Optional Contact Information
Optional Contact Information
Optional Contact Information
Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address____________________________________________________________________
Have you ever or do you now receive the HOPE scholarship? Yes _____ No
Did you receive any other scholarships? If so, what type (need or merit) and how
Did you take or are you taking remedial college courses? Yes _____ No _____
College graduates, how many years did it take for you to earn your first bachelors
degree? _______
Below are some potential ideas for changing the way the HOPE scholarship is
awarded. Which do you support? (check all that apply)
_____ Offset HOPE scholarship with other scholarships (for example, if a student
receives a Pell Grant, the student would not receive HOPE)
_____ Limit the high school courses used to calculate the HOPE eligibility GPA (use
only core class grades to calculate GPA; for example music and art classes would
not count)
_____ Place a lower limit on the number of hours HOPE will cover
_____ Eliminate awards for private colleges and universities (currently HOPE pays a
flat amount for students attending a Georgia private college or university)
_____ Award flat scholarship amount for public colleges and universities (currently
the award is the amount of tuition, which is higher at some schools)
_____ Eliminate remedial and learning support from the HOPE scholarship
_____ Require a three year minimum residency requirement in the State of Georgia
before receiving HOPE
Please share any other thoughts you have about improving the HOPE scholarship
program or your personal experience with HOPE and its impact on you or your