Anatomi Serviks
Anatomi Serviks
Anatomi Serviks
• The cervix, the lower fibromuscular portion of the uterus, measures 3-4 cm in length and 2.5 cm
in diameter; however, it varies in size and shape depending on age, parity and menstrual status of
the woman.
• Ectocervix is the most readily visible portion of the cervix; endocervix is largely invisible and lies
proximal to the external os.
• Ectocervix is covered by a pink stratified squamous epithelium, consisting of multiple layers of cells
and a reddish columnar epithelium consisting of a single layer of cells lines the endocervix. The
intermediate and superficial cell layers of the squamous epithelium contain glycogen.
• The location of squamocolumnar junction in relation to the external os varies depending upon age,
menstrual status, and other factors such as pregnancy and oral contraceptive use.
• Ectropion refers to the eversion of the columnar epithelium onto the ectocervix, when the cervix
grows rapidly and enlarges under the influence of estrogen, after menarche and during pregnancy.
• Squamous metaplasia in the cervix refers to the physiological replacement of the everted columnar
epithelium on the ectocervix by a newly formed squamous epithelium from the subcolumnar
reserve cells.
• The region of the cervix where squamous metaplasia occurs is referred to as the transformation zone.
• Identifying the transformation zone is of great importance in colposcopy, as almost all manifestations
of cervical carcinogenesis occur in this zone.
A thorough understanding of the anatomy and remains above the vagina (Figure 1.1). The portio
physiology of the cervix is absolutely essential for vaginalis opens into the vagina through an orifice called
effective colposcopic practice. This chapter deals with the external os.
the gross and microscopic anatomy of the uterine cervix The cervix varies in size and shape depending on
and the physiology of the transformation zone. The the woman’s age, parity and hormonal status. In
cervix is the lower fibromuscular portion of the uterus. parous women, it is bulky and the external os appears
It is cylindrical or conical in shape, and measures 3 to 4 as a wide, gaping, transverse slit. In nulliparous
cm in length, and 2.5 cm in diameter. It is supported by women, the external os resembles a small circular
the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments, which stretch opening in the centre of the cervix. The supravaginal
between the lateral and posterior portions of the cervix portion meets with the muscular body of the uterus
and the walls of the bony pelvis. The lower half of the at the internal cervical os. The portion of the cervix
cervix, called the portio vaginalis, protrudes into the lying exterior to the external os is called the
vagina through its anterior wall, and the upper half ectocervix. This is the portion of the cervix that is
Chapter 1
Fallopian tube
Body of uterus
Supravaginal cervix
Internal os
External os
Cervix Uterus
Urethra Vagina
readily visible on speculum examination. The portion vagina. It varies in length and width depending on the
proximal to the external os is called the endocervix woman’s age and hormonal status. It is widest in
and the external os needs to be stretched or dilated women in the reproductive age group, when it
to view this portion of the cervix. The endocervical measures 6-8 mm in width.
canal, which traverses the endocervix, connects the The space surrounding the cervix in the vaginal cavity
uterine cavity with the vagina and extends from the is called the vaginal fornix. The part of the fornix
internal to the external os, where it opens into the between the cervix and the lateral vaginal walls is called
An introduction to the anatomy of the uterine cervix
the lateral fornix; the portions between the anterior and Stratified non-keratinizing squamous
posterior walls of the vagina and the cervix are termed epithelium
the anterior and posterior fornix, respectively. Normally, a large area of ectocervix is covered by a
The stroma of the cervix is composed of dense, stratified, non-keratinizing, glycogen-containing
fibro-muscular tissue through which vascular, squamous epithelium. It is opaque, has multiple (15-20)
lymphatic and nerve supplies to the cervix pass and layers of cells (Figure 1.2) and is pale pink in colour. This
form a complex plexus. The arterial supply of the epithelium may be native to the site formed during
cervix is derived from internal iliac arteries through embryonic life, which is called the native or original
the cervical and vaginal branches of the uterine squamous epithelium, or it may have been newly
arteries. The cervical branches of the uterine arteries formed as metaplastic squamous epithelium in early
descend in the lateral aspects of the cervix at 3 and adult life. In premenopausal women, the original
9 o’clock positions. The veins of the cervix run squamous epithelium is pinkish in colour, whereas the
parallel to the arteries and drain into the hypogastric newly formed metaplastic squamous epithelium looks
venous plexus. The lymphatic vessels from the cervix somewhat pinkish-white on visual examination.
drain into the common, external and internal iliac The histological architecture of the squamous
nodes, obturator and the parametrial nodes. The epithelium of the cervix reveals, at the bottom, a
nerve supply to the cervix is derived from the single layer of round basal cells with a large dark-
hypogastric plexus. The endocervix has extensive staining nuclei and little cytoplasm, attached to the
sensory nerve endings, while there are very few in basement membrane (Figure 1.2). The basement
the ectocervix. Hence, procedures such as biopsy, membrane separates the epithelium from the
electrocoagulation and cryotherapy are well underlying stroma. The epithelial-stromal junction is
tolerated in most women without local anaesthesia. usually straight. Sometimes it is slightly undulating
Since sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres are with short projections of stroma at regular intervals.
also abundant in the endocervix, dilatation and These stromal projections are called papillae. The
curettage of the endocervix may occasionally lead to parts of the epithelium between the papillae are called
a vasovagal reaction. rete pegs.
The cervix is covered by both stratified non- The basal cells divide and mature to form the next
keratinizing squamous and columnar epithelium. few layers of cells called parabasal cells, which also
These two types of epithelium meet at the have relatively large dark-staining nuclei and
squamocolumnar junction. greenish-blue basophilic cytoplasm. Further
Parabasal layer
Basal cell layer papilla
Chapter 1
differentiation and maturation of these cells leads to The maturation of the squamous epithelium of the
the intermediate layers of polygonal cells with cervix is dependent on estrogen, the female hormone.
abundant cytoplasm and small round nuclei. These If estrogen is lacking, full maturation and
cells form a basket-weave pattern. With further glycogenation does not take place. Hence, after
maturation, the large and markedly flattened cells menopause, the cells do not mature beyond the
with small, dense, pyknotic nuclei and transparent parabasal layer and do not accumulate as multiple
cytoplasm of the superficial layers are formed. layers of flat cells. Consequently, the epithelium
Overall, from the basal to the superficial layer, these becomes thin and atrophic. On visual examination, it
cells undergo an increase in size and a reduction of appears pale, with subepithelial petechial
nuclear size. haemorrhagic spots, as it is easily prone to trauma.
The intermediate and superficial layer cells
contain abundant glycogen in their cytoplasm, which Columnar epithelium
stains mahogany brown or black after application of The endocervical canal is lined by the columnar
Lugol’s iodine and magenta with periodic acid-Schiff epithelium (sometimes referred to as glandular
stain in histological sections. Glycogenation of the epithelium). It is composed of a single layer of tall cells
intermediate and superficial layers is a sign of normal with dark-staining nuclei close to the basement
maturation and development of the squamous membrane (Figure 1.3). Because of its single layer of
epithelium. Abnormal or altered maturation is cells, it is much shorter in height than the stratified
characterized by a lack of glycogen production. squamous epithelium of the cervix. On visual
Columnar cells
Crypt opening
Columnar cells
An introduction to the anatomy of the uterine cervix
Chapter 1
Original SCJ
b Columnar epithelium
Original SCJ
Columnar epithelium
Transformation zone
External os
Original SCJ
Original SCJ
Transformation zone
Transformation zone
Original SCJ
FIGURE 1.7: Location of the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) and transformation zone; (a) before menarche; (b) after puberty and at
early reproductive age; (c) in a woman in her 30s; (d) in a perimenopausal woman; (e) in a postmenopausal woman
An introduction to the anatomy of the uterine cervix
a b
c d
reproductive period is referred to as the original reproductive period, the female genital organs grow
squamocolumnar junction, as this represents the under the influence of estrogen. Thus, the cervix swells
junction between the columnar epithelium and the and enlarges and the endocervical canal elongates.
‘original’ squamous epithelium laid down during This leads to the eversion of the columnar epithelium
embryogenesis and intrauterine life. During childhood of the lower part of the endocervical canal on to the
and perimenarche, the original squamocolumnar ectocervix (Figure 1.7b). This condition is called
junction is located at, or very close to, the external os ectropion or ectopy, which is visible as a strikingly
(Figure 1.7a). After puberty and during the reddish-looking ectocervix on visual inspection
Chapter 1
(Figure 1.8a). It is sometimes called ‘erosion’ or 1.8a). The eversion of the columnar epithelium is more
‘ulcer’, which are misnomers and should not be used to pronounced on the anterior and posterior lips of the
denote this condition. Thus the original ectocervix and less on the lateral lips. This is a normal,
squamocolumnar junction is located on the ectocervix, physiological occurrence in a woman’s life. Occasionally
far away from the external os (Figures 1.7b and 1.8a). the columnar epithelium extends into the vaginal
Ectropion becomes much more pronounced during fornix. The whole mucosa including the crypts and the
pregnancy. supporting stroma is displaced in ectropion. It is the
The buffer action of the mucus covering the region in which physiological transformation to
columnar cells is interfered with when the everted squamous metaplasia, as well as abnormal
columnar epithelium in ectropion is exposed to the transformation in cervical carcinogenesis, occurs.
acidic vaginal environment. This leads to the
destruction and eventual replacement of the columnar Squamous metaplasia
epithelium by the newly formed metaplastic squamous The physiological replacement of the everted columnar
epithelium. Metaplasia refers to the change or epithelium by a newly formed squamous epithelium is
replacement of one type of epithelium by another. called squamous metaplasia. The vaginal environment is
The metaplastic process mostly starts at the original acidic during the reproductive years and during
squamocolumnar junction and proceeds centripetally pregnancy. The acidity is thought to play a role in
towards the external os through the reproductive squamous metaplasia. When the cells are repeatedly
period to perimenopause. Thus, a new destroyed by vaginal acidity in the columnar epithelium
squamocolumnar junction is formed between the newly in an area of ectropion, they are eventually replaced by
formed metaplastic squamous epithelium and the a newly formed metaplastic epithelium. The irritation
columnar epithelium remaining everted onto the of exposed columnar epithelium by the acidic vaginal
ectocervix (Figures 1.7c, 1.8b). As the woman passes environment results in the appearance of sub-columnar
from the reproductive to the perimenopausal age reserve cells. These cells proliferate producing a
group, the location of the new squamocolumnar reserve cell hyperplasia and eventually form the
junction progressively moves on the ectocervix towards metaplastic squamous epithelium.
the external os (Figures 1.7c, 1.7d, 1.7e and 1.8). As already indicated, the metaplastic process
Hence, it is located at variable distances from the requires the appearance of undifferentiated,
external os, as a result of the progressive formation of cuboidal, sub-columnar cells called reserve cells
the new metaplastic squamous epithelium in the (Figure 1.9a), for the metaplastic squamous
exposed areas of the columnar epithelium in the epithelium is produced from the multiplication and
ectocervix. From the perimenopausal period and after differentiation of these cells. These eventually lift off
the onset of menopause, the cervix shrinks due the lack the persistent columnar epithelium (Figures 1.9b and
of estrogen, and consequently, the movement of the 1.9c). The exact origin of the reserve cells is not
new squamocolumnar junction towards the external os known, though it is widely believed that it develops
and into the endocervical canal is accelerated (Figures from the columnar epithelium, in response to
1.7d and 1.8c). In postmenopausal women, the new irritation by the vaginal acidity.
squamocolumnar junction is often invisible on visual The first sign of squamous metaplasia is the
examination (Figures 1.7e and 1.8d). appearance and proliferation of reserve cells (Figures
The new squamocolumnar junction is hereafter 1.9a and 1.9b). This is initially seen as a single layer of
simply referred to as squamocolumnar junction in this small, round cells with darkly staining nuclei, situated
manual. Reference to the original squamocolumnar very close to the nuclei of columnar cells, which further
junction will be explicitly made as the original proliferate to produce a reserve cell hyperplasia (Figure
squamocolumnar junction. 1.9b). Morphologically, the reserve cells have a similar
appearance to the basal cells of the original squamous
Ectropion or ectopy epithelium, with round nuclei and little cytoplasm. As the
Ectropion or ectopy is defined as the presence of metaplastic process progresses, the reserve cells
everted endocervical columnar epithelium on the proliferate and differentiate to form a thin, multicellular
ectocervix. It appears as a large reddish area on the epithelium of immature squamous cells with no evidence
ectocervix surrounding the external os (Figures 1.7b and of stratification (Figure 1.9c). The term immature
An introduction to the anatomy of the uterine cervix
a (x40) b (x20)
c (x10) d (x10)
squamous metaplastic epithelium is applied when there membrane of the original columnar epithelium
is little or no stratification in this thin newly formed dissolves and is reformed between the proliferating and
metaplastic epithelium. The cells in the immature differentiating reserve cells and the cervical stroma.
squamous metaplastic epithelium do not produce Squamous metaplasia usually begins at the original
glycogen and, hence, do not stain brown or black with squamocolumnar junction at the distal limit of the
Lugol’s iodine solution. Groups of mucin-containing ectopy, but it may also occur in the columnar
columnar cells may be seen embedded in the immature epithelium close to this junction or as islands scattered
squamous metaplastic epithelium at this stage. in the exposed columnar epithelium.
Numerous continuous and/or isolated fields or foci of As the process continues, the immature metaplastic
immature squamous metaplasia may arise at the same squamous cells differentiate into mature stratified
time. It has been proposed that the basement metaplastic epithelium (Figure 1.9d). For all practical
Chapter 1
Vaginal acidity metaplasia Crypt Nabothian
Columnar opening follicles
epithelium Papillae
FIGURE 1.10: Squamous metaplastic epithelium covering the crypt openings, leading to the formation of nabothian retention cysts
An introduction to the anatomy of the uterine cervix
Transformation zone
This region of the cervix where the columnar
epithelium has been replaced and/or is being replaced
by the new metaplastic squamous epithelium is
referred to as the transformation zone. It corresponds
to the area of cervix bound by the original
squamocolumnar junction at the distal end and
proximally by the furthest extent that squamous
FIGURE 1.12: A schematic diagram of further maturation of metaplasia has occurred as defined by the new
immature squamous metaplasia squamocolumnar junction (Figures 1.7, 1.13 and 1.14).
Columnar epithelium
External os
Transformation zone
Original squamous
Immature squamous
FIGURE 1.14: (a) A schematic diagram of the normal transformation zone; (b) a schematic diagram of the abnormal or atypical
transformation zone harbouring dysplasia
Chapter 1
In premenopausal women, the transformation zone is vaginal walls. If the epithelialization proceeds
fully located on the ectocervix. After menopause normally, the original squamocolumnar junction will be
through old age, the cervix shrinks with the decreasing located at the external os at birth. On the other hand,
levels of estrogen. Consequently, the transformation if this process is arrested for some reason or
zone may move partially, and later fully, into the incomplete, the original squamocolumnar junction will
cervical canal. be located distal to the external os or may rarely be
The transformation zone may be described as normal located on the vaginal walls, particularly involving the
when it is composed of immature and/or mature anterior and posterior fornices. The cuboidal
squamous metaplasia along with intervening areas or epithelium remaining here will undergo squamous
islands of columnar epithelium, with no signs of metaplasia. This late conversion to squamous
cervical carcinogenesis (Figure 1.14a). It is termed an epithelium in the anterior and posterior vaginal walls,
abnormal or atypical transformation zone (ATZ) when as well as the ectocervix, results in the formation of
evidence of cervical carcinogenesis such as dysplastic the congenital transformation zone. Thus, it is a variant
change is observed in the transformation zone (Figure of intrauterine squamous metaplasia, in which
1.14b). Identifying the transformation zone is of great differentiation of the squamous epithelium is not fully
importance in colposcopy, as almost all manifestations completed due to an interference with normal
of cervical carcinogenesis occur in this zone. maturation. Excessive maturation is seen on the
surface (as evidenced by keratinization) with delayed,
Congenital transformation zone incomplete maturation in deeper layers. Clinically, it
During early embryonic life, the cuboidal epithelium of may be seen as an extensive whitish-grey,
the vaginal tube is replaced by the squamous hyperkeratotic area extending from the anterior and
epithelium, which begins at the caudal end of the posterior lips of the cervix to the vaginal fornices.
dorsal urogenital sinus. This process is completed well Gradual maturation of the epithelium may occur over
before birth and the entire length of vagina and the several years. This type of transformation zone is seen
ectocervix is meant to be covered by squamous in less than 5 % of women and is a variant of the normal
epithelium. This process proceeds very rapidly along transformation zone.
the lateral walls, and later in the anterior and posterior