Sydney North Rec Fishing Guide
Sydney North Rec Fishing Guide
Sydney North Rec Fishing Guide
Sydney Harbour and northern beaches Recreational Fishing Guide
RECREATIONAL FISHING AND Table 1. Recommended maximum intake based on eating
DIOXON CONTAMINATION a single species caught east of the Sydney Harbour bridge.
Test results have revealed elevated levels of Seafood Number of 150g Amount per month
Harbour, including Parramatta River and other Prawns 4 per month 600g
connected tidal waterways. A ban has been placed Crabs 5 per month 750g
on commercial fishing as a precautionary measure. Bream 1 per month 150g
Dusky Flathead 12 per month 1800g
Recreational fishing in Sydney Harbour has not
Fanbelly 24 per month 3600g
been banned, but fishers are urged to follow
dietary advice on the consumption of seafood
taken from Sydney Harbour. Fishers can also Flounder 12 per month 1800g
Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve (Figure 11). Little Penguin Critical Habitat Areas (Figure 4).
From sunset to sunrise 1 July to 28 February
Lane Cover River (Little Blue Gum Creek to
(inclusive). For more information visit
Boatshed) (Figure 3). The whole of the waters of
Lane Cove River and its tributaries, from a line
drawn between two posts on opposite banks of the nguin.htm
river at the junction of Little Blue Gum Creek,
approximately 50 metres downstream from the
weir, upstream to a line drawn from a post at the
boatshed to a post on the opposite bank.
Darling Harbour and bays (Figure 5). The river between two posts on opposite sides of the
following waters are closed to any method involving river, at picnic area number 20 (Fern Valley).
the use of a net, other than a landing net: the whole Lane Cove River (Upstream from Fern Valley)
of the waters of Darling Harbour, Johnston’s Bay, (Figure 3). The following waters are closed to all
White Bay, Rozelle Bay, and Blackwattle Bay, methods of fishing other than a landing net and the
south of a line drawn from the NSW Maritime
use of up to two hand held lines with no more than
tower, to Darling Street ferry wharf.
two single hooks or two lures (with up to three
Lane Cover River (Epping Highway bridge to hooks attached to a lure). All fish caught must be
Little Blue Gum Creek) (Figure 3). The following released alive in all waters upstream from Fern
waters are closed to any method involving the use Valley from a line drawn across the river between
of a net other than a landing net: that part of Lane two posts on opposite sides of the river.
Cove River and its tributaries, from the Epping Parramatta River (Silverwater to Parramatta
Highway bridge, upstream to a line drawn between Weir) (Figure 2). The following waters are closed
two posts on opposite sides of the river at Little
to the use of a net, other than a dip or scoop net
Blue Gum Creek.
(prawns) or a landing net: all tidal waters of
Lane Cove River (Boatshed to Fern Valley) Parramatta River and its tributaries, from the
(Figure 3). The following waters are closed to all Silverwater Road bridge upstream to Parramatta
methods of fishing with the exception of a landing Weir (excluding the waters of Duck River).
net, or the use of up to two hand held lines with fly
or lure attached from an unpowered vessel (eg; Middle Harbour. The whole of waters of Middle
kayak, canoe). All fish caught must be released Harbour and its tributaries, upstream from the
alive and fishing from the riverbank is prohibited: Roseville Bridge (Warringah Road) are closed to
the waters of Lane Cove River from a line drawn any method involving the use of a net, other than a
from a post at the boatshed to a post on the landing net.
opposite bank upstream to a line drawn across the
Hunters Bay (Figure 12). The following waters are nets, other than a landing net: all waters east of a
closed to the use of all nets other than a landing line drawn from the western most point of
net from October to March (inclusive) each year: Barrenjoey Head south to the western most port
the waters of Hunters Bay, Middle Harbour, marker off Observation Point and then south to the
enclosed by a line drawn generally southeasterly northern most point of Stokes Point.
from Wyargine Point to the western end of
Narrabeen Lake (Figure 6), Curl Curl Lagoon
Cobblers Beach.
and Manly Lagoon (Figure 7), Dee Why Lagoon
North Harbour (Figure 12). The following waters (Figure 10). All waters and tributaries are closed to
are closed to the use of nets or traps, other than a any method involving the use of a hoop or lift net, a
landing net, lobster trap or bait trap: all waters hand hauled prawn net, push or scissor net
north of a line drawn on a bearing of 115° from the (prawns), a crab trap or lobster trap.
eastern extremity of Forty Baskets Beach, to the
Manly Dam (Figure 7). All waters of Manly Dam
southern extremity of Manly Point, northern
and its tributaries are closed to the use of a net or
boundary of North Harbour Aquatic Reserve.
trap, other than a landing net or a shrimp net.
Careel Bay, Pittwater caulerpa closure (Figure
8). The following waters are closed to the use of all
Figure 7. Manly and Curl Curl Lagoons and Manly Dam
Head. Within the aquatic reserve, you can line fish Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve (Figure 11).
and spearfish (subject to normal restrictions) and Includes the whole foreshore of the bay from Manly
collect rock lobster, sea lettuce and bait weed. It is Surf Life Saving Club to the northern end of Shelly
prohibited to collect cunjevoi and all invertebrates Beach Headland, and encompasses all of
(dead or alive) including anemones, barnacles, Cabbage Tree Bay. This is a 'no-take' aquatic
chitons, cockles, crabs, mussels, octopus, pipis, reserve, which means you are not permitted to fish
sea urchins, starfish, snails and worms, and empty by any method, destroy, injure or interfere with any
shells. Note: This includes a prohibition on the fish or marine vegetation (whether dead or alive).
killing of cunjevoi or invertebrates to feed fish. Note: This includes a prohibition on feeding fish or
the use of burley to attract fish.
Figure 8. Barrenjoey Head Aquatic Reserve &
Pittwater Figure 10. Long Reef Aquatic Reserve & Dee Why
Figure 12. North Harbour Aquatic Reserve, North The collection of all invertebrates and cunjevoi is
Harbour & Hunters Bay prohibited from all Intertidal protected areas from
the mean high water mark to 10 meters seaward
from the mean low water mark.
They are located at Bungan Head (Figure 14),
Mona Vale Headland (Figure 14), Dee Why
Headland (Figure 15), Shelly Beach Headland
(Figure 11), Bondi (Mackenzies Point) (Figure
16) and the entire shoreline of Sydney Harbour
(Figure 1) and its tributaries, including the
Parramatta and Lane Cove Rivers and Middle
Harbour excluding the shoreline of North Harbour
from Manly Point to the southern end of Forty
Baskets Beach.
Fishing is allowed in these areas but taking,
gathering or collecting seashore animals including
Bronte-Coogee Aquatic Reserve (Figure 13).
crabs, snails, worms, octopus, sea urchins,
Includes the whole foreshore from the southern
anemones, pipis, cockles, mussels, oysters,
end of Bronte Beach to the rock baths at Coogee
saltwater nippers and cunjevoi is prohibited.
Beach – 4000 meters of coastline - and extends
Exempt invertebrates that may be taken are
100 metres seaward from mean low water. Within
Abalone and the Eastern and Southern Rock
the aquatic reserve, you can line fish and spearfish
(subject to normal restrictions) and collect rock
lobster, sea lettuce and bait weed. It is prohibited Figure 14. Bungan Head & Mona Vale Headland IPA
to collect cunjevoi and all invertebrates (dead or
alive) including anemones, barnacles, chitons,
cockles, crabs, mussels, octopus, pipis, sea
urchins, starfish, snails and worms, and empty
shells. Note: This includes a prohibition on the
killing of cunjevoi or invertebrates to feed fish.
Figure 15. Dee Why Headland IPA • SCUBA and hookah apparatus for scallops
and sea urchins only; and
• bare/gloved hand only when taking lobsters.
Spearfishers and divers are not permitted to use:
• a light with a spear/spear-gun;
• at areas normally used for cleaning fish, such • It is illegal to jag/foul hook fish other than
as boat ramp cleaning tables, if the fish are for through the mouth.
immediate consumption or immediate use as
bait, or for fish that do not have a legal length. Fishing safely
You may clean fish by gilling and gutting only. Fishing is fun, but remember to take care and
• It is an offence to interfere with any oyster exercise caution. Rock fishing can be particularly
lease. Please ensure that your vessel, your dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of the
vessel's wash or your tackle does not interfere ocean. Follow these basic safety tips at all times
with any part of an oyster lease, including the when rock fishing:
oysters. • Always wear a life jacket
• Abalone gut is prohibited for use as bait in • Stay alert to the weather conditions
NSW waters to prevent the spread of abalone
viral ganglioneuritis (AVG). • Plan an escape route in case you are washed
• Collecting pipis by recreational fishers for
human consumption is prohibited in NSW. A • Never turn your back on the ocean
maximum of 50 pipis is permitted to be
collected for bait and within 50m of the high • Wear appropriate non-slip footwear and light
tide mark. Pipis and cockles may contain clothing
toxins due to natural algal blooms. The blooms
are not always visible. • Do not jump in if someone is washed in - wait
for assistance
• Intertidal invertebrates must not be shucked
except for immediate use as bait. • Never fish alone