Memo To Court (Art 36)
Memo To Court (Art 36)
Memo To Court (Art 36)
4. Petitioner filed the petition on 17 April 2015 where he prayed for the
declaration of nullity of his marriage to respondent pursuant to Article 36 of the
Family Code of the Philippines as supported by the psychological report of Ms.
Neri Tayag.
5. Issues having been joined the Honorable Court issued an Order dated
01 June 2015 setting the case for Preliminary Conference on 23 June 2015 at 10:00
o’clock in the morning.
7. Respondent file her Pre-Trial Brief on 26 June 2015 and received a
copy of Petitioner’s Pre-Trial Brief on 01 July 2015.
15. The parties submitted a copy of the Custody and Visitation Agreement
signed by them on different dates to the Honorable Court for its consideration and
16. Upon motion, the parties were required to submit their respective
Memoranda within a period of 30 days therefrom and furnishing a copy the Office
of the City Prosecutor through Prosecutor Ortiz, and the Office of the Solicitor
18. In Santos v. CA, the Supreme Court has ruled that psychological
incapacity must be characterized by gravity, juridical antecedence and incurability.
20. The psychological report of Ms. Neri Tayag which the petitioner
presented concluded that the “Respondent’s disorders persist throughout her life
and grew severe, grave and chronic that they are already seen to be on an incurable
state…” Yet Ms. Tayag also admitted that she has not personally administered any
test on the respondent because the respondent “failed to come to [Ms.Tayag’s]
21. Without testing and interviewing the Respondent, Ms. Tayag issued
“her report containing the results and [her] findings on the tests administered to
23. The psychological report presented by Ms. Neri Tayag which the
petitioner presented concluded that “[the conditions of the respondent] are also
characterized by juridical antecedent, as her disorders already exist even before she
met Petitioner and contracted marriage with him.”
25. On both house visits Ms. Tayag was not able to talk to the
Respondent. When Ms. Tayag tried to get answers from the Respondent’s mother,
the same also refused. Thus, the following conclusions, among others, reached by
Ms. Tayag to blostre her claim of juridical antecedence do not have basis in fact:
26. Without talking to the Respondent and from people connected to her
past, Ms. Tayag could not have basis for concluding that the condition of the
Respondent already existed before marriage.
28. The psychological report presented by Ms. Neri Tayag concluded that
the respondent’s condition as “... permanent, incurable and beyond repair despite
any form of psychotherapeutic interventions as she will never understand the need
for her to undergo any psychological intervention.” She reiterated this in her
judicial affidavit when she said that “[the Respondent] would always be in denial
of her own psychological incapacity and therefore she would likewise resist any
treatment or therapy.”
31. The testimony of the petitioner fails to overcome the burden of proof
to show that the respondent has psychological incapacity that renders her unable to
fulfill her marital obligations.
32. Likewise, the testimonies of his nephew (Richard Bravo) and niece
(Lloyd Grande) are mere hearsays, because both have no personal knowledge. On
one hand, Richard was even “clueless as to what they are fighting about.” On the
other hand, Lloyd merely assumed that the respondent was having an affair upon
seeing a Facebook photo showing the latter with another man.
35. In Republic v. Tanyag-San Jose, the Court has ruled that a doctor’s
conclusion is hearsay, “unscientific and unreliable,” where the assessment of the
party sought to be declared psychologically incapacitated was based merely on the
information communicated to the doctor by the spouse. This is what has happened
also in this case.
Counsel for the Plaintiff
PTR No. 12345678:1-01-12:B.C.
IBP No. 123456:1-01-12:B.C.
Roll No. 12345:5-10-00: Manila
MCLE No. 12345:5-10-00: Manila
Unit 5, Intra Building,
General Luna St. cor. Muralla St.,
Intramuros, Manila