Foodpac e
Foodpac e
Foodpac e
Food PAC
Dear User,
You have decided to purchase a Metrohm Titrator which, with its special collection of
methods for your own particular applications, is intended to meet all your requirements.
Metrohm always attempts to provide customers with as wide a range of application sup-
port as possible in order to make daily work easier.
In this Application File you will find descriptions of the analytical methods together with
the necessary comments and explanations and – specially for you – printouts of the instru-
ment parameters and examples of curves.
All these methods are loaded on the method memory card. All that you need to do is to
«feed» your titrator with the card, load the required method into the working memory and
off you go!!!
For Titrando users: a conversion program ensures that you can use Titrino parameters
in the Titrando without any problems. This conversion program is contained in the
6.6050.XXX PC Control program.
We wish you lots of pleasure and success in your work,
Your Metrohm
Some additional information
– The methods described here have been drawn up taking the current state of knowledge into account.
– All the methods are formulated so that you can use them as SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) in
your laboratory.
– Many of the methods described here can be automated even further; see the proposal given in the annex.
For details please consult your local Metrohm distributor, which can be found on the Internet under: ⇒ Distributors
– The method memory card supplied can be used with the 798, 799, 785 and 751 Titrinos (from program
version 20). With the Metrodata VESUV Light 3.0 software (VESUV = Verification Support for Validation),
which is also supplied, you or your local Metrohm distributor can also transfer the sets of parameters to
716, 736, 794 or 751 Titrinos (<program version 20).
– Among other things, the supplied CDs contain:
• The VESUV backup file, which allows you to copy the 96 methods into 716, 736, 751, 785, 794, 798 and
799 Titrinos. For further information please consult the section «Restoring methods» in the Instructions
for Use supplied or contact your local Metrohm distributor.
If the VESUV software is used for data acquisition instead of the printer then the report «curve» must be
deleted at the Titrino, which is set instead to «mplist» (VESUV can only process measuring point lists).
• A conversion program for taking over Titrino parameters into the Titrando. This conversion program is
contained in the 6.6050.XXX PC Control program.
• Acrobat® Reader® for installation on your PC so that you can read PDF files.
• Application Bulletins nos. 25, 33, 53, 69, 84, 85, 86, 87, 94, 125, 129, 130, 139, 140, 141, 180, 188, 225,
235, 249 and 252.
– We recommend that you only load the methods that you require in your instrument.
– The method overview can be removed and kept near your instrument together with the Food PAC card.
The procedures and methods have been drawn up based on the following publications:
– German Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Waste Water and Sludge
– Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, USA)
– Swiss Foodstuffs Manual (Schweizerisches Lebensmittelbuch)
– U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The determination of the water content of foodstuffs and semi-luxuries is not described in Food PAC. Please
consult the Metrohm monograph «Water determination by Karl Fischer titration», which can be obtained
free of charge from your local Metrohm distributor.
Method 1 –
A 1 Calibrating the pH glass electrode
Recommended • Comb. pH glass electrode with built-in Pt 1000 temperature sensor, e.g.
accessory 6.0258.000 Unitrode
Reagents • Buffer solutions pH = 4.00, 7.00 and 9.00, e.g. 6.2307.100, 6.2307.110 and
General Free protons (H+ ions) occur in solutions just as little as free electrons. They
combine with water to form oxonium ions:
H+ + H2O → H3O+
The pH value is defined as the negative logarithm of the oxonium ion activity,
i.e. of the concentration of free, dissociated oxonium ions in mol/L: pH = –log
Strictly speaking, the term pH only applies to purely aqueous solutions.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with the neutral point at pH = 7.0, where the
H3O+ and OH – ions are present in equilibrium. pH values below 7 result from
an H3O+ excess, pH values above 7 from an OH – ion excess. The more acidic a
A pH value
solution the higher its H3O+ ion concentration and the lower its pH value.
Weak acids, e.g. tartaric acid, do not dissociate completely. This means that
only a small fraction (approx. 2...3%) of their acid ions are released. This also
means that only on very rare occasions can the pH value be used as a measure
of the concentration of acids or bases.
As the pH scale is logarithmic this means that small differences in pH corre-
spond to large differences in the concentration of H3O+ ions. For example, at pH
= 3.0 there are ten times more H3O+ ions present than at pH = 4.0, and at pH =
3.1 there are twice as many H3O+ ions present than at pH = 3.4.
The measuring setup for potentiometric measurements always consists of two
electrodes – a measuring or indicator electrode and a reference electrode. For
practical reasons these two electrodes are usually contained in a single com-
bined electrode.
The indicator electrode (in this case the pH glass electrode) produces a poten-
tial that is dependent on the composition of the sample solution.
The reference electrode (usually Ag/AgCl) has the task of providing a potential
that is as independent as possible of the sample solution (reference potential).
The potential measurement itself takes place virtually current-free by using a
«voltmeter» (in this case a Titrino) with a high-impedance measuring input (this
is necessary to avoid unwanted potential drops). The measured potential U is
made up from the individual potentials produced by the indicator and reference
electrodes. The following illustration shows a schematic diagram with a sepa-
rate pH glass electrode (left) and a reference electrode (right):
Method 1 –
A 1 Calibrating the pH glass electrode
U = U0 + * log ai = U0 + UN * log a
U measured difference in potential between indicator and reference electrode
U0 standard potential of the combined electrode (depends on its construction)
R gas constant (8.31441 J / (K mol)
T absolute temperature in K (273.15 + t / °C)
zi charge on the measuring ion i including its sign (+1 for H3O+ and –1 for OH–)
ai activity of measuring ion
UN Nernst slope (59.16 mV at 25 °C and z = 1)
2.303 conversion factor from natural to common logarithm
The Nernst slope UN describes the theoretical electrode slope and corresponds
to the change in potential produced by altering ai by a factor of ten. It depends
on the temperature and charge z of the measuring ion. Please note: The instru-
ment compensates the effect of temperature on UN but not on the pH value
of the solution!
The following table shows values of UN as a function of t / °C for z = 1:
Method 1 –
A 1 Calibrating the pH glass electrode
Buffer solutions are not stable!! They can be decomposed by bacteria and/or
molds or – this applies to alkaline buffer solutions – alter their pH value by
absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why you should always use only
fresh buffer solutions and reject them after use, i.e. not pour them back into the
storage bottle.
Electrode calibration We recommend the following procedure for calibrating a pH glass electrode:
and – Remove the electrode from its storage vessel, attach a cable if necessary
electrode handling and connect it to the instrument.
– Open the electrolyte filling opening and, if necessary, top up the electrolyte
– Rinse the electrode thoroughly with dist. H2O and dab dry with a soft paper
tissue (do not rub).
– Fill pH = 7.0 buffer solution into a beaker and add a stirrer bar.
– Immerse the electrode into the buffer solution and stir for approx. 1 min.
Measure the temperature of the buffer solution and enter in the Titrino (not
necessary if temperature sensor is connected).
– On the Titrino enter the pH value of the buffer solution (at the corresponding
temperature) and start the calibration with buffer 1 under stirring.
– When the measured value has been accepted, remove the electrode from
the solution, rinse it thoroughly with dist. H2O and dab dry with a soft paper
– Add pH = 4.0 or 9.0 buffer solution to a second beaker, add a stirrer bar,
immerse the electrode and stir for approx. 1 min (the second buffer solution
must have the same temperature as the first one).
– On the Titrino enter the pH value of the second buffer solution (at the corre-
sponding temperature) and continue the calibration under stirring.
– After the measured value has been accepted, end the calibration. Remove
the electrode from the solution, rinse the electrode thoroughly with dist. H2O
and dab dry with a soft paper tissue.
Method 1 –
A 1 Calibrating the pH glass electrode
What happens in the instrument (in this case Titrino) during calibration can be
seen in the following plot:
Laboratory electrodes should have a long lifetime. Their characteristics (slope,
response behavior, pHas / Uas) must lie within the given criteria. In order to en-
sure this a few basic rules must be observed:
• After use rinse the electrode thoroughly with dist. H2O and dab dry with a soft
paper tissue. Close off the electrolyte filling opening and store the electrode
by immersing it in electrolyte solution – usually c(KCl) = 3 mol/L – to an
adequate depth. Dry storage leads to delayed and poor response behavior.
The electrolyte solution may become concentrated and pHas / Uas could alter.
Storage in dist. H2O could result in the diaphragm being blocked by AgCl.
• If the electrode responds sluggishly and/or the slope is unsatisfactory then
the electrode membrane must be etched. This is done by immersing the
membrane in a 10% solution of ammonium difluoride (NH4HF2, use plastic
beaker) for 1 min, then swirling it for approx. 10 s in c(HCl) = 5 mol/L, rins-
ing it thoroughly with dist. H2O and then wiping off the silicate residue with
a moist tissue. In order to build up a new gel layer the electrode is placed in
c(KCl) = 3 mol/L for 24 h (or for 5 h in the same solution at 50 °C).
• If the diaphragm becomes blocked please refer to the electrode data sheet
that accompanies each electrode. Removing such a blockage is complicated
and time-consuming – it is better to send the electrode to your local Metrohm
distributor for this.
• Contamination by fats, oils, lacquers, paints, etc.: remove the contamination
with an organic solvent (acetone, petroleum benzine, toluene), rinse thor-
oughly with ethanol and dist. H2O, dab dry and place in electrolyte solution.
• Contamination by proteins: immerse the electrode in a solution of 5% pepsin
in c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L for a few hours. Then rinse thoroughly with dist. H2O,
dab dry and place in electrolyte solution.
Method 1 –
A 1 Calibrating the pH glass electrode
#!, P( - MEAS INPUT #!, -