Stress Categories and Stress Limits: Chapter Four
Stress Categories and Stress Limits: Chapter Four
Stress Categories and Stress Limits: Chapter Four
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................
4.2 Stress intensity ............................................................................................
4.3 Categorization of stresses .........................................................................
4.3.1 Primary stress .................................................................................
4.3.2 Secondary stress .............................................................................
4.3.3 Peak stress .......................................................................................
4.4 Stress limits .................................................................................................
4.5 Special stress limits....................................................................................
4.6 Practical aspects of stress categorization ...............................................
4.7 Shape factor considerations......................................................................
References .............................................................................................................
4.1 Introduction
First of all we need to define the term stress. Stress is a tensor quantity
(neither a vector nor a scalar) that depends on the direction of applied load
as well as on the plane it acts. Generally speaking, at a given plane there are
both normal and shear stresses. However, there are planes within a
structural component (that is being subjected to mechanical or thermal
loads) that contain no shear stress. Such planes are called principal planes
and the directions normal to those planes are called principal directions.
The normal stresses (only stresses in those planes) are called principal
stresses. For a general three-dimensional stress state there are always three
principal planes along which the principal stresses act. In mathematical
terms we can say that the problem of principal stresses is an eigenvalue
problem, with the magnitudes of the principal stresses being the
The stress intensity, SI, is then the largest absolute value of the stress
differences, or in other words
SI ¼ max S1;2 ; S2;3 ; S1;3 ð4:2Þ
Primary stresses are further divided into three types: general primary
membrane (Pm), local primary membrane (PL), and primary bending (Pb).
Quite often the concepts of general primary membrane stress and local
primary membrane stress are used interchangeably; the local primary
membrane stress representing a general primary membrane stress along a
local structural discontinuity. The rigorous definition of the general primary
membrane stress is the average primary stress across a solid section
produced by mechanical loads, and excludes discontinuities and concen-
trations. The local primary membrane stress is defined as also the average
stress across any solid section, but includes discontinuities. However, the
general primary membrane stress is one that is so distributed in the
structure that no redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. The
failure mode associated with the general primary membrane stress and the
local primary membrane stress are meant to be different; the general
primary membrane stress leads to gross distortion with no redistribution,
and the local primary membrane stress to excessive plastic deformation
with redistribution of load.
The primary bending is the component of primary stress proportional to
the distance from the centroid of the solid section, and is produced by
mechanical loads. This definition excludes discontinuities and concentra-
tion. The concept of bending stress is akin to the situation of beam bending,
with a neutral axis along the center line with regions of tension and
compression. The membrane stress is the component having a constant
value through the section and represents an average value.
Q and F classification of stresses refers to other than design condition.
If the bending moment at the edge is required to maintain the bending stress in the middle to acceptable limits, the edge bending is classified as Pb .
Otherwise it is classified as Q.
Consideration should also be given to the possibility of wrinkling and excessive deformation in vessels with large diameter to thickness ratio.
Pm Sm
PL Sm ð4:3Þ
PL þ Pb 1:5Sm
These limits are sometimes higher than the actual operating conditions.
It is the intent of the design code that the limit on primary plus secondary
stresses be applied to the actual operating conditions. For normal and upset
conditions (sometimes indicated as levels A and B), the range of primary
and secondary stresses, PL þ Pb þ Q is not allowed to exceed 3Sm, or
PL þ Pb þ Q 3Sm ð4:4Þ
1 þ 2 þ 3
< Sy ð4:5Þ
1 þ 2 þ 3 8
< Sy ð4:6Þ
3 9
Sm ¼ Sy ð4:7Þ
The limit on the sum of the principal stresses becomes equal to 4Sm or
Pm ¼ ð4:9Þ
Pb ¼ ð4:10Þ
Here p is the load and m the bending moment per unit length of the
3. Guideline 3 defines stress classification lines (SCL) and stress
classification planes (SCP) for the purpose of evaluating membrane
and bending stresses. An SCL is shown in Figure 4.1.
1. Design condition:
Pm Sm
Pm þ Pb Sm
2. Testing condition:
Pm 0:9Sy
Pm þ Pb 0:9Sy ; forPm 0:67Sy
Pm þ Pb ½ð0:9þ0:1 Þ=ð1 ÞSy ½ð 1Þ=ð1 ÞPm
for 0:67Sy Pm 0:9Sy
3. Level C condition:
Pm ¼ Sy
PL þ Pb ¼ S; for PL ¼ 0:Sy
PL þ Pb ¼ ½ð Þ=ð1 ÞPL þ ½ð Þ=ð1 ÞS
for Sy ¼ PL ¼ 0:Sy
2 !2 3
Pm þ Pb P m 5 þ Pm
¼ 1:541 ð4:14Þ
Sy Sy Sy
Pm þ Pb
y ¼ ð1 x2 Þ þ x ð4:16Þ
1 1
ymax ¼ þ at x ¼ ð4:17Þ
4 2
y ¼ when x ¼ 0; ð4:18Þ
y ¼ when x ¼ 0; ð4:19Þ
1. Determine the interaction curve for a thin-walled I-beam of height h
and width h/2 and having a wall thickness of t (t<<h).
2. Determine the interaction curve for a thin-walled T-beam of height h
and width h/2 and having a wall thickness of t (t<<h).
3. Determine the interaction curve for a thin-walled circular beam of
radius R and a wall thickness of t (t<<h).