Against Satanism 8 One Evil
Against Satanism 8 One Evil
Against Satanism 8 One Evil
Copyright © 20
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 132
The Catholic Church ............................................................. 133
Foundation ........................................................................ 134
Rome - the City of Ghosts ................................................ 134
The events leading to Charles Martel creating the true
Catholic Church ................................................................ 135
The great forgeries that founded the Catholic Church .. 136
The birth of the Papal States in support of the legitimacy
of the "Donation of Constantine" .................................... 140
The loss of Rome to the Saracens (847-872) .................. 141
The birth and death of the Roman Cult .......................... 143
Legitimate Popes of the Catholic Church ....................... 145
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 145
Imperial Religion of Christianity ........................................ 146
Foundation ........................................................................ 146
Major Imperial Christian Councils.................................. 147
Key Heretical Councils ..................................................... 148
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 148
The Holy Roman Empire ..................................................... 148
Foundation ........................................................................ 149
Etymology of the Imperial Motto for the Holy Roman
Empire ............................................................................... 149
The link to I·N·R·I and the official religion of Christianity
............................................................................................ 150
End of the Holly New Roman Empire ............................ 151
The Fraudulent "Holy Roman Empire" of Germany ..... 151
It is also sometimes claimed that the title Sacrum Romanum
Imperium (SRI) was used earlier. However, no evidence exists
for this title being in existence in any reference prior to 125
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 151
The Roman Cult .................................................................... 152
Foundation ........................................................................ 153
Origins of Roman Cult...................................................... 153
The "great" Gregory VII ................................................... 154
Pope Urban "the great" .................................................... 157
Concordat of Worms ........................................................ 158
Rome as the AntiChrist .................................................... 158
List of Roman Cult AntiPopes ......................................... 161
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 163
The Illuminati ....................................................................... 163
Foundation ........................................................................ 164
Background Events........................................................... 165
Restoration of Jesuits and supremecy of Illuminati ...... 166
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 168
The Nazis (Party) .................................................................. 168
The Nazis ........................................................................... 169
Hitler and the foundation of the NSDAP ........................ 170
The failed NSDAP push for power by force .................... 171
The arrival of Fr Himmler S.J. and the Nazis ................ 174
The etymology (origin) and meaning of Nazi ................. 175
The Nazi SS -The Knights of the Holy See ...................... 177
The real meaning of the SS of the Nazi elite ................... 178
The Nazis Today ............................................................... 179
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 179
Nazi SS (Sedes Sacrorum) ................................................... 180
The Nazis ........................................................................... 181
Hitler and the foundation of the NSDAP ........................ 182
The failed NSDAP push for power by force .................... 184
The arrival of Fr Himmler S.J. and the Nazis ................ 186
The etymology (origin) and meaning of Nazi ................. 188
The Nazi SS - The Knights of the Holy See ..................... 189
The real meaning of the SS of the Nazi elite ................... 191
The Nazis Today ............................................................... 192
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 192
The New World Order .......................................................... 192
Foundation ........................................................................ 193
The Jesuit Civil War (1942-1945) .................................... 194
Reporting structure of the New World Order ................ 197
The Great Depression of 2009-2012 ............................... 200
Historic Organizations ............................................................. 201
The Venetian Satanic Cult ................................................... 202
Foundation ........................................................................ 203
Background ....................................................................... 203
The "Pietro" Tyrant Sarmatian Priests of Venice ........... 205
The Inquisition and legal human sacrifice ..................... 206
The height of power of the Venetian Satanic Cult.......... 207
The Vatican Holocaust ................................................................ 208
Part 1 ...................................................................................... 208
A Dramatically Different History to What You Were
Taught................................................................................ 210
1930’s Europe ................................................................... 211
Building the environment of hatred, racism against
minorities .......................................................................... 213
The Final Solution of Pope Pius XII ................................ 214
Why Poland? ..................................................................... 215
The Satanic Pentagram of Pope Pius XII and the Black
Pope ................................................................................... 217
Why? .................................................................................. 219
The Vatican Holocaust Part 2 ...................................................... 221
Even Satanists must have a motive ................................. 222
The true identity of St. Molochy ...................................... 222
A matter of logic................................................................ 224
Ley lines of spiritual power .............................................. 225
The Great Vatican Ley Lines of Evil ................................ 226
The strange unique architecture of each Human Sacrifice
Camp .................................................................................. 227
The massive architecture surveying projects of the SS.. 228
Making greater sense of the Great Vatican-Jesuit
Pentagram of Evil ............................................................. 230
The Vatican Holocaust Part 3 ...................................................... 231
Ley Lines of Evil................................................................ 232
Bucharest, Romania. ........................................................ 234
How the Vatican-Jesuit Machine of Perpetual Evil works
............................................................................................ 235
Going too far ..................................................................... 236
What might be the future? ............................................... 237
The Vatican Holocaust Part 4 ...................................................... 238
The passionate skeptics.................................................... 239
The Birth of the New World Order .................................. 241
The Great Pentagram of Evil and the Global Grid of
Control of the New World Order ..................................... 242
The Jesuit Civil War (1942-1945) .................................... 244
Who is in control The Illuminati? Or the New World
Order? ................................................................................ 247
(Secret) Knowledge is Power ........................................... 250
St Moloch(y) and the most secret of knowledge ............ 251
The crisis of faith .............................................................. 252
The Vatican Holocaust Part 5 ...................................................... 254
Did the Holocaust really happen? ................................... 254
What proof is there that the WWII Nazi Master Lists of
Death existed? ................................................................... 255
German Government Releases partial Nazi Holocaust List
............................................................................................ 257
Why make the Master Holocaust List at all? .................. 258
The name and the deed of damnation ............................ 259
What has happened to the Missing Nazi Master Holocaust
List ? .................................................................................. 260
The Vatican Holocaust Part 6 ...................................................... 262
What is Holocaust denial? ............................................... 263
Holocaust Denial # 1- The Allies Did Not Know ............ 264
Holocaust Denial #2-Victims were not burned alive as a
sacrifice.............................................................................. 265
Holocaust Denial #3-There were no gas chambers ....... 266
Holocaust Denial #4 - That the Jews were the main target
of a political/racist hatred campaign"............................. 267
Holocaust Denial #5- The Holocaust was political, not
religious. The Catholic Church was not involved ........... 268
Holocaust Denial #6- Only Six Million were murdered by
the Nazis ............................................................................ 269
Holocaust Denial #7- Only Three Hundred Thousand
people were murdered by the Nazis ................................ 269
Do not forget the biggest lie- the Holocaust gas chambers
and crematorium were to efficiently kill Jews and others
............................................................................................ 271
Proof of real motive- Connect all the pieces and why? .. 272
The Vatican Holocaust Part 7 ...................................................... 272
The hidden history of ancient cities ................................ 273
The 16th Century word Jew ............................................. 274
Revenge of the "Good Sarmatians" ................................. 275
The Last Witness .............................................................. 277
The Vatican Holocaust Part 8 ...................................................... 278
Xavier College, Kew-Melbourne, Australia .................... 278
How many actually lived to tell about the ovens? .......... 279
The Last Witness .............................................................. 281
The family.......................................................................... 282
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression ......................... 285
Part 1 - Global Financial Crisis of 2008 .......................... 285
"Ground Zero"-"The Sub Prime Crisis" .......................... 285
How wealthy is the Roman Catholic Church? ................ 287
The indisputable historic evidence.................................. 288
Creative history ................................................................. 290
Creative accounting .......................................................... 291
What is the true picture of wealth of the church? .......... 292
History of property ownership of the Catholic Church . 295
The gold ownership of the Catholic Church ................... 295
General demand and use of Gold .................................... 296
How much Gold has ever been produced (mined)?....... 296
Why the discrepancy? ...................................................... 298
The gold reserves held by the Vatican............................. 299
The Vatican and Jesuits- The Global Financial System 300
The historic love-hate relationship between the Vatican
and banks .......................................................................... 301
The Jesuits and the global finance system ..................... 302
The Federal Reserve Bank and the Catholic Church ..... 307
Putting it all together........................................................ 308
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression ......................... 309
Part 2 - Global Credit Collapse 2009 .............................. 309
Foundation day for the modern global financial system
............................................................................................ 310
The myths of precious metal credit standards ............... 313
What is going to happen next .......................................... 315
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression ......................... 315
Part 3 - Great Leap to Socialism 2009-2010 .................. 315
Ground Zero for the Global Recession of 2009 ............. 316
The creation of the great "lie" of usury and Zürich ........ 318
The great confidence game of voluntarily giving up your
rights .................................................................................. 319
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression ......................... 320
Part 4 - Emergence of Police State 2010-2011 ............... 320
Slowly, slowly towards world war ................................... 321
Greatest Lie#10--Justice and Legal System ................... 323
The apparatus for control is already in place ................. 324
The new great Holocaust.................................................. 325
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression ......................... 326
Part 5 - The Great Liberty Riots 2011-2012 .................... 326
The truth movement divided ........................................... 327
Just one good rock ............................................................ 328
Ritual Sexual Human Sacrifice................................................ 329
Cultural Genocide..................................................................... 330
Slave Trade................................................................................ 331
Perpetual Mortal and Spiritual Enslavement ................. 332
Cultural Parasitism .................................................................. 333
Child Molestation ..................................................................... 335
Etymology of the word “Molestation” ............................. 336
As a sacrifice of “innocence” to Moll (Moloch) .............. 336
The modern clinical term Pedophilia.............................. 337
The history of religious and systematic abuse of children
............................................................................................ 338
Ritual Mass Human Sacrifice .................................................. 338
Murder ...................................................................................... 341
Ancient history of serial killers ........................................ 343
Political Mass Murder .............................................................. 344
An absence of religious motive and behaviour............... 345
Sexual Assault ........................................................................... 346
The evil act of rape............................................................ 346
The evil act of child sexual assault .................................. 347
Cultural Sabotage ..................................................................... 348
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 348
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 349
Acts of Forgery - Chair Of St Peter ...................................... 349
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 351
Acts of Forgery - Donation Of Constantine ........................ 352
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 362
Acts of Forgery - Liber Pontificalis ..................................... 363
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 364
Acts of Forgery - Peters Pence ............................................. 364
Acts of Forgery .......................................................................... 367
Acts of Forgery - Usury ........................................................ 367
Supreme Pious Duplicity ............................................................. 368
Mysterium Iniquitatis ...................................................... 368
The double meaning of words ......................................... 369
Economic Rationalism ............................................................. 370
The permanent and growing wealth of the merchant
classes ................................................................................ 371
The true evil of economic rationalism ............................ 371
Acts of Evil ................................................................................ 373
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 373
(Holy) Inquisition................................................................. 373
Background ....................................................................... 374
The Inquisition and legal human sacrifice ..................... 375
The Spanish Inquisition - The condemnation of souls .. 376
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 376
Attis - Day of Blood .............................................................. 376
Official Order of Ceremonies-.......................................... 378
The Galla ........................................................................... 379
The origin of the Galla and their forced celibacy ........... 380
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 381
Blood Sacrifice ...................................................................... 381
Blood as the food of the Gods/Goddess .......................... 382
Blood as the seat of the soul............................................. 382
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 383
Crushing/Drowning Sacrifices ............................................ 383
The worship of death as its own God .............................. 383
The worship of Mot .......................................................... 383
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 384
Burning People Alive ............................................................ 384
The key words associated with human sacrifice by
burning .............................................................................. 385
Ba'al Moloch ...................................................................... 387
The worship of demons and power, good fortune ......... 387
The importance of continued worship to Moloch and the
Roman Cult today ............................................................. 388
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 388
Sacred Dismemberment ...................................................... 388
The Great and ancient myths of Osiris ........................... 389
The mechanism of the ritual ............................................ 389
The slaughter and rebirth simultaneously...................... 389
The slaughter and sacred cannibalism............................ 390
The slaughter and sacred cannibalism by mixing blood
into bread- the sacred Eucharist ..................................... 390
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 390
Sacred Cannibalism.............................................................. 390
Significance of the ritual .................................................. 391
Modern significance ......................................................... 391
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 392
Human Remains................................................................... 392
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 394
Human Skin .......................................................................... 394
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 396
Sacred Calls/Prayers ............................................................ 397
1962 Key exerpt of Catholic Exorcism Ritual ................. 397
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 398
Sacred Celibacy ..................................................................... 398
The word Celibacy ............................................................ 398
The Galla ........................................................................... 399
The origin of the Galla and their forced celibacy ........... 400
The importance of Sacred Homosexuality and the Galla
(Galli) ................................................................................. 402
Evil Rituals ................................................................................ 402
Most Important Ceremony to Demons ............................... 402
Acts of Evil ................................................................................ 403
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 404
Kippa of Cybele ..................................................................... 404
Background ....................................................................... 404
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 406
Cap of Attis ............................................................................ 407
Background ....................................................................... 407
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 409
Mitre of Dagon ...................................................................... 410
Background ....................................................................... 410
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 412
Crown Tiara of Dagon/Moloch............................................ 413
Background ....................................................................... 413
The 1st Crown of Crown Land ......................................... 414
The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth ........................... 414
The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See ......................... 415
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 416
Papal Bull .............................................................................. 416
Background ....................................................................... 417
Original source and concept of Papal Bulls .................... 418
Official Papal Method for creating Vellum/Parchment for
Bulls ................................................................................... 418
Concerning the Victim of the Art .................................... 419
The highest form- succession of form ............................. 419
Forgeries and fraudulent Bulls on display...................... 420
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 420
Gold ....................................................................................... 421
Background ....................................................................... 422
The Religious Origin of Gold ........................................... 423
The origin of the curses attached to Gold ....................... 424
The worship of gold as a "god" in itself ........................... 425
The origin of "lawful money" and the destroyer of
Empires ............................................................................. 427
The origin of gold as the prison of "salvaged" souls ...... 429
How much Gold has ever been produced (mined)?....... 431
General demand and use of Gold today .......................... 433
Why the discrepancy? ...................................................... 433
The gold reserves held by the Vatican and their Venetian
Parasite Masters ............................................................... 434
Evil Symbols ............................................................................. 435
Pentagram ............................................................................. 436
Background ....................................................................... 436
Magical function of the Pentagram ................................. 438
The confused world concerning the pentagram ............. 439
The largest authentic satanic pentagram in the world .. 439
Original Sin ............................................................................... 440
Eternal Damnation ................................................................... 442
Saviour Son of God ................................................................... 445
Saviour December Birth .......................................................... 448
Saviour Virgin Birth ................................................................. 449
Queen of Heaven ...................................................................... 451
Saviour Born Stable.................................................................. 452
Saviour Wise Men .................................................................... 456
Saviour Sacrified ...................................................................... 456
Saviour Thieves ........................................................................ 457
Saviour Resurrection ............................................................... 460
Meaning of Evil......................................................................... 461
The "Devil" in "Hell" is the "Source" of Evil ................... 462
The origin of word (Etymology) ...................................... 462
Ancient Mesopotamia .............................................................. 464
Ancient Egypt ........................................................................... 466
Amen (also Amun) - The hidden one 2500 BCE to present
............................................................................................ 466
Set(h) 2500 BCE- 400 CE ................................................ 469
Ancient Spain............................................................................ 470
Mari/Mary- The real Mendes .......................................... 470
Ancient Syria............................................................................. 471
Satan - 2000 BCE to present ........................................... 471
Ancient Nth Europe ................................................................. 472
Hel(l) - 200 BCE to 300 CE ............................................. 472
Ancient Greece.......................................................................... 472
Hades - the invisible one 1400 BCE to 400 CE .............. 473
Devil - 30 BCE to present................................................. 473
Ancient Rome ........................................................................... 473
Lucifer................................................................................ 473
The origin of the word "Lucifer" ...................................... 474
Historic Councils and Events .................................................. 476
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 476
First Century ......................................................................... 476
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 480
Second Century..................................................................... 480
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 482
Third Century ....................................................................... 482
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 486
Fourth Century ..................................................................... 486
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 500
Fifth Century ......................................................................... 500
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 507
Sixth Century ........................................................................ 507
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 517
Seventh Century ................................................................... 517
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 523
Eighth Century...................................................................... 523
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 529
Ninth Century ....................................................................... 529
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 536
Tenth Century ....................................................................... 536
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 545
Eleventh Century .................................................................. 546
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 557
Twelfth Century .................................................................... 557
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 568
Thirteenth Century ............................................................... 568
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 585
Fourteenth Century .............................................................. 585
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 596
Fiftheenth Century ............................................................... 597
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 617
Sixteenth Century ................................................................. 617
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 636
Seventeenth Century ............................................................ 636
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 647
Eighteenth Century .............................................................. 647
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 657
Nineteenth Century .............................................................. 657
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 666
Twentieth Century ................................................................ 667
Almanac of Evil......................................................................... 692
Twenty First Century............................................................ 692
COURSE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION........................................ 694
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About One-Evil
In no way does this site seek to promote evil, nor make any
kind of apology or deliberate misrepresentation of evil. Nor is
there any deliberate focus on one group, one civilization
and/or philosophy of itself as being evil.
March 14th 2013, even if there remain those that refuse to
yield to history or prophecy.
To this end, the most evil single group in human history are
without question the tens of thousands of individuals who
claim themselves to be "journalists" and "media
commentators" who pledge their service to censor, manipulate
and sometimes manufacture the news.
Catholic Dictators were allowed to happen with key facts still
hidden today.
defeat new ideas and arguments, regardless of their individual
Before this bizarre 19th century system came into being and
accepted wholly as the only method for determining "truth",
the presentation of truth relied upon the logical strength of its
arguments and coherence in common sense and motive.
Influential People
Charles Martel
Key Facts
Other names Karl Martell
Born 686
Location Paris, Frankish Capital
Bloodline Arnulfings/Pippinids
Married Yes.
Children Yes. Carloman, Pepin the Short, Winfred
Position Mayor of Palace,
Died Oct 741 (age 55)
The office of the Mayor of the Palace was the most trusted
chief official of the Merovingian Kings. He was both captain of
the personal bodyguard of the Kings, prime minister and most
senior noble. In 623, King Dagobart I of the Franks (623-639)
entrusted this key position to Pepin the Elder (majordomo
623-639) also known as Pippin of Landen (Belgium).
The seat of the family power was St. Denis Palace five miles
north from the centre of Paris-- a magnificent palace and the
first Gothic construction in History. The site was later claimed
to be the originate site of the tomb of St. Denis ("Dionysus").
This misleading historical myth is no earlier than the 14th
Century. Nor was it the site of the Royal tombs of the
Merovingians before the 8th Century --most having been
moved there after the palace was massively renovated to
become the 1st church of the Catholic Church from 741.
boy King Dagobart III (699-715). A true "Pippin" in honor and
loyalty to the Merovingian line, Charles was immediately
called to defend the kingdom against King Redbad of the
Frisians (Netherlands) in the North and the militia army of
Savaric, the Byzantine appointed christian bishop of Auxerre
(Burgundy, Eastern France).
Empire, King Clothar IV died. This left the young son of
Dagobart III whose name was Theuderic as rightful king. On
account of the young age of the monarch, Charles returned to
Paris to ensure his protection at court.
Instead, Martel unleashed a massive persecution of the
Byzantine bishops throughout the Frankish territories,
expelling them and seizing back their lands -- placing his own
appointments into their positions. Martel even undertook
massive renovations of his own Palace at St. Denis,
commissioning the Abbey -- the finest scriptorium in all of
Europe -- no later than 730.
Charles and his army met the Umayyad at the Battle of Tours
in 732--where the fate of nothing less than Western
Civilization hung in the balance. Charles was victorious saving
not only the Franks and Europe, but the Byzantine Empire
from being out flanked. In spite of this unprecedented victory
known throughout the Holy Roman Empire and Europe, Holy
Roman Emperor Leo refused to yield.
This only hardened the resolve of Charles to cut all ties from
the Byzantines that had denied him his faith. By 733, he began
plans to create an entirely new brand of christianity,
independent from the clutches of Constantinople - the
Christian Church of the Franks. He commissioned the finest
scholars in Europe to write a new liturgy for the people
including history, which wrote Constantinople out of
christianity as they had done to him.
The most senior and trusted of his scholars was the Venerable
Bede (probably Benedict) in charge of the scriptorium of St.
Denis Abbey, to whom he entrusted to continuing education of
his three sons Carloman, Pepin the Short and Winfred (later
known as St. Boniface).
Yet his most ambitious cultural project was to create a single
unifying language to be spoken by all the tribes within the
Frankish Empire - again free from the clutches of Latin and
Greek of Byzantine. The language was called Anglaise, in
recognition of its origins from the tribes of West Germany
now known as the Angeln Peninsula. Today we know this
language as English.
Of the many legacies of his life, one of his greatest was that of
the education, skill and behaviour of his three sons-- all of
whom were sworn to honor his name by supporting one
In 741 Charles divided the kingdom between his three sons. To
the elder, Carolman, he gave Austrasia, Alemannia and
Thuringia; the younger, Pippin, received Neustria, Burgundy
and Provence. The youngest Winfred (deliberately and
mistakenly called Grifo) was granted Bavaria in honor of his
heritage. Shortly after this division of the kingdom Charles
died at Quierzy and was buried at his home of St. Denis.
After his death, his sons converted the family Palace into one
of the first major Christian shrines in Europe and the first
Church of the fledgling Catholic Church --its first "Gothic"
Influential People
Key Facts
Venerable Bede
Born 682
Location Jarrow, Northumbria
Married No
Children No
Court Tutor to Pippins (706-741), 1st Abbot of
St. Denis (731-746)
Died May 746 (aged 64)
mainland for over five hundred years in the creation of the
Abbey of St. Denis next to the Gothic Palace of the Pippins. In
731, he was appointed (in addition to his tutorial duties) the
first Abbot of St. Denis.
The first major task that Charles Martel issued to Bede was for
his team of scholars to forge a new "common" language for the
Frankish Kingdom. This language was to be called Anglaise or
"English" and it was to be free from the clutches of the Holy
Roman Emperors of Constantinople and their Latin and
Greek. Secondly, Charles wanted all his people to hear the
Christian Bible in their new common tongue.
But the first masterwork of Bede and his scholars would be his
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (An Ecclesiastical
History of the English People) which diminished the
Byzantine influence and glorified the christians of the
Frankish kingdom. He presented it to Charles Martel by 740.
Bede died around May in 746. A great scriptorium, Abbey and
shrine was commissioned by the Pippins at Monkwearmouth
in Northumbria in his honor --the monastery having its
named changed to St. Peters some time later.
Influential People
Pepin was born the second son of three of Charles Martel ("the
hammer") the famous Mayor of the Palace, loyal knight to the
Merovingians and devout Christian. The Pippins were strong
and tall men. The correct title for Pepin was probably "Pippin
the Younger" --later misconstrued to Pepin the Short and
Pepin the Fat. He was almost certainly neither fat, nor short.
had to be after his brother Carloman making it more likely 717
(Carloman around 716).
The seat of the family power was St. Denis Palace five miles
north from the centre of Paris-- a magnificent palace and the
first Gothic construction in History. The site was later claimed
to be the originate site of the tomb of St. Denis ("Dionysus").
This misleading historical myth is no earlier than the 14th
Century. Nor was it the site of the Royal tombs of the
Merovingians before the 8th Century --most having been
moved there after the palace was massively renovated to
become the 1st church of the Catholic Church from 741.
resistence and some acts of rebellion through Hunoald of
Aquitaine in 742, the Saxons and even Odilo of Bavaria.
By 745, the rebellion was put down and Carloman and Pepin
focused their attention on the plan to strengthen the claim of
the Catholic Church superior to Constantinople and therefore
finally release themselves from the bond of excommunication.
By no later than 746, work must have been well underway on
completing the drafting of the Donation of Constantine at St.
Denis Abbey as well as the earliest draft of the Vulgate --
based on the Latin writings of St. Jerome.
With the mythical story of St. Peter somehow being the first
Vicar of Rome underway, the forged Donation of Constantine
claiming Constantine gave his spiritual authority as "founder
of Christianity" to a Vicar located in Old Rome, all that was
left was to invade Italy, capture Rome and establish the office
of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ).
whole parts of their Empire in an attempt to defeat the
brothers. Pepin was now faced once again with open rebellion
across the empire, fermented by Byzantine spies while
Carloman, the first "Pope" ever of the Catholic Church was
himself under attack again by fresh Byzantine troops.
titled Pontiff or Pope (the first in history)--reinforcing the
ancient pagan position of Pontifex Maximus to the head of the
Catholic Church, the Vicarius Christi.
This act of Pepin has two fundamental effects for his fledgling
Catholic Church. Firstly, it meant there existed vast land
holdings now in control of the Pope as absolute Monarch -
unprecedented power for a high priest of any religion. Even
the Patriarch Primate of the Christian Church in
Constantinople was subservient to the Emperor -- in
recognition of how christianity was first formed by Holy
Roman Emperor Constantine.
Influential People
Vicarius Christi Zacharias
Key Facts
Other Carloman Pope Zachary ("good priest"),
names Karloman.
Born 716
Location St. Denis, Paris (Frankish Empire)
Bloodline Carolingian
Married Yes
Children Stephen, Paul
Position Vicarius Christi Zacharias (747-752)
Died March 752
The seat of the family power was St. Denis Palace five miles
north from the centre of Paris-- a magnificent palace and the
first Gothic construction in History. The site was later claimed
to be the originate site of the tomb of St. Denis ("Dionysus").
This misleading historical myth is no earlier than the 14th
Century. Nor was it the site of the Royal tombs of the
Merovingians before the 8th Century --most having been
moved there after the palace was massively renovated to
become the 1st church of the Catholic Church from 741.
contradiction to the consistent behaviour of five generation of
Upon the death of their father, both Carloman and Pepin were
tested by resistence and some acts of rebellion through
Hunoald of Aquitaine in 742, the Saxons and even Odilo of
Upon hearing of the synod and the new name for the fledgling
"Catholic Church", Holy Roman Emperor Constantine V (741-
775), son of Emperor Leo III responded by calling the Franks
"Iconodules" (Greek eikono-doulos meaning "one who serves
(false) images"). The insult probably had the opposite effect in
encouraging the sons of Charles Martel to redouble their
efforts. Yet, the label had a lasting historic effect and served as
a perfect "icon" itself to misrepresent and hide the truth of the
formation of the new Catholic Church as some petty "picture
By 745, the rebellion was put down and Carloman and Pepin
focused their attention on the plan to strengthen the claim of
the Catholic Church superior to Constantinople and therefore
finally release themselves from the bond of excommunication.
By no later than 746, work must have been well underway on
completing the drafting of the Donation of Constantine St.
Denis Abbey as well as the earliest draft of the Vulgate --
based on the Latin writings of St. Jerome.
With the mythical story of St. Peter somehow being the first
Vicar of Rome underway, the forged Donation of Constantine
claiming Constantine gave his spiritual authority as "founder
of Christianity" to a Vicar located in Old Rome, all that was
left was to invade Italy, capture Rome and establish the office
of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ).
history points to Emperor Constantine V (741- 775)
reinforcing the garrison at Rome-- at the expense of defending
his Exarch (Ravenna) --against a Frankish attack. Carloman
left for Rome by 747, landing a sizeable force against the
was now himself under siege by fresh Byzantine troops and
forced back into battle.
Yet Carloman had little time away from war to bed down the
new office of Vicarius Christi and the beginnings of the
Catholic Church as by 752 he was murdered, presumably by a
further attack from Constantinople.
Most Evil Crimes
Influential People
Vicarius Christi Stephen
Key Facts
Other names Carloman
Location St. Denis, Paris (Frankish Empire)
Bloodline Carolingian
Married Yes.
Children Stephen, Adrian
Position Vicarius Christi (752-757)
Source of Facts and Important Announcement
Under Article 64.6 of the Covenant of One-
Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caelum)
Status by Special Qualification shall be known as a
Saint, with all sins and evil acts they
performed forgiven.
Day of Redemption GAIA
E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 also known as [Fri, 21
Dec 2012].
Date of formal
Source of Facts Self Confession and
Revelation of Sainthood by the Deceased
Spirit as condition of their confirmation as a
true Saint.
Self Confession and Revelation of
Source of Sainthood by the Deceased Spirit as
Facts condition of their confirmation as a true
where "Pope" Stephen crowned King Pepin (his uncle) as
patricius Romanorum (Patrician of the Romans).
Influential People
Key Facts
Carolus Magnus Charles the Great
Born 747
Location Paris, Frankish Capital
Bloodline Carolingian
Married Yes.
Children Yes.
King of the Franks (768-814), King of
Lombards (774-814), Emperor (800-814)
Died January 814 (age 67)
besieged. The city was captured in 774 and Desiderius and his
entire family with any claims to the Lombard throne were
summarily executed--punishment for the death of Carloman.
The Lombards were finished.
(named Carloman) as King of Italy and his youngest Louis,
King of Acquitaine.
(English), Latin and Greek. His final wishes were honored for
four centuries until the codex was refound by Frederick II in
1215 and immediately removed. The codex has not been seen
since. It is unlikely such a priceless object --even if it
represents a grave danger -- would have been destroyed.
Influential People
Francis of Assisi
Key Facts
Giovanni Bernardone Morosini (Moriconi)
Born 1181
Location Paris, France
Bloodline Morosini
Married Yes
Children Unknown
Founder of the Frari, 1st Christian Doge of
Venice (1249-1253)
Died January 1253 (Aged 72)
By the time of the death of "Saint" Francis of Assisi - Satanic
Persian Bloodline Giovanni Bernadone Morosini (Moriconi)
owning Genoa, Venice and Rome - Running all the trade from
China, India and Europe - in 1253, he had indeed fulfilled his
audacious promise.
However, prior to the 13th Century, the ancient Persian
families, that dominated the Pisan Empire and its major cities
such as Pisa, Genoa and Venice, had considered no compelling
reason to convert to Christianity from Manichean (Persian
Occult Theology). Therefore, Pietro Bernadone Morosini was
almost certainly a Kabbalist and not Christian at this time.
One Million people tortured and burnt alive.
inheritance of the most powerful trading empire (Pisa) in the
(Francis) recognized that only through the renouncing of
personal property claims, even property claims of great
houses, to then administer such property as "custodians" in
absolute poverty could trading empires like Pisa and its city
states such as Venice hope to succeed. Furthermore, that such
people assigned to such office must administer their role with
military self-discipline.
navigation, in exchange for the loyalty and profit share with
Giovanni then left Venice for Spain and England to recruit the
best navigators he could find for his new school and religious
order in Venice.
While the idea of a socialist, fraternal brotherhood, sworn to
absolute poverty, obedience and humility was an
extraordinarily radical idea, especially to a pagan city state as
Venice, so successful were the "frari" of Giovanni (Francis)
that in 1223, Venice was declared a Christian state, the whole
Minori Consiglio (Minor Council) of Venice was converted to a
religious fraternity (brotherhood) "en mass" known as Ordo
Fraternum Minori or “Fraternal Order of Frugality” later
known by the late 13th Century as the “Franciscans” headed
by a Minister-General.
It is sad that the myths of the man overtook the reality of his
achievements as a man of real history. In truth, the works of
Giovanni known as "Francis of Assisi" were extraordinary, for
any time in history. He was a man who turned his back on the
greatest personal fortune of his time. He restored the values
and disciplines of Jesus Christ back into Europe through the
Franciscans headquartered in Venice. He successfully
converted much of the Pisan Empire to Christianity. He re-
established the framework of law necessary for trade done in
good faith, with clean hands, without prejudice or vexation.
He transformed the Roman Cult into a proper international
institution. Most importantly, he genuinely cared for the poor
and had the vision and foresight to recognize the future of the
Church remaining in control needed discipline and genuine
holiness, not simply "window dressing"
Influential People
Key Facts
Born 1166
Location Le Mans, France
Bloodline House of Plantagenet
Married Eleanor of Aquitaine
William, Henry Richard Geoffrey, Matilda,
Leonora, Joan, John
Position King of England (1199-1216)
Died October 1216 (Aged 50)
When his father (King Henry II) died in July 1189, Richard
became the new King and left by 1190 on the Third Crusade
(1190-1194). As had been the tradition since the reign of his
father, it was the Lord High Steward--the highest of all
officials that held rule in the absence of the King, in this case
old Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester.
When John approached London with his militia, Robert de
Beaumont was thrown into the Tower of London and died
within the year. However, John did not have the support of
the majority of Barons, nor the church and could not convince
enough for his crowning in opposition to his absent brother.
Instead, Robert (the younger) de Beaumont (4th Earl of
Leicester) took up the mantle as new Lord High Steward
rallied the barons in support of Richard against John forcing
him to abandon London for Gascony and the protection of
Simon IV (Montfort), Duke of Gascony by 1191.
Without this influx of wealth, it is doubtful that King John
would have survived past 1205. It also strengthened the bonds
between the Roman Cult, the Venetians and England.
In May 1213, John surrendered England and Ireland to
become the legal property of the Roman Cult and antiPope
Innocent III as his feudal overlord. In exchange, the Pope
pledged to wage a Holy Crusade against France in defence of
the rights of his English vassal.
Influential People
Simon IV de Montfort
Key Facts
Born 1160
Location Gascony
Bloodline Montfort
Children Simon V de Montfort
4th Lord High Steward of England (1206-
Died 1218 (Aged 58)
knights a diversionary tale to keep historians from recognizing
the role of the Fourth Crusade as a joint business venture
purely to plunder.
the sea, plundering and destroying Béziers. However, the
quick victories were soon turned as Toulouse failed to fall
under the command of Raymond of Toulouse during 1210.
Influential People
AntiPope Innocent III
Key Facts
Other names Lotario de' Conti di Segni
Born 1160
Location Gavignano, Italy
Children Ugolino di Conti (Pope Gregory IX)
Position Pope (1198-1216)
Died June 1216
and the Nazarenes. Two Cistercian Inquisitors and a band of
papal militia were sent to Albigenses in France to demand
they cease such practices as living peacefully and without
church lords.
illustration which shows a wolf in friar's clothing with a
pronged weapon demanding alms from a cloven-footed
creature with a curled tail. This doe-eyed composite animal
satirically represents believers in Jesus Christ whom the
general populace called "pigs with crosses".
Portugal, of all the Scandinavian lands, of the Kingdom of Hungary,
of the Slav State of Bohemia, of Servia, Bosnia, Bulgeria, and
Poland. 1204 Of crimes against humanity (1204) That Pope
Innocent III did authorize the attack, theft and murder of the
inhabitants of Constantinople, many of whom were Christians. Up to
100,000 innocent women, men and children were slaughtered. 1204
Of historic obstruction and deprivation of basic human rights for the
purpose of racism : (1204 CE) That Pope Innocent III did introduce
for the first time, a law requiring Jews to wear distinctive clothing
for easy identification. Furthermore, the Pope orders that Jews are to
be forbidden from being sold food during Passion week in the hope
of starving them. The Roman Catholic Church reintroduce the
special clothing identification of Jews several times again before
architecting the “Final Solution” during the Catholic Nazi System of
the mid-twentieth century. Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for
the purpose of crime : (1206) That Dominic, also known as St.
Dominic did conspire with Pope Innocent III to reinvigorate the
income stream from sale of icons by claiming to have seen an
apparition of Mary with Rosary beads. Pope grants St. Dominic his
own order and effective control of any wealth gathered through the
Albigense crusades against the Cathars in France. To this day, this
simple false enterprise of icon worship and use has generated over
$3 Billion (2006 US equivalent currency) alone for the Roman
Catholic Church.
Of crimes against humanity : (1208-38) Albigenses 1,000,000
Albigensians (Cathars) perish in south of France after Innocent III
launches holy war described as one of history's most terrible
Of crimes against humanity : (1208) St Nazair 12,000 are
slaughtered at Cathedral of St Nazair. Of crimes against humanity :
(1208) Toulouse 10,000 are executed by Bishop Folque of Toulouse.
Of crimes against humanity : (1208-9) Beziers (France) 1000,000
Cathari are slaughtered by Catholic Church commanding legate
Arnaud; Of crimes against humanity : (1209) 7000 massacred in La
Madeleine Church alone. Of obstruction of fundamental principles
of being human and human dignity : (1210)
Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) issues bull banning reading of
Aristotle in Paris; another bull is issued in 1215. Of crimes against
humanity : (1212) That Pope Innocent III did devise a terrible and
evil strategy by issuing a Papal Bull authorizing children to launch
their own crusade against the Muslims. Over the over 200,000
children that are released by the parents, a third die from the
journey, a third are taken by the Catholic Church for ritual satanic
sacrifices and the remainder are sold to slave traders for tremendous
profits. Because the Papal Bull absolves the Catholic Church from
all liability, neither the parents, nor sovereign nations can say or do
a thing upon this evil act. Of obtaining profits from crime : (1213)
England/Ireland England and Ireland become papal fiefs. Of
obstructing of fundamental rights of decency and goodness : That in
1215 , the Lateran Council of the Catholic Church votes into church
law (Canon Law) the penalty of death for all cases of heresy, so that
church law now equates exactly to “civil law” created by Christian
Emperor Just Influential People
Influential People
Key Facts
Other names Cencio Savelli
Born 1148
Location Rome, Italy
Bloodline Savelli
Position Pope (1216-1227)
Died March 1227
III (1191–98) he was treasurer of the Roman Church.
Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church 1194 until 1198.
But arguably his finest contribution in literature was one of
history's most notorious black magic books, Grimoire of
Honorius the Great, focusing especially on human sacrifice for
the purpose of establishing the proper existence of witchcraft
and the auto da fé openly satanic human sacrifices managed
by the religious orders.
AntiPope Gregory IX
Key Facts
Ugolino di Conti
Born 1170
Location Anagni, Italy
Family Son of Innocent III
Rinaldo de' Conti di Segni (Pope
Alexander IV)
Position Pope (1227-1241)
Died August 1241
"the layman, when he hears any speak ill of the Christian faith,
to defend it not with words but with the sword, which he
should thrust into the other's belly as far as it will go"
(Chronicles of the Crusades, G. de Villehardouin, p. 148).
Pope Gregory IX was succeeded by Pope Innocent IV (1243-
Historic Organizations
The Jesuits
Key Facts
Society of Jesus, The Company of Jesus,
Other names
The Company
1540 Papal bull Regimini militantis
Year of origin ecclesiae ("To the Government of the
Church Militant")
Founder Ignatius of Loyola
Headquarters Church of the Gesù, Rome
Head of Superior General
Current Leader Adolfo Nicolás
Members 17,000 (2015)
Philosophy of the Jesuit Military Order
Unique features of the Jesuit Military Order
commerce and banking - a right that had not been granted to
any religious order of the Catholic Church since the Knights
Templars four hundred years earlier.
and regions of peoples from 1579 including English (1579
reconstituted), German and Hungarian(1580
reconstituted), Greek (1579), Polish (1583), Scottish
(1601), Irish (1628), Belgian (1844), French (1853), South
America (1858), North America (1859), Croatian (1863),
Armenian (1885), Canadian (1887), Nepomuceno (Czech)
(1888), Spanish (1892), Marionite (1893), Portuguese
(1901),Brazil (1934), Filipino (1961) and Ethiopian
Jesuit Superior General Claudio Acquaviva (1581 - 1615 ) soon
put this to good use when in 1580, he ordered Fr Vilela S.J. to
purchase of the port of Nagasaki from a local Japanese
warlord. General Acquaviva then sent Alessandro Valignano
S.J. back to manage the new commercial mission.
one of the most profitable companies of history thanks to its
control of spices, slaves, drugs and plantations. The Jesuits
only lost control in 1773 at the disbandment of the Order.
simultaneous raids. In exchange, Pope Clement was given
back Avignon and Benevento to the Papal states for "services
rendered" to the Royal houses.
Stanislaus Czerniewicz died on July 7, 1785 and the Fathers
called the Second Congregation of White Russia to elect a
successor. They elected as Vicar General Father Gabriel
Lenkiewicz on September 27.
and for the following two years during the Jesuit "reign of
terror" over 40,000 people were executed, mostly without
even a trial.
The revolution itself did not at first advance the cause of the
Jesuits to see their reinstatement. Instead, it gave renewed
confidence to their ability to topple even the oldest of
monarchies and so gave rise to the audacious plan to capture
the Pope and the wealth of the Catholic Church.
In New York, the stolen French gold was placed in the care of
the Bank of New York (founded 1784) and the newly formed
Bank of the Manhattan Company (now JP Morgan Chase
However, Pope Pius VI arranged his own peace treaty with
Napoleon as Tolentino on February 19, 1797. It took the
Jesuits arranging the murder of French brigadier-general
Mathurin-Léonard Duphot in Rome, to get Napoleon to finally
complete the task of arresting the Pope. Six weeks after the
Pope’s transfer to the poor conditions of the citadel of
Valence, he died on August 29, 1799.
loyalty; (3) That the Pope get back control of the Papal
territories and (4) That some of the funds of the Catholic
church controlled by the Vatican would be returned.
plan that would ultimately destroy Germany as Stalin’s
behaviour against his own country and people was nothing
other than treacherous.
the new guard, the “New World Order” headed by the
American-Canadian Jesuits and allies along with English and
even Australian Jesuits.
By 1946, after the end of World War II, the two warring sides
of Jesuits in Europe and the Americas finally arranged 5to
elect a new Superior-General in Belgium borne Jean Baptiste
Janssens (1946-1964). Following the death of Jean Baptiste
Janssens, the divisions in philosophy and approaches between
Jesuits of North America versus Europe continued to widen.
Upon the death of Pedro Arrupe SJ in 1983, the Dutch born
Peter Hans Kolvenbach was elected Superior General (1983-
2008) until his decision to resign in 2008.
Historic Organizations
Holy See
Key Facts
The Sea, Sedes Sacrorum, Santa Sede,
Other names
De SS.
Year of origin 1250
Founder Pope Innocent IV, 1250
Headquarters Vatican City State , Rome
Head of
The Pope
Current Leader Pope Francis
Church (Universal Ecclesia) and its Curia of Bishops claim
historical recognition as a sovereign entity with superior legal
The Roman Cult that held control over the Catholic Church
until 2013, falsely maintained that the first person to use the
concept of the Holy See was St. Peter. This of course, is
impossible as the etymology of the word "Sedes" (See) and its
associated meaning were not in existence until hundreds of
years after the execution of St. Peter in 70 CE at the Siege of
The first use of the word "see" was as the informal name of the
forged "Chair of St. Peter"created by the monks of St. Denis
Abbey, Paris on behalf of Pepin the Short around 748 in
anticipation of his coronation and proof of the legitimacy of
the Pippin claims in creating the Universal Ecclesia of the
Catholic Church. It comes from the Old French word sied and
sed which in turn comes from the Latin sedem (nom. sedes)
meaning "seat, abode" and also sedere "to sit". The formal
name for the chair was (and still is) Cathedra Petri--literally
"chair of St. Peter"
When the chair was created at St. Denis, so was the legal
concept of the chair literally representing the legitimate sedes
or "seat" of power of the Vicarius Christi. This was in direct
confrontation to the legal position of the Primate and
Patriarch of Constantinople claiming to be the sedes or "seat"
of Christianity.
in 757 -- the first time in history a "Pope" had ever sat on a
seat carrying this title.
Over the centuries, many chair of St. Peter has been variously
stolen, vandalized beyond repair, burnt and lost. However,
like the false claims of apostolic succession contained in the
masterwork forgery known as Liber Pontificalis, the chair of
St. Peter claims an unbroken succession of Popes having
physically sat on its seat.
In his first year in office, works on St Mark's Basilica was
expanded and the very first Bucentaur (state galley) was
constructed. Doge Giovanni then called upon AntiPope
Innocent IV (1243-1254) to give him is papal ring--his symbol
of authority.
The word "Indies" does not refer to the Islands now known as
the Caribbean, but a term defining the Roman Catholic
concept of human "creatures" subject to the Popes claimed
legal control.
The extended legal term of the Holy See being the legal
personality of the Roman Catholic Church encompassing the
whole oceans and all land was further refined in the Papal Bull
Dudum siquidem dated September 25, 1493 entitled
Extension of the Apostolic Grant and Donation of the Indies,
the Pope granted to Spain even those lands in eastern waters
that "at one time or even yet belonged to India." This
nullification of Portugal's aspirations led to the 1494 Treaty of
Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal, which moved the line
a little further west to 39°53'W.
Initially, the division line did not explicitly extend around the
globe. Spain and Portugal could pass each other toward the
west or east, respectively, on the other side of the globe and
still possess whatever they were first to discover. In response
to Portugal's discovery of the Spice Islands in 1512, the
Spanish put forward the idea, in 1518, that Pope Alexander
had divided the world into two halves. The antipodal line in
the eastern hemisphere was then established by the Treaty of
Saragossa (1529) near 145°E.
His torturers and special militia were then blessed with being
sworn into the highest sacred order of the Roman Cult-- the
SS or the Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum.
represent the interests of the Holy See as its primary order of
Holy Knights-- the SS (Sedes Sacrorum or Holy See).
Historic Organizations
The Catholic Church
Key Facts
Universal Ecclesia, Holy Catholic
Other names
Year of origin 742
Pepin the Short, Carloman, Winfred
Headquarters St. Denis Bascilica, Paris
Head of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ) and
Organization Primate
Pope Francis (March 14th 2013) as Vicar
Current Leader
of Christ
Members 1.2 Billion (2012)
By the 6th Century, Rome was but a shell of its former glory.
The city had suffered several sackings, burnings and plagues
over the last two hundred years and remained firmly resistant
to the "faith of Constantinople" by adhering to its pagan roots.
This total period in which absolutely no possible apostolic
succession could ever have taken place is approximately 172
years - the single largest break in the history of pre-Christian
sects and Christianity and Rome.
of honor. Legally, under such a decree Charles Martel could
not be crowned a Christian king whilst being under a Christian
excommunication. Nor for that matter could any of his family
unless a force equal or greater to Constantinople existed to
legally neutralize such an excommunication.
The seat of the family power was St. Denis Palace five miles
north from the centre of Paris-- a magnificent palace and the
first Gothic construction in History. The site was later claimed
to be the originate site of the tomb of St. Denis ("Dionysus").
This misleading historical myth is no earlier than the 14th
Century. Nor was it the site of the Royal tombs of the
Merovingians before the 8th Century --most having been
moved there after the palace was massively renovated to
become the 1st church of the Catholic Church from 742.
The first major task that Charles Martel issued to Bede was for
his team of scholars to forge a new "common" language for the
Frankish Kingdom. This language was to be called Anglaise or
"English" and it was to be free from the clutches of the Holy
Roman Emperors of Constantinople and their Latin and
Greek. Secondly, Charles wanted all his people to hear the
Christian Bible in their new common tongue.
the death of their powerful father, the brothers were tested by
resistence and some acts of rebellion through Hunoald of
Aquitaine in 742, the Saxons and even Odilo of Bavaria.
Upon hearing of the synod and the new name for the fledgling
"Catholic Church", Holy Roman Emperor Constantine V (741-
775), son of Emperor Leo III responded by calling the Franks
"Iconodules" (Greek eikono-doulos meaning "one who serves
(false) images"). The insult probably had the opposite effect in
encouraging the sons of Charles Martel to redouble their
efforts. Yet, the label had a lasting historic effect and served as
a perfect "icon" itself to misrepresent and hide the truth of the
formation of the new Catholic Church as some petty "picture
By 745, the rebellion was put down and Carloman and Pepin
focused their attention on the plan to strengthen the claim of
the Catholic Church superior to Constantinople and therefore
finally release themselves from the bond of excommunication.
By no later than 746, work must have been well underway on
completing the drafting of the Donation of Constantine at St.
Denis Abbey as well as the earliest draft of the Vulgate --
based on the Latin writings of St. Jerome.
With the mythical story of St. Peter somehow being the first
Vicar of Rome underway, the forged Donation of Constantine
claiming Constantine gave his spiritual authority as "founder
of Christianity" to a Vicar located in Old Rome, all that was
left was to invade Italy, capture Rome and establish the office
of Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ).
In a bold move in the same year (751), Zacharias anointed his
younger brother Winfred as his emissary, while Pepin created
yet two more forgeries- the Chair of St. Peter and the
document known as the Letter of St. Peter from which the
concept of Peter's Pence was born.
Pontificalus -- until a complete succession of "Popes" could be
claimed from St. Peter to "Pope Stephen".
This act of Pepin has two fundamental effects for his fledgling
Catholic Church. Firstly, it meant there existed vast land
holdings now in control of the Pope as absolute Monarch -
unprecedented power for a high priest of any religion. Even
the Patriarch Primate of the Christian Church in
Constantinople was subservient to the Emperor -- in
recognition of how christianity was first formed by Holy
Roman Emperor Constantine.
The second effect of Pepin's Donation (Donation of Pepin) was
that it validated in an unprecedented way the claimed
apostolic succession and story of the Donation of Constantine,
the Liber Pontificalis, St Peter's Chair, Peter's Pence and all
the other forgeries manufactured at St. Denis less than 10
years previously.
Due to internal rebellion and family rivalry, the Franks did not
manage to mount a counter attack until at least 867. In one of
the most extraordinary frauds claimed for this period, the
Roman Cult maintains that the mortal enemy of the Franks-
the Byzantine Christian Emperor Basil I somehow entered
into a treaty with the leader of the Catholic Church Emperor
Louis to provide a fleet so that Louis could re-capture Rome --
presumably to reclaim the authenticity of the Catholic Church,
only 125 years old at that time.
Legitimate Catholic Pope Clement II became the first Catholic
Pope to return to Rome since Adrian II. Clement then
remained in power until the death of the Emperor in 1056.
Once the Roman Cult had the original records concerning the
formation of Christianity, it was only a matter of time before a
truce could be forced to ensure the Roman Cult could
maintain its parasitic control over Catholicism. This event
occurred at the Concordat of Worms in 1123 between Roman
Cult leader Callixtus II and Holy Catholic Emperor Henry V.
Legitimate Popes of the Catholic Church
Historic Organizations
Imperial Religion of Christianity
Key Facts
Christianity, (incorrectly - Orthodox
Other names
Year of origin 325
Founder Emperor Constantine I
Headquarters Vatican, Rome (March 14th 2013)
Head of
Primate and Patriarch of Constantinople
Patriarch (Pope) Francis (March 14,
Current Leader
Members 2.2 Billion (2013)
• Nicaea [787 CE]
• Constantinople [692 CE]
• Constantinople [869 CE]
• Constantinople [879 CE]
• Constantinople [1082 CE]
• Constantinople [1166]
• Constantinople [1285]
• Constantinople [1341/49/51]
Historic Organizations
Key Facts
Holly New Roman Empire, Holy Roman
Other names Empire, Eastern Roman Empire Byzantine
Year of origin 326
Founder Emperor Constantine
Headquarters Constantinople (Byzantium)
Head of Emperor, the Emperor/Patriarch (from end
Organization 4th C and Primate from 7th C)
Current Leader None
Members None-extinct
The word Ilex which is an ancient Latin word for Holly (from
which the word Holy is derived) itself is a construct of two
Latin words i = One and lex = Law--hence Ilex also means
"One Law" and "Primary Law" as well as Holly.
Today not one single history book accurately lists the correct
title of the Roman Empire reconstituted under Constantine as
the "Holy New Roman Empire", nor is there any accurate
academic reference to his role as founder of Christianity as the
Imperial Religion.
End of the Holly New Roman Empire
While both Emperors and clergy are listed after this date, both
their tenure and policies were subject to the whims of the
Roman Cult who from this date onward held crucial
instruments of power in relation to the formation and history
of Christianity.
The last ruler to claim the title of "Holy Roman Emperor" was
Francis II, who abdicated and dissolved the Empire during the
Napoleonic Wars in 1806.
The Roman Cult
Key Facts
Mother Church, Roman Cult, Magna Mater,
Other names
Mary Cult, Vatican Cult, The Papacy
Year of origin 1057
Pagan convert Pontifex Paximum Gregory
VII as Pope
Headquarters Vatican (Temple to Magna Mater) , Rome
Head of Pontifex Maximus, Roman Pontiff, Supreme
Organization Pontiff
None. Dissolved 28th February 2013 in
fulfilment, completion and satisfaction of
Prophecy of St Malachy (Moloch), Prophecy
of Fatima, Prophecies of Mary, Prophecy of
Kew and Covenant of One Heaven.
Members 0
The Roman Cult was never Christian nor ever the legitimate
leadership of the Catholic Church. Instead, Rome since its
utter destruction and condemnation by Constantine, from 313
CE was always considered the AntiChrist and the sworn
enemy of everything sacred and associated with the principles
and teachings of Christianity. However, through a relentless
campaign to seize and consolidate its power, this relatively
small band of necromancers eventually controlled the destiny
of over one billion good, Christian and ethical Catholics, who
remained tricked into believing the legitimacy of the Roman
Cult until the dissolution of its power in 2013 in accord with
the Prophecy of Kew sacred Covenant Pactum de
Singularis Caelum.
evil being the giant Phrygianum atop Vatican Hill since the
2nd Century CE.
Since the 1st Century BCE, its high priests known as "Pontiffs"
-- a hereditary position controlled by a handful of ancient
families -- claimed the ancient pre-Republic title of Pontifex
Maximus after the Roman Emperors assumed themselves as
high priest of the state cult of Magna Mater (Cybele) under
the influence of the African Emperors in the 2nd Century CE.
Rome then remains a ghost city and vast ruins until 1057
when of Pietro Leoni, also known as St. Peter and Peter the
Apostle, ordered the creation of a modest palace (Lateran
Palace) midst the ruins declaring himself King of Rome. Both
Pietro Leoni and Gregory VII were captured and executed by
Henry IV of German in 1084.
In 1046, the forces of Holy Catholic Emperor Henry III
invaded Italy and executed every last member of the Tusculum
bloodline they could find - Gregory VI (1045-1046) being the
last fully fledged pagan Pontifex Maximus of Rome.
Thus from 1057, Hilderbrand named himself Pontifex
Maximus Gregory VII in honor of the slain Tusculum satanic
nobles and with the protection of the Spanish Borja mercenary
brothers began reforming the satanic cults of Italy into the
Roman Cult.
Gregory further introduced innovations to reinforce the myth
that the Latins had "always" been Catholic by introducing new
forged texts such as the Dictatus papae -- a compilation 27
axiomatic statements to claim not only that the Latins were
always Catholic but to begin to indoctrinate the heretical
demonic doctrine of Cybele into the liturgy of the Catholic
promptly tried, excommunicated and executed as a heretic of
the Catholic Church.
The stories of Zotto and the few remaining Roman Cult priests
along with the remnants of the Borja mercenary army
surviving is a deliberate myth formulated no earlier than the
16th Century CE.
Concordat of Worms
Epistole Apokalypsis meaning "message from Heaven" and
later known as The Apocalypse, the reason the AntiChrist
(Rome and Roman Empire) was, is and has always been the
only true AntiChrist may be defined as nine (9) aspects being:
Tyranny, Injustice, Corruption, Deception, Malevolence,
Falsity, Blasphemy, Apostacy and Insanity:
Period Name
1056- Gregory I
Theophylactus of Tusculum
1084 (VII)
Victor I (III) Landalf of Benevento
1119- Pietro II Leoni Orsini, son of
Callixtus I (II)
1130 Pietro Leoni
1130- Pietro III Leoni Orsini, son of
Innocens I (II)
1143 Pietro II Leoni
1187- Alexander I Pietro Orseolo, son of Pietro III
1198 (III) Leoni
1187- Gregorius II Giacinto Orsini, son of Pietro
1198 (VIII) Orseolo
1198- Innocens II Lotario Savelli di Conti, related to
1216 (III) Orsini
1216- Honorius I
Cencio Savelli di Conti
1227 (III)
1227- Gregory III
Ugolino Savelli di Conti
1241 (IX)
1241- Innocent III Matteo Rosso Orsini, son of
1254 (IV) Giacinto Orsini
Alexander II
(IV) Rinaldo Savelli di Conti
Urban II (IV) Giovanni Colonna
Gregory IV (X) Tedaldo Visconti of Pisa
1274- Innocent IV
Ottaviano Savelli di Conti
1277 (V)
1277- Nicholas I Giovanni Caetani-Orsini, son of
1285 (III) Matteo Rosso Orsini
1285- Honorius II Giovanni Visconti, son of Tedaldo
1288 (IV) Visconti of Pisa
1288- Nicholas II Giacomo Savelli, son of Ugolino
1294 (IV) Savelli di Conti
1294- Boniface I
Benedetto Caetani-Orsini
1314 (VIII)
1314- Peter von Aspelt formerly of
John I (XXII)
1347 Mainz
1347- Innocent V
Matteo Orsini
1362 (VI)
* All Popes since the 14th Century until March 14th 2013 have
been members of the Roman Cult.
Historic Organizations
The Illuminati
Key Facts
Other names Order of Perfectibilists
Year of origin 1785
Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Founder (1745–1804), Gabriel Lenkiewicz (1785-
Headquarters Windsor Castle, England
Prelate of Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Head of
Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Of Rhodes
and Of Malta
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Dame
Current Leader Hospitaller, Mathew Festing as Grand
Master both reporting to Prelate
Members 36,000
Background Events
The Illuminati secret cell model of Weishaupt is credited with
saving many hundreds of Jesuits throughout Europe and was
used to extreme effect in the planning of the French
Revolution some years later. He is the first to conceive of the
"perfect terrorist cell" model, since used by many political-
military factions to this day.
Upon the Jesuit victory over the Papacy and the restoration of
the order by the Papal letter "Solicitudine Omnium
Ecclesiarum" on August 14, 1814, a new order of power was
established, with the Illuminati in an important position.
The Jesuit Superior General was now the most powerful
position in the world, followed by his substantial apparatus
including other Jesuits, Jesuit sponsored banks, businesses,
military manufacturers.
establish a global legal framwork protecting both the Roman
Cult first and then the Jesuits as "technically" a subsidiary
order from all possible legal prosecution.
Historic Organizations
Key Facts
Nasi, "Knights", "Knights of the Reich",
Other names
"Holy Knights of the Reich"
Year of origin 1933
Archbishop Cardinal
Founder(s) Pacelli, Superior General
Fr.Wlodimir Ledochowski S.J.
First Leader: Führer (Fr.) Adolf Hitler
Headquarters Berlin (to 1945), Washington DC since 1945
Head of ReichFührer (1st being Fr. H. Himmler
Organization S.J.)
Current Leader Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Members 250,000
The Nazis
The term Nazi was first publicly used as the rebranded name
for the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in
1933 upon devout Catholic leader --known as "Father" or
Führer--(Fr.) Adolf Hitler assuming office as German
Adolf Hitler first came into contact with the DAP around June
1919--five months after its formation-- as a double agent and
intelligence officer of the Catholic controlled Bavarian
Reichswehr Group tasked with reporting on their activities.
His acceptance into the ranks of the Catholic Bavarian
Reichswehr intelligence network was thanks to the support of
his patron Catholic Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Cardinal
Eugenio Pacelli, based in Munich at the time.
unemployed minor party member to savior of the DAP by
providing all the necessary gold to keep the Münchener
Beobachter (Munich Observer ) and the DAP afloat.
Later, the Jesuits wrote the lie in Mein Kampf that this
strategic decision to change the party was made by erratic
alcoholic and drug addict Dietrich Eckart. What is never
mentioned is that Hitler came bearing millions of dollars of
gold seemingly out of "thin air" to turn a small eccletic band
into a political movement.
Now with his protege in charge, Pacelli pushed for the NSDAP
to accelerate its transformation. Soon after being appointed
Führer, Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski provided
Jesuit priests to Adolf Hitler in 1921 to help establish a
paramilitary wing to the NSDAP to be known as the
Sturmabteilung (SA) also known as “Brownshirts” first headed
by Ernst Röhm. The new official insignia of the party, the
swastika was also adopted.
Yet, it was the imprisonment of Hitler (albeit for an incredibly
short 12 months until December 20, 1924) that turned out to
be a major propaganda win by Pacelli and the Jesuits for their
protégé. Hitler may have been a remarkable orator, but was as
good at writing as painting. While at Lansberg Prison, Hitler
was visited several times by Bernhardt Staempfle S.J. for the
painful process of extracting the outline of an autobiography
and political manifesto to be called Mein Kampf “My Life”.
The arrival of Fr Himmler S.J. and the Nazis
The ridiculous nature of these lies are easily exposed when the
facts are considered that Hitler’s main claim to fame in 1925
was as a book writer and budding political philosopher,
surrounded by a tight group of individuals each providing key
skills such as Rudolf Hess-personal private secretary, Ernst
Hanfstaengl-media, Hans Frank-Lawyer and Julius Schreck-
personal security. Furthermore, the NDSAP was a publicly
banned organization until May 1927.
Skull and Bones was incorporated by Fr Himmler into the
military insignia of the Schutzstaffel but not the infamous SS
until after the 1933 Concordat.
It was March 1933 that the world saw the word “Nazi”
unleashed as a political religious force in the elections
following the destruction of the Reichstag (Parliament) by
Schutzstaffel agents and blamed on communists.
1933 marks the first year the religious word Nazi (from
Hebrew Nasi meaning “Knight”) was used as the official new
name of the NDSAP in government.
The word Nazi/Nasi dates back to the time of the Sanhedrin
councils of Palestine first formed by the Romans in the 1st
Century BCE. To members of modern Judaism, the Nasi were
the appointed spiritual leaders of the Sanhedrin as opposed to
the temporal leadership of the High Priest of the Main
Temple. While there is some uncertainty as to the credibility
of all the claimed history of the office of Nasi and the
bloodline of Rabbinical Scholars of the House of Hillel, there
is no doubt the position existed at some point.
The simple fact is that the 16th century word and label “Jew”
masked two distinct and wholly separate ancient
religious/cultural/racial groups with absolutely nothing in
common except a history of antipathy, hatred, war and
rebirth. The Sarmatian/Sephardic/Sadducee priest-kings
from the North, inventors of Hebrew, descendents of the
Phoenicians being the mortal enemies of the southern
Sephardic/Aramaic/Sadducee priest kings of Yahud (Judah).
The term “Jew” is equivalent to saying all the people in the
Middle East are “Easterners”—falsely claiming a homogeny
and cultural identifiable unity.
them by the deliberately misleading name of the “Global
Jewish Bankers”.
The fact that Hitler could do nothing against Himmler at the
end of the war when it is universally recognized that Himmler
was seeking to broker some kind of personal peace deal is
more than enough evidence to conclude Hitler was part-
puppet to larger forces.
Finally, the fact that neither Hitler nor any of his henchmen
ever attempted to assassinate Himmler, in spite of his open
usurping of Hitler’s authority on many occasions, is indication
the title of Reichführer-Nazi SS and the meaning of the SS is
extremely significant.
Himmler best translates into the new Grand Inquisitor and
that over 18 million innocent people were burned alive in
human sacrifice camps in Poland and Russia, then the SS were
without doubt the new “Holy Army” of a great inquisition
against “heretics” orchestrated by the Vatican, Rome.
Historic Organizations
Nazi SS (Sedes Sacrorum)
Key Facts
Nasi SS, "Knights", "Knights of the Sedes
Other names
Sacrorum ", "Knights of the Holy See "
Year of origin 1933
Archbishop Cardinal
Founder(s) Pacelli, Superior General
Fr.Wlodimir Ledochowski S.J.
RiechFührer (1st being Fr. H. Himmler
First Leader:
Headquarters Berlin (to 1945), Washington DC since 1945
Head of RiechFührer (1st being Fr. H. Himmler
Organization S.J.)
Director, SS (Secret Service), Washington
Current Leader
Members 10,000
The Nazis
The term Nazi was first publicly used as the rebranded name
for the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in
1933 upon devout Catholic leader --known as "Father" or
Führer--(Fr.) Adolf Hitler assuming office as German
The Nazi SS were also formally given birth under the Reich
Concordat of 1933 with its first Superior General being
Reichführer (Superior Father/General) Fr. Heinrich
Himmler S.J. who personally attended the signing
ceremony of the Reich Concordat in Rome (1933). Under the
Reich Concordat, the Reichführer –having the same rank as a
Senior Roman Catholic Cardinal --is the superior to the
Führer, the “lay” representative of the Nazi (Knights).
its primary order of Holy Knights-- the SS (Sedes Sacrorum or
Holy See).
- the extremist German Workers' Party (Arbeiterpartei, DAP)
first founded by Anton Drexler (1884-1942) including others
such as Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer.
Adolf Hitler first came into contact with the DAP around June
1919--five months after its formation-- as a double agent and
intelligence officer of the Catholic controlled Bavarian
Reichswehr Group tasked with reporting on their activities.
His acceptance into the ranks of the Catholic Bavarian
Reichswehr intelligence network was thanks to the support of
his patron Catholic Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Cardinal
Eugenio Pacelli, based in Munich at the time.
(NSDAP) --National Socialist German Workers' Party and the
name of its paper to Völkischer Beobachter (People’s
Observer) after its purchase by the re-named NSDAP from the
Thule Society.
Later, the Jesuits wrote the lie in Mein Kampf that this
strategic decision to change the party was made by erratic
alcoholic and drug addict Dietrich Eckart. What is never
mentioned is that Hitler came bearing millions of dollars of
gold seemingly out of "thin air" to turn a small eccletic band
into a political movement.
Now with his protege in charge, Pacelli pushed for the NSDAP
to accelerate its transformation. Soon after being appointed
Führer, Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski provided
Jesuit priests to Adolf Hitler in 1921 to help establish a
paramilitary wing to the NSDAP to be known as the
Sturmabteilung (SA) also known as “Brownshirts” first headed
by Ernst Röhm. The new official insignia of the party, the
swastika was also adopted.
NSDAP demonstrated a complete lack of competence in
organizing themselves into a political military force.
Within a few months of his release Fr Staempfle S.J. had
completed Volume I “A Reckoning” --12 chapters outlining the
essential arguments for Catholic Nationalism (Fascism) in
Germany peppered by semi-fiction of the life of Hitler.
our of the single word for squadron) had already started to use
the SS and skull and bones symbols, including calling their
head the Reichführer-SS and the Roman Salute (straight arm)
to their allegiance to the Vatican, Rome.
The ridiculous nature of these lies are easily exposed when the
facts are considered that Hitler’s main claim to fame in 1925
was as a book writer and budding political philosopher,
surrounded by a tight group of individuals each providing key
skills such as Rudolf Hess-personal private secretary, Ernst
Hanfstaengl-media, Hans Frank-Lawyer and Julius Schreck-
personal security. Furthermore, the NDSAP was a publicly
banned organization until May 1927.
It was March 1933 that the world saw the word “Nazi”
unleashed as a political religious force in the elections
following the destruction of the Reichstag (Parliament) by
Schutzstaffel agents and blamed on communists.
1933 marks the first year the religious word Nazi (from
Hebrew Nasi meaning “Knight”) was used as the official new
name of the NDSAP in government.
things “Jewish”. Without an understanding of true history
concerning Israel being historically a region called
Samara/Samaria and Judah being Yahud, without an
understanding of the Phoenician/Samaritan/Sephardic priest-
king bloodlines as the Khazars, the Venetians, the kings of
Septimania as but a few examples, then the use of the word
“Nasi” as “Nazi” seems absurd.
The simple fact is that the 16th century word and label “Jew”
masked two distinct and wholly separate ancient
religious/cultural/racial groups with absolutely nothing in
common except a history of antipathy, hatred, war and
rebirth. The Sarmatian/Sephardic/Sadducee priest-kings
from the North, inventors of Hebrew, descendents of the
Phoenicians being the mortal enemies of the southern
Sephardic/Aramaic/Sadducee priest kings of Yahud (Judah).
The term “Jew” is equivalent to saying all the people in the
Middle East are “Easterners”—falsely claiming a homogeny
and cultural identifiable unity.
Himmler to Reichführer (also Reichführer Nazi SS) – or
Superior General of the Knights of the Holy See.
Finally, the fact that neither Hitler nor any of his henchmen
ever attempted to assassinate Himmler, in spite of his open
usurping of Hitler’s authority on many occasions, is indication
the title of Reichführer-Nazi SS and the meaning of the SS is
extremely significant.
The real meaning of the SS of the Nazi elite
the loyal Catholic troops of the Vatican-Jesuit Inquisition of
Historic Organizations
Key Facts
Other names NWO, The Global Elite
Year of origin 1943, Tehran
Fr Edmund Walsh, S.J, Fr Joseph
Stalin S.J
Headquarters Washington DC, Moscow, London.
Heads of
Jesuit Provincial Generals
Current Leaders Jesuit Provincial Generals
Members 50,000
As the New World Order is a consortium of financial, political,
military and industrial entities, its precise structure, rules of
operation and agenda remains difficult to precisely confirm.
For example, a few dozen private banks in Europe and the
United States first formed by the Jesuits in the 18th and early
19th Century continue to remain the foundation pillars of the
global finance and credit system -- the same private banks that
have withdrawn hundreds of billions of dollars of credit from
the global financial system in 2008 and 2009 causing what
was a localized credit squeeze of bad loans into a global
historians, these men had not only shown ruthless
pragmatism in managing power until this point, but were
actively working together on a number of military and
scientific fronts until the invasion.
On December 13, 1942 (aged 76) Count Wladimir
Ledochowski died suddenly --almost certainly murdered by
the very best assassins of Fr. Himmler for his treachery in
dooming the German-Swiss –French “Illuminati” Jesuits.
It is there we see for the first time the unveiling of the public
face of the New World Order – an order of opposing “friends”
and ideologies- capitalism vs communism, but all ultimately
financed and directed from the same machine.
and has been scrutinized countless times by investigators and
co-adjutators publishing misinformation.
Thus the real power of the New World Order rests at the
lowest levels of the Jesuit structure, with one part of the Jesuit
organization never having a complete picture of what the
other side knows unless they are at the level of Provincial
The eventual truce in the civil war of the Jesuits came in the
form of a compromise of power- the New World Order is in
fact a very clear and precise six (6) level pyramid of power.
Re-constituted Illuminati Families (under the structure of the
New World Order)
United Nations
The fifth layer of the New World Order apparatus is the Holy
See. Contrary to common misinformation, the role of Pope is
now of secondary importance to the legal apparatus of the
Holy See --The Holy See, being the legal framework that
claims Vatican superiority over all other laws of man as well as
complete dominion over animals (humans being classed as
animals by their laws). It is the papacy and Vatican curia that
in recent years has waged and increasing PR war in revealing
more and more of the New World Order apparatus against the
again at the start of 2009, causing the whole financial system
to effective "seize up".
Historic Organizations
The Venetian Satanic Cult
Key Facts
Other names Holy Spirit (Fire)
Year of origin 1217
Founder Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)
Headquarters Vatican Catacombs , Rome
Head of Organization Grand Inquisitor
Current Leader
Members Less than 2000
Since the death of Baba Rabba in the 4th Century, the
various Jewish noble family states such as the Himyarites
(Yemen), Nabatea (Arabia) and Sarmara had grown in
influence that greater Sarmara had become one of the
wealthiest states in ancient history -- home to now hundreds
of thousands of people.
In 1047 King Pietro III Urseolo of Hungary was exiled with his
family from Hungary and sought refuge in Rome. During the
upheavel between the AntiPopes and the true Catholic Popes,
the son of Pietro III Urseolo whose name was Pietro Leoni
(1059-1124) (hence Pierleoni) proclaimed himself "Christian"
in order to join the Roman Cult. However, it is certain that
this Sarmatian high priest and one of the world's richest men
in history remained a dedicated follower of Ba'al Moloch.
legally being a person and instead became both a legal
personality and property. Just the simple act of
acknowledging themselves to be who they are in front of the
Inquisitor was enough for him to legally have complete control
over their destiny.
The Venetian Satanic Cult reached the height of its power less
than 80 years ago during World War II when they put into
effect under AntiPope Pius XII the greatest sacrifice of
innocent people to Moloch in history-- over 18 million people
murdered in ovens both in the Soviet Union and Poland.
The Vatican Holocaust
Part 1
But most of all, if not for the willing and complicit support by
Allied leaders not to interfere with the Vatican project,
the Nazis managed to kill more innocent people by fire in
1944 and 1945 than all the other years combined.
All photos of the camps taken by the allies since early 1940
were classified at the highest level of secrecy. Clear and
unmistakable evidence since World War II has emerged that
the allied command even went to the extraordinary length of
tracking logistical movements and likely process rates of
victims by tracking rail movements to the sacrifice camps. In
the end, they permitted not one single bomb to be dropped on
the Vatican Nazi Death camps.
At the end of the war, the first thing that the Allies did
under Eisenhower was pull down and dig up as much
incriminating evidence as possible. Many of the oven blocks---
ahead of any other buildings---were quickly dismantled and
destroyed in many camps. Some camps, such as the only
human sacrifice camp dedicated to burning children (Lodz)
was virtually wiped from history.
“We did not know”, became the official line of denial fed to the
public of the winning side. Even evidence was conveniently
“found” calling it the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”
in a former Gestapo Headquarters. The window of sacrifice
was cut short from 1939 to 1945 to just three years (1943-
1945) to minimize the complicity of Allied leaders. Yet of all
the terrible and criminal lies created by the CFR-led American
military and RIIA-led British military it was the argument that
people were gassed to death because it was “cheaper” that
remains the final and lasting insult to some of the darkest days
of human history.
creating great pits as was done during the plagues of Europe
hundreds of years before which killed ten times more people.
women of academia know in their hearts and in their fine
minds that what the Allies said after the war about “not
knowing” was just a big lie covering up something else.
1930’s Europe
The seeds from which the idea for the greatest human sacrifice
of innocent lives originated is first to be found in the changing
political fortunes of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe
following World War I.
For the first time in five centuries, the Catholic Church now
found itself free to pursue its own course, without fearing the
influence of the royal families---with one exception---
Germany. Once the German royal family was destroyed- the
church would be completely free.
It was Achille Ratti (Pope Pius XI) who devised a new
counter strategy against “modernism” through his Papal Bull
Ubi Arcano (December 1922) to encourage, promote and hand
pick Catholic men and women who would pursue the best
interests of the Church in their respective societies without
becoming priests and nuns.
Building the environment of hatred, racism against
With America now firmly a Vatican ally for the first time in
history, this left only the United Kingdom and a handful of
European governments and minorities as any threat left to
Rome when in fact, the Jesuit Order had controlled the
English monarchy, Parliament and Intelligence services since
no later than the reign of King George III.
pervasive that most Catholic Dictators were comfortable with
the idea that the public would not erupt in rebellion if
minorities were to be “safely” removed from society.
The final straw came in 1939, when the Pope planned to issue
a Papal Bull effectively making it a grave sin for any Catholic
to act against another human being based on their creed, skin
colour or political beliefs. The Jesuit superior general
intercepted the Bull before it could be promulgated as new
church law and a few days the Pope was dead, another victim
of the Company's "poison cup."
A few weeks later, Pacelli was made Pope. A few months later
the Jesuit-controlled, Roman Catholic dictators started World
War II.
With the world now at war at the end of 1939, Roman Catholic
Dictators had the perfect conditions with which to implement
the “ethnic cleansing” programs on an unprecedented scale.
Contrary to the propaganda written up by Knight of Malta
Dwight D. Eisenhower [New York Archbishop Francis
Spellman's great Allied "Crusader"] and others after the war,
1939 marks the beginning of the implementation of the “Final
Solution” designed, planned and directed by Pope Pius XII
and the Jesuits.
Why Poland?
This is true. Roman Catholic Poland was the obvious choice
for the death camps- first, because it was occupied territory
free from the gaze of citizens of Germany, Italy, Spain and the
rest of the world. It was also the center of unrivaled Jesuit
spiritual and temporal power in Europe, including Roman
Catholic Bavaria.
But there are other, more specific reasons that give flesh to the
logic of the precise locations for camps and why. The first
piece of the puzzle is to understand the hatred of Polish
Roman Catholicism towards the satanic hardliners in the
pope's Curia and Jesuits and the personal feud of the
Ledochowski family against the disgrace of their patriarch.
located at Warsaw and on the grounds of Czartoryska Palace
at Pulawy.
random and opportunistic landscape of work camps and other
death camps.
You can still easily plot this Pentagram for yourself today by
simply calling up any map of Poland.
west of this town was the Janowska Human Sacrifice Camp---
frequently misrepresented as merely a labor camp.
4. Now travel west until you travel past Krakow until just
above the town of Bielsko-Biala. This was the site of the
massive Auschwitz Human Sacrifice Camp.
5. Now travel north until you find the town of Lodz. This was
the site of the only human sacrifice camp dedicated purely to
children- the Lodz Human Sacrifice Camp.
6. Finally, travel east again until you find the small town ot
Wlodawa---almost on the border of the Ukraine---this was the
site of the Sobibor Human Sacrifice Camp.
At the time, Pope Pius XII and the Black Pope of the Jesuits
held supreme temporal power – thanks to the willing
implementation by Fr. Heinrich Himmler S.J. and Fr.
Alexander N. Poskrebyshev S.J., Soviet Lieutenant General
known as the "General of the Lubyanka" (NKVD headquarters
in Moscow), and Stalin's right hand and absolute advisor
inside the Kremlin.
Maybe the motive was the same as had been all other Satanist
leaders of the Roman Catholic Church over the centuries---to
re-establish control---to strike fear into the hearts of the
enemy---to empower and rejuvenate the "Holy Mother
Church" in accordance with the Jesuit Orders' Counter
Reformation Council of Trent.
The Vatican Holocaust Part 2
Ledochowski S.J., let us examine some additional evidence
concerning the Pentagram, the satanic religious nature of
sacrificing over eighteen million people.
attributed to him. Commonly known as the “Prophecy of the
Popes”, St Molochy was said to have received a specific
detailed vision of the coming 112 Popes that would reign,
beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and ending
with the 112th Pope “Peter” who witnesses the destruction of
the Roman Catholic Church.
So who really was (St) Molochy? And did he really exist? For
many respectable scholars the answer is that St Molochy is
much more likely a historical fiction- invented in the early
13th Century and attributed to a historic figure. The problem
however, is how to explain the “supernatural” accuracy of the
prophecy to date? If it was a fraud, then it would have to be
the work of some dark genius.
In a deliberate twist, it is far more likely that the figure St
Molochy is none other than Moloch himself- the manifestation
of pure evil through the medium of Black Magician Pope
Honorius providing us with the prophecy.
A matter of logic
Ley lines of spiritual power
As it turns out, this is precisely the power and precision of the
Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil- the creation of a
network of massive energy connecting the major satanic
centres at the time of unprecedented evil.
4. The “Ley line” of evil running North West from Lodz
Vatican- Jesuit Sacrifice Camp and down South East past the
Janowska Vatican Jesuit Sacrifice Camp connects the
Shetland Islands to Odessa to Tehran.
5. Last but not least, the “Ley line” of evil running North East
from Sobibor Vatican Jesuit Sacrifice Camp south-west
through Auschwitz Vatican Jesuit Sacrifice Camp cuts through
the heart of Bordeaux, Zürich, Munich and connects up
to Nizhny Novgorod .
For those still unconvinced, there is yet one more piece of the
puzzle- the specific and unique designs of the Human Sacrifice
Camps around the Pentagram.
One of the lasting anomalies unique to the all the camps of the
Pentagram (yet uncommon to most other pre-fabricated death
and labour camps of the Nazis ), were their geometric layout
– not the buildings, but the shapes formed by clusters of
buildings and fences.
the Human Sacrifice Camps of the Holocaust– most notably
of the Pentagram.
replica of Baalbek – to deliberately make the camp a physical
temple of sacrifice. Instead, what we read and hear is that the
physical design of the camps is of no historical consequence.
Now the obsessive and expensive surveying effort of
the SS under Fr Himmler S.J. makes perfect sense. The
information was used to design the layout for the “most
important” of camps.
Given the same people who did this deed remain “above the
law”, isn’t it time we start questioning the motives of these
people in making the world a better place. For the sake of the
memory of all those who were sacrificed in flames, we owe
them the respect to wake up to the truth.
system of evil ever conceived, in spite of the ley line system
connecting major satanic centers and Catholic dictatorships
during WWII, some may still simply not believe, or demand
yet more proof.
It is one thing for the Allies of the Vatican to tear down the
death camps -- the Human Sacrifice Temples and hide
evidence --but a massive spiritual "energy machine" is not just
about putting innocents into a perpetual state of torment, it is
also about keeping them there.
With the greatest respect for their memory, we hope you will
read this article and consider the function and nature of this
machine -- and how it might finally be turned off.
For those that have read the previous article revealing the
"Ley lines" of evil radiating from the the Great Vatican-
Jesuit Pentagram of Evil, the next obvious question is where
do the Ley lines end and begin? --also is this part of a global
network of pentagrams and evil ley lines?
Dublin- an infamous center of human sacrifice and satan
worship for several hundred years.
Bucharest, Romania.
Hannover, Germany - also a very important node of satanic
Going too far
Yet for all the hundreds of thousands that were sacrificed by
the Vatican armies over the centuries, little meaningful
prophecy has come into the hands of hardline Vatican
Satanists since.The Prophecy of Moloch(y) remains
unchanged and now at its end, without any clear public
statement of prophecy by the Vatican of any earth shattering
Whatever course these dull and dangerous intellects choose to
take, there exists only one destiny for them to face - that this is
indeed the end of the road for them.
Only time will tell if they are wrong and millions of entrapped
souls will finally be freed from the tyranny of the Vatican.
the world including: probably beginning in a city in the United
States so named for such a "Holocaust" like Los Angeles (city
of angels), Phoenix (mythical spirit, burnt in a Holocaust) and
ending with Tehran.
There are those -- in spite of the unmistakable proof that
mathematics provides -- that the Great Vatican-
Jesuit Pentagram of Evil is a cruel hoax-- with the Nazi
SS concentration camps suddenly appearing tens of miles
from their original location to destroy the notion of a
pentagram, including claims that some camps were merely
labour camps.
of the Roman Cult that controls the Catholic Church and the
Jesuits, we may just help ourselves avoid the largest mass
murder of all.
Like the brand and concept of "New World Order", the brand
"Illuminati" has a history dating back to Jesuit Adam
Weishaupt (1748-1830) who first coined the term Illuminati
in the publication of his secret Jesuit manifestos concerning
secret "cells" of Jesuit priests hidden in society and how to use
this apparatus to overthrow governments. He is the father of
the Secret Society of Terror Model from which all successful
terrorist organizations from the French revolution to the 9/11
Hijackers are based.
(Click image for enlargement of map)
The Jesuit Civil War (1942-1945)
devastating and unforgivable. The Jesuits had shifted their
power away from Germany, France and Italy to America -- for
the first time in the order's history.
Janowska "Ley line" of human sacrifice camps of the Great
Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil.
It is there we see for the first time the unveiling of the public
face of the New World Order – an order of opposing “friends”
and ideologies- capitalism vs communism, but all ultimately
financed and directed from the same machine.
worship the belief that through secret knowledge and total
devotion to the cause a man may discover ultimate knowledge
and power.
The eventual truce in the civil war of the Jesuits came in the
form of a compromise of power- the New World Order is in
fact a very clear and precise six (6) level pyramid of power.
United Nations
It would be incorrect to say that the Black Pope is the most
powerful person on planet Earth. Since 1945, the role has been
largely symbolic and held by a candidate from a neutral
country between the main factions of the Jesuit Civil War. As
such, the role has been dominated by both Dutch and Spanish
Then we come to the third layer being the Financial-Military
Apparatus which few people who believe in the existence of
the New World Order would argue. However, few have ever
heard of the real foundation of the global financial system in
the early 19th Century using Jesuit controlled gold stolen from
the Vatican during the Jesuit-Papal Wars to fund an army of
private banks in Europe and the United States.
The fifth layer of the New World Order apparatus is the Holy
See. Contrary to common misinformation, the role of Pope is
now of secondary importance to the legal apparatus of the
Holy See --The Holy See, being the legal framework that
claims Vatican superiority over all other laws of man as well as
complete dominion over animals (humans being classed as
animals by their laws). It is the papacy and Vatican curia that
in recent years has waged and increasing PR war in revealing
more and more of the New World Order apparatus against the
The evidence of who won the Jesuit Civil War is all around us.
Universities have blossomed. Science discovery has
accelerated and knowledge is universally accepted as power—
the power of imagination and the era of the United States. The
New World Order won the Civil War and remain firmly in
The last sacrifice demanded by Moloch is for his followers to
sacrifice themselves – that is the key riddle of the prophecies
of St Malachy (Moloch) – the Vatican and Jesuits Satanists are
demanded by their own gods at this time to sacrifice
themselves, not us.
satanic spiritual patronage - we find a dangerous point for the
Time is running out for both sides. This is the second last pope
by the prophecy of Moloch.
The Vatican Holocaust Part 5
In 1945, the Allied Forces led by Gen. Eisenhower -
had in their possession the single most evil artefact
ever created in human history –the Nazi
SS Master Holocaust List – hundreds of thousands of
carefully copied and type pages listing all the name of
those sacrificed in the camps. Today, the
whereabouts of this supremely evil object is officially
unknown. Yet what at stake is nothing less than the
irrefutable proof and answer of exactly how many
died in sacrifice camps in World War II and that they
died for evil religious, not political motives.
What proof is there that the WWII Nazi Master Lists
of Death existed?
The first easily found evidence today that the WWII Nazi
Master Lists of Death existed is found
in Holocaust memorials, museums, government document
archives and the Vatican archives around the world that the
Catholic Dictators kept meticulous lists, carefully recording
the accurate name of every victim.
Public example of type of lists drafted by Nazi SS in human
sacrifice and labour camps
easily published an accurate number based on the documents
still in their possession? So why hasn’t an accurate number
ever been published? And what has happened to the Nazi
Master Holocaust List ?
and expediency, these same powerful and rich Jewish families
had also been willing to flip to proclaiming themselves
Muslims under the Moors, then Catholic under the Catholic
Spanish Kingdom.
These are also the same families – the Sephardi – from whom
the powerful Jewish banking and trade families who obtained
exclusive patents from the Roman Catholic Church. The
Rothschilds for example.
explained as ruthless efficiency on the part of Fr Himmler
S.J. and the SS. The existence of this first list is also without
question as it was produced using computer equipment and
personnel provided by fledgling company International
Business Machines who then used the massive profits and
payments to become a global Leviathan.
While the true name of a thing has always been understood as
having great magic power in any ceremony, Pope Honorius
was the first to suggest that a person’s name be spoken in
chanted curse during their slaughter/burning.
The wicked belief was that this formal ceremony bound the
condemned spirit to the priest for eternity as a perpetual
to the United States somewhere, secretly archived? Or was the
evidence deliberately destroyed? If so, by whom and on what
The Vatican Holocaust Part 6
A deeply painful and important subject -- exactly how
many Jews were murdered by the Nazis in WWII –
has again exploded into debate since (former Nazi
Youth member Joseph Ratzinger) German Pope
Benedict XVI signaled the welcoming back to the fold
of the Roman Catholic Church previously
excommunicated ultra-nationalist Catholic bishops
who deny the truth of the Holocaust.
years, the great sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent
Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority
groups by burning them alive in ovens less than seventy years
ago by Catholic dictators will be removed from history- a
bodies, the numbers actually murdered and/or some other key
Let us then look at the key Denials of the truth of the Vatican
Jesuit Holocaust and how they have impacted our
appreciation of the enormity and supreme evil nature of this
This is a terrible evil and slur against the memory of the
millions who were murdered as it provides no honesty as to
why not one single bomb in World War II was ever dropped
on a key Nazi Human Sacrifice Camp- an extraordinary and
unprecedented anomaly not repeated on any other
infrastructure of the Catholic Dictators during World War II.
Nor were these ordinary stretchers, but extended so that a
living man, woman or child may be inserted into the oven to
die a horrible and cruel death, then for the body (still burning)
to be removed a short time later to be transported to the pits.
The evidence suggests three things- it requires a massive
amount of effort to maintain an air tight small room free of
any leaks, secondly the handling of such deadly chemicals on
any large scale would have required far more sophisticated
systems as evidenced at the camps and thirdly it takes an
extraordinarily long time for one person to die from gassing in
a small room, let alone a whole number of people in a large
There is no question that several million ethnic Jews were
sacrificed in the camps -- but there were millions of non-Jews
as well - a total of eighteen million people murdered.
It also set the stage for one of the greatest Holocaust Denials
and revisions of the past seventy years- that only six million
people were sacrificed by the Catholic Dictators.
Today, most people would never have heard the claim that the
Catholic Church not only orchestrated World War II, but was
behind the Holocaust. But the most important denial that has
helped wipe the Catholic Church from the memory of the
Holocaust is the false claim that the Holocaust was political,
not religious.
You don't burn people alive for political reasons- you burn
them because of evil religious beliefs -- because you are
satanists, because you have some agenda. We have discussed
much of this over the previous articles.
Yet the overwhelming belief by people is that the Holocaust
was purely political, not religious and that the Catholic Church
was in no way involved.
Firstly, to reduce the logical time that the Nazis had to kill
people, the Allied command shortened the time claimed for
when the camps were operating from 1940-1945 to just 1943-
1945. Straight away, the logical number of people who could
have been killed diminished from at least twelve million to
just six million.
But to hide more evidence of killing, both the Allies and the
Communists of Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. destroyed evidence of
sacrifice camps and/or changed them to labour camps.
This sixth key Holocaust Denial- that the Nazis killed less
than three hundred thousand people is the latest and most
audacious denial yet.
This denial, the one designed to wholly revise the Holocaust
again is based on bringing together all the other denials into
one -- simply that "there were no gas chambers and common
sense tells us the Nazis could not possibly have killed so
many people in such bizarre ways".
As wholly evil as this denial is, it has the strength of the other
denials in place. And in spite of the debate, the denial is
gaining ground in the mind of the public -- maybe the
Holocaust is overblown?
Do not forget the biggest lie- the Holocaust gas
chambers and crematorium were to efficiently kill
Jews and others
Yet the incredible thing about this Great Big Lie- that defies
and contradicts all previous known examples of efficient mass
murder - is that it is continued to be taught to each new
generation and believed by hundreds of millions.
Proof of real motive- Connect all the pieces and why?
Yes, most readers that have viewed the diagrams of the Great
Vatican Jesuit Pentagram of Evil will accept that a genuine
pentagram shape can be created from the actual historic
location of key Nazi SS human sacrifice camps
(concentration camps) during World War II. But who is to say
this is nothing more than an unfortunate coincidence?
and towns around the world – none of which have ever had
any association with the Vatican, black magic or mass murder.
Yes, most readers that have viewed the diagrams of the 300
mile wide Great Vatican Jesuit Pentagram of Evil will accept
that a Temple to Sibyl (Cybele) is located at the centre of the
Pentagram and that cities with an important past to the
Vatican (including Rome itself) can be connected by the “ley”
lines emanating from it. But then again the Roman Catholic
Church has dominated western history for over 1,000 years,
so there are few cities that do not have a connection to
the Vatican in some way.
Mater also variously known throughout the ancient world as
Sibyl, Athena, Dionysus, Ishtar, Nanna, Astarte.
magically seemed to survive the Holocaust in large numbers in
places like Munich, Berlin, Hannover, Zurich and even
Odessa, while ethnic Jews and descendents of the Yahudi were
killed in large numbers.
Simply, the word "Jew" is directly derived from goy and gyu,
two ancient Hebrew words used for derision to variously mean
"cattle" and a "dead lifeless, souless corpse".
As we mentioned in the earlier articles, the human sacrifice
camps such as Treblinka resembled the ancient Temple
complex of Ur, the sacrifice camp of Sobibor represented
Bablyon, the sacrifice camp of Janowska a striking
resemblance to Jerusalem and Auschwitz-Birkenau a
frightening resemblance to Baalbek.
Yet even the key cities along the Ley lines also share a
common past and thread. Suez (Zeus backwards) is the
ancient site of Zion. Odessa is the site of the first city of the
Sarmatian exiles (they called Samara) who are known today as
the Khazars.
We see the two most important cities of religious counter
reformation by the Jesuits on the grid- Munich for the war
against protestants and Tehran (Ter'gan) for Islam.
Big lies are often hard to believe. It takes time, it can make you
feel sick. If you are a christian, certainly if you are a good
Catholic then the previous seven articles may have made you
feel physically sick and repulsed by the claims which they
The Vatican Holocaust Part 8
For all that is claimed concerning the Nazi Holocaust
actually being a highly organized satanic human
sacrifice perpetrated by the highest officials of
the Vatican and Jesuits during WWII, there must
have been hard evidence –direct witnesses and
testimony—that can confirm or repudiate these
claims? In fact there is, and it is this following true
story experienced firsthand by the author of these
Of all the schools in the world, it was Xavier College in far off
Melbourne that happened to be the safe home for the Vienna
Boys Choir during WWII- the sons of Austrian Nazi Catholic
elite. The school has always had a strong German
connection—even Burke Hall, the junior school I attended was
the former German Embassy complete with its own
What made Ernest Shatner/Shackner unique was who
“adopted” him, where he worked/sometimes lived and his
experience at Auschwitz. Ernst had no parents, he was an
orphan. But he had one of the most brilliant minds, able to
speak Latin and Greek and several European languages
fluently. Also that “Shacky” worked in the Crematoria at
Auschwitz for a long time—the actual ovens themselves.
Finally, that “Shacky” was somehow “saved” by the Jesuits
and brought to Australia as their adoptive family.
It means very few individuals lived to tell the tale of working
in the Crematoria from the perspective of a Jewish prisoner of
war. Some who have claimed to work in the Crematoria turned
out to be untrue testimonies for whatever motive. Very few
testimonies exist from less than a handful of genuine workers
in the Crematoria who worked there only in the final moments
before they ceased and the camps were “liberated”.
Sometimes the kids made fun of this "crazy old man" with
Jesuits priests as his family. I am sad to say that I laughed as a
boy when some of the kids would play pranks on Shacky,
making jokes about the Nazis while the Jesuits gave half
hearted reprimands.
The last time I saw Shacky was on the school steps of the Year
9/10 wing in the early 1980’s. I had come up to Xavier to see
one of the senior Jesuit priests and tell him I too was planning
to become a priest, like so many in my family. I relayed this
enthusiasm to old Shacky fully expecting him to mutter
something positive about his Jesuit “parents”. Instead, he
grabbed my arm and stared fiercely into my face and implored
that such a boy should not join the Jesuits because “they are
evil. They are Satan.”, he kept insisting and repeating to me
over and over, until I broke from his claw-like grip and got
The family
be, I left the Capuchin Seminary after less than one year and
never returned. There was no anger towards the Catholic faith,
or any clergy—no displaced blame as if I need to blame
someone else for my lack of courage. Instead, I slid away into
the routine of work, money and lifestyle.
And so the final proof I can offer you that the Vatican is evil,
that the Vatican Jesuit Pentagram of Evil is true is from
the words of Ernest “Shacky” Shackner: “They
(Vatican/Jesuits) are evil. They are Satan."
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression
• Part 2
• Part 3
• Part 4
• Part 5
people were largely seduced into over-borrowing --taking on
more debt than they could possibly manage.
At this stage, this crisis was still called the "Sub prime Crisis"
and all eyes were on George W. Bush and the privately owned
Federal Reserve to see what they would do. Incredibly, not
only did they do nothing, but they actually, almost seemingly
deliberately made things much worse.
What then does either the Catholic Church and/or the Jesuits
have to do with any of this? At this stage, the events discussed
so far all point to the hallmarks of good old "greed" and
"incompetence" on behalf of people like President Bush and
his financial cronies. So how is the Catholic Church and the
Jesuits involved with this? and what proof is there? To
answer, we need to ask as simple question - how wealthy is the
Roman Catholic Church?
Catholic Church hold assets and income worth several billion
The second argument when all else fails is to state that the
Vatican is politically an independent sovereign state and so
may choose to accept or reject calls for open global
transparency of its financial accounts. To date, this claimed
"true Church" has steadfastly refused to cooperate with any
kind of global accounting of its wealth.
For the four hundred years up until the last century, it was
well recognized that the Roman Catholic Church also owned
and controlled vast wealth and people of the Americas
including large parts of South-East Asia and Africa.
How then did something so dominant suddenly appear to
drop in asset value to a corporation of only a few billion
dollars, that it would not even rate in the top 1,000 economic
entities of the world today? Simply through creative history
and creative accounting.
Creative history
The wars of the 16th to 18th Century were also blamed for
depleting the assets of the Catholic Church until finally the
invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the 19th
Century was used as a final blow to indicate the once great and
financially powerful Catholic Church was officially broke.
Just to make sure, the loss of the Papal States at the end of the
19th Century is also used as the basis of revisionist history to
claim the Vatican was broke.
So in the space of 80 years and successive revisionist accepted
histories, the world’s largest and dominant entity has been
successfully transformed into a dwindling fortune that was
lost, stolen and mismanaged over centuries of incompetence
to the small remainder we have today.
Creative accounting
Using the cloaks of secrecy in such states as Switzerland and
even the Vatican itself, the true ownership and identity of
these massive treasures could be hidden.
Thus in the end, the single largest economic entity the world
has ever seen disappeared from the radar of people’s minds
and returned as a poor and impoverished church in desperate
need of funds.
The single largest asset class owned by the Vatican is also the
easiest to see, as it cannot be hidden.
The next most valuable property holdings are Germany (US
$297 Billion of which only $29 Billion is visible property),
France (US $282 Billion of which only $28 Billion is visible),
Italy (US $230 Billion of which around $23 Billion is visible),
Brazil (US $194 Billion of which around $26 Billion is visible)
and Spain (US $158 Billion of which around $15 Billion is
History of property ownership of the Catholic Church
Any claim then that the church has hidden “millions” is simply
responded with the line “so you really think a church
dedicated to Christian charity would be so heartless or evil to
deliberate close important services if it had the money?”
Apart from property, no other type of Asset has so obsessed
the Catholic Church, nor been religiously accumulated by the
Vatican than Gold. It is the currency of the Church and has
been for over 1,000 years.
Average total global gold production over the last ten years
currently stands around 2,300 to 2,500 metric tonnes per
annum. Currently, the three largest gold producers in the
world are South Africa (24%), Australia (16%) and Canada
produced, nor is still in existence and “owned” across planet
For example, over 3,000 tonnes of Gold was stripped from the
American civilizations by the Spanish between 1492 and 1600,
estimated to be around 40% of total global production during
the period. Between 1600 and 1800, the Jesuit controlled
massive slave mines of Colombia and Brazil is estimated to
have produced three times the Gold stolen during the
American civilization genocides.
The most accurate estimate, taking into account all records, all
historical references and the history of mining techniques and
mining areas is that around 200,143 metric tonnes is closer to
the figure of all gold every mined/produced.
The Russians, for example are believe to hold many tonnes of
gold in private reserves that are impossible to verify. However,
when we look at official estimates, we are talking about a
potential discrepancy in gold estimates of over 50,000 metric
tonnes (almost $1,000 Billion) simply missing and
Years Key Reason Acquisition Total
1100- Eastern
9200 9300 27.7%
1200 Crusades
1200- Western
12500 21800 57.0%
1350 Civilization
1351- Templer
4200 26000 62.3%
1490 Treasures
New World 3100 29100 60.3%
Slave Mines 4050 33150 54.7%
End of Empires 6500 39650 55.0%
World Wars 16200 55850 53.4%
Organized crime 4500 60350 30.2%
For most of the past 1,000 years, the Catholic Church has been
in a dominant position to control the world market of gold
with over 50% of all gold and a high point from around the
14th Century to around 17th Century of controlling over 60%
of the total gold ever mined.
As the largest and dominant holder of capital assets (precious
metals, land through Papal Bulls and slaves/serfs) for over
1,600 years the history of the Roman Catholic Church in
allowing its capital reserves to be utilized in financing
economic growth is in itself the history of banking and global
When Popes did allow limited banking, the result was almost
instant phenomenal economic growth across Europe and the
world such as the 13th and 14th Centuries. Indication of the
churches loathing of banking is indicated by its systematic
dismantling of the Templar system 1100-1300 of exchanging
local currency for a demand note which could be “cashed” at
any of their castles. It was not until the Jesuit and English
slave and drugs traders of the 17th Century that this system
that we know today and the world economy would not have
occurred, if not for the events that saw firstly the Jesuits
disbanded, a war resulting in the assassination of two Popes
before finally the Jesuits achieving a lasting treaty from 1814
onwards and the restatement of the most powerful order in
church history.
Unlike the greedy Popes, the Jesuits saw the vast wealth of the
church as a strategic asset that could be used more precisely to
ferment revolution, finance war, change governments and
defeat their long time non-Catholic enemies.
Again, unlike the insular Popes, the Jesuits had seen the
power and success of using business and finance to build
influence through its phenomenally successful relationships in
Japan, other parts of Asia, Russia and the Americas.
families that help found Christianity, the Jesuits could
effectively start huge wars and never risk direct implication.
Algemene Bank Nederland
1824 Netherlands Private
(now ABN AMRO)
1828 Centreville Bank USA Bank
1832 Scotiabank Canada Bank
1839 Hambros France Bank
1848 Lazard USA Bank
1850 HSBC Hong Kong Bank
Swiss Bank Corporation
1854 Switzerland Private
(now UBS AG)
1856 Credit Suisse Switzerland Private
J. P. Morgan (now JP
1860 USA Private
Morgan Chase Bank)
Crédit Lyonnais (now
1863 France Private
Credit Agricole)
1863/71 Netherlands Private
Bank (now ABN AMRO)
1864 Société Générale France Private
Handlowy w Warszawie
1870 Poland Bank
1870 Deutsche Bank Germany Private
Chase National Bank (now
1870 USA Bank
JP Morgan Chase Bank)
American Bank of Italy
1904 USA Bank
(Now Bank of America)
Union Bank of Switzerland
1912 Switzerland Private
(now UBS AG)
1913 Federal Reserve Bank USA Private
Bank for International
1930 Switzerland Private
Settlements (BIS)
The second pattern is the grouping of banks formed in the
Netherlands and Switzerland just prior to the suppression of
the Jesuits around 1767 by Portugal, Italy, France and Spain.
The Darier Hentsch & Cie Bank (1796, Switzerland) was the
bank that happened to fund Napoleon his European Wars that
saw the Papal States and influence of the Vatican crippled.
the massive wealth of the Catholic Church to all parts of the
globe, especially great influxes into the United States.
Since its formation, only one President of the United States --a
Catholic himself --has attempted to override the power of the
Federal Reserve and the Roman Catholic Church by ordering
the US Treasury to print its own money. The money was
destroyed the day after he ceased to be President. His name
was John F. Kennedy.
Putting all this together, you can see that there is a lot more to
who actually controls the wealth of the world and the actions
they dictate from time to time that affect whether we will have
a job, a home and food to eat.
The sub prime crisis should never have happened. The Federal
reserve could of easily contained the problem and stopped it
in 2008. Instead, against all logic they let it get substantially
The Great Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression
This is the grim reality the world faces today in 2009. Yet,
even if you have read the 1st article concerning the Great
Vatican-Jesuit Global Depression of 2009 to 2012, the details
concerning the control of the global financial system by the
Roman Cult of the Catholic Church and the Jesuits and them
deliberately making this crisis worse may seem ridiculous.
Talk to any banker, any "Master of the Universe" and they say
the same thing --it is just we took our eye off the ball -- there is
no global conspiracy, no hand deliberately manipulating this
event to make it manifestly worse.
For these people gradually lost all memory of exactly who set
up the global financial system in the first place and how
ultimately, they control our collective destiny. To explain, let
us look at the foundation of the modern global financial
credit in the world- the ultimate provider of credit against the
vast wealth of the Catholic Church.
These private and key public banks would in turn lend money
to national reserves, or underwrite currency production (in
the case of the US Federal Reserves) and permit credit to be
extended to the remaining network of banks.
It is electronic money (credits) that has seen the biggest
explosion of wealth across the Western world since the 1980's.
By the 1990's the secretive and ancient European and
Americans banks providing primary levels of credit were
largely sidelined as the third level of credits (electronic credit)
and national credits (taxes and loans) self funded each other.
The Catholic Church and the Jesuits were no longer in control.
literally "turned off the taps" of gold backed credit even to
some of its oldest and most loyal banking providers such as
the CitiGroup -- a group of banks that over fifteen years had
completely turned its back on its ancient oaths to the Jesuits
and ballooned in size thanks to electronic "fictional" credits.
In 1933, the Vatican and the Jesuits initiated the second part
of their plan through Fr Edmund Walsh S.J. and his
commanding influence of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In
1933, in the midst of the worsening economic crisis,
principally caused by the Catholic banks withdrawing credit to
smaller banks (as they have repeated this very year), the world
looked to the United States as the only nation having
stockpiles big enough to compete with the Vatican and fill the
What is going to happen next
There is one thing during this present global credit crisis that
is certain. The path the world is treading is both well worn and
predictable. The plans of the Vatican and the Jesuits can be
entirely plotted and understood. There is no mystery what the
next steps will be. 2009 is in many ways a repeat of 1933. It is
just the timeframes are shorter.
2010 will be like 1934-35 pushed into one year with 2011 like
1936-38 into one year culminating in 2012 = 1939 again --only
this time with different allies and enemies and the spectre of
nuclear weapons.
As for now, the next step of their plans is the great leap to
Socialism-- the state assuming more control in our lives in the
promise that it will shield us (as much as possible) from the
global economic plague.
No one wants to see people who have lost everything during
this financial crisis from losing their jobs, much less go
hungry. At the year of launch of the last Great Global
Depression (1933), when Roosevelt and the Vatican machine
of Zürich destroyed the worlds credit markets by disbanding
the gold standard, no major countries had anything like
unemployment benefits or tax credits to help people.
Yet for all that we have seemingly learnt from the "Great
Depression" of FDR, the Federal Reserve and the Vatican,
there is sadly little commentary on those who are really
responsible -- not the greedy bankers, nor hedge funds, but
the ancient banking families who have lived in the wealthiest
city in the world for 700 years -- Zürich.
It is claimed in some historical accounts that Louis the
German granted the lands to the Benedictines as early as 835.
However this is impossible as the real benedictines-- the
Cistercian monks did not come into being until the early 12th
century under Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).
Until the beginning of the 13th Century, the lands upon which
Zürich is placed had been under the control of the House of
Zähringen for a little over 100 years. When Duke Berchtold V
of Zähringen (1186-1218) --the founder of the city of Bern--
died, his lands we split between a number of competing
groups of nobles.
The Counts of Kyburg were eventually successful in defending
their claim to the most valuable lands of Zürich (and the
tax/trade post). However, the House of Kyberg were all
eventually killed off and at the death of Count Hartmann VI of
Kyberg and his family in 1264, Rudolph of Habsburg claimed
Zürich and the adjacent lands for himself.
press-ganged into the service of the Roman Cult and the
The size of this Great Lie defies belief. Within ten years of this
supreme heresy by the AntiPopes and their vassals, Zürich
was the wealthiest city in the world -- a position it has held
and protected for 700 years.
You cannot sell your soul--you soul is your mind, your values,
your memories as immortal awareness. Nor can you stop
being a member of the species of Homo Sapien Sapiens -- yet
what the Vatican and the bankers in Zürich who caused this
recession want you to believe is that you are nothing more
than property without rights.
We let these people who live in the wealthiest city in the world
for hundreds of years to convince us we are powerless. Whole
Empires such as the Soviet Union have fallen with less people
than it would take to save the world and capture the treasures
of Zürich. Yet we do nothing--as our fathers did nothing, as
our ancestors did nothing--frightened that "they" could take
away our living, could fund our enemies, could pay for our
Maybe it will be our children who will show the courage and
the good sense to rally in a few thousand and march on Zürich
to end this madness--millions dying in Africa and Asia
through lack of food and sanitation--millions unemployed and
It is not like we haven’t seen this kind of economic fear and
uncertainty before. You only have to open any history book of
the 20th century to read about the Great Depression and the
subsequent shift to fascism and Police States. Like night
follows day –a great recession, “economic downturn” or
whatever label you like to call it, puts enormous pressure on
many countries to adopt far more extreme measures of control
and censorship.
Even when the Vatican issues public statements applauding
the recession as “necessary evil”, the story is quickly buried
and little follow-on analysis as to what this means exactly.
While millions who have lost their jobs, their home and their
confidence cry out for answers, the media is mute. Even as
some of the largest newspapers in the world are close to
bankruptcy, editors and journalists steadfastly refuse to tell
people the truth.
Even as people switch off the evening news and cable news
channels in record numbers to use the internet to find
answers, television reporters stubbornly refuse to speak about
the “V” word –as if the Vatican and its deliberate
manipulation of currencies and credit have a “God given right”
to destroy our lives.
pleasure--which makes their continued actions in the face of
global dangers even more damning.
The key to this lie is to protect the Vatican from being shut
down, from a handful of people saving the world and
emancipating the largest treasure in history hidden in vaults
in cities like Zürich. That is their greatest fear and the primary
reason for existence of the complex “InJustice System” so that
they can legally continue to grant you minimum rights, the
illusion of freedom while you willingly and compliantly accept
losing your job, your home, your family’s future and not rise
up and shut them down.
Similarly, all the "right" you mistakenly think you have do not
exist at all when faced with legal persecution by the Tax Office
or some other government agency-- all because of the legal
definitions and corrupted words we are forced to use.
The great irony about those who plea to the crocodiles to "eat
them last" is that they just get eaten more slowly.
acknowledge the patently obvious connections to the Vatican
and Jesuits.
While it is still early days, the fact that the truth movement is
permitted at all speaks to it playing an important future part.
The greatest concern is that this role may well be the
heralding of the next batch of Catholic controlled dictators as
part of World War III.
Just one good rock
The problem about searching for the truth is that after a while,
the “finding” can sometimes take over from the “viewing”.
Yet of all the stories in the Bible, there is one that speaks to
the nature of power versus truth—all it takes is one good rock.
Just ask young King David as he faced certain death against
the invincible Goliath.
Ritual Sexual Human Sacrifice
Yet this is quite untrue. The most evil, brutal, bizarre and
psychologically twisted ancient religious ceremonies involving
human sacrifice revolve around the trinity of Syrian and
Eastern Mediterranean demon gods.
Then there was Moloch, Hebrew name for Ba’al and "King"
of the land. This god also equated to "Attis" and his
ceremonial cap is now variously known as the Phrygian
cap and the Cap of Liberty also worn ceremonially over
the kippa cap of Cybele.
Cultural Genocide
The Roman Cult Pontiffs were the first group to advocate a
"religious right" for the complete elimination of a culture from
existence- the first being the true writings and followers of
Jesus Christ, the Nazarenes and Gnostics.
The Roman Cult prior to the 16th Century also holds the
historic record for turning the world back from advanced
scientific thinking, engineering and culture to the stone age by
the end of the 6th Century and into the 7th Century.
Slave Trade
Enslavement is the deliberate deprivation of the
liberty and/or rights of persons, often involving
forced detention, through the use of violence, threat
of violence, intimidation, use of financial threats or
incentives and/or other psychological methods for
the purpose of effective control over the actions of
those persons. The Slave Trade is the enslavement,
transport, purchase and sale of such persons.
This historically evil philosophy created by the Roman Cult
stood in place up until 1917 when the church finally and
reluctantly recanted its obsession with slavery in public by
renoucning all forms of slavery as a transgression.
Cultural Parasitism
Cultural Parasitism is the deliberate corruption,
control and sabotage of a culture by assuming the
false identity of a trusted cultural leader in order to
gain positions of influence to effect terminal change.
Child Molestation
Century but abolished and forbidden from March
2013 in accord with the Prophecies of Lucifer.
word in relation to the common meaning of Moll in the 14th
Century onwards.
The history of religious and systematic abuse of
From this point, for the first time in over 700 years, any
clergy, members or claimed adherents to secret societies,
Satanic or Luciferian cults practising Child Molestation, injury
or murder are in complete dishonor to all forms of spiritual
and ecclesiastical practice, criminals and subject to full
retribution and punishment for such willful breach of the end
of all such practices.
ritualistic processes. Such action is strictly forbidden
in accord with the Prophecies of Lucifer.
Even the accounts of the holocaust have been doctored so that
99.9% of the world is taught that millions were "gassed" to
death and only their bodies burnt. Yet all eyewitness accounts
have shown that the gas chambers were merely to render
victims unconscious in order to chain them to stretchers only
to wake up alive being burnt to death in the ovens.
20th C Canada Robert Pickton 20-49
20th C Colombia Luis Garavito 300
20th C Colombia Pedro Lopez 300
20th C France Dr.Marcel Petiot 37
Ian Brady and
20th C Great Britain 5
Myra Hindley
20th C Great Britain 'Suffolk Ripper' 14
20th C Latvia Kaspars Petrovs 38+
20th C Russia 63
20th C Sweden Thomas Quick 30
20th C Ukraine 52+
20th C United Kingdom Dennis Nilsen 15
Dr. Harold
20th C United Kingdom 200+
Fred West and
20th C United Kingdom 12+
Rosemary West
Amy Archer-
20th C United States 48
20th C United States Carl Panzram 19
20th C United States Danny Rollings 8
20th C United States Dennis Rader 10
20th C United States Edmund Kemper 10
Gary Leon
20th C United States 71
20th C United States Henry Lee Lucas 200
20th C United States Herbert Mullin 13
20th C United States Jeffrey Dahmer 17
20th C United States John Wayne Gacy 33
Joseph Paul
20th C United States 20
20th C United States Kendall Francois 9
Leonard Lake and
20th C United States 25
Charles Ng
Randy Steven
20th C United States 67-100
20th C United States Robert Lee Yates 16
20th C United States Ted Bundy 100+
20th C United States Timothy Krajcir 9
20th C United States Zodiac Killer 37
20th C USSR/Russia Andrei Chikatilo 56
21st C India Moninder Singh 30+
21st C United States Michael Ross 8
21st C United States Charles Cullen 40
26+ (20
21st C United States Adam Lanza
While the definition of the term genocide and its installment
into international law represents a major step forward for the
human race, the term remains largely generic and fails to
address the primary motive of such crimes against humanity-
making no clear distinction between cultural genocide,
cultural parasitism, mass human sacrifice and mass murder
on other grounds.
Sexual Assault
The word rape originates from the Latin verb rapere: to seize
or take by force. Principally as it is a male crime, it is when a
man forces sexual intercourse against the other person's will
(usually female).
While women have finally gained some legal rights concerning
rape after thousands of years of suffering, Western culture has
been deliberately sabotaged and corrupted so that a counter
force has emerged- that of women being purely sexual objects
and a modern culture of young women emulating the morals
and behaviour of prostitutes.
The nature of the crime has also changed. Now rape has
become a predatorial behaviour tacitly condoned and
practiced almost as a "rite of passage" amongst young gang
orientated men across the Western World. Rape by strangers
has increased, including violent rape, while the incidence of
rape within marriage is steady, or declining (in reported
Europe, Australia while the requests by clergy to undertake
"missionary work" in poor and under policed countries has
Cultural Sabotage
The objectives were and have always been virtually the same-
to weaken the nation in order that a puppet leadership
representing extreme Catholic socialism emerges to "save the
Acts of Forgery
Forgery/Lie Year
Hebrew 330 CE
Chair Of St Peter 748 CE
Donation Of Constantine 745 CE
Liber Pontificalis 752 CE
Peters Pence 745 CE
Usury 752 CE
Gratian Decretals 1151 CE
The Vulgate (Roman Cult Bible) 1203 CE
Old St. Peters 1200 CE
Grand Grimoire 1186 CE
Malleus Maleficarum 1486 CE
Indulgences 1500 CE
King James Bible (Authorized Version) 1611 CE
Protocols of Elders of Zion 1910 CE
Final Solution to the Jewish Question 1945 CE
Acts of Forgery
Facts about forgery
The forger was the Venerable Bede working for the Pippins
who had been excommunicated by the Eastern Church in
Constantinople,thus making impossible the Coronation of one
of the Pippins as the Emperor of Eurpe.
When the chair was created at St. Denis, so was the legal
concept of the chair literally representing the legitimate sedes
or "seat" of power of the Vicarius Christi. This was in direct
confrontation to the legal position of the Primate and
Patriarch of Constantinople claiming to be the sedes or "seat"
of Christianity.
The forgery did not go to Rome but remained at the Mother
Church for the Catholic Church at St. Denis where it was used
as the coronation chair for Pepin the Short in 751.
Over the centuries, many chair of St. Peter has been variously
stolen, vandalized beyond repair, burnt and lost. However,
like the false claims of apostolic succession contained in the
masterwork forgery known as Liber Pontificalis, the chair of
St. Peter claims an unbroken succession of Popes having
physically sat on its seat.
Acts of Forgery
Acts of Forgery - Donation Of Constantine
Key Facts
Date Created 745 CE
Venerable Bede, commissioned by Pepin
the Short and Carloman.
To support the (false) claim that
Constantine transferred his authority to
Original the Vicarius Christi based in Rome and not
Purpose the Primate Patriarch of Constantinople.
Therefore the authority of the Primate is
less than the "Vicar of Christ" in Rome.
Proof of forgery
Acts of Forgery
Acts of Forgery - Liber Pontificalis
Key Facts
Date Created 752 CE
Perpetrator(s) Pepin the Short
To strengthen the claimed legitimacy of
the other three forgeries (Donation of
Original Constantine, Letter of St. Peter, Chair of
Purpose St. Peter) but detailing an unbroken like of
alleged Vicars of Christ from the time of St.
succession. Such frequent self depreciation of some former
"Popes" only served to support the apparent credibility of the
Acts of Forgery
The Letter --drafted on vellum and gilded with the finest fine
gold leaf --represents one of the foundation documents in the
creation of the Catholic Church and its claimed legitimacy
against the Patriarch of Constantinople and his Imperial
Christian Bishops.
you a splendid dwelling place in the Kingdom of God. Signed,
Peter, Prince of the Apostles
Peter's Pence
However, the tax and its completely fictional name has been
surprisingly enduring and the first major kingdom to reject it
correctly as a forgery was England under King Henry VIII by
royal assent on 16 January 1555.
Neither the type of vellum, nor the ink used for the
manuscript, nor the type of gold trimming existed at the time
of St. Peter -- making the Letter an obvious fraud. However,
the Catholic Church continued to defend its authenticity and
the legal right upon which Peter's Pence was based right up
until the split with England in 1555.
Acts of Forgery
eliminate competition in the conduct of business. It has
absolutely nothing to do with any religious teaching, nor any
factual evidence of similar tradition. In short, it was simply a
callous, immoral and wholly evil lie concocted by the Roman
cult and its allies to control world trade and wealth.
Forged evidence
Mysterium Iniquitatis
Mystery of Evil) which requires a satanic member to withhold
from uttering any individual word in public and private that
may be unmistakably regarded as openly satanic.
This is not to say that famous Satanists such as Pope Pius XII,
Pope Paul VI and more recently Pope Benedict XVI do not
occasionally make statements which are clearly evil in both
intent and phrase --such the Pope Benedicts appalling
statements concerning the plight of AIDS in Africa—it is that
nowhere will you find a senior Satanist making an open
statement such as “Lucifer is my lord”, or “Lord Moloch is to
whom I sacrifice children and heretics”.
Yet the double meanings of words and the satanic origins of
many of the most common and important words of modern
language is of vital importance to Satanists such as the Roman
Cult—because it allows them to honor Mysterium Iniquitatis
and speak in a manner which is both supremely satanic and
superficially pious simultaneously.
Economic Rationalism
In a list of the greatest acts of evil, the last thing any person
would probably think to include is a key concept of modern
economics such as economic rationalism. However, it is not
the concept of economic rationalism but what it represents
and how it is applied that makes it a supremely evil act.
One of the greatest fears of the merchant classes that hold the
greatest wealth, own the largest stakes in global corporations
and seek to maintain their power is the risk of their wealth
being seized unilaterally as it has been in ages past by kings,
dictators and church.
It is economic rational to sell international brands in high
spending consumer markets at outrageous mark-ups, while
paying children in third world countries a few cents and item
to make them under slave conditions;
In all cases, economists argue that these are just extreme cases
and that the "free market" has produced phenomenal amounts
of wealth and raised the standard of living of countless
hundreds of millions.
But is this even true? Does living in a non-de script cul de sac
two hours from work with neighbours you don't even know
quality of life?
Is a large screen TV, the latest gadgets and internet porn really
improving the minds of your children or the closeness of your
Are we really happy with everything we buy and still find ways
to purchase more? or dow e convince ourselves we are happy,
to make sense of a system that seems to lose a little more
morality every day?
Acts of Evil
Evil Rituals
(Holy) Inquisition
In the simplest of definitions concerning the Inquisition, a
"heretic" is any person who essentially believes in the sacred
scriptures of Christianity but refuses to yield to the "absolute
temporal power and moral authority" of the Pope. An infidel is
anyone who does not believe in the Christian philosophy.
and private laws. The legal might of the Catholic Church was
being tested.
While Pope Lucius III was the first to establish the Inquisition
through papal bull Ad Abolendam, as the legal and moral
framework for human sacrifice and barbaric torture of
innocent people, it was Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) who
put it into full effect. The key elements being: The Laws of the
Church, The Inquisitor, The Accused, The Act (or Offence),
The Tribunal and The Witness.
with any crime of heresy at this point -- once their name is
written down on a piece of paper and the individual
acknowledged themselves to be that person, they ceased
legally being a person and instead became both a legal
personality and property. Just the simple act of
acknowledging themselves to be who they are in front of the
Inquisitor was enough for him to legally have complete control
over their destiny.
Far from being a misguided Christian act, this ritual was the
very deliberate embodiment of Necromancy and black magic
in the control of the souls of recently departed by condemning
them to eternal service to the priests and church.
Evil Rituals
The worship of Attis, known across the ancient world
as "the Good Shepherd", the son of Cybele has always
been interwoven with the worship of his Mother, the
Queen of Heaven.
On Black Friday, Attis, the saviour god died and was buried.
He descended into the underworld (Hell). On the third day he
rose again from the dead. His worshippers were told: "The god
is saved; and for you also will come salvation from your trials."
This day was the Carnival or Hilaria, also known as the Day of
Joy. People danced in the streets and went about in disguise,
indulging in horseplay and casual love affairs. Thus was the
Sunday; the god arose in glory as the solar deity of a new
season. Christians ever afterward kept Easter Sunday with
carnival processions derived from the mysteries of Attis. Like
Christ, Attis arose when "the sun makes the day for the first
time longer than the night."
Official Order of Ceremonies-
27 March - The conclusion of the festival with a procession in
which the statue of the goddess, meteorite embedded in her
brow, is majestically carried to her temple and a series of
religious dramas and entertainments follows.
The Galla
The Galla, also later written as the Galli were the lowest rung
in the order of priestly service to Magna Mater on Vatican
Hill. The most senior was the High Priestess and then later the
High priest under Emperor Claudius.
resembling white washed walls. The galli were also very
conspicuous when they showed themselves in the city outside
the temple precincts.
They tear the wife from the husband's arms,
They tear the child from the father's knees,
They steal the bride from her marriage home."
Evil Rituals
Blood Sacrifice
Tammuz Inaana,Ishtar Mesopotamia
Shamgar Anat Mari, Syria
Horus Isis Egypt
Astarte/Ashtoret 1500
Horon Phoenicia/Syria
There is also associated mythology to the beliefs that the fresh
blood of innocents is an elixer of youth.
Evil Rituals
Crushing/Drowning Sacrifices
The worship of death as its own God has existed since the
beginning of religion. However, unlike the other gods, the
worship of death has typically gone through cycles depending
upon the relative period of prosperity.
The Israelites were strong practitioners and worshippers of
Mot and appear to be one of the few groups that maintained a
worship of death, even during good periods of plenty.
Evil Rituals
The key words associated with human sacrifice by
The word Holocaust fell out of general use for almost 1,400
years until it was famously resurrected by Pope Pius XII, the
Vatican and the Roman Cult as the official and legal
description of mass human sacrifice by burning of over 18
million innocent people in Russia and Poland. To ensure the
word is continued to be used, the Vatican and Jesuits ensured
that laws were introduced to make "Holocaust Denial" a
crime--in other words, to deny that the 18 million innocents of
World War II were not burnt alive as a sacrifice (to Moloch) is
a criminal offence. In recent years, the Vatican has funded the
Holocaust Denial movement to ensure the word remains one
of the most controversial and evil labels still in use.
describe the actual location of their sacred ceremonies where
they burnt "heretics" and innocents. The word means
"burning place" exclusively in reference to human sacrifice.
Since most educated Jewish scholars understand the religious
significance of the world "Holocaust", the word Shoah was
selected in opposition to the unrelenting evil behaviour of the
Roman Cult and Vatican. Unfortunately, the word is rarely
understood and not widely used in replacement to the word
Ba'al Moloch
It appears this Satanic liturgy has never been about the higher
motives of favourable seasons, harvest and life attributed to
the worship of the Mother Goddess, or even the worship of
Osiris reborn.
Evil Rituals
Sacred Dismemberment
The Great and ancient myths of Osiris
The most sacred location for the worship of Osiris remains the
Giza plateau and the most sacred temples to Osiris remain the
Giza pyramids and the underground complex beneath them.
A great deal has been written about the purpose and function
of the pyramids with much of it being totally incorrect. The
pyramids functioned as the most important and secret
ceremonies associated with "re-birth" of a human being into a
living god, emulating the stories of Osiris being brought back
to life by Isis.
For those that are not fully familiar, Osiris is the god who was
ritually murdered and dismembered into fourteen pieces by
Seth. Isis then spent a considerable amount of time looking
for all the pieces before bringing him back to life.
The slaughter and sacred cannibalism
Evil Rituals
Sacred Cannibalism
Two and a half thousand years before the ritual was
introduced into the ceremonies of Krishnianity, the ceremony
of the sacred eucharist of Osiris was well established the
origin of both the concept, the ritual and almost word for word
the description used by the Roman Catholic Church today.
Modern significance
The Catholic pays homage to the supreme demonic deities of
the Catholic Church, the real gods hidden behind the facades
of false worship- Attis is hidden behind Jesus; Cybele is Mary,
Dagon/Ba'al/Molech is "god".
Evil Rituals
Human Remains
treatment of remains in order to “perfect” a curse of binding of
the spirit to the remains.
Unlike any other group in history, the Roman Cult is obsessive
in the use of human remains and curses to bind spiritual
energy as protection.
Evil Rituals
Human Skin
dramatically and upon the capture of the rival city of Assur, he
skinned alive the royal family and court – including children,
having their skins displayed on the walls of the city for drying
until finally being used as binding, writing material and other
occult uses.
The Latin word vellum from vellus means not only a fleece or
hide but also “human” skin, indicating that at the Roman
times the meaning of this form of writing material was still
However, the beginning of the greatest use of human skin for
writing and book binding in history began from 1223 in the
formation of the Venetian Friari and later in 1249 in the
formation of the Holy See (mari-ago) between the Roman
Cult Pope and the Patriarchs of Venice through the
requirement that all Papal Ba’al (Bull) to be issued upon
human skin creating a new word for it called “parchment”
meaning parca = one of the three fates - the fate of death, h =
letter of binding and ment/mentis = mind, thought, intention,
intellect or in other words “mind/soul bound to the fate of
All genuine Papal Bulls since this time up until the 20th
Century have been written on the flayed skin of sacrificed
innocent children, famous adversaries and heretics – a
fundamental source of the claimed power of the orders issued
by the Roman Cult Pope.
However, the largest use of human skin has been for the
binding of sacred texts and the Roman Cult continues to
possess the largest library of books bound by hundreds of
thousands they sacrificed to Moloch and other demon gods
stored as their most precious treasure within the vaults of the
Evil Rituals
Sacred Calls/Prayers
who has trodden down the asp and the basilisk, and overcome
the lion and the dragon, to depart from this man
(woman) (on the brow), to depart from the Church of
God (signing the bystanders).
The longer you delay, the heavier your punishment shall be;
for it is not men you are contemning, but rather Him who
rules the living and the dead, who is coming to judge both the
living and the dead and the world by fire.
Evil Rituals
Sacred Celibacy
However, a much older Latin word coeleb meaning "bachelor"
existed prior to the creation of these 12th Century forms,
which strongly indicates the assumed etymology for Celibacy
has been deliberately corrupted.
The Galla
The Galla, also later written as the Galli were the lowest rung
in the order of priestly service to Magna Mater on Vatican
Hill. The most senior was the High Priestess and then later the
High priest under Emperor Claudius.
sort of turban, or a tiara, the cap with long ear flaps which
could be tied under the chin.
When Inanna's father, Enki, heard that Inanna had
descended to the underworld and did not return, He took dirt
from under his fingernail and from this made Kurgarra and
Galatur [that which repels Galla] and sent them to the
underworld where Inanna's corpse was given to them.
Inanna agrees and the large Galla and the small Galla follow
her to the world above where she sends her unfaithful
husband, Dumuzi, to take her place.
The importance of Sacred Homosexuality and the
Galla (Galli)
Cybele – Celibacy
This did not preclude them from having sex -quite the
opposite, it opened the door for sacred homosexual acts where
there Galla were sodomized during various ritual and
Evil Rituals
updating soon...
Acts of Evil
Evil Symbols
Kippa of Cybele
Key Facts
Other names Kippah, Yarmulke, Kufi and Zucchetti
Year of origin 2,000 BCE
Location Mari, Syria
In Roman Catholic ceremonial dress, the pagan Cap of Cybele
is called the Zucchetti.
In Rome and upon the Vatican Hill there is strong grounds for
making the connection to Cybele as the Vatican was the site of
the largest ancient temple and necropolis to Cybele from 200
BCE onwards.
Evil Symbols
Cap of Attis
Key Facts
Other names Phrygian Cap, Liberty Cap
Year of origin 1700 BCE
Location Ugarit
The Hat/Cap of Attis is a soft, red, conical cap with the top
pulled forward, worn in antiquity by the followers of Attis. As
the centre of his cult was Phrygia, a region of central Anatolia,
the cap of Attis also developed the popular name of the
"Phrygian Cap".
In Asia Minor during the 1st Century BCE, the cap however
developed the additionaly and totally unrelated symbolism of
both "foreigner" and "liberty", firstly on account of its use by
rivals of Rome such as the Parthians and secondly on account
of its use as a political symbol by Roman nobles supporting
the Republic and Roman Senate.
The U.S. Army has, since 1778, utilized a "War Office Seal" in
which the motto "This We'll Defend" is displayed directly over
a Phrygian cap on an upturned sword. It also appears on the
State flag of West Virginia, New Jersey and New York, as well
as the official seal of the United States Senate, the arms of the
North Carolina Senate, and on the reverse side of the Seal of
Evil Symbols
Mitre of Dagon
Key Facts
Other names Mitre
Year of origin 1900 BCE
Location Ugarit
This ceremonial head remained an integral part of the worship
of Cybele and Dagon and was also worn by the head priest of
Cybele (Magna Mater) or the Great Queen Mother Goddess by
200 BCE in Rome.
The pagan ceremonial dress of Cybele remains a key element
of modern Christian ceremony with Popes, Cardinals and
Bishops continuing to honor their dual role as priests both of
Catholic Church as well as chief priests of Cybele.
Evil Symbols
Crown Tiara of Dagon/Moloch
Key Facts
Other names Crown of Ba'al, Tiara, Triregnum
Year of origin 800 BCE (Ba'al) Baalbek
1st Crown 1302 Boniface VIII
2nd Crown 1481 Sixtus IV
3rd Crown 1537 Paul III
16th Century, it has featured prominently as part of the coat of
arms of the Vatican, usually with the crossed keys of claims of
authority from St Peter. Any text or other claim that alleges
the three-tiered crown is older than the 16th Century is
deliberately false.
This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st cestui Que Vie Trust
created when a child is born, depriving them of all their
beneficial entitlements and rights on the land at birth.
IV being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of
testamentary trusts.
The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III through the
papal bull Convocation also meant to open the Council of
Trent being the third an final testamentary deed and will of a
testamentary trust, being the trust set up for the claiming of
all "lost souls", lost to the See.
The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st cestui Que Vie
Act of 1540 to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical
authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to
England in the collection and "reaping" of lost souls.
The Bar Associations have been responsible ever since in
administering the "reaping" of the souls of the lost and
damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal
certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and
stored in its vaults.
This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd cestui Que Vie Trust
created when a child is baptized being the grant of the
Baptismal certificate by the parents to the church or Registrar
being the gift of title of the soul. Thus, without legal title over
one's own soul, a man or woman may be "legally" denied right
to stand as a person, but may be treated as a creature and
thing without legally possessing a soul. Hence, why the Bar
Association is able to legally enforce Maritime law against
men and women- because they can be treated as things, cargo
that does not possess a soul.
Evil Symbols
Papal Bull
Key Facts
Year of
1136 CE
Location Rome
Human skin, usually from sacrificed children
and/or famous heretics.
List of Bulls List of Papal Bulls
Any claimed Papal Bulls prior 1136 must be viewed as suspect
and any alleged Papal Bulls prior to 1079 are complete frauds
as the Roman Cult did not claim Rome as quasi-christians
until Gregory VII against the founders of the Catholic Church,
the Franks.
The claim that Papal Bulls are named after the bulla of ancient
Roman documents is a complete absurdity - they are
dedications to the Dark Lord or Ba'al Satan to whom the
Roman Cult dedicate their works in secret.
The Latin word vellum from vellus means not only a fleece or
hide but also “human” skin, indicating that at the Roman
times the meaning of this form of writing material was still
The awful ritual of murdering children for using their skin for
Papal Bulls and other Spells was first outlined in the Grimoire
of Pope Honorius III at the beginning of the 13th Century. But
instead of explicitly using the word "human child", the word
"kid" is used. Today, the word kids is accepted as a word for
Under all western law, the highest form of law and literally the
highest form upon which any writing exists is a Papal Bull-
based on parchment, being the skin of sacrificed children. In
the system devised by the Roman Cult, no other document can
claim higher standing.
for those granted limited powers to resurrect the "dead paper"
of a document to limited life, through the form of certain
seals. Yet under this wholly evil and wicked system, no
document has higher "life" that a Papal Bull being a satanic
curse and binding usng the flesh of innocents to "trap their
soul" to the form.
Evil Symbols
Key Facts
Other G (in Freemasonry), ór (gaelic sounding "awe"),
names zaháv (hebrew)
Year of As religious material = 4,500 BCE from Ireland
origin (Cuilliaéan)
As cursed material = 1260 BCE Under Ramses II
As cursed "lawful money" destroying Empires
from 60 BCE onwards
As medium for cursing souls from 1543 CE
onwards as "Bar"
The Religious Origin of Gold
While erased from the history books, the first verifiable Gold
mines and goldsmith work originates from Ireland - a source
of the majority of the Gold for the early and middle Bronze
Age. Ireland and specifically the first priest class of Western
Civilization, the Cuilliaéan or "Holly", are also the source and
origin of the religious origin associated with Gold.
Berlin Gold Hat) detailed extremely accurate lunar settings
and astronomical information.
squandering and abusing the massive wealth of Egypt, causing
even greater hardship and economic ruin.
During captivity under the swamp pirate Ramses pharaohs,
the Israelites were the first group to begin worshipping gold as
its own god, in the form of the “golden calf” in an open
rejection of Yah and the Divine Creator. The calf was later also
adopted as a false god by the Menes-Heh themselves.
In the past three hundred years, those that control the vast
majority of gold have undertaken two specific campaigns – to
remove private citizen ownership of gold and to remove public
gold reserves as competition. Gold is then withdrawn after an
appropriate time, replaced by liens, and paper based
underwriting to paper based currency. As debt has become
unmanageable, gold is then returned under a different guise,
using the poor intellectual and “truth and enlightenment”
class to promote its validity.
This is precisely the plan being successfully executed by the
descendents of the Phoenician, Cilician, Menes water pirates
and the Khazar land pirates now as bankers and merchants.
The strongest promoters of “lawful money” today is not the
business class, historians or politicians, but the truth
movement, unwittingly manipulated by the bankers as they
were every seventy years like clockwork in the 1930’s globally
and the 1860’s in America , in 1790’s in France and in 1720’s
in Amsterdam and Germany.
The new site for the apparatus of the Vatican being the Court
of Rota, the Sacred Chancery, the Treasury and the Sacred
Penitentiary would be London, as the New Jerusalem Temple
and later the United States as an extension to the Temple.
During this time, the Jesuits were granted an exclusive “right”
never before seen, the concept of salvaging those souls “lost”
to the See (Sea) through the concept of Salvation using Banks
and Courts as part of their apparatus - Thus the full blown
commercialization of sin.
What then did the Jesuits consider was the highest collateral
against the flesh as surety and performance of promissory
notes? Indeed, it was the soul. But where does one place
something ethereal when salvaged and into what tangible
medium? The answer was Gold Bars, the origin of the name of
the Bar Associations, the “reapers of souls”.
tonnes which is over 58,000 higher from the last century
alone than the total claimed by Barclays as being all the gold
ever mined!
For example, over 3,000 tonnes of Gold was stripped from the
American civilizations by the Spanish between 1492 and 1600,
estimated to be around 40% of total global production during
the period. Between 1600 and 1800, the Jesuit controlled
massive slave mines of Colombia and Brazil are estimated to
have produced three times the Gold stolen during the
American civilization genocides.
The most accurate estimate, taking into account all records, all
historical references and the history of mining techniques and
mining areas is that around 200,143 metric tonnes is closer to
the figure of all gold every mined/produced.
Gold Mined
Years Production Total %
pre 0 25,000 12.50%
0-400 8,597 33,597 4.30%
401-1490 8,129 41,726 4.10%
1491-1600 6,513 48,239 3.30%
1600-1800 12,312 60,551 6.20%
1800-1900 11,517 72,068 5.80%
1900-2006 128,075 200,143 64.00%
Average total global gold production over the last ten years
currently stands around 2,300 to 2,500 metric tonnes per
annum. Currently, the three largest gold producers in the
world are South Africa (24%), Australia (16%) and Canada
The Russians, for example are believed to hold many tonnes of
gold in private reserves, which is impossible to verify.
However, when we look at official estimates, we are talking
about a potential discrepancy in gold estimates of over 50,000
metric tonnes (almost $1,000 Billion) simply missing and
Slave Mines 4050 33150 54.7%
End of Empires 6500 39650 55.0%
World Wars 16200 55850 53.4%
Organized crime 4500 60350 30.2%
For most of the past 1,000 years, the Catholic Church has been
in a dominant position to control the world market of gold
with over 50% of all gold and a high point from around the
14th Century to around 17th Century of controlling over 60%
of the total gold ever mined.
Evil Symbols
Key Facts
Other pentalpha, pentangle, key of solomon, star of
names solomon
Year of
2,500-3,000 BCE
Location Mesopotamia,
During the Middle Ages and the rise of the Roman Cult, the
pentagram became the central symbol of the Necromancers in
the concocted belief that the symbol somehow acted as a
portal, a binding and a talisman of power in the control of
ghosts (spirits). An entire and elaorately ficticious cosmology
was formed under the infamous grimoires and the writings of
such occultists as John Dee where the pentagram became an
essential symbol of the necromancer.
When the pentagram became synonymous with the Ba'al and
later Mithra, the intersection of the longest points became the
crown, or primary "inbound" point and the opposite point, the
head or "capito" as the intentional direction of power. Roman
necromancers also introduced the notion of a moving
pentagram whereby spiritual essence was "collected" and then
as the head turned it would be directed to some point. Thus,
the circle around a pentagram became an essential element in
converting the symbol into a seal that then could direct energy
brought in, to some outbound point, even if the physical
symbol did not move.
The most important remaining pentagrams are in the
buildings and floors of Vatican- dedicating the temple of St
Peter to effectively the largest shrine to Cybele in history.
Original Sin
The fact that Augustine was not able to provide one shred of
evidence as to how such a thoroughly evil idea could be
construed from scriptures that by his lifetime had already
been re-edited on several occasions was immaterial to its
strongest supporters.
Everyone is guilty.
The lack of any credible evidence however, did not deter the
church authorities then or since. In fact, by the late middle
ages, The Catholic Church had extended the lie of Augustine to
encompass unborn infants, saying children who die without
being baptized are condemned to eternity in limbo.
Eternal Damnation
She was thrown into 100 lifetimes of pedophile families.
Whilst meditating she saw all the bad things she did, as she
grounded them.
Everyone is guilty.
However, by the third to second century BCE the concept of
Tartarus was developed as a place of eternal punishment in
Hellenic culture and the concept of Gehenna appeared in
Jewish writing as a "place of unquenchable fire".
threat of "fire and brimstone" a fundamental doctrine of
The belief that a saviour is the only Son of God is one of the
most common beliefs amongst ancient civilizations and
religions it is a "universal myth" predating Christianity by at
least 2,000 to 2,500 years.
The evidence of this belief being common amongst a wide
variety of cultures and religions spanning thousands of years
is overwhelming. From thousands of coins recovered from the
age of the Roman Empire to temples and recovered ancient
texts all point to the title "Only son of God" and "Son of God"
as commonplace.
the heresy of all subsequent massive re-edits of the scriptures
of Christianity since.
This can only mean one thing- not only is the concept of the
"only son of god" a universal myth borrowed by christianity,
but it was inserted sometime after the first and official New
Testament was promulgated by Emperor Constantine in the
4th Century CE.
As we remove the trauma and Energy Blockages, so, we
become more perfect.
Everyone is guilty.
Bacchus Rome 500 BCE
Quetzalcoatl Mexico, Hopi 400 BCE
Adonis Greece 400 BCE
Jesus Christianity 44 CE
A virgin is pure.
Everyone is guilty.
Its roots are found in the re-birth of both astrological signs of
the oldest of human cultures and the cycle of seasons. In spite
of the unknown quantity of physical evidence that has been
destroyed over the past two thousand years, sufficient
archeological evidence remains to support overwhelmingly
that any claim to the story of Jesus Christ being the only figure
ever claimed to be the Son of God, born of a Virgin is a
untenable lie.
The discovery of the oldest known Bible called the "Sinaiticus"
from the mid 4th Century has provided a rare insight into just
how much of the Vulgate contradicts the first official Greek
Bible issued by Constantine after the 1st Council of Nicaea.
Queen of Heaven
2,000 years. It is found in no less than four (4) other religions
besides christianity.
Neither the myth, nor the title "Queen of Heaven" are unique
to christianity. Significantly, all religions that celebrated the
title of "Queen of Heaven" involved aspects of the same
goddess of fertility, sex and war/power whose temple and
necropolis upon Vatican Hill in Rome was one of the most
important in the ancient world.
mythology that predates Christian stories by at least 600 to
1,000 years.
A short summary shows the degree to which the birth, life and
death myths of Jesus match Krishna with astounding
King Kansa.
King Kansa tried to
kill Krishna by
ordering the King Herod ordered the slaughter of all
slaughter of all infants born on the same day as Jesus.
males born on the Source: St. Matthew, 2:16.
same day as
The Virgin Mary is told by an angel,
"Hail, thou that art highly favored, the
Lord is with thee: blessed art thou
among women. ... Fear not, Mary, for
The Virgin Devaki thou hast found favor with God. And,
is told by an angel, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
"In thy delivery, O and bring forth a son, and shalt call his
favored among name JESUS. He shall be great, and
women, all nations shall be called the Son of the Highest:
shall have cause to and the Lord God shall give unto him
rejoice." the throne of his father David: And he
shall reign over the house of Jacob
forever; and of his kingdom there shall
be no end."
Source: St. Luke 1:28-33.
The nativity of
The nativity of Jesus is heralded by a
Krishna is heralded
by a star.
Jesus is born in a cave.
Krishna is born in Source: The Apocryphal Gospel entitled
a cave. Protevangelion, supposedly written by
The cave story is an James, the brother of Jesus.
indication of lower- The manger story (wherein Jesus was
class birthplace. born in a stable) is an indication of a
low-class birthplace.
Krishna is visited
in the cave by three Jesus is visited in the stable/cave by
wise men bearing three wise men bearing gifts.
The cave was The cave was illuminated so brightly
mysteriously Joseph and Mary's midwife could not
illuminated. tolerate the light.
Source: The Apocryphal
Gospel Protevangelion.
Nanda is warned
by an angel to flee
Joseph is warned in a dream to flee from
from King Kansa
King Herod into Egypt with the infant
by crossing the
Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
Jumna River with
the infant Krishna.
The baby Jesus began speaking to the
Virgin Mary shortly after his birth,
saying, "Mary, I am Jesus, the Son of
The baby Krishna God, that WORD which thou didst bring
began speaking to forth according to the declaration of the
his mother shortly Angel Gabriel to thee, and my Father
after birth. hath sent me for the salvation of the
Source: The Apocryphal Gospel, The
First Gospel of the Infancy.
Krishna performs
Jesus performs miracles in the town of
miracles in
Materea in Egypt.
Krishna is the
second person of
the Hindu Trinity:
Jesus is the second person of the
(1) Brahma, (2)
Christian Trinity: (1) God, the Father,
Vishnu, (3) Siva.
(2) Jesus the Son, (3) the Holy Ghost.
Krishna is the
incarnation of
Krishna was
Jesus was crucified.
During the
During the crucifixion, Jesus was
Krishna was
wounded by a spear.
wounded by an
At noon on the day
From the sixth hour to the ninth hour on
of Krishna's
the day of Jesus' crucifixion, the sun
crucifixion, the sun
Krishna descended Jesus descended into Hell.
into Hell. He raised the dead.
He raised the dead. He brought back from Hell two boys, the
He brought back sons of the high priest.
two boys from Source: The Apocryphal Gospel of
Hell. Nicodemus.
The fact that aspects of the life of Krishna were taken and
incorporated into the new religion of christianity by Emperor
Constantine does not invalidate the historical fact of the
existence of a royal prince of the line of Judah we now know as
Jesus. It does however, cast a question over the credibility of
the scriptures of the New Testament as the sole source of
spiritual wisdom.
Saviour Sacrified
The saviour was crucified for our sins.
While the belief that Jesus Christ was Crucified for atonement
of our sins, this concept is far from unique. In fact the sacrifice
of Kings predates even the crucifixion mythology to the
beginning of the earliest civilizations of humanity.
Any claim then that Jesus was the first and only figure within
history to which this mythology applies ia patently absurd and
defies all evidence to the contrary.
Saviour Thieves
The specific events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus as
now written in heavily edited scriptures of the New Testament
appears overwhelmingly to be borrowed from Eastern
mythologies by Eusebius around 325 to 330 in his official role
of forming the first official Bible of Christianity as ordered by
Emperor Constantine.
He raised the dead. He brought back from Hell two
He brought back two boys boys, the sons of the high priest.
from Hell. Source: The Apocryphal Gospel of
The fact that aspects of the life of Krishna were taken and
incorporated into the new religion of christianity by Emperor
Constantine does not invalidate the historical fact of the
existence of a royal prince of the line of Judah we now know as
Jesus. It does however, challenge credibility of all Bibles
published since the Vulgate of Jerome in the 5th Century CE.
Saviour Resurrection
Jesus Christianity 44 CE
The fact that the death and resurrection story, including the
specific description of crucifixion is not unique to christianity
does not necessarily mean that the actual person we know as
Jesus Christ did not suffer an event in which they were
crucified. It merely means that all claims of actual death and
defying the laws of physics by returning to life cannot be
considered as credible, nor original to christianity.
Meaning of Evil
The "Devil" in "Hell" is the "Source" of Evil
It's pretty easy to see. Look up the origin of the word "Hell" on
the world wide web and you'll quickly see it was originally the
name of a Nordic goddess of the underworld 1,500 years ago.
The word "Devil" is Greek (diabaulus) meaning slander,
traduce and it wasn't used as a label for the supreme evil being
until well into the 6th and 7th Century CE.
How then can we make sense of the true meaning and origins
of evil?
The word evil itself is translated from the Ancient Greek word
for an ancient demon spirit ubel, which is equivalent to the the
Hebrew name azazel for the same spirit. In Olde English, the
word was spelt yfel and later ivell and evyl.
The Evil Black Magicians who run this Planet and who have
run this planet over 72 civilisations and over thousands of
years use Evil Spirits to corrupt their workers their minions.
The Evil Black Magicians who run this Planet and who have
run this planet over 72 civilisations and over thousands of
years use the Science of Meditation to create and use Evil
Spirits to corrupt their workers their minions.
Everyone is guilty.
Ancient Mesopotamia
gnostic tradition of christianity that Earth was the site for a
prison of the very worst and evil beings of a higher order race
from the a nearby star system.
Everyone is guilty.
But meditation can ground all those traces of evil
Ancient Egypt
perceived as a primeval deity present in chaos at the creation
of the cosmos and is therefore also one of the eight deities of
the Ogdoad coupled with the Goddess Amaunet and
representing hidden power.
By 1355 BCE the Amen priesthood was a powerful force in
Egypt leading to the eventual contest between Amen and Aten,
the God ‘created’ by Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). Amen’s
eclipse was short-lived and he returned to prominence until
the end of Egyptian history.
The use of the word Amen as part of rituals and prayers of the
earliest Christian sects is well recorded as is its continued use
Set(h) 2500 BCE- 400 CE
In the Osirian legend, first recorded in the Pyrmaid texts and
later popualrised and embellished by the Greek writer
Plutarch, Seth is the jealous adversary of his brother Osiris. A
separate mythology credits Seth with defence of the Sun God
Re as he is about to be swallowed by Apophis, the perenially
hostile serpent God of the underworld. The so called Book of
the dead accounts Seth as the ‘lord of the northern sky’ who
controls storm clouds and thunder.
Ancient Spain
Legends connect her to the weather: that when she and Majue
travelled together hail would fall, that her departures from her
cave would be accompanied by storms or droughts, that which
cave she lived in at different times would determine dry or wet
weather: wet when she was in Anboto, dry when she was
elsewhere (the details vary). Other places with where she was
said to dwell include the chasm of Murumendi, the cave of
Gurutzegorri (Ataun), Aitzkorri and Aralar, although it is not
always possible to be certain which Basque legends should be
considered to pertain to the same lamia.
Ancient Syria
originates as a translation of the word Set as well as the
concept of a supreme evil spirit.
Ancient Greece
Hades - the invisible one 1400 BCE to 400 CE
The Greek word was made up from two words (dia meaning
across) + (ballein meaning throw). The Hebrew equivelent
was the word satan meaning accuser, slanderer.
Ancient Rome
As Lucifer is a Latin word (therefore Roman), Lucifer today
is arguably the most famous named negative spirit of Roman
The second instance of Jerome using the word was in his re-
write of 2 Peter 1:19 to translate the greek word Phosphoros
which has exactly the same literal meaning as "light-bringer"
to Lucifer.
It was not until the printing of the epic poem Paradise Lost by
John Milton in the 17th Century using the word Lucifer to
mean Satan that the meaning of Lucifer as Satan became
accepted into common use.
Historic Councils and Events
Catholic Councils
Almanac of Evil
First Century
also known as Barabbas, being a High priest of the Sarmatian
sect and self proclaimed messiah, did commit the murder of
Stephen the Martyr, a man who had been appointed by James,
the brother of Jesus to coordinate food relief to starving
people at the beginning of the great famine.
ancient rites of the Sarmatian priests of Baal Moloch practiced
for over one thousand years prior.
Boudica did deliberately set fire to multiple locations across
Rome in an attempt to completely destroy the city and kill all
the inhabitants.
Almanac of Evil
Second Century
250,000 innocent men, women and children were murdered
by these Boethusian "Jewish" zealots.
Almanac of Evil
Third Century
enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, infantcide,
cannibalism, terrorism, fraud and subversion of public
Almanac of Evil
Fourth Century
a deliberate and calculated forgery to imply an earlier date by
900 years for the emergence of the "flat earth" laws of the
Roman Cult prior to the 12th and 13th Centuries.
high priests of (Pontifex Maximus) Magna Mater of the
Vatican nor any Christian Bishops in Rome.
[Crime No.01-03] Of publishing false documents : (352 - 366
CE) That the person known as Pope Liberius is a fictional
character (including all alleged sacred relics, writings and
orders) created as part of multiple editions and revisions to
the forgery Liber Pontificalis in order to establish a false
apostolic succession to hide the gap of 144 years (222-366)
during which there were no pagan satanic high priests of
(Pontifex Maximus) Magna Mater of the Vatican nor any
Christian Bishops in Rome.
divination, rather than the occult practices of the Jewish
Sarmatians and Greek/Roman Occults is deliberately false
and designed to both denigrate the founders of Christianity
and hide just how late the emergence of censorship under the
Roman Cult from the 12th and 13th Centuries.
claim St Jerome, Church luminary and author of the Vulgate
Bible did say 'He who has bathed in Christ does not need a
second bath' and that Paula (St. Paula) did say: 'A clean body
and clean clothes betoken an unclean mind' are completely
fraudulent statements written no earlier than the 12th/13th
Century by the Roman Cult to deliberately imply and
breakdown in social order and rational thinking 800 years
earlier than it did under the Roman Cult and the Venetian
Satanic Cult.
[Crime No.01-03] Of publishing false documents/statements
for obstruction of basic principles of fair justice : (380 CE)
That the claim Emperor Theodosius reinforced Damasus I's
decree and did make it illegal for believers to question church
doctrine is wholly false and designed to firstly deliberately
hide the fact that the murder of heretics did not start by an
"Christian" sect until the arrival of the Venetian Satanic Cult
to power in the 12th Century and secondly reinforce the false
claim of superiority of the Roman Church over all the world.
[Crime No.01-03] Of publishing false documents/statements :
(389 CE) The claim that Emperor Theodosius upon request of
christian leaders did outlaws all non-Christian calendars,
charts and navigation instruments indicating a spherical Earth
and existence of land is one of the greatest and deliberate
forgeries in history designed to hide the fact that the flat earth
doctrine did not appear until the Roman Cult divided the
Earth in two halves for the international slave trade industry
after the 13th Century --800 years later. However, the crime
was committed in the 13th century so that by this action, all
navigators and ship owners were effectively under the control
of the christian church, given without charts and navigation
instruments they could not complete long journeys.
sinned ... we should be born animal and carnal." – Augustine
(R. Seeburg, History of Doctrine, I, p338)
Almanac of Evil
Fifth Century
imply that the "burning of heretics" began hundreds of years
earlier than is accurate.
Augustine That these false accusations have persisted today as
justification for the systematic genocide of the Donatists.
to the forgery Liber Pontificalis in order to establish a false
apostolic succession to hide the existence of gnostic leaders in
[Crime No.05-03] Of publishing false documents/statements
for the obstruction of the fundamental principles of human
rights : (435 CE) That the claim the Imperial Christian church
did decree intermarriage between Christian and Jew illegal
and that women convicted of crime were charged with
adultery and sentenced to death is a deliberate forgery of 12th
Century laws impossed by the Roman Cult. Not only was the
word "Jew" invented in the 16th Century, but the original law
forbid Christians to marry those who worshipped human
sacrifice and satanic practices--the same as the Roman Cult
who created this forged history.
Almanac of Evil
Sixth Century
[Crime No.06-03] Of publishing false statements/sexual
discrimination : (505 CE) That Anicius Boethius, Jewish
Sadducee Scholar and blood descendent of the Boethusian
High Priests in the heavily corrupted work The Consolation of
Philosophy did state "Woman is a temple built upon a sewer."
That such words and sentiments were deliberately designed to
reinforce the suppression of the spirit of women and ensure
their cultural enslavement under male dominated occult cult
of the Roman Cult.
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
[Crime No.06-03] Of crimes against humanity (590 CE)
Gregory I, or Gregory the Great, sends out order compelling
bishops to desist from "wicked labour" of teaching grammar
and Latin to lay people.
[Crime No.06-03] Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the
purpose of slave trade : Circa 600 CE: Pope Gregory I wrote,
in Pastoral Rule: "Slaves should be told...not [to] despise their
masters and recognize that they are only slaves."
Almanac of Evil
Seventh Century
all alleged sacred relics, writings and orders) created as part of
multiple editions and revisions to the forgery Liber
Pontificalis in order to establish a false apostolic succession to
hide the gap of 161 years (590-751) during which no pagan
satanic high priests of (Pontifex Maximus) Magna Mater of
the Vatican existed nor any Christian Bishops in Rome.
Maximus) Magna Mater of the Vatican existed nor any
Christian Bishops in Rome.
Almanac of Evil
Eighth Century
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
[Crime No.07-03] Of murder : (782 CE) That Charlemagne
did order the unlawful murder of 4,500 Saxon prisoners of
war at Verden .
Almanac of Evil
Ninth Century
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
[Crime No.09-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (827 – 844 CE) That the person known as Pope
Gregory IV, was both a member and leader of an organisation
known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
[Crime No.09-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (867 – 872 CE) That the person known as Pope
Adrian II, was both a member and leader of an organisation
known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
[Crime No.09-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (882 – 884 CE) That the person known as Pope
Marinus I, was both a member and leader of an organisation
known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
Almanac of Evil
Tenth Century
criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be
undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals.
the ancient rites of his forefathers and original Jewish
Sadducee founders of Christianity. Furthermore, that Pope
Sergius III did strip the convents of Nuns from any pretence of
holiness and returned them to being prostitutes for the male
clergy as had been their original purpose for the church five
hundred years earlier.
[Crime No.10-03] Of Murder : (928 CE) That John XI, the son
of open Satanist Pope Sergius III did re-obtain the office of
Pope through the murder of Pope Leo VI by his mother
and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose
of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader
of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized
criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.10-03] Of murder (984 CE) That Pope Boniface VII
did murder Pope John XIV to obtain the seat of St. Peter and
Almanac of Evil
Eleventh Century
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.11-03] Of repeated rapes, murders, incest and
moral depravity : (1012 – 1024 CE) That Pope Benedict VIII
did maintain the new traditions of the Roman Catholic Papacy
by maintaining within St. Peter’s Church itself the regular
ancient rituals of the Israelite Kings and High priests of the
line of Solomon in conducting drug fuelled sexual orgies,
infanticide, ritual killing of women during and after sex,
cannibalism and other completely depraved acts.
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
Pope Clement II, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and
subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized
criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.11-03] Of continuing to obtain property by
extortion and theft : (1086) That Pope Victor III did continue
the false tradition of stealing one denarius from every
Christian house in France each year to be paid to the Pope.
Franks and Saxons to invade the more civilized world - Pope
Urban II calls upon the Franks to invade the more civilized
Muslim world, thereby causing five centuries of warfare and
the death of millions.
Twelfth Century
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.12-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1124 – 1130 CE) That the person known as
Pope Honorius II, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and
subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized
criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.12-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1144 - 1145 CE) That the person known as Pope
Lucius II, also known as “Inimicus expulsus”, the 2nd Pope
according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member
and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose
of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader
of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.12-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1168 - 1178 CE) That the person known as Pope
Calistus III, also known as “De Pannonia Tusciæ”, the 8th
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, also known as
an anti-Pope, was both a member and leader of a faction of an
organisation known as “Christianity” first established and
subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized
criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
Almanac of Evil
Thirteenth Century
famine, slavery, corruption and spiritual enslavement of as
many souls as possible.
[Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity : (1209) 7000
massacred in La Madeleine Church alone.
[Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1216 - 1227 CE) That the person known as Pope
Honorius III, also known as “Canonicus de latere”, the 16th
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism,
fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.13-03] Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the
purpose of slave trade : 13th century CE: Thomas Aquinas
(1225-1274) accepted the teachings of the ancient Greek Pagan
philosopher, Aristotle, that slavery is "natural."
[Crime No.13-03] Of murder : (1235) Fulda, Germany
Historian K Deschner claims 34 Jewish men and women were
slain by Christians at Fulda, Germany.
Fathers) knowing it to be fraudulent in which a great number
of alleged genuine quotes of Early quotes of church fathers
were listed including Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom,
Cyril of Alexandria and Maximus the Abbott being ficticious
characters created by the Pope and the Catholic Church which
Aquinas unknowingly then used in large believing the text to
be genuine part to form the basis of his defence of the papacy
in the work Against the Errors of the Greeks.
philosophers, Popes in order to simplify the ending of
marriage without any rights for women and their perpetual
enslavement in a male dominated society, an estimated
9,000,000 witches, mostly women, are burned by Catholics
and Protestants until 1894 when last European witch is
executed. Never in human history has a system such as
Christianity so suppressed the rights of women, especially in
regards to spiritual equality. Even today, the same Catholic
philosophers who deliberately assisted in the architecture of
evil are quoted by male clergy to reinforce the ban of women
having any role within Christianity as they are prevented in
Judaism and Islam.
[Crime No.13-03] Of repeated incest : (1294 - 1303) That Pope
Boniface VIII did commit repeated incest upon all his
children, male and female and did father several illegitimate
children by them.
to prevent genuine help and release of vast church wealth to
help the world and the poor, other than window dressing aid.
Almanac of Evil
Fourteenth Century
[Crime No.14-03] Of obstructing the basic values and rights of
human beings for the purpose of slave trade : (1300 – 1400
CE): That during this century the Roman Catholic Church did
maintain the legitimacy of slavery as law in the official Corpus
Iuris Canonici (Canon Law), based on the Decretum Gratiani,
and Nova Compilatio decretalium (New Compilation of
Decretals) which became the official law of the Church since
Pope Gregory IX in 1227. Furthermore, that this law enabled
slave traders during this century to be free of any charge of
heresy (therefore loss of property) as well as ensure their
protected by church law. That this law promoting the
international slave trade by the Catholic Church was only
repealed in the 20th Century on, May 27, 1917.
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism,
fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.14-03] Of open depravity associated with
cannibalism, sex and murder : (1316-1334) That Pope John
XXII did open St Peters, St. Pauls Church and other major
churches to regular acts of sexual orgies, ritualistic murder of
children and cannibalism in the celebration of High Mass of
Satanism of Christianity.
evil outside of the Vatican and the Catholic Church by
claiming in a Papal Bull the reality of Witchcraft.
Furthermore, that the Pontiff did use the same satanic
documents released by previous Popes and himself as
evidence to support his claim that witches exist across Europe.
That he declares witches, specifically females who show any
sign of intuitive medical knowledge or gifts of detecting lies as
enemies of Christianity.
[Crime No.14-03] Of ritualistic murder and unspeakable
torture : (1334-1342) That Pope Benedict XII did entertain
himself during banquets and sexual orgies in the Papal palaces
by the constant spectacle of ritualistic murder and
unspeakable torture of innocent men, women and especially
children while he dined.
[Crime No.14-03] Of crimes against humanity : (1347-51) That
at the end of the Middle Ages warm period, the climate did
rapidly cool into a mini Ice Age causing mass famine and
swelling of populations in major cities and towns. That
because of the deliberate policies of the Catholic Church to
eliminate all science, medicine, engineering, technology,
sanitation other than what was available to the very rich and
church leaders, that the disease of Bubonic Plague did spread
rapidly amongst the starving population so that within four
years over 1/3 of the population in Europe Asia and North
Africa (75,000,000) were dead from the plague. Because of
the deliberate suppression and creation of such conditions by
the Popes and the Catholic Church, every single death between
this period is because of them.
[Crime No.14-03] Of murder (1347) Bavaria 10,000 Jews are
slaughtered after Christian mobs wielding pitchforks and
sickles slash through 80 Jewish communities in Bavaria.
[Crime No.14-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1362 - 1370 CE) That the person known as
Pope Urban V, also known as Blessed Urban, also known as
“Gallus Vice-comes”, the 40th Pope according to the prophecy
of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and
subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized
criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
[Crime No.14-03] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1378 - 1394 CE) That the person known as
Pope Clement VII, also known as “De cruce Apostilica”, the
42nd Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, also
known as an anti-Pope, was both a member and leader of a
faction of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose
of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader
of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals.
Almanac of Evil
Fiftheenth Century
Pope Gregory IX in 1227. Furthermore, that this law enabled
slave traders during this century to be free of any charge of
heresy (therefore loss of property) as well as ensure their
protected by church law. That this law promoting the
international slave trade by the Catholic Church was only
repealed in the 20th Century on, May 27, 1917.
[Crime No.15-16] Of heresy : (1414) That at the Council of
Constance John XXIII was accused of 70 crimes at and was
deposed for adultery, incest, atheism and murdering
predecessor Alexander V.
[Crime No.15-20] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1431 – 1447 CE) That the person known as
Pope Eugene IV, also known as “Lupa cælestina”, the 52nd
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.15-30] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1447 – 1455 CE) That the person known as
Pope Nicholas V, also known as “De modicitate lunæ”, the
54th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both
a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
inquisitor confirms witchcraft as heresy in Flail Against the
Heresy of Witchcraft thereby justifying European witchhunts.
[Crime No.15-39] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1455 – 1458 CE) That the person known as
Pope Callistus III, also known as “Bos pascens”, the 55th Pope
according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member
and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose
of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader
of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, incest and
lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.15-47] Of moral depravity and inhumanity : (1460)
That Vlad Dracula with full written authority and knowledge
of the Roman Catholic Church did murder over 40,000 men,
women and children, many by impalement, after Christian
crusader destroy the town of Buda, Romania. Upon survivors
seeing Dracula practice the standard Papal satanic ceremonies
of drinking blood and eating the flesh of victims while they are
still alive and conscious of the act against them, conclude him
to be a demon from Hell.
burned amid unproved claims they had ritually sacrificed
Christian child named Simon.
[Crime No.15-61] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1484 – 1492 CE) That the person known as
Pope Innocent VIII, also known as “Præcursor Siciliæ”, the
59th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both
a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
absurd claims that witches can fly, change shape and have
intercourse with Devil.
[Crime No.15-73] Of murder : (1484+) Saxony 133 are burned
as witches in single day in Saxony after Innocent VIII issues
Summis desiderantes affectibus bull.
[Crime No.15-81] Of murder (1487+) 150 male and female
members of Waldensian sect are cruelly butchered in one of
many French Savoy towns obliterated by papal soldiers.
[Crime No.15-86] Of open moral depravity and indignity
concerning church law : (1492 – 1503 CE) That Pope
Alexander VI did procreate and produce illegitimate children
in support of his own adherence to Papal traditions in direct
and deliberate conflict and heresy to church law. That Pope
Alexander VI did promote this duplicit and evil behaviour
while tens of thousands of innocent people were burned alive
in satanic rituals across Europe for the smallest of
indiscretions and false charges.
entitled to all land in South America: "If the Indians refuse, he
may quite legally fight them, kill them and enslave them, just
as Joshua enslaved the inhabitants of Canaan.
Almanac of Evil
Sixteenth Century
also known as Roman Catholic Cult also known as the Vatican,
also known as the Holy See did deliberately and knowingly
commit identity fraud by falsely claiming to be the legitimate
successors to the founders of the Catholic Church including
claiming to be an organisation of goodness, piety and holiness
following the teachings of Jesus Christ when its purpose for
existence and ongoing function is the complete opposite by
being a relatively small group of the oldest continuous order of
Satanists of human history involved in human sacrifice and
cannibalism whose true objectives have always been the
suppression of spiritual enlightenment, promotion of heresy
against original Christian and Catholic doctrine, including the
ongoing illegal control and suppression of the Catholic Church
and human civilization through the promotion of war, disease,
famine, slavery, corruption and spiritual enslavement of as
many souls as possible.
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.16-23] Of murder : (1514) 300 people are executed
as witches at Como, Italy.
[Crime No.16-28] Of murder : (1523) Como, Italy 1000 people
are burned as witches at Como, Italy.
[Crime No.16-36] Of murder : (1530) Alonso De Jaen is
burned at stake for urinating against church wall.
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
establishment of a new unlawful enterprise for the purpose of
crime known as the Jesuits and headed by Iñigo López de
Loyola, otherwise known as Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1) firstly
to subvert the children of wealthy Europeans away from
secularism, enlightened and instill a doctrine of quasi-
knowledge/education consistent with church doctrine and
absolute catholic loyalty (2) to source missionaries and
theologians to travel the globe in search and elimination of
heresy and to assist in conversion; (3) to disrupt, subvert and
palaralyze the spread of Protestantism through any means
[Crime No.16-62] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1555 – 1555 CE) That the person known as
Pope Marcellus II, also known as “Frumentum floccidum”, the
68th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both
a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.16-67] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation: (1559 – 1565 CE) That the person known as
Pope Pius IV, also known as “Æsculapii pharmacum”, the 70th
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.16-72] Of murder : (1563+) England Vigilantes and
lynch mobs are responsible for deaths of at least 2,000
"witches" in 200 years following Witchcraft Act introduction
in England.
extortion, kidnapping, rape, incest and lowering of public
with the help of God you have relieved the world of these
wretched heretics".
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
75th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.16-102] Of murder : (1592) Oluf Gurdal, of Bergen,
becomes first person executed for witchcraft in Norway.
Ulster from Roman Church and gives it to Scottish and
English Protestants.
Almanac of Evil
Seventeenth Century
being a relatively small group of the oldest continuous order of
Satanists of human history involved in human sacrifice and
cannibalism whose true objectives have always been the
suppression of spiritual enlightenment, promotion of heresy
against original Christian and Catholic doctrine, including the
ongoing illegal control and suppression of the Catholic Church
and human civilization through the promotion of war, disease,
famine, slavery, corruption and spiritual enslavement of as
many souls as possible.
[Crime No.17-05] Of murder : (1601) Baker's wife Else
Gwinner, of Baden, Germany, is tortured by strappado,
flogging and thumbscrews before being burned as witch.
[Crime No.17-11] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1605 – 1605 CE) That the person known as
Pope Leo XI, also known as “Undosus Vir”, the 78th Pope
according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member
and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose
of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader
of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to:
murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, incest and
lowering of public morals.
[Crime No.17-23] Of murder : (1618) Margaret Barclay
Scottish gentlewoman, Margaret Barclay, is strangled and
burned at stake in Ayrshire after being tortured into
confessing she used witchcraft to sink ship.
[Crime No.17-28] Of publishing false statement to suppress
fundamental human rights : (1623-44) Pope Urban VIII
imprisons Galileo after ordering him to retract "damnable
heresy" that earth revolves around sun.
[Crime No.17-37] Of murder : (1634) Urbain Grandier, burned
in Loudun, 1634. Cardinal Richelieu orchestrated his murder.
[Crime No.17-42] Of crimes against humanity (1648):
200,000 Jews are slain during Christian massacres at
Chmielnitzki, Poland.
[Crime No.17-47] Of crimes against humanity (1663-68) That
the continued suppression of ancient medical knowledge,
education, sanitation and the deliberate promotion of
spurious medical theories did directly contribute to the onset
of a massive outbreak of plague across Europe causing the
death of over 50,000,000 (fifty million) innocent people. That
no only did the Vatican deliberately withhold any assistance,
with not one dollar being spent to help but once against it
actively sought to cause delays, misinformation, fear and
prejudice to promote and extend the misery of this pandemic.
[Crime No.17-52] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1670 – 1676 CE) That the person known as
Pope Clement X, also known as “De flumine magno”, the 85th
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
Almanac of Evil
Eighteenth Century
cannibalism whose true objectives have always been the
suppression of spiritual enlightenment, promotion of heresy
against original Christian and Catholic doctrine, including the
ongoing illegal control and suppression of the Catholic Church
and human civilization through the promotion of war, disease,
famine, slavery, corruption and spiritual enslavement of as
many souls as possible.
[Crime No.18-10] Of murder (1705) Mary Philips English
peasants Mary Philips and Elinor Shaw are hanged at
Northampton after being tried for witchcraft based on village
[Crime No.18-17] Of murder : (1722) Bavarian Georg Prols, is
savagely tortured then beheaded and burned at Moosburg,
near Freising, after schoolchildren accuse him of witchcraft.
[Crime No.18-23] Of association/membership to a criminal
organisation : (1730 – 1740 CE) That the person known as
Pope Clement XII, also known as “Columna excelsa”, the 92nd
Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman
Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his
capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including,
but not limited to: murder, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape,
incest and lowering of public morals.
charges to be paid by the victim and the victim family for cost
torture. That this document was ultimately published in Bonn,
January 15, the Bishop of Cologne, also being the
Vaticans Official Executioner for the region. That this
document reinforces the continued desire of the Roman
Catholic Church to perpetuate barbaric cruelty and adopt
perverse innovations such as a specific rate of charges for
various torture.
Almanac of Evil
Nineteenth Century
and Nova Compilatio decretalium (New Compilation of
Decretals) which became the official law of the Church since
Pope Gregory IX in 1227. Furthermore, that this law enabled
slave traders during this century to be free of any charge of
heresy (therefore loss of property) as well as ensure their
protected by church law. That this law promoting the
international slave trade by the Catholic Church was only
repealed in the 20th Century on, May 27, 1917.
Almanac of Evil
Twentieth Century
Ireland, nor the Vatican until this day have apologized, nor
compensated families for such inhuman acts of barbarity.
protests, riots, intimidation of opponents and political
[Crime No.20-31] Of crimes against humanity for the purpose
of hiding and trading the proceeds of crime (1934 to present
day): That Swiss Catholics did enable a law to be passed in
1934 making the disclosure of Swiss Bank accounts a serious
crime. That the purposes of this corrupt and inhuman law
were to: (1) Enable money funneled in and out of the Catholic
Church via the Vatican Bank to be transferred to a safe haven
for further distribution; (2) To provide a specific second
funnel for repatriation of profits for American Catholic
influenced companies from Germany; (3) Provide a second
safe point and level of money laundering for criminal finance
should the Vatican Bank ever be compromised or disrupted.
[Crime No.20-38] Of deliberately lengthening the European
war causing further crimes against humanity : (1943) That in
1943 senior members of the SS did offer clear and specific
terms of unconditional surrender of all German forces to Gen.
Dwight David Eisenhower and his senior staff, including the
assassination of Adolf Hitler on the single condition that the
Soviets would not be allowed to advance into Central Europe.
That rather than seizing upon this information to press ahead
with the Churchill plan of a 1943 European Invasion, Gen.
Eisenhower recommended to President Roosevelt the Nazi
truce offer be declined and the invasion postponed, thereby
lengthening the war for two more years. Furthermore, during
the 1944 “Battle of the Bulge”, Gen. Eisenhower did order a
halt in encirclement of German forces enabling up to 150,000
to escape and thus prolong the war further. In both cases, the
delays recommended by Gen. Eisenhower did enable the
soviet forces of Fr. Joseph Stalin S.J. to increase their hold of
Eastern Europe. Furthermore, that these deliberate and still
inadequately explained delays did cause the needless deaths of
over 200,000 soldiers, including at least 100,000 allied
personnel and Americans.
[Crime No.20-45] Establishment of an unlawful enterprise for
the purpose of crime and concealment of crime (1947) That in
1947, President Harry S Truman was deceived by American
traitors including William J. Donovan, who had actively
worked against the interests of America to form a new
organisation known as the Central Intelligence Agency. That
as a result the National Security Act of 1947 was passed.
Furthermore in 1949, the Central Intelligence Agency Act
(a.k.a. Public Law 110) was passed, permitting the agency's
using confidential, fiscal, and administrative procedures, and
exempting it from most of the usual limitations on the use of
federal funds so that the CIA became an effective Vatican type
organisation at the centre of US Government, “above the law”.
That contrary to the official reasons for the formation of the
CIA, the CIA as formed by its founders were: (1) To help
protect the Catholic Church from any implied involvement in
World War II and to seek out and protect any and all Nazi and
right wing supporters from prosecution and arrest; (2) To
assist with the covert relocation of Nazi war criminals; (3) To
protect the illegal business of the Catholic Church from being
interrupted including the global arms trade, the global drug
trade, the Mafia and slavery. (4) To maintain the Jesuit
traditions of political assassination and destabilization in any
emerging democracies, particularly Catholic nations; That
since its inception, the CIA has consistently been the most
treacherous, un-American organisation in the history of the
United States and remains “untouchable” from its central
control of the drug trade, arms and use of assassination and
Almanac of Evil
extortion, prostitution, drug trade, pedophile rings, arms
trade, kidnapping, rape, guerilla warfare and lowering of
public morals.
Go to
for 36 Free –On Sign-Up - Energy Enhancement Books
and Energy Enhancement Against Satanism Books.
To defeat Evil, you need to
up your game.
Learn the Energy
Enhancement Meditation
Course by Video or Live in
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Meditation is
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above the Head - Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye,
Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL
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Strong Psychic Protections in Preparation for the
Seven Step Process to totally remove Blockages of
Level 2. Access Quantum Immortality - Level 1 - 25
hours of video tuition
Initiation 1 Meditation
Initiation 2 The Kundalini Kriyas - The 5 Taoist
Circulations of the Qi, Energy Orbits, Energy
Initiation 3 The Kundalini Kriyas - Alchemical
VITRIOL to Ground Negative Energies
Initiation 4 The Kundalini Kriyas - The God
Connection to Infinite Energy
Initiation 5 Open the Third Eye, Open the Heart,
Achievement of Everything you Want.
Initiation 6 Psychic Protection against Attack - Power
Initiation 7 Psychic Protection against Attack -
Pyramid Protection
Initiation 8 Psychic Protection against Attack - The
It is twice blessed.
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy
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Buy all Books and DVD’s at:
Swami Satchidananda has been teaching this
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Enhancement Books and
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Against Satanism Books.