Smarter FT-IR: Definitive Answers
Smarter FT-IR: Definitive Answers
Smarter FT-IR: Definitive Answers
smarter FT-IR
definitive answers
Nicolet iS50 FT-IR Spectrometer
materials analysis beyond imagination
– analyze formulations and polymorphs via an integrated system
– validate and deploy QA/QC methods for process or loading-dock use
– bring one-touch consistency to complex analyses
– increase laboratory power with many techniques in a small footprint
Redefine analytical
productivity with automatic Across the Near-IR
beamsplitter changing full range of
Automate your analysis with the
Touch Points
T the Nicolet iS50
iS50 ABX Automated Beamsplitter
provides you
exchanger, which enables the the flexibility
Collect, analyze and compile reports with Nicolet iS50 to set up the instrument to get your
with a single press of a Touch Point. work done.
one touch simplicity
Now, you can do the complete
As you add more capability, the Touch Points become more powerful, analysis including crystallinity,
driving setup and checking performance so you don’t need to.
bulk analysis, and identification,
• Select beam path, optical components and sampling module using near-, mid- and far-IR by
with one touch loading samples and letting the
instrument do all the work.
• Create automated workflows with no programming
• Compile multiple spectra, analyses and images into one group file • Measure multiple aspects of your sample automatically
• Track, organize and output information with auto-reporting • Enable setup changes without disturbing seals, desiccation or purge
• Eliminate manual handling of optical components
Engage your most powerful sampling
technique anytime with built-in ATR
ATR like it was meant to be. Rugged, fast and always ready
to go. Powders, liquids, gels and pastes can be analyzed,
with no setup, using the iS50 ATR. All reflective optics and
proprietary detector allow you to analyze organic and
inorganic materials with mid- and far-IR spectroscopy. Smart Flexibility
The iS50 ATR leaves the main sample compartment free
for other analyses, never requiring you to swap accessories
or break system seals. Target your analysis with the
right accessory
• Eliminate manual set-up procedures and instrument
conditioning time Smart means getting the right tool for the job. It also
means being able to use accessories you already
• Keep the main sample compartment clear for other
have, with a spectrometer made to accept them.
experiments, such as Raman
• Examine hard, acidic or volatile materials with minimal • Get even more from your Smart Accessories
sample preparation through the Touch Points
• Analyze bulk polymers and fillers simultaneously • Use a full range of standard accessories
• Full-size sample
compartment for large
beyond FT-IR
expand your analysis horizons
IIntegrated Raman
Add the power of Raman to complement your
material characterization
The iS50 Raman accessory provides capabilities, like mapping and
well-plate screening in a sample compartment mounted module.
Never before has laboratory Raman analysis been so versatile,
cost effective and easy to use.
Develop QC methods
for bulk samples
The iS50 NIR module provides
integrating sphere and fiber optic
options in one compact unit.
• Initiate collection with one touch
• Run samples through containers
without preparation
• Obtain consistent spectra from
heterogeneous solids
• Sample solids and liquids in situ
Definitive TGA-IR
Make deformulation a routine procedure
for your materials laboratory
Complex gas mixtures evolved from the TGA experiment are
automatically resolved and identified by the Mercury TGA software.
Compare outputs: the differences tell the story for failure analysis or reverse engineering
Unlimited Potential
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