Estimation and Separation of Preconsolidation Stress Using Triaxial,-And Oedometer Test in Kiscelli Clay
Estimation and Separation of Preconsolidation Stress Using Triaxial,-And Oedometer Test in Kiscelli Clay
Estimation and Separation of Preconsolidation Stress Using Triaxial,-And Oedometer Test in Kiscelli Clay
Civil Engineering
Preconsolidation Stress Using Triaxial,-
and Oedometer Test in Kiscelli Clay
60(2), pp. 297–304, 2016
DOI: 10.3311/PPci.9068 Vendel Józsa
Creative Commons Attribution
Received 03-02-2016, revised 14-02-2016, accepted 16-02-2016
Abstract 1 Introduction
The study is about the estimation of preconsolidation stress Stress history, the overconsolidation of soil is classically de-
using a correlation method. Disturbance of soil samples can termined using oedometer tests of undisturbed samples. The
result in the yield point of void ratio-log vertical stress data yield point denotes the preconsolidation stress (σ0p ). Determi-
from oedometer test being unreadable. Therefore, correlations nation of σ0p from void ratio (e) - log σ relationship is presented
were calculated to estimate preconsolidation stress using effec- in Fig. 1, where σ is the loading stress.
tive vertical stress (σ0v0 ), oedometer modulus (Eoed ) from oe-
dometer tests and unloading-reloading modulus (Eur ) from tri-
axial tests. Profile of stress history: Overconsolidation ratio
(OCR), overconsolidation difference (OCD) and overconsolida-
tion gradient (OCG) were determined in Kiscelli Clay based on
new equations. An additional new parameter, ratio of mechan-
ical preloading component of overconsolidation is defined and
Overconsolidated clay · Kiscelli Clay · preconsolidation Fig. 1. Determination of Preconsolidation stress using own intersection
stress · overconsolidation difference · overconsolidation gradi- method, Kicelli Clay, 12th District of Budapest, MOM Park
ent · overconsolidation ratio
The overconsolidation difference (OCD) or pre-overburden
pressure (in Plaxis: POP) is termed and suggested by Olsen et
al. [1], as in
OCD = σ0 p − σ0 v0 (1)
In normalized form, the degree of preconsolidation is termed
overconsolidation ratio (OCR), as in
σ0 p
OCR = (2)
σ0 v0
where σ0v0 is the effective vertical geostatic stress and the
overconsolidation gradient (OCG) is defined by [2], as in
∆σ0 p
OCG = . (3)
∆σ0 v0
The preconsolidation stress can be determined based on cone
penetration test (CPT) results (cone resistance), but harder soil
Vendel Józsa strata cannot be penetrated (e.g. intact Kiscelli Clay) [3], CPT
Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Information Tech- is more applicable to calculate pile bearing capacity with ad-
nology, University of Pécs, H-7624 Pécs, Boszorkány u. 2, Hungary
ditional in-situ test (e.g. dynamic probing) [4]. In this study,
2 Laboratory tests
Oedometer,- and triaxial tests were investigated mainly of the
oligocene clay (Kiscelli Clay) from the Buda area by the Labo-
ratory of Department of Geotechnics (BUTE) related to Metro
Line 4 in Budapest. Additional data of Tardi Clay from the
Danube area and additional data (Fig. 1) of Kiscelli Clay from
the 12 th District of Budapest (MOM Park) were presented and
used for better correlations. Results, e.g. void ratio,- moisture
content,- shear strength,- major stress at failure,- oedometer,-
unloading-reloading modulus,- overconsolidation ratio as func-
tions of depth were already analysed previously [3–6].
based on Eq. (5) based on Eq. (6)
min max min max
Etele t. (Pajzsindító) 92% 95% 69% 81%
Tétényi út (Bikás park) 100%∗ 100%∗ 70% 85%
Bocskai (Újbuda-kp.) 77% 85% 78% 88%
Móricz Zs. Krt 85% 92% 68% 81%
Bartók B. u. 100% 100% 51% 63%
Danube 93% * 94% * 95% * 96% *
* data are calculated with low R2 , detailed information is presented in Tab. 2 - 3.
Tab. 2. Calculation results of preconsolidation pressure estimation from oedometer modulus, based on Eq. (5)
Hmin Hmax
OCDmin OCDmax OCRmin OCRmax Slope OCDlin R2 OCGlin ero- ero-
min max
sion sion
[kPa] [kPa] [-] [-] [kPa/m] [kPa] [-] [-] [kPa] [kPa] [m] [m]
Etele t. (Pajzs-indító) 379.9 570.0 2.2 4.0 12.0 461.7 0.63 1.20 330.4 506.0 17 25
Tétényi út (Bikás park) 290.0 664.8 2.1 4.0 10.0* 484.0* 0.17 1.00* 290.0* 664.8* 14* 33*
Bocskai (Újbu-da-kp.) 342.4 636.2 2.6 3.9 17.1 391.2 0.66 1.71 249.1 498.4 12 25
Móricz Zs. Krt. 435.6 637.2 2.4 4.5 14.0 455.2 0.83 1.40 381.4 518.6 19 26
Bartók B. u. 205.7 256.5 1.5 2.3 10.0 258.0 0.93 1.00 205.7 256.5 10 13
Danube 186.0 581.0 2.0 8.4 10.4* 357.4* 0.37 1.04* 150.9* 548.6* 8* 27 *
* data are calculated with low R2
non-mechanical means, both OCR(= OCRS ) and OCG remain • OCD M.max : possible maximum of mechanical preloading
constant with depth, and OCD increases linearly with depth. based on the maximum negative difference between estimated
Results based on the pervious mentioned method are analysed preconsolidation stress and PSL in the meaning of mechanical
by the listed overconsolidation parameters: preloading,
• OCDmin : minimum of difference between estimated precon- • Hmin.erosion : height of minimum erosion, calculated by
solidation stress and effective vertical stress, OCD M.min / 20 kN/m3 ,
• OCDmax : maximum of difference between estimated precon- • Hmax.erosion : height of maximum erosion, calculated by
solidation stress and effective vertical stress, OCD M.max / 20 kN/m3 .
• OCRmin : minimum of OCR, estimated preconsolidation stress It should be noted that in order to simplify, it was as-
divided by effective vertical stress, sumed that groundwater was at a uniform depth of 3 m.
The boundary of mechanical preloading follows the curve
• OCRmax : maximum of OCR, estimated preconsolidation
of the effective vertical stress chart, so in order to cal-
stress divided by effective vertical stress,
culate OCD M.min and OCD M.max , a decreasing factor was
• Slope: slope of PSL, included to account for the effect of average ground-
water (GWL), (γ - (γ s - γw )) · GWL = (19 kN/m3 - (20 kN/m3 -
• OCD M.lin : interception at the horizontal axis (vertical stress)
10 kN/m3 )) · (- 3 m) = - 27 kPa.
using PSL in the meaning of mechanical preloading,
An earlier paper [9] has stated that the Kiscelli Clay is
• R2 : R-squared value of regression line preloaded, heavily overconsolidated, but no information was in-
cluded about the components of overconsolidation.
• Λ MP : ratio of mechanical preloading of overconsolidation us-
Using linear trendlines to estimate preconsolidation stress,
ing PSL,
and the method presented in the present paper, the ratio of dif-
• OCGlin : overconsolidation gradient using PSL, ferent overconsolidation effects (Λ MP ) were determined. The
possible minimum and maximum values of Λ MP are listed in
• OCD M.min : possible minimum of mechanical preloading
Table 1 for different locations.
based on the maximum negative difference between estimated
If the value of Λ MP is 100%, the overconsolidation is purely
preconsolidation stress and PSL in the meaning of mechanical
the result of some sort of mechanical preloading (in the present
case: erosion), while if the value is below 100%, the remainder
Hmin Hmax
OCDmin OCDmax OCRmin OCRmax Slope OCDlin R2 OCGlin ero- ero-
min max
sion sion
[kPa] [kPa] [-] [-] [kPa/m] [kPa] [-] [-] [kPa] [kPa] [m] [m]
Etele t. (Pajzsindító) 181.6 602.0 2.0 3.8 17.8 248.8 0.70 1.78 83.7 365.8 4 18
Tétényi út (Bikás park) 270.9 716.6 2.1 4.6 19.0 315.9 0.46 1.90 94.0 498.8 5 25
Bocskai (Újbuda-kp.) 279.4 619.0 2.6 4.5 16.6 395.0 0.70 1.66 213.2 480.1 11 24
Móricz Zs. Krt 266.9 759.5 2.1 3.8 18.8 301.7 0.67 1.88 96.4 494.2 5 25
Bartók B. u. 147.9 599.9 2.1 3.1 23.0 130.5 0.88 2.30 0.0 212.3 0 11
Danube 201.9 903.7 2.0 8.0 10.0* 504.5* - 1.00* 174.9* 876.7* 9* 44*
Fig. 7. Estimated overconsolidation ratio based on Eq. (5) Fig. 8. Estimated overconsolidation ratio based on Eq. (6)
was elicited by some form of secondary effect. Clay, but for the “Danube samples” (Tardi clay OCR = 2 - 8),
The soil samples from the boreholes in Danube river bed be- present values move in a larger range.
long to the Tardi Clay formation, the values of Eur and E50 move Possible minimum and maximum height of erosion is deter-
in a large range, presumably due to tectonic effects. The stress mined from OCD M.min and from OCD M.max based on Eq. (5) and
history is unclear, correlation factor of trendline is low, but the Eq. (6), and shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10.
more frequent data points allow the positions of the approxi- It can be seen in Fig. 9, that the value of potential erosion is
mating trendline to be estimated. At the “Tétényi út” samples, somewhat higher than in Fig. 10, i.e. according to the estimated
low R2 value of the trendline can be caused by the low number preconsolidation stress and the gradient of trendlines on the ba-
of the data points and expanded soil samples, but if the results sis of different modulus, but there are no significant differences.
from the other sites are also taken into account, they can still be
evaluated. Additional criterion was defined to determine trend- 4 Conclusions
line: gradient of line should be minimum 10 kPa/m connecting Correlation between Eur and E50 in Kiscelli Clay from the
to the effective vertical stress. Where gradient of trendline is Buda area is determined, the ratio of Eur and E50 is around 1,
higher, secondary effects of overconsolidation (beside mechani- where the phenomenon may be related to the overconsolidation,
cal preloading) must partially account. and to the preloaded soil samples.
Detailed calculation results based on Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) are Using new approximation methods, the level of preconsolida-
presented in Table 2, Table 3, Fig. 11-22. tion stress was determined for the Kiscelli Clay on the basis of
In addition, the estimated overconsolidation ratio is shown in oedometer and triaxial tests of soil samples obtained from the
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 based on Eq. (5) and Eq. (6). On the basis of station areas along the route of Metro Line 4. Overall, the esti-
estimation method, a good approximation can be achieved in de- mated OCR values were between 1.5 and 4.6.
termining the OCR value (that changes in the function of depth) The validity of the possible erosion of overconsolidation will
by using power function (Fig. 7). With the exception of the data be assessed with some laboratory tests, in-situ tests [9] and find-
from Danube river bed (Tardi Clay, OCR = 2 - 8.4), overall the ings reported in the literature. Now, effects of overconsolida-
Kiscelli Clay exhibits preloading levels of OCR = 1.5 - 4.5. in tion were separated. Based on the new method, the definition
Fig. 7. In Fig. 8, OCR = 2 - 4.6 values are shown for Kiscelli and the separation of overconsolidation using main categories
The author deeply appreciates assistance of colleges as well
as of others who contributed to collect data of laboratory tests
(Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics BUTE,
DBR Metró, BPV-Metro 4 NeKe Építési KKT., Bilfinger Con-
struction Hungária Kft., Geovil Kft., Porr Építési Kft., Strabag-
MML Kft., Bohn Kft.
Fig. 14. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (5), Móricz Zs. k.
Fig. 16. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (5), Danube Fig. 20. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (6), Móricz Zs. k.
Fig. 17. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (6), Etele t. Fig. 21. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (6), Bartók B. u.
Fig. 18. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (6), Tétényi út Fig. 22. Estimated preconsolidation stress based on Eq. (6), Danube