGS), and Geological Modeling Society of
Houston (GMSH).


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September, 2002 CSEG Recorder 91

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