Action Plan in Industrial Arts C y 2018
Action Plan in Industrial Arts C y 2018
Action Plan in Industrial Arts C y 2018
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Division of Bulacan
Libis, San Rafael, Bulacan
Month Target Projects/Programs Activities Beneficiaries Resources Expected Results
January Joining in ABACA Group. All teachers teaching Industrial School Industrial School Industrial School/Canteen Fund Teachers were registered as
(Year-round Arts will join in the group. Arts Coordinator Arts abaca members.
activity) Advisers Coordinators
District/School Advisers Pupils
Coordinators Teachers
February Increase “Performance Level” Teachers will provide School Industrial Teachers Pupils School/Canteen Fund Pupils’ mastered 80% of the
(Year-round of Pupils in learning Industrial instructional materials in Arts Coordinator lessons and activities.
activity) Arts teaching IA Teachers
March Providing “School Inventory” Provide School Inventory District IA Adviser School Heads Computers 100% of the schools within
of IA materials and tools template to be accomplished and Coordinator School IA the district have their
by the IA school coordinators School IA Coordinators school inventory of IA
coordinators Classroom materials/tools
April Securing the safety of the IA Provide checklist on the proper District/School IA School IA School/Canteen Fund Safe and secure IA materials
materials and tools in every securing of the tools and Coordinator Coordinators and tools.
school. materials in every school.
May Procuring of tools/materials in Procurement of School Head IA School IA MOOE Fund Gained different
IA tools/materials in IA Coordinator Coordinators School/Canteen Fund tools/materials in IA.
Teachers Pupils
Encouraging teachers to Provide teachers with useful District Supervisor School Head Internet Connection, Teachers integrate the use of
June- integrate the use of IA links (LRMDS) which provide School Head School IA Computers Multimedia IA in their respective classes.
resources in teaching. learning materials. School IA Coordinators Tools
Coordinators Teachers DepEd on-line resources
Teachers Pupils (e.g. LRMDS, FB groups)
July Participation in Division Participate in Division District IA School IA School/Canteen Fund Teaching competencies
Seminars/Workshops involving Seminar/Workshops involving Adviser and Coordinators improved
IA IA. Coordinator Teachers and
School Heads Pupils
School IA
August Acquire and provide Purchase additional IA tools District ICT School ICT School Funds Additional IA tools acquired
additional IA tools Adviser and Coordinators
Coordinator Teachers and
School ICT Pupils
September Encourage pupils and parents Conduct IA activities/contests District ICT School ICT School Funds 100% of parents involved in
to participate in IA activities Adviser and Coordinators the activities
Coordinator Teachers,
School ICT parents and
Coordinator Pupils
PTA officers
October Conducting of seminar Conduct seminar regarding School Heads, School Head MOOE/School/Canteen Teachers produced
regarding the instructional instructional materials in IA. District/School IA School IA Fund different instructional
materials in IA. Participate in the District Coordinators Coordinators materials in IA.
Participating in the District Technolympics. School IA Teachers Participants will placed as
Technolympics Coordinators Pupils achievers in District
Pupils Technolympics
November Increase “Performance Level” Teachers will provide School Industrial Teachers Pupils School/Canteen Fund Pupils’ mastered 80% of the
(All year of Pupils in learning Industrial instructional materials in Arts Coordinator lessons and activities.
round) Arts teaching IA Teachers
December Allowing pupils to experience Recitation using IA tools. School Head School IA School/Canteen Fund Pupils have hands on
hands on activities. IA Coordinator Coordinators activities
Teachers Pupils
District IA Coordinator District IA Adviser District Supervisor EPS EPP/TLE