Digital Literacy Stage 9 Scheme of Work - tcm143-552768
Digital Literacy Stage 9 Scheme of Work - tcm143-552768
Digital Literacy Stage 9 Scheme of Work - tcm143-552768
Version 1
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Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
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Contents.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Unit 9.1 Personal responsibility in the digital world............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Unit 9.2 My children’s digital world..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Unit 9.3 That’s entertainment............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Sample lesson 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Sample lesson 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge Assessment International Education for Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy Stage 9.
It contains:
suggested units showing how the learning objectives in the curriculum framework can be grouped and ordered
at least one suggested teaching activity for each learning objective
a suggested project at the end of each unit that will consolidate the learning
a list of subject-specific language that will be useful for your learners
sample lesson plans.
You do not need to use the ideas in this scheme of work to teach Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy Stage 9. It is designed to indicate the types of
activities you might use, and the intended depth and breadth of each learning objective. You may choose to use other activities with a similar level of difficulty, in
order to suit your local context and the resources that you have available. You may also choose to adapt the suggested activities and the projects so that they can
be embedded within the teaching of other subjects.
The accompanying teacher guide for Cambridge Primary Lower Secondary Literacy will support you to plan and deliver lessons using effective teaching and learning
approaches. You can use this scheme of work as a starting point for your planning, adapting it to suit the requirements of your school and needs of your learners.
Long-term plan
This long-term plan shows the units in this scheme of work and a suggestion of how long to spend teaching each one. The suggested teaching time is based on 30
hours of teaching for Digital Literacy Stage 9. You can adapt the time, units and order of the units based on the requirements of your school and the needs of your
Total 30 hours
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Other support for teaching Cambridge Primary Lower Secondary Literacy Stage 9
Cambridge Lower Secondary centres receive access to a range of resources when they register. The Cambridge Lower Secondary support site at is a password-protected website that is the source of the majority of Cambridge-produced resources for the
programme. Ask the Cambridge Coordinator or Exams Officer in your school if you do not already have a login for this support site.
Other suggested resources for individual units and/or activities are described in the rest of this document. You can swap these for other resources that are available
in your school.
There are many excellent online resources suitable for teaching Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy. Since these are updated frequently, and many are
only available in some countries, we recommend that you and your colleagues identify and share resources that you have found to be effective for your learners.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
By the end of the unit, learners will understand that they are responsible for their online activity and be aware of the permanence of the digital footprint that they
create each time they go online. They will develop knowledge that will enable them to make judgements about the information they find online and understand how
the results of their information searches could be personal to them. They will also deepen their knowledge of document creation through creating artefacts that
contain a number of different media types.
Why would you want to protect your personal history in this way?
Examples of targeted advertising.
9DW.01 Make effective Display an example of a totally inaccurate piece of information, or news story, As young people in particular increasingly turn
judgments about the validity of which appears to have been posted on a web page. Make sure that there are to the internet for news, information and
the source and accuracy of some clues to its lack of authenticity contained within the content, for entertainment which has been subject to little
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Remind learners that, while much of the information on the internet is factually
correct, some of it is not. It is therefore important for learners to adopt
strategies to help them to evaluate the credibility of a source. Explain that if
they cannot evaluate the source, they should ignore it or always treat the
information with scepticism.
Provide learners with a checklist that might help them evaluate the accuracy There are many guides on how to evaluate the
of an online information source. Also provide a list of links that learners validity of an online information source
should review using the checklist. The list should include sites that are available on the internet.
generally accurate and some that are not.
An example of a web page containing inaccurate information or news.
A checklist of strategies for judging the validity of the source and
accuracy of information found online.
A list of websites for learners to review using the checklist.
9SW.05 Understand that they Display an image of a fossilised human footprint. Explain that the humans
have personal responsibility for who made them were probably unaware they were doing so and certainly did
their digital activity, safety and not know how long they would endure. Emphasise the permanence of the
wellbeing. fossils.
Draw an analogy between real footprints and the data we leave behind To help learners, define the term ‘digital
whenever we use the internet and how it could be viewed many years later. footprint’ as all of the data that is currently
stored on the internet that can be linked to
Discuss learners’ personal responsibility to protect their future selves through each of them individually.
remaining conscious of their footprint while they are operating and
communicating online.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Explain that a digital footprint is not always a negative thing and that some
people actively seek to increase their own footprint.
What might be the positive aspects of a digital footprint?
Who might want to increase their digital footprint and why?
Working in small groups, learners find each other’s digital footprint by Learners should do a search of their full name
searching for their names and their location using a range of different search and the town or city in which they live. Due to
engines. their age it is unlikely that there will be any
data, however it is possible that information is
Working individually learners conduct similar searches for older relatives. disclosed that raises a cause for concern. This
Discuss learners’ findings. It is possible that they do not find anything, and should be reported immediately to a member of
this should be seen as a positive result. In this case congratulate them for staff in your school who is responsible for
their invisible footprints but remind them that they will still have a digital pastoral care.
Explain that it is unlikely that children of this age will have a visible digital
footprint but that their invisible footprint in the data recorded in their search or
online shopping histories will be substantial.
Outline some activities that contribute to a digital footprint and ask learners to Some of the activities that contribute to a digital
list all the things that they have done online in the past week that will have footprint that learners are likely to list are:
added to their digital footprints. websites they have visited
purchases they have made
Provide learners with a list of names of some adults that are known to them, emails they have sent
such as other teachers in the school, to illustrate how much information it is comments they have posted
possible to find online. Make sure that it is a list of people you have approved their search history
and tested in advance to ensure the returns are not inappropriate.
the social networks they use
their personal website
As a whole class discuss the following question:
What should you do to stay in control of your digital footprint? their chosen video sharing platform
What could be a potential impact of your digital footprint when you become an everything that other people have
adult? posted about them.
Discuss the suggestions made by learners and help then to draw up a plan to
create a positive digital footprint. Learners write a blog listing the things that
they will do to take responsibility for their own footprint in the future.
Complete this activity by suggesting some further strategies that learners can
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Guidelines for creating a positive digital footprint.
9SW.05 Understand that they What should you do if someone’s activity or something you have encountered Risk is applied broadly in this activity to cover
have personal responsibility for online is making you concerned or unhappy? risk to learners themselves (from things such
their digital activity, safety and as cyberbullying, grooming, addiction, etc.) or
wellbeing. Discuss various scenarios, including: risks to other users as a result of learner’s
negative responses to social media posts activity (from things such as posting images
9TC.02 Use devices to create comments about either themselves or people that they know tagged with the full name of the person shown,
increasingly sophisticated digital evidence that their posts are being seen by, or shared with, people posting hurtful or unkind comments, etc.).
artefacts, including the use of that were not their intended audience
sound, video, text and other any online communication from outside their group of ‘real’ friends. Risk is unavoidable in the virtually connected
multimedia. If individuals are supported to share personal experiences, these can have a world so young people need to know how to
powerfully engaging effect on other learners. Find out how they dealt with any react and how to be resilient when risk
of the situations they discuss. presents itself.
Explain that an essential first step is confiding in someone they trust. The
issue can then be reported to authorities that can stop the perpetrators. By
taking positive action, learners will protect themselves, and others, and will
demonstrate resilient behaviour.
Explain what it means to be resilient and why it is important that learners Resilient behaviours include:
adopt resilient behaviour when online, by outlining and discussing a series of Being prepared in advance, through
resilient behaviours. education, about risks when online.
Sharing concerns with others.
To reflect upon this activity, learners create a digital artefact to help teenagers Reporting more serious concerns to
to develop resilient online behaviour. Allow them to work as individuals, in authorities, if necessary.
pairs or in a small group. The artefact should combine a range of media Knowing that content can be removed
including text, music, speech, images, video, etc. They could produce a role- from social networks if it contravenes a
play, news item, presentation, short lecture, etc. that demonstrates a range of network’s terms and conditions of use.
the content creation skills that they have acquired up to this stage in their Seeing perpetrators of cyberbullying as
learning. victims themselves who may well have
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Creativity is introduced at the end of the unit, where learners are invited to imagine a community that their children could belong to. They then consolidate their
learning by writing a science fiction story in which they create a world for their children to live in based upon the risks and opportunities that have been discussed
during the unit.
optical character recognition (OCR)
artificial intelligence (AI)
machine intelligence / machine learning
big data
virtual community
graphical processing unit
data aggregation
cipher/cipher text/plaintext
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Before starting the task, the class should agree a report template that will be
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
They should also agree guidance on how to peer review each other’s report. Peer assessment must follow strict guidelines.
Once learners have completed their report they should exchange it with their For this task, advise peers to:
partner and review each report using the guidelines that were agreed. be objective
state whether they agree or disagree
The whole class should then discuss some of the interesting findings about with the example chosen
AI. They also discuss the benefit of having a template and an agreed set of state what they liked about the
guidelines to work with during the task. Benefits of using the template could reasoning given in the report
include: make helpful suggestions for improving
it provided a structure for the report the report.
it made reports easier to compare
it made it easier to find key information.
9DW.06 Describe the benefits Explain that governments and organisations are increasingly making use of Technology-based security is treated as a
and risks of AI. data that has been collected from private citizens. Also explain that AI is trade-off between public security and privacy.
being used to repurpose data to provide information that may have little to do The importance of security is a priority but this
9DW.01 Make effective with the stated intention that the data was originally collected for. is often with disregard for personal privacy.
judgments about the validity of
the source and accuracy of How does this make you feel?
information found online.
Provide learners with a template and ask them to make a list of as many Other examples of digitised data might include
technologies that collect and store digitised data on individual citizens as they fingerprints, DNA, shop loyalty cards,
can. A possible template (with an example row completed is below). biometrics, etc.
Learners research the above points. They should demonstrate that they make
good judgements about the information they found. Areas that could be
researched include:
What data is collected?
Who collects it?
Finally take a vote on whether learners are generally in favour of more or less
data collection.
Templates for learners to record their data collection examples.
Cards with examples of data collection to guide learners’ research.
9TC.04 Use advanced search Ask the following two questions: This activity will illustrate the way in which big
techniques to refine search What is big data? data is enabling us to solve problems that,
results. What can it be used for? without big data, have no solution.
9DW.01 Make effective Define big data using the five Vs: There are many definitions for the term ‘big
judgments about the validity of Volume – which is growing exponentially. data’. It is a data set so large that it is
the source and accuracy of Variety – the data is gathered from multiple sources and is unstructured impossible to process using traditional data
information found online. (many different file types and formats). management systems.
Velocity – data is now being generated by a vast number of internet users
9TC.03 Create a portfolio of and is being stored in real time.
documents for a common Value – the data must be analysed in order to produce valuable
purpose. information.
Veracity – uncertainty and inconsistencies in the data need to be
9TC.01 Develop fluency and eliminated in the processing.
accuracy when typing in
increasing quantity. Learners complete a case study using one example of how big data is used to An example of the use of big data could be an
solve a problem. The problem solved might be an unintended consequence of unsolved murder case. The data source would
the collection of the data. be the vast quantities of familial DNA data
stored on ancestry and medical databases.
They create a typed report to explain their findings using a template, which is The big DNA data can be interrogated to find a
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
The report should include a portfolio of evidence, for example: An important general point to make is that big
news items data may be used to solve a problem that had
documents nothing to do with the original reason for
gathering it in the first place. In the example
data sets
given above, people uploaded their DNA to find
lost relatives or to learn about possible medical
charts. conditions linked to their DNA, not to solve a
murder case.
9DW.06 Describe the benefits Ask learners to imagine this scenario: The scenarios presented here are designed to
and risks of AI. You are chatting in person to a friend in a local café about wanting to visit a promote learner discussion. Learners should
city in a different part of the world. The next time you sign in to your be given freedom to speculate what may have
9TC.02 Use devices to create favourite social network you are amazed to find offers for cheap flights to happened in each case.
increasingly sophisticated digital the city you had been talking about earlier in the day. Your friend strongly
artefacts, including the use of denies having anything to do with this. Governments and organisations are becoming
sound, video, text and other increasingly aware of the benefits that
multimedia. How is this possible? aggregated big data can facilitate. Targeted
marketing is one example but other areas
Suggest that the roots of such a seemingly impossible occurrence lie in the where it is rapidly gaining traction are:
aggregation of big data. public health (CDC, WHO)
Explain that, in simple terms, the aggregation of big data is the use of advertising
algorithms to make connections between otherwise unconnected big data politics
sets to provide information that is an unintended consequence of the initial organisational management
data collection. For example: space exploration.
The data stored in an image of the blood vessels in the retina of your right
eye is aggregated with personal data such as your name, date and place of
birth, racial origins, address, employer, medical records, biometrics, bank
account details, recent purchases, social networks, place of employment,
The scenario was developed to illustrate how
Provide copies of a scenario of this type for learners to read: big data from many separate sources might be
You find out that you have some unexpected holiday to use and see that a
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
In the morning your smartphone alerts you that you have a flu infection and
instructs you to collect some prescription medicine that is waiting for you at
the nearest pharmacy. While you are in the pharmacy a shoe brand that
you particularly like messages you to inform you that there is a pair of
shoes, in your size, in a sale in a shop near the pharmacy. You go to the
shop and buy them
You are tired so use your app to call a self-drive car. The ride is very
comfortable because the seat automatically adjusts itself to match your
biometrics. On your way back to the hotel you stop at a supermarket to pick
up some local food items to take home. You walk into the shop, collect a
large paper bag, select several items from the shelves, place them in the
bag and walk out as there is no sales assistant.
All of the events in this story took place without you having to show any
documentation, use any cash or a credit card or even needing to talk to
Use the scenario to stimulate a discussion about a world in which our daily Demonstrate the use of the mind mapping
lives might be improved by the aggregation of big data. software while capturing learner responses.
Learners reflect on the content of the two mind maps to produce a digital
artefact which outlines possible positive and negative impacts of big data and
Printed copies of the two scenarios.
A set of comprehension questions based on the second scenario.
A mind mapping application.
9SW.05 Understand that they Introduce the theme of security by asking learners what measures either they
have personal responsibility for or their parents have taken to secure their digital systems.
their digital activity, safety and
wellbeing. Their answers might include:
using internet security software
9DW.06 Describe the benefits not sharing sensitive information with anyone
and risks of AI. ensuring passwords are strong and unique
scanning their system with antivirus software
not clicking on unexpected links and attachments
not installing unidentifiable devices on their system.
Remind learners about the permanence of digital footprints and explain why, The size, complexity and sensitivity of an
with the increasing application of machine learning, their own digital footprints individual’s digital footprint will grow at an
will grow at an ever-increasing rate. increasing rate as machine learning makes
deeper links between data held in the cloud
What type of data do you think might be added to your children’s digital and shares this with numerous unrelated
footprint that is not currently collected about you? systems. This process will be autonomous and
outside of human control.
Example answers that learners might provide:
the number of hot drinks they have during the day – collected by their The security of personal (as well as corporate
kettle which is linked to the Internet of Things and governmental) data is already a major
the music they like to listen to on a long journey – collected by their concern and it will be up to individuals to do
self-drive hire car what they can to safeguard their own privacy.
everyone they spent more than five minutes with during the past
week – collected by location tracking applications.
Explain that wireless communications can be intercepted and hacked so that If the data is not encrypted it is relatively easy
personal data can be gathered for criminal purposes. Learners should be for people with sufficient technical knowledge
aware that with increasing quantities of their personal information being to bypass your security and gain access to
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
9TC.02 Use devices to create Introduce the activity by asking the following questions: A virtual community is a social network of
increasingly sophisticated digital What is a community? individuals who interact through specific social
artefacts, including the use of What is a virtual community? media, crossing geographical and political
sound, video, text and other What topic would be the focus of your ideal virtual community? boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests
multimedia. or goals.
Ask learners to imagine that they have been given the opportunity to create a
new virtual community and that their task is to design one for the benefit of An illustration you could suggest is: if you are
their own children’s generation. interested in modern art you might want to
bring together people from all over the world to
The aspects of the design that they must address are: discuss and share their knowledge and
1. The topic or focus of the community. understanding of modern art from their locality,
2. A name for the community. and possibly to enable them to trade in works
3. An aim or ‘mission statement’ for the community that outlines the of art.
benefits for those who decide to join.
4. Would it be free or require a subscription? Show learners a list of some of the vast
5. If a subscription is charged, how much would people have to pay and number of existing virtual communities and
how would this be collected? social networks that are currently available
6. If it is a free community, how will it generate the revenue needed to online.
sustain it?
7. What registration and personal profile data you would want to record
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Learners use their digital skills to create a brand for their virtual community. It is recommended that learners produce more
Artefacts they create could include: than one digital artefact in order to present a
a logo detailed picture of their community.
a ‘homepage’ layout for the community’s website
an online advert, with a strategy about the type of individuals that will
be targeted, such as their demographic, interests and online activity.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
The unit also covers the role, and the impact of digital technology upon, the creators of sources of entertainment. This includes their revenue streams and their
opportunities for increased creativity. It also considers the problems they encounter through piracy, plagiarism and how they generate income from their creativity.
The unit looks at the internet as the most popular source of entertainment. It makes learners aware of, and resilient to, negative aspects of socialising online such
as cyberbullying or harassment.
Ask learners to gather into small groups with those that have
selected the same statement. Each group conducts research into
their selected statement, for example by looking at local news
reports and editorials. As many of the findings will be the result of
their opinion they will need to make careful selections about which
items they use.
Learners may want to make reference to some of
Each group presents a reasoned argument to rest of the class,
the extreme opinions that they found and rejected
either for or against the statement on the card they have selected,
when presenting their ‘arguments’.
based upon the outcome of their research.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Allow time for discussion of the class findings and then ask
learners to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following question:
Would it matter if video sharing platforms made television extinct?
A set of cards, each with a different statement about
video sharing platforms for learners to select from and
9DW.05 Describe the impact of digital Ask learners how many of them regularly play video games. Electronic or video gaming (sophisticated online
technology on the creative disciplines. games where learners are playing the role of the
How many hours a week, on average, do you spend playing lead character in the first person, or cheap
9SW.04 Identify the benefits and risks video games? smartphone apps like Tetris, etc.) is a growing
of online gaming and e-sports. Is this time well spent? industry. The gaming industry provides creative,
rewarding and well-paid jobs for those involved.
9SW.05 Understand that they have Ask learners to work in small groups and use a digital tool to
personal responsibility for their digital create a mind map divided into two halves with ‘video gaming’ in
activity, safety and wellbeing. the centre:
on the left side they should write positive aspects of video
on the right side they should write negative aspects of
video gaming.
Also introduce positive and negative ideas of your own, such as:
Learners discuss their findings with the rest of their group and any
interesting outcomes are shared with the whole class.
9SW.03 Understand the payment Do you pay for the games that you play?
models that exist in the gaming and How are the people who make the games rewarded for their
app industries, and identify the creativity?
advantages and disadvantages of
these models. Discuss the different payment models for games, for example:
in-app advertising
freemium and in-app purchases
pay for game enhancements and advantages
pay to download
traditional, in shop, purchase
subscription, which will include the provision of personal
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Provide each group with a topic which identifies the specific In spite of these models, IP theft is still an
aspect of the argument they should focus on. For example: enormous problem. Examples include making
the financial impact upon the creator unlicensed copies of music CDs, DVDs and
disincentive to create future work games, watching a live sports event without paying
less investment in the creative industries to view it, etc.
it offers access to online entertainment, closing the digital
it provides a platform for further creativity
it promotes the creator’s wider work.
Explain that some people use illegal downloads or streaming in Young people often do not understand the risks to
order to avoid paying fees. These unauthorised sources are often themselves in using illegal downloads.
developed by criminals who use them to gain unauthorised
access to users’ systems. Therefore illegal downloads represent a
serious security threat to the user’s own devices.
List of topics related to IP theft so that the different groups
are not duplicating their research and the final argument
considers a wide range of aspects.
9DW.04 Understand what is meant by Explain the term ‘digital divide’ at the local level. The term digital divide refers to a distinction
the digital divide and how this affects between people who have a reliable device that
different areas of society both locally What do you think causes the digital divide? they can use to access the internet and an
and globally. How do you think a lack of digital access or awareness could affordable means of connecting to a reliable
affect a person of about your age? internet connection via their home or school, and
people who do not. A digital divide exists, at a local
Emphasise basic examples that your learners may not consider: level, between:
the ability to communicate with friends, both locally and those who devote time to the use of digital
globally devices and those who do not
access to outstanding resources for learning those who feel comfortable engaging in
the practical advantages of being able to access goods digital environments and those who do not
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Instruct them to design strategies that would eliminate the digital The digital divide also exists within fully developed
divide in your country. They can choose a specific aspect of the countries. There will always be families who are
divide, for example financial causes or providing information and unable to afford access to the internet for their
support to those who have not yet engaged with the technologies children. This lack of access may be detrimental in
that are available to them. poor and underdeveloped countries and to children
in disadvantaged families.
Learners present their strategies using digital resources. Inform
them that they can be creative when doing this, for example that
they could role-play being a politician and present their strategy
via a video.
Examples of news stories that exemplify the damaging
effect of the digital divide on the education of young
people and people who are not digitally engaged.
Statistical data on the extent of smartphone and computer
ownership, cost of internet access, etc. for learners to
include within their strategies.
Examples of the support that is available to those who
lack knowledge about the benefits of digital engagement.
9DW.05 Describe the impact of digital To encourage learners to place the creative disciplines into an The creative disciplines include literature, music,
technology on the creative disciplines. historical context ask them: theatre and dance, film, game creation and the
How was the written word published before 1440? visual arts in general.
How were images recorded before 1816?
How did people listen to music before 1877? One of the best ways to understand the impact of
How did people watch theatrical performances before 1925? technology on any developmental process is to put
it into an historical context.
Explain that the creative disciplines have benefited from
technological innovations. Often it is only by looking back in time that we can
understand the full impact of technological
In small groups, learners pick one of the following – text, image, innovations and the benefits that digitisation has
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
Provide a peer assessment form for each learner and, while each
group presents their slideshow, ask the class to assess each
presentation using clearly prescribed criteria. The main aim of this activity is to enable learners to
understand how recently many of these changes
Describe how the creative disciplines have merged in recent have taken place, and the speed at which
years as the principle technology has become the computer and digitisation changes the production of content and
more recently the smartphone. has the power to disrupt whole industries.
Peer assessment forms.
9DW.05 Describe the impact of digital Having looked at the historic impact that technology has had in
technology on the creative disciplines. the creative disciplines, discuss the current and future impacts
that digital technology could have on these disciplines.
How do you pay for books, music and film in digital format?
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9 Scheme of Work
The user interface must be carefully thought out and designs for
smartphone GUI screens should also be presented in the final
Sample lesson 1
Learning objectives 9SW.05 Understand that they have personal responsibility for their digital
activity, safety and wellbeing.
9DW.01 Make effective judgments about the validity of the source and
accuracy of information found online.
Lesson focus / Increase learners’ awareness of behaving responsibly when ‘posting’ content
success criteria online, to protect themselves and those they post about.
Prior knowledge / Previous Familiarity with the term ‘posting’ with regard to uploading text, images,
learning audio and video to a website.
Awareness of the steps that can be taken to control who is able to view the
content that is posted.
Awareness of what should not be shared online, and why.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions for your lesson.
Were the learning objectives and lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
If I taught this lesson again, what would I change?
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Next steps
What will I teach next, based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9
Sample lesson 2
Learning objectives 9DW.05 Describe the impact of digital technology on the creative
Lesson focus / Learners will understand:
success criteria that entertainment as they know it today would not exist without a long
history of technological developments
key milestones in the development of entertainment-related technology.
Prior knowledge / Previous how to pick out key information from search results
learning presentation development
Each group conducts research and creates a slideshow As well as using keywords to
timeline which: search for information and
identifies milestones in technological innovation and images, learners should also
the dates use the ‘find’ function within
explains the benefits these innovations brought their browser to pick out key
credits those responsible for introducing the information from within their
innovations search results.
includes diagrams and photographs to illustrate the
Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy (0082) Stage 9
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions for your lesson.
Were the learning objectives and lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
If I taught this lesson again, what would I change?
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Next steps
What will I teach next, based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?
Cambridge Assessment International Education
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