Resume: Career Objective
Resume: Career Objective
Resume: Career Objective
To work in a competitive and effective environment that encourages learning. Reach
greater heights through hard work and innovation.
Having more than 5 Years of relevant experience in 8 Lanning, 4 Lanning Highway work
as QA/QC Engineer. Spectrum of experience covers Highway works. Well aware about
activities related to Highway Pavement works, and supervision of Road Quality,
Maintenances, Sub grade, GSB, WMM, DBM, BC, DLC, PQC, DBM, RE Wall, RCC, works.
• Good understanding of civil and highway engineering concepts
• Proficient in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
• Strong familiarity with Auto CAD and SAP.
• Ability to work well with team members to ensure efficient operations
• Excellent time management and organizational abilities
• Strictly maintaining of quality during Construction.
As a QA/QC Engineer on a construction site for subcontractors, crafts people and
operatives, setting out, checking plans, drawings and quantities for accuracy of
calculations, ensuring that all materials used and work performed are as per
specifications, overseeing the selection and requisition of materials and plant.
Job Responsibilities:-
In directly responsible for regulating construction process i.e. various
activities like Earthwork, Sub Base, Base, GSB, WMM, DLC, PQC and Bituminous
Pavement. Ensuring smooth functioning of construction packages. To look
after various standards specifications, contract procedures, design and quality
control etc. Review of construction methodology, quality assurance procedure
and procurement, engineering and construction time schedule. During the
Construction Period review of the Drawings furnished by the Contractor along
with the supporting data, including the geo-technical and hydrological
investigations, characteristics of materials from borrow areas and quarry sites,
and Proof Consultant in accordance with the EPC Agreement. The review of the
methodology proposed to be adopted by the Contractor for executing the
Works and convey its comments to the Contractor. where necessary
interruption and diversion of the flow of traffic in the existing lane(s) of the
Project Highway for purposes of maintenance during the Construction Period.
To conduct the pre-construction review of manufacturer's reports and
standard samples of manufactured materials and such other materials as
required. Verification of inspection of test activities. Final inspection and
acceptance of the work. Application of acceptance criteria and classification of
work as 'conforming' or 'non-conforming' and issuing Non-conformance
Reports where necessary. Recommend remedial action and re-inspection to
close out. Recommend a corrective action in case of recurring non-
confirmation. Assist Seniors and Team Leader in respect of project
Management. Monitor and guide the contractor team in respect of progress,
quality and safety. Responsible for participation in preparation of Monthly
Job Responsibilities:-
Job Responsibilities:-
Date of Birth : 1st Feb 1994
Father’s Name : Mr. Shivdhari Prasad Pathak
Per. Address : Village- Thurua, Post-Gorbi, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh,
Pin :-486892
Contact No. : +91-9131626129, 9770482012
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Un-married
Nationality : Indian
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct to my knowledge and I bear the
responsibility for the precision of the above-mentioned particulars.