Environmental Studies Global Human Population Growth
Environmental Studies Global Human Population Growth
Environmental Studies Global Human Population Growth
The study of how humans interact with their More than 8 billion humans
Why so many humans?
Our environment is everything that surrounds us,
both natural and man- made. Agricultural revolution
• Chemical fertilizers
• Pesticides
• Erosion
• Global Learning and Observations to Benefit EDUCATION AND AWARENESS – What we need
the Environment (GLOBE) to do?
• (NASA), USA. Over 50,000 schools all over
the world, of which 86 are in India, are enrolled • To introduce & enhance formal and
in the GLOBE programme. informal Environmental Education and training
• A School in Lucknow, they have set up a programmes at schools & institutions of higher
small weather monitoring station in their learning
school. The data is then used to forecast • To encourage an integrated approach to
worldwide weather trends and to develop environment education that embraces
environment protocols. multidisciplinary approach (environment and
development issues)
-Mahatma Gandhi