The document provides a flowchart for solving math problems involving rates of change. It outlines steps for translating the question into different representations, determining what type of rate is given, drawing appropriate reference lines, defining relevant formulas, and using the information to answer the question.
The document provides a flowchart for solving math problems involving rates of change. It outlines steps for translating the question into different representations, determining what type of rate is given, drawing appropriate reference lines, defining relevant formulas, and using the information to answer the question.
The document provides a flowchart for solving math problems involving rates of change. It outlines steps for translating the question into different representations, determining what type of rate is given, drawing appropriate reference lines, defining relevant formulas, and using the information to answer the question.
The document provides a flowchart for solving math problems involving rates of change. It outlines steps for translating the question into different representations, determining what type of rate is given, drawing appropriate reference lines, defining relevant formulas, and using the information to answer the question.
Make sure you understand what is given
DIAGONAL LINE SECANT LINE first. Does each point represent what is QUESTIONS QUESTIONS about to happen (over the next interval) (such as AR/AC/ATS) (such as MR/MC/AS) or what previously happened (over the last interval)? If the slope is given, If the slope is given, draw a reference line draw a reference line. and find the intersection. then slide your ruler Write down the definitions and formulas parallel to an interval of for the quantities involved and appropriate length. remember the big results from class. If you are asked to find the slope, draw the line If you are asked to find and use two points to get the slope, draw the line the slope. By adding up the increments, try making and use two points to get a table of total values. the slope. To visualize the slopes of the diagonal lines, Once you have done the steps above, fix your ruler at the To visualize the slopes of carefully read the question again. Read origin and rotate the the secant lines, move off the necessary values from the table ruler to various points your ruler from one or graph and answer the question. on the graph. interval to the next on the graph and compare slopes.