AP.2903 Intangible-Assets
AP.2903 Intangible-Assets
AP.2903 Intangible-Assets
Existence: Recorded intangible assets exist Valuation and allocation: Intangible assets are valued in
accordance with GAAP
1. Obtain an analysis of ledger accounts for intangible
assets. 6. Vouch additions to or acquisitions during the year.
2. Examine documentation supporting intangible assets. 7. Evaluate dispositions and write offs during the year.
1. Acquisitions, dispositions and write offs of intangible assets should be properly authorized.
2. Adequacy and consistency of accounting policies governing intangible assets should be reviewed periodically.
3. General ledger account should be supported by adequate detailed records and they should be periodically reconciled.
4. Schedules of intangibles showing their cost and basis of amortization should be prepared periodically and reviewed by
a responsible official.
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b. Vouch the purchase by reference to underlying
4. Carrying amount of other intangible assets on
December 31, 2020
c. Inquire as to the status of patent applications.
a. P690,000 c. P980,000
d. Analyze research and development expenditures to
b. P640,000 d. P706,667
determine that only those expenditures possessing
future economic benefit have been capitalized. 5. Which statement is incorrect regarding audit of
intangible assets?
5. Assuming the company has capitalized all research and a. Accounting principles allow goodwill to be held on
development costs associated with patent. The auditor the books of a company indefinitely and not
will probably amortized over time.
a. Confer with management regarding transfer of the b. Patents are amortized over the remaining legal life
amount from the balance sheet to the income or their useful life.
statement. c. When testing a client's additions to an asset for
b. Confirm that the patent is registered and on file research and development, the auditor must
with the intellectual property office. remember that such costs should be amortized
c. Confer with management regarding a change in over the lesser of their legal lives or useful lives.
the title of the account to "goodwill." d. All the statements are correct.
d. Confer with management regarding ownership of
the patent.
The statement of financial position of Walsh Corporation as
PROBLEM NO. 2 of December 31, 2019 reported the Intangible Assets, net
as follows:
The Terran Company acquired several small companies
at the end of 2019 and, based on the acquisitions, Patent A P1,680,000
reported the following intangibles in its December 31, Patent B 2,450,000
2019 statement of financial position: P4,130,000
Patent P200,000
Copyright 400,000 During the course of your audit, you noted the following.
Tradename 350,000 a. Patent A was purchased for P1,920,000 on January 1,
Computer software 100,000 2018, at which date the remaining legal life was sixteen
Goodwill 900,000 years. On January 1, 2020, Walsh determined that the
useful life of the patent was only eight years from the
The company's accountant determines the patent has an date of acquisition.
expected life of 10 years and no expected residual value,
and that it will generate approximately equal benefits each b. On May 1, 2020, Walsh sold Patent B in exchange for a
year. The company expects to use the copyright and P5,000,000 non-interest bearing note due on May 1,
tradename for the foreseeable future. The accountant 2023. There was no established exchange price for the
knows that the computer software is used in the patent, and the note had no ready market. The
company's 120 sales offices. The company has replaced prevailing rate of interest for a note of this type at May
the software in 60 offices in 2020, and expects to replace 1, 2020 was 14%. The patent was purchased for
the software in 40 more offices in 2021 and the remainder P3,150,000 on September 1, 2016. On that date, the
in 2022. remaining legal life was fifteen years, which was also
determined to be the useful life.
On December 31, 2020, there are no indications of c. On January 3, 2020, in connection with the purchase of
impairment of patent and computer software. The a trademark from Joe Corporation, the parties entered
following information relate to the other intangible assets: into a noncompetition agreement and a consulting
a) Because of the rampant piracy, the copyright is contract. Walsh paid Joe P8,000,000, of which three-
expected to generate cash flows of just P8,000 per quarters was for the trademark and one-quarter was for
year. Joe’s agreement not to compete for a five-year period
in the line of business covered by the trademark.
b) The tradename is expected to generate cash flows of Walsh considers the life of the trademark to be
P15,000 per year. indefinite. Under the consulting contract, Walsh agreed
c) The goodwill is associated with Terran’s SCV to pay Joe P500,000 annually on January 3 for five
years. The first payment was made on January 3,
Manufacturing reporting unit. The cash flows expected
to be generated by the SCV Manufacturing reporting 2020.
unit is P200,000 per year for the next 25 years. The
reporting unit has a carrying amount of P2,100,000. d. At December 31, 2020, Walsh determined the
recoverable amount of the intangible assets as follows:
Patent A P1,350,000
Based on the above and the result of your audit, determine Trademark 5,500,000
the following: (Assume that the appropriate discount rate Noncompetition agreement 1,800,000
for all items is 5%)
1. Total amortization of intangible assets in 2020
a. P 70,000 c. P88,750 QUESTIONS:
b. P107,500 d. P20,000 Based on the above and the result of your audit, determine
2. Total loss on impairment in 2020 the following:
a. P452,470 c. P471,220 1. Gain on sale of Patent B
b. P530,280 d. P433,720 a. P2,620,000 c. P 995,000
3. Carrying amount of goodwill on December 31, 2020 b. P1,012,500 d. P 977,500
a. P900,000 c. P855,000
b. P718,780 d. P659,720
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2. Total amortization to be recognized in 2020
Item 3:
a. P680,000 c. P 767,500
In December 2019, an explosion caused a permanent 60
b. P750,000 d. P1,950,000
percent reduction in the expected revenue-producing value
3. Total impairment loss to be recognized in 2020 of Licensing Agreement – A, and in January 2021, a flood
a. P750,000 c. P550,000 caused additional damage, which rendered the agreement
b. P620,000 d. P 50,000 worthless.
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On December 31, 2019, Probe Corporation acquired the
following three intangible assets: On November 15, 2020, Rodeo Corporation acquired
A trademark for P300,000. The trademark has 7 years Rapids, a company that operates a scenic railway along
remaining legal life. It is anticipated that the the coast of a popular tourist area. The summarized
trademark will be renewed in the future, indefinitely, statement of financial position at fair values of Rapids on
without problem. July 1, 2020, reflecting the terms of acquisition was:
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