BNP No Choque Geral 2015
BNP No Choque Geral 2015
BNP No Choque Geral 2015
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: The cardiac correlates, if any, of N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels in septic
Received 5 November 2015 and non-septic shock patients remain controversial.
Received in revised form 26 November 2015 Methods: In the 38 septic and 22 non-septic shock patients in the transpulmonary thermodilution arm of a
Accepted 10 January 2016 previous 2-center randomized controlled trial comparing pulmonary artery catheterization with transpulmonary
Available online 17 January 2016
thermodilution, serial (daily for 3 days) and paired measurements (n = 145) were obtained of NT-proBNP and
transpulmonary dilution variables as global ejection fraction (GEF), left ventricular preload-recruitable stroke
Natriuretic peptides
work (PRSW) and diastolic compliance.
Shock Results: Elevated NT-proBNP inversely related to low GEF and PRSW in pooled data (r = −0.45, P b 0.001). The
Sepsis 72 h course of NT-proBNP was inversely associated with PRSW, independent of age, gender, creatinine, norepi-
Cardiac function nephrine treatment and diastolic compliance, without differences between septic and non-septic shock. Over
Renal function the 72 h study period, NT-proBNP levels were higher in 28 day non-survivors than survivors, independent of
Transpulmonary thermodilution type of shock and disease severity.
Conclusions: In septic and non-septic shock, NT-proBNP elevations reflect systolic left ventricular dysfunction and
are associated with a poor outcome. They may help recognition of cardiac dysfunction in shock and its manage-
ment when invasive hemodynamic monitoring is not yet instituted.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2214-7624/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A.B.J. Groeneveld, R.J. Trof / IJC Metabolic & Endocrine 10 (2016) 30–35 31
systolic function indices as the global ejection fraction (GEF), ie enrollment. Fluid challenges were performed by synthetic colloids at a
stroke volume divided by global end-diastolic volume, and preload- dose of 250–500 mL per 30 min when indicated clinically and according
recruitable stroke work index (PRSW), represented by the ratio of left to the TPTD parameters defining upper limits of safe infusion. Fluid chal-
ventricular stroke work to end-diastolic volume, which may be less lenges were withheld when the safety limits by TPTD monitoring had
dependent on (after)loading than the GEF [39–41]. As a diastolic func- been reached and when there was ≥ 10% rise in cardiac output.
tion index the end-diastolic volume to pressure ratio (compliance) Norepinephrine was the vasopressor drug of first choice in our ICU's,
can be used [39]. The study [39], however, was relatively small (18 sep- which was continuously infused and dosed on the basis of hemodynam-
sis patients not in shock) and lacked longitudinal measurements to ic responses. End points of resuscitation, reflecting adequacy of hemo-
answer the question whether NT-pro BP levels in the course of time in- dynamic management, were mean arterial pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg (or
deed reflect changes in left ventricular function. ≥80 mm Hg in case of known hypertension), ScvO2 ≥70%, lactate clear-
Because of the continuing controversies, we set out to serially evalu- ance, diuresis ≥ 0.5 mL/kg/h (unless development of intrinsic renal
ate NT-proBNP levels in TPTD-monitored shock patients of septic and failure), and restoration of peripheral perfusion deficits.
non-septic origin. The hypothesis was that the hormone levels better
reflect systolic than diastolic indices of cardiac dysfunction both in sep- 2.3. Therapeutic protocol
tic and non-septic shock.
All patients were pressure-controlled ventilated (Servo-i, Maquette,
2. Patients and methods Sweden or Evita 4, Dräger, Lübeck, Germany), aiming at tidal volumes
b8 mL/kg predicted body weight and positive end-expiratory pressure
This is a randomized, non-blinded, 2-centre clinical trial conducted was dosed (≤20 cm H2O) to maintain arterial PO2 ≥65 mm Hg at an in-
in intensive care units (ICUs) in The Netherlands from February 2007 spiratory O2 fraction of about 40%. Pressure-controlled ventilation was
to July 2009 (trial registration number: NL14119.029.06, CCMO, The changed into pressure-support ventilation when clinically justified.
Netherlands) reported previously [42]. Patients meeting inclusion Weaning was attempted through clinical protocols. After 72 h, vaso-
criteria were randomly assigned to receive either a TPTD or pulmonary pressors and inotropic drugs were administered and dosed on clinical
artery catheter when inclusion criteria for advanced hemodynamic grounds. Sedatives, analgesics, and antibiotics were also prescribed by
monitoring were met. For the current research we only included the attending physicians according to clinical guidelines. Systemic cortico-
TPTD arm of the study and therefore only describe the protocol followed steroids were initialized in case of persistent vasopressor-dependent
in this arm of the study. The medical ethics committee at each study septic shock, defined as a norepinephrine dose N 1 mg/h.
center had approved of the protocol.
2.4. Data collection, measurements and assays
2.1. In- and exclusion criteria
Hemodynamic measurements were done at the mid chest level with
In brief, patients were eligible when they were on mechanical venti- patients in supine position, after calibration and zeroing to atmospheric
lation with an expected stay in the ICU N 48 h in the presence of shock, pressure, at least every 24 h (0, 24, 48 and 72 h after enrolment). These
indicating a clinical reason for invasive hemodynamic monitoring. We included measurements of mean arterial pressure (MAP, mm Hg) via
consecutively included patients in septic and non-septic shock. Shock routine radial artery catheter, central venous pressure (CVP, mm Hg)
was defined by acute circulatory failure characterized by persistent and TPTD parameters. The latter were performed through an injection
arterial hypotension defined as a mean arterial pressure b 65 mm Hg of a 20-mL ice-cold (4 °C) saline bolus through a central venous cathe-
(or b80 mm Hg with previous hypertension) despite assumingly ter. Measurements were obtained in triplicate and averaged, including
adequate volume resuscitation and/or the need for vasopressors to cardiac output and global end-diastolic volume, indexed to body surface
maintain a mean arterial pressure ≥65 mm Hg (or ≥80 mm Hg in case yielding cardiac index (CI) and global end-diastolic volume index
of known hypertension). Septic shock was defined by shock plus two (GEDVI, n 680–800 mL/m2), respectively. Global ejection fraction
or more of the following for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (GEF, n 25–35%) was calculated from stroke volume (CI/heart rate)/
criteria: abnormal body temperature (N38 °C, b36 °C), tachycardia GEDVI/4, a measure of left ventricular ejection fraction in the absence
(N90 beats/min), mechanical ventilation, and abnormal white blood of severe right heart dysfunction [43,44]. Left ventricular stroke work
cell counts (≤4 or ≥12 × 109 /L or N10% immature bands) plus a clinical- (LVSWI, n 45–60 cJ/m2) was calculated from mean arterial pressure
ly evident and/or microbiologically proven focus on infection. Non- times stroke volume index (× 0.0136). PRSW was derived from
septic shock was shock after 1) (surgery for) major trauma (Injury LVSWI/GEDVI/4 (or MAP × GEF, n 20–30 mm Hg), a relatively load-
Severity Score N25, without documented traumatic brain injury); independent measure of left ventricular function in the absence of
2) elective and emergency major abdominal surgery (including esoph- severe right heart dysfunction [40,41], and diastolic compliance from
ageal or gastric resection, liver surgery, pancreatic surgery, colorectal GEDVI/CVP, mL/mm Hg/m2. Arterial blood samples were taken at least
surgery); 3) cardiac surgery (coronary bypass surgery, aortic root and/ every 24 h, at baseline, and up to 72 h after enrollment. Lactate
or valvular surgery); 4) major vascular surgery (aorta and iliac/mesen- (n b 2 mmol/L) and creatinine levels (n b 130 μmol/L) were measured
teric reconstructions); and 5) cardiogenic shock or terminal congestive (i-STAT 1, Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA and Boehringer-Mannheim
heart failure. There were no patients with obstructive shock caused by Hitachi analyzers 911 and 747, Almere, The Netherlands). For measure-
pulmonary embolism. Exclusion criteria were age b18 or N80 years, ment of NT-proBNP plasma levels blood was collected in tubes contain-
pregnancy, preterminal illness with life expectancy b24 h, therapeutic ing EDTA. Within 2 h, blood samples were centrifuged for 10 min at
hypothermia after cardiac arrest, traumatic brain injury, known 3000 rpm at ambient temperature. Plasma was stored at −80 °C until
(unrepaired) cardiac or vascular aneurysms, bifemoral vascular surgery analyzed. An electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for NT-proBNP
or known pulmonary hypertension. was performed with the Modular analytics E170 system (Roche, Mann-
heim, Germany). The upper limits of normal for healthy volunteers
2.2. Study protocol (95th percentile) according to the manufacturer's recommendations
for age were 97.3 pg/mL (18–44 years), 121 pg/mL (45–54 years),
In brief, the TPTD catheter (PiCCO; Pulsion Medical Systems AG, 198 pg/mL (55–64 years), 285 pg/mL (65–74 years), and 526 pg/mL
Munich, Germany) was inserted in the femoral artery. Fluid resuscita- (≥75 years). The lower detection limit was 5 pg/mL. The upper detec-
tion and hemodynamic management was guided by TPTD-derived tion limit of the assay for diluted samples was 70,000 pg/mL. Doses
parameters according to a predefined algorithm [42], up to 72 h after and types of inotropic/vasopressor drugs were registered. Daily
32 A.B.J. Groeneveld, R.J. Trof / IJC Metabolic & Endocrine 10 (2016) 30–35
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index. The current study suggests that NT-proBNP levels are elevated in
septic and non-septic shock and associated, in time, with systolic rather
than diastolic left ventricular dysfunction, assessed by TPTD. Elevations
and norepinephrine doses and thus SOFA scores were associated with prognosticate a poor outcome.
the prohormone levels particularly in septic shock. In multivariate GEE We used the GEDVI as a parameter to normalize stroke volume and
(Table 4), NT-proBNP levels in the 72 h course of the study primarily work, to yield a measure of GEF and PRSW, respectively, as done before
related to PRSW, irrespective of shock origin and independently of [39]. Indeed, TPTD-derived function indices correlate with left ventricu-
other variables that could affect the prohormone level (Table 3). Fig. 1 lar function indices at echocardiography, in the absence of severe right
shows the inverse linear correlation between the variables for pooled heart dysfunction [43,44]. An argument in favor of the latter is the ab-
data, which were log-transformed for the sake of clarity. LVSWI sence of a relation between CVP and NT-proBNP, since right ventricular
(r = − 0.37, P b 0.001) and GEF also inversely correlated to NT- overloading would increase both, even though NT-proBNP may be more
proBNP (r = −0.38, P b 0.001). GEF and PRSW correlated at r = 0.90, sensitive to left than right ventricular dysfunction [6]. Moreover, the
P b 0.001 (n = 175). myocardial depression of sepsis affects right and left ventricles similarly
[45], so that left ventricular dilatation is expected to contribute to
3.3. Prediction GEDVI. Conversely, our results obtained longitudinally and in a relative-
ly large cohort of septic patients, confirm the earlier finding of a relation
We took a GEF b 20% and a corresponding (from linear regression) between hormone levels and (TPTD-derived) indices of systolic rather
PRSW b 15 mm Hg as evidence for systolic cardiac dysfunction. The than diastolic left ventricular dysfunction, irrespective of underlying
AUROC of NT-proBNP for GEF b 20% was 0.69 (P b 0.001), with 94% spec- condition (39). This is in line with some literature [4,5,11,15,20,23,24,
ificity, 36% sensitivity, 85% positive predictive value and 53% negative 32,35,36], but not with others suggesting a primarily inflammatory ori-
predictive value at a cutoff of 6248 pg/mL. The AUROC of NT-proBNP gin of increased plasma NT-proBNP levels in sepsis [2,12,31,33,34]. The
for PRSW b15 mm Hg was 0.72 (P b 0.001) with specificity of 55%, inverse relation with LVSWI agrees with the literature [5]. Our data also
sensitivity of 82%, positive predictive value of 68% of and negative pre- agree with studies suggesting an inverse relationship between NT-
dictive value of 72% at a cutoff of 1480 pg/mL. proBNP elevations and fractional area contraction or ejection fraction
Fig. 1. Relation between (logarithmically converted) NT-proBNP levels and preload-recruitable stroke work (PRSW, mm Hg), for pooled data (n = 145) in the 72 h period: r = −0.45,
P b 0.001.
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