Ata 5-50-0 Unscheduled Maintenance Checks - Description and Operation..

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er DOUG:AS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. oC-s MAINTENANCE MANUAL “CORPORACION EDUCATIVA INDOAMERICANA - SOLO PARA INSTRUCCION UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 1. Generel Ce D, g Ff c. 4 During operation, the aircraft may be subjected to hard/overweight lend- Ange, exceeding placarded epeed of flaps and/or landing gear, exceeding design speeds, excessive maneuvers, excessive turbulent (rougi) air, high drag/side loads, unusual ground handling conditions, lightning strike, mercury spillage or engine foreign object ingestion. When any of these conditions are reported by the flight crew, @ visual inepection of the airfreme and specific inspection of components and/or ‘areas involved must be acconplished. The inspections are performed to determine and evaluate the extent of damage in the local areas of visible damage, and to the structure and components adjacent to the erea of denage. The inspections ere divided into two parts; and "A" inspection (generally external and primary iAdicators) and a "B" inspection follow-up (may be in closed area). If damage is noted at any step during the "A" inspection, certain “B" inspection items must be accoxplished. During the "6" inspec- tion, a progressive check of the structure end systems in the local and edjacent areas of visible damage is performed. The “B" inspection is pursued only to the extent necessary to ascertain that no internel denege has occured in, these areas. Portions of the eircraft must be inspected when subjected to unusual ground handling conditions. Unusual ground conditions generally cccur while the aircreft is being towed. These may result from surface conditions such as mud, soft sand, small obstacles, unsymetrical fuel loading, or a combina: tion of these conditions. For acceptable limits for unequal fuel loads (se2 Chapter 9). Men Lightning strike is reported, comprehensive inspection of the aircraft exterior is performed to locate possible demege (see 5-53-0). If foreign object ingestion (suspected or actual) by the engine is encoun- tered, a visual inspection must be accomplished (see 5-54-0). ¢ If aircraft has experienced rejected takeoff, landing gear wheels, tires ‘and brakes must be inspected (see 552-0). Dec 1/81

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