A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv

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I. Learning Objectives
Cognitive: Visualize fractions including those with denominators of 10 and 100.
Psychomotor: Write the fractions for each shaded part.
Affective: Share with others.

Value: Sharing

II. Learning Content

Skill: Visualize fractions including those with denominators of 10 and 100.
Reference: PELC C.1.BEC p. 23

III. Learning Experiences

Teacher’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
Pupil’s Activity
1. Greetings
Good morning class!

2. Prayer
Let us all stand. Good morning Ma’am!

Who will lead the prayer?

3. Checking of Attendance (The leader will lead the prayer

Who is absent for today? together with his classmates.)

I’m glad to hear that

nobody is absent for (Group leaders will check the
today. attendance.)

4. Checking of
Please get your
assignment and we will
check it. (The pupils will check their
assignments with the guidance of their
teacher. Correct! Now, let us
round the following
underlined number.

5. Sing a Song 6.540

Class, let us sing the song 7.35
“This is the Time”. 0.3862

6. OBFAD Is there any questions?

9. Motivation
7. Drill I have here 4 balloons.
Bring out your show-me- Inside these balloons are
cards and a piece of problems to be solved.
scratch paper. All you have to do is pass
the balloon to your
I will flash an equation seatmates. When the
then when you hear the music stops, the pupil
word GO, start answering holding the balloon will
and writing your answer come here in front and
in your show-me card. pop the balloon to solve
Then, when I say UP, the problem.
raise your answer and we
will check it. (These are the problems
inside the balloon:
Are you ready?
82 + 15=
(The teacher will flash the 33 + 26=
equations.) 67 + 48=
86 + 79=
8. Review
Class, what did we
discuss yesterday?

Very good!

Will you please give the

different rules to be
followed when rounding
Yesterday, we discussed about analyze it.
rounding decimals.
Nena learned how to
cook beef sinigang. She
used 0.5 kg of radish and
(The pupils will give the different 0.25 kg of okra. How
rules to be followed when rounding many kilograms of
decimals.) vegetables did she use?

Ask the following


What is asked in the

6.50 problem?
7.40 What are the given
0.386 facts?
What operation is to
None Ma’am. be used?
How will you solve
the problem?
If you are to write the
given facts in the columns
as addends, how do they
(The pupils will do the activity.) appear?
How are the decimal
points placed? In one line
or disaligned?

2. Discussion
Put the following
decimals on the four sides
of the two dice (1.2, 3.5,
97 2.6, 4.1, 1.2, 3.3, 1.8,
59 1.6). Toss the two dice
115 together and ask the
165 pupils to give the sum of
B. Developmental Activities the decimals seen on the
top side of the two dice.
1. Presentation Continue the game for 10
Class, will you please minutes.
read the problem and
What did you do with the
decimals that appeared on
the top side of the two (The pupils will play a game using
dice? the two improvised dice made from leftover
If you were to add them Arrange the two numbers in column.
on the board, how do you Align the decimal point then add like
write them? whole number.

(The pupils will show it on the


3. Fixing Skills
Find each sum.
0.31 + 0.60=
0.59 + 0.20=
0.389 + 0.31=
0.015 +
0.635 +
(The pupils will answer the 0.652=
4. Generalization
The kilograms of vegetables did In adding decimals how
Nena use. do we write the addends?

0.5 kg and 0.25 kg. How are the decimal

Addition points placed?
Add the given facts.
Correct! Is there any
0.5 questions?
+ 0.25
5. Application
In one line. (Group Activity)

(The teacher will ask the

pupils first the guidelines
to be followed while
having a group activity.)
The class will be divided
into four groups. Each
group will be given an
envelope. Inside the
envelopes are sets of (The pupils will do the activity.)
problems to be solved.
After they answered it,
one of the members of the
group will present and
explain their work.

(The pupils will add the following.) IV. Evaluation

Add the following:

1. 25.17 + 8.23=
2. 6.14 + 4.76=
3. 7.32 + 5.21=
4. 8.53 + 9.35=
5. 24.5 + 73.23=

V. Assignment
Answer the exercises in your
textbook on page 114-115.

Arrange the numbers in column.

Align the decimal points.

None Ma’am.

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