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Energy Saving in Induction Motors

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More than 85% of industrial motors in use today are induction

motors. Therefore energy conservation is significant for induction motors.
Because, induction motors which are predominantly of three phase, Induction,
Squirrel-cage type, consume about 60% of the electrical energy generated in
industrial countries. Usually motors operate with no load or lightly load, which
make the motors so much overrated with respect to the actual load that they never
utilize their rating power capabilities.
This paper describes two methods of saving energy in a lightly
loaded induction motor. They are
(i) Energy saving algorithm
(ii) Soft starter controlled by IGBT
In the first method, the load is sensed, and the motor terminal
voltage is controlled to meet the load requirement using a microcontroller system.
The program in this microcontroller system can detect the motor load indirectly
using β angle. Based on this angle, we predict notch angle (γ) using fuzzy logic
algorithm. Experiments show that energy saving is optimum (up to 58%) when
motor is on no load. Fuzzy logic algorithm does work well on slow changing
In an IGBT controlled, soft starter, the idea is to eliminate the lower
order harmonics. As the switching frequency of IGBT is higher than the system
frequency, lower order harmonics are avoided, there by the energy consumed by
these harmonics is eliminated. Compared with the soft starter controlled by
thyristors, under the same condition, the efficiency of energy conservation of the
presented method is higher. In addition, the control way is simple. The operating
principle of a soft starter is also analyzed in this paper.

(i) Energy saving Algorithm

(1) Introduction
The potential of energy saving in partly loaded induction motor has been
known since more than ten years ago. The analysis of motor model in d-q axis has
been developed. Based on this model, performance can be investigated
theoretically. The general configuration of this controller using three coupled
thyristors inserted in between energy sources and the motors shown in fig1. A
microcontroller is used as a smart controller to fire the thyristors according to the
load conditions.
Fig.1, Thyristor controlled induction motor system

It is not difficult to find partly loaded induction motors in industrial

application. Firstly, it is impossible to meet the rated motors as required in design;
usually the applied rated motors are larger than the rated load. Secondly, several
industrial loads are time invariant such as in lift, escalator, conveyer, pump etc.
these conditions make the motor partly loaded, and tend to reduce the motor
performance such as motor power factor and efficiency.
This research has overcome these situations, by sensing the load and
controlling motor terminal voltages to meet the load requirement using a
microcontroller system. The system can detect the phase sequence, electrical
frequency, motor stalling conditions, zero crossing voltages and ceasing current
angle β. By measuring the source voltage, phase sequence, frequency, this
controller can plug in every system automatically. By knowing the zero crossing
and ceasing current angle, we can control the power input to the motor to meet the
load requirement by adjusting the thyristors firing angle.

Fig.2 Motor terminal voltage and phase current waveforms.

‘β’ is determined by motor parameters and loads. ‘γ’ is the hold off angle
and α is the firing angle. These angles follow the formula:
in steady state operation we keep the angle γ constant by controlling the firing
angle α follows the load changing. Using γ as controller, theoretically gives a
stable controller.
During starting condition, the measured β is minimum at a specific load.
When the load is constant, energy saving algorithm try to keep β as close as
possible to β minimum by controlling hold off angle γ while the motor is running.
Fuzzy logic algorithm is used to control this angle (γ) by sensing the ceasing
current angle β at any time. By measuring β in every cycle we can calculate the
errors and error rates of changing β, these are the inputs to the fuzzy system. This
algorithm is written on machine language. It is not easy to get relation between β
and γ. The empirical result for a specified motor at no load is as shown in fig.3.

(2) Theory
An induction motor can be analyzed using one phase equivalent circuit as
shown in fig.4.
Based on fig.4, motor mechanical power is given by

Pmech=3(1-s) Rr (Ia)2 Watt ..…… (1)


Torque T= Pmech/ωm N.m …..… (2)

s=motor slip; ωm=rotor angular mechanical speed

Eq.(1) shows that reducing the motor voltage, and so the motor
current will reduce the motor power.
Eq.(2) shows that the motor will deliver a constant torque in
reduced voltage, if the rotor speed is also reduced. Decreasing the slip is
possible until the maximum slip value at which the maximum torgue
condition. The motor will be at the stalling condition if the slip is further
reduced, so the motor current and power increases. The motor must be
hold at the maximum slip that gives maximum torque in order to work at
the minimum input power. The saving algorithm maintains the motor work
at this point at all load condition, by adjusting the motor voltages

(3) Microcontroller
The microcontroller has got five I/O ports: A, B, C, D and E. It
also contains ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and two 16 bit timers. The
hardware development involves two tasks. Firstly, in designing the
electronic circuits to inter face the 8 bit microcontroller to the motor for
specific application and secondly in writing the software in machine
language. The maximum torque is detected by interrupt capture of port A.
This pin detects the motor back emf at specified phase. ADC is used to
measure the motor phase current and the microcontroller keep to fire
thyristors in order the current does not exceed the rated value.

(4) Fuzzy logic algorithm

The fuzzy logic algorithm has improved the implementation on
real time systems.
The sequential procedure lies on finding out error and change of
error of the feedback variables (β and change in β) and fuzzyfying them
with three triangular membership functions with a finite overlap. The
fuzzyfied output is processed through min-max method. Finally the
defuzzification is performed with the center of gravity method on singleton
membership functions output. The output of defuzzification determines the
value of γ.

Fig.5, flowchart of motor controlling software

(ii) Soft starter controlled by IGBT

(1) Introduction
A soft starter system is a device that can improve the starting performance of
induction motors during starting period, and when a motor runs on part load, achieve the
purpose of energy saving through adjusting the stator voltage. The popular soft starter is
one controlled by Thyristor, used in industry. However, this soft starter results I
considerable harmonic distortion due to the use of phase back thyristor to interrupt the
flow of stator current. As the main effect is energy saving, the method of eliminating the
harmonics is of prime importance. These harmonics are eliminated in a novel soft starter.
It uses the self-commutated switch such as IGBT and GTO instead of thyristor.

(2) Basic concept

The losses in an induction motor include stator and rotor losses, harmonic losses,
and the dependence of the core loss on load. It is well known that energy saving of a soft
starter is achieved by reducing the applied voltage whenever the torque requirement of
the load can be me with less than full load motor flux. The purpose of the reduced core
flux can cut down the core loss and the stator copper loss with the reduced stator current.
For energy saving ,harmonic losses introduced by semiconductor is an important part
.Because the measurement of these losses is difficult, the corresponding parameters such
as power factor ,stator current and active power are used to denote the efficiency of
energy saving. According to the different optimal object ,there are many control
strategies like minimum input power, maximum efficiency, constant power factor,
minimum stator current and minimum power factor angle. By using each different
method, the corresponding efficiency of energy saving is different.
For describing the energy saving, following variables are defined .they are
Is1: the rms value of fundamental stator current, A
Is: the rms value of stator current including harmonics, A
Vs1:the rms value of fundamental stator voltage, V
Pnor: input power to the drive with direct on starting, W
Psoft: input power to the drive with a soft starter, W
∆P: saving power, W
Psav: normalized saving power
PFin: generalized input pf
Psav could be calculated as
Psav=(Pnor-Psoft)/Pnor=∆P/Pnor ………..(1)
Assuming a sinusoidal supply voltage, the generalized input power factor,
PFin could be determined as
PFin= ( Is1cosΦ)/ Is …………(2)

Where Φ is the phase shift between the fundamental voltage and current.
So the following analysis is done by comparison between the traditional
and the proposed soft starters with the different parameter.

(3) Principle of soft starters

(a) Soft starter controlled by thyristor:

The traditional soft starter is controlled by thyristor. It comprises of three pairs of
anti-parallel thyristors in conjunction with a 3-wire star connected motor as shown in
Its operating principle is that the stator voltage is changed by adjusting the
triggering angle of thyristors.

(b) The proposed soft starter:

The novel soft starter uses the self commutated device to replace the thyristor as a
switch. It includes the main circuit and the bypass circuit. The main circuit is composed
of six self-commutated switches and the bypass circuit consists of resistance and
For the novel starter, the stator voltage of an induction motor is controlled by the
duty cycle of the firing signal of IGBT. The duty cycle is changed from 0 to 1, and the
voltage varies from 0 to full voltage. As a self-commutated device, its gating signal is not
synchronous with the main circuit, so the control is simple.
To simplify the analysis process, the single phase is analyzed instead of three-
phase circuit, so the input phase voltage of a motor can be given to be

Vp(t)=f(t).Vcos(wt) …………..(3)

where f(t) is the switching function.

The switch function can be calculated by Fourier series analysis. It can be shown

f(t)=D+∑ 2sin(nDπ)cos(nkfwt)/nπ ………….(4)

where kf is the ration of the switching frequency fs to the fundamental
frequency f0, D is the duty cycle of the gating signal, and n=1,2,3….
By combining (3) and (4),the input voltage of the motor stator can be
given as :
vp(t)= DVcos(wt)+∑Vsin(nDπ)[cos(nkf-1)wt-cos(nkf+1)wt]/nπ

= v0+∑vn . ……….(5)

From (5), we can know that if fs>>f0 the minimum harmonics frequency of
the input voltage is higher than f0.

Energy conservation is of paramount importance in Induction motors as they

constitute most of the industrial drives. The variable voltage operation of SCIM at part
load is receiving considerable attention as an energy conservation measure. This paper
describes two methods of achieving the variable voltage operation. They are
(i) Energy saving algorithm
(ii) Soft starter controlled by IGBT
In the energy saving algorithm, maximum energy is saved when motor is on no
load (i.e. about 58%).Energy saving is started at about 60% of rated load. There is no
energy saving at full load condition. There is a reduced motor speed when motor operates
on energy saving mode. Fuzzy logic algorithm can be used as controlled algorithm in real
time systems to overcome system parameters that always change because of the load
In this paper the principle of soft starter has also been shown. It has been shown
that the control of IGBT soft starter is easier than the thyristorized soft starter; it can
eliminate the lower order harmonics and improves the efficiency of the drive at light
loads. And with the same operating conditions, it has higher pf, larger power saving and
smaller input current.

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