Build 138 58 On Site Framing Treatment

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FEATURE Weathertightness


On-site  framing
A study into the on-site treatment of undamaged framing in
leaky buildings has come up with several practices to follow
when treating timber members.

A 3-YEAR INVESTIGATION into the effec- member with boron glycol gave effective Difficult-to-access framing
tiveness of on-site treatment of undamaged protection against brown rot decay Effective retention rates and protection were
framing when remediating a leaky building ●● copper naphthenate slowed development only achieved where brush-on treatment was
was carried out by Scion for the Ministry but did not prevent decay applied to three or four sides. Therefore, second
of Business, Innovation and Employment. ●● samples containing boron lost some and third studies were undertaken to identify
Areas covered were: preservative through wetting, but the how laminated members – multiple studs and
●● the effic ac y of brush- on remedial preservative was redistributed through laminated lintels – with hidden faces could be
treatments the sample treated to achieve the desired durability.
●● how to achieve adequate penetration in ●● retention of boron if coated on three Triple studs, as on a window or door
difficult-to-access members or four sides was generally above the jamb, were given two coats of brush-on
●● the treatment of lintels. minimum 0.4% boric acid equivalent (BAE) preservative and then injected with boron glycol
requirement for H1.2. preservative.
Brush-on treatments
In the first study, untreated radiata framing
was exposed to brown rot decay fungi,
dried and then treated with brush-on
preservative. Two brush-on coats of copper
naphthenate or boron glycol were applied to
either one, two, three or four faces of 90 × 45
mm samples of framing. The samples were
then exposed to wet conditions – over 30%
and 24–30% moisture content – for 3 years.
Figure 1: Distribution of preservative between lintel members.
The results showed:
●● treatment on three or four sides of a

58 — Build 138 — October/November 2013

Weathertightness FEATURE

300 mm About Scion
preservative treatment injected
into holes (2 × 10 ml doses)
Scion is a Crown research
6 mm holes drilled at
300 mm centres at 60°
80 mm institute that undertakes
at joint line of adjacent research, science and technology
development in forestry, wood
products, biomaterials and
Figure 2: Drilling studs for the injection of preservative. bioenergy.
75 mm
100 mm
It is developing new technologies that will
100 mm
enable plantation-grown softwoods to be used
100 mm 10 mm
preservative spreads to in new places and markets.
100 mm
cover both surfaces One area of specialty is chemical and
non-chemical treatment processes to improve
6 mm diameter
holes drilled at 30° the durability, stiffness, hardness, water
to horizontal repellence, appearance and stability of wood.
Part of this work includes testing wood
tape applied to join preservative treatment
injected into holes preservation treatments for durability and
between timbers before
drilling and injection (2 × 15 ml doses) developing accelerated decay testing protocols
that contribute to New Zealand and Australian
building standards.
Figure 3: Lintel drilled for the injection of preservative. For more Visit

The preservative was injected into 6 mm prevent fungi infestation from recurring in followed by the injection of 10 ml of boron
holes, 80 mm deep, that had been drilled wet conditions. glycol, then followed by a second injection
at 300 mm centres between the laminated In addition to brushing on two coats 30 minutes later.
studs. A similar procedure was carried out of boron preservative, similar levels of The holes should be 6 mm diameter at
for the lintels, but the holes were drilled at protection in laminated members can be 100 mm centres, 45 mm deep and 10 mm
varying centres in one or two rows – lintel achieved by drilling and injecting preserva- below the top edge of the lintel slanted at
depths varied between 200–300 mm – to tive between the members. 30° (see Figure 3).
identify a suitable relationship between lintel Studs Adhesive tape should be applied to the
size and injection centres for sufficient reten- For studs where three faces cannot be bottom of the joint to minimise leakage.
tion of preservative. accessed, a combination of two coats Where there are obvious gaps between lintel
In both investigations, although the distri- of boron glycol applied by brush to the members, clamping the members together
bution of the boron glycol solution varied on exposed faces and the injection of the will improve coverage.
the inside faces of the members, in almost preservative into holes drilled into the Caution if decay between members
all cases, retentions were similar to the 0.4% interface between the studs achieves the This method of treatment should not be
required for H1.2 treatment (see Figure 1). desired retention levels. used where there is the likelihood of decay
The holes should be 6 mm diameter, between members.
Recommended practices 80 mm deep, at 300 mm centres and at a With boundary joists, it is preferable to
The research found that the boron glycol 30° slant (see Figure 2). The holes should remove the outer boundary joist to check
type preservatives with a minimum concen- be injected with 10 ml of treatment solution for decay prior to treatment.
tration of 20% BAE applied in two brush followed by a second injection 30 minutes For more Download the MBIE publication
coats approximately a half hour apart to later. Dealing with timber in leaky buildings – a guide for
retained undamaged framing that had three Lintels builders and building professionals, available from
or more faces exposed provided adequate For lintels, two coats of boron glycol should
protection from moisture and would even be brush applied to all exposed faces,

Build 138 — October/November 2013 — 59

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